Jan 12, 2014

The Artist Formerly Known as Teal Scott

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

On January 4, Teal Scott and Sarbdeep Singh Swan were wed.
The Artist will henceforth be known as TEAL.

Comment Overflow: Once again, we've rolled over to a second page of comments. I'm adding direct links because blogger doesn't seem to handle this well in all browsers, notably mine. Comments: page 2 and page 3 and page 4 and page 5 and page 6

There's a story in the Marine Corps, perhaps apocryphal, about something a senior officer wrote in a FITREP for one of his junior officers: "His Marines will follow him anywhere, if only out of a morbid curiosity to see what he'll do next."

TEAL has many followers. Only some of them are fans. Or so I learned when I wrote a blog post articulating my questions and concerns about the self-described "spiritual catalyst." Shortly after posting the piece, I started getting comments from some of her fans and detractors -- mostly detractors. About a month later TEAL responded to my post.

Last night on my way to the bathroom, I peered into Blake’s room and noticed that he looked incredibly distressed. [Doesn't anybody knock?]  I asked him what happened and he explained that a blogger named LaVaughn (Celestial Reflections) had dedicated a ten page itemized article slamming me for every aspect of my career and personal life that she could get her hands on.  He also explained that he was receiving e-mails from people asking me to refute her outrageous claims [Pssst. I didn't make any claims.] because they “no longer knew what to think”. [I believe what we have here is the need behind the need. Her response is an attempt at damage control.]  It was by far and away the most “anti-Teal” material we’ve encountered to date.  Blake was livid.  He wanted me to write an entire counter article to put people’s minds and hearts at rest.  But it didn’t feel good to me.  On top of the fact that many of her claims were too off base to even be worthy of address, [Did I mention that I didn't make any claims?] I could not get my energy behind the idea of dedicating time to defending myself against a random person who crawled out of the woodwork to gain popularity and attention by slandering me. [Dear God, could this woman be any more vain?]

It is profoundly out of alignment [Alignment with what?] to design an entire piece of writing around resisting someone or something, which is what this woman did.  She does so from a place of bitterness and fear and therefore pain.  I would not seek to increase her pain by attacking back to defend myself. [Aaawww. How sweet.] It seems that what people wanted from me was proof that she is wrong about what she said about me.  Proof is a difficult thing because there is ultimately no way to create solid proof that could not be refuted. [I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that this is the real reason she won't defend herself against the many claims I didn't make. She can't.] I could refute each piece of her evidence, the same way that she is refuting mine, but what would be gained?  I will not convince her that I am good.  I would not be doing so for any other reason than my own need to be approved of by everyone.  And I do not distrust the discrimination of the people who enjoy my material.  People do not need my proof to know what is good for them or right for them personally.  What they need to do is trust themselves.  And whatever answer they receive about me, is right for them at that time. [Aahh. So I didn't so much critique TEAL as I insulted the judgment of her many, many fans. Did you hear a dog whistle? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I heard a dog whistle.] I do not wish to prove skeptics wrong.  I gain nothing by resisting skeptics.  As my fame increases, [Dear God...] there will be more and more skeptics.  I gain only by continuing to do what makes me happy and hoping that what brings me happiness, brings other people happiness.  I understand how hard it is when you distrust yourself, to navigate a world full of opposing perspectives.  When you live without self-trust, the world seems to be full of people who are out to get you.  And so, you don’t know who to trust. [I believe that should read "whom to trust" but I probably shouldn't play grammar noodge with TEAL. That game has no end.] But you can trust yourself.  And by not refuting every skeptic that comes up against me, I am in essence giving people the opportunity to consult their own feelings and their own personal truth, and thus learn to trust themselves.  It would be a great world though if the people, who were inspired to write ten pages on one person, did so from a place of loving that person.  All too often, the only people full of enough bottled up energy to write ten pages on one person, do so from a space of hating them. [Yup. I'm a hater. Haters gotta hate, yo.]

To sum up, I did not make any claims in my previous post. I simply subjected some of TEAL's claims, statements, and documented history to a little scrutiny. Or, as a commenter on her own blog put it:

This information is out there for the world to see and you can’t make claims and then not be prepared to back them up when you specifically call yourself a ‘teacher’. You clearly enjoy the fame aspect of this and your team have posted on Facebook about wanting to get you on TV…….and you think this post was bad!?
This woman has executed the piece well and with ALL your own work, so the argument for lies and slander is very weak.

As I said in that post, TEAL doesn't really go after her detractors often. She has people for that. And as even some of her own fans noted, her post served as a signal to her "army" to attack me. And so they descended like so many winged monkeys.

In one of those delicious Jungian synchronicities, of which I am so fond, the night before all hell broke lose on my blog, I had watched a South Park episode called "The Hobbit." In it, righteous, little feminist Wendy points out the elephant in the room -- that Kim Kardashian is an extensively photoshopped fantasy creation who really looks like a hobbit. She is crucified for being a hater and threatened with a transfer to the "jelly school" for the exceedingly envious. So I found it incredibly hilarious that the very next day I was attacked mercilessly for being sooooo jel of TEAL's incredible good looks, sexiness, and success. Because if a woman raises concerns about another woman it's always really about petty jealousy, right? We gals are just shallow like that.

But then something kind of funny happened. More of TEAL's detractors showed up -- and more, and still more. It turns out there are a lot of people following her blog and numerous Facebook pages who share some of my qualms. Many of them have long been frustrated by their inability to raise these questions on her pages without having their comments deleted or lost to the black hole of eternal moderation.

The comments on my original post are, as of this writing, upwards of 400. The vast majority of those comments are critical of TEAL. Many of them are from people expressing relief at having their concerns heard and validated instead of shut down or hidden from sight. This is to say nothing of the many emails and phones calls I've gotten from people who just wanted to say, "Thank you."

I think it's safe to say, at this point, that TEAL's attempt to have her minions pound me flat rather backfired. What has evolved instead is effectively a crowdsourced analysis of TEAL's contradictions, questionable behavior, and outrageous statements. It makes for a fantastic read, filled with links, commentary, and penetrating insight.

I could never, in a single post, encapsulate everything that has been uncovered by the still growing number of commenters who've contributed to this analysis of TEAL's record. But I would like to address here some of the things that gave me particular concern about her practices, statements, and attitude.

TEAL Is So Vain

She probably thinks this post is about her.

As noted above, she seems to see my previous post about her as the attempt of some sad sack (me) to ride her glorious coattails. Because she's famous. She's very, very famous. And her fame is growing. We know this because she says so. A lot.

Who on earth refers to herself as a renowned "luminary?"

"I'm the extrasensory luminary who is known
around the world as the spiritual catalyst."

Or describes their own writing as "poignant?"

TEAL. That's who. It seems there is no title or glowing description she won't arrogate to herself. Just recently, for instance, we learned that she is a "leader of the New Age."

Yesterday I was forwarded an anti New Age movement video and I was asked to express my opinion on it.  The basic argument made was that the New Age Movement is just opiate for the masses (what scientists have been saying about religion for years) [?!?!?!] and that it is just an excuse to boost book sales and enhance the personal careers of people like myself who are in essence convincing people they can manifest money so that we can make money off of those people.  I don’t usually feel compelled to respond to videos or comments that are offered by people who are in a space of extreme resistance, because there is no desire in them to find a meeting of minds.   Where there is no receptivity, no meaningful conversation can take place, so it is just better to allow them to feel exactly how they feel and line up with the results of that perspective.  But this time, I am compelled to comment because on a worldwide level, I am considered a leader of the New Age.  People give me titles and associate me with things all the time, but being called a leader of the New Age is a title I resonate with and agree with. [All emphases mine]

Loathe as I am to delve into TEAL's ahistorical and otherwise incorrect factoids -- another game with no conceivable end date -- it was Karl Marx who described religion as the "opium of the people." And the idea that science and religion are at odds is an artificial construct. But I digress.

Even some of TEAL's regular readers balked at her gleeful adoption of this "title."

Wow…just wow…LOL
With all due respect, Teal, but there are so many other admirable people nowadays who are doing a great deal for humanity and have huge followings…and yet don’t call themselves “A worldwide leader”…of sorts. Someone needs to get a grip, just a little..

Whatever TEAL's finer qualities may be, humility is just not one of them.

For instance, did I mention that she's pretty? I'm sure I did, but I needn't have bothered because she will tell you and tell you and tell you. In fairness, Teal is not just pretty for herself. She's pretty for the betterment of humanity.

In this interview, starting around the 9:00 minute mark, she explains how crucial her physical attractiveness is to getting her message out to people on "every single continent." TEAL, it turns out, is pretty by design. An Arcturian panel "projected" her this way so that their message would be heard 'round the world. Homely women can't get attention to their ideas, apparently. People just innately like pretty things. So TEAL had to be pretty -- prettier than  black women for sure. Because even a woman who is beautiful by African standards would be seen as "pretty ugly" here in the US. To reach the whole world with a message of spiritual evolution, you just have to be a pretty white girl. That's all there is to it. And it helps if you tell people that while you're lounging around in a slinky peignoir, in front of Nanny's Messy Bed. It just drives that message home, I guess.

It would appear that transcending superficiality just isn't part of the Arcturian's grand vision for planet earth. It sure isn't part of TEAL's. For instance here we learn that physical beauty is one of life's little reminders of the divine feminine.

I did an interview with a budding self-help expert Laura Marie today.  Watching her on the other side of the screen was quite soothing for me.  She was like a work of art to behold; porcelain skin that folded across the structure of her face and hair like spun silk.  She was full of vigor for life.  Her words, lightly tinted with a French accent.  I couldn’t stop thinking after the interview was over, about women in general.  It is so important that as women, we are out in the world setting an example of what it looks like to fully embody and express ourselves.  It is time that those of us who were born female, release our resistance to our own gender and begin to embrace and express our feminine essence.  Women have been in resistance to the divine feminine within themselves for far too long just like human society has been in resistance to the divine feminine for far too long.

One wonders if a woman less pretty than Laura Marie could possibly inspire TEAL to wax rhapsodic about the divine feminine -- one of those ugly girls from Africa, for instance.

Teal Bosworth Scott Swan

You can see why she'd want to simplify. But for the full explanation of her new moniker, you'd need to look at one of her many Facebook pages.

Hello all,
Thank you so much for the beautiful wishes! I figured i'd explain how this name change is going to work. On a professional level, we are going to drop the last name all together because TEAL is a stand alone name like Oprah or Osho etc. But I have officially changed my last name to Swan. There is deep spiritual significance to this decision. It is a more exalted name. Sarbdeep is from India and there, the swan has great spiritual significance. Teachers who have the ability to fly between the realms of matter and spirit are given the title Paramahamsa which means supreme swan. click this link to read more.
Perhaps the adoption of this new title is also a transition into a new phase in my career as well.


Except that Osho is not a name. It's a title. Like Paramahamsa, in the Hindu tradition, it's an honorific bestowed for a certain level of spiritual attainment in Zen Buddhism. These are not titles you hold because you get married or decide to change your stage name.

Oshō (和尚 oshō?) is a Buddhist priest (in charge of a temple);[1] honorific title of preceptor or high priest (esp. in Zen or Pure Land Buddhism).

. . .

Oshō is the Japanese reading of the Chinese he shang (和尚), meaning a high-ranking Buddhist monk or highly virtuous Buddhist monk. It is also a respectful designation for Buddhist monks in general and may be used with the suffix -san

The only instance of Osho being used as a name that I'm aware of was the guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh who just decided to start calling himself that at some point. He was a controversial figure and considered by many to be a cult leader. He was famous for collecting Rolls Royces, owning around a hundred at one point.

Osho's ideas on sex, marriage, family and relationships contradicted traditional views, arousing anger and opposition around the world.[79][210] His movement was feared and despised as a cult; he lived "in ostentation and offensive opulence", while his followers (most of whom had severed ties with outside friends and family and donated all—or most—of their money and possessions to the commune) might live at a "subsistence level".[89][211]

I first became aware of Rajneesh when I was living in Montclair, NJ, where he and his followers were ensconced in a nearby mansion. I even knew a guy who lost his wife to this cult. As he described it, he came home one night to find her dying all her clothes orange in the kitchen sink. A short time later she was gone. She'd relocated with Rajneesh and his other followers to Oregon. There was an ongoing issue around him being unable to find and divorce her so he could move on with his life. It dragged on for years and caused a great deal of suffering.

I mentioned this in a comment on my previous post and learned, to my horror, that TEAL is an admirer of the late Bagwan Shree Rajneesh, or Osho. And she had expressed during one of her Shadow House broadcasts that he had been unfairly maligned. So what if his followers wanted to express their devotion by giving him Rolls Royces!

Did I mention that TEAL likes gifts? I did. I did. She really likes gifts.

TEAL's Sad Christmas

Gifts are TEAL's "love language" so no gifts equals no love. Poor TEAL.

This is a weird Christmas for me.  It doesn’t feel much like Christmas.  The intentional Community I live in has all decided to forego getting each other gifts this year in favor of saving money to use towards moving to Europe.  My son, Winter will be the only one getting presents this year.  The space under the tree, which is usually overflowing with presents, is empty for the first time in my life.  Except of course for cosmos, my cat, who has selected it as his own personal nest.  He lies there purring, lazily batting at ornaments with his paw.  I don’t know how to feel about this Christmas.  I don’t even know what I’m going to do today or tomorrow except travel to a recording studio to do a television interview tonight on charitable giving and cook for everyone.  Gifts are my love language, so the holiday feels empty of love this year.  But I’m still utterly in love with the energy of Christmas and how happy everyone seems in the spirit of giving and community.

One of the things we learn as adults is that it is "better to give than to receive." And one of the things we learn as parents is that there is no greater joy at the holidays than seeing our children's delight when they open their presents. And is there some reason her cat's name isn't capitalized? Strange. So TEAL was feeling unloved this Christmas because love is best expressed with material things.

Not all gifts are equal, though. Strap in. A TEAL story follows.

I could sum my mother up in one word… activist.  This means that when a foreign restaurant opened in town, my mother was eager to support them immediately, being full aware that the rest of the Caucasian, Mormon demographic in town would be wary of foreigners and thus avoid the restaurant and make them feel ostracized.  Mormons like to think of themselves as good, open armed, inclusive Christ loving people.  But the reality in the rural towns of Utah is that most of them are the exact opposite of that.  The demographic of the area is nearly entirely Mormon and so they never have to interact with people that aren’t Mormon, much less people that are from a different race.  The truth is, Mormons can be some of the nastiest, most exclusive and racial people you will ever come across.  Long story short, when we walked in, true to form, we were the only people there.  The entire family that owned the restaurant was lined up at the entrance, with enormous smiles on their faces, ecstatic to be doing business.  Having only just immigrated to the United States, they barely spoke English.  They waited on us hand and foot, practiced speaking English and when we finished the meal they explained that someone in town had told them about the tradition of giving gifts on Christmas, so they brought out presents to the table.  They seemed so proud of themselves to have fit in with the tradition in a foreign country.  Only, when we unwrapped the presents, they turned out to be edible underwear!  It turns out some complete jack ass person in town had wanted to run them out of town by telling them that giving people edible underwear was a tradition on the Christmas holiday, knowing full well that even the average lax Mormon that showed up, would be horrified and boycott the business. 

Where to begin... Mormons are some very white people on the whole, it's true. But they are also missionaries, traveling all over the world. There are Mormons of many races and that includes Chinese. But that aside, does anyone believe this story? Show of hands. Anyone? Anyone? Chinese entrepreneurs who don't know that edible underwear is not a gift you would give a family with children having dinner in your establishment? Anyone?

I have to admit, I find the whole thing a little implausible. What it suggests to me is more along the lines of an excuse to insert a little gratuitous nudity, give the reptilian brain a little jolt, get the old pulse racing. With TEAL there just aren't enough opportunities to talk about SEX. Not just sex, mind you, but SEX.

So in that one post, she's fired up the animal drives of her readers, pulled on their heart strings with her tale of loveless woe, and asked for money. (DONATE!!!) Will someone please give this woman some money? Things are tight. She moving to Europe. And she has no gifts. She feels so unloved. Will someone please put a Rolls in her driveway, maybe, with a nice big bow on it?

TEAL's Story

Some of the negative feedback I got from TEAL fans, aside from the fact that I'm just jel, had to do with my relentless focus on TEAL's history. They don't care and they just don't want to hear about it. Why, why, why, am I so obsessed with TEAL's nudie pictures?! Why?!

What's funny about that is that TEAL's modeling history, and how it complicates her CV, comprised a very small portion of a fairly long post -- roughly three paragraphs out of what is, according to TEAL, ten printed pages. So if you read that post and took from it that I'm obsessed with TEAL's pornographic history, you might want to consider that it's not me who's so singularly focused.

Some folks were also not terribly amused that I put her story of ritual abuse under a microscope. What surprised me most about that, though, was how many people don't think that history matters either. As one commenter on her blog put it:

One of the biggest criticisms people have of you is the confusion of timelines. Maybe you could shed a little light on that?... Let’s say hypothetically that your past is a bit fabricated. It’s pretty clear from a lot of the comments most people don’t care. What resonates with them is how your teachings make them feel. Your followers will still love you, and in truth, you might find yourself reaching even more people by opening up and removing some doubts, one way or another. You can, are, and will do a lot of good in this world. Be brave.

This is a fair reflection of some of the feedback TEAL received in light of my post. Another commenter, for instance, wrote:

I must admit that even being a big fan of Teal for almost a year, i too had doubts about her history ( simply because i didnt understand how her story of abuse can be merged with the story of her modelling career and traveling the world, the timelines seemed confusing to me ). But I never cared for this too much ,just because i FEEL her message, she has brought so much wisdom to me and launched my personal growth , I`ll forever appreciate this <3
I read that blog and it was a really mean one. Sarcastic and mean, it didnt feel good to read it. But i`ll say this – the author has missed one very simple point : lets assume that Teal`s story is false, does this make her message any less useful? Who cares about things that dont add up if she brings more happiness and joy to so many people?.

Said another:

And if it happens that you should not be genuine...then it's the most fabulous falsity man has ever had the privilege to experience!!!!

So it would seem that many of TEAL's ardent followers don't really care if her story of ritual abuse at the hands of the psychopath with DID (???) ever happened. If the story for which she may be interviewed by "one of the biggest TV shows in the nation" turns out to be fiction, so be it. No biggie.

Now, look. I'm a grown-up. I know that it's far from uncommon for professionals of all stripes to pad their resumes a little, to embellish here and there. But is it really too much to ask that a healer, or catalyst, or whatever exactly TEAL defines herself as, not have a life story that isn't a giant fiction? Really?

Episodes from this story are part of a very long, ongoing narrative. They constitute a big chunk of her blog. And she whips this story out whenever she needs to justify an outburst or emotionally blackmail her critics into silence.

More to the point, it is TEAL herself who makes the case that her abuse history is seminal to her work.

I was on the America Tonight show with Kate Delaney today.  It was a short interview, but a poignant one, entirely about my past and the ritual cult trauma.  As I was doing the interview, it became obvious to me that I am being set up to be a spokesperson and poster child for ritual abuse.  When I think about it, I know it is a position I was born to fill... I get at least one e-mail every month from people who have experienced ritual trauma first hand.   Here is an example of one:

Dear Teal Scott,

I have grown up in a cult.  My dad was part of it.  When I was ten my dad sold me to lots of mens and I couldn’t get away from them so I got away in my mind.  I am older now and I ran away from home and lived on the street for a little.  It was cold there and I got addicted to meth and sometimes I had sex for the drugs.  And then I tried to kill myself and when I was in hospital I decided I want to live.  I started cleaning up my life and someone I met in AA told me to watch your videos and I love every one of them.  I love them so much that I looked up your website and seen that you have the same past as me.  And I fell on the floor and I just started crying cause I cant believe that you look as happy as you look and have gone through the same things as me.  I cry because I was sad and then I cry because I was happy.  Because you exists in the world, I have hope for myself.  I believe that I can do it too.  I see a bright future ahead of me and I feel like you do not know what you do for me.  You are the voice I do not have and am too scared to have about what I saw and felt.  I could crawl on hands and knees and never do enough still to tell you how much thankful I am.  I love you.  You saved me and because of you, I believe in myself and that myself can heal.

How would this woman feel if it turned out she was taking her hope and inspiration from someone whose story was entirely fabricated? It seems to me like there is a lot riding on the veracity of TEAL's story in terms of her healing mission.

So now the producers, and presumably the lawyers, for a national television show are scrutinizing TEAL's story of ritual abuse. This could be a very big deal. If TEAL can really demonstrate that she was abused by a Satanic cult, hers will literally be the first independently verified case. According to the FBI, there is no proof to date that Satanic ritual abuse has ever occurred. According to Kenneth Lanning, every reported case fell apart under scrutiny. This despite the fact that stories of such abuse have ruined lives... of the accused, that is.

As I wrote in my previous entry, I found it rather strange that TEAL could have witnessed children being murdered and have no interest in seeing their murderers prosecuted. As I began reading her post on Crime and Punishment, I thought she might walk that stunning position back a little. But no. She doubled down.

People seem to enjoy revenge.  They call revenge justice so they can feel better about wanting it.  But the truth is, pain begets pain.  I gain nothing by watching my abuser suffer.  There is no justice in this system.  Even if you locked away every abuser you could find on earth in a jail cell, you could not save people from their own creations. Victims are not exempt from this creation process. They too create their reality.  We live in a society that does not yet recognize the vibrational reality that directs and dictates and trumps everything that is physical in nature, so no one wants to hear it when I say this…  But locking up the perpetrators does nothing to improve the powerless state of those who sit squarely in a vibration of victimhood.  It changes nothing about them at all.  And so they remain a match to what comes as a result of that vibration.  They will be victimized by something no matter how hard you try on a physical level to prevent it for them.  You could not physically do enough to save them from their own point of attraction.

I agree with TEAL on this one narrow point. Our criminal justice system is too focused on revenge under the guise of justice. I think we would be much better served by a system focused more on the protecting the public from criminals aspect of jurisprudence. TEAL, though, doesn't think that's a good enough reason to put people who kidnap, rape, torture, and murder children behind bars. It's a conundrum for sure because it could mean more young girls will endure what she did. It leaves her "between a rock and hard place." But TEAL would have you know that there's no protecting the public from the law of attraction anyway, so...

To her credit, TEAL is just following the principles of law of attraction ideology to their natural conclusion, something many adherents are unwilling to do. As I asked here, if we're all just getting back what we put out in a just universe, what is the purpose of the criminal justice system?

But TEAL is also displaying exactly the same inconsistency that James Ray's devoted fans did.

Like Bob Proctor, Charlene D seems incapable of recognizing the inconsistency of blaming the victims of bad acts for their deaths while simultaneously absolving Ray of responsibility for the legal predicament he finds himself in. In the topsy-turvy world of this rabid "law of attraction" set, people who are hit by drivers who run red lights aren't victims. They're responsible for everything that happens to them. But those felonious drivers are being victimized by those who prosecute them and it's all just horribly unfair.

Why is it only the victims of crime who law of attract their misfortune? Why not the perpetrators who are caught and prosecuted? The people in prisons aren't responsible for what they put out into the universe? I will just never understand why so many of these law of attraction folks are so invested in protecting people from the real world consequences of their actions.

How TEAL Treats People

On some level I think TEAL's willingness to expose her shadow side to the public is quite brave. We all have a shadow and I think "making the darkness conscious" is crucial to our realization of wholeness. I also think that work is in sharp contrast to much of the law of attraction ideology advanced by Abraham/Hicks, The Secret, and their ilk. These approaches don't blend well. You can't on the one hand tell people not to focus on the negative because attention to it will expand it and on the other tell people to explore the uncomfortable bits they're stuffing into their subconscious.

That process of uncovering the shadow is certainly messy and none of us would look too grand if all of our "stuff" were out there for public viewing. This openness of process was the very thing that initially intrigued me about TEAL. But I saw pretty quickly that she is much more about shadow projection than self-realization. Her vicious attacks on other people come with a certain regularity, the humiliation of Fallon Dobson being one of the more dramatic exhibitions.

One of the things I learned after my initial post, not that it surprised me overmuch, was that I was not alone in being very disturbed by TEAL's public attack on Fallon. She diagnosed him as a psychopath and delved deeply into his "pathology" -- something for which she is not remotely qualified. And she made him a target for communal retribution. It was hideous. 'Nuff said. But Fallon is not the only person to find himself, or herself, in TEAL's sights.

By her own admission, she is capable of profound hostility, bitterness and envy. She can be really jel, is what I'm sayin.' Who inspires this tremendous ire? Notably women who have fairly smooth pregnancy and labor and gals like Elizabeth Smart who have parlayed their nightmares of kidnapping and abuse into social embrace and career opportunities. The people who've kidnapped and enslaved them, though? She doesn't seem to have much hostility for them... or think they should be prosecuted. So it's strange. She also seems far more contemptuous of the women having babies than she does the abuser who forced her to abort his progeny and gave her oxytocin to trigger premature labor causing her to expel twin fetuses alone in the bitter cold of a snowy hellscape. She also really hates Disney princesses, but they're not real people, so...

TEAL doesn't seem to have any compunction about holding people up to public ridicule as she recently did with her former mother-in-law.

For the sake of humor, I have to begin this blog entry on a similar note to my last entry about racism because Sarbdeep and I encountered our most uncomfortable racist moment yet, yesterday morning.  Sarbdeep was born and raised in England.  Now, it’s important to understand that he doesn’t have a cockney British accent.  Instead, he speaks with the familiar dignified British accent that we associate with English politicians.  Both his way of speaking and his mannerisms are stately.  Which is about to make the discomfort of this story even worse.  Winter’s Grandmother on his father’s side (who despises me by the way) came to visit yesterday.  She is a devout Mormon woman, who turned out to be even more ignorant than one would expect a patriotic, religiously isolated woman to be.  When she was introduced to Sarbdeep, you could feel her level of discomfort at interacting with someone who was from a different race.  She went stiff and started trying to force herself to be nice, which is a coping skill that many Mormons employ when they are trying to deal with the discomfort of associating with someone who makes them nervous to be around.  It was as if she was meeting an outer space alien.

As they shook hands, Sarbs explained that he was born and raised in London, England.  She spent a good two minutes trying to pronounce his name and then made it a point to express the fact that she has never and would probably never have the desire to travel outside the United States.  Then, she put the cherry on top of the moment by saying, “You speak such good English” as if Sarbdeep should be proud of that fact, him being brown instead of white and all.  Sarbdeep and I both looked at each other; wide eyed with those smiles that said to each other “you’ve got to be kidding me”.  I was so embarrassed for her in that minute that I wanted to crawl out of my own skin.  Part of me understands that her racial and religious isolation has not permitted her the education that would enable her to know better.  But the other part of me is frustrated at the fact that she does not have the desire to educate herself better with regard to the rest of the world and feels like sometimes there is no excuse for such a level of racially prejudiced ignorance.  But the humor inherent in an American (who happens to speak Utah hick English), telling someone from London, England that they speak good English solely based on the fact that he has a dark skin color is going to ensure that we never forget this interaction.  I’m sure it will be a joke we share for years to come.

LOL. And now we're all in on the joke... at this poor woman's expense. It's not funny. It's cruel. This woman's real mistake appears to be in "despising" a former daughter-in-law with a public platform. Winter's grandmother is a private citizen who did not choose to be dragged into the public sphere so that she may be mocked and ridiculed. But if you know TEAL, you're not entitled to a private life so don't expect one.

TEAL will have you know that she is not racist like that ignorant Mormon hick. She is merely bigoted against Mormons. She is also classist. "Sarbs" may have dark skin but he's not some low-class, cockney git. But racist? TEAL? No. She loves the way her new husband's dark skin is offset by white fabric. I don't know if he would appeal to people on "every single continent" but he's pretty handsome. And stately. Don't forget stately.

The other thing we learn about Sarbdeep in that post is that he's not exactly comfortable about having his personal life discussed in public.

Sarbdeep finds it extremely uncomfortable and vulnerable to expose his vows to the world, but I have informed him that the discomfort is a sign of expansion.  So, I am going to include both of our vows for you now...

What Sarbdeep must learn, like everyone else in TEAL's world, is that he's not entitled to a private life so he shouldn't expect one.

Even more disturbing is that TEAL just knows what's best for everyone and will act accordingly, whether they like it or not. She has all the occult knowledge of the Arcturians or Adonai or whatever. She's a Eucharist. So if TEAL decides that your discomfort is what's best for your personal growth, suck it up, buttercup. You're just gonna have to be uncomfortable.You can thank her later.

One of the things I've learned in my years of practice as a psychic intuitive and healing facilitator is that listening is more important than talking. I see our job as one of support and facilitation, not of ramming our egos down our clients' throats. It's something I feel pretty strongly about -- that whatever insight we may have, it never trumps that of our clients. When I was studying with Cherokee Mystic Virginia Sandlin, she put it this way. From my perspective, I am the source of my reality and you are my reflection. But from your perspective, you are the source of your reality and I am your reflection. You can never really heal anyone else because that would mean that you are the source of their reality. All we can really do is support others in their own process of self-discovery and we can't do that if we're imposing rather than offering our own vision. So I found TEAL's anecdote about her suicidal client really stunning.

At around the 53:00 minute mark TEAL relays the following:

I actually, interestingly enough, lost my first client to suicide this last year. And this was a woman who was absolutely miserable. I'm talking every moment of her life was a nightmare. And so we had that very serious sit-down talk where we had to say, alright, we're either committing or not committing to life because every time I gave her a suggestion she'd stop in two days doing the suggestion. So then we have to ask the question do we really want this to work. And what's interesting is that when she asked herself that question the answer was, "No. I'm done." There's nothing that any healer could ever do for that type of vibration which is totally fine. From  source energy there's nothing wrong with death from that perspective. So, she chose to commit suicide. Interestingly enough it took her about two days before she was reincarnated again. (audience laughter) Yeah. Not only that, two days before she was reincarnated to another family situation that mirrored the one that she had already chosen.

Taking that story at face value raises a number of troubling issues and ethical concerns. TEAL offered this client some tools. She didn't stick with them and her situation was not improving. TEAL deduces not that perhaps she hadn't hit on quite what that client needed, but that the client had reached a point of decision between life and death. "To be or not to be." So TEAL is so infallible, so perfect, that she couldn't possibly be failing to meet that client's needs. The problem had to be with the client, not TEAL.

Worse, it appears that TEAL knew the client was suicidal and did nothing to stop her because of her own belief that it's not wrong to kill yourself.  The universe doesn't care if you live or die and TEAL is totally dialed in to that "source perspective." Worse still, it sounds like she not only knew her client was suicidal, but actually helped her along to that conclusion. All because she wasn't following through on TEAL's recommendations and wasn't improving.

So this client, at TEAL's prompting, concludes that she just doesn't want to go on. Does TEAL say,  gee, you might need more help than I can give? Does she recommend or refer her for therapy? Does she do anything at all to stop this woman killing herself? No. TEAL has decided that because she couldn't help her, no one could. She knows for a fact that no healer could possibly do anything with this woman's vibration. And since TEAL understands "source perspective" she knows that it's perfectly fine if this woman kills herself. I mean, after all, TEAL knows for sure that she reincarnated two days later, so it's all good.

It's just remarkable hubris and it may have actually cost a woman her life. But we already know that TEAL is remarkably cavalier about death from her commitment to the forgive and ignore psychopathic child murderers who have escaped prosecution. It's a strange set of priorities.

Comment Overflow: Once again, we've rolled over to a second page of comments. I'm adding direct links because blogger doesn't seem to handle this well in all browsers, notably mine. Comments: page 2 and page 3 and page 4 and page 5 and page 6


  1. You are your own professional masturbation expert hahahaha. He will learn by doing. Once his dick is red like a cherry, he will have his own realizations. As far as I am concerned, I do not recommend the use of soap at all, not on your dick, not in your face, not behind your ears as long as you don't produce it yourself. The whole cosmetic industry is a bunch of criminals. If you would like to get breast cancer keep using the standard aluminium deodorants and don't forget to use your Fluoride rich toothpaste. Don't forget your daily dose of lead lipstick - please don't hesitate to swallow it.

    I stopped using deodorant 3 years ago after reading something about the german author Dr. Walter Mauch and his book "The bomb under the armpit / Die Bombe unter der Achselhöhle". Wow, I was in shock. I was stinking like a skunk. Then I figured the connection between stinking like a skunk and diet and getting the lymph system moving. It took me 1 month of radical change and I smelled like a flower without any deodorant. I found himalaya salt based shampoo - well I missed out on the very exciting bubble head session but the hair was shining without poisoning my head with 1,4-Dioxane.

    mmmhmh how did I jump for soapy masturbation to that story?

    Anyhow: I wish the young man all the best. And hopefully he starts to produce his own masturbation soap or finds a different way.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. New title to add to her list: The Masturbation Catalyst.

    It takes all kinds. Part of me wonders if he's trolling and getting off on it, maybe even adding it to his soap routine. We'll just have to be content with the fact that we may never know.

  4. Nothing can surprises me anymore with Teal's "openness". Considering that I learnt that she has a tone of sex, that she is shaped like a fox close to the root chakra, that she is a ferrari in and out of bed, that i came across wide open images on the web... I became hardened by following the professional and private life of Teal. I didn't want to know in the first place but I guess I now look like the resistance in resistance on sexual matter by mentioning it.

    I am pretty open and "freedom for all root chakras"-like.. I don't see any problems to discuss stuff like this on her fb page or wherever. His concern and her answer just made me giggle. There wasn't any precious advice at all. He will have to figure out himself and hopefully he will NOT ask his poor grandmother if she knows a certain brand of soap.

    hahhahaha hilarious. love it.

  5. I like this guy (for now at least). He seems sensible. Here he is talking on the world suffering:


    On Positive thinking:


    And he's got a sense of humor too.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I love my Puppetji - always good to for a laugh and some insights

Puppetji vs The Secret


    Puppetji Speaks: "WHO AM I ? "




    Puppetji speaks: Are you a Puppet


  8. Elena: thanks for the links

    the second video about positive thinking is ---> REALLY <---- interesting. Thanks for that. I don't have a clue what he is talking about in the first video.

  9. Well, those were delightful, thanks. The puppet guru I've seen before. Very cute.

    Elena, I really enjoyed both of those. I'm right there with him. And, if I may, what I took from the first video is, how are we defining sensitivity? As our reactiveness when our ego is threatened or as being sensitive to humanity, which is to say, increasing our compassion. One word. Two very different meanings. But I also took the woman's point, at least I think I did, and it's related. As our consciousness expands, our ego is invariably threatened because it starts to break down. Ego death, in all its various stages can actually be pretty terrifying. And there are points when you feel like you have no skin and like the floor is dissolving underneath you. It's a process and it doesn't all "feel good."

    I loved his thing on positive thinking because, yeah, exactly. I love that under the guise of teaching expansion of consciousness and that you are limitless, they're simultaneously telling you how to try to bludgeon everything with your own bloody ego. Here's the punchline, though. A lot of us started out doing our Louise Hay and everything and started expanding our consciousness and then the ego started breaking down, instead of getting puffed up, and then we found that all that "positive thinking" didn't work so well. But we found something so much greater. It was a walk down the garden the path. over a cliff, and right into the hand of God. So thank-you Louise Hay, et al.

    It's kind of synchronous. I'm watching a new lecture by Graham Hancock, and will be posting it shortly, that addresses what is becoming a real conflict in the sciences and that is what they call the "hard problem" of consciousness. Materialist science doesn't account for it. There's a sharp division between those who think consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the brain, and kind of functional accident of evolution, and those who believe that consciousness is non-local and only received by the brain. I've always -- and I mean always -- fallen so automatically into the second camp, I have a hard time even entertaining that there is an argument to be had but, it really is one of the defining issues of our time.

  10. Golden Andara: "The matter of choice of focus...with each twist, you will see something else. Good can turn to bad and the other way around. There seems not more truth in one perspective over another. 

It feels to me like a dilemma."

    Hanalea Z : "And, GA: I have really enjoyed your comments up until now, but this one: how each individual perceives Hitler is a test for their own unique belief system, moral concept, ideology and religion?"

    Hanalea Z, I just saw your comment. I don't mean to reactivate the whole thing. I just feel that my point of view was maybe unclear or VERY clear and unlikable by you - which is ok.
    Elena just posted video links to this beard guy and I am flipping through his video library. One video in particular caught my attention because he is talking about the phenomena of thought-addiction etc LOA. He does a short little reference to my point of view above around the 07:45 mark. This is the dilemma I was talking about.

    Independent of this reference to my previous quote, I highly recommand to watch this video. He has some interesting perspective.

    What is the Purpose of Life?


  11. Elena - this guy is awesome. Having a great time diving into his ideas and words. Thanks a lot.

  12. Love this one

    What is Inner Engineering?


  13. Glad you liked.
    The link you posted is quite relevant to the problem with teal and the way she teaches. I like how he starts answering this question with: "I can tell you a story, even if it's a true story, REAL story, whatever I speak, if it's not in your own experience, it's just a story. The only option you have, either to believe me or disbelieve me. If you believe my story, it doesn't get you any closer to truth, and if you disbelieve me, it doesn't get you at all." I appreciate that he keeps it realistic, without too much out of body, other dimensional, alien stuff. And from what I gather from wiki and some other sources, he lives in accordance with his words and not just sitting in some ashram, isolated from the world and all the daily problems. But still, GA, don't get too infatuated this time, eh;-) Cs you never know, according to Teal, all of them gurus, are hiding their huge shadows, unlike her brave persona.

    LaVaughn, post it, post it! I respect Graham Hancock and his work.

  14. Thank you, thank you! Listening now :-)

    GA, Puppetji videos are cute, thanks, I've never seen them before. Btw judging by the number of views these guys get, kinda disproves Teal's theory that you need to be a pretty sexy thing in order to be heard. Gosh, you can be a sock puppet even and people will listen! But then Teal has an excuse, after all she was Babaji (or is it Papaji, too confusing ) in her past life according to her story. Gotta love variety, guess she wanted to wear make up this time around instead of grooming her beard, lol

  15. Whoa, whoa, whoa! She says she was Babaji in a past life? Um, isn't he supposed to be immortal? Isn't that the point... of Babaji?

  16. Oh you gotta clarify that with her...or Babaji...i have no idea how it works. But she mentioned this in yet another interview, hahaha.

  17. It was actually Shirdi Sai Baba she claimed to be, not Babaji. Shirdi Sai is often referred to as 'Baba' by devotees. Easy mistake.

  18. Thank you for the clarification, Dava. That would seem to put her in conflict with Sathya Sai Baba, who only died in 2011. Did she speak to that, I wonder?

    Was Shirdi Sai Baba also an Arcturian projection?

  19. Mhmm, I caught that too. She said that when an Avatar is born, they are the product of a collection of multiple consciousnesses, that it's common for spiritual teachers to not be only one soul but several being projected into one human. She was one part of a collective of spirits/souls that projected into Shirdi Sai Baba. And her explanation is that she did not choose to be part of the Sathya Sai Baba avatar. Sathya Sai was primarily of Vegan consciousness (as in Vega) according to teal, not Arcturian. I don't know of her having made any claims that Shirdi was primarily Arcturian.

    This is not consistent with what Sathya Sai Baba explained about himself and his origins. Not at all.

    I believe she has said that she now, in this life, is also the product of a group consciousness known as the Adonai.

    This is all very convoluted and can't possibly be mapped out logically given her current explanations, which are all over the place (i.e., 'I'm Arcturian, Sathya Sai was Vegan, but I was Shirdi Sai and not Sathya, and now I'm the Adonai and...' = CAN'T KEEP THE STORY STRAIGHT). Maybe now she'll devote an entire blog post to it.

  20. No worries, she'll be figured out soon enough. Barely 30 and married 3 times. Jesus christ talk about being a cliche.


  21. I guess people lack self-awareness, and it's easier to look out side of themselves. Check you comments and see how you "grammer" Nazi-ed me. And yeah, if you have people around you attacking other people, it seems like an army to me.

  22. Idan, are you saying that I grammar "Nazi-ed" you? Because you're going to have to show me an example. I'm not seeing it.

  23. Idan "I guess people lack self-awareness, and it's easier to look out side of themselves."

    Well then all the big baaad cooperations and messed up systems are not worth to be criticize or questioned as it is much easier to look out side of myself. Is it that what you are saying?

  24. " And yeah, if you have people around you attacking other people, it seems like an army to me. "

    And, btw, Idan, you've just pretty unequivocally stated that teal has an "army" because no one has supporters who attack quite so viciously. Of course, given that it's teal who refers to her followers as an "army," that question was settled long ago. And you know what else I notice. No long-time readers or clients of mine have gone onto her pages and attacked her. Whereas I was viciously attacked and insulted on this blog by her followers... such as yourself. So with all due respect, what the hell are you talking about?

  25. GA said;
    "messed up systems are not worth to be criticize or questioned as it is much easier to look out side of myself. Is it that what you are saying? "
    This is a rant.

    David Icke started The People's Voice and then was challenged by his presenter Sonia Poulton. Scads of people said "Don't criticize David Icke or the People's Voice because,......" That is sooo bogus. We are meant to question and any aspect of what is placed out there is needing evaluation CONSTANTLY.

    IMO, we are meant to "look inside" and then use that capacity to see ourselves sincerely but then USE that self understanding to look outside and YES, critique what is useful collectively.

    IMOthe primary function of evaluation and discernment as a "group" of people: to weed out what is wanted and discard what is not valuable on the social level. I am so grateful to people like LaVaughn because she is using discernement skills in a journalistic way to help her readers makes sense of a very dicey kind of area where human potential information lies.

    The area is dicey because more and more "coaches", not just TEAL but lost of others are taking a natural human urge to explore and expand and then treat it like a commodity to buy.

    I am sure that we who appreciate this information have "gone inside" and tapped into a knowing that is very profound. This life experience is not about consumerism.

    Then we see that there is a variety of "sales(wo)men" who are packaging some truth into containers along with toxic ingredients and selling it. That should say FAIL.

    It is not JUST Teal Bosworth Scott Swan who is exemplifying the trash trade in pop spirituality and yet she is characteristic of what undermines the seekers IMO.

    Example, she takes the consumer trained celebrity and modeling meme and then applies that to her product. She takes the same "I am a survivor" meme that Lance Armstrong used to attract a crowd of followers and quash criticism. She uses the I am an "ascended special ET" story that can only be believed, not verified. Everyone who wishes they were that special says " I know she must be special, she says so".

    But haha, no one is special and we are all special. We are special for entirely different and mundane reasons than the consumer model.

    For seekers, information and energetic frequency is sustenance. Maybe I must admit here that I feel drawn to what has been lumped in with her stuff. But I don't feel her spin validates what I "grok" may be valuable in the teachings. It is the specialness of humans that we can know there is more and I think we want organic and wholesome wisdom.

    Actually, this blog commentary is not an army but a group of humans who are devoted to human potential (i.e. whatever is more than just eating, sleeping, working, sexing, raising the next generation, entertaining ourselves a bit and dying). IMO we are growing a "nose" that can smell what is "sound nutrition".

    I feel anger about GMOs (greatly manipulated offerings). Maggie

  26. Hello everybody! first of all thank you soooo much LV to make such a good opportunity for us to be able to share our opinions here and secondly thanks to all people here who bring more clarifications!
    This is not my first comment here, i ve already posted some short comments but as i wasn t quiet sure if i was right about Teal! I was researching and you guys here really helped me out means i wasn't wrong about the first impressions i had about Teal!
    I heard about teal in one of spirit science guy's video and watched some of her YouTube videos and one of her workshops, she sounded weird to me but i m not that kinda people who prejudge people ,to me she was just another spiritual teacher in a virtual world,without any further and i was like enjoying to learn some spiritual teaching from a charming girl!! "charming : Beauty is subjective she could be not charming to some people!" i took some points of her teachings that resonate with me but some of them not at all!i remember one of her ask teal, she was talking about how to get rif of anger, if you need to punch a pillow! do it! apparently in her opinion you re authorized to do anything to get rid of anger thus you re gonna be in a higher vibration! said myself OK Wait a moment; Now i m reaaaaaaalllyyyyyy angry soooo much that i m able to kill somebody and i ll be really satisfied by myself if i could do that, should i go kill someone !!!?
    i can tell you that her blog just blew me off!!!! i was shocked by the details i ve read on her blog and how someone could possibly destroy his own image!
    Anyways Thank you soooo much guys
    Sorry for my English
    I m a Persian who live in France so it doesn't help me to not lose my English

  27. I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up yet, but another point that highlights teal's subtle but overtly racist slant is the 'teaching' she shared in which she claims that people with light hair, blue or green eyes and pale skin have more Pleiadian DNA than people with darker skin tones. She literally said that the paler one's skin, the more ET DNA they have, claiming that the reason pale people sunburn so easily is because their ET DNA has prohibited them from adapting to the earth's climate, therefore, they burn instead of develop a tan. Does this not sound like an argument the nazis would have put forward to justify the superiority of an aryan race? Others have frequently mentioned her regular usage of phrases like, 'I'm a health Nazi,' 'I'm a shadow work Nazi,' 'I'm a (fill in the blank) Nazi.' Does anyone else not wonder if the language she uses is pointing out clear as day that she is indeed racist? This language could be subconscious on her part, but no doubt stems from the brainwashing she received as part of a Satanic cult.

    This, combined with her claim that she is the MOST attractive woman on the planet cross-culturally largely due to her Snow White skin, as well as the racist rampage she went on during Shadow House in which she took down Asians, African Americans, and Mexicans.

    She frames being a 'starseed' and having ET DNA as being better than and more special than 'regular' human beings. Therefore, the whiter you are, the more extraterrestrial your origins, and the more special you are. The logical conclusion? The paler your skin, the better.

    And her sari blog post, explaining that Indian mothers are the Eastern versions of the West's Jewish mother, the explicit inclusion of mentioning that her new husband is Indian with beautiful dark skin but a beautiful London accent, making sure to give the distinction that he doesn't sound 'common' so that her public knows he sounds posh. It wreaks of classism.

    Does anyone else see what I'm seeing?

    I welcome an intelligent dissection of her overt racism, TEAL army. How the hell do you justify any of this as being 'high vibration'? Is racism and race distinction a part of the new age?

    Add to this the great points LV has made with regards to her ridiculous, juvenile assertions about what it means to embody the divine feminine. What an absolute joke.

    She's a mad woman. Rather than saying you're high vibe by association with teal, I'd go as far as to say that you're mad by association if you buy into any of this rubbish.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Currently Teal have been informed by the entity with the same name just as the floor detergent ( Ajax) that there will be a series of tsunamis worldwide. yes she loves to come up with new sensations. Anything ANYTHING to grab attention. Even through fear...

  30. Oh, I don't know, MysteryOfPresence. Fear has it's place. It can protect a person from danger. I just didn't see much of anything in that post that was constructive or helpful. You're parasites on a speck of dust in a vast universe. Start respecting the speck you're on or the tsunamis will come. I also have zero indication that global predictions from her are meaningful. All I took from that was that she has a rather idiosyncratic definition of poltergeist.

  31. When God creates us he created us to have free will, free will to choose in between good and evil, light and darkened, God or Satan! Unfortunately the evil knows our weakness and will use that to get the best out of us like Teal Bosworth, Scott, Swan whatever you might call her, I prefer to call her the Devil, I used to follow Teal went to all of the workshops until I kept seeing vision and hearing God tell me she was evil! How did I get out of that? My family are Christians they tried to warn me I didn't believe not until I saw it with my own eyes! The only reason she married a priest is so she has a church to worship satan and do his job which the bibles says he come to kill rob and destroy, here's the truth I hope you will open your eyes and find God because you must invite him in not like Teal who manipulates your mind to make you believe in her! Don't fall for her trap and accept Jesus as your savior if you want to find peace on day. God bless everyone and read the bible you will find all of your questions there! I'll pray that you will be free from all of this.

  32. Thank you Priscila Oliveira , the heart does not lie, our hearts did not lie.

  33. Personally, I like most of Teal's messages and I have been able to put some of her frequency paintings to good use. I take what works/resonates and disregard the rest. Simple. I felt compelled to comment, because it seems like this writer is focusing too much on something they don't like. If you don't like her so much, then why are you giving her your energy via your attention?

  34. Hi Lavaughn

    Thank you for posting this article, it has really changed the way I feel.
    Thank you, also, to the people who responded, as you brought things to my attention that I was not aware of.
    I've been watching Teals videos for about a year now, and most of what she said made great sense to me.
    She has helped me with my thoughts on how we relate to the world and to each other.
    I could never be convinced enough, however, that we create our own reality as this was the only thing in her teachings that I did not understand.
    I had hope in my life, however, because I thought that maybe it was just me, not fully understanding we create our own reality, but I thought that if we do, that means I am not a helpless victim at the mercy of external circumstances.
    Feeling like a helpless victim at the mercy of external circumstances, was what has made me have bouts of suicidal feelings on and off throughout my life.
    Teal's videos helped me not to feel suicidal, and they helped me to think that no matter how bad life seems, the universe cares for me and does not want me to suffer.
    After reading this page, however, I now think that some unscrupulous new age teachers only say that we create our own reality to reel followers in.
    I never gave Teal money, and I never did beleive the reality creation, but I believed that I may be possibly wrong in this, and that I am not a helpless victim at the mercy of external circumstances. This gave me hope, now that hope is lost.
    I also feel stupid for believing in her other stuff, but that still makes sense to me. Teal has lost a lot of respect from me though, after reading this page.
    I cannot respect a spiritual teacher who ostracises people like that girl Cameron who lived with her, and I cannot respect a spiritual teacher who treats men the way she has treated Blake and Fallon.
    I still want to believe we create our own reality, but I will not be convinced until I read something that fully makes sense to me.
    How come such a badly behaved woman as Teal can come out with all this wise stuff that makes sense? (apart from the reality creation thing that doesnt make sense to me)
    I don't want to feel at the mercy of external circumstances, because that makes me feel helpless and powerless and most of all, scared stiff.


  35. To Anna1699:

    We do create our own reality - collectively and individually. But until you have experienced this for yourself (and there are any number of experiments you can do to prove it for yourself) the truth of it written in words and read by you is all just a bunch of intellectual mumbo jumbo that can seem impossible to comprehend... or like a sinister and sadistic hoax!

    The universe does not care if you suffer or not... even in your suffering you are contributing to the ongoing creation of this poignant and magnificently beautiful, infinitely aspected world.

    Free will is our birthright... we are innately free to choose how we respond to whatever we look out and see in this world that contains something of everything. We can look out and suffer over what we see, or we can deliberately look for, and find, a perspective that feels better than suffering, if we are tired of suffering that is, hehehe. Love feels better to me than fear, so in any given moment, no matter what I'm looking at, I ask myself "where can I find the love here?" That has been my saving grace.

    Teal's value as a teacher is not her words... those are for the most part taken from 'The Teachings of Abraham' ("Abraham' being the name given to a group of entities channeled by Esther Hicks, who claim to be the infinite intelligence that flows to and through all of us). Teal's value as a teacher is in her example and in the inspiration she is capable of.

    My primary disagreements with Teal are:

    I do not respect how fixated she is on fame and glory... that seems to be her dominant intention, and in my opinion 'helping others' would be the dominant intention of a true 'teacher'. I think she is more interested in glorifying herself rather than helping anyone do anything, let alone be glorious themselves. I think she wants to be the 'Great One', the 'Giver of Life' to all lesser individuals.

    She seems to psychically feed on the adoration of others, and requires more and more of it to sate her voracious appetite. In my opinion that is a sign of someone with a 'diseased' ego, and not the trait of a 'healed healer'.

    I am appalled at the way she treats people... she is usually manipulative, often condescending, and sometimes blatantly sadistic. From a certain perspective she is a swaggering and sadistic bully behind her 'divinely feminine' 'wise teacher' persona, and a lot of times she reminds me of a 'wolf in sheep's clothing'

    But that is just my perspective. If you feel you are benefiting from watching her videos and reading what she has to say, then it would be to your advantage to continue to do that. Just remember that YOU have the final say... YOU are the master in your world, the captain of your ship, YOU get to decide what YOU want to think and feel, and no one outside of you has more 'spiritual authority' than you do.

    In other words, take what anybody has to say 'with a grain of salt' until you have proved it for yourself.

  36. Hello, Anna. I'm sorry this post has upset you. I think it's important to separate teal the person from what in her teachings spoke to your heart. Zigzagbuddha is absolutely right when she says that teal took her ideas from other people, most notably Abraham/Hicks.

    Most of us who've been on a spiritual journey for any length of time have had to deal with disillusionment in teachers and authors. They're all mortal beings with foibles and some are worse than others. I'm of the opinion that this one is pretty darned bad, which is why I've taken the time to write 3 longish posts on her. But some of what she says I agree with. Some of what she teaches is valid. And if you found value and hope in some of her material and it rang true to you, keep that and look for other sources of information -- preferably some who cite references and don't talk like their opinions are facts.

    On the subject of reality creation, I'm going to recommend a podcast that shaman Christina Pratt did called "The Secret or the Big Dream." You can find it on iTunes and it's free. Just search for Christina Pratt or the show Why Shamanism Now? I posted some of the content in this post here. It deals with the concept of co-creation of reality and I think it's a very balanced perspective.

  37. Hi LaVaughan and Zigzagbuddah

    I know of Esther and Abraham Hicks, and I don't know why, but I have never trusted them. Teal also speaks of Byron Katie who is another very dubious person in my book. I read a forum post about someone who had been on one of BK's workshops and it sounded like a bullying cult.
    Thank you for the podcast also.
    I guess I am dissappointed by the fact that the universe doesn't care if I suffer or not, because when i did believe that I felt loved. I don't have any special 'others' in my life, just superficial relationships.
    At my age, I was hoping to settle with loved ones and close friends for my network but this was not to be, so I guess it's back to the drawing board.
    I will look at the podcast. Thank you.

  38. Anna, I don't care for Abraham/Hicks or Byron Katie, either. They tripped my wire, too, so we're in agreement there.

    "I guess I am dissappointed by the fact that the universe doesn't care if I suffer or not, because when i did believe that I felt loved."

    That's not a fact. It's an opinion and it's not one I share. I believe each of us contains the entire universe and that we are one with everyone and everything around us. And that the experience of union IS love.

  39. Happy Easter LV and LVians (sounds like Elvians),

    "I guess I am dissappointed by the fact that the universe doesn't care if I suffer or not, because when i did believe that I felt loved."

    That's not a fact. It's an opinion and it's not one I share. I believe each of us contains the entire universe and that we are one with everyone and everything around us. And that the experience of union IS love. "

    Yes! I feel that too.
    Thinking about Teal (again), I am always struck with how she shows off her disappointment because she doesn't appear to feel that union. It shows in her need to create fame.

    Looking at her as a sister, I imagine she left home dreadfully disappointed with her childhood. IMO, her disappointment was elaborated into a huge story to justify her huge bad feelings. The self proclamation of her status of "spiritual eucharist of the new age" depends on her myth to "work". Without it, she is just a little screwed up kid needing to prove something to herself.

    It is up to the studenst as always to create a teacher. IMO she is on her way HOME like everyone else but happened to use the current zeitgeist of Conspirituality as her ticket. As someone said in a blog comment on her site, she will discover how far her tickets used so far take a person.

    Just like you and me who are the Prodigal Sons and Daughters REALLY as we all are, teal is beloved by the Universe. She is too busy licking the wounds of hildhood still to FEEL it.

    Teal, and I and all LVians, there is a fatted calf waiting for us. You don't have to buy it. That is the mythos IMO of easter. The dead bury the dead and the living have a party because we make everything look the way it is and Prodigals know Home is here.

  40. Today I lay down to "meditate". I lie still feeling my body and release my tensions. Today I was startled out of a near sleep by a face in my mind's eye. It was feminine and beautiful, really beautiful and dewy. Before it faded, it morphed and there was something like "my face" as a child in a photograph but then gone.

    When I was a doodler in grade school, I drew a characture of a face over and over on my notebooks. She was wide eyed and pretty and her eyes were made to look into my eyes...direct and straight.

    The face in my minds eye was looking directly at me and reminded of the doodle a little. Maybe as a child I met "her", never remembering seeing my angel consciously but an inkling shown in the doodles?

    Today with the solar CME, I was feeling soothing soft settling in. As I was trying to incorporate the softness, I saw the face.

    I wonder...is this the face of the Holy Gaurdian Angel who is my angel. I felt quite happy to see the vision, as if my awareness is growing?

    I want to have a conscious relationship with the other "realities". Nore, I am certain this feeling of the "softness" on the world is something I intend to cultivate.

    A friend who was in a mystery school for years said they met with the fairy kingdom and that one needs a very soft energy. The Devic kingdom hide and the Fey flee from the hard edges people have. I wonder if this new softness is just my own softness? Or maybe it IS a new manifestation happening smoothing things out

    I also think it is going to be "noncatyclysmic"in the next days beause we will be having the earth tremours and the softness is ameliorating this.

    FYI in case you feel tense...
    I notice bodily sensations that feel tense and place the slightest mental touch on the spot. I hold my sense of "touch" there and the tension releases. Now I can feel the softness flowing in and that also melts the tensions.

  41. Wow, me2yesu. What an incredible story. Beautiful.

  42. I happened to stumble on this blog. I was merely looking at something entirely different on you tube and this path came to view. Wow- everyone here (granted there are few) need to GET A LIFE and given that these threads are some months old, I hope you have by now! Go read a book, take a trip, help someone, volunteer, take a course, take a walk!

  43. "I happened to stumble on this blog. I was merely looking at something entirely different on you tube and this path came to view. Wow- everyone here (granted there are few) need to GET A LIFE and given that these threads are some months old, I hope you have by now! Go read a book, take a trip, help someone, volunteer, take a course, take a walk!"

    When I was in undergrad school in sociology, I LOVED the library. It was life filled to find books, articles and see the ideas and think about them. I still LOVE ideas. In the old library days, It was not possible to really EXCHANGE easily. One had to write something or present it.One NEVER was able to engage the author. It made out that consuming OTHERS thoughts was what was available.

    The same model is exemplified by sources like the TSS source which is a source of videos and blogs. This source wants us to consume and worship IMO. The assumption is we will let the source be an authority with suitable awe. I am unable to even log in and "converse" concerning the ideas on the TSS blog?

    IF there is a serious "challenge" (and IMO challenge is not bad but states the subject warrants discussion and deconstructon) it is considered hateful.

    I love my own exploration of ideas and that is Life full along with cooking, watching movies, walking, caring for animals, meeting with friends and if I were deprived of thinking, I would FEEL sad.

    I am VERY appreciative of LV that no matter how "weird" my comments have been, she does engage me IF it is interesting to her. WE all engage by INTEREST that is lively to us.

    One major bad with the youtube culture is exemplified by a comment I posted on LV's blog commentary about an interview with Timothy Glenn. He has his own (channeled) opinion on real versus artificial dimensions. He stated Barbara Hand Clow's dimensional model is "artificial". My study of her work shows this is not what I saw. NO WHERE do I see anyone challenging his statements. This should not be passed by and just accepted. So I wrote an email to him asking when he has discussed his opinions with BHC.

    Hanging opinions without discussion is rife on the internet. There warrants MORE discussion and challenge to ideas and I LOVE LV for her blog.

    It is like when Teal in her podcast last week was spouting off about Jesus. ABSURD to just let these statements hang.

    We who enjoy discussing ideas "have a life". The very phrase "get a life" is a kind of low brow fallacious argument as if those interested in the subject she came across have no life. It is kind of an attack of the person who is posting and by the same argument, what is it meaning for her to comment that we should NOT comment??


  44. Wow, this mari person doesn't call herself a queen for nothing-just randomly coming here and immediately ordering people around. Telling folks to get a life and then specifying even what that life should consist of, lol (and that is after what seems like wasting time aimlessly browsing youtube and ending up on such "weird" websites, haha). One might manage to do all the above mentioned things btw (and way more;-)), and still have time to come here from time to time for some interesting discussions with some lovely well-read people. Sharing such perspectives, getting to know other opinions just happens to be a part of life as well for some...

  45. Well, I guess I'll chip in my 2 cents worth since I just happened to get an email notification of that stupid post by mari that demands a response.

    I think we've just been 'blessed' with the 'new age' version of a Jehovah's Witness, thumping her 'sweetness and light' bible in an attempt to 'save' all us poor lost 'sinners'. (eyeroll)

    It's quite apparent that she is not coming from a position of power, in fact, I think she is probably a total wimp... notice how she started off with a justification (and a very sorry one at that) for her very presence.

    I don't take orders well at all, not even from myself, and the day I start taking orders from a total wimp would be a very sad day indeed.

    It's good advice but I can't think how she came to the conclusion that all of us needed her one-size-fits-all prescription. I for one don't need it... I always have a book in progress, I don't need to take any more trips for awhile and that's a fact, I'm not into helping people unless they ask for help, and then I'll think about whether I want to or not. I have volunteered to turn our back yard into a paradise (and I am succeeding fabulously, btw!) It's amazing to put a teensy weensy little seed in the ground and watch it 'get a life'... it is the best therapy ever!

    In fact, since mari is into dishing out unasked for advice, I will give some of it back to her... go tend your own garden and I will tend to mine.

  46. laVan your a very jealous small person

  47. I thought that Teal did an admirably responding to you from a place of non-violence and neutrality. From your post that I stumbled upon, I can see why the world is in the dire strait it's in. Sadness, disappointment and disbelief does not begin to define what I feel after reading this. I hope that one day your heart cracks open enough to see what bliss there is available to you instead of the twisted ego you have allowed to run your thinking. I can only imagine how painful your life must be to criticize people who aim is to better other's lives and who do no harm. Perhaps your cynicism and judgement may have some value if you were to involve yourself in some activist endeavour that aims to improve the world instead of tearing down people who are trying to make a difference.

  48. Harmony Rose, I think we have a different idea of what constitutes harm, but thanks for sharing.

  49. Hello,
    I do believe your blog raised some valid points and enjoyed reading it very much. I enjoy and am inspired by much of what Teal says, but I do not agree on everything. In this blog, I came across elements that seem a little contradictory to me. I believe some of the arguments raised in this blog are a matter of objective and subjective realities/perspectives. For instance, at the end of the blog, it is assumed that the woman who was lost to suicide may have been helped had Teal persisted in suggesting progressively more appropriate counter measures to the plight the woman was facing. This brings up the topics of ethics, social norms and objective versus subjective realities. I say this as graduate of psychology in current pursuit of my masters, so I do admit I am not qualified to diagnose anything and I want to state clearly, it is not my intent to insult or degrade the author of this blog in any way. That said; the current standard of ethics in United State’s society would deem it “politically correct” to promote the sanctity of life and that it should be preserved at all cost. However, we all know from current events and our own history that although this may be the socially accepted default, it is rarely implemented accordingly.
    To paraphrase George Carlin, many rules exist to protect an unborn fetus, but once the kid is born, they are fucked, until they reach military age. At this point, they are sent off to die in wars fought by corporate interests behind big government. This reality offsets, in theme, the same thing it is assumed Teal perpetrates with respect to this woman. The objective reality sees this women’s life as no lesser or greater than the lives lost in war. It is only in an individual’s subjective reality and usually with regards to society’s “standards”, that not doing everything humanly possible to prevent this woman from taking her life is perceived as arrogance or an ineptitude. Never for a moment, is it considered that just maybe, this woman’s life was forfeit and that there truly was nothing that could have been done to prevent her from ending it. In all fairness, however, the same argument I just used could also be used to assign blame to Teal’s own vanity preventing her from intervening more appropriately on this woman’s behalf.
    (Part 1)

  50. (Part2)
    I am one of those who would not care if Teal’s account of childhood ritual abuse was indeed fabricated or embellished to some degree. I personally believe some form of sexual abuse did take place in her life, because she exhibits all the signs one would anticipate from an individual subjected to such treatment in their youth. Victims of sexual abuse typically go between two extremes. The first is one who becomes very introverted, suicidal, closed off, and horrified by thought of any type of physical intimacy. These individuals are prime candidates for cutting themselves, identifying strongly with religious practice and seeking anything that gives them an ideal image to embody. The second is one who rebels against social norms, engages in promiscuous behaviors, tends toward vanity/narcissism, and/ or does whatever they can to stand out or set themselves apart from others. As you have aptly pointed out, Teal does indeed exhibit many of these behaviors. I believe Teal is someone that other people who have suffered similarly can turn to and find a kindred spirit to whom they can relate in a therapeutic and beneficial way. As for the FBI having no validated cases to undeniably prove a single case of ritual sexual abuse, that is not surprising. Anyone trying to make sense of what they went through and it sometimes being all they ever knew before being separated from their abusers, would find it extraordinarily difficult to reconcile what society promoted as its standard of conduct versus what they experienced. Many would write-it-off, convincing themselves it never happened and others would fear being a pariah who would be despised if they admitted it. To reference Pulp Fiction, “the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence”.

    Finally, Teal has admitted several times that she is in human form and as thus is subject to the whole range of human emotions that we all experience. Nevertheless, promoting oneself is not always a symptom of narcissism or vanity. Sometimes, it is a matter of projecting yourself into a role you wish to embody. For all of her faults, which we all have, and for all her unsubstantiated claims, millions of people are empowered by her words and made to feel like they are deserving of good things in this life. I would urge people not to ignore the amazing results and personal successes of the people she has helped. At the same time, no one should bash, including Teal, the author of this blog. This blog was well- written, educational, and relevant.
    Thank You for reading this comment,
    James Rollings
    ( Mystsofvoid013@gmail.com)

  51. James Rolling, you write:

    "As for the FBI having no validated cases to undeniably prove a single case of ritual sexual abuse, that is not surprising. Anyone trying to make sense of what they went through and it sometimes being all they ever knew before being separated from their abusers, would find it extraordinarily difficult to reconcile what society promoted as its standard of conduct versus what they experienced. Many would write-it-off, convincing themselves it never happened and others would fear being a pariah who would be despised if they admitted it. To reference Pulp Fiction, 'the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence'."

    Let's be clear. We're talking about Satanic ritual abuse, not ritual abuse writ large. Note that I write "no proof" not that it's false, or "absent." But there is, to date, not a single proven case. I don't know if you looked at the links I provided, but this is not about people being in denial. This is about people making very specific claims and having case after case fall apart under scrutiny. The FBI agent I cite, Kenneth Lanning, spent seven years researching these cases and wrote the seminal report. He found no evidence despite an admitted predisposition towards believing it occurred.

    "In 1983 and 1984, when I first began to hear stories of what sounded like satanic or occult activity in connection with allegations of sexual victimization of children (allegations that have come to be referred to most often as "ritual" child abuse), I tended to believe them. I had been dealing with bizarre, deviant behavior for many years and had long since realized that almost anything is possible. Just when you think that you have heard it all, along comes another strange case. The idea that there are a few cunning, secretive individuals in positions of power somewhere in this country regularly killing a few people as part of some satanic ritual or ceremony and getting away with it is certainly within the realm of possibility."

    As to whether or not teal was sexually abused, I wouldn't pretend to know. I agree that much of her behavior is consistent with such abuse, but I, for one, am not going to accuse anyone without credible evidence. Her behavior can also be explained by other factors. Not all narcissists or sufferers of BPD, as is apparently the case, have clear causation. So who knows. And I'm far more concerned with her injurious behavior towards others given her position.

    "For instance, at the end of the blog, it is assumed that the woman who was lost to suicide may have been helped had Teal persisted in suggesting progressively more appropriate counter measures to the plight the woman was facing."

    Actually, what I suggested was that it might not have been a good idea to advise a depressed client that she was suicidal -- careful reading shows the idea started with teal -- and that having determined her to be suicidal, she should have referred her to an actual clinician. Whether or not the woman would still be alive is speculative, but there is an actual, ethical responsibility to try to prevent, not facilitate, people killing themselves.

    Thanks much for your feedback and open-minded reading of this post.

  52. I agree that Teal has done some questionable things, I am sure you have as well because you are human. Though, again, I feel your post is more about bashing Teal than spiritual growth. I question myself for even having read yours and Teals articles subjected on the legitimacy of a person instead of discovering individual truths. I also do not find her work as contradictory as you seem to.

    In my own interpretation of shadow work, one must focus on the negativity that one wishes to be rid of. In this way, one can come to terms with it, understand why it bothers them, and eventually realize that it is a fabrication of dis-informed fears, thus freeing yourself from the negativity and allowing better focus on the positivity to which you are striving.

  53. Hello to every one out here, am here to share the unexpected miracle that happened to me three days ago, I came across a post online talking about how she got her ex back to her with the help of the great spell caster who happens to be high Dr Odudu that he helped her though i never believe this because i was just wondering how could this be, but i gave my self hope and i contact the spell caster. this is the unbelievable that has happened to me this December I was happily married and we had three kids, we lived together as one because we both loved each other but before i knew it, my husband started acting funny and cheating on me later on, he told me that he cannot continue with me so that was how he left me and my three kids without nothing but there was nothing i could do to stop him or bring him back to me I work so had to pay the children's schools fee and other responsibility i did this for good five years. I cry all day and night because i don't know what else to do to have my husband back to me until this faithful day i saw the post from one Miss Mary Jane Walker testifying how the high priest helped her to get her ex back I just wanted to try my luck because i never believe it will work but to my greatest surprise, am singing a new song i contacted the great priest on 2nd of December and he told me not to worry because once he finish caster the spell, that i will get my husband back the unbelievable happened on Friday when i got a call and I was surprise to hear my husbands voice apologizing to me that he is so sorry for keeping alone and came back home and we are happy together again wow, i really appreciate your good work great Dr Odudu God bless you and your good work for there is nothing else i can say than to tell the world about you. So if any one is out here seeing this post and you have similar issue like this, worry no more and contact the only man that can help you this email:oduduriches.ocultic@oath.com, odudutemple.spiritualist@gmail.com or call +919582785746.

  54. To the writer or blogger of this piece. What is it you're trying to tell us about Teal. That she is racist and only thinks white women are the only one that can be pretty. It seems to be that you are the one that is saying that. Why should you care what her followers believe. Why I should I care what my neighbor is telling his friends on his phone. I don't see how this woman bother you so much. Someone you have clearly never met. I f I tell you I am God and I want to fkcu only extremely ugly women would that bother you. I don't get it with you Americans, always concern with the rest of humanity. Thinking you have to be involved somehow. I'm sure you brag to your friends about hundreds of posts or email you get about a blog you write and I'm sure it makes you validate your importance on the web. Maybe even having you family accepts you as a success after doubting your abilities all your life. I don't know or do I care. The one thing that is apparent here is, Teal's dropdead looks and success gets under your skin. Why?
    Let me just say, for me, the being Teal is more than just an ordinary life force. And I suspect you already know that whether you want to admit it or not.

    Anyway young lady i don't if you're a very unattractive sista or not but who cares. I want to leave you with a little experiment to try with a friend. After you try this experiment, you will... maybe not, but I'm hoping you'll see beyond this dimension or grasp a little of what science and people like Teal are trying to enlightened people like yo about. So here is the experiment.... Take a watch or a clock. Hold it up in front of you with the face facing you. Tell you friend to stand behind the watch or clock with the back facing them. Take your index finger or any finger and go around the face of the timepiece in a CLOCKWISE circle where your friend who is looking at the back of the timepiece can see your finger going round and round. Now ask your friend what direction is your finger going. When you understand that, you will understand and you will be ready to know.

  55. To be honest I find these comment threads as sad, judgemental and sarcastic as the criticisms you're making against this person. Very odd

  56. I posted on your other blog as well. Spent the day reading all of what you wrote and watching Teal and reading her blogs some more. I've read her book as well.

    It is interesting to me because you are a truth seeker. I don't see you as an attacker but as someone who wants to pull the veil away from people's eyes. Often truth seekers and those who vocalize the truth are attacked the most. Just the other day, I saw a woman attacked for calling out the obvious about Bill Cosby, that 16 women have come forward with allegation about abuse by him. But so many people are outraged, furious and they want to hush and quiet these women. These terrible, terrible women. Who dare come forward. A truth seeker doesn't back down, doesn't falter. But continues to ring the bell and point out the big elephant in the room than everyone is ignoring.

    I married a truth seeker and one thing I've learned is that people will walk around on eggshells rather than call out the obvious for fear that they will be called rude or jealous or petty. Yet, once the truth is spoken and while it may anger people, it is out there. It can't be taken back. Once you speak a truth, those people may walk away angry and defending her, but they won't forget it. I know that Teal would have her blah blah ideas on our "perceptions of truth." But sometimes there really is just truth vs pure BS. I've come to appreciate the truth seekers in our world a bit more. While yes, they have perceptions unique to them, we do need some one to just snap their fingers and wake us up out of the trance.

    I don't see you as bashing or jealous or attacking Teal but instead you are legitimately questioning her methods, her aims and her so called truths. Anyone who is counseling suicidal people needs to be called out out. Immediately.

    Good for you.

  57. I am shocked at the amount of energy YOU have put in to this! So many other positive, creative things you could have been doing. But, I suppose this is how you wanted to put your energy out there. Sad. Very sad.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I am in total agreement with Kimberly above.
    It's a shame that this whole thing is getting so much attention. While I never read your original post, after reading Teal's comment with your responses plugged in I feel very sad because it all sounds surprisingly catty now and I would expect more from anyone who seems to be standing on an, at least slightly, spiritual platform.
    I have my own doubts about Teal for sure, but I also sense truth in a lot of what I've read/watched of hers, so I have been unsure. I was hoping to read something lovingly evaluating her claims as well as claims from those who are coming against her, but this feels unnecessarily hateful and for me it's just made you look bad.
    No matter who she is (or isn't), she is part of the whole which is experiencing itself. Or at least that's my perspective. She is a mirror for us. If you don't agree with her, if you think she's really spreading darkness rather than light, then why not counter that by using this post to be a light for others? This whole post and comments is a means to pull down at this point, even if it came from good intentions (as my husband reminds me daily, the road to hell's paved with those). Some or most things listed about her here may be complete truth, but it looks like bitching which feels very toxic and I can't read any more. We are all guilty of it from time to time if not more, but it seems like in trying to point out Teals flaws you and others are illuminating some of your own.
    I would say not to focus on her. If she does have a hidden agenda and is being deceptive, just let her go and focus your attention on sending out positivity. That will do more good than this post.

  60. Becca J Smith wrote: "If you don't agree with her, if you think she's really spreading darkness rather than light, then why not counter that by using this post to be a light for others?"

    Becca, you say you haven't even read LaVaughn's post (I assume you just popped by to comment?), so it's understandable that you will not have a clear picture of this exchange. I have read all three of LaVaughn's posts on Teal and her work, and all of the comments. I would say that LaVaugn is indeed using this post to be a light to others. There have been numerous comments from people thanking her for bringing to light issues that help them understand why they have felt uncomfortable with Teal's teachings. There have also been numerous references and explanations (citing sources, no less!) from LaVaugn offering examples of really powerful, loving teachings that many of us have found helpful. I have been impressed with the depth and breadth of LaVaugn's knowledge, and her ability to share that clearly with others. Again, that is her being a light. Honestly, LaVaugn feels a million times 'lighter' to me than Teal. So light is in the eye of the beholder, yeah?

    I do believe that it is a delicate balance to strike when trying to critique this type of situation, which is about the person as much as the work, and can therefore feel a tad too personal at times. But I've not seen anyone here pretending to be perfect. I don't even think anyone here expects Teal to be perfect! But even if the conversation veers off track at times, that doesn't make it unimportant, or unnecessary.

    If Teal were to follow "her" own teachings (and by "her" teachings, I mean Abraham-Hicks' teachings), then she would say that those of us who want to discuss these issues should do so if it feels like relief. If this makes you feel like you're going upstream, look away and find something to focus on that feels good to you. (Or if you're a Teal 2.0 fan: dive in deep until you feel like your world is crumbling and you can trace it all back to that time when your mother was a complete bitch and ruined you for life.)

    So, no judgement if you don't dig it... But remember that perspective matters, and there are reasons to critique Teal's body of work other than the ones that Teal and co. might suggest. <3

  61. Well I wrote out out a long response to all this info which Im not going to take the time to repeat. This is all very interesting. I am going to take a step back here. I will admit that I am impressed with her insight probably because its different.She is very pretty and Im sure as all women can be, very persuasive.

  62. We al have issues and Im sure teal is no exception. My hope is we as a species can fix this mess, otherwise we are in for some dire consequences. Peace to all of you.

  63. Psychobitch all done with Sri Swan in May. Used the poor fellow all up with her 3rd degree sociopathy apparently. A prediction: In the very near future as her looks fade and she puts on weight, her bullshit grows old and people stop feeding into her bottomless need for ego gratification, she tries her hand at what she really has wanted all along - a lesbian relationship - but didn't have the guts to admit to and then finally when she finds women can't stand her as a partner either.... well let's just say it involves an empty vial of pills on the night stand and let it go at that.

  64. Oh, wow! I wrote an article about the falsehood and danger of self-proclaimed gurus this morning, and as I was looking for images on google, including Teal Swann, I stumbled on your post…and here I am still at the end of the day! Hats off to LaVaughn and all of you out there seeing through and calling it as it is. This response comes 2 years later and this very disturbed person has by now advanced to being published by Hay House. But why wonder? In many ways you and I with our comments and indignation have given her a helping hand. I see through her as through glass, the same as I see through the rest of the 'successful leaders in personal or spiritual development'. She had good training from her Mormon community (whether a victim or not), Landmark, B.K's shadow work, the completion process which apparently is another steal from a hindu guru, the 'alignment' BS and resistance from the Secret, LOA and Esther Hicks, and so on… This poor soul is a copy-cat of every living and not so spiritual teacher. Her ambition is the only 'quality' that matches her claims. I don't have to say much more as she does it for me in her 'Acknowledgements' section of her book: " And to all the clients and friends over the years who I have involved in my various experiments to {try to find} and design a process to {rival} (emphasis added) all other processes, be assured the world will tank you for being open enough to participate in this quest with me."
    So here you have it! She clearly admits to experimenting on people until she found/"designed" (better said, glued bits from here and there) the process that RIVALS all others. What a spiritual thought! What magnanimity of heart and what a high vibration! C'mon guys/girls, she is a crook with a hell of a lot of nerve. She's polished her speech during the years, just like another dangerous self-imbuebed egotistic charlatan, Simon Parks ( he is ⅓ reptilian, ⅓ mantid and ⅓ inner Earth human - whatever that means!). The signature of these false gurus is the same of anyone aspiring to high places (politics, religion, entertainment) : rhetorics, good oratorial skills, a bloated-up ego to make up for the shortcomings and an utter lack of common sense or shame for commercialising even their own mother, or as recently I saw her bedroom talks. These are also archetypes of our society and present human civilisation. They exist as long as the masses are uneducated. I suggest we dedicate more time to help people grow out of these traps and reach their own independence than wasting any more time on this energetic vampire thirsty for what she lacks.

  65. one thing I find immensely confusing about posts like this is the why factor , what is it you feel you have to gain ? I personally have 0 interest in Teals personal life and hardships or lack thereof if anything she explains is helpful or resonates with my understanding then great if not I move on what is it everyone feels they have to gain by scrutinizing ANYONE aside from self affirmation that they are right and the other is wrong who is anyone to decide FOR me or anyone what is or is not a dangerous teaching you cannot blame a teacher for the way others receive the information while i don't know or care if anything about her personal past was a lie i can say that as a victim of sexual abuse that i can't always get my own timelines right when I think on it, it definitely seems off but its the way I remember it none the less are you going to tell me it never happened ? I don't always agree with Teals methods but that doesn't mean she needs to be put under a microscope every time shes says something that's not agreeable to some As far as Cameron is concerned , she has no more proof on her claims then Teal does , I recently read an article in which she claims to have letters from teal to her supposed attacker (authenticity unproven) and his claim that her claims never happened as if anyone would stand up and say "yeah its true I raped her " this whole thing is really getting to be BS and the only thing people like the person writing this article intend to do is bolster their own following and feed their own egos


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