Jan 12, 2014

The Artist Formerly Known as Teal Scott

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

On January 4, Teal Scott and Sarbdeep Singh Swan were wed.
The Artist will henceforth be known as TEAL.

Comment Overflow: Once again, we've rolled over to a second page of comments. I'm adding direct links because blogger doesn't seem to handle this well in all browsers, notably mine. Comments: page 2 and page 3 and page 4 and page 5 and page 6

There's a story in the Marine Corps, perhaps apocryphal, about something a senior officer wrote in a FITREP for one of his junior officers: "His Marines will follow him anywhere, if only out of a morbid curiosity to see what he'll do next."

TEAL has many followers. Only some of them are fans. Or so I learned when I wrote a blog post articulating my questions and concerns about the self-described "spiritual catalyst." Shortly after posting the piece, I started getting comments from some of her fans and detractors -- mostly detractors. About a month later TEAL responded to my post.

Last night on my way to the bathroom, I peered into Blake’s room and noticed that he looked incredibly distressed. [Doesn't anybody knock?]  I asked him what happened and he explained that a blogger named LaVaughn (Celestial Reflections) had dedicated a ten page itemized article slamming me for every aspect of my career and personal life that she could get her hands on.  He also explained that he was receiving e-mails from people asking me to refute her outrageous claims [Pssst. I didn't make any claims.] because they “no longer knew what to think”. [I believe what we have here is the need behind the need. Her response is an attempt at damage control.]  It was by far and away the most “anti-Teal” material we’ve encountered to date.  Blake was livid.  He wanted me to write an entire counter article to put people’s minds and hearts at rest.  But it didn’t feel good to me.  On top of the fact that many of her claims were too off base to even be worthy of address, [Did I mention that I didn't make any claims?] I could not get my energy behind the idea of dedicating time to defending myself against a random person who crawled out of the woodwork to gain popularity and attention by slandering me. [Dear God, could this woman be any more vain?]

It is profoundly out of alignment [Alignment with what?] to design an entire piece of writing around resisting someone or something, which is what this woman did.  She does so from a place of bitterness and fear and therefore pain.  I would not seek to increase her pain by attacking back to defend myself. [Aaawww. How sweet.] It seems that what people wanted from me was proof that she is wrong about what she said about me.  Proof is a difficult thing because there is ultimately no way to create solid proof that could not be refuted. [I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that this is the real reason she won't defend herself against the many claims I didn't make. She can't.] I could refute each piece of her evidence, the same way that she is refuting mine, but what would be gained?  I will not convince her that I am good.  I would not be doing so for any other reason than my own need to be approved of by everyone.  And I do not distrust the discrimination of the people who enjoy my material.  People do not need my proof to know what is good for them or right for them personally.  What they need to do is trust themselves.  And whatever answer they receive about me, is right for them at that time. [Aahh. So I didn't so much critique TEAL as I insulted the judgment of her many, many fans. Did you hear a dog whistle? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I heard a dog whistle.] I do not wish to prove skeptics wrong.  I gain nothing by resisting skeptics.  As my fame increases, [Dear God...] there will be more and more skeptics.  I gain only by continuing to do what makes me happy and hoping that what brings me happiness, brings other people happiness.  I understand how hard it is when you distrust yourself, to navigate a world full of opposing perspectives.  When you live without self-trust, the world seems to be full of people who are out to get you.  And so, you don’t know who to trust. [I believe that should read "whom to trust" but I probably shouldn't play grammar noodge with TEAL. That game has no end.] But you can trust yourself.  And by not refuting every skeptic that comes up against me, I am in essence giving people the opportunity to consult their own feelings and their own personal truth, and thus learn to trust themselves.  It would be a great world though if the people, who were inspired to write ten pages on one person, did so from a place of loving that person.  All too often, the only people full of enough bottled up energy to write ten pages on one person, do so from a space of hating them. [Yup. I'm a hater. Haters gotta hate, yo.]

To sum up, I did not make any claims in my previous post. I simply subjected some of TEAL's claims, statements, and documented history to a little scrutiny. Or, as a commenter on her own blog put it:

This information is out there for the world to see and you can’t make claims and then not be prepared to back them up when you specifically call yourself a ‘teacher’. You clearly enjoy the fame aspect of this and your team have posted on Facebook about wanting to get you on TV…….and you think this post was bad!?
This woman has executed the piece well and with ALL your own work, so the argument for lies and slander is very weak.

As I said in that post, TEAL doesn't really go after her detractors often. She has people for that. And as even some of her own fans noted, her post served as a signal to her "army" to attack me. And so they descended like so many winged monkeys.

In one of those delicious Jungian synchronicities, of which I am so fond, the night before all hell broke lose on my blog, I had watched a South Park episode called "The Hobbit." In it, righteous, little feminist Wendy points out the elephant in the room -- that Kim Kardashian is an extensively photoshopped fantasy creation who really looks like a hobbit. She is crucified for being a hater and threatened with a transfer to the "jelly school" for the exceedingly envious. So I found it incredibly hilarious that the very next day I was attacked mercilessly for being sooooo jel of TEAL's incredible good looks, sexiness, and success. Because if a woman raises concerns about another woman it's always really about petty jealousy, right? We gals are just shallow like that.

But then something kind of funny happened. More of TEAL's detractors showed up -- and more, and still more. It turns out there are a lot of people following her blog and numerous Facebook pages who share some of my qualms. Many of them have long been frustrated by their inability to raise these questions on her pages without having their comments deleted or lost to the black hole of eternal moderation.

The comments on my original post are, as of this writing, upwards of 400. The vast majority of those comments are critical of TEAL. Many of them are from people expressing relief at having their concerns heard and validated instead of shut down or hidden from sight. This is to say nothing of the many emails and phones calls I've gotten from people who just wanted to say, "Thank you."

I think it's safe to say, at this point, that TEAL's attempt to have her minions pound me flat rather backfired. What has evolved instead is effectively a crowdsourced analysis of TEAL's contradictions, questionable behavior, and outrageous statements. It makes for a fantastic read, filled with links, commentary, and penetrating insight.

I could never, in a single post, encapsulate everything that has been uncovered by the still growing number of commenters who've contributed to this analysis of TEAL's record. But I would like to address here some of the things that gave me particular concern about her practices, statements, and attitude.

TEAL Is So Vain

She probably thinks this post is about her.

As noted above, she seems to see my previous post about her as the attempt of some sad sack (me) to ride her glorious coattails. Because she's famous. She's very, very famous. And her fame is growing. We know this because she says so. A lot.

Who on earth refers to herself as a renowned "luminary?"

"I'm the extrasensory luminary who is known
around the world as the spiritual catalyst."

Or describes their own writing as "poignant?"

TEAL. That's who. It seems there is no title or glowing description she won't arrogate to herself. Just recently, for instance, we learned that she is a "leader of the New Age."

Yesterday I was forwarded an anti New Age movement video and I was asked to express my opinion on it.  The basic argument made was that the New Age Movement is just opiate for the masses (what scientists have been saying about religion for years) [?!?!?!] and that it is just an excuse to boost book sales and enhance the personal careers of people like myself who are in essence convincing people they can manifest money so that we can make money off of those people.  I don’t usually feel compelled to respond to videos or comments that are offered by people who are in a space of extreme resistance, because there is no desire in them to find a meeting of minds.   Where there is no receptivity, no meaningful conversation can take place, so it is just better to allow them to feel exactly how they feel and line up with the results of that perspective.  But this time, I am compelled to comment because on a worldwide level, I am considered a leader of the New Age.  People give me titles and associate me with things all the time, but being called a leader of the New Age is a title I resonate with and agree with. [All emphases mine]

Loathe as I am to delve into TEAL's ahistorical and otherwise incorrect factoids -- another game with no conceivable end date -- it was Karl Marx who described religion as the "opium of the people." And the idea that science and religion are at odds is an artificial construct. But I digress.

Even some of TEAL's regular readers balked at her gleeful adoption of this "title."

Wow…just wow…LOL
With all due respect, Teal, but there are so many other admirable people nowadays who are doing a great deal for humanity and have huge followings…and yet don’t call themselves “A worldwide leader”…of sorts. Someone needs to get a grip, just a little..

Whatever TEAL's finer qualities may be, humility is just not one of them.

For instance, did I mention that she's pretty? I'm sure I did, but I needn't have bothered because she will tell you and tell you and tell you. In fairness, Teal is not just pretty for herself. She's pretty for the betterment of humanity.

In this interview, starting around the 9:00 minute mark, she explains how crucial her physical attractiveness is to getting her message out to people on "every single continent." TEAL, it turns out, is pretty by design. An Arcturian panel "projected" her this way so that their message would be heard 'round the world. Homely women can't get attention to their ideas, apparently. People just innately like pretty things. So TEAL had to be pretty -- prettier than  black women for sure. Because even a woman who is beautiful by African standards would be seen as "pretty ugly" here in the US. To reach the whole world with a message of spiritual evolution, you just have to be a pretty white girl. That's all there is to it. And it helps if you tell people that while you're lounging around in a slinky peignoir, in front of Nanny's Messy Bed. It just drives that message home, I guess.

It would appear that transcending superficiality just isn't part of the Arcturian's grand vision for planet earth. It sure isn't part of TEAL's. For instance here we learn that physical beauty is one of life's little reminders of the divine feminine.

I did an interview with a budding self-help expert Laura Marie today.  Watching her on the other side of the screen was quite soothing for me.  She was like a work of art to behold; porcelain skin that folded across the structure of her face and hair like spun silk.  She was full of vigor for life.  Her words, lightly tinted with a French accent.  I couldn’t stop thinking after the interview was over, about women in general.  It is so important that as women, we are out in the world setting an example of what it looks like to fully embody and express ourselves.  It is time that those of us who were born female, release our resistance to our own gender and begin to embrace and express our feminine essence.  Women have been in resistance to the divine feminine within themselves for far too long just like human society has been in resistance to the divine feminine for far too long.

One wonders if a woman less pretty than Laura Marie could possibly inspire TEAL to wax rhapsodic about the divine feminine -- one of those ugly girls from Africa, for instance.

Teal Bosworth Scott Swan

You can see why she'd want to simplify. But for the full explanation of her new moniker, you'd need to look at one of her many Facebook pages.

Hello all,
Thank you so much for the beautiful wishes! I figured i'd explain how this name change is going to work. On a professional level, we are going to drop the last name all together because TEAL is a stand alone name like Oprah or Osho etc. But I have officially changed my last name to Swan. There is deep spiritual significance to this decision. It is a more exalted name. Sarbdeep is from India and there, the swan has great spiritual significance. Teachers who have the ability to fly between the realms of matter and spirit are given the title Paramahamsa which means supreme swan. click this link to read more.
Perhaps the adoption of this new title is also a transition into a new phase in my career as well.


Except that Osho is not a name. It's a title. Like Paramahamsa, in the Hindu tradition, it's an honorific bestowed for a certain level of spiritual attainment in Zen Buddhism. These are not titles you hold because you get married or decide to change your stage name.

Oshō (和尚 oshō?) is a Buddhist priest (in charge of a temple);[1] honorific title of preceptor or high priest (esp. in Zen or Pure Land Buddhism).

. . .

Oshō is the Japanese reading of the Chinese he shang (和尚), meaning a high-ranking Buddhist monk or highly virtuous Buddhist monk. It is also a respectful designation for Buddhist monks in general and may be used with the suffix -san

The only instance of Osho being used as a name that I'm aware of was the guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh who just decided to start calling himself that at some point. He was a controversial figure and considered by many to be a cult leader. He was famous for collecting Rolls Royces, owning around a hundred at one point.

Osho's ideas on sex, marriage, family and relationships contradicted traditional views, arousing anger and opposition around the world.[79][210] His movement was feared and despised as a cult; he lived "in ostentation and offensive opulence", while his followers (most of whom had severed ties with outside friends and family and donated all—or most—of their money and possessions to the commune) might live at a "subsistence level".[89][211]

I first became aware of Rajneesh when I was living in Montclair, NJ, where he and his followers were ensconced in a nearby mansion. I even knew a guy who lost his wife to this cult. As he described it, he came home one night to find her dying all her clothes orange in the kitchen sink. A short time later she was gone. She'd relocated with Rajneesh and his other followers to Oregon. There was an ongoing issue around him being unable to find and divorce her so he could move on with his life. It dragged on for years and caused a great deal of suffering.

I mentioned this in a comment on my previous post and learned, to my horror, that TEAL is an admirer of the late Bagwan Shree Rajneesh, or Osho. And she had expressed during one of her Shadow House broadcasts that he had been unfairly maligned. So what if his followers wanted to express their devotion by giving him Rolls Royces!

Did I mention that TEAL likes gifts? I did. I did. She really likes gifts.

TEAL's Sad Christmas

Gifts are TEAL's "love language" so no gifts equals no love. Poor TEAL.

This is a weird Christmas for me.  It doesn’t feel much like Christmas.  The intentional Community I live in has all decided to forego getting each other gifts this year in favor of saving money to use towards moving to Europe.  My son, Winter will be the only one getting presents this year.  The space under the tree, which is usually overflowing with presents, is empty for the first time in my life.  Except of course for cosmos, my cat, who has selected it as his own personal nest.  He lies there purring, lazily batting at ornaments with his paw.  I don’t know how to feel about this Christmas.  I don’t even know what I’m going to do today or tomorrow except travel to a recording studio to do a television interview tonight on charitable giving and cook for everyone.  Gifts are my love language, so the holiday feels empty of love this year.  But I’m still utterly in love with the energy of Christmas and how happy everyone seems in the spirit of giving and community.

One of the things we learn as adults is that it is "better to give than to receive." And one of the things we learn as parents is that there is no greater joy at the holidays than seeing our children's delight when they open their presents. And is there some reason her cat's name isn't capitalized? Strange. So TEAL was feeling unloved this Christmas because love is best expressed with material things.

Not all gifts are equal, though. Strap in. A TEAL story follows.

I could sum my mother up in one word… activist.  This means that when a foreign restaurant opened in town, my mother was eager to support them immediately, being full aware that the rest of the Caucasian, Mormon demographic in town would be wary of foreigners and thus avoid the restaurant and make them feel ostracized.  Mormons like to think of themselves as good, open armed, inclusive Christ loving people.  But the reality in the rural towns of Utah is that most of them are the exact opposite of that.  The demographic of the area is nearly entirely Mormon and so they never have to interact with people that aren’t Mormon, much less people that are from a different race.  The truth is, Mormons can be some of the nastiest, most exclusive and racial people you will ever come across.  Long story short, when we walked in, true to form, we were the only people there.  The entire family that owned the restaurant was lined up at the entrance, with enormous smiles on their faces, ecstatic to be doing business.  Having only just immigrated to the United States, they barely spoke English.  They waited on us hand and foot, practiced speaking English and when we finished the meal they explained that someone in town had told them about the tradition of giving gifts on Christmas, so they brought out presents to the table.  They seemed so proud of themselves to have fit in with the tradition in a foreign country.  Only, when we unwrapped the presents, they turned out to be edible underwear!  It turns out some complete jack ass person in town had wanted to run them out of town by telling them that giving people edible underwear was a tradition on the Christmas holiday, knowing full well that even the average lax Mormon that showed up, would be horrified and boycott the business. 

Where to begin... Mormons are some very white people on the whole, it's true. But they are also missionaries, traveling all over the world. There are Mormons of many races and that includes Chinese. But that aside, does anyone believe this story? Show of hands. Anyone? Anyone? Chinese entrepreneurs who don't know that edible underwear is not a gift you would give a family with children having dinner in your establishment? Anyone?

I have to admit, I find the whole thing a little implausible. What it suggests to me is more along the lines of an excuse to insert a little gratuitous nudity, give the reptilian brain a little jolt, get the old pulse racing. With TEAL there just aren't enough opportunities to talk about SEX. Not just sex, mind you, but SEX.

So in that one post, she's fired up the animal drives of her readers, pulled on their heart strings with her tale of loveless woe, and asked for money. (DONATE!!!) Will someone please give this woman some money? Things are tight. She moving to Europe. And she has no gifts. She feels so unloved. Will someone please put a Rolls in her driveway, maybe, with a nice big bow on it?

TEAL's Story

Some of the negative feedback I got from TEAL fans, aside from the fact that I'm just jel, had to do with my relentless focus on TEAL's history. They don't care and they just don't want to hear about it. Why, why, why, am I so obsessed with TEAL's nudie pictures?! Why?!

What's funny about that is that TEAL's modeling history, and how it complicates her CV, comprised a very small portion of a fairly long post -- roughly three paragraphs out of what is, according to TEAL, ten printed pages. So if you read that post and took from it that I'm obsessed with TEAL's pornographic history, you might want to consider that it's not me who's so singularly focused.

Some folks were also not terribly amused that I put her story of ritual abuse under a microscope. What surprised me most about that, though, was how many people don't think that history matters either. As one commenter on her blog put it:

One of the biggest criticisms people have of you is the confusion of timelines. Maybe you could shed a little light on that?... Let’s say hypothetically that your past is a bit fabricated. It’s pretty clear from a lot of the comments most people don’t care. What resonates with them is how your teachings make them feel. Your followers will still love you, and in truth, you might find yourself reaching even more people by opening up and removing some doubts, one way or another. You can, are, and will do a lot of good in this world. Be brave.

This is a fair reflection of some of the feedback TEAL received in light of my post. Another commenter, for instance, wrote:

I must admit that even being a big fan of Teal for almost a year, i too had doubts about her history ( simply because i didnt understand how her story of abuse can be merged with the story of her modelling career and traveling the world, the timelines seemed confusing to me ). But I never cared for this too much ,just because i FEEL her message, she has brought so much wisdom to me and launched my personal growth , I`ll forever appreciate this <3
I read that blog and it was a really mean one. Sarcastic and mean, it didnt feel good to read it. But i`ll say this – the author has missed one very simple point : lets assume that Teal`s story is false, does this make her message any less useful? Who cares about things that dont add up if she brings more happiness and joy to so many people?.

Said another:

And if it happens that you should not be genuine...then it's the most fabulous falsity man has ever had the privilege to experience!!!!

So it would seem that many of TEAL's ardent followers don't really care if her story of ritual abuse at the hands of the psychopath with DID (???) ever happened. If the story for which she may be interviewed by "one of the biggest TV shows in the nation" turns out to be fiction, so be it. No biggie.

Now, look. I'm a grown-up. I know that it's far from uncommon for professionals of all stripes to pad their resumes a little, to embellish here and there. But is it really too much to ask that a healer, or catalyst, or whatever exactly TEAL defines herself as, not have a life story that isn't a giant fiction? Really?

Episodes from this story are part of a very long, ongoing narrative. They constitute a big chunk of her blog. And she whips this story out whenever she needs to justify an outburst or emotionally blackmail her critics into silence.

More to the point, it is TEAL herself who makes the case that her abuse history is seminal to her work.

I was on the America Tonight show with Kate Delaney today.  It was a short interview, but a poignant one, entirely about my past and the ritual cult trauma.  As I was doing the interview, it became obvious to me that I am being set up to be a spokesperson and poster child for ritual abuse.  When I think about it, I know it is a position I was born to fill... I get at least one e-mail every month from people who have experienced ritual trauma first hand.   Here is an example of one:

Dear Teal Scott,

I have grown up in a cult.  My dad was part of it.  When I was ten my dad sold me to lots of mens and I couldn’t get away from them so I got away in my mind.  I am older now and I ran away from home and lived on the street for a little.  It was cold there and I got addicted to meth and sometimes I had sex for the drugs.  And then I tried to kill myself and when I was in hospital I decided I want to live.  I started cleaning up my life and someone I met in AA told me to watch your videos and I love every one of them.  I love them so much that I looked up your website and seen that you have the same past as me.  And I fell on the floor and I just started crying cause I cant believe that you look as happy as you look and have gone through the same things as me.  I cry because I was sad and then I cry because I was happy.  Because you exists in the world, I have hope for myself.  I believe that I can do it too.  I see a bright future ahead of me and I feel like you do not know what you do for me.  You are the voice I do not have and am too scared to have about what I saw and felt.  I could crawl on hands and knees and never do enough still to tell you how much thankful I am.  I love you.  You saved me and because of you, I believe in myself and that myself can heal.

How would this woman feel if it turned out she was taking her hope and inspiration from someone whose story was entirely fabricated? It seems to me like there is a lot riding on the veracity of TEAL's story in terms of her healing mission.

So now the producers, and presumably the lawyers, for a national television show are scrutinizing TEAL's story of ritual abuse. This could be a very big deal. If TEAL can really demonstrate that she was abused by a Satanic cult, hers will literally be the first independently verified case. According to the FBI, there is no proof to date that Satanic ritual abuse has ever occurred. According to Kenneth Lanning, every reported case fell apart under scrutiny. This despite the fact that stories of such abuse have ruined lives... of the accused, that is.

As I wrote in my previous entry, I found it rather strange that TEAL could have witnessed children being murdered and have no interest in seeing their murderers prosecuted. As I began reading her post on Crime and Punishment, I thought she might walk that stunning position back a little. But no. She doubled down.

People seem to enjoy revenge.  They call revenge justice so they can feel better about wanting it.  But the truth is, pain begets pain.  I gain nothing by watching my abuser suffer.  There is no justice in this system.  Even if you locked away every abuser you could find on earth in a jail cell, you could not save people from their own creations. Victims are not exempt from this creation process. They too create their reality.  We live in a society that does not yet recognize the vibrational reality that directs and dictates and trumps everything that is physical in nature, so no one wants to hear it when I say this…  But locking up the perpetrators does nothing to improve the powerless state of those who sit squarely in a vibration of victimhood.  It changes nothing about them at all.  And so they remain a match to what comes as a result of that vibration.  They will be victimized by something no matter how hard you try on a physical level to prevent it for them.  You could not physically do enough to save them from their own point of attraction.

I agree with TEAL on this one narrow point. Our criminal justice system is too focused on revenge under the guise of justice. I think we would be much better served by a system focused more on the protecting the public from criminals aspect of jurisprudence. TEAL, though, doesn't think that's a good enough reason to put people who kidnap, rape, torture, and murder children behind bars. It's a conundrum for sure because it could mean more young girls will endure what she did. It leaves her "between a rock and hard place." But TEAL would have you know that there's no protecting the public from the law of attraction anyway, so...

To her credit, TEAL is just following the principles of law of attraction ideology to their natural conclusion, something many adherents are unwilling to do. As I asked here, if we're all just getting back what we put out in a just universe, what is the purpose of the criminal justice system?

But TEAL is also displaying exactly the same inconsistency that James Ray's devoted fans did.

Like Bob Proctor, Charlene D seems incapable of recognizing the inconsistency of blaming the victims of bad acts for their deaths while simultaneously absolving Ray of responsibility for the legal predicament he finds himself in. In the topsy-turvy world of this rabid "law of attraction" set, people who are hit by drivers who run red lights aren't victims. They're responsible for everything that happens to them. But those felonious drivers are being victimized by those who prosecute them and it's all just horribly unfair.

Why is it only the victims of crime who law of attract their misfortune? Why not the perpetrators who are caught and prosecuted? The people in prisons aren't responsible for what they put out into the universe? I will just never understand why so many of these law of attraction folks are so invested in protecting people from the real world consequences of their actions.

How TEAL Treats People

On some level I think TEAL's willingness to expose her shadow side to the public is quite brave. We all have a shadow and I think "making the darkness conscious" is crucial to our realization of wholeness. I also think that work is in sharp contrast to much of the law of attraction ideology advanced by Abraham/Hicks, The Secret, and their ilk. These approaches don't blend well. You can't on the one hand tell people not to focus on the negative because attention to it will expand it and on the other tell people to explore the uncomfortable bits they're stuffing into their subconscious.

That process of uncovering the shadow is certainly messy and none of us would look too grand if all of our "stuff" were out there for public viewing. This openness of process was the very thing that initially intrigued me about TEAL. But I saw pretty quickly that she is much more about shadow projection than self-realization. Her vicious attacks on other people come with a certain regularity, the humiliation of Fallon Dobson being one of the more dramatic exhibitions.

One of the things I learned after my initial post, not that it surprised me overmuch, was that I was not alone in being very disturbed by TEAL's public attack on Fallon. She diagnosed him as a psychopath and delved deeply into his "pathology" -- something for which she is not remotely qualified. And she made him a target for communal retribution. It was hideous. 'Nuff said. But Fallon is not the only person to find himself, or herself, in TEAL's sights.

By her own admission, she is capable of profound hostility, bitterness and envy. She can be really jel, is what I'm sayin.' Who inspires this tremendous ire? Notably women who have fairly smooth pregnancy and labor and gals like Elizabeth Smart who have parlayed their nightmares of kidnapping and abuse into social embrace and career opportunities. The people who've kidnapped and enslaved them, though? She doesn't seem to have much hostility for them... or think they should be prosecuted. So it's strange. She also seems far more contemptuous of the women having babies than she does the abuser who forced her to abort his progeny and gave her oxytocin to trigger premature labor causing her to expel twin fetuses alone in the bitter cold of a snowy hellscape. She also really hates Disney princesses, but they're not real people, so...

TEAL doesn't seem to have any compunction about holding people up to public ridicule as she recently did with her former mother-in-law.

For the sake of humor, I have to begin this blog entry on a similar note to my last entry about racism because Sarbdeep and I encountered our most uncomfortable racist moment yet, yesterday morning.  Sarbdeep was born and raised in England.  Now, it’s important to understand that he doesn’t have a cockney British accent.  Instead, he speaks with the familiar dignified British accent that we associate with English politicians.  Both his way of speaking and his mannerisms are stately.  Which is about to make the discomfort of this story even worse.  Winter’s Grandmother on his father’s side (who despises me by the way) came to visit yesterday.  She is a devout Mormon woman, who turned out to be even more ignorant than one would expect a patriotic, religiously isolated woman to be.  When she was introduced to Sarbdeep, you could feel her level of discomfort at interacting with someone who was from a different race.  She went stiff and started trying to force herself to be nice, which is a coping skill that many Mormons employ when they are trying to deal with the discomfort of associating with someone who makes them nervous to be around.  It was as if she was meeting an outer space alien.

As they shook hands, Sarbs explained that he was born and raised in London, England.  She spent a good two minutes trying to pronounce his name and then made it a point to express the fact that she has never and would probably never have the desire to travel outside the United States.  Then, she put the cherry on top of the moment by saying, “You speak such good English” as if Sarbdeep should be proud of that fact, him being brown instead of white and all.  Sarbdeep and I both looked at each other; wide eyed with those smiles that said to each other “you’ve got to be kidding me”.  I was so embarrassed for her in that minute that I wanted to crawl out of my own skin.  Part of me understands that her racial and religious isolation has not permitted her the education that would enable her to know better.  But the other part of me is frustrated at the fact that she does not have the desire to educate herself better with regard to the rest of the world and feels like sometimes there is no excuse for such a level of racially prejudiced ignorance.  But the humor inherent in an American (who happens to speak Utah hick English), telling someone from London, England that they speak good English solely based on the fact that he has a dark skin color is going to ensure that we never forget this interaction.  I’m sure it will be a joke we share for years to come.

LOL. And now we're all in on the joke... at this poor woman's expense. It's not funny. It's cruel. This woman's real mistake appears to be in "despising" a former daughter-in-law with a public platform. Winter's grandmother is a private citizen who did not choose to be dragged into the public sphere so that she may be mocked and ridiculed. But if you know TEAL, you're not entitled to a private life so don't expect one.

TEAL will have you know that she is not racist like that ignorant Mormon hick. She is merely bigoted against Mormons. She is also classist. "Sarbs" may have dark skin but he's not some low-class, cockney git. But racist? TEAL? No. She loves the way her new husband's dark skin is offset by white fabric. I don't know if he would appeal to people on "every single continent" but he's pretty handsome. And stately. Don't forget stately.

The other thing we learn about Sarbdeep in that post is that he's not exactly comfortable about having his personal life discussed in public.

Sarbdeep finds it extremely uncomfortable and vulnerable to expose his vows to the world, but I have informed him that the discomfort is a sign of expansion.  So, I am going to include both of our vows for you now...

What Sarbdeep must learn, like everyone else in TEAL's world, is that he's not entitled to a private life so he shouldn't expect one.

Even more disturbing is that TEAL just knows what's best for everyone and will act accordingly, whether they like it or not. She has all the occult knowledge of the Arcturians or Adonai or whatever. She's a Eucharist. So if TEAL decides that your discomfort is what's best for your personal growth, suck it up, buttercup. You're just gonna have to be uncomfortable.You can thank her later.

One of the things I've learned in my years of practice as a psychic intuitive and healing facilitator is that listening is more important than talking. I see our job as one of support and facilitation, not of ramming our egos down our clients' throats. It's something I feel pretty strongly about -- that whatever insight we may have, it never trumps that of our clients. When I was studying with Cherokee Mystic Virginia Sandlin, she put it this way. From my perspective, I am the source of my reality and you are my reflection. But from your perspective, you are the source of your reality and I am your reflection. You can never really heal anyone else because that would mean that you are the source of their reality. All we can really do is support others in their own process of self-discovery and we can't do that if we're imposing rather than offering our own vision. So I found TEAL's anecdote about her suicidal client really stunning.

At around the 53:00 minute mark TEAL relays the following:

I actually, interestingly enough, lost my first client to suicide this last year. And this was a woman who was absolutely miserable. I'm talking every moment of her life was a nightmare. And so we had that very serious sit-down talk where we had to say, alright, we're either committing or not committing to life because every time I gave her a suggestion she'd stop in two days doing the suggestion. So then we have to ask the question do we really want this to work. And what's interesting is that when she asked herself that question the answer was, "No. I'm done." There's nothing that any healer could ever do for that type of vibration which is totally fine. From  source energy there's nothing wrong with death from that perspective. So, she chose to commit suicide. Interestingly enough it took her about two days before she was reincarnated again. (audience laughter) Yeah. Not only that, two days before she was reincarnated to another family situation that mirrored the one that she had already chosen.

Taking that story at face value raises a number of troubling issues and ethical concerns. TEAL offered this client some tools. She didn't stick with them and her situation was not improving. TEAL deduces not that perhaps she hadn't hit on quite what that client needed, but that the client had reached a point of decision between life and death. "To be or not to be." So TEAL is so infallible, so perfect, that she couldn't possibly be failing to meet that client's needs. The problem had to be with the client, not TEAL.

Worse, it appears that TEAL knew the client was suicidal and did nothing to stop her because of her own belief that it's not wrong to kill yourself.  The universe doesn't care if you live or die and TEAL is totally dialed in to that "source perspective." Worse still, it sounds like she not only knew her client was suicidal, but actually helped her along to that conclusion. All because she wasn't following through on TEAL's recommendations and wasn't improving.

So this client, at TEAL's prompting, concludes that she just doesn't want to go on. Does TEAL say,  gee, you might need more help than I can give? Does she recommend or refer her for therapy? Does she do anything at all to stop this woman killing herself? No. TEAL has decided that because she couldn't help her, no one could. She knows for a fact that no healer could possibly do anything with this woman's vibration. And since TEAL understands "source perspective" she knows that it's perfectly fine if this woman kills herself. I mean, after all, TEAL knows for sure that she reincarnated two days later, so it's all good.

It's just remarkable hubris and it may have actually cost a woman her life. But we already know that TEAL is remarkably cavalier about death from her commitment to the forgive and ignore psychopathic child murderers who have escaped prosecution. It's a strange set of priorities.

Comment Overflow: Once again, we've rolled over to a second page of comments. I'm adding direct links because blogger doesn't seem to handle this well in all browsers, notably mine. Comments: page 2 and page 3 and page 4 and page 5 and page 6


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LaVaughn, your patience with Justin has been commendable... I'm afraid this chap is beyond help, common sense, or reason when it comes to Teal Swan... He may or may not have the ability to use logic and reason outside of things pertaining to Teal Swan, but his emotional and social skills appear to me very stunted... This is exactly why Teal targeted Justin in the first place to argue with early on when he questioned her on Facebook. She knew Justin exhibited some slight critical thinking skills compared to the majority of her ass kissing followers BUT she also knew exactly how to get her hooks in him and twist him up mentally by giving him the focus and attention from a pretty girl that he had been craving his whole life... If memory serves, Justin initially had some decent points when he called Teal out in the beginning on facebook, BUT in the online debate that ensued, teal managed to appeal to his emotional needs over his logical reasoning. This is how Teal has used social media to build up her grassroots following of blindly loyal Facebook/Teal Tribe drones like Justin... She preys and capitalizes on the outwardly apparent deficiencies of her followers. She gives them just enough of what they so desperately need. This is how she has kept Blake strung along for years. People like Justin are spiritually disconnected, emotionally stunted, and lonely individuals. It takes A NOD of acknowledgement from Teal Swan online to suddenly make her their leader. All it takes is a crumb of affection for an emotionally starved Blake Dyer. All it takes for people like Justin is A false sense of human connection through a computer screen... Couple that with an in person meet and greet/ MIND F*CK at one of her workshops where she appeals to the basic human need to feel special, and VOILA... You have a mind warped member of TEAL's army... CUE Justin... LOOK at how Justin even tries to speak for Teal... It's really sad... Especially when you look at people like Blake who go to the extent of lying for her and publishing fraudulent articles pertaining to Teal's stories of abuse...

  3. Yes, there's so much method in her madness.
    But do you really think Blake, libidinous wizard of public relations, is innocent? To me he seems as unctuously humble as Uriah Heep.

  4. Hanalea, you're so literary. I love that!

  5. LaVaughn: thanks... and the same for your journalist's heat and integrity.

  6. Hahahaha! Thank you all for providing quite a few laughs as I'm catching up here. Uriah Heep!! Brilliant! LOL

  7. "Blake, libidinous wizard of public relations"

    oh my god, hilarious.

  8. Marielle "so what?"

    I understand your willing to lend Teal's story some credibility. I don't understand why, but that's your prerogative. I'm not. If their story was credible, their would be no need to fabricate online identities to publish fake articles and attack people who honestly have doubts about the nonsense stories.

    When I met Teal and the bunch, I gave her stories credibility because of the same reasons you offer, 'who am I to question it?' 'what if she really was abused?'

    I came to realize she wasn't when I discovered Blake was behind the alter ego of Justin Freedman was publishing articles pumping up her nonsense, and later I saw the same Justin Freedman attacking a local journalist in comment threads for daring to question her story (as well as several other characters I'm certain were avatars of Teal and Blake attempting to shut down early criticism). They shamed and guilted anyone who dared scratch their head over the confusing timelines, missing evidence, and oddly conspicuous lack of corroborating evidence in the form of other abuse victims of the 'Blood Covenant'. I know Teal has some ridiculous justifications for why there's no evidence left, but that's all part of the bullshit.

  9. Now why create these alter egos? Why denigrate and shame people while hiding behind online anonymity? If you're wondering how I know it was them, it's because I found Jason Freedmans profile online with a picture of Blake and a phone number. When I called the number, Blake answered. I asked 'is Jason there', and he said, 'uhh...no'. I knew it was him because I worked closely with him for years and played cards with him often.

    Why seek to stifle the questioning with such surreptitious methods? If it's true, why not take a stand in the light of day, under your real name? Why put on a mask before you go attack honest people with questions regarding such an outrageous story that would obviously be questioned?

    Necrophilia? Bestiality? Sewn into corpses? Cut, burned, covered in blood, prostituted, forced to lure children to their death, drugged for years....all at the same time, modeling from an early age, with no visible scars or cuts in the pictures? Performing at Olympic level on the telemark ski team? Traveling to China to train in these mystic arts? Oh yeah, and her parents never noticed that their daughter with such a busy schedule and high level of success in school, was being abused for long stretches of time by some unnamed cult members in their small community?

    Give me a break. It's beyond the bounds of reason and their actions to quell dissent are all the evidence I need to call BULLSHIT!!

    If it's not enough for you, I understand. It's all I have to offer, and yes, I'm just some idiot on the internet who could be telling a story, but go look. Last I checked, Jason Freedmans article was still there. I don't know if they've changed the profile after seeing my comments here, but the Herald Journal article is still up where he and 'others' attack the people wondering if this is really going on in their town. Go look into it for yourself, see what happens to you when you ask questions critical of her background, test it out for yourself. Don't take my word for it.

    And why does it bother me so much? Because they're fabricating a story of such horrific child abuse to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF REAL ABUSE VICTIMS. I think that's horribly immoral and just about the ugliest behavior I've seen on the internet.

  10. That's my take on the situation. My 'subjective reality', if you will. And it's fine for you to question it, but I ask you this...

    Who's story is more believable, all things considered? Mine or Teals? Who's is more outlandish? She claims to be an alien/starseed/indigo child with a history of satanic abuse that mysteriously lacks evidence for prosecution or corroboration.

    I claim to have served tables with a guy and played cards with him, and uncovered a deception he and his friends were playing out on the internet.

    Who's story is crazier? It's called Occams Razor, hack away. :)

  11. Ah, good old Jason Freedman. I wonder if he would answer my questions. That Blake character totally blew me off.

  12. Did anybody ever wonder about the link between Tealeye and ACN Products & Services? I remember when they posted the ink 10th march 2013 at https://www.facebook.com/TealEyeLLC with the link to Teal Eye LLC. Business ID: 02669347 with the following text on Facebook

    "Anyone who is interested in potentially saving money on bills and supporting TealEye (which is my company aimed at positive world change), there is a way that you can potentially save money on your bills and simultaneously support TealEye through the Heal it Forward Program. If you feel inclined to see whether this program could save you money on bills or not, visit this link:"


    I felt really strange about the whole thing and got suspicious. I started to research ACN and I am amazed why Teal would link her business to that. See this video.


    PS: the building image which is posted on her Teal eye fb page has NOTHING to do with TealEye.

  13. BLake & Teal know each other for 10 years now (they stated this). He was with her in 2005 when they were trying to brand her with Tealeye for a potential model carrer - which didn't work out. Some little bird on my shoulder is telling me that Jason Blake promised Teal to make her famous, the one way or the other. They are business partners. There is no other reasonable explanation why Jason Blake would stick around as on and off lover with all the tantrum of a drama queen as seen during the shadow house episodes and her daily blog. I also would like to state that I recorded each shadow house episode to have the time to go through them slowly. The dynamics between Jason Blake and Teal with or without Dobson show me that she is holding his balls in her hand and is ready to shred them to bits at any time. It is a wondrous relationship between them.

    Mykeyta you provide a wonderful list hick ups. Let's see how many people will be inspired to start their own research and to question the painful & blissful image of Teal Swan.

    I am still surprised that publishers like louise hay house publishing do not go for her book about self love.

  14. Golden Andara, I got email about this one so I looked it up. It's an MLM, aka., pyramid scheme. Someone wrote me about losing a chunk of change to this on teal's recommend. Apparently she pushed it hard when she started with them and has since been much quieter about it. That's what I was told anyway.

  15. Hi Myketa, Thanks for your response, I didn't realize that you actually knew Blake. The whole thing is crazy. Yes, her story is appalling and if she (or they) has made it up, I say she has missed her true calling, that of an actress! Maybe she should just try and get a Hollywood agent, that would be more honest at least...(if this is all fabricated of course)

  16. an interview with her parents would bring a lot of light.
    Thanks LV for feedback.

  17. Wow, it's fun how the plot just keeps thickening...

    Re: Myketas expose' of thereal identity of Jason Freedman, international journalist and premiere Teal apologist:

    Here is the link to Jason Freedman's online profile on Ezine, with a very damning photo of Blake Dyer:


    And you'd think they'd at least cover their tracks? But it seems they just rely on the Kool Aid???

  18. And Blake, aka Jason, shilling for Teal on an Abraham Forum---
    Draw your own conclusions?


  19. Hanalea Z said...
    And Blake, aka Jason, shilling for Teal on an Abraham Forum---
    Draw your own conclusions?

    I remember many interviews with Teal in 2012 claiming that she never heard of Abraham hicks. Jason Blake wrote the post in 2011 in the Abraham forum. That puts the argument to rest - I was always wondering how Teal managed not to know from Abraham Hicks. Her first hand devotee did. So she did to. Lie! so that she can first get her branding straight without being officially attached to AH.

  20. "Hi Jason! Out of curiosity, I looked up Teal Scott and I can say that the teachings that flow through her is effectively identical to the teachings of Abraham."

    Funny, that.

  21. He's not just shilling, he's picking their pockets.
    :Jason: "You have found yourself here for a reason: you were a vibrational match to receiving these teachings! YAY!! Keep that vibe going! "

    No worries. He will!

  22. "I am a free lance journalist" hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
    Blake can't even lie accurately!

    Teal's 'stiletto feminist' post - Teal obviously doesn't understand the concept of a progression of ideas. She wouldn't be wearing her stilettos and calling herself a feminist if it wasn't for people like her mother highlighting the issues to the populace. Who are these 'anti-sex' feminists she speaks of? Her mother clearly wasn't 'anti-sex' - she had two children. Germaine Greer wasn't anti-sex. The bra-burning was a myth perpetuated by the media at the time. It would be a refreshing change if Teal actually had a clue about some of the concepts she speaks about with such authority. Perhaps 'source', where she gets all of her information, isn't very well-read.

  23. I know, thismeanderingpath. Right? Mr. Freedman somehow became a freelance journalist without knowing how to spell it... or how to do reporting on more than one person... or how to at least try to look impartial as opposed to playing the drooling sycophant.

    And the Stiletto Feminist post with the giant banner graphic of pumps with a two inch heel. Seriously? I used to wear shoes like that to work in an office.

    The red ones further down are more on point but unintentionally revealing, I think. If you've read Clarissa Pinkola Estes's explanation of "The Red Shoes" in Women Who Run with the Wolves, you can't miss the subtext.

    Aren't all her issue oriented articles just long strings of cliches? I have yet to see one that isn't. She's a shockingly unoriginal and underinformed thinker.

  24. "And Blake, aka Jason, shilling for Teal on an Abraham Forum---
    Draw your own conclusions?

    http://www.abeforum.com/archive/index.php/t-22281.html "

    Jason Freedman is not a very unusual name. A lot of people could claim to be a freelance journalist. Why are you so sure this is the same person? And where is the evidence that Blake ever called himself Jason Freedman. Oh yeah, some person said to someone else they made a phone call and asked Blake 'are you Jason Freedman' and Blake wasn't sure what to say, kind of hesitated and said 'uh...no' while he was probably thinking ('who is Jason Freedman, and why would anyone think I was him, and is this person mentally ill!!'). If someone phoned me and asked me if I was Jason Freedman I think I would probably be surprised and hesitate before replying too (huh!).

  25. Marianne, thank you for hearing me out. If any frustration showed through in my posts above, please forgive me, I posted about my history with Blake, Teal and Mark in the thread of Lavaughns previous post and I could share more, but it would be a long story. I do take time to hash out the basic account of what occurred with the Jason Freedman drama so that others can research it on the web themselves (which Hanalea has so graciously done and provided the link to Jason Freedmans profile above)

    Justin, I don't really want to talk to you, so I'm going to say this and then stop interacting. To be honest, it's because you seem simply too thick-skulled to recieve an honest message.

    You're questioning if Jason Freedman was someone else and I was mistaken? Check out Jason Freedmans profile above. There's a picture of Blake standing at the Great Wall of China. In all his self-claimed 20 years of freelance journalism, he's only written ONE ARTICLE! And coincidentally, it was ABOUT TEAL! And read that article, it starts off innocently enough, meeting her in a coffee shop, then evolves into a very detailed account of her childhood abuse and bounds of praise for Teal. It's written so poorly by such a self-claimed professional and obviously written by someone closer to Teal than a guy who met her once in a coffee shop.

    If the phone number is still there, I dunno, try calling it yourself. See if Blake still has the same phone number. I'm not sure if it is, but when there was a phone number listed, I dialed it, and Blake answered. No shit.

    Now you can keep spinning more bullshit around the facts to avoid the facts, that's also your prerogrative, to remain intellectually deficient and emotionally dishonest. I'll leave you alone after saying this...

    If you love Teal so much, why don't you get in line, and marry her. Aw snap.

  26. http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/user/827736

    Here's a page with some contact info for Jason Freedman. Email and phone number included in the article descriptions where the Ezine article was shared on another site.

  27. http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/a-story-of-forgiveness

    P.O. Box number, phone number, email.

  28. Another way to know my story is true, is that the articles were posted in Apr 2011. Earlier I claimed to know these 'about four to six years ago. I found these articles as they were posted, because I was friends with Mark, Blake and Teal on facebook and they shared these articles when they were posted three years ago. That was about nine months after I had left the restaurant we that Mark, Blake and I worked together at, which means I last worked with them ABOUT FOUR YEARS AGO, just as I'd said earlier, and I'd known them for two-three years prior to that. If you find anything questionable about my story, ask me to explain it, but if you think my story or timeline isn't credible, but at the same time, you'll lend credibility to Teals, then I can't help you. You have to be out of your mind.

  29. And I'll add another part of the story, because I'm not just here to say that what they're doing by misleading real-life abuse victims and taking their money is wrong. I was good friends with Teal's ex-husband Mark. I feel terrible for Mark.

    Mark and I had both been in rocky relationships, and he got of one slightly before I got out of mine and he met this wonderful new woman. He was happy and excited to start his life with her. Like she says, he asked her to marry him quickly after meeting her because he was certain that she was the one. He gave me advice to help me through my breakup, he was a great friend. For whatever financial shortcomings he had (it was wrong of her to put this into public in that interview) he was a great guy and I've no doubt would have remained devoted to her and their child for life.

    If only they could have worked on their emotional issues in a psychologically healthy way instead of catering to Teal's make-believe bullshit, I think they could have held their marriage together and provided a good, happy life for each other and their son. But it's not enough for her.

    But what happened? Teal will not confront her own reality. I believe Mark initially bought into Teal's bullshit because he was hurting and searching to heal at the time they met and fell in love. Last time I had dinner with them, he seemed so deep in 'Teals special abilities' that conversation was awkward and uncomfortable. It was all they could talk about, all they were interested in. He had changed and one reason I left the friendship behind was that after finding out the Jason Freedman connection, and knowing what I suspected, that Teal was fabricating all of this, I didn't want to talk trash on my friends wife when he was so happy with her.

    I left the friendship behind because I knew my big mouth would only be a problem for him. I believe that over time, he came to realize that she has mental/emotional issues and tried to pressure her to seek help, but of course, she doesn't believe she needed it. Now I don't know this for sure, but when Teal includes in her list of aspects of an ideal man that 'He does not think I have mental problems', I think to myself 'that's a weird thing for a woman to look for in a man unless it's been an issue in her history'. So much of that least seemed to me that she was just stabbing Mark in public by listing what she perceived to be his flaws.

    Now, maybe the split was for the best, I don't know. What I do know is that Teal never genuinely tried to prevent a situation where a son and his father would be torn apart. She was too busy with her bullshit to focus on that. Too busy making videos about how to understand your emotions, to actually understand her emotions, or his emotions. Too busy making videos about how to improve your life, to actually improve her life. Too busy talking about relationships to actually have one. And she took it so far as to let her family break apart, and I know Mark would have held on as long as he could have to his wife and son. Though the split may have been for the best, I blame her for putting him in this position.

  30. Ima Guest emailed me and asked me to post this comment. Couldn't get it to post due to a computer problem. Ah the joys of Mercury Retrograde!


    Ima Guest said...

    Justin - you are way smart enough if you decide to open your mind to the possibility that you are brainwashed/hypnotized - just like I was. Do you want truth - or are you happy being hypnotized? If you are happy - no reason to wake up is there?


    Articles from Jason Freedman | Selfgrowth.com

    A Story of Forgiveness - by Jason Freedman
    Submitted on Apr 09, 2011 from Jason Freedman
    Article By: Jason Freedman Po. Box 496 Salt Lake City, UT 84110 801-949-9651 JasonFreedmanjournalism@gmail.com The Tragedy to Triumph Story of Teal Scott


    This is the phone number: The SAME phone number


    Jewelry which causes you to "entrain" with and "resonate" at the same frequency of the vibration that they are created to convey. For sale and commission.To purchase a piece of frequency jewelry or to have one commissioned, call 801-949-9651


    And may I add, bwahahaha!

  31. It's a slow night at work, so I'll share a story...

    The last time I saw Mark and Teal was about 3-3 1/2 yrs ago. My wife and I had dinner at their house. Their child was about a year old, I believe, my wife was about pregnant, close to the end. Now, my wife's pregnancy was rough, full of undiagnosed abdominal pains for the first six months until they found an issue with her gall bladder, which they removed at the tenth month of pregnancy. There's the backstory...

    When we arrived, it was decided that Mark and I would go get beer at a nearby Smiths. The walk was extremely awkward, because all he could talk about was Teal's powers. As a skeptic, I listened...skeptically...and wondered what kind of crap Teal was filling my wifes head with back at the house. By the time we made it back, Mark was talking about string theory and M-theory showing that there were other dimensions...and since I have a bachelors degree in physics, I was trying to tell him that he was taking the theories in a very, uhh, 'unique' way, and I believe interpreting what they were saying incorrectly. There was no agreement, he had seen Youtube videos and heard all about these advanced theoretical physics from Teal, so my education was irrelevant.

    Teal was giving my wife a confusing lecture on how there is no objective reality and everything is subjective and we create our own reality. When she heard me questioning Mark, she ended our conversation, telling Mark it 'wasn't worth it', then proceeded to tell me how she 'sees the world like no one else does' and told me about my aura and my wifes aura and how she could see three life-paths, possible futures, but didn't give any information on them.

    Now I grew up in a mormon church, so I know what it feels like to be indoctrinated. To be told to be quiet while someone pumps bullshit into you. I sat there, politely, listening to this nonsense and asking questions on occasion which resulted in awkward, nervous laughter and no straight answers.

    Dinner was more awkward super-power talk. I think I got some word in on my new job and was thankful for some new topic, then it got roped into a discussion of out-of-body experiences, which I was interested in, but Teal always made sure everyones story was spun her way.

    Now, cut to my wife and I leaving. In the car, she asks me, "Hey, how did she know about my surgery?"


    "When you were gone, she said that she could see a black spot in my aura, right around my abdomen, and that I'd had something removed. I never told her about my surgery, how did she know?"

    "Babe...I talk to Mark all the time about your complications. We're both going through it, he and Teal had complications, I told him we could only come tonight if you were feeling up to it, because you just had your surgery...do you think he might have talked with her it at some point?"

    "...Oh...Oh, yeah...LOL"

  32. Mykeyta, I'm so sorry that you lost a friend because of all this. Add that to the list casualties and collateral damage.

  33. Oh, and about that phone number, just try googling it. It all comes up as either "free lance journalist" with ONE article Jason Freedman or Teal Scott's frequencies...


    And, for the record, I've taken screenshots of all of it. Just in case anyone felt like trying to flush it all down the memory hole.

  34. LOL....LaVaughn, that number matchup is awesome!!! Thanks, Imaguest for doing that excellent sleuth work. I never thought about googling the number, I just called it from a work phone that night I found out.

    HAhahahahaha....Can't believe these threads, every time I check back, something better.

  35. Hey, the Herald Journal article seems to have been removed, but comments are still available...here's one from Jason Freedman...

    "The only reason I can see for people to be so adamant to discredit claims of ritual abuse is if they themselves where practicing participants."

    So now it's proven that Blake and/or Teal were behind the Jason Freedman persona, accusing people of being in abusive satanic cults for questioning her story. That's classy.

    Here's one of his posts there...

    "I'm totally appalled by the mocking and disbelieving tone of this article. "Just another reader" and "Bluto" and "DL in Den"... you are full of crap. I have worked for 20 years in investigative journalism,. I have seen reports like this one float across the desks of reporters only to be ignored because no one likes to touch these stories. Not because they are not true but because society is not ready to face the bitter reality that it does happen and did happen this time. Society's blind ignorance to this happening is why it continues to happen. I'm totally Ashamed that any of you would think this woman would have anything to gain from telling her story. Instead, she risks everything. She risks her own safety, credibility and connection by admitting these things. Women like her are the rare, brave, exception to the rule of silent victims. Anyone who does not stand beside her participates in silencing victims and therefore siding with perpetrators everywhere. Perpetrators BANK on victims being discredited as some of you have done.
    the only reason the columnist mentioned her book (which aside from the foreword has nothing to do with abuse) is because he saw an interview with her in it talking about the book on Park City TV. The book is the reason he even heard this story.
    He admitted this himself.
    I thought this editor did an injustice to victims everywhere by releasing this column with a "tale tale" tone to it.
    That was the only thing "LAME" about this article.
    I'm embarrassed to be human today having read some of the un supportive comments that are being written about this"

    And another....

    "I got very upset about that. I did not mean to be insulting. The issue is this... I happen to have done a lot of journalism in jails where I talked to three separate prisoners who confessed to me directly about how they would go about mentally programming children. I have heard it from the horse's mouth. Not the victim's mouths."

  36. Oh, and here's the letter to the editor Jason Freedman (Blake) wrote in to the Herald Journal in Teals defense. Copied below in case it's deleted too....


    To the editor:

    In response to the article titled “Claims of local torture cult got this editor’s attention,” featured March 27, I am appalled by the disbelieving tone of the article addressing the ritual abuse suffered by the subject of the aforementioned article, “Teal Scott.” I am a freelance journalist who has seen reports of ritual abuse in our state float across the desks of reporters and be ignored for 20 years. This ignorance to the validity of these stories is exactly why they continue to happen in our community. As a result of this article, I have researched Teal Scott myself only to find that she is not to be discredited. It is time that the citizens of Utah came out of ignorance about the ritual abuse (especially satanic ritual abuse) that continues to go on in the state and stood behind those who are brave enough to come out of hiding and say something about it.

    I say Bravo to such a daring individual and I disagree, Teal Scott does not deserve to end up in the opinion column, she deserves a supportive front page article.

    Jason Freedman

    Salt Lake City

  37. Just watching the live stream of workshop. It is all over the place. Some person posted: "bla bla is all I am hearing". I agree. Two hours into the workshop, 2 people on stage and the conversation has no structure.

  38. My confusion...I clicked a link to a comments only page, the heral journal article is still up.


    If you're watching the Livestream, Andara, can you call Jason Freedmans number and tell me if you hear Blakes cell phone go off? LOL

  39. What's funny about this is that I remember reading a number of these comments when I read the article and I hadn't grokked that it was just Blake. LOL

    Here's the money quote:

    "I thought this editor did an injustice to victims everywhere by releasing this column with a 'tale tale' tone to it.
    That was the only thing 'LAME' about this article."

    Somehow Mr. Freedman has managed to work as "free lance" journalist for 20 years without ever learning that journalists are supposed be at least a little circumspect. Unbiased reporting, anyone? Anyone? I know in the age Faux News and rest of Roger Ailes's empire such things as unbiased reporting are going the way of all things but even he would blush at the naked sycophancy of Mr. Freedman. (Full disclosure: Mr. Ailes and I are from the same home town. True story.)

    It thought the Herald Journal column was quite fair.

  40. This is just outrageous:

    "I happen to have done a lot of journalism in jails where I talked to three separate prisoners who confessed to me directly about how they would go about mentally programming children. I have heard it from the horse's mouth. Not the victim's mouths."

    Show me the money, Blake. Show me the clippings. Where are these articles?

    See, this is another one of those moments when I have to ask, are these two just low-rent con artists? The blatant lying doesn't really boost their credibility.

    I could be wrong. Blake could show up with links to an extensive journalistic portfolio of articles written under the pen name of Jason Freedman. And he might tell us all what it's like to go into prisons and talk to hardened criminals. And then, maybe he'll answer the questions I put to him weeks ago about how it is that their admin doesn't know better than to delete entire accounts in total opposition to their free speech policies. Still waiting on that one.

  41. Ima Guest emailed me still more documentation that it's Blake's number and pointed out that anyone who's talked to Blake on his cell -- as Ima Guest has and many tealers have -- should recognize the number.

    I think we can call it thoroughly documented at this point. What I can't believe is that he didn't think to use a different number when he was posing as a freed slave and "free lance" journalist. I mean, it's just so dumb.

  42. Golden Andara "I am still surprised that publishers like louise hay house publishing do not go for her book about self love."

    Wow she just announced that Hay House will publish her book about self love. That is a BIG STEP.

  43. Anyone else feeling existentially exhausted by these theology pimping cretins? I'm at the bookstore reading Anne Lamott's "Stitches" and highly recommend it for anyone who needs to detox from the soul draining enterprise of Teal Scott and her motley crew of YouTube prophets.
    Also recommend LV's investigation of James A Ray....

  44. Golden AnDara, I just googled and I see that Hay House has a self-publishing division.

    ......the only sane explanation.

  45. Hay House Self Publishing link


  46. We shall find out Hanalea - the logo will tell us. Thanks for the link to BALBOA PRESS. Very interesting option indeed.

  47. FYI: the links to the journal articles and opinions/comments pages that Myketa referenced above, from 2011--- with the hyper-defensive and highly suspect posts by both Blake SunDyer and Jason Freedman ( international journalist with the one article in his cv), and lord knows how many other pseudonymous impostors.

    Interestingly, there is one commentator who lives in Utah and claims to know of Teal's family, and who debunks the claim that Teal spent most of her childhood in a two room cabin without plumbing.
    The tireless expose' of the Teal charade has been going on since 2011...and yet the limping dog and pony show goes on. I guess I'm just naive to feel shocked by this. I stumbled upon Teal's videos in the sidebar of Abraham--- as someone possibly too susceptible to the outre new age notions which are now giving me great pause. I was initially intrigued by her precocious parroting, and have now wound up here in the sulfurous shadow house of this gangs sleazy exhibitionism and corruption.

    Here are the links-- depressing to ponder how blind ambition prospers



  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Thanks for the Link. I read the comments of ForestService and Jason Blake Freedman. It is so hard to say what is true or untrue. I read Teal's explanation about not outing her abuser and I have nothing to say. It is her choice. I just wonder why her parents hide or don't take own actions against this guy who they obviously know. I mean: when they found out (considering that they found out when Teal was hiding at Blake's place)...which mother or father wouldn't knock at the door of this guy and smash him to bits. I don't understand.

    If Teal's story is fully true, boy I pray for her that she fully recovers and I am amazed at her state of mind right now. If she came up with 80 % of it to use it for self promotion, to have a pitch for the media, boy, that is mental.

    I just can't know what is true or wrong. An interview with her parents would bring a lot of light into this but her parents are invisible.

  50. PS: I just noticed that the comment of the family's friend "Forestservice" and the comments by Blake Dyer "Jason Feedman" have similar style. One liners with capital letters. They both use the dots "..." - very suspicious.

  51. If I were a free lance journalist I would get an interview with teal's parents no matter what it took. I can't believe nobody has! Why would they remain silent? It makes no sense to me.

  52. Or a 'freelance journalist', hehehehe.

  53. ...or an interview with her brother Sky Bosworth.

    She says that she would like to be a spokesperson for the hidden ritual abuse or general abuse victims. How? During every interview I am confronted with the abuse story and my mind is full with horrible thoughts and imaginations (I can't stop visualizing). She stated in many interviews that most abuse victims will never recover, independent of the therapy. She is an exception. She stated that she will not name her abuser because she can get sued without enough evidence (that's hard), because he will get raped in the prison (i don't udnerstand) and because she can't face him during a trial right now ( I do understand). So I would like to know how exactly is she supporting the abuse victims and hidden ritual abuse victims. Not to forget that she gets very jealous about victims who make it easily into the media and catch a lucrative book deal.

    I never really understood her mission in that regard.

  54. Yeah! She and her brother were so close she had the symbol for his name tattooed on her finger, but he is not here supporting her?? Her parents aren't joining in her 'campaign to expose ritual abuse' when their own daughter was tortured like that and they know who did it?!?!?!?!? I'm not saying teal is a liar, but I am saying there is a skunk, maybe a whole community of skunks, in that woodpile.

  55. Teal's parents:



  56. You guys don't know how nice it is for me to share this all with you. When I discovered the Jason Freedman/Blake connection years ago, and had my suspicions on the JasonFreedman/Anonymousvictim/ForestService/Sundyer/Blake/Teal responses to the Herald Journal article three years ago, it was a story too involved to get across to anyone around me who wasn't familiar with the backstory, or interested in bouncing around the web to connect the dots.

    You guys are really great. I felt alone in my understanding of this con for a long time and on occasion, would search the web to see if anyone else was questioning these people along the same lines so that I could finally relate my story to people who would be interested.

    Imaguest, thanks for finding that number connection between Freedman/Teal. It made my day to see my claim independently verified. LaVaughn, Elena, Hanalea, Zigzagbuddha, Kevin, Marianne, there's too many people in these threads to mention, but you guys have given me a great outlet to share this story and feel like I was able to do my part in helping people see through the charade.

    LaVaughn, especially, thanks for writing these articles and providing the forum for the discussion.

  57. When I first found LaVaughns first blog regarding Teal, my first thought was, 'Uh oh, I know what's about to happen to her', based on what I'd seen occur in the Herald Journal article. Back then, Teal didn't have the following she does now, so they cooked up phony avatars to launch a barrage of shame, guilt, and shitty accusations at someone who fairly and honestly questioned her story.

    I don't think they've pulled the same trick here because now they can simply drag your name through a bit of mud and hold you up in front of her worshippers as some jelly bitch. They'll do the work of shaming and guilting you in her defense, as we've seen a handful of them try to do. I'm glad to see that only a handful came over to criticize you, because I thought it would be much worse.

    Hopefully, a lot of her worshippers have come here, read the thread and started thinking for themselves. Started seeing the connections, started realizing what is going on. I'm glad to hear you saved screenshots of the number match info, LaVaughn.

    One question, are you considering making your Teal blog series a trilogy? :) I think that many people may not make it far enough into the comments to get the Jason Freedman part of the story, and in my mind, besides the obvious suspicious nature of Teals bio, and criticisms that you raised in the second blog, I think this is the most conclusive proof that the whole enterprise is a scam.

  58. Wow Elena! Any freelance journalists out there to take advantage of this info?? How did you know her mother's name was Bobbie Cleave??? Maybe you should be a freelance journalist! I almost tossed off an email to Earth Tours requesting a tour with Bobbie Cleave myself! Hahahaha! I'm still tempted!!

  59. This Jason Freedman (whoever she or he is) is one of the most influential and effective journalists of all time. Just with a few comments on a few forums they have createthe whole teal phenomenom. Probably they themselves have created 6,000,000 views on Youtube?


  60. Thanks Myketa, it does seem to me that Jason Freedman is a name that Blake has used. I don't find the picture good enough to identify Blake from but the phone number evidence seems pretty convincing to me. And very interesting insights into the early years of Teal's teaching. I suppose you could put some of the rudeness and ignorance you experienced to the early elation of finding some special powers? I know I went through a phase of being quite obnoxious about Teal when I first discovered her :). There is a lot of nonsense talked about Quantum and M theory in the spiritual community I agree (I know enough about it to be very confused).

  61. Justin, thank you, too, and I will apologize for my rudeness towards you in the post above. I did feel that you were simply too in-deep with Teal to snap out of it, but it seems I underestimated you a bit.

    I agree the Chinese wall picture is a distant shot, but I'd worked with Blake long enough to recognize him, and like you, the phone number was the clincher. Since the picture wasn't convincing enough for me either, that's why I called the number and recognizing his voice, in conjunction with all else I'd seen, sealed the deal for me.

    The rudeness and ignorance I experienced? I'm not sure what you're referencing here, but if you're speaking to Teal's rudeness and ignorance when she told Mark that our conversation 'wasn't worth it', and the crazy lectures she gave, it was not due to her 'early elation of finding special powers'. Remember, she claims to have had these powers her whole life. She doesn't have special powers. She never did. It's all make-believe, and if you aren't willing to play make-believe with her, she doesn't like you and conversation with you is 'not worth it'. That's how she protects her make-believe.

    I'm glad that with the help of this forum, I've been able to illuminate you to some less-than-enlightened practices that they engaged in to quell questions at the beginning of her career. Protecting the make-believe as they took out into the world to make money off of it by shaming and guilting innocent people. Not exactly the tactics of a healing spirit, I'd say. And I'd encourage you to rethink your view of her as a healer/guru. She hurts people.

  62. Wow Elena. THanks for the links. I find this bit about her mother very interesting because Teal is referencing it always in the same way. Did they go together there?

    Over the last half decade, she has studied meditation and Qigong (an ancient Chinese form of moving meditation for healing and calming) in China, Viet Nam, and the USA as a tool to help students de-stress and connect with the natural environment. Being a wonderfully peaceful person, she was selected to join zen master Thich Nhat Hanh when he first returned to Viet Nam in 2006. As a licensed Qigong Instructor, Bobbie has taught meditation at Utah State University and other schools.

  63. Myketa, yes that is what I meant. There is an old saying that a prophet is not recognized in their homeland. I am quite sure that Teal's teachings have helped me enormously (some of them, some of them I think are not very good) and helped other people I know. And that is all I need to know.

  64. Elena, the third of those pages on teal's mother I had found when I was doing my initial research. No resemblance there, huh? She an Arcturian projection, too? I wonder. Hmmmm....

    The stuff on Ms. Cleave's Qigong practice connects a few dots, wouldn't you say? Studied in China. Huh. How 'bout that.

    I've been inclined to leave her parents out of much of this discussion. They've already been dragged through the mud by teal and her defenders.

    It's hard to separate truth from fabrication with teal and her associates Blake Dyer and Jason Freedman. But most of what teal has said about her youth and her relationship with her parents, up to and including the present, accords with her BPD. She has said she's a borderline and I think that, at least, is very likely. It's wholly consistent with her serial monogamy, her mood swings, her often abusive behavior and humiliation/demonization of those closest to her, her extensive psychiatric history, her suicidal ideation, her self mutilation (cutting), her dislike of being alone, her extreme sensitivity...

    All of this can be explained by that one diagnosis. Borderline is not well understood but there seems to be at least some biological component. In some cases it exhibits from a very early age and in perfectly average families. I've known of at least two cases of a BPD child within the context of loving, normal homes. What dysfunction there was largely revolved around the volatility of the borderline child.

    Here's one scenario that keeps occurring to me. A borderline girl is taken by her family to one therapist after another with little to no relief. Particularly in the time frame in question, no one wanted to treat borderlines because they couldn't. Often there's reluctance to diagnose it because it's so hopeless. Now, if you're lucky, they refer you to a specialist in BPD. So young teal gets no help. She's in horrible, excruciating, unrelenting emotional pain. She learns of this thing they're calling Satanic Ritual Abuse by watching Geraldo or something. God it was everywhere in the 80s and 90s before it was largely debunked. Such a thing could justify her extraordinary pain. Boderlines split very dramatically. Things are very black and white and their "enemies" being the living embodiment of evil comes up more often than you might think.

    She adopts/fabricates that scenario. Now her life and incredible emotional pain and erratic behavior all make sense. There's an identifiable culprit. We all like those. Makes it all seem fairer somehow than just a strange, inexplicable twist of genetic fate. And what's more, she's here in this life to do something incredibly special because only some extraordinary fate could possibly justify her suffering. Now her misery is the hero's journey. It is explained, it has purpose, and moves toward resolution.

    And her parents might just be relieved that she's more or less self-sufficient and enjoying the peace and quiet of some geographic and even emotional distance from a daughter who made their lives an unrelenting drama. I wouldn't be too hard on them, if that were the case. I've seen what the loved ones of borderlines go through. It's really rough.

    Not saying this is what happened. Just spitballin.'

  65. I agree with your assessment, LaVaughn, though I do think that Teal suffered some real abuse as a child which she is unwilling to confront. I don't believe BPD just happens magically, I think there is some real trauma there.

    Otherwise, the 80's satanic abuse accusation wave is where I also think many of her fantasies arose from.

  66. Mykeyta, I don't know if she was abused or not. How would I know? But BPD is considered bio-psycho-social. It does seem to come out of nowhere and exhibit very early in some cases. And in many cases the effect is not remotely equal to whatever causation or triggers there may be. A person doesn't need to be abused to act like teal, is what I'm saying. We all like to think psychological issues can be traced back events and traumas but it just ain't always the case. It's not always explainable. Life can be really unfair.

  67. I remember a guy called "Ben" crashing Teal's online live stream during the workshop yesterday. I tried to find out more about him and found this comment which pretty much summarizes the 1000 comments and both articles

    "Teal Scott is a dangerous woman frankly. I say with compassion that Teal Scott is mentally unstable and would benefit immensely from continuing her psychological treatment with someone who specializes in her disorders. She is a narcissistic, sociopath with Dissociative Identity Disorder coupled with Borderline Personality Disorder and is currently suffering from delusions of Grandeur. Its sad to say that the woman you see on her weekly YouTube channel and monthly workshops attempting to dispense life wisdom with such authority is only a temporary show of one of her 12 alter personalities. "The Spiritual Catalyst" that is packaged and presented for your viewing pleasure each week for 10- 20 minutes on YouTube or a few hours during her workshops is in no way an accurate representation of the Teal Scott that predominately runs the show in her daily life. When the camera cuts, she "flips a switch" and its lights out for The Spiritual Catalyst. Behind the scenes, her other personalities are completely running amuck. Her personal life is a well documented tale of lurid dysfunction and manipulation. At best I would say she is an amazing marketer with an extreme penchant for exaggeration... At worst, I would call her a pathological liar... But sadly... I'm convinced she believes her own fantastical stories that she has surely spent years creating/recreating in her head. Her delusions of world fame are being fed by the enabling leeches who are living so close to her at the moment. The co-dependent Blake Dyer being KEY among them. She has her own cult following for now, which mainly consists of lost and vulnerable people captivated by a pretty woman with a messiah complex. These fanatical followers (though many may be highly intelligent) are of a highly susceptible nature. These people are often too fragile and too hypnotized by the sparkly packaging to question Teals story and realize their newly adopted belief systems are built upon a pack of lies and deceptions. Teal is surprisingly adept at garnering sympathy. feigned transparency and vulnerability that Teal wields like a weapon to suit her purposes."



  68. Teal had some very interesting new twists yesterday which made me giggle because - I have to lift my hat for her smartness - she is one clever woman.

    AT one point a very confused appearing woman asked her how to find her own group of helpers etc because she is "gifted" as Teal is. They are having a long conversation all over the place without any presence of wisdom, isights etc. At some point Teal points out that she should be aware of people who try to be with her to get something of her:

    It starts in the video Atlanta Part 2 around 55 min into it. A lot of blabla until 58min, Teal getting bored, shaking unpatiently her foot

    "you are finding more people that care about you than they care about themselves. So this is an interesting pattern that is happening. What is happening: they are coming into your life and by virtue of being around you they are caused to care more about themselves… so they are changing priorities… blablablabla…. (at 1:00:37) This is what many people don't understand about Blake because it is easy to see him… he is one of the most lovable people, he is so allowing. And it is easy to push him the one way or the other so people think he is totally under control and that kind of stuff. But the reality is: I would fire him today if it wasn't for the fact that this stuff makes him happier than anybody. ……this is what brings him joy. He is not doing it for Teal. If he would do this for me it would be very short term… and what you will notice. People who really love it for themselves you don't need to motivate them. I don't need to motivate Graciella to make me food, I don't need to motivate Blake to be here at 6 o'clock in the morning. You don't need to motivate people who are in it for themselves. And those are people who you want in your team. But that takes a very keen eye to pay attention because a lot of people will say that they are in it for themselves but they aren't. They are there because you offer them something very valuable - significance . people call that ""sicafont"" (don't understand the word) mentality. They get that around people who have fame.. THE ONLY REASON THEY ARE NEAR YOU IS THEY WANT SIGNIFICANCE. But when they find out that you are the one that gets significance from their efforts it's no longer gonna work. so what you gotta do when you recognize those people…it's to convince them of their own significance and send them on their way. "

    Wow - remember when many comments pointed out that she is whispering into Tealer's ears that she loves them and that they know each other from there and there and that they are on this and that mission to help her. It is a wonderful manipulation strategy to get money from people or to attach them to her as a "volunteer" etc. It was highly criticized here. Now talking about reverse psychology. And of course: damage control in regards to Blake who is seen as her puppet, on and off lover. I do believe that Blake gets his motivation from the place of true belief that his all happened to Teal - and there is some greater invisible deal in the background which we will never find out.

  69. So, Golden Andara, it sounds like what she's saying is to surround yourself with enough people who are codependent enough that their happiness and sense of purpose is derived entirely from supporting/enabling someone else. Hey, so long as everybody's happy.

    So, wait a minute, someone crashed her event?

  70. The online live stream got crashed by Ben, screaming she is a fake etc. Refering to your blog as well. Blake then asked him who he was. Then he and his comments disappeared. Everybody online was pretty teal drunk at this stage and did not react towards Ben. Of course.

  71. Oh myyyyy.... "teal drunk"... lol

  72. From Teal's new post:

    "This group which is being called the “Tealers” is the most open minded, eccentrically intellectual group I have ever beheld. "

    Hahahahaha!!!!!! Oh myyyyyy...

  73. LaVaughn, that was an interesting scenario about a borderline girl!
    And yes, she bears a striking resemblance to her mother (only her mom looked very nice without any make-up, a healthy natural glow instead and...wait, is it a bra strap I'm seeing?!). She did specify her parents and DNA were carefully chosen before manifesting into the physical. Celtic witch and British aristocracy bloodlines serving her well and helping to achieve the main goals of this project "Saving Earth" ( Another quote from her post today: " I think it is now my favorite part of holding these workshops. Long-term friendships are formed. People find their place to belong. And I get to witness the fact that this world is in good hands. All across the globe, they form a supportive web of awakening. They touch the lives of the people in the cities they live in. It is like a little legion of enlightened spirits, whose practice is that of non-resistance and expansion." No comment, LOL).

    Teal also looks like her father ( his picture from the infamous, now missing Oedipus complex post). So I don't know how her parents could possibly joke often about Teal being switched at birth which had caused so much pain for the little girl ( shared that with us so we would pity poor suffering Teal even more) . Except of course, she wasn't much into that rustic lifestyle they were leading, so they'd say she was better suited to be a daughter of an upscale couple from New York. Well, and wouldn't Teal herself preferred that much more? Such an oversight on part of her Arcturian council!!

    Golden Andara, thank you for being a reporter and covering her workshop for us! Well done:-)

  74. I think the reason Teal is not choosing "an easier route" to get money by marrying some rich fool, as suggested by Justin, is that she doesn't want for someone to control or rule her life. And she would not settle for a role of a devoted wife only, it's simply not her nature, she'd be bored to death, and she wouldn't tolerate to be in someone's shadow. She is too ambitious, competitive and intelligent for that. She is not only after money, but also after fame, recognition, love and adoration from as many faceless strangers as possible. Just a husband wouldn't suffice. She craves attention, maybe because as a child she felt she didn't get enough from her parents, I am not sure. Marianne, an actress is just a marionette, Teal doesn't want anymore to read someone's script and to be told what to do. Now she wants to be the chief, the director, the mastermind behind her own expanding organization. And the role of being "a teacher", "a New Age leader", a survivor, a noble saviour is so appealing and more honorable in the public's eye than that of just an actress ( provided she'd ever make it, or past day time soap operas). This whole enterprise is giving her ton's of ego satisfaction. It keeps her going, it is exciting and entertaining, always coming up with new developments, turns and twists. It's a game and her own show. Makes life worthwhile and meaningful for her.

    Justin, are you 100% sure your life has improved since following the teachings? Do you have any real tangible results or is Teal just temporarily distracts you from whatever problems you were facing?

  75. Zigzagbuddha, and why don't you go on that tour and be our agent provocateur, lol? You are interested in Qigong too, right? Might have one hell of a time in any case, hahahaha!!!

  76. Wow. Just saw the new blog--- Teal clearly didn't get the memo from the fifth dimension about the offensiveness of speaking in racial stereotypes.
    Seriously?? This one should be filed in the same folder with the Teal core belief that African women are not considered as globally attractive as white women.
    And did everyone enjoy the vivid descriptions of Teal being rubbed down, naked, and spreading her legs? Did we need another airbrushed nude model offering a rail-thin, unattainable ideal of feminine perfection to usher in the elevation of Earth?. Does Teal and Co. use sex to sell their purloined potpourri of ideas? No, obviously, it's the brilliant strings of stereotypes and cliches that makes her stuff so intoxicating.
    The Acturians who are guiding Teal to teach the earthlings to see the world from their higher perspective are oddly provincial and pedestrian in their choice of enlightening messages, no?

  77. The Acturian connection is a belief that gets planted by spiritual air heads. It can never be documented and is artfully vague. The advanced technological information that should be available to such people is notably absent. Bashar predicted perpetual motion machines based on the pyramid structure 22 years ago. Nothing has shown up. All his predictions are vague and he rationalizes it using probability theory.

  78. Hahaha Hanallea!! Well, Teal prides herself on her ability of being able to tap into her auditory's state of mind/ LOC and address them at the level most easily understood. So, you know, it is because we, primitive earthlings, are so "provincial and pedestrian", we do live in the outskirts of even our Galaxy, not to mention some prime location of a Universal capital...They need to tailor and dumb their messages down for us to be interested and to be able to perceive the great wisdom...


  79. Teal wrote in her blog "visit to a korean-spa": "This group which is being called the “Tealers” is the most open minded, eccentrically intellectual group I have ever beheld."

    Now you know why all Tealers are drug addicts. This teal booze fills them up with significance.

    Elena: "Such an oversight on part of her Arcturian council!! "


    Elena:"Golden Andara, thank you for being a reporter and covering her workshop for us! Well done:-)"

    I didn't plan to be a reporter. I was listening to all her other workshops but was still on a teal high then. The effidence of this blog pulled me into LaVaughn rehab but I still am very curious about the mysterious life of Teal Swan. The 5 people who were picked based on the law of coresonance with the audience were very strange and her five Live "Consulting" session (she probably earned again around 15.000 dollars minimum for Teal eye, Teal private or her foundation which name already existed) all over the place, unstructured and unsatisfying to me. In some of her past workshops I felt very uplifted but that could be due to my signs of withdrawal being silenced by the teal presence ha, being able to see the online-image-presence of Teal in full body, moving, breathing, talking, JOKING, taking off the high heels. Anyway: The worst workshop of all but surely a big success for her.

    Hanalea: "And did everyone enjoy the vivid descriptions of Teal being rubbed down, naked, and spreading her legs?"

    Of course: Teal needed to sell some new phantasies to her male Tealers. So transparent. I am getting more and more annoyed by her "straight into the face" techniques.

    The way how she communicates with her "Tealers" got me thinking.
    She is actually mixing spiritual followers with the famous groupy behaviour of stars.
    She is the first version of a guru star. Never heard people like buddha, R. Marharshi, Ram Dass etc talking about "their fans". Always heard Musicians, actors & actresses celebrating their fans.

    She is a guru star with a twitter account. Today every star needs to show their private life.
    She is a new business model.

  80. Oh crap. I guess I'm going to have to read the latest from teal. I'm getting emails about it, too. All right, I shall roll up my sleeves... and maybe my pant legs and get 'er done.

  81. Oh gods, there are descriptions of her being rubbed up and down. I'm gonna need a cup of tea or something. I wish I drank. Well, ahem, here goes.

  82. Hahahaha!! LaVaughn, I rarely drink, but I'm on my second glass of red I usually reserve for guests or cooking!

  83. Disclaimer: Of course I wouldn't blame Teal only for becoming an alcoholic with a a back problem. I'm stranded inside due to yet another snow storm. This winter darkness begin to seep into my soul, it seems to last forever.

    Good luck over there, I haven't read the spa part yet! Intrigued:-)

  84. Wow. That was... so much worse than I expected. She really has no idea how racist she comes across does she.

    And, I'm sorry, the women are like ice cream flavors? Really? Not too objectifying.

    Wow. Just wow.

  85. Elena, zigzag and Andora: really love your comments.

    Lol. Take your time, LeVaughn. So much supernatural enlightenment to mine.
    I think we're all going to grab our binoculars and get ready to ready to hear the full orchestra...

  86. Wow...............ice cream flavour. And before women were compared to cars ranging from Hondas to Ferrari ( My Love Life Post).

    Hanalea, your comments are all pieces of literary art! I would say it's at LaVaughn Salon where "open minded, intellectual", sensible and witty group has gathered. So refreshing!

  87. "I would say it's at LaVaughn Salon where 'open minded, intellectual', sensible and witty group has gathered. So refreshing!"

    As long as you don't start calling yourselves LaVaughners, I'm good with that.

    What invariably kills me about her planetary mission is that she always makes it sound like she's the first person who ever thought of it.

    "All across the globe, they form a supportive web of awakening. They touch the lives of the people in the cities they live in. It is like a little legion of enlightened spirits..."

    Uuhhh.. Harmonic convergence, Solara's 11:11 events all over the world... Need I go on? How many groups have been forming intentional consciousness grids around the planet for how many years?!! She is standing on the shoulders of giants and she won't refer to any of them. There's TEAL and her tealers, and here they come to save the day!

  88. It is necessary to create an ego sucking identity for the people who will make her rich.

  89. "As long as you don't start calling yourselves LaVaughners, I'm good with that." Ha!
    No, I'm still a Tealer. I love being one of her mini-me's

  90. Elena> So true. I'm surprised she didn't enlighten us about her place in the ice cream flavor hierarchy. Can we guess? She wouldn't be the cherry on top, would she? Too bad most of us are just plain-jane chocolates and vanillas...
    Can she maybe co-opt some more retro-insulting analogies--- comparing women to flavors and cars is fun, but maybe she could spice it up a bit. I think some eleventh dimensional misogyny would really turbo-boost our deviant YouTube leaps towards higher consciousness.

  91. Hanalea, "eleventh dimensional misogyny..." LOL -- But I gotta tell ya, I'm not likin' these Arcturians. They're racist, sexist, lookist agenda -- not sure how good this is for the planet.

    All I know is, I wanna be rum raisin 'cause it's my favorite. And it's a spicy, unusual flavor with a lot of nuance. And rare. Very hard to find rum raisin. (I know a place. ;- ) Yeah, I'd definitely wanna be rum raisin. I mean if I have to be reduced to a consumable product.

  92. LaVaughn & Co I was wondering what your thoughts are about the process invented by Byron Katie? I know that Teal was promoting it a lot.

  93. I don't know a whole lot about Byron Katie. I only became aware of her when I was blogging the James Ray trial. I know she's another one who does that completely reckless homeless exercise. James Ray managed to lose someone to suicide or murder or... it's all very unclear. Anyway, it's a completely irresponsible idea. Everything I read about her at the time made me think she's about as dangerous as Ray, though I haven't heard of deaths on her watch to date. Here's a description, though, and it sounds crazy to me. http://guruphiliac.blogspot.com/2008/02/byron-katie-is-either-going-to.html

    I know she's another one who is very much on the radar of cult watchers.

    Here's what I don't get. If teal wanted to do shadow work with her "family" why not use the Debbie Ford material? It's very accessible, safe, and uncrazy.

  94. Lol. Well, I'd imagine if Teal were less self important and humorless, she'd say that since we all agree we are going to be consumed and objectified on our way to the big spiritual ascension, she's going to be the empty cone. A sugary geometric, magically entraining confection full of illuminating bullshit and neoplatonic mystery. No, wait. she's going to change her mind. Hold on. She's going to be the napkin, the holy ghost of napkins, the quantum, cosmic, super-white supremist cleaner-upper. Earth needs her. No, forget it. She's just gong to be the foremost spiritual catalyst and wiccan queen of the new age. She resonates with that. Why should she agree to be a cone or a napkin. Hey, all you co-dependent sprinkles and wannabe jelliebellies. She's Jesus and Madonna and the Holy Ghost--- and the napkin! Or she's not playing anymore.

  95. rotflmao -- the holy ghost of napkins... Oh, I needed that.

  96. Am reading the blog about Byton Katie--- wow. Thanks for sharing the link. These are useful.
    I went to an Abraham workshop once, but it was just Abraham on stage "playing" with the people who volunteered to be in her hotseat. She also ended her session with the suspiciously flattering footnote that we were the most high-vibrational audience she had yet encountered in all her years of work-shopping around the globe. But she didn't refer to us as Abe-ers.
    I am so relieved to have let go of the "ornery" LOA doctrine that I am wholly responsible for every truly awful thing that happens in my field of awareness because I stupidly vibrated the wrong note,or thought the wrong thought.
    That's just too heavy a load to carry around.... and it made me feel like such a weak-minded failure, since I was always vibrating emotional swamps and personal catastrophes during those years.

  97. Hahahahahaha!!!! I do need a napkin badly- to wipe my eyes and cheeks from laughing to tears!
    Rum n raisin...Mmmmmnn

  98. Elena--- I love that you convey such a generous and open personality online--- I am still struggling with the strange dynamic of posting-- I don't spend much time on message boards, so I am glad to have your lovely persona as a model

    and I think LV is definitely spicy with nuance.


  99. Thanks LaVaughn for the link. I feel like a spiritual hitchhiker. And it is exhausting. I started with buddhism - tried really hard to get read of desire and make peace with the fact that life is suffering.

    I didn't feel home.

    I studied "The course in miracle" but still can't handle god, my son and jesus stuff.

    I didn't feel home

    I studied UG Krishnamurti and became really depressed.

    I didn't feel home.

    Abraham hicks took me for a ride and it sounded so amazing, full in control, exciting, but there still was no money. I've must have done something wrong.

    I still didn't feel home.

    I studied Ramana Marharshi, loved his eyes and words but got annoyed with the impossible answer of the always present question "Who am I"

    I still didn't feel home.

    I stumbled across Byron Katie, felt a bit of silence for a while, a horrible relationship turned into a wonderful one with some twists in the thought structure but it always ended with me creating all these horrible things I see. I felt exhausted and people could rob me and I turned it into receiving a gift. I felt very messed up

    I didn't feel home.

    I came along a sex kitten Teal Scott talking about the akashic records and she got me excited for a while because she linked some dots for me and I seemed to understand. I got emotionally involved in her ever present horrible private life and found myself being drawn into a kind of reality watch of Teal Scott, the content became more and more empty, dark vibes, abuse images in my mind from listening to the detailed torture description during her millions of interviews. I learned that she wants fame and money and I felt messed up.

    I still didn't feel home.

    I came along Rubert Spira and Ram Dass and right now I like it because he refers to the heart and points out confusing actions of the projecting mind.

    That spiritual search for answers, for the cause of life and for a beautiful way of living SUCKS.

    oh I just read my comment and it sounds really depressing ha. :D I don't feel depressed, just confused. Does it mean I am sick of teachings and teachers or does it mean: Stop asking questions.

  100. Hanalea Z your english is so smart and twisted that I always need a dictionary... and miss out on the jokes. anyway... it sounds funny.

  101. I forgot to mention:
    I came along Benjamin Smythe - LOVING this guy. He is craaazyyy.

  102. Thank you, Hanalea. I'm not always so "generous", all my comments had been deleted from Teal's blog pages at some point, hehe, and I got blocked. Maybe they'll do it again to my new user name account, after my latest comment I just posted there, which is going to remind them of that hidden now Oedipus complex entry, the weirdest of them all. I've only started to "experiment" with commenting online a few months ago, I was "triggered" to open my mouth thru my fingertips under a certain Youtube video. I usually stay away from too much cyber networking, I don't even have a Facebook account. But this Teal mystery unraveling got me somewhat addicted, I must confess. Tell me, why is it, do you think, that it seems hell and its complicated and contradictory occupants always hold more fascination than heaven's saintly and angelic figures to majority?

  103. Andora,
    Lovely post. True honesty and courage-- and I think we all can definitely relate to the zigzagging quest for something that holds together-- you clearly have a poet's soul and are learning as you go... No, I don't think you can stop asking questions---even if you tried.

    Now I'm quoting Anne Lamott quoting Augustine:
    "the search for God is to have found God... because the belief we hold in the existence of another world opens this space within us"--

    I also like this sweet, Lamottian metaquote from Ram Dass on the meaning of life:
    "Ultimately we are all just walking each other home"

    So simple and true.

  104. Well, I am just blown away by these comments. Golden Andara, that was amazing. And I so relate.

    Hanalea, love it. And so love the Augustine quote. Beautiful.

    Helena, I read your comment on teal's blog. It's there. For now. And, WTF, but I can't believe the racism. Not just hers, either. Staggering.

  105. Golden Andara, loved your post!
    Oh, that never ending existential angst...Maybe it's so confusing because we are looking for the external sources to our answers and they are within us to dicover, as they say...

  106. Elena: "Tell me, why is it, do you think, that it seems hell and its complicated and contradictory occupants always hold more fascination than heaven's saintly and angelic figures to majority?"

    I don't know-- I really don't. Let's ask Teal???
    Some people argue it's because it's biologically advantageous for us to pay attention to the things that might be dangerous-- because if we concentrate mostly on all the benign things, we'll miss the tigers and sadists lurking in the shadows.
    Then there's the idea of "contrast" as explained by Teal and Abe, and all the many sages before them that these two draw upon, as the clay that we use to shape, create and describe our reality...
    None of this is a sat9ssfying explanation to me,.... since it seems a very brutish and primitive plotline, both as a blueprint for survival or as roundabout way of co-creating one-ness and bliss.

    LeVaughn, can you please weigh in here? We are all just waiting for your return, like Vladimir and Estragon...

    I wish I could shed my annoying English Major's skin--- but its so sticky and subversive and refuses to budge. I have a very limited mind, really--- very narrow experiences. I just have read many novels and lived in books too long.
    I was mesmerized by Teal too--- her voice can put me to sleep! Is that part of her attraction--- she wears us out?

    Wish I could be more help as a guru, but I'm just another fool with a shaky compass, trying to figure out which way is north...

  107. I will tell you, Elena, that that is the conclusion I came to. When religion is working, it's leading you in, not out. It's "opening space" as Augustine apparently said. Karen Armstrong says it's to "tip" us into the experience of the numinous. Beware of spiritual leaders who makes it all about them. And this is precisely why teal is dangerous.

  108. Yep. I know what you mean, LaVaughn......

  109. "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. " ~ Carl Jung

    I like figures of light, too, but there's a limit.

    Honestly I found that it was only after I peeled away many layers that I could really appreciate angels. Now I can lose myself in revery. I once lost time in a Target because they had a particularly lovely angel lawn ornament. I just went away. I must have looked like a crazy person.They pull me as I imagine they did Rilke, which is one reason I love Rilke.

    But I didn't get to that point by staring at angels all day. I got there by learning to be present with my pain because you can't comprehend angels until you are prepared to be deconstructed. "Every angel is terrifying." ~ Rilke

  110. Hanalea, I made you for an English major right off. ;- Takes one to know one, I guess.

    And bwahahahaha: "I don't know-- I really don't. Let's ask Teal???"

  111. Wow, thank you for your insights, Hanalea and LaVaughn. So interesting, I'm enjoying this a lot! Nice quotes, LV. Hanalea, don't shed your English Major skin just yet, I can learn a few fancy words still, as I'm trying to shed my English as a Second Language skin hehe. "Let's Ask Teal!" Hahahahah!!!!

    Golden Andara, you poetic passages have reminded me of a thoughtful comment posted by Bianca in the beginning of this thread. I am re- posting it here:

    "I was thinking about how defensive people get on the whole Teal subject, and why that is... It occurs to me that maybe it's because in a way she gives a lot of people hope. People hear her story and feel empowered by it, if she can "beat those odds" maybe they can too.

    I think they start to get angry because they might feel betrayed by Teal when the story starts to fall apart, and that hopeless feeling starts to return. That's probably a space a lot of people don't want to go back to, so they live in denial about the story crumbling, but they still have to direct that anger somewhere.

    Somehow the phrase "Don't shoot the messenger" comes to mind. A lot of people are taking this stuff very personally and it might be a good idea to ask why that is?

    I was just thinking about my thought process through all of this, how my emotions came into play when I was trying to figure out where I stand on all this Teal stuff.

    Teal attracts a lot of people who are seeking answers and help and feel a little alienated from mainstream sources, and I think a lot of them are generally really good people who are just looking for help.

    Maybe what's required is a change of focus, or at least an addition to it; something that will restore that sense of hope? Maybe you could look at it like a Teal rehab of sorts :P People are going to Teal to fill something inside that's missing. When that gets taken away, what do you fill it with? I saw you mention Maryann Williamson before, when I checked her out I found her words to be very uplifting, thank you for that,

    I guess I'm asking, what else has helped you, what gives you hope? What inspires you? What's helped you grow as a person?

    I'm curious about what resources you trust that you would direct people to if they wanted better themselves, but didn't necessarily know where to go?"

  112. . Elena, I think you dug up the post that really does offer a clear synopsis of the dilemma we all feel... when we accept that the outside voices telling us what is true, and how to proceed from where we are are always fallible and inconsistent.

  113. Goodnight, Hanalea, it was a pleasure having what felt like a live conversation with you.. may your dreams be filled with sweet light beings hehe.
    Guys, check out the new comment by ADMIN addressing racism over at Teal's.

  114. Egads.

    "I do not think it is in bad taste to expose what we dislike about a specific race or culture or what we like about them."

    Proving, once again, that she does not get it.

    It's like those people who think saying that black people have rhythm isn't racist because it's a compliment. If you're defining people by their race and attributing attributes, pro or con, to entire races, you're being racist. Dear God.

    Her husband is Asian, btw. India. It's in Asia.

    "Asians in general are not gentle with bodies." So would that include "Sarbs?" Hmmmm....

    Oh, and as an aside, kind of funny, isn't it, the way teal and Blake are ADMINs when they want to be and very aware of what's going on with angry comments, EXCEPT when they're really not involved in the running of the blog and rogue admins are deleting people's entire blog histories.

  115. LaVaughn, but Teal did specify that when it comes to men she likes them rough and domineering! hehe

    Oh yeah...it is kinda funny (your last paragraph)

  116. "This group which is being called the “Tealers” is the most open minded, eccentrically intellectual group I have ever beheld. I think it is now my favorite part of holding these workshops. Long-term friendships are formed. People find their place to belong."

    If 'Tealers' are "the most open minded, eccentrically intellectual group [Teal has] ever beheld," all I can suppose is she can't have experienced many stimulating groups. My experience of the vast majority of 'Tealers' was as a group of highly suggestible, uneducated, narrow-minded sheeple, desperate for some way to relieve their suffering. I say narrow-minded as many of them are willing to swallow New Age teachings whole, but the majority of those I encountered didn't seem to be able to evaluate these teachings or have the breadth of view required to tolerate people with differing ideas.

    If Teal's whole philosophy is based on oneness, then don't we all belong everywhere? If oneness is truth, then how does it serve anyone to differentiate between the qualities of 'Tealers' and 'non-Tealers'? If Teal truly believes her teaching of oneness, why does she directly and indirectly refer to those who are interested in her as an elite group?

    I can relate to a lot of the comments here about seeking from different sources. I have had a similar experience. I can see the base of these experiences is a lack of trust in myself, my judgement, my perception and intuition. I have recently realised that it's following my judgement, perception and intuition that has yielded the most positive rewards - the things I most appreciate in my life. I will never stop asking questions, but I am determined to use my judgement, perception and intuition to arrive at answers as I need them. I feel it's also important to cultivate present-moment awareness so those answers are not solidified into limiting opinions and viewpoints.

  117. "This group which is being called the “Tealers” is the most open minded, eccentrically intellectual group I have ever beheld. I think it is now my favorite part of holding these workshops. Long-term friendships are formed. People find their place to belong."

    "Cults recruit those who are confused and looking for a new place"

    I think whoever wrote the top paragraph really means to say they have found their CULT. Not one of these drones would stand up at a work shop with all the evidence here in these blogs and challenge Teal. They would rather surrender their crystals and lay them at her feet. Blake, I find you extremely evasive and your evasiveness stems directly from the fact you cannot defend yourself against the accusations here and neither can Teal. You are manipulators and compulsive liars who exercise damage limitation with every new revelation by trying to cover your tracks.

    One day someone will stand up at one of your work shops and publicly call you on your lies. The stench of dishonesty is not leaving any of you. A lot of the 'Tealers' are sadly a bit thick and they have lost the ability to analyze what they have been taught and see gaping holes maybe canyons of error in Teals teachings.

    I cannot off hand think of a current modern day spiritual teacher that has drawn such bad publicity. Surely no one can be suggesting we're making shit up when it is backed up by solid evidence. I only slightly feel sorry for some of the 'Tealers' who I see as limited in intelligence and not so much eccentrically intellectual. If you can read this entire blog and still not 'get it' you deserve your fate.

    If finding you place in life is being involved with a woman's business career then follow her, it's harvest time and you're all being harvested and you make a fine crop.

  118. Oh, I don't know... Let's consider that many of those commenting here are former tealers. There are many reasons that people would be drawn into cultish groups like this. Many highly intelligent and well-educated people get taken by cult leaders and con artists everyday. You never know how easy it is to get pulled into one of these situations until you're on your way out of it. And when you're in it, you'll defend it with everything you have. It's the nature of the thing. I'm sure that many of teal's current followers are wonderful people with very high aspirations for themselves and for the planet. Maybe they, too, will find their way out. Maybe they won't. But don't underestimate teal's ability to leverage their goodness for her own aims. Because that is how it works, my friends.

  119. I was apparently very tired last night and posted a comment to the wrong blog post. How I did that I do not know, but I'm going to repost it where it belongs.


    Hanalea, this is why I ultimately had to weigh in on the LOA stuff. I had too many clients who were beating themselves up for not attracting perfect lives. And for doing crazy, self-destructive things like getting sick. The Secret is the worst of the bad. The Abraham stuff I'm less familiar with but what I have looked at I didn't like. Like this bit here: http://celestialhealing.blogspot.com/2011/06/does-james-ray-disprove-law-of.html

  120. "If you can read this entire blog and still not 'get it' you deserve your fate."

    Seems really harsh Glen.

    We all are doing the best of our abilities. We all have been through things no one else has been through. We all have our own unique trials.

    I've been waking up to the Teal Scott deception one onion level at a time. Not easy at all. Much easier to judge from the sidelines than when actually in the "game". Even when we see "some" deception - You don't just wake up and chuck it all! -- it is impossible. You don't know what to chuck and what to keep. Very frikn tough! What is true? Do you know??? I think not...

    How about we try to extend compassion instead of "you deserve it" attitude. If they "got" it - they would be in a different place, right?

    I agree with LaVaughn here - intelligence does not necessarily save a person from being hypnotized/brainwashed into a cult. Look at all the religions in the world. Cults? I think so...

  121. @Ima Guest.

    I'm sorry if it seems harsh for me to say that. I say it from the point of view that the unawakened who uphold the lie also like to attack those that are trying to wake people up like La Vaughn.

    There comes a point in time when people become unreachable and persist in defending the indefensible. What other lesson can they be given to wake them up except to be the energetic fodder for the fame hungry self appointed leaders of the new age. I think some people wish to be duped rather than face up to the facts.

    You can't reach people who are unwilling to take a look and see another perspective like this blog has exposed. There are a lot of bumptious, arrogant people out there who are intolerant to this blog until kingdom come. The staunch attitudes might mean they share the same characteristics as their leader. In that respect it's hard to be sympathetic, especially when they will insist on ignoring the blatancy of the evidence time and time and time again.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. LV "Her husband is Asian, btw. India. It's in Asia. "

    So is Russia but it would be an odd person who referred to president Putin as an Asian!? India is part of what is called the 'sub-continent'. Many people refer to Oriental people as 'Asians' which is not very clear but common enough. Considerring the context was in a *Korean* Sauna then surely this should have been clear enough?

    As to racism this is a thorny issue. I think the whole idea of human beings coming in various 'races' is completely wrong myself. I suspect Teal is more referring to a Geographical and Cultural Area rather than a racial one.

  124. Elane "Justin, are you 100% sure your life has improved since following the teachings?"

    Yes I am. I think looking from the outside not much has changed actually. It has only been about 8 months that I have known about Teal's teachings. It is inside that I notice the change. Using Byron Katie's The Work, and other Shadow Work processes, that Teal introduced to me, has really helped me rid myself of some silly thinking patterns. Some of the other exercises she has recommended have worked well for me as well and I feel much more in touch with my feelings and my 'inner child' (and am better able to take care of that side of myself). Non-resistance has also been a useful technique in some instances for me. Overall I am quite a bit happier in myself (and I would have said I considerred myself pretty happy before) and I can feel that these tools are helping me progress further on a regular basis. Also I like the community that Teal is attracting around herself. I have never come across so many open-minded, positive, supportitive people in my life before. Finally having people to discuss ideas around spirituallity is great. Most people in my previous experience were either closed off to spirituality or commited to some ideas that seemed very wrong to me (churches etc). The Tealers I know personally are not slavish followers of Teal and we often discuss things about her teachings we don't agree with and worries we have about her personally as well occaisionally.

    As far as external indications of change I did manifest £500 AFAICT through visualisation. Also people are often saying to me I've lost weight and that is also down to visualisation (a technique I actually learned from a friend, that seems to have been enhanced by some of Teal's ideas, I haven't changed my diet that I know of). However I must say I have been mainly concentrating on internal things as I tend to think that external will take care of themselves and in general I am happy with the way my life is going.

  125. I've been reading along and Imaguest I agree with you. Maybe I wasn't completely "sucked" into it all yet, but I can't help feeling compassion for TS no matter which way it goes. If she is lying, I feel very sorry for her that she felt that she had to deceive to such a degree, and if she isn't lying, I feel very sorry for her for obvious reasons. I'm very empathetic and compassionate by nature and I have a strong intuition like many people who are in touch with their feelings. My intuition tells me that there is some truth to the story of abuse, but that it has been exaggerated and that some of it has probably been fabricated. I agree with Imaguest when he/she says that it is difficult, and it is difficult because some of her teachings (whether hers originally,or someone else's, did "connect some dots" for me too) I hadn't followed any other new age teacher before, but there is a lot in the teachings that just make more sense to me than traditional religions. However, if there is love in the new age, then there can be forgiveness rather than vengeance. When we set limits to our love, it isn't really love. Love isn't just a feeling, it's wanting what is best for others and ourselves. Maybe TS needs to practice this especially if she has been deceiving. I don't know her personally, but I think that if I met her I I would understand a lot more about what is truth or not. I dunno, just thinking out loud?

  126. LV "I don't know a whole lot about Byron Katie."

    But that doesn't stop you having a go at her does it? First Teal, then Osho (Bagwan) and now Byron Katie! You might want to be a bit cautious though as Byron Katie has quite a substantial and professional organisation behind her these days and represents and multi-million dollar business I would think. Not to mention she is someone doing a lot of good in this world. And what 'wacky' stuff does she promote, 4 questions you can use to free yourself from unhelpful beliefs:

    Is it true? Can you be 100% sure it is true? How does it make you feel/behave when you think this thought? How would you feel/behave if you didn't/couldn't have this thought? (and then you turn the thought around and try the opposite and see if its truer, and in various other turnarounds). That's it. Is that so wacky? Seems very close to common sense to me. And it WORKS! And naturally enough she is a millionaire who is adored by thousands. She is probably the most sucessful self help writer/ psychotherapist in history :)

    You might like to watch her interview with Oprah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpl--6GhdfM

    Cue LV attacks on Oprah for being a cult-leader with borderline personality disorder? hahaha

  127. Justin, Russia is actually in Asia and Europe. It even kisses North America, which is why Sarah Palin can see it from her house. It's a very large country. But thank you for articulating precisely why it is that defining people by what continent they're from is so ludicrous.

    Perhaps it would have been clearer if she'd just called them the slanty-eyed people or the yellow-skinned people, as she previously has.

    Oriental is considered politically incorrect and Asian is frequently substituted because it sounds less anachronistic and weird, I guess. But it's not a fair distinction when describing cultures because it's comprised of so many. Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese tend to get offended when they're mistaken for one another, to say nothing the Vietnamese, Cambodians, or Laotians. (See: King of the Hill) These are highly varied cultures made up of highly varied individuals. And flinging around generalities about their lack of gentleness to break up the chi -- chi or qi is a Chinese word, actually -- is stunningly ignorant, provincial, and bigoted. And to do so here, in this country, where Koreans constitute a minority a group, it is also racist.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. "Cue LV attacks on Oprah for being a cult-leader with borderline personality disorder?"

    Justin, you might want to stop trying to predict what I'll say and do. You have a startling tendency to be wrong. All you needed to do was put the name Oprah in the search bar.



    Here's a more complete version of the Byron Katie post.


    I will give Katie credit for this, though. She knows enough not to expect that fame will come without skeptics and critics, but only love and adoration.

    It amuses me that you think I'm being very outre by questioning her tactics or by calling Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh a cult leader who lived and drove in luxury while his formerly affluent followers didn't. I'm hardly being original in so doing.

  131. No, Glen, please don't. As I said above, I don't care what anyone says here really, as long as it isn't that. LOL

    Tealer... gods... new post coming... Oh dear God...

  132. Wow, Justin....Russia is in Asia...Speechless....That makes me Russian Asian/Canadian, but actually I'm Andromedan!!Hahaha
    Thanks, LaVaughn for clarifying that already. Justin, you are much closer geographically to Russia btw. I'm glad Teal's teachings are helping you to become a happier person, but it doesn't mean you should forget everything they taught you in school- some information is still useful, even if it doesn't come out from a New Age leader, but your plain ordinary teachers and textbooks. But then, they say, ignorance is bliss...Ah, forget it, whatever works for you, darling. But if you are practicing non-resistance, why you keep coming back here and continue to test LaVaughn's incredible patience with you? Just let it go, man, go mingle with other Tealers and have fun! :-)

  133. Glen - you are free to write whatever trips your trigger - I have no intention of putting you in a box of my parameters.

    When you speak of Tealers - part of me still is a "Tealer". As I wrote - I am getting set free a layer at a time. I don't know what is true and what is not. When I see others saying they do know this or that - I question them. I question everyone and everything, as probably any former Tealer that is waking up would. All beliefs are put on the table for examination. Nothing - nothing gets a free ride. As I wrote - I think this whole experience is a hologram - a matrix. A video game. If you think otherwise - that is fine :-) But you will probably not be able to convince me of this most foundational issue.

    And the issue of compassion -- yes, I think it would be wonderful if it was extended to even those who threaten to destroy this blog -- and extended to Teal, Blake, Justin and all those involved with this seeming cult. We cannot know what any of them are going through. And, I believe it is not our job to "fix" them as they are not broken. I know I'm not the judge of anyone else. I have a full time job figuring out my truth. Who is ready to cast the first stone? not me...

    Marianne: Thank you and I agree with your post.

    I was a Tealer - and happy to be one. Told all my friends about her. Was ready to leave and move there. Told my business partner I was moving - my family - my neighbors - got a buyer for my house. Yes, I was in it deep. Finding myself now has proven to be difficult. I know some of what she teaches has truth in it. Which parts and how much - I simply do not know.

    I read somewhere that for anyone to become a true guru or spiritual teacher they must first go through a testing period of their life that entails becoming entrapped in a cult or something similar - and then work their way out of it. Because a person can't really teach something they haven't been through themselves. This makes sense to me - even tho it is a blow to the ego to know I got sucked into a frikn cult. The ego, no doubt needed this blow.

  134. "To see the farm is to leave the farm."

  135. :: Ima Guest: "Was ready to leave and move there. Told my business partner I was moving - my family - my neighbors - got a buyer for my house. Yes, I was in it deep."

    I want to give you a big hug. Be gentle with yourself. You know, Ram Dass who used heavily LSD stuff and other drugs said: "When you got the message, put the phone down." Whatever was pulling you and ws enabling you to do such a huge step of changing your existing life, giving up security, jumping the cliff… is wonderful. It will be very interesting for you to find out what exactly it was. Keep searching beyond the image / person Teal. Was it the wish of being part of something bigger? Was it the wish of being surrounded by Teal persona 24/7? Was it the wish of marrying Teal ( ; ? Was it the wish of just changing the life how it is right now?… Keep looking. I think there is something precious to be found if you go beyond the virtual figure of Teal Scott Swan.

    :: Hanalea Z: "Now I'm quoting Anne Lamott quoting Augustine:
"the search for God is to have found God... because the belief we hold in the existence of another world opens this space within us"

    Loooove it. So the search for a more or less focused or unfocused desire is the cause of creating worlds which I will end up experiencing?! I remember watching a Benjamin Smythe video. He was saying: "It's all made up by somebody. Everything you ever heard about - it's all made up by somebody." I can see a very profound truth in that which is pretty calming in a way.

    :: Elena Zh: "Maybe it's so confusing because we are looking for the external sources to our answers and they are within us to dicover, as they say…"

    In relation to the Benjamin Smythe quote - I wonder, maybe we all make everything up. We see whatever we want to see. Some have a tendency to follow other's made up version, some follow their own?! Tricky

    In regards to Bianca's comment: great find. Yes with each philosophy, teaching… I create worlds for me and find myself in them, comfortably. When the story cracks, all hell breaks loose. A lot of truth in her comment.

    :: Glen

    People will be taken on a ride by Teal, short term or long term - some forever, because they love everything about it and don't see any loss. I am glad that LaVaughns articles are standing like two, fat, massive rescue towers in the world wide web of recovering teal drunk people.

  136. Just looking at the Byron Oprah interview part 1 of 3. At around 18:40 they are talking about "your business" "everybody elses business" and "God's business" Maybe this is the problem everyone needs to just find what is true for them and mentally stay in their own business. I also like what Byron Katie says about defense. I think I'll watch part two.

  137. Wanna be considered "eccentrically intelligent" and accepted into a loving open- minded community? Become a Tealer! In order to be considered worldly quote Teal, instead of Einstein; know your Laws of Attraction instead of basic geography or history; read Teal's blog about her adventures instead of having your own; apply Byron Katie techniques or someone else's instead of using your own knowledge, life experiences, critical thinking, intuition, problem solving skills, etc. Much easier to go "second-hand" route. You will be able to manifest money quickly and attract your dream sexual partner or whatever else you desire! How freaking awesome and spiritual is that?!!

    And if you have any questions or confused- NO PROBLEMO! Just ASK TEAL!!! Life is good!

  138. It's 11pm here Elena off time for me. The Oprah interview is interesting have you seen it? Agree, knowledge can be gained from many angles, situations, classic education, self education and from you!

  139. But wisdom, I think that is much more difficult.

  140. Elena "And if you have any questions or confused- NO PROBLEMO! Just ASK TEAL!!! Life is good!"


  141. I agree, Marianne (are you the same Marianne from Teal's blog page? Like your comments:). Wisdom is something you cannot borrow. It will never fit perfectly, you gotta earn it yourself, for yourself. And it's a long process, not an easy one, I believe. Quick fixes will only take you so far...You acquire it yourself through tough lessons, grain by grain over a life-time, possibly many of those. And even wisdom, any wisdom developed and gained here is limited.
    It's 5pm here. No, haven't seen Oprah. I'm watching Olympics these days, have you seen ice skating? It was beautiful!!! In my taste anyway, I'm still high on it. That has managed to increase my vibrations better than any of those You-tube "gurus". Good night!

  142. Elena did you ever hear of Walter Russell. I study his material now for a long time. His thoughts are very thoughtful :D

    I have a feeling. All we ever do is getting picked by a thought. Rupert Spira has a very interesting video about free choice on his youtube chanel. He was pointing out, that we think that we decide. But actually a thought decides which was not controlled by "you", popping up out of nowhere.

  143. I just noticed some other reasons why Teal picks up so many people. She has certainly a talent to break down pretty complicated teachings into simple examples. She also uses imagination & visualizing (like the video with her higher self (Blake Jason) and her higher self was constantly starring at her arse :D - now we know why) and she literally combines nearly all teachings out there….the star trekkies get excited with her self-confident assurance that all these creatures exist. The buddhist are acknowledged but hey "Buddha had bad days as well". Hindus close behind. Jesus pops up but hey, he lost alignment with source and that's why he suffered during his walk with the cross, a bit of islam and jews her, some freemason and illuminati stuff as well (no Tealeye Lgoo is not the based on illuminati stuff), communist & capitalist coexists in her teachings, some sexy hexy wicca spells and love, some satanic history and experience as well, some science stuff hopedihu, and some taoism and confucianism there. And of course all kind of methods from the new age community and psychology cults. I forgot to mention: the newest updates from vogue cults and make up industry, some artist wisdom, cars & sports fullfillments. She even can satisfy the pornography cults with some straight in your face online imagery (don't bother to delete them).

    She can suck anybody on this planet in with this soup, cooked and measured by her BECAUSE Teal knows when they were right and when they were off. The best of all that is.

    All in One

  144. Golden Andara, I haven't. Thank you, I will definitely check him out.
    I've read recently somewhere that there is no such thing really as "free will". It is a very multi layered concept I believe, there is no clear answer like yes or no to such philosophical speculations. Each cleverly twisted perspective contains some truth to it, and perspectives can be very contradictory and opposing..We should start with...and what do you consider to be "You"? Are we just some preset antennas, determined by our genes, origins, sex, society, astrological signs, who knows what else? What makes some individuals to pick up "higher frequency" thoughts? I think we do have a certain level of control. Do you believe we "sign the contracts" before opting into this reality? Maybe this life is just a temporary ride, a game for bored spirits out there.:-) There are some built-in conditions in the physical dimension, but I do think we can learn a few tricks to navigate through better and make it enjoyable too.

  145. Elena "Maybe this life is just a temporary ride, a game for bored spirits out there.:-)"

    why am I still bored if the whole purpose was not to be bored
    You must be wrong :D

  146. Let's blame it on designer. The game sucks! I want my money back!!
    Or maybe you've done it all this 3D world has to offer already, and now just waiting to move on?;-)
    But really, if you are bored, that means you have your basic needs covered but yet to find something you feel passionate about, something that gives you joy, something which inspires you. Do you still create your art? I think all of us go thru "bored" periods, and then exciting periods...each serves its purpose. You are bored, and yet it makes you think broader, reflect, expand your awareness. Tell me how much of this kind of searching you do when say, you are madly in love? Or have an all-consuming project or a dead-line? Balance is the key...and the hardest thing to maintain.

  147. When I moved to Ireland to a small village my english was brutal. It still is but it's improving every day. On my first day I went to the village butcher shop (I am vegan now for 7 years). 3 young, well grown strong butcher brothers were standing in front of me with their little white hats on and starred at me, up and down and up. At some point they stopped at my eyes and asked: "What will such a beautiful young lady cook for her man tonight?" I didn't really reflect on my thoughts and said naturally and full with drive: "Five chicken tits please!" with the sweetest most innocent smile, inside, feeling deeply successful with my conversation skills in english. Well...these 3 well build guys disappeared behind the counter, breaking down in tears and laughter. I tried to remember what I had said to be so successful funny with the foreign language. One of the guys, his face read and full with happy tears, stands up again and says" Well Miss, we need to keep them in pairs. The 6th chicken tit goes on the house". Well I don't need to mention that this was the only time I ever entered this butcher shop - so rude ( :

    I remembered that deep innocence in me while saying these words and sometimes I wonder if Teal carries a percentage of that as well during her teaching hours. It would be a relief.

  148. The writing here is absolutely priceless so thanks again.

    Today I took my two 8 month old kitties to be spayed. One did not wake up from surgery. I was so shocked because one never expects young people of any "race" (feline and otherwise) to die in an elective procedure.

    Do I sound like I don't care? I have been crying and crying and so sad for the remaining sister. I shook and sobbed and I am sure I will be sad forever that she is not here where I can see her.

    Her name was B.B. Queen because she sings the blues loud and yes, she was black. I like the double meaning. She was so fast she was like a Bullet or B.B.

    In my belief system, I know that "everything is what it is" and the way I create my reality is by questioning my beliefs, my attitudes about it all. This whole YCYOR is something that is sovereign responsibility IMO. I can be high and still have emotions all over the place.I will love myself no matter what. That changed my mind.

    Today even though I am so sad, I know I would not have made any different decisions to take my kittie to this vet, today UNLESS I knew in advance. But I do not believe in prophecy.

    I do believe in taking responsibility and i think new age as a category is stupid. It is just eclectic. Today I cried, hugged the vet, gave the money that he did not charge to the receptionist to help the woman on the phone who was being told she'd need to have cash up front.

    IMO I am staying high in my capacity to live through what is just not predictable. I didn't make this happen but I made my response happen and I feel as good as I can. Under the sh%te happening that having anaesthesia sometimes means the patient never wakes up I am still able to be happy about my life.

    IMO the whole thing with YCYOR is the responsibility for my frequency. I can choose. I am an unrepentant advocate by my behavior for what I believe.

    IMO, Teal never does what she preaches so the YCYOR truth in her hands is hypocritical BS. With advocates like her, no wonder you think it's just BS.

  149. Hahahhahahahahaa!!!! So cute :-)

  150. "Let's blame it on designer. The game sucks! I want my money back!!"

    Elena, I more and more relate to the Gnostic teachings about this world being a kind of "error" made by a Demiurge. It's never really made sense to me. Nothing really works properly. Nature does okay but... and humans. Yeesh. Crazy, friggin' machine world.

  151. me2yesu, I'm so sorry about your kitty.

  152. Thanks LaVaugn.
    This is not a perfect world because perfection is static, lifeless. The machine world wants to make us lifeless androids upholding the deceit that "control" is even useful. Pretension, lying, manipulation and hypocrisy is a reaction to believing in perfection.

    I know that people like Teal are probably terrified about human frailty and death so create an artifice designed to fit what is "perfect". Narcissism is fear personified. It is unrelenting anxiety in bed at night alone. Having cut off the flow of life, they are without the energy to thrive.

    Chasing perfection and being without a source of life force makes life a dead hell when it could be a living heaven. To the extent that these deluded miserable people try to con others to feed on,(to stave off starvation because they have no real connection with source themselves), I say call them out.

  153. Oooops, my previous "Hahahaha" comment was in response to Golden Andara "chicken tit" story. Me2yesu, I am sorry about your kitty too....
    LaVaughn, I resonate with this, at least now. The suspicious feeling comes and goes. Now everybody's pressuring me into having kids (at least one, dear!!), and I'm thinking....what for really? Just to continue that which makes little sense to me, especially now, when the world is in such a polluted in every way state...These teachings say it's the Source learning about itself through us. That means the Source has no clue...So how, then, it can have this "Higher perspective" which Teal refers to? We, people of this Earth, know more about this local life than anyone else, we've suffered this knowledge throughout millenia and no one has the right to come and teach us about life HERE. We have to figure out OURSELVES how to make it work. Look what happens to the aliens who dare to come and try this Earthy existence? They go crazy, all of them! And, in addition, just wondering, what if I don't want to be some extension, some kind of a learning device that should go through all this trouble, real or not, the pain we all endure here feels very real to us. But oh, never mind, it just an illusion. Screw this Source playing its wicked game and calling this DIVINE LOVE!

  154. ".These teachings say it's the Source learning about itself through us. That means the Source has no clue."

    Well pointed out. I always got stuck with that as well. So there is this ever present souce--god-oneness-sculpture-universe which WE (ego identified,individualized units of oneness) express in form and shape by naming, feeling, separate all that is and call it the indivudal experience of life. At the same time, we should figure out that that we just named and seperated is all one and return it inside of us into its original state of unnamed oneness. Until we are there we follow that painful drive of wanting to know "Who am I" and get sucked out, misguided and played with by self confident ego leaders who also want more of the money we just created.

    My grandma always said: Life is strange and beautiful. Leave it at that. She was a very happy grandma. Maybe thats her secret. Leave it at that.

  155. me2yesu: It hurts - I know. Grieve, let it be expressed fully.

  156. Elena you sound like such a real person as does LaVaughn and Golden and just about all of you. I love real people talking about real subjects.

    You said:
    " The suspicious feeling comes and goes. Now everybody's pressuring me into having kids (at least one, dear!!), and I'm thinking....what for really?"

    One more post from me about YCYOR. I believe that we have the right to do only what we want. I never wanted kids. if you want children, have them (biologic or adoption). If not, just ignore the ones who think you should.

    If you don't trust your world to support them, that is another issue.
    Trust is something i only recently acquired. I had a husband and then he died. I liked my job but then it became more onerous so I left nursing. Over time, stuff has become superfluous.

    I am kind of a hermit at the moment and happy in this phase. I have quiet and I love my animals,...dogs, chickens, cats. I have some close friends who are investigating life too.

    I used to work as an RN because I grew up thinking I owed something. I felt obligated to be a certain way to be a good person. I am not a good person or a bad person. Now I know I am Maggie and beloved for just being me. This is real.

    Now I say NO to obligation! I have decided that I can have the scaffold of life that suits me. SO, despite the sh%te events, I KNOW that there is something streaming through me that supports me. I do not need to cater to other people, jobs or spiritual dogmas I used to believe were the "source" of my security.

    I have surprised my brother who is still slaving to fix things by saying that my intention is sleep all day if I want and still be supported: fully upheld by life. Of course this means that I must jetison some opinions about how this will look.

    Right now I am a month behind on my mortgage but an 1800 payment appeared in my account last week from an old royalty from my husband's art. It came just in time to pay for the electric bill and spay the cats. Oh dear, that was less than satisfying. HOWEVER it is part of a real life! Magic, miracles and the other side. Day by day though different.

    So far so good said the woman who has jumped off the building as she passes the 150th floor.

    As crazy as I may seem, I know that I will thrive because I am not an object but a form of consciousness. If I lose my house? Well, at the moment I am sitting on a couch in the house. I accept that planning is what the machine world suggests. The machine world and all its demands is counting on my compliance. No thanks.

    If one is willing to hold a coin and say it could be heads or tails but this is my own coin to spend and really be firm about it, I believe the Universe will keep sending coins and today I may spend the last cent but if I am alive tomorrow, there will come another.

    That is my YCYOR faith...I am the leading edge of my own source. The machine world with all the expectations is a pendulum (reference Vadim Zeland) and I say it can just satisfy itself without me feeding its swing. Or if I want to do it, I can "rent myself out" one day or two. I still know what is what.

    Again, Teal is an example of someone in full pendulum swing. She is asking for fame. She may achieve infamy too. She is OWNED by the pendulum because she needs it. She is enslaved.

    I am asking to appreciate that I am alive now. I am asking to feel more and learn how to love more. I can take it if the cats die, dogs die, house falls because I now have a wicked sense of humor.

    This has helped me about B.B. to describe the coin's tail spin for this round. I have complete confidence in life to change and to honor my predominant vibration because I am offering it. As I give trust, so I receive in kind: GRACE.

    Thanks for reading. Maggie

  157. You grandma was right. Keep it simple and just live. Although, in this dualistic reality, it can be said also that Life is pretty straightforward (survival/continuation) and can get pretty ugly too.

    I don't think any of us are truly unhappy here, we just think too much. And, most likely it's our minds that have been programmed to operate in the "separation experience" dimension and have troubles perceiving sublime and oneness on a daily basis that play tricks on us. I should drop all my philosophies and go back to enjoying of just "being". There are lots of simple and sweet pleasures I appriciate here after all.

  158. My most beautiful moments are those when I forget myself. I literally don't exist and don't think. That happens when I paint or photograph mindblowing nature moments. But hey guys: I am not that bad too (: but the abscense o self sense is like paradise.
    Elena you are spot on. We should rename it.
    Life can be strange and normal, ugly and beautiful. Take that. Boom. And it's ok to enjoy it and to dislike it.

  159. As I stated in my pervious unintentionally poetic spiritual hitchhiker rant… I spent some time running my life with different interpretation softwares uploads, thought through, created, "received", man-made, offered by different walking bodies on this earth. My hardware felt uplifted and crushed, following the laws of an still unknown dynamic, law or power of life itself.

    But the closest I ever got, was by interacting and observing the not man made nature and its dynamics, it's laws, it's forces. I mean… nature is so literally. Damien Rice sang "Stones taught me how to fly". Love that. The i-ging (if you take out all the king and dynasty stuff) observes nature's elements and enfold the wisdom, guidance in it in such a beautiful way.

    Nature says it all without saying anything. And the good news is: It will never ask you for money or fame. :D

    I dearly loved "The Most Astounding Fact by Neil deGrasse Tyson"


  160. Maggie, Thank you for your comment! That was an interesting, honest and raw read. And oh, I used to work as a registered nurse too at some point! Now I don't want to be a part of the current medical system anymore. I became a nurse for the similar reasons as you- my mom used to be a doctor, volunteering in Africa kind of doctor, selfless service to humanity doctor. She died at 40 y.o. indirectly cs of this service. Maybe that's why i have little patience for people like Teal, only pretending being heroes.

    "As crazy as I may seem, I know that I will thrive because I am not an object but a form of consciousness." Well said. I do believe in this very organic, immeasurable consciousness of which we're part. I believe this consciousness is a force so powerful that I'm incapable of comprehending its power through the puny instrument of my human mind. And yet, I believe that this consciousness is so unimaginably calibrated in its sensitivity that not one leaf falls in the deepest of forests on the darkest nights unnoticed.
    Now, given the immensity of this magnificent power, I choose not to engage in what I consider to be the useless effort of giving it a name, and by naming it, suggesting that I in any way understand it. Many of my fellow human beings do give it a name and do claim to understand it in a more precise way than I would ever attempt. I give it respect, I guess, and think of it as living in me as well as everywhere else.
    The grand consciousness I perceive allows me great breadth and scope of choices, for I do think we have an option to make or not to make certain choices none of which are correct or incorrect except on the basis of my own perception. This means responsibility for me rests with me and I fully accept it. I have obligations to be in service to this "me", to shape it, to encourage its growth, to nurture it toward becoming a better and better ( in my subjective opinion) me day by day.

  161. me2yesu "I am kind of a hermit at the moment and happy in this phase. I have quiet and I love my animals."

    That was a very authentic read Maggie, gentle and hard at the same time, juicy and bitter. You are in great hands in the presence of your animals. My mum was a doctor as well until she realized how fucked up the system was. She was driven by great intentions and also had the feeling of owning something to the world. After leaving the criminal system behind her, she did her own thing. I think it cured her as well.

    Elena that was a pure pleasure to read.

  162. So was your input, Andara! Were you here before as "justathought" I'm wondering...
    "Nature says it all without saying anything". So true!

  163. Yeah I got messed up with my accounts. GA I use only for online discussions at different occasions. I noticed that I had posted by accident with different log in account. Finally sticked to my older account GA and deleted "justathought" which I only used here. Log in log out log in log out. Just like life. Consider that my confession to multiple personalities :D

  164. Hahahaha, and I think I know your another personality over at Teal's. Only since I'm able to see some consistency in your messages, despite different names, means you are quite ok.;-) Some people (I'm not gonna name, hehe) feed us inconsistent contradictory BS using a BRAND first name, one and only.

  165. I think you got that figured out ( ;

  166. You are quite ok as well - a bit self centered (as we already agreed ha) but very smaaaart. As you can see, I adapted fully the smiley business. It makes things so much easier. And I am not angry at you any more for your call for donations. ha. I was maaaad and had just jumped from the boat.
    PS: I think the creative online names are very helpful if you try to avoid being hunted by angry Teal addicts who don't tolerate criticism about their drug (well I was a teal druggi as well for a while). These flower hippies over there can get REALLY angry once you mix some orange with the teal.

  167. If you connect some more dots, you should be able to find me on facebook. Message me there if you like. Ok I time is just running. I am off now, fainting into black space of non existence until it all starts all over again.

  168. Fair enough:-) Thank you, but I'd skip the "very" adverb. That is not my fake humbleness, but an objective assessment. I don't have an IQ of a genius, I'm not a member of MENSA, and haven't come up with a Theory of Everything. ;-) I didn't even write a book!
    As for that proposition, it was a little silly experiment on my part, I was bored (yeah, get bored too sometimes) and wanted to see public reaction to that. And honestly, i did donate a bit, but that was like a maintenance fee for the upkeep of our meeting place there aka Salon, because for a while, I was having a blast there communicating with others, you included. It was very entertaining for some time, and considering the prices for movie tix or a drink at the bar, that was money well spent, I got a good value out of that. I am self-centered as we all are to various degrees, and it was more about me than Teal, I was never really into her musings far too deep, but she'd throw us some topic, a starting point and we take it wherever it flows usually ending up completely off the subject. Funnily enough I was given a boot the next day after that haha.
    And weren't you involved with her billboards campaign? we all have our quirks;-))
    Now, I'm wondering if I'm giving any ideas to LaVaughn, hahaha, I haven't seen DONATE button here.

  169. This comment has been removed by the author.

  170. I did donate to Teal as well when I still was on fire - on day one when the magical orange button turned up - during her darkest hours after Fallon drama. I was emotionally invested in that. I wanted her to be well and safe and sound.
    I am cool like a breeze now.

    I always enjoyed reading the Salon. Michael is still riding two horses over there I believe. Good balance

    ( to many spelling mistakes - don't need to torture you guys too much :D )

  171. Re: spelling mistakes. I've seen some of my yesterday's posts as I was scrolling down...oh boy, worse than ever! Sorry, guys, I blame it on my intoxicated state after two glasses of wine. And I always have a lame excuse of "English is not my mother tongue" hehe

  172. gosh, I just read her new blog about higher security for her workshops. Point 4 is twisted. She is sooo smart. I can tell you that I also have the experience of haters without choosing the way of fame, and i still will be loyal to my way. I guess ... a good excuse to drop the words "increasing fame" again and again and again to store it in the brains of all followers. That woman is twisted. Why did I not see that earlier.

  173. Infatuation makes you blind temporarily.

  174. Any idea what the "security breach" was?

  175. I think Teal in general feels unsafe. Although she has a bodyguard husband. Her own feeling and wish for safety will adapt quickly. The next workshops will be joined by 3 or 4 bodyguards. She was also refering to the "haters" which I assume is represented by all people commenting on and questioning Teal over here. I still find it wonderous that a being with her insights names people haters for criticising her on a public domain. I never hated her. I just question every move of her and see double meaning behind "precious teachings of Teal Scott".

    i do not think that there was a security breach. She probably didn't take enough time with her fans, or she wanted to go quickly to the spa or Blake informed her that some people over here suggested to visit her future workshop and questioning her in front of everybody.

    Not to mention that the presence of 3 bodyguards makes somebody in the mind of other people a star - famous - desired & hated...the whole game again with pre projecting reality ahead.

    Anyway: It is not a nice space to be in by feeling constantly unsafe.

  176. Elena Zh said...
    Infatuation makes you blind temporarily.

    So right. I was in love with her teaching and her mesmerizing script play. Indeed. Pretty sober now. :D

  177. Very interesting comment on Teal's Facebook Fanpage in regards to her aftermath blogpost about the workshop

    "The venue inside was nice. the part of town was incredibly negative and full of bad energy. the security was kind but made me feel horrible - so instead of light and love I felt fear and intimidated. and after driving 2 hours and standing in one line only to be herded to another floor then yet another herding - what was the point? we went to be able to actually see - but regardless of time of arrival - the process of entering the venue made that negated - and ended up with bad seats, no view, and thoughts of why bother coming in person? so, if you visit us again - in Atlanta, please get security that allows your followers to actually feel love and light rather than fear and intimidation. I want you and yours to be safe - security is necessary, true. but I have been to many spiritual leader seminars/workshops and never had to deal with what I went through there. Hopefully, your staff will learn and change the procedures. Thank you for listening."

    Teal submits bright and dark stuff at the same time. Her skills to break down complicated teachings, the mixing of "all that is out there" always goes together with her very dark history / made up/ authentic past stories. Bodyguards would put in my mind a constant worry for safety. I can so relate to this woman' comments.

    You only get Teal's whites AND blacks... not just white. I hope you are not too sensitive in regards to the dark wave that will hit you too, dear follower.

  178. Thanks for your responses and warmth yesterday. I dreamed that the vet (from yesterday) and I married. Symbolically that outcome made B.B.'s death "worthwhile". Funny how dreams and I work out my need for "sense" and balance in sleep.

    Teal is dissing my turf now. She is dangerously close to getting another hater on her tail. I need to get my Homies out to blog her up before she gets more body gaurds. Her virtual hate leads haters to hat-er!

    JeJu sauna in Atlanta is one of my favorite places. I live north of Atlanta and have visited many times. It does not need any any any improvement. She does not deserve it and that is why she is jelly and critical.

    Thanks again for the well wishes and sublime commentary. Maggie

  179. security 24/7 lol

    Quick get your groupie tattoo

    How was that? A cult starts with 2 people agreeing?

  180. The high security atmosphere of her workshops is bizarre.

    It's sad that Teal's post-workshop blog is all about her extreme and wearying paranoia and discomfort.

    Interestingly, she ends her blog with the very contrasting account of:
    " two old pacific islanders sitting in chairs at the gate. One was playing a ukulele as both of them sang a famous song I can’t remember the name to, but the main chorus goes “I love you”. People around them began to pitch in and when the song ended, nearly everyone at the gate clapped their hands. I saw smiles..."

    At some level Teal must intuit the extreme dissonance between her own clawing need for fame, and these simple folks with their ukuleles who are not campaigning for billboards or obsessing about fame, but sharing their music, making people smile...

  181. Andara: hahaha... we sure need a few more laughs here..

    .security 24/7 lol

  182. From the looks of it, the security at the Atlanta workshop was pretty similar to the one in London, which I attended in person.
    When I was there, I frankly did not see any need for it. All the people present were friendly and relaxed, and the bodyguards only made the atmosphere feel ominous, like something bad was going to happen.
    In one of her blogs, Teal mentioned that the guards protected her when the "crowd rushed her" after the workshop. Well, there was a bit of a rush alright. But the only danger she was in was being hugged to death :-)

  183. "why you keep coming back here"

    I enjoy a good robust discussion and I do not fear it or feel the need to resist it. I think there are a lot more people reading this than commenting and I would like to give them a bit of balance and not just hear the 'lets-get-the-pretty-witch-burning-going' rants.

  184. Raven host: "But the only danger she was in was being hugged to death :-)"

    I know - they guys turning up there are well wishing, loving and open. It is her inner fight in regards to fear which is projected outwards in form of the BGs. It makes her feel safer and her followers feel strange and unsafe. Kind of funny don't you think.

  185. Justin "I would like to give them a bit of balance and not just hear the 'lets-get-the-pretty-witch-burning-going' rants."

    You always amazes me with your twisted perception. I think your desire of creating balance is caused by your own unbalanced view of this interaction here. You are the FIRST and ONLY person projecting 'lets-get-the-pretty-witch-burning-going' rants here. No wonder you need to create balance LOL.

    I am sorry, it just got confirmed for me again: I can't take you serious. Last time I was reminded of that...when you applauded Teal for not turning prostitute as a proof of her good intentions. Oh boy....

  186. Oh please, Justin. Make sense occasionally.
    You say you are here because you like the robust discussion , but then you somersault and label it "witch burning? Which is it?
    I think we will all enjoy your gonzo intrusions more if you'll just maybe have a theme song to clue us in when you arrive.

    Reminds of this bit from Sesame Street:
    Big Bad Perpetrator Wolf:

  187. Hanalea Z crying tears....

  188. LV " [the word] 'Oriental' is politically incorrect."

    By whose standards? Is that your own view? Or is there some government agency that decides such things? Or is there some commitee? And if it is any of these things why the F**K should I care?

  189. HAHAHAHA!! OMG Hanalea Z ROTFLMAO!! :) Thanks, I needed that laugh. May I add that I always enjoy the hilarity of your comments.

  190. Pretty juicy.
    Do We Choose our Thoughts? Rupert Spira

    So many people, cults, religions offer a thought management system. I have a feeling that the greatest enigma is "thought".


  191. That newest blog post of Teal's...Ukulele... Please... Is she the friggin Madonna now??! With her extreme paranoia, odds are her and Blake probably decided to boost security because of one guy who crashed their livestream event with comments about her being a fraud. Bodyguards are bad enough as such a spiritual event. I've been to Abraham Hicks events and she has no security of the sort... Did anyone else feel like Teal was hinting at possibly having all guests PATTED DOWN at the door in addition to all the bodyguards?? What's next?? Passing a psychological eval before HRH can grace you with her presence at her events. She's going to have to double ticket prices to pay for all the personnel soon... I think this extreme need for security says a lot about what Teal really thinks about the mental caliber of her "fans," don't you??

  192. Kevin, Thanks. Jim Henson really did love and understand people, and was able to offer such brilliant and humorous messages that helped lift the worlds vibe and ease our shared pain--- and he never once squawked about his fame or influence...

    Re: Teal's political incorrectness:

    When you make broad and offensively reductive statements about an entire race of people, you offend people. It's that simple.
    And did Teal really really offer this trite soliloquy as the basis of her defense?
    No kidding. She did:
    This is a summary/ recap of her silly admin post: I'm not a racist. Really. I have multiple close friends who are Korean. I do. And black people are better at athletics than white people. It's true. And there's a whole field of Eugenics-leaning science to back it up. And it's ok to expose what we like or dislike about a specific race or culture...."
    Good lord. You just have to believe that maybe she has been held captive under a rock for the past quarter century--- how else can you explain the spectacular cluelessness and lack of sensitivity...

  193. Yeah, I had the same thought. Security breach= one guy who was banned from her livestream- Who knows.

  194. Way to avoid the substance of my comment, JS! You go on with with your bad self! How can I possibly take you seriously?

    If you're going to quote me, quote me. Don't misrepresent what I say and put it in quotes. It's bad form.

    My statement was: "Oriental is considered politically incorrect..." And it is. Maybe you could learn to use the google?



  195. KEvin: "I think this extreme need for security says a lot about what Teal really thinks about the mental caliber of her "fans," don't you??"

    I am not worried about the increasing amount of bodyguards (by nature that happens if you are married to a bodyguard and feeling constantly attacked by the universe), increasing ticket prices (to a fan it appears as an investment ( : ) or any other new promotional rituals during her very much increasing workshops ( wonderful income source for public consultancy sessions).

    I am amazed about the massive contradiction to her teachings. It does not matter what she explains in point 1-5 on her Ukulele blogpost. The twisted sence of bodyguard authority, the hidden told story of "people are after her". the constanct horendous vibe of doom and danger is inflicting the "precious teaching of the Tealer" big time - consciously or unconsciously.

    A "teacher" who talks about the beauty of the absence of guns, how to create peace in and out but still carries a gun (just in case, you got me) is a parody at its best.

  196. Teal's little security state and paranoia put me in mind of David Wilcock. William Henry has done a couple of excellent shows about when the woo world gets paranoid that are worth a listen, I think. This one was about an event he participated in that at one point was in a no-kidding lockdown.


    And this one I wrote up because it was fascinating. Wilcock, don't know if ya'll are familiar, went on a tear about some death threat. It was some crazy woo-woo theater. I'm afraid teal is getting into that kind of territory.


  197. Andara, yes... So much hypocrisy and so much focus on fear. Acturians never practice what they preach.

  198. Well SAID Golden Andara! I gave up months ago trying to make any sense of the contradicting dogma spouted from the walking, talking, lying, hypocritical, and politically incorrect con-artist that now goes by the name TEAL. But I truly appreciate others who take the time to sift through the madness...


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