Jan 12, 2014

The Artist Formerly Known as Teal Scott

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

On January 4, Teal Scott and Sarbdeep Singh Swan were wed.
The Artist will henceforth be known as TEAL.

Comment Overflow: Once again, we've rolled over to a second page of comments. I'm adding direct links because blogger doesn't seem to handle this well in all browsers, notably mine. Comments: page 2 and page 3 and page 4 and page 5 and page 6

There's a story in the Marine Corps, perhaps apocryphal, about something a senior officer wrote in a FITREP for one of his junior officers: "His Marines will follow him anywhere, if only out of a morbid curiosity to see what he'll do next."

TEAL has many followers. Only some of them are fans. Or so I learned when I wrote a blog post articulating my questions and concerns about the self-described "spiritual catalyst." Shortly after posting the piece, I started getting comments from some of her fans and detractors -- mostly detractors. About a month later TEAL responded to my post.

Last night on my way to the bathroom, I peered into Blake’s room and noticed that he looked incredibly distressed. [Doesn't anybody knock?]  I asked him what happened and he explained that a blogger named LaVaughn (Celestial Reflections) had dedicated a ten page itemized article slamming me for every aspect of my career and personal life that she could get her hands on.  He also explained that he was receiving e-mails from people asking me to refute her outrageous claims [Pssst. I didn't make any claims.] because they “no longer knew what to think”. [I believe what we have here is the need behind the need. Her response is an attempt at damage control.]  It was by far and away the most “anti-Teal” material we’ve encountered to date.  Blake was livid.  He wanted me to write an entire counter article to put people’s minds and hearts at rest.  But it didn’t feel good to me.  On top of the fact that many of her claims were too off base to even be worthy of address, [Did I mention that I didn't make any claims?] I could not get my energy behind the idea of dedicating time to defending myself against a random person who crawled out of the woodwork to gain popularity and attention by slandering me. [Dear God, could this woman be any more vain?]

It is profoundly out of alignment [Alignment with what?] to design an entire piece of writing around resisting someone or something, which is what this woman did.  She does so from a place of bitterness and fear and therefore pain.  I would not seek to increase her pain by attacking back to defend myself. [Aaawww. How sweet.] It seems that what people wanted from me was proof that she is wrong about what she said about me.  Proof is a difficult thing because there is ultimately no way to create solid proof that could not be refuted. [I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that this is the real reason she won't defend herself against the many claims I didn't make. She can't.] I could refute each piece of her evidence, the same way that she is refuting mine, but what would be gained?  I will not convince her that I am good.  I would not be doing so for any other reason than my own need to be approved of by everyone.  And I do not distrust the discrimination of the people who enjoy my material.  People do not need my proof to know what is good for them or right for them personally.  What they need to do is trust themselves.  And whatever answer they receive about me, is right for them at that time. [Aahh. So I didn't so much critique TEAL as I insulted the judgment of her many, many fans. Did you hear a dog whistle? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I heard a dog whistle.] I do not wish to prove skeptics wrong.  I gain nothing by resisting skeptics.  As my fame increases, [Dear God...] there will be more and more skeptics.  I gain only by continuing to do what makes me happy and hoping that what brings me happiness, brings other people happiness.  I understand how hard it is when you distrust yourself, to navigate a world full of opposing perspectives.  When you live without self-trust, the world seems to be full of people who are out to get you.  And so, you don’t know who to trust. [I believe that should read "whom to trust" but I probably shouldn't play grammar noodge with TEAL. That game has no end.] But you can trust yourself.  And by not refuting every skeptic that comes up against me, I am in essence giving people the opportunity to consult their own feelings and their own personal truth, and thus learn to trust themselves.  It would be a great world though if the people, who were inspired to write ten pages on one person, did so from a place of loving that person.  All too often, the only people full of enough bottled up energy to write ten pages on one person, do so from a space of hating them. [Yup. I'm a hater. Haters gotta hate, yo.]

To sum up, I did not make any claims in my previous post. I simply subjected some of TEAL's claims, statements, and documented history to a little scrutiny. Or, as a commenter on her own blog put it:

This information is out there for the world to see and you can’t make claims and then not be prepared to back them up when you specifically call yourself a ‘teacher’. You clearly enjoy the fame aspect of this and your team have posted on Facebook about wanting to get you on TV…….and you think this post was bad!?
This woman has executed the piece well and with ALL your own work, so the argument for lies and slander is very weak.

As I said in that post, TEAL doesn't really go after her detractors often. She has people for that. And as even some of her own fans noted, her post served as a signal to her "army" to attack me. And so they descended like so many winged monkeys.

In one of those delicious Jungian synchronicities, of which I am so fond, the night before all hell broke lose on my blog, I had watched a South Park episode called "The Hobbit." In it, righteous, little feminist Wendy points out the elephant in the room -- that Kim Kardashian is an extensively photoshopped fantasy creation who really looks like a hobbit. She is crucified for being a hater and threatened with a transfer to the "jelly school" for the exceedingly envious. So I found it incredibly hilarious that the very next day I was attacked mercilessly for being sooooo jel of TEAL's incredible good looks, sexiness, and success. Because if a woman raises concerns about another woman it's always really about petty jealousy, right? We gals are just shallow like that.

But then something kind of funny happened. More of TEAL's detractors showed up -- and more, and still more. It turns out there are a lot of people following her blog and numerous Facebook pages who share some of my qualms. Many of them have long been frustrated by their inability to raise these questions on her pages without having their comments deleted or lost to the black hole of eternal moderation.

The comments on my original post are, as of this writing, upwards of 400. The vast majority of those comments are critical of TEAL. Many of them are from people expressing relief at having their concerns heard and validated instead of shut down or hidden from sight. This is to say nothing of the many emails and phones calls I've gotten from people who just wanted to say, "Thank you."

I think it's safe to say, at this point, that TEAL's attempt to have her minions pound me flat rather backfired. What has evolved instead is effectively a crowdsourced analysis of TEAL's contradictions, questionable behavior, and outrageous statements. It makes for a fantastic read, filled with links, commentary, and penetrating insight.

I could never, in a single post, encapsulate everything that has been uncovered by the still growing number of commenters who've contributed to this analysis of TEAL's record. But I would like to address here some of the things that gave me particular concern about her practices, statements, and attitude.

TEAL Is So Vain

She probably thinks this post is about her.

As noted above, she seems to see my previous post about her as the attempt of some sad sack (me) to ride her glorious coattails. Because she's famous. She's very, very famous. And her fame is growing. We know this because she says so. A lot.

Who on earth refers to herself as a renowned "luminary?"

"I'm the extrasensory luminary who is known
around the world as the spiritual catalyst."

Or describes their own writing as "poignant?"

TEAL. That's who. It seems there is no title or glowing description she won't arrogate to herself. Just recently, for instance, we learned that she is a "leader of the New Age."

Yesterday I was forwarded an anti New Age movement video and I was asked to express my opinion on it.  The basic argument made was that the New Age Movement is just opiate for the masses (what scientists have been saying about religion for years) [?!?!?!] and that it is just an excuse to boost book sales and enhance the personal careers of people like myself who are in essence convincing people they can manifest money so that we can make money off of those people.  I don’t usually feel compelled to respond to videos or comments that are offered by people who are in a space of extreme resistance, because there is no desire in them to find a meeting of minds.   Where there is no receptivity, no meaningful conversation can take place, so it is just better to allow them to feel exactly how they feel and line up with the results of that perspective.  But this time, I am compelled to comment because on a worldwide level, I am considered a leader of the New Age.  People give me titles and associate me with things all the time, but being called a leader of the New Age is a title I resonate with and agree with. [All emphases mine]

Loathe as I am to delve into TEAL's ahistorical and otherwise incorrect factoids -- another game with no conceivable end date -- it was Karl Marx who described religion as the "opium of the people." And the idea that science and religion are at odds is an artificial construct. But I digress.

Even some of TEAL's regular readers balked at her gleeful adoption of this "title."

Wow…just wow…LOL
With all due respect, Teal, but there are so many other admirable people nowadays who are doing a great deal for humanity and have huge followings…and yet don’t call themselves “A worldwide leader”…of sorts. Someone needs to get a grip, just a little..

Whatever TEAL's finer qualities may be, humility is just not one of them.

For instance, did I mention that she's pretty? I'm sure I did, but I needn't have bothered because she will tell you and tell you and tell you. In fairness, Teal is not just pretty for herself. She's pretty for the betterment of humanity.

In this interview, starting around the 9:00 minute mark, she explains how crucial her physical attractiveness is to getting her message out to people on "every single continent." TEAL, it turns out, is pretty by design. An Arcturian panel "projected" her this way so that their message would be heard 'round the world. Homely women can't get attention to their ideas, apparently. People just innately like pretty things. So TEAL had to be pretty -- prettier than  black women for sure. Because even a woman who is beautiful by African standards would be seen as "pretty ugly" here in the US. To reach the whole world with a message of spiritual evolution, you just have to be a pretty white girl. That's all there is to it. And it helps if you tell people that while you're lounging around in a slinky peignoir, in front of Nanny's Messy Bed. It just drives that message home, I guess.

It would appear that transcending superficiality just isn't part of the Arcturian's grand vision for planet earth. It sure isn't part of TEAL's. For instance here we learn that physical beauty is one of life's little reminders of the divine feminine.

I did an interview with a budding self-help expert Laura Marie today.  Watching her on the other side of the screen was quite soothing for me.  She was like a work of art to behold; porcelain skin that folded across the structure of her face and hair like spun silk.  She was full of vigor for life.  Her words, lightly tinted with a French accent.  I couldn’t stop thinking after the interview was over, about women in general.  It is so important that as women, we are out in the world setting an example of what it looks like to fully embody and express ourselves.  It is time that those of us who were born female, release our resistance to our own gender and begin to embrace and express our feminine essence.  Women have been in resistance to the divine feminine within themselves for far too long just like human society has been in resistance to the divine feminine for far too long.

One wonders if a woman less pretty than Laura Marie could possibly inspire TEAL to wax rhapsodic about the divine feminine -- one of those ugly girls from Africa, for instance.

Teal Bosworth Scott Swan

You can see why she'd want to simplify. But for the full explanation of her new moniker, you'd need to look at one of her many Facebook pages.

Hello all,
Thank you so much for the beautiful wishes! I figured i'd explain how this name change is going to work. On a professional level, we are going to drop the last name all together because TEAL is a stand alone name like Oprah or Osho etc. But I have officially changed my last name to Swan. There is deep spiritual significance to this decision. It is a more exalted name. Sarbdeep is from India and there, the swan has great spiritual significance. Teachers who have the ability to fly between the realms of matter and spirit are given the title Paramahamsa which means supreme swan. click this link to read more.
Perhaps the adoption of this new title is also a transition into a new phase in my career as well.


Except that Osho is not a name. It's a title. Like Paramahamsa, in the Hindu tradition, it's an honorific bestowed for a certain level of spiritual attainment in Zen Buddhism. These are not titles you hold because you get married or decide to change your stage name.

Oshō (和尚 oshō?) is a Buddhist priest (in charge of a temple);[1] honorific title of preceptor or high priest (esp. in Zen or Pure Land Buddhism).

. . .

Oshō is the Japanese reading of the Chinese he shang (和尚), meaning a high-ranking Buddhist monk or highly virtuous Buddhist monk. It is also a respectful designation for Buddhist monks in general and may be used with the suffix -san

The only instance of Osho being used as a name that I'm aware of was the guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh who just decided to start calling himself that at some point. He was a controversial figure and considered by many to be a cult leader. He was famous for collecting Rolls Royces, owning around a hundred at one point.

Osho's ideas on sex, marriage, family and relationships contradicted traditional views, arousing anger and opposition around the world.[79][210] His movement was feared and despised as a cult; he lived "in ostentation and offensive opulence", while his followers (most of whom had severed ties with outside friends and family and donated all—or most—of their money and possessions to the commune) might live at a "subsistence level".[89][211]

I first became aware of Rajneesh when I was living in Montclair, NJ, where he and his followers were ensconced in a nearby mansion. I even knew a guy who lost his wife to this cult. As he described it, he came home one night to find her dying all her clothes orange in the kitchen sink. A short time later she was gone. She'd relocated with Rajneesh and his other followers to Oregon. There was an ongoing issue around him being unable to find and divorce her so he could move on with his life. It dragged on for years and caused a great deal of suffering.

I mentioned this in a comment on my previous post and learned, to my horror, that TEAL is an admirer of the late Bagwan Shree Rajneesh, or Osho. And she had expressed during one of her Shadow House broadcasts that he had been unfairly maligned. So what if his followers wanted to express their devotion by giving him Rolls Royces!

Did I mention that TEAL likes gifts? I did. I did. She really likes gifts.

TEAL's Sad Christmas

Gifts are TEAL's "love language" so no gifts equals no love. Poor TEAL.

This is a weird Christmas for me.  It doesn’t feel much like Christmas.  The intentional Community I live in has all decided to forego getting each other gifts this year in favor of saving money to use towards moving to Europe.  My son, Winter will be the only one getting presents this year.  The space under the tree, which is usually overflowing with presents, is empty for the first time in my life.  Except of course for cosmos, my cat, who has selected it as his own personal nest.  He lies there purring, lazily batting at ornaments with his paw.  I don’t know how to feel about this Christmas.  I don’t even know what I’m going to do today or tomorrow except travel to a recording studio to do a television interview tonight on charitable giving and cook for everyone.  Gifts are my love language, so the holiday feels empty of love this year.  But I’m still utterly in love with the energy of Christmas and how happy everyone seems in the spirit of giving and community.

One of the things we learn as adults is that it is "better to give than to receive." And one of the things we learn as parents is that there is no greater joy at the holidays than seeing our children's delight when they open their presents. And is there some reason her cat's name isn't capitalized? Strange. So TEAL was feeling unloved this Christmas because love is best expressed with material things.

Not all gifts are equal, though. Strap in. A TEAL story follows.

I could sum my mother up in one word… activist.  This means that when a foreign restaurant opened in town, my mother was eager to support them immediately, being full aware that the rest of the Caucasian, Mormon demographic in town would be wary of foreigners and thus avoid the restaurant and make them feel ostracized.  Mormons like to think of themselves as good, open armed, inclusive Christ loving people.  But the reality in the rural towns of Utah is that most of them are the exact opposite of that.  The demographic of the area is nearly entirely Mormon and so they never have to interact with people that aren’t Mormon, much less people that are from a different race.  The truth is, Mormons can be some of the nastiest, most exclusive and racial people you will ever come across.  Long story short, when we walked in, true to form, we were the only people there.  The entire family that owned the restaurant was lined up at the entrance, with enormous smiles on their faces, ecstatic to be doing business.  Having only just immigrated to the United States, they barely spoke English.  They waited on us hand and foot, practiced speaking English and when we finished the meal they explained that someone in town had told them about the tradition of giving gifts on Christmas, so they brought out presents to the table.  They seemed so proud of themselves to have fit in with the tradition in a foreign country.  Only, when we unwrapped the presents, they turned out to be edible underwear!  It turns out some complete jack ass person in town had wanted to run them out of town by telling them that giving people edible underwear was a tradition on the Christmas holiday, knowing full well that even the average lax Mormon that showed up, would be horrified and boycott the business. 

Where to begin... Mormons are some very white people on the whole, it's true. But they are also missionaries, traveling all over the world. There are Mormons of many races and that includes Chinese. But that aside, does anyone believe this story? Show of hands. Anyone? Anyone? Chinese entrepreneurs who don't know that edible underwear is not a gift you would give a family with children having dinner in your establishment? Anyone?

I have to admit, I find the whole thing a little implausible. What it suggests to me is more along the lines of an excuse to insert a little gratuitous nudity, give the reptilian brain a little jolt, get the old pulse racing. With TEAL there just aren't enough opportunities to talk about SEX. Not just sex, mind you, but SEX.

So in that one post, she's fired up the animal drives of her readers, pulled on their heart strings with her tale of loveless woe, and asked for money. (DONATE!!!) Will someone please give this woman some money? Things are tight. She moving to Europe. And she has no gifts. She feels so unloved. Will someone please put a Rolls in her driveway, maybe, with a nice big bow on it?

TEAL's Story

Some of the negative feedback I got from TEAL fans, aside from the fact that I'm just jel, had to do with my relentless focus on TEAL's history. They don't care and they just don't want to hear about it. Why, why, why, am I so obsessed with TEAL's nudie pictures?! Why?!

What's funny about that is that TEAL's modeling history, and how it complicates her CV, comprised a very small portion of a fairly long post -- roughly three paragraphs out of what is, according to TEAL, ten printed pages. So if you read that post and took from it that I'm obsessed with TEAL's pornographic history, you might want to consider that it's not me who's so singularly focused.

Some folks were also not terribly amused that I put her story of ritual abuse under a microscope. What surprised me most about that, though, was how many people don't think that history matters either. As one commenter on her blog put it:

One of the biggest criticisms people have of you is the confusion of timelines. Maybe you could shed a little light on that?... Let’s say hypothetically that your past is a bit fabricated. It’s pretty clear from a lot of the comments most people don’t care. What resonates with them is how your teachings make them feel. Your followers will still love you, and in truth, you might find yourself reaching even more people by opening up and removing some doubts, one way or another. You can, are, and will do a lot of good in this world. Be brave.

This is a fair reflection of some of the feedback TEAL received in light of my post. Another commenter, for instance, wrote:

I must admit that even being a big fan of Teal for almost a year, i too had doubts about her history ( simply because i didnt understand how her story of abuse can be merged with the story of her modelling career and traveling the world, the timelines seemed confusing to me ). But I never cared for this too much ,just because i FEEL her message, she has brought so much wisdom to me and launched my personal growth , I`ll forever appreciate this <3
I read that blog and it was a really mean one. Sarcastic and mean, it didnt feel good to read it. But i`ll say this – the author has missed one very simple point : lets assume that Teal`s story is false, does this make her message any less useful? Who cares about things that dont add up if she brings more happiness and joy to so many people?.

Said another:

And if it happens that you should not be genuine...then it's the most fabulous falsity man has ever had the privilege to experience!!!!

So it would seem that many of TEAL's ardent followers don't really care if her story of ritual abuse at the hands of the psychopath with DID (???) ever happened. If the story for which she may be interviewed by "one of the biggest TV shows in the nation" turns out to be fiction, so be it. No biggie.

Now, look. I'm a grown-up. I know that it's far from uncommon for professionals of all stripes to pad their resumes a little, to embellish here and there. But is it really too much to ask that a healer, or catalyst, or whatever exactly TEAL defines herself as, not have a life story that isn't a giant fiction? Really?

Episodes from this story are part of a very long, ongoing narrative. They constitute a big chunk of her blog. And she whips this story out whenever she needs to justify an outburst or emotionally blackmail her critics into silence.

More to the point, it is TEAL herself who makes the case that her abuse history is seminal to her work.

I was on the America Tonight show with Kate Delaney today.  It was a short interview, but a poignant one, entirely about my past and the ritual cult trauma.  As I was doing the interview, it became obvious to me that I am being set up to be a spokesperson and poster child for ritual abuse.  When I think about it, I know it is a position I was born to fill... I get at least one e-mail every month from people who have experienced ritual trauma first hand.   Here is an example of one:

Dear Teal Scott,

I have grown up in a cult.  My dad was part of it.  When I was ten my dad sold me to lots of mens and I couldn’t get away from them so I got away in my mind.  I am older now and I ran away from home and lived on the street for a little.  It was cold there and I got addicted to meth and sometimes I had sex for the drugs.  And then I tried to kill myself and when I was in hospital I decided I want to live.  I started cleaning up my life and someone I met in AA told me to watch your videos and I love every one of them.  I love them so much that I looked up your website and seen that you have the same past as me.  And I fell on the floor and I just started crying cause I cant believe that you look as happy as you look and have gone through the same things as me.  I cry because I was sad and then I cry because I was happy.  Because you exists in the world, I have hope for myself.  I believe that I can do it too.  I see a bright future ahead of me and I feel like you do not know what you do for me.  You are the voice I do not have and am too scared to have about what I saw and felt.  I could crawl on hands and knees and never do enough still to tell you how much thankful I am.  I love you.  You saved me and because of you, I believe in myself and that myself can heal.

How would this woman feel if it turned out she was taking her hope and inspiration from someone whose story was entirely fabricated? It seems to me like there is a lot riding on the veracity of TEAL's story in terms of her healing mission.

So now the producers, and presumably the lawyers, for a national television show are scrutinizing TEAL's story of ritual abuse. This could be a very big deal. If TEAL can really demonstrate that she was abused by a Satanic cult, hers will literally be the first independently verified case. According to the FBI, there is no proof to date that Satanic ritual abuse has ever occurred. According to Kenneth Lanning, every reported case fell apart under scrutiny. This despite the fact that stories of such abuse have ruined lives... of the accused, that is.

As I wrote in my previous entry, I found it rather strange that TEAL could have witnessed children being murdered and have no interest in seeing their murderers prosecuted. As I began reading her post on Crime and Punishment, I thought she might walk that stunning position back a little. But no. She doubled down.

People seem to enjoy revenge.  They call revenge justice so they can feel better about wanting it.  But the truth is, pain begets pain.  I gain nothing by watching my abuser suffer.  There is no justice in this system.  Even if you locked away every abuser you could find on earth in a jail cell, you could not save people from their own creations. Victims are not exempt from this creation process. They too create their reality.  We live in a society that does not yet recognize the vibrational reality that directs and dictates and trumps everything that is physical in nature, so no one wants to hear it when I say this…  But locking up the perpetrators does nothing to improve the powerless state of those who sit squarely in a vibration of victimhood.  It changes nothing about them at all.  And so they remain a match to what comes as a result of that vibration.  They will be victimized by something no matter how hard you try on a physical level to prevent it for them.  You could not physically do enough to save them from their own point of attraction.

I agree with TEAL on this one narrow point. Our criminal justice system is too focused on revenge under the guise of justice. I think we would be much better served by a system focused more on the protecting the public from criminals aspect of jurisprudence. TEAL, though, doesn't think that's a good enough reason to put people who kidnap, rape, torture, and murder children behind bars. It's a conundrum for sure because it could mean more young girls will endure what she did. It leaves her "between a rock and hard place." But TEAL would have you know that there's no protecting the public from the law of attraction anyway, so...

To her credit, TEAL is just following the principles of law of attraction ideology to their natural conclusion, something many adherents are unwilling to do. As I asked here, if we're all just getting back what we put out in a just universe, what is the purpose of the criminal justice system?

But TEAL is also displaying exactly the same inconsistency that James Ray's devoted fans did.

Like Bob Proctor, Charlene D seems incapable of recognizing the inconsistency of blaming the victims of bad acts for their deaths while simultaneously absolving Ray of responsibility for the legal predicament he finds himself in. In the topsy-turvy world of this rabid "law of attraction" set, people who are hit by drivers who run red lights aren't victims. They're responsible for everything that happens to them. But those felonious drivers are being victimized by those who prosecute them and it's all just horribly unfair.

Why is it only the victims of crime who law of attract their misfortune? Why not the perpetrators who are caught and prosecuted? The people in prisons aren't responsible for what they put out into the universe? I will just never understand why so many of these law of attraction folks are so invested in protecting people from the real world consequences of their actions.

How TEAL Treats People

On some level I think TEAL's willingness to expose her shadow side to the public is quite brave. We all have a shadow and I think "making the darkness conscious" is crucial to our realization of wholeness. I also think that work is in sharp contrast to much of the law of attraction ideology advanced by Abraham/Hicks, The Secret, and their ilk. These approaches don't blend well. You can't on the one hand tell people not to focus on the negative because attention to it will expand it and on the other tell people to explore the uncomfortable bits they're stuffing into their subconscious.

That process of uncovering the shadow is certainly messy and none of us would look too grand if all of our "stuff" were out there for public viewing. This openness of process was the very thing that initially intrigued me about TEAL. But I saw pretty quickly that she is much more about shadow projection than self-realization. Her vicious attacks on other people come with a certain regularity, the humiliation of Fallon Dobson being one of the more dramatic exhibitions.

One of the things I learned after my initial post, not that it surprised me overmuch, was that I was not alone in being very disturbed by TEAL's public attack on Fallon. She diagnosed him as a psychopath and delved deeply into his "pathology" -- something for which she is not remotely qualified. And she made him a target for communal retribution. It was hideous. 'Nuff said. But Fallon is not the only person to find himself, or herself, in TEAL's sights.

By her own admission, she is capable of profound hostility, bitterness and envy. She can be really jel, is what I'm sayin.' Who inspires this tremendous ire? Notably women who have fairly smooth pregnancy and labor and gals like Elizabeth Smart who have parlayed their nightmares of kidnapping and abuse into social embrace and career opportunities. The people who've kidnapped and enslaved them, though? She doesn't seem to have much hostility for them... or think they should be prosecuted. So it's strange. She also seems far more contemptuous of the women having babies than she does the abuser who forced her to abort his progeny and gave her oxytocin to trigger premature labor causing her to expel twin fetuses alone in the bitter cold of a snowy hellscape. She also really hates Disney princesses, but they're not real people, so...

TEAL doesn't seem to have any compunction about holding people up to public ridicule as she recently did with her former mother-in-law.

For the sake of humor, I have to begin this blog entry on a similar note to my last entry about racism because Sarbdeep and I encountered our most uncomfortable racist moment yet, yesterday morning.  Sarbdeep was born and raised in England.  Now, it’s important to understand that he doesn’t have a cockney British accent.  Instead, he speaks with the familiar dignified British accent that we associate with English politicians.  Both his way of speaking and his mannerisms are stately.  Which is about to make the discomfort of this story even worse.  Winter’s Grandmother on his father’s side (who despises me by the way) came to visit yesterday.  She is a devout Mormon woman, who turned out to be even more ignorant than one would expect a patriotic, religiously isolated woman to be.  When she was introduced to Sarbdeep, you could feel her level of discomfort at interacting with someone who was from a different race.  She went stiff and started trying to force herself to be nice, which is a coping skill that many Mormons employ when they are trying to deal with the discomfort of associating with someone who makes them nervous to be around.  It was as if she was meeting an outer space alien.

As they shook hands, Sarbs explained that he was born and raised in London, England.  She spent a good two minutes trying to pronounce his name and then made it a point to express the fact that she has never and would probably never have the desire to travel outside the United States.  Then, she put the cherry on top of the moment by saying, “You speak such good English” as if Sarbdeep should be proud of that fact, him being brown instead of white and all.  Sarbdeep and I both looked at each other; wide eyed with those smiles that said to each other “you’ve got to be kidding me”.  I was so embarrassed for her in that minute that I wanted to crawl out of my own skin.  Part of me understands that her racial and religious isolation has not permitted her the education that would enable her to know better.  But the other part of me is frustrated at the fact that she does not have the desire to educate herself better with regard to the rest of the world and feels like sometimes there is no excuse for such a level of racially prejudiced ignorance.  But the humor inherent in an American (who happens to speak Utah hick English), telling someone from London, England that they speak good English solely based on the fact that he has a dark skin color is going to ensure that we never forget this interaction.  I’m sure it will be a joke we share for years to come.

LOL. And now we're all in on the joke... at this poor woman's expense. It's not funny. It's cruel. This woman's real mistake appears to be in "despising" a former daughter-in-law with a public platform. Winter's grandmother is a private citizen who did not choose to be dragged into the public sphere so that she may be mocked and ridiculed. But if you know TEAL, you're not entitled to a private life so don't expect one.

TEAL will have you know that she is not racist like that ignorant Mormon hick. She is merely bigoted against Mormons. She is also classist. "Sarbs" may have dark skin but he's not some low-class, cockney git. But racist? TEAL? No. She loves the way her new husband's dark skin is offset by white fabric. I don't know if he would appeal to people on "every single continent" but he's pretty handsome. And stately. Don't forget stately.

The other thing we learn about Sarbdeep in that post is that he's not exactly comfortable about having his personal life discussed in public.

Sarbdeep finds it extremely uncomfortable and vulnerable to expose his vows to the world, but I have informed him that the discomfort is a sign of expansion.  So, I am going to include both of our vows for you now...

What Sarbdeep must learn, like everyone else in TEAL's world, is that he's not entitled to a private life so he shouldn't expect one.

Even more disturbing is that TEAL just knows what's best for everyone and will act accordingly, whether they like it or not. She has all the occult knowledge of the Arcturians or Adonai or whatever. She's a Eucharist. So if TEAL decides that your discomfort is what's best for your personal growth, suck it up, buttercup. You're just gonna have to be uncomfortable.You can thank her later.

One of the things I've learned in my years of practice as a psychic intuitive and healing facilitator is that listening is more important than talking. I see our job as one of support and facilitation, not of ramming our egos down our clients' throats. It's something I feel pretty strongly about -- that whatever insight we may have, it never trumps that of our clients. When I was studying with Cherokee Mystic Virginia Sandlin, she put it this way. From my perspective, I am the source of my reality and you are my reflection. But from your perspective, you are the source of your reality and I am your reflection. You can never really heal anyone else because that would mean that you are the source of their reality. All we can really do is support others in their own process of self-discovery and we can't do that if we're imposing rather than offering our own vision. So I found TEAL's anecdote about her suicidal client really stunning.

At around the 53:00 minute mark TEAL relays the following:

I actually, interestingly enough, lost my first client to suicide this last year. And this was a woman who was absolutely miserable. I'm talking every moment of her life was a nightmare. And so we had that very serious sit-down talk where we had to say, alright, we're either committing or not committing to life because every time I gave her a suggestion she'd stop in two days doing the suggestion. So then we have to ask the question do we really want this to work. And what's interesting is that when she asked herself that question the answer was, "No. I'm done." There's nothing that any healer could ever do for that type of vibration which is totally fine. From  source energy there's nothing wrong with death from that perspective. So, she chose to commit suicide. Interestingly enough it took her about two days before she was reincarnated again. (audience laughter) Yeah. Not only that, two days before she was reincarnated to another family situation that mirrored the one that she had already chosen.

Taking that story at face value raises a number of troubling issues and ethical concerns. TEAL offered this client some tools. She didn't stick with them and her situation was not improving. TEAL deduces not that perhaps she hadn't hit on quite what that client needed, but that the client had reached a point of decision between life and death. "To be or not to be." So TEAL is so infallible, so perfect, that she couldn't possibly be failing to meet that client's needs. The problem had to be with the client, not TEAL.

Worse, it appears that TEAL knew the client was suicidal and did nothing to stop her because of her own belief that it's not wrong to kill yourself.  The universe doesn't care if you live or die and TEAL is totally dialed in to that "source perspective." Worse still, it sounds like she not only knew her client was suicidal, but actually helped her along to that conclusion. All because she wasn't following through on TEAL's recommendations and wasn't improving.

So this client, at TEAL's prompting, concludes that she just doesn't want to go on. Does TEAL say,  gee, you might need more help than I can give? Does she recommend or refer her for therapy? Does she do anything at all to stop this woman killing herself? No. TEAL has decided that because she couldn't help her, no one could. She knows for a fact that no healer could possibly do anything with this woman's vibration. And since TEAL understands "source perspective" she knows that it's perfectly fine if this woman kills herself. I mean, after all, TEAL knows for sure that she reincarnated two days later, so it's all good.

It's just remarkable hubris and it may have actually cost a woman her life. But we already know that TEAL is remarkably cavalier about death from her commitment to the forgive and ignore psychopathic child murderers who have escaped prosecution. It's a strange set of priorities.

Comment Overflow: Once again, we've rolled over to a second page of comments. I'm adding direct links because blogger doesn't seem to handle this well in all browsers, notably mine. Comments: page 2 and page 3 and page 4 and page 5 and page 6


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d770X_6BadM

    3:49:00 Then watch, then at 3:57:00, mortgages are lies apparently. Being homeless is an option, Teal even works with the homeless.

  2. I love your blogs but your blogger eats posts. I just wanted to say thanks and this "call out" of Teal's inconsistencies may be helpful in a larger sense. It's just indicative of the general way that people who have questions are being disappointed by "teachers" offering answers. This is so we will look within.

  3. Okay Glen, I think I see what you're talking about now. I'll say this, if a person is really miserable under the burden of property, there may be another way to live that's preferable for them. If this women wants to "live in a VAN down by the RIVER" like Chris Farley, that may be what's right for her. I wouldn't want to invalidate that if that's her truth.

    I do have an issue with the phrasing. If it doesn't "feel good." That's not a realistic barometer. Nothing in life feels good all the time and this is where the binary approach of The Secret really runs aground. Nothing worth doing is easy all the time. Owning property is challenging. So is paying rent. So is living in a van. We still have to participate in 3D earth and render unto Caesar. Life is not painless and effortless all the time. Sorry.

    The other thing in that little conversation that really set me off was the thing about this woman's vision and that a vision problem is ALWAYS about not wanting to see something. Never say never or always. You will always find the exception at some point and what will you do if you only have the one tool? You know if it were all as simple as Louise Hay made it sound, all of us new age types would have cracked the nut by now and none of us would ever have a health or emotional problem again. That there are things this woman doesn't want to see is one possibility but not the only one. Such simplistic bullshit.

    Oh, and I love this "There's a quote, basically"... blah, blah, blah, people don't want to be powerful but that's all bullshit... Marianne Williamson. For fucks sake. Cite a source. It won't kill you. Just cite a source. You can disagree with Marianne Williamson. It won't hurt her one bit. I don't disagree. I think teal has lost the plot here but whatever. Just cite a frigging source.

    And wait a minute... The woman with the serious vision problem wants to live out of a van? What am I missing?

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d770X_6BadM

    Santa Fe

    0:49 Minutes in: A nice man asks Teal a reasonable question, he says"I have a question that is for a friend of mine", "You have talked about eh, when we die and you have talked about when we are born, you haven't said much about what's in between"

    Teal: Inane giggling "Oh you want me to talk about what's in between?"

    Teal: "Very Little" more inane giggling

    Man:"or very little that we want to know"

    Teal: "No very little"

    She says to the guy when he asks how this applies to oneness "You're in oneness"

    Well Teal, I remember you saying this is as separate as it gets from source being in our physical bodies. I think the guy busted you good.

    If Teal is right then every book I have read on medium ship is a pack of lies. Teal hasn't got a clue what's beyond physicality and that's my analysis of it and the man got an earful of incomprehensible waffle, but that's okay because he's not a stupid man.

  5. "if it doesn't feel good to have a mortgage you shouldn't have a mortgage" -TEAL SCOTT

    Santa fe workshop 3:49:00 minutes onwards.

    The poor woman has lost the ability to see and Teal suggests the only reason we would have problems with our eyesight is "Because we don't want to see something" Oh please, get an ophthalmologist in not some 'New Age' fool that suggests the woman's blindness is a refusal of hers to see something.

    Absolutely disgusting. That woman was lovely, so she's not only blind but Teal glibly suggests she give up her job after the woman asks Teals permission to give up her job. The woman then talks about the practicalities like mortgages and Teal blurts out "lies, lies"

    That poor woman, God love her was so vulnerable, blind and upset she even gave her power over and said through her tears "Maybe you can tell me what my question is"

    Poor woman, God bless her. I hope she gets real help

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. LaVaughn, I really enjoyed reading your passage on "looking for answers". Thank you for taking time to share.

  8. @ me2yesu, I know blogger is acting funky. Google products in general are acting up. We've been in the shadow of the retrograde since Thurs and Merc goes retro Feb 6 which may explain some of that. But I agree, very frustrating. I've lost some comments myself. Some of them were long. Very annoying.

    @ Elena, You are welcome.

  9. Glen, you're absolutely right on the Santa Fe conversations. All things that gave me pause as well.

  10. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to start asking what all of this thing with teal and you and everything reflects in me. I naturally want to find common ground on things that I perceive to be apparent opposites, I just do. So more of a defending of teal or anyone for that matter, I just want to find a place in me where everything rests. This all thing, whether or not true, I feel it’s got something to do with the (immense) female shadow of the “false feminine” (that’s just how I’ve describe it) and probably the image of the false spiritual teacher in its many forms (I know it’s risky putting out there labels like true or false, because what is what, but as I see it and as it’s been going around I think there’s a feeling of authenticity we are all looking for, that resonance, hope or whatever feeling that makes our heart stop searching, that makes us silent and/or expansive) For me, it’s not the first time that I encounter some of this fears and perspectives, the image of the manipulative, self-service, vain, conniving, dark seductress, hungry for power in its many forms (money, gifts, fame, recognition, energy, etc) I have often just rejected her, I felt she was too much for me to handle on my own and when you combine that with the figure of the spiritual teacher, well, no wonder many of us want to think teal is good, very very good, please let her be good! And for me if she is or if she’s not, doesn’t really matter at this point, the shadow it’s already out, it would be very “irresponsible” (in the sense of not responding to it) for me to ignore it anymore and I wanted to share that with you guys. It’s for me (or for us, if you decide it) to explore the various aspects of the shadow that’s coming up in the image of teal and/or “jealous bitch” lavaughn (sorry for that). Could you share what tools do you use to heal or rest or release when you see a shadow within yourself? Thank you !

  11. LV "I also think a lot of things aren't really answerable. On a lot of this stuff, including the lightwork, I've learned that we have to embrace the mystery. The truth of God is so far beyond words, how can we possibly hope to "answer" it."

    That might explain some of your hostility to someone who actually does have some answers :). It clashes with your worldview, your religion. Saying that there are no answers is actually a kind of answer, it is self-contradictory in fact.

  12. Healer "I say I find it hilarious that you want proof, because isn't that what LaVaughn is asking for in TEAL's story???"

    She is doing a whole lot more than that it seems to me (LV). I would also like to understand that period of Teal's life better, and in fact I have contributed some information regarding her EMT experience to these comments!

    However I also respect a person's privacy. I think Teal will say more when and if she is ready. Clearly she isn't at the moment. But I can understand people who are less trusting of Teal to be more demanding. As I don't really trust that person who said-someone-elses-friend-of-someone-I-know-said-this-about Teal. Hearsay much? Chinese whispers much? She does have enemies you know (look on these comments for start) :). Anyone could post a nasty story like that. Unless there is some evidence then thats all it probably is.

  13. @Justin: "in fact I have contributed some information regarding her EMT experience to these comments!"

    What nonsense Justin and of what value was it when I posted a response to the idea that Teal was still involving herself with trauma. He has contributed hearsay himself, that's all, and he never said who gave him the above explanation, so how can it be taken as conclusive? Was it from the horses mouth?

    Who is this guy making himself Teal spokesman because of a brief encounter in London because he claims it's a witch hunt?

    You can call it what you like Justin, I call it a search for the truth. She's a self proclaimed teacher and I want a teacher who is credible and receptive to questions, that's pretty fair.

    Most teachers I knew had to go to teacher training college and even after they got the job the were monitored as they taught in the classroom. If you cannot question the teacher then they're hiding something.But you think we should shut our mouths and question not and if we don't we are classed as ENEMIES. How dare you.

    I'll tell you plain and simple what this is about, it's about business networking. Any dubiety about Teal Swan will jeopardize future business interests based on Teals teachings, that's why it will be defended, there's money in them there workshops. That's why people like us will be described as enemies.

    We're providing a valuable service here and it's our right to question those who put themselves forward as 'Leaders Of The New Age'

    This Justin guy has serious comprehension problems. Despite 2 in depth articles and a wealth of supporting evidence Justin writes:

    " Unless there is some evidence then thats all it probably is" as if to suggest it's all Chinese whispers and calling us bloggers/comments ENEMIES for exercising our right to question a self proclaimed leader of the new age and having opinions about what we have witnessed.

    Well Justin, you have basically declared me as an enemy on Teals behalf, I will not regard you as such. But you being a spokesperson for Teal I guess this is how you are taught to regard people expressing themselves.

  14. I am so tired of this image that Teal is kindly and never disrespectful or bitchy to other people and that this blog is somehow a place for hate. Here is an example of Teal outing a professional woman she went to see. The woman although unnamed has no defense against Teals claims of professional ineptitude but regardless Teal diminished her professional standing without hesitation. Can you imagine if the Psychologist read this? She would have a right to feel hurt herself, don't you think? Teal felt the lady wasn't even worthy of her fee. How very loving and spiritual.

    "" She was easily the most inept psychologist I have ever seen. When I walked in the room, she picked up a pillow and held it between her and me the entire time we were talking. My case was far too much for her to handle. She had no suggestions whatsoever for me to employ. The very little that she did talk, she was so anxious about not knowing what to say that she stuttered. I could see that look of absolute bewilderment about what to do or say. I paid her purely because I wanted to avoid confronting her about how terrible the session was. It was bad enough that I had to ask her guided questions about what she would say to someone like me relative to relationships. And she still couldn’t answer those questions. All she could say was that I am better off alone. It made me feel a lot worse. I can see that the extent of this woman’s career will be working with adolescents who are struggling with minor issues like not wanting to go to school or not being invited to prom. It still didn’t save me from feeling really terrible about myself, like no one knows what to do for me. "

  15. @ Justin... If you truly believe that Teal is above using Teal Eye's funds/donations for personal use (i.e. water heaters, and restaurants, skiing, divorces, moving to Europe, and Santa Barbara Weddings/ Honeymoons) ... by all means, put your money where your mouth is, and donate to such a noble and "transparent" cause! ;) Until you do, I don't see any point in you trying to defend donating to her. Where did that money from the billboard campaign ever end up?? GEE, I must've missed the website that was supposed to transparently show to the public TEAL EYE's allocation of funds... Nope, that's right... It doesn't exist....

    @ GLEN I agree... I can't believe people like Justin who go on about how "loving" TEAL is in person. Her unconditionally loving guru persona is completely contrived. She's shown her true colors time and time again, especially on blogs and Shadow House. Teal strikes me as spoiled, demanding, and very bitchy. It's amazing how starved for love and starstruck people are when they meet her in person... All they have to do is look her in eyes and suddenly they eat this phoniness up. IT's a friggin BUSINESS PEOPLE! SHE's playing a role for a day at these workshops! SHE's an EGOMANIAC MANIPULATING YOUR EMOTIONS... WAKE UP!!

  16. "That might explain some of your hostility to someone who actually does have some answersThat might explain some of your hostility to someone who actually does have some answers :). It clashes with your worldview..."

    JS, I think I've been pretty clear on that point, except that I don't think she actually HAS answers. She offers some good ideas, some bad ideas, and some TERRIBLE ideas. And, in fairness, some of her ideas are just meh.

  17. "You can call it what you like Justin, I call it a search for the truth. She's a self proclaimed teacher and I want a teacher who is credible and receptive to questions, that's pretty fair."

    Glen, I'm with ya. I know I'd be a lot more comfortable if she'd just show her work. As I said in my first post on the subject, why doesn't she list any of her training in the field she now purports to teach and, dear God, lead in? She claimed a bunch of metaphysical credentials, without any specifics, in her MODELING bios, but none now. I think it hurts her credibility. I'm more than horrified to learn that for some of her followers it actually GIVES her credibility. They're very invested in her ability to divine some sort of universal truth and bestow it on them. That's the most dangerous kind of charismatic leadership, in my opinion. That's the stuff of cult leaders -- claiming special abilities and hidden knowledge. Not that all people with occult knowledge are cult leaders, but the ones who don't show their work and foster the kind of dependency she does by giving "answers" make me very, very nervous.

  18. As for how she treats people, I think she's cruel. I've given examples of her cruelty and mean gossipiness in my posts. Dava and other people who've watched her Shadow House things have given multiple examples of her cruelty. Not only is she cruel, she openly invites other people to be cruel: directing Fallon to attack Cameron, sitting on her hands when there are swarm attacks on people like Cameron and Fallon. She is not a kind person. This is like high school clique behavior on steroids.

    It's also, dare I say it, very borderline behavior, and apparently she's stated openly that she's a borerline. Borderlines split dramatically. They put people through idealization and devaluing cycles. Those devaluations can be hellish. I've known people who had borderlines in their families and in romantic relationships. This is typical. When they turn on you, it can be really, incredibly abusive and it can go on for hours.


  19. You know, Jeanna. I do have an entire blog history that dates back years that covers MANY topics. You don't have to read these two posts if they don't interest you.

    And actually, if her abuse story is a lie, it would call a LOT of her message into question. But I think I spelled that out pretty clearly in my post.

    I just don't understand the *who cares if the nice lady is a habitual liar thing.* I don't get it! I just don't get it.

  20. On the whole "knowing answers" thing, I gotta say. You know I studied for a number of years with Cherokee Mystic. This is a woman who came from a long tradition, whose birth was predicted, who was born with the caul, who had to undergo tests at the age of 2 to prove that she was a reincarnated mystic -- very much akin to how Tibetan Lamas are tested. A Mystic holds the context of oneness. It's a tribal designation. She's a very not ordinary woman. She's wise. She's powerful. She's one of the most integral people I've ever met. She would NEVER claim to have answers for other people. Never. She would say that such a thing would mean you thought you were the source of someone else's reality, and that this is fundamentally impossible. She would never have encouraged all this dependency. She would just keep reminding people that they are the entire universe and have all the answers within them. She never claimed to heal anyone even though her healing work was nothing short of miraculous. She never told people what to do. She never claimed to speak for source or the universe or anything of the kind. She would say we ALL speak for source because we all ARE source.

  21. "(Cherokee Mystic) would never have encouraged all this dependency. She would just keep reminding people that they are the entire universe and have all the answers within them. She never claimed to heal anyone even though her healing work was nothing short of miraculous. She never told people what to do. She never claimed to speak for source or the universe or anything of the kind. She would say we ALL speak for source because we all ARE source."

    These examples are exactly what I expect in a "wayshower". I am kind of excited by the open exposure of the false "guides".

    I have been struck as was Vale expressed that all hidden (shadow) we unveil can be "healed, released...."

    What I believe is that the "forces" that would like humans to be dis-empowered by failure to "know thyself" use the very "truths" we each know innately (like the fact that each of us is worthy, an aspect of Divine etc., capable etc.) and paradoxically, persuade us that we need something outside and some sort of "saving' grace (o we are NOT worthy, capable etc...). there is something in the "air" that I am sure is the reason for your blog at this moment.

    In the event that access to truth is sold as if owned and dispensed, The seller is actually a fraud because no one owns it. If someone agrees to pay for what they already own, they will feel defrauded eventually.

    I revel in the fact is truth is just "out there" and "in here" and we are the seekers and just by intending to put the pieces together, we will achieve full understanding.

    Then there is the selling of "love" and I consider prostitution to be basically sales of love. This is also a fraud. Eventually the fraud fails.

    The fact is I am kind of a New Ager because I do believe that each of us is on an individual path. Also, I do agree that vibrations precede evidence and that we "see" reality mirroring our own state. This work to keep me internally focused.

    I do believe each moment is new and the ultimate freedom is letting go of "past" and being present.

    IMO there is a grace that is at our beck and call to help us. That is what i call a personal relationship to creator itself. IMO being human is an empowerment and love discovery zone.

    We are responsible by agreement when we deny we do not already "have" our birth right. Even the ability to be taken in and agree to "pay" for what is ours already leads to ultimate success. The disillusionment is necessary IMO.

    I always feel earth is the ultimat graduate school of mastery of relationship. Thanks again, Maggie

  22. Beautiful words about the Cherokee Mystic LaVaughn. I feel like home in the way how you describe her soul in action.

    The longing for the inside or outside guru-guidance is a conflict for many spiritual seekers, especially young seekers with the new technology of social media and the www library. They read about different teachings, philosophically approaches to life and try different religions or spiritual currents. They are less and less dominated by the religions of their home countries or parents, different religions are collapsing right now (p.e. catholic church in ireland etc.). Their quest brings them into the hands of "weekend workshop shamans" and thousands of self claimed "light workers". It is very messy and confusion is everywhere.

    Teal is kind of collecting all people who never found the outer guru and still can't fully hear their inner guru. They are confused and want guidance. "Ask me and I will tell you the truth" is there to save all confused people. All Tealers, I assume, feel a big relieve since they found Teal in the online data base of earth.

    It is an amazing play to watch - what a character. To blame Teal for the consequences for her followers is like blaming the laptop for the picture on its screen. This whole argument of mind is not about Teal, truth or lies, manipulation or guidance, fame obsession or heartfelt offerings to the world. It is about the deep desire in every follower of Teal to use her output to feel a bit better. I am sure many of them are addicted to her. Her "I give you the answers you always wanted" play is a method for many to make them feel good - a funny way to silence the mind for few seconds until the new longing for a new answer of Teal appears.

    I was just reminding myself, that Teal's followers are identities with their own karmic path and free will/choice according to their souls. They will stay with Teal until they don't for their own reasons of growth.

    I do not see a manipulator and I don't see any victims.
    I only see arguments of mind which tries to identify what it is and what it isn't.
    I truly trust in every body's soul continuum to shine through at the time of pure awareness. It maybe caused by Teal's appearance, it maybe caused by the aversion against Teal, it may be caused by other reasons.

    Identification with the war of truth against lies- it will keep your mind busy forever.
    Pull yourself back, respect everybody's path. Crap guru or not. None of your business.
    Love everybody - The lovers of Teal-answers, the people who think for themselves, the people who challenge Teal and her answers.
    We all chose according to our inner guidance. I celebrate every choice.
    I love to observe Teal online presence and output and I love your choice to question every bit of it.
    I see two missions and unit them in me. They delete each other.
    I also take full responsibility to see both missions in the first place.
    It is the play of my mind.

    Loving awareness is watching the arguments of mind.

  23. @ Golden Andara.... I agree that identifying right, wrong, truth, lies, good, bad are all judgments based on the 3D duality constructs within our ego mind. Source perspective is supposedly neutral, and we are supposedly all moving toward that source perspective of neutrality and oneness as we ascend to 5d. NOT TOO MANY of us are there 24/7 as of right now though....

    "Pull yourself back, respect everybody's path. Crap guru or not. None of your business."

    In a universe of oneness, Isn't EVERYTHING our business??? :)

    I've heard spiritual teachers advise us to neutrally observe our thoughts without judgement and decide if a belief currently benefits us or not. Do we want to experience more of a feeling we are currently experiencing based on our belief systems, or have we had enough of this experience to move on??.... If it doesn't seem to be aiding our expansion, we are advised to simply let that belief go... finding inner peace and neutrality.... I for one am glad for forums like the one LaVaughn has provided. This kind of discussion is very healthy in aiding our soul's expansion on our paths...

  24. Let other people have their crap gurus and stay out of it... *heavy sigh*... Where does it end? Where's the line? There are battered spouses who want to stay with their mates, so should we all just sit on our hands and ignore spousal battery? Hare Krishnas want to be Hare Krishnas. So should their families just respect the choice and give up any hope of trying to reach their loved ones? I don't think anything is as simple as that. I, for one, am not running interventions for tealers or dragging people out of her seminars. And I don't think anything she's doing is as extreme. At least not yet. I'm just stating my opinion and offering an alternative perspective to the prevailing teal narrative.

    If I go by the comments and emails I've received, these posts have helped a number of people sort out some of their own thinking and helped them identify and articulate their nagging discomfort. I think such things are valuable. I think it's what the marketplace of ideas is all about. I think we learn through discourse and challenging our own thought processes.

    People are welcome to their crap gurus if that's what makes them happy. I wouldn't interfere. But I don't have to give tacit approval by staying silent about it.

  25. HH "Where did that money from the billboard campaign ever end up??"

    I would think they are still working on that campaign. They are juggling a lot at the moment.

    As to Teal's difference in persona between Shadow House and workshops. AFAIU she goes into her highest aspect and vibration for the workshops. And that is exactly how she seemed to me.

    In Shadow House the whole idea was to explore the shadow and not be in your highest aspect. Let it all hang out. Be brave enough and be real enough. It may have gone too far sometimes but that is probably in the nature of the experiment they were running. Ironically I think Cameron was the one who was most warning Teal of the kind of backlash that we see in these comments.

    It really does seem right that Teal is damned if she shows that darker side and damned when she doesn't. Either she is criticised for putting on a holier than thou mask or for not being un-egotistical enough to be a proper spiritual teacher. I tend to think she is just doing what she thinks is right and will help people. And for me she does that, a lot.

  26. @ Justin...
    " Ironically I think Cameron was the one who was most warning Teal of the kind of backlash that we see in these comments."

    I think you are misunderstood there. I don't think Cameron "warned" TEAL about anything of the sort. Cameron was blindsided as far as I can tell. She did not appear to be a willing participant in the "experiment" especially at the end when she stated repeatedly she had been "coerced" and stated that she and Justin did not like that Teal would only address them on camera. I agree Shadow House went way too far... I don't think TEAL is condemned for having a darker side. I believe she is condemned for her cruel treatment of people, unwillingness to live by her own teachings, and the hypocrisy that is evident as she dis empowers any critics as she purports herself to be a spiritual teacher and leader of the NEW AGE.
    Justin, I have no doubt that Teal can put on airs and appear to be in a high vibration for several hours during a workshop and a meet and greet. I'm glad you feel better by using the teachings that Teal regurgitates from other sources and then passes off as her own. You are from London, so I gather you may not have heard of many of the original sources that Teal takes her information from here in the states like Abraham Hicks... That is one reason I suspect Teal seems soo much more popular in countries outside the U,S... The information seems fresh to many foreigners in Europe. Many spiritual seekers here are not so easily impressed. Justin, I understand you may have felt lonely and lost and found a sense of community among other Tealers at her workshop. I'm glad that Teal's one on one personal attention made you feel special, loved, and boosted your self worth for a few minutes... You clearly needed to feel that. BUT while those may have been your needs that Teal (or the idea of Teal you hold) filled for you, it can't be ignored that TEAL does hurt people. It appears that being in TEAL's sphere for long means rolling with the punches she will be dishing out... Especially as a BORDERLINE. Teal is very admittedly mentally unsound. She has trouble self regulating her emotions. She appears to have pushed a client to take their own life. How many of her other "patients" that she is unqualified to treat for psychiatric conditions could meet the same fate??? These kinds of questions need to be asked sooner rather than later. Teal also has many similarities to charismatic cult leaders like R L Hubbard who founded the church of Scientology. Without questioning and recognizing patterns, history tends to repeat itself. Justin, rest assured the criticism of Teal is well deserved... CUE LOA!

  27. I sincerely enjoyed the Documentary Kumare. It seems very relevant to the effect TEAL has on people and the guru/cult phenomenon that is so prevalent. :)

  28. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1bn7cIsJCQ

  29. President Camacho time: "I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now..."

  30. Just want to say thanks to all the perceptive posters here, and to pipe in that I'm all in favor of critical debate, whether or not sanctioned by the mouthpieces of the universe.
    I also think there's a very scary slope to be reckoned with if millennial new-agers just keep pumping out the solipsistic platitude that resistance is always a sign of a soul deficiency or spiritual malaise, whereby self-censorship becomes the norm, and the passive adherence to aggregated authority is sold to the common good as an act of spiritual humility. That way lies tyranny, and the end of any possibility of political or religious dissension. I have a hard time with the notion that questioning or countering of the status quo of any given moment has now been framed as a shameful throwback to low-vibrational energy forms.
    Resistance is darned necessary in many contexts. Most of us don't live out of body, we live in the sticky veil of reality, where religious intolerance, racism, sexism, violent abuses of power and sundry other social or political acts can pose real threats if not challenged and examined. Resistance used to be recognized as a path to freedom. Now it has become spiritually de classe to admit that one has a point of view or question that contains even a kernel of discernment.

    All the loving condescension that intrudes in this forum in the name of divine intervention and sage lessons from Source needs to be tamped down a bit. I for one think that anyone who claims to speak from the point of view of source omnicence should be resisted.

  31. There are so many witty and insightful commentators here and the antagonism to this forum seems to arrive almost entirely in the form of condescending and self-serving parables about the zen of silence, or transparently Orwellian doublespeak--- and the cherry-pick hit and runs you speak of.

    I must confess I am one of the morbidly curious who has set aside Downton Abbey and left Lady Mary's perils' hanging in the queue just to follow the well wrought dialogue here...

  32. HolisticHealer.cc: I recently left a 'comment' at http://celestial-reflections.blogspot.com/2013/11/who-and-what-is-teal-scott.html?commentPage=3 comparing Teal to LRH! Had you already read it or you and I just happen to share a similar perspective?

    I also enjoyed the Kumare documentary, I even recommended it to Fallon/Jared, although I somehow doubt he bothered to watch it.

    Hanalea Z: I love this line of yours: "I must confess I am one of the morbidly curious who has set aside Downton Abbey and left Lady Mary's perils' hanging in the queue just to follow the well wrought dialogue here... " Hahahahaha!

  33. "It really does seem right that Teal is damned if she shows that darker side and damned when she doesn't. Either she is criticised for putting on a holier than thou mask or for not being un-egotistical enough to be a proper spiritual teacher."

    @Justin - Teal is not damned if she does and damned if she doesn't - for me, the issue lies not with how much she chooses to disclose to the public, the issue lies with how she chooses to present herself to the public. She claims to be an Arcturian leader of the new age, and not just A leader, but THE leader. To me, this claim is at odds with the reality we can see - a woman who has clearly been through pain, and transcended some of it, but still in the midst of some of it. A woman who appears to have access to her higher self on occasion (although that may be disputed, but let's assume that's the case). A woman who is capable of being very loving at times, but also unforgiving and 'resistant' (to use her term). She doesn't follow her own teachings.

    If Teal presented herself as a human, who has overcome adversity and learnt a few things she wanted to share, whilst demonstrating her battle with her own shadow - fine. IMO, she has no business proclaiming herself as a teacher or a leader when she is no better or worse than you or I. She is ordinary, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, you can still help people and teach people when you are ordinary, but I want her to admit that.

    If she puts herself into the public sphere as a teacher and leader (the implication being that she is an example for others to follow and has answers for them) she creates the expectation that she will lead by example and have the answers for her own life. The choices she makes are inconsistent with her teachings, and she is blundering from one disaster to the next. She claims this aids her expansion, which I am sure it does, but how does this set her apart from the rest of us? She preaches allowing and oneness, and yet abuses and/or publicly humiliates those who question her or upset her, or plays the victim card. How is that the behaviour of THE leader of the new age?

    The question I have been asking myself for months is precisely what qualifies Teal to be a credible teacher or leader? She claims her credibility comes from things we cannot see and has not demonstrated (her Arcturian heritage and special powers), and in many instances in her personal life, her decision making indicates that her 'powers' offer a level of discernment that is no better than an 'ordinary' human. I can make mistakes and find a higher perspective on them after the fact too.

    IMO Teal is a human being who has learnt a lot from a difficult life, and has developed a messiah complex to provide a reassuring reason for her suffering. She believes she creates her reality in the way that she can be whatever she says she is, which to an extent is true - many obviously see her as the leader she claims to be. Does that then mean that the man in the mental institution who insists he is Napoleon is actually Napoleon? IMO she may have good information and insight to share, but I can see through her delusions of grandeur and plans to achieve the money and fame she seeks.

  34. Hi thismeanderingpath! I love reading your comments! Talk about very well said!

    L Ron Hubbard claimed to have been Siddharta Gautama. Who knows... maybe he was.

  35. Path "The choices she makes are inconsistent with her teachings, and she is blundering from one disaster to the next."

    Is this not the age old cry of the student to the teacher? It normally shows that the student actually doesn't understand the teachings properly rather than that the teacher doesn't :). It certainly seems to me that having a relationship with Jared/Fallon was a very dubious decision. OK say its true, she has a chink in her amour, a blind-spot, she is NOT PERFECT. And she is not pretending to be perfect. She could do the same thing that generations of spiritual leaders have done and not have a life outside their teaching (or if they do it is held very secret). Teal has chosen a very different path and I think we need new ways and ideas in this world really. The old ways are crumbling all around us.

    Where does she claim she is *the* leader of the new age?

    "The question I have been asking myself for months is precisely what qualifies Teal to be a credible teacher or leader? She claims her credibility comes from things..."

    That is a good question. What would qualify someone to be a spiritual teacher? I can't think of anything better as a qualification than that the teaching they provide helps you to be stronger and happier. You will know the tree by the fruit.

  36. Thanks for the compliment zigzagbuddha, I have enjoyed reading your comments as well.

    This situation reminds me of Crowley claiming he was the beast - by doing so he began to embody the idea. I do believe that we can project a reality onto ourselves by believing we are this or that, and begin to embody that thing, it's the public proclamations to others I take issue with. For example, earlier this year I decided I wanted to be an artist, and this decision drew my attention to artistic abilities I have and enhanced my awareness of opportunities where I could express myself creatively. That's where I placed my attention, so I was able to see those opportunities. I am now performing as part of an arts festival, and received a pass with my name and the word 'artist' underneath it. I didn't go around telling people I was an artist, I embodied what I wanted to be and others gave me the label they perceived.

    The dangers of proclaiming oneself as a leader is that people will look to you to lead, and when you cannot lead by example some will become disillusioned. I think if Teal really wants to embody the qualities of a leader, she can decide she is a leader (to herself), expand her leadership qualities and look for opportunities to lead. No lofty proclamations necessary. When she proves herself as a leader others will regard her as such. I am concerned about Teal's need to identify this way, however. It seems inconsistent with the teaching of oneness. I do feel that being a leader is a questionable desire, when you want to step into a new paradigm. As The Who said - "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". I would have greater respect for Teal if, like Cherokee Mystic, she consistently encouraged those who take an interest in her to step into their own power, find their own answers and be the leader in their own lives.

  37. Hanalea "Resistance is darned necessary in many contexts."

    I agree. This is one teaching of Teal's I have questioned. Of course her world view is that everything is one, everything is Source/God. And everything is actually happening inside yourself not outside (this is a logical consequence of the first idea). So resisting anything is resisting God/self!? But then what if God actually wants different aspects of God to be in conflict and resistance so that various decisions can be made clearer? What if God/Source uses evil and people controlled and motivated by evil to acheive this kind of conflict? What if evil is actually a sign of God's indecision? And the resistance of those more inclined to co-operation and love is God's way of resolving that indecision? (This gets complicated :)).

  38. HH "She [Cameron] did not appear to be a willing participant in the "experiment" especially at the end when she stated repeatedly she had been "coerced" and stated that she and Justin did not like that Teal would only address them on camera."

    Cameron certainly didn't seem keen on being on camera but she was a willing participant, presumably because she could have some interaction with and help from Teal.

    "I have no doubt that Teal can put on airs and appear to be in a high vibration for several hours..."

    You should have no doubt about that. Even on video her high energy comes across somewhat. If you are in the room it comes across about 100 times clearer. I was on a high for three or four days after the workshop (many people experience this, and other things). I was expecting quite a crash to be honest, and there was one. I felt a bit sleepy for a few hours on the fouth day :). Then I was back to a fairly normal state.

    "Teal takes her information from here in the states like Abraham Hicks..."

    I tried looking at Abraham Hicks video once or twice and for me it seemed like the usual run of the mill nonsense. The first time I saw a Teal video my mouth was literally hanging open. I could not believe the level of truth I was seeing and hearing. It was like all my life seraching through a mine and finding the odd crystal and then suddenly coming into a cave full from floor to ceiling of them.

    "Justin, I understand you may have felt lonely and lost and found a sense of community among other Tealers at her workshop. I'm glad that Teal's one on one personal attention made you feel special, loved, and boosted your self worth for a few minutes... You clearly needed to feel that."

    Yes I needed that. I still need human companionship :). However since I have learnt to be more self appreciating, self loving and more appreciative of my life I am feeling quite a bit less needy (which ironically leads to have more friendship etc :)). Not to say I was very needy before finding Teal, or indeed particularly unhappy. I have been on this path for decades, Teal is the stage I have reached, she seems just right for me at this time. However now I am starting to be more questioning of some of her ideas. I am starting to be interested Mark Passio's ideas as well.

    "Teal is very admittedly mentally unsound."

    Having and dealing with mental challenges does not make anyone 'mentally unsound' including Teal. In fact it is very often those who prefer to pretend they have no real problems who are the truly unsound ones IMO.

    "She appears to have pushed a client to take their own life."

    Rubbish. At the worst she wasn't perfect (YET AGAIN) oh and spritual teachers must do their best to appear perfect however badly that twists the fuck out of them and their ability to teach huh!?

  39. "When she proves herself as a leader others will regard her as such."

    Teal has been a spiritual leader for some years now. Long before I even heard about her. If one other person (Blake) thinks another person's spiritual ideas (Teal) are so much better and clearer than their own current access, then that other person becomes a spiritual leader to them. When hundreds or thousands of people think this then that person is, by any measure, a spiritual leader :). That doesn't mean she is your leader, or that she is ahead of you personally (its not a competition).

  40. I said to Teal once, on Facebook, that I regarded her somewhat like the big sister I never had, and she said there was a lot of wisdom in that.

  41. If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.

    Daniel Goleman

  42. Justin, I don't agree that Teal has been a spiritual leader for years, even though she may call herself that now. She has been teaching for years, but IMO lacks credibility as a teacher as she has not mastered what she is teaching. That of course doesn't mean that she doesn't impart some good information, but as has already been discussed here, most (if not all) of that information is unoriginal and uncredited. I would have no problem with her teaching unoriginal concepts and processes in her own way if she did not pass them off as her own.

    The term leader implies that others should/can follow you. It creates a hierarchy, giving the greater weight to the opinions and instructions of the leader than the followers. IMO that directly contradicts her teaching that we should 'follow our guidance' and 'be our own guru'. If we are all following our own guidance, than what need is there for a leader? Why should we ask Teal anything, shouldn't we be asking ourselves? I have no problem with her labelling herself as 'The Spiritual Catalyst' if that's how she would like to assist people, or even as a luminary - one can have influence without being above another.

    I did not suggest it is a competition, Justin (you misunderstand me) - but Teal does, by claiming to be the leader of the new age, and by encouraging us to ask her questions and pay money to hear her speak. As I outlined in my previous comment, IMO a spiritual teacher may be called a leader by people who take an interest in them, but IMO the most credible spiritual teachers do not label themselves leaders, nor accept the title when it is bestowed on them by others. IMO truly spiritual teachers try to dismantle hierarchy, not create it. Teachers who understand the concept of oneness empower people to make their own decisions, rather than encouraging them to follow their advice.

    The information I most appreciate assist me to become more in touch with my own guidance, so I can find my own answers. Teal says to follow one's own guidance, but at the same time encourages people to ask her, listen to her, because she has presented an illusion that she has knowledge and perception beyond the ordinary human. I don't buy it, but I respect your right to Justin.

  43. @ thismeanderingpath, I don't think teal referred to herself as THE new age leader. I believe she said A new age leader. But whatever her word choice, it's kind of hard not to hear it as THE. She's kind of positioned herself as a planetary savior without equal or forebear. She doesn't acknowledge any teacher, wisdom tradition, or even influences. She finally acknowledged Abraham/Hicks, despite the obvious borrowing, and then it was like, oh yeah I just learned about them not long ago. Yeah, they're on it. So she's kind enough to give someone with many years on her in this field the teal seal of approval. Pat, pat on the head, Esther Hicks. Good for you.

    And I can't think of any of the real movers and shakers in the field calling themselves leaders. Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, Stan Grof, Debbie Ford, Brian Weiss... I'm rackin' my brain. I can't think of one of them who's announced that they were leaders. I could be wrong but if they have, I've haven't heard it or read it. I would have cringed then just as I did when I read that statement in her blog post. She's a neophyte in this field. It wouldn't exist if weren't for those and others major writers and thinkers, but here she is, a leader who acknowledges none of them, just plopped on the planet by the Arcturians to turn this whole mess around as only she can.

    She's not really human, either. She's so special. She's even different from other starseeds. She's a "soul fork" who is actually Arcturian, not human. And this is the kicker, she's uniquely positioned to spread her message "on every continent" by dint of her being such a pretty white girl. So, I mean, who else in the field could possibly have her impact? Most of the movers and shakers of the new age are older, not as attractive. Some of them aren't pretty at all what with them being men.

    And you're right, for all her talk about empowering people, she's working against their self-reliance by positioning herself as the cosmic answer lady.

  44. Well, Said thismeanderingpath. I always enjoy reading your comments and so far I share the same perspective. :)

  45. Here is one thing I have often wondered. How and where exactly can you "Ask Teal" anything? If you go to the Ask Teal website you can find all the videos with her answers but there seems to be no "ask" button or email posted. Maybe I've missed it, but if that is the case are people asking her via facebook or via Blake's email? Where are these questions coming from? I do enjoy her answers for the most part but just never really knew how they were asked in the first place. In her latest video about marijuana, she says that she chose to speak about that subject due to popular request. Request from who? How are they asking her? Just food for thought and sorry if this has already been asked and answered earlier.

  46. @ goddesshopsblog LOL... TEAL pulls the questions from the ethers don't you know... She visits Jesus and Buddha out of body and all her favorite members of the spiritual hierarchy meet up in her favorite spots in the astral plane and they tell her what answers the people need to hear!!! FFS where have you been goddesshopsblog ;)

  47. I hope my sarcasm and the ridiculousness of Teal's claim is noted! :)

  48. @Kevin LOL!!! Yes, I've heard all about her astral trips to other dimensions. I would just think that if you want people to ask you about things, you'd give them a direct way to do so, especially on a website called....."Ask Teal". I actually found her YouTube by typing a question about Psychic Vampires into Google. Maybe Google is one of the dimensions she plays in.

  49. There used to be an email address to AskTeal. I think she mentioned the comments on Youtube one time as a source of questions. Certainly Blake and Facebook are worth a try.

  50. Hi goddessshopsblog, I just wanted to answer your question about where you can submit questions. The email is provided at the end of Ask Teal videos. Its askteal@tealeye.com. I think they (Teal Eye team) also consider answering questions that come up on her facebook page and youtube comments.

  51. Hahahaha... so what, now this has become the 'Ask LaVaughn how to Ask Teal' page? hahaha.

  52. FWIW, you can 'Ask Teal' via her website:

    I wouldn't recommend it. ;)

  53. Teal and her team have posted very vague information about where the billboard money went - with full details to be published in due course. I don't understand - if they are going to publish the specifics later, why not now? Why isn't releasing the full details on the financials of the company and this campaign top priority? Who was responsible for this? What actually happened? For people who give so much lip service to transparency, they are pretty unclear when it comes to money.

    I'd also like to know where the evidence is that being in the presence of Teal's paintings do anything at all. Perhaps they could have conducted an experiment and published the results before asking people for money. If the paintings don't do what they say they do, Teal's collecting money to promote herself on billboards.


  54. Huh. Now there's a coincidence. Several people post comments on my blog wondering what's happening with all the donation money for things like the billboard project and she writes a post on the billboard project. What are the odds?

    I don't like her art. Some pieces bother me less than others but mostly I find these pieces really jarring. They make me feel agitated.

  55. I strongly suspect teel is collecting money to promote herself. (I lost the first letter of the elphebet on my keybord, hehehehe, it reminds me of tht Steven Wright joke where his irregulr phone hs no 5's on it)

    I put one of her paintings that I really liked as my desktop background. I finally had to take it down because all.... hey! I got my a back! Anyway, I finally had to take it down because it was irritating me... too much activity! I do like her work though. Not that I'd want to see it on a billboard though.

    Her billboard thing reminds me of this billboard I used to always see in Hollywood for 'Angelyne'. I had never heard of her except for that billboard. It must've worked though because she has a wikipedia entry of her very own: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelyne

  56. Funny, the first part of that Angelyne biography on wiki starts out with this line:

    As a significant part of her "mystique" consists of her refusal to answer questions (or giving contradictory information), much of Angelyne's actual biographical information is unknown or doubtful.


  57. Oh, I remember Angelyne. She was fu-un. Narcissism. It can be hilarious.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. ...And isn't it dangerous to pay too much attention and get distracted by these bright images while driving??
    As for the "special powers" these paintings hold....Oh please, I won't even go there...

  60. LMFAO! Lot of good posts here. I watched the Teal pot episode. It seemed original for her to say that if you operate at a higher vibration, takin pot will make you paranoid. I don't know if she got that from somewhere else, but the whole lecture or whatever you call it seemed very pat and over simplistic. I don't think she has done much research in cannabis or other drug studies. So why act as a messenger on the subject? But I'm supposed to think oh poor Teal and be an ultra-masculine avenger and rescue her from the satanists? hrm. meh.

  61. Angelyne....Wow, never heard of her before, checked her out just now. LoLOLOLOL
    "She was parodied as a robot (named "Angelyne" but pronounced "angle-een") " hahahaha

  62. Personally, I find her art to be tacky and simplistic. The spiel about it's 'magical properties' is just hype necessary to sell these color-by-numbers. I'm an atheist, but I'll pray to whatever god can ensure that I never have to see billboards of retina-ripping triangles.

  63. I'm with you Mykeyta. It's not anything I'd pay for and I don't feel all these different states when I look at her different pieces -- just varying states of agitation. I find some of these images very disruptive. Some of them are okay small, but if I look at expanded images and see some of the detail close-up, very jarring. I don't think I'd want to see it on a giant billboard while I'm driving. But most billboards offend me, so....

  64. What bothers me most is that they obviously require such little artistic skill to create. Seriously, anyone with six vivid colors, a ruler, and a few hours on their hands could hash out some harsh angles, some squiggly lines, and color inside those lines. If they were hung in a gallery alongside works of other artists, I'm certain they would stand out, but only for their garishness. And it's telling that in order to sell them, they have to be trumped-up as some kind of spiritual energy snake-oil.

  65. Love the humor here! The art reminds me of my exasperating spirograph set, a diabolical toy from hasbro, which always gave me headaches. Now there are countless computer programs that spin out fractal designs and make kaliedascopes out of images. Using them doesn't require artistry, I think.... just patience.

  66. A slightly new version of Teal.


  67. This seems to me one more instance of vanity publishing.... not unlike the book. But billboards! Wow! What stunning audacity of ego.

  68. I loved the idea of spirograph. I just could never get it to work right. It would just slip and slide all over and I'd end up with a mess. I just don't have the knack for simple toys I guess.

    Yeah, I don't like her art. Nothing against people who do. If people love it and want to spend money on it and putting up billboards of it, that's fine. Art is a very subjective thing. But I come from a family of artists and art teachers and I've spent my life surrounded by incredible artistry. I just find hers fairly pedestrian and what emotion it evokes isn't terribly comfortable for me. It's overstimulating. I like mandalas. I'm a sacred geometry buff. And I do get the value of art as meditation. But those just feel like an organized chaos. Not order out of chaos. Just organized chaos.

  69. I know, Hanalea. But you kind of have to admire the chutzpah doncha?

    "The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity."

    ~ Yeats, The Second Coming

  70. LaVaughn: "Let other people have their crap gurus and stay out of it... *heavy sigh*... Where does it end? Where's the line?… People are welcome to their crap gurus if that's what makes them happy. I wouldn't interfere. But I don't have to give tacit approval by staying silent about it."
    "HolisticHealer: "NOT TOO MANY of us are there 24/7 as of right now though…."

    Emerging in & consciously directing the identity role with its different states of mind and observing the experience of its play out of an unidentified state of soul are very valuable and not a matter of either or.

    Every role is valuable and will enhance, unit, strengthen the different currents of individual life play.
    A crap guru in your eyes, is a precious inspiration to somebody else. Every Body/mind can only decide that for themselves and act accordingly.

    With this understanding, Teal's and LaVaughn's point of view are very important and will serve different individuals according to their state of minds right now.

  71. I think I take your point now, Golden Andara. And I agree that we are best served by a marketplace of ideas.

  72. Teal says her art captures the vibrational energetic reality she is able to see. But I've always imagined those frequencies, energies to be more fluid in nature as if they are flowing...Her images are so sharp and fragmented...there is stark contrast from one screaming color to the next, no gentle interlude...So segmented, abrupt and separated without a smooth transition. That's why it's so hard on the eyes. No wonder she calls her gift "a curse"!!

  73. OH wow... Blake and Teal never cease to amaze with their deluded sense of entitlement. Is that blog of Teal's on the billboard campaign really supposed to explain what happened to the donation money!!?? PLEASE... Do people actually believe that every bit of that money didn't go directly to Teal and Blake for personal use??
    I can't believe those crooks are seriously attempting to start panhandling for donations to ROUND TWO of the billboard campaign!!! Are there still people so gullible that they would ever give their money over to such a disaster.
    I'd like to see even one testimonial or study demonstrating how someone has turned their life around thanks to the vibrations of TEAL's paintings.

    I think Teal's art is absolutely tacky to look at. It's too loud and too compartmentalized. I feel WAY more good vibes using mandalas for meditation. If I wanted to appreciate true art from an artist with synesthesia, I'd rather pay for prints by Kandinsky. Teal's paintings might be tolerable in new age metaphysical stores. I personally think TEAL's "art" looks like it belongs painted on the outside of a beach hippies VW BUS in the 60's. I can't understand how any person with taste wouldn't be embarrassed to have those loud, ugly things hanging up in their house, let alone want them on a BILLBOARD...

  74. Wait for the upcoming Blog: "I've Changed My Mind About Fiscal Transparency"
    And the accompanying Quote:
    "Answers about where your donations go? Don't Ask Teal! "

    What's surreal about Teal is that she seems to have no awareness of when she drifts into parody.

  75. Hi zigzagbuddha! LOL I just read your hilarious and insightful post from the other thread on the similarities between Teal and L R Hubbard. Thanks for that. :) You NAILED IT! You articulated the similarities between those guys much better than I ever could, and for what it's worth, I agree with you completely. I DO see Teal heading down the same road, and I'd be willing to make a public apology (buried under hundreds of other comments) if I am wrong as well!! ;)

  76. Hahaha!! So many priceless, funny and informative comments here! Thank you, LaVaughn, for catalyzing this discussion and encouraging people to think and reflect on stuff. Apparently, those who are aware of the important value of truth and disintegrating force of amateurism and quackery and try to rebel, no RESIST this force, will continue to face a difficult situation swimming against the tide.
    Smart ones love to learn themselves and for themselves, while the fools love to teach others.

  77. HolisticHealer.cc said...

    Hi zigzagbuddha! LOL I just read your hilarious and insightful post from the other thread on the similarities between Teal and L R Hubbard. Thanks for that. :) You NAILED IT! You articulated the similarities between those guys much better than I ever could, and for what it's worth, I agree with you completely. I DO see Teal heading down the same road, and I'd be willing to make a public apology (buried under hundreds of other comments) if I am wrong as well!! ;)

    Hahahaha... Thank you HolisticHealer! I really needed that! I couldn't believe no one had commented on the comparison, and still had a mental 'finger in the page' that I can now take out! And I am happy you got the reference to Blake posting his ludicrous 'apology' (whatever the f*ck that was) "buried under hundreds of other comments"! Hahahahaha!

    Hi Elena!! One time I ran away from home with my sister and my two cousins. We packed up all our stuff, including a pillowcase full of books because I was going to be the 'teacher' while we were out in the big wide world on our own, hehehe. So yeah, I confess, I'm a fool. :)

  78. That was when you were how old?:-)) And for how long had you and your gang survived for in the big wide world?
    Just for the record I did acknowledge your comment via email. It inspired me to spend two hours researching that scientology business.

  79. Yeah, I thought I remembered you commenting on it in an email but you are like family, and of course my family thinks I'm brilliant, hahaha! You know I love our exchanges and I totally did not mean to invalidate your input!!! I guess I'm too much like teal and just need more and More and MORE validation from outside sources and I will never have enough doting fans to feed my hungry ego :(


  80. Oh, and PS: I was about 10 or 11 something like that. But we never made it further than the front porch where we stashed our stuff under the steps till after dinner, but our goody-two shoes other cousin saw our bags and told on us.

  81. "So segmented, abrupt and separated without a smooth transition. That's why it's so hard on the eyes. No wonder she calls her gift 'a curse'!!"

    Elena, You are so right. I look at those paintings and think, if that is really how she sees the world -- and sees the unseen world -- no WONDER she's having seizures all the time. I'm not epileptic. I don't have a seizure disorder of any kind but those paintings are kind of like those strobing cartoons in Japan... or Mary Hart's voice. If I look at them too long, I start to twitch. So I don't look at them for very long.

    I'll be honest. I skimmed. I didn't even grok until I read HolisticHealer's comment that having barely touched on what happened to the first set of donations, they want MORE. Oh my gods and goddesses.

    And I'm sorry, the claims this woman makes about these paintings are outrageous. They're medicinal? Is she fucking serious?

    The whole time I was reading this post, for real this time, and I just scrolled quickly past the images to try to get it down, but what I kept thinking of was Jane Lynch in A Might Wind, with her color religion.

    "Now you're not going to read about this dimension in a book or in a magazine or in a newspaper. Because it doesn't exist anywhere except in my own mind."


  82. Oh, and speaking of Blake and his ludicrous apology, do I need to mention that he STILL has not answered my questions.

  83. Hahahaha... no, you don't need to mention it, I think we all have noticed. I believe his condescending mishmash of nonsensical words implying his and teal's high moral ground is all the 'unanswer' he is capable of, and all you're going to get.

    And another hahaha for that video... I've not heard of that movie and am going to watch it right now! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  84. OMG ....ROTFLMFAO....LaVaughn, you are too much fun!! I just about died after watching that clip you shared above from A Mighty Wind. I don't think a person could find a more perfect clip to parody the ridiculousness of TEAL's claims about her art and her billboard blog entry . It seriously had me starting to wonder if Teal was inspired by that movie... I mean Teal seems to have started painting right around the time A Mighty Wind was released, and I wouldn't put it past her to take those concepts and run with them in her own Teal fantasy-land... ANYWAYZ, thanks for THAT. :)

    I'm with zigzagbuddha, I hadn't heard of that movie before, but I'm definitely watching it now!!

  85. Hi LaVaughn and everyone. I've enjoyed reading everyone's comments! Thanks all.

    The fact is that without neurological or psychological testing - i.e. replicated experimentation with internal and external validity- to prove the claims Teal makes about her paintings (she says they're "allopathic", apparently...), it would take someone with severely impaired intellectual ability to believe her claims to even a small degree. There is so much danger in what she and Blake say about the paintings, it speaks to the incredible irresponsibility of these people. She has paintings that are called Arcturian Healing Frequencies, and she explains how and what they heal. Will there be future lawsuits from teal followers who prescribe themselves with teal's artwork to treat stage 3 cancer? Or even their bipolar disorder? The implications have the potential to turn into a nightmare. And it will be the very ones who have lashed out at LaVaughn and these articles who fall for this kind of thing, they have the same mentality as those who go for anything that hasn't been empirically tested.

    I think it's nothing short of a complete travesty for her to suggest to people that her paintings are what she says they are without any evidence. Once again, to teal and her crew I want to say: how dare you. For people so bent on empowerment, why don't you both empowering your followers by presenting them with raw data/information? Instead you ask them to have faith in a "spiritual teacher's" word. Completely inconsistent with empowering people. And you say this isn't a religion you're starting, teal?

    LV, you were right about teal using her blog as a sounding board to respond to the concerns raised in these articles and throughout the comments. She is doing an awful job of it, but she's definitely having a go. I just checked in and there's one about the nature of beauty and why symmetry etc. is considered beautiful (but it's a weak attempt), and another with the billboard campaign casually thrown in. So, apparently she really does think she can continue being sneaky, that she's more intelligent than everyone else, that people won't see what she's doing. But she still isn't practising her beloved transparency, now, is she?

  86. I've been drawing "frequency paintings" since I was a child. I call them "doodles".

  87. Shnatty, start marketing them as allopathic, giving them titles related to personal development/healing, and KABOOM there's a nice little income in it for you. You can even start a fundraising campaign, something about putting up billboards or whatever, but no one will even care what you do with the money! If they do, just write a vague blog post about a snafu arising! Easy peasy.

  88. I know, Dava. This stuff is litigation waiting to happen. Not just the paintings, either. The claims this woman makes! And I'm less concerned about torts than I am about legislation. You think there aren't lawmakers dying to shut down new age stuff? It's harder with her around. It really is.

    And, yeah, there's definitely a little call and response thing going on from this blog to hers. And yet they won't directly address the questions. Still no response from Blake to my very direct questions.

    This thing with the paintings really has the whiff of a con. Only addressing the money questions when they start raising questions, keeping it vague, then turning around and asking for more money. Impossible and ridiculous claims. This is really dicey.

  89. I must admit I don't really 'get' this vibratory art but I am open to understanding it, I don't dismiss it simply because I don't understand it. I don't have a great understanding for art generally or poetry . However I can see when someone has real artistic skill and there are some Teal paintings that I think show that. For instance:





    I'd like to see someone recreate those with a ruler!

  90. "This thing with the paintings really has the whiff of a con. Only addressing the money questions when they start raising questions, keeping it vague, then turning around and asking for more money. Impossible and ridiculous claims. This is really dicey. "

    I know LaVaughn... This is SERIOUSLY a racket they are running... You may wanna consider changing the title of this blog to: "The CON-Artist Formerly Known as Teal Scott"... I am flabbergasted that people are still clearly brainwashed and suggestible enough to be supporting TEAL and her fraudulent organization financially.... It's sickening....

    "This stuff is litigation waiting to happen. Not just the paintings, either. The claims this woman makes! And I'm less concerned about torts than I am about legislation. You think there aren't lawmakers dying to shut down new age stuff? It's harder with her around. It really is. "

    I'm curious what can legally be done to these shysters when money makes its way to their bank accounts through Paypal via the bright orange DONATE button on the internet. The sad thing is that people would even be willing to donate to something soo ridiculous as the billboard campaign in the first place. BUT It seems like Teal and Blake can spin any yarn they want online in order to get people to donate their money. THEN, just like a homeless person who hustles for money on the street, once the money is "DONATED" it's like a gift for them to do what they please. We can't legally stop a homeless alcoholic from using the money they asked for to feed their young daughter to go buy more booze. Is there any possible legal recourse when Teal decides to use donation money from the billboard campaign to flee the country with her new European manservant (I mean husband) ?? I know that homeless people don't pay taxes on the money they panhandle for in the streets because it's untraceable by the IRS... I wonder if the IRS tracks the kind of donations Teal and Blake are getting. Its seems to be an effective and lucrative operation they've got running here with a seemingly expanding supply of gullible new age bleeding hearts who enable their own continued deception. There seems to be no accountability on the part of Blake or Teal. I know that TEAL and Teal Eye LLC aren't even registered as a non-profit organization, and Headway Foundation that they mentioned they've started as their non-profit segment of the business doesn't even exist. In fact, I believe the name "The Headway Foundation" is already taken when you do a google search...
    LaVaughn, why are you the only professional trying to out this operation???.... HOW LONG ARE THEY GOING TO KEEP THIS UP, without anybody who interviews her asking WTF is going on??? She does at least two new interviews a week, and TELEVISION shows are scouting her??? I can't understand why she continues to get away with this...

  91. Actually, Justin, I believe Teal herself uses a ruler for straight lines. If you look at the picture of her working on her painting she included on her Art and God post, you'll see there are pencil lines there first, then she fills them up with color.
    We shouldn't try to recreate someone else's art anyway. We should create our own...

  92. That A Mighty Wind link had me rolling. I thought the art was kind of jarring too. Like she was on speed or something when she made them.

  93. HolisticHealer, I don't think I'm the only one raising questions about teal. I don't even think I'm the only person in the same general field who's raising questions. For instance, this was pretty easy to find: http://www.yourvibration.com/3228/teal-scott-fraud-2/

    There is a kind of tacit agreement amongst psychics, healers, and the like, not to criticize other people in the same field. I think that's generally true of most careers, too. It's a kind of gentleman's agreement. For the most part I agree with that. We're on the margins. We take enough abuse. But there are exceptions. And when i see someone in my field who I think is really causing harm, I can't sit on my hands. I couldn't live with myself. I raised a stink about The Secret because I had clients tearing themselves apart because they thought being sick was their own fault and feeling like failures because they couldn't think properly enough to fix all their problems. That's harm. And then James Ray cooked three people to death. That's harm. Serious, serious harm. And when teal did what she did to Fallon: giving him a horrible and obviously unfounded diagnosis and announcing it publicly and dragging him through that public confession/humiliation spectacle, I was sickened. That's harm. And the more I learned about her, the more apparent it became that it wasn't an anomaly. She hurts people. So I could keep silent no longer. I had to vent my spleen even if were only for my own peace of mind.

    I wish I'd had warning years ago about some of the teachers and religious leaders I got mixed up with. They were hard, hard lessons. And then, of course, after the fact people would say, well ya know... Gee. Thanks. Information I could have used BEFORE I went there. So I think it matters that people are called to account when they do completely outrageous shit. I'm not talking about little philosophical disagreements, or, gee, I would do it this way, disagreements. I'm talking about when people are doing really damaging things, like psychological abuse and power theft. That's when I have to say something. I just have to.

    As far as the legalities, I think she's on thin ice with a lot of this and it's only a matter of time. The financial stuff can be hard to track. But lawsuits from individuals who feel like they've been harmed, either monetarily or... worse... I think it's only a matter of time.

    FWIW, I usually give food to homeless people. Money, rarely, because I don't like to support people's addictions. I had a friend who used to do things like run into a deli and buy bread and peanut butter for homeless people and she'd just hang out and talk to them. She's a good woman. When I used to work in the city, if I went out for dinner I'd always get a doggy bag even though I knew it wouldn't keep 'til I got home and then I'd give to the neediest looking person I saw. Oh, and btw, despite teal's rap on the homeless, not many of them are happier being homeless. Many of them are mentally ill. Many of them are really down on their luck. And more and more of them are displaced by this wretched economy.

  94. It's funny you say speed, Mark. My husband said they made him think of the drugged spider experiment. Here's a write-up in Cracked. There are probably better write-ups but this one has the benefit of being hilarious. http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-weirdest-drug-experiments-performed-animals/

  95. OMG, I just read the Cracked article. That poor elephant! 300 mg! That sure as hell would kill me. They should have done a far lesser dosage. jeez. When I experimented with speed a long time ago, my friends and I just started to draw. Mine ended up very linear and geometric and abstract. Pretty trippy. I wish I still had some drawings. Just pen on paper. Probably wouldn't make me feel good. Very edgy stuff. If Teal was given speed, maybe that affected how she does art. Speed can rewire your brain, make you batshit crazy. When I imagine this groupy groupy group hanging out at Teal's house, all I can think of is a speed druggy environment. Although I seriously doubt they are doing such a hard drug, or other drugs, its just what comes to mind. Good post above. A lot about Teal seems harmful, but people want to stick their heads in the ground.

  96. WOW... Great post above LaVaughn. I am really glad you decided not to sit on your hands.
    Can I just say HOLY HELL... I had not even read Teal's blog post from today yet when I posted my rant a few comments above earlier... MUCH to my dismay, of all the things Teal could have written about it was THE HEADWAY FOUNDATION... That one gave me the hee bee jee beez..... I thought I was just randomly venting about their non existent Headway Foundation that I had tried to look up months ago, and suddenly Teal does a blog post on how she just officially finally got the paperwork through for the foundation?? Was it me tapping into something, or her covering her ass???... I can't figure this one out...
    That brings me to a strange metaphysical question... When people talk about the "Teal Spell".... Is it possible for someone like Teal to attach energetic cords somehow to her followers/regular viewers and vice versa???...I know this is WAY WAY out there for some people, but just for kicks, I wondered if you LaVaughn (being a sensitive) or anyone else who is interested might have any thoughts or theories on this subject....
    Here is a passage I found on a website about cutting energetic cords with people: http://www.soulconnection.ca/node/366

    "Most people aren't even aware of these energy cords, the few that are aware can only vaguely describe their experiences... and the smallest handful of people who actually have high sensitivity are reluctant to speak about it. There are also a multitude of frauds, phonies, gurus and religious zealots who use cording to attach to their followers to make money. "

    I just wondered if this could somehow explain the effect Teal has on many people.... Is it possible for Teal to feed energetically from these cords to people from all the focus adoration and worship?? Does focus on her allow her to pop into unsuspecting people's perspectives even?? I'm not a believer that someone can truly harm you unless you energetically allow them, but I am curious about this phenomenon, and any opinions offered one way or another are greatly appreciated. :)

  97. I'm not familiar with the cording idea. I would, from a shamanic perspective, be concerned about soul loss. Abusers take soul parts -- usually it's not deliberate. But anyone coming through an experience with a power stealing guru should probably have soul retrieval. I've had several of them with a very gifted shaman -- in part to heal in the aftermath of dealing with abusive spiritual teachers.

  98. I could probably benefit from a soul retrieval experience. I have wondered about reiki too, but have my doubts. I thought I experienced it once however. On a funny note, my dad actually said at a hospital board "As a Christian, I think its evil." I have since had lower back pain during posting about Teal, which I have never experienced before. I actually had to take NSAIDS in a row to keep it at bay. But I'm pretty good at self healing. I hardly ever get sick. Strong immune, strong genes. I have wondered if I should spill on this blog about just how drugs affected myself and some others I know, since I'm beginning to suspect that drugs played a major role in how Teal came to where she is.

  99. Thanks LaVaughn! It definitely sounds like it would benefit me to do a soul retrieval. I just started reading about them online. I guess the trick is finding a trustworthy shaman to do it! :)

  100. Hi Mark, I was curious about how Teal's drugged up days could have effected her ... I know ketamine and all that crap she claims she was dosed with as a child would have effected her mental and emotional development BIG TIME.... possibly even explain the way she claims to see the world?? I've never tried any psychedelic drugs myself aside from marijuana and a little ectasy during the college days. I know this is a strange thing for me to say, but when I first saw Teals videos I get the strong impression that Teal battled her own drug addictions to heroin after she "escaped" although I don't think she has said anything about it publicly. It was just a weird impression I felt compelled to share... lol

  101. The only way anybody could attach any 'cords' to you would be if you had 'invited them in' so to speak... didn't you see 'Lost Boys'? Hahaha!

    But really, you have to have something in you that matches the energy of the bond and sort of 'locks' you onto it. If you've done something that would hurt them in some way, that could leave you 'susceptible', as could any number of other things. But it's all in the mind anyway, it's not some evil thing that comes from outside of you and forces itself on you can just feed off you without your consent! You have to have some place where you are allowing the 'bond'.

    I once saw a psychic who told me I was psychic myself, quite a few have done that, one card reader refused to read for me saying she 'couldn't tell me anything I didn't already know', but I never knew what they were talking about and I told this woman that. She said someone had put a spell on me then, and who did I know that practiced witchcraft. She tried to get me to pay her to take the hex off me. I asked her what she would do to do that and she said pray and burn candles. I told her thanks, but I could do that myself.

    I used to have a lot of trouble with other people's energy in my head because since it was in me I thought it was my own thoughts and feelings. When I finally realized that they were not all mine, at first it was pretty confusing to me how to tell what were my own thoughts and feelings and what were the thoughts and feelings of others. This has confused me my whole life, it's only recently that I have found the 'stable datum' that I use to put order into the confusion.

    Through meditation I have learned that who I really am seems to be 'love'. Therefore, any thought or feeling that feels like 'love' is my own, and any thoughts and feelings that don't feel like 'love' are the thoughts and feelings of someone else. Easy peasy, hahahaha!

    I used to think we were all just 'accidents' of light. But since I've taken so many drugs, I decided that I must be a mutated accident of light. I am probably not the only one. Drugs have probably played a major role in how humanity itself has come to this time of 'the great awakening'.


  102. Mark Stuart, I have developed a lower back pain, for a month now! And I've never had it before...And this past month I was kind of busy with this whole Teal enterprise... Black magic! Maybe she is sticking needles in our wax dolls, hahahaha.

  103. Hahahaha! Zigzagbuddha, I didn't see "Lost boys"!
    Thanks for all the info:-) " a mutated accident of light" hahahaha

  104. HAHAHAHA! Thanks for all the good info on cording zigzagbuddha! I just want to say that I absolutely believe in psychic ability, and I do have respect for good professional psychics who genuinely try to help people. That being said, I almost died when I read about your experience with the psychic claiming you had been cursed...
    I had a similar experience when a psychic woman from India did a reading for me in a tiny room in her house (first mistake). She claimed that I had been cursed by a witch, and that all the women on my mother's side of the family had been cursed and that is why they all ended up so unhappy. She claimed she needed to help me... I asked her what she thought I needed her to do , and she said I would need to come back and pay her for multiple sessions where she would light a candle and pray, and align all my chakras.... I told her thanks, but I am wary of any psychic who plays off of people's fear... She insistently kept warning me to BE CAREFUL after that... I couldn't get out of there fast enough!! I had another reading with a much better psychic recently, who told me that I was clairsentient but said I also and had trouble knowing which feelings were mine and which were other peoples... I am still trying to sort through that though... lol

  105. " Black magic! Maybe she is sticking needles in our wax dolls, hahahaha."

    hahahahaha! TOO funny Elena Zh

  106. Elena and Mark: I have had lower back pain too, but I do not think it is because teal is sticking needles in a wax image of me, hehehe, I think it is because bodies are built for motion, and I sit here for most of my day hunched over my laptop and mouse. Granted, I swim every day, and at least once a day I move from my computer chair to my tv chair and watch jeopardy with my kids or even better, Face Off. I am trying to get up once an hour and move around for a few minutes, maybe go outside and breath some fresh air and gaze at the moon and the stars, but so far I have not been too awfully successful at it, especially during the winter!

    Elena: Lost Boys is a really fun movie! It's dated, but some things never lose their appeal, and that movie is one of them!

    Holistic Healer: Psychics are just reading energy and we all read energy, and we all translate the energy according to the language we speak and through the filter system of our own beliefs.

    I think that a 'professional' psychic who is trying to take you for a ride has picked up something and is trying to make a profit off you with it. That does not mean they are totally wrong about what they picked up, but it does mean that is tainted with their own perspective and intention, and may not actually or probably be an accurate translation or reflection. I way prefer my own guidance.

    I was stuck in Rockport, Massachusetts with my two kids, living in our van, just as winter was rolling in. We were out of money, I had 10 bucks to my name and didn't know what the hell I should do. As we were driving through town I saw this sign hanging from a shop down by the harbor for a tarot card reader.

    On a whim I park the van and take my last 10 bucks and step into the place. This may sound totally cliche, but when the bell on the door jingled, an old, rather haggard gypsy woman with long scraggly black hair and missing teeth comes down the stairs from her living space. She sits me down across from her and lays out the cards. Then she starts rambling... the women in my life, the men in my life, how many times I've been close to death...

    I'm sitting there and I can't believe I spent the last money I had on this... when all of a sudden she stops in mid sentence and yells at me "whaddya wanna come to me for? You're psychic yourself!" She ended up shoving my money back to me and screaming at my back the whole time I was walking to my car that I should 'STAY HERE! (in Rockport, not in her lobby, hehehe). So she was picking up something that was coming from me but it was delivered back to me from her own perspective, not mine. Although I am vaguely curious how things might have been different if I had stayed there instead of going where I went instead.

    And yeah, sorting out those voices can be troublesome, hehehe... I remember sewing curtains for my sons room once. He slept during the day and so they were black velvet curtains and I was using black thread of course. I had measured the windows and measured the hem and was all set to sew when I heard this light, quiet voice in the back of my head somewhere that said "measure twice, sew once!" I ignored it because I didn't feel like measuring again, and proceeded to sew... a double row of very small, tight stitches. It took me a long, long, time to get all those stitches back out of there. As it turns out I had measured wrong. Hahahaha!

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. A point. A point. But it could possibly be there for one of her housemates. Of course both her live in exes were raised Mormon, right? So it probably wouldn't be either of them. But, maybe one or more of the girls who do her housekeeping. Or, alternately, she may keep it because it's a classic and she didn't want to part with it for its informational value.

    I'll say this, again, to be fair. I don't drink. Haven't for years. But I do keep some wines on hand for cooking. She may do the same. Of course I don't require a book for that but who knows.

    One other possibility I'll suggest to be fair. Perhaps it belonged to her parents or another family member. Perhaps it's sentimental. I know if I had some of grandfather's wine books, I'd keep them. I don't know what happened to them. He wasn't much of a drinker but he was an epicure and had a number of very good books on wine. Just saying there are other reasons. But you're right. It's strange and raises some questions.

  109. This is true, it could be her grandmothers book as she was from a well to do family (I heard) and Teals own mother went against all that kind of thing producing Teal, a daughter who loves money and the finer things in life, so she could be an epicure or the grandmother was an epicure.

  110. "A British millionaire who divorced his ex-wife and moved his new girlfriend into the house while she was still living there couldn't understand why she became 'so aggressive' when he asked if she would work as his housekeeper.

    The couple, whose names were withheld from British press because it was a private family court matter, were married in the late 1970s and divorced in the 90s.

    Despite officially divorcing, the two continued to live in the same home until about five years ago, when the man moved his new girlfriend and her 12-year-old daughter into the house.

    At that point, the man apparently asked his fifty-something ex-wife if she would continue living in the house in a new role — his housekeeper." http://gawker.com/man-asks-ex-wife-to-stay-on-as-his-housekeeper-1511982368

  111. @Justin. I could produce artwork like Teals. I couldn't incorporate frequency changing properties into the paintings but that's okay because neither can she. I'm all for creativity to produce nice things to look at. When you begin claiming those things as having frequency changing properties then that's when I start hearing canned laughter in my head.

    Teal couldn't even sue anyone for discrediting her artwork. All you need to make Teals paintings work is a vivid imagination and high levels of suggestibility. Anyone who thinks they have bought a genies lamp when they buy Teals artwork should rightly feel very foolish indeed. Teal depends heavily on idiots to buy her stuff and that's how you do it since people do love the esoteric, even if it makes an ass of them and they don't mind if you take them for a ride either. I guess Teal would consider them a match to hoodwinking.

  112. The Narcissism Epidemic


  113. Narcissism: It ain't human


  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Teal painted the two Indoor wall murals (Toscana landscape and under water world) herself. That will put the argument to rest of her being or not being a skilled artist. Her frequency paintings remind me of stained glass window art. It is your cup of tea or it isn't. The special power claim becomes true in the mind who is willing to believe in it. It will create certain thought focus points. To somebody else it will be an unaesthetic piece of work. Skill and input will not be recognized or acknowledged because they truly don't exist in this way of perception.

    Lower back pain is a great invitation to move the ass and tries to explain to you that being glued to the monitor will stagnate your energy flow ... mmhh

  116. Andara, I agree that it does resemble stained glass windows...Only they are somewhat transparent and were meant to be positioned high above in the cathedrals and strategically also- the sunrays go thru and produce stunning effect.

    As for the lower back comment, while I was obviously joking above about the cause, the majority of episodes of acute lower back pain are caused by damage to the muscles and/or ligaments in the low back during movement. Lots of athletes suffer from it...I tracked it down with my physio today and it was possibly due to my new dancing routine or an incorrectly executed yoga posture or or stretching exercise. The extreme cold here for two months now doesn't help either- it keeps muscles flexed and stresses them out.
    Ps, most of my comments are sent from my phone while I'm on a train or in line etc...Don't be too quick to assume stuff..mmhh

  117. Hello Lena, I just learned that you have lower back pain as well. My comment was directed to Mark Stuart Ekdahl who already acknowledged intensive screen watch bahavoir.

    The online language is very tricky because you can't read the emotions or sound of the speaking voice. My mhhh was a cheeky one. But you took it the way you wanted to. Smileys usually help but I have a deep aversion against them oho.

    I would like to include one of Teal's famous and well trained giggle noises to confirm that this was a fun comment.

  118. Hi Holistic Healer. Back in my druggin days, I ran across a few women who were hooked on crack or speed. Women who delve into go haywire differently than men. I knew guys who lost it, wound up homeless, destroying their apartments, going psychotic. With women, the psychosis was less overt or violent. If she had speed or cocaine related psychosis, she could have latched onto a false reality that still persists today. I knew one woman who was already a strongly motivated musician, and the drug just seemed to spurn her on and make her grandiosity off the charts and disturbing. However at the same times, this makes them also prone to crashes, bad decisions, and scary vulnerability, and vulnerability to predatory people too, or crimes. They may even completely disregard mothering duties for the sake of a grandiose career goal. I don't expect parenting, even mothering, to be all its made up to be, but Teal doesn't sound like she's quite cut out for it. Plus, just taking such hard drugs while the brain is still developing is horrible. I didn't take them until I was in my early twenties, but at least it wasn't while I was a child or in my teens. My brain had still developed some more. But I still have painful memories. Like being in the little two bedroom condo where I had been brought home after I was born. But I was about 21, and my mom had just moved, so there was nothing there. Just me and a few fairweather friends with their own stews of pathologies, shooting up drugs. I had a lot of shame over that for a long time. I let a guy shoot me up and he did a horrible job. I was way out on a limb, my brain still developing, but my life falling apart. Run ins with cops. Really a dark time. Always seemed to be nighttime in my memory, walking down some identical city block, trying to score weed. The drugs got harder and one guy got killed over $20. He was anemic so he bled to death. Some Mexican gang bangers killed him. I was really stupid then. And it took years of processing and reprocessing it to figure everything out. I was at a friend's apartment complex one night, and sitting in a circle with a bunch of guys, and they were talking about this 13 yr. old girl whose' mother was pimping her out for their heroin addiction. I had tried heroin but it did nothin for me. they said some thirty guys in the apartment complex had had her. This enraged me inside. I had to escape. I had taken a lot of speed. I was in Orange County, CA. I remember calling my mom at some point telling her about the situation, but I should have called the authorities. I took off and drove to Vancouver, hallucinating a man in the back of my truck who I presumed wanted to kill me. I kept pulling over, opening the back of my truck, which my grandpa had given me, to see if some guy was still in there. I couldn't seem to convince myself I was OK. Some time later, I took a pill that really wigged me out with a friend on Venice Beach. I thought we were being followed by gangsters, that someone else wanted to kill me, that he had his weapon trained on us in a hotel lobby, total speed paranoia stuff. I stayed up over 3-4 days at a time, and I don't know for sure what damage it has done to my brain. The high it creates by staying up overnight (which by itself skipping one night of sleep has been showed to be antidepressant) is exhilirating. You just want to stay up and up and up, and injecting it is an insane high.

  119. Took me seven years to not crave speed, or be aroused by the smell.

  120. Oh I sensed some cheekiness behind it, GA!;-)) And I have to admit, being so self-centered, I thought your comment was directed at me as well ( does it mean you were ignoring my previous input here?! hahahaha) Most of my comments are humorous (not always successfully, but I'm trying) and not to be taken too seriously. :-))))) Giggling robotically

  121. I appreciate your comments Golden Andara. Very fair minded. No one is here to crucify anyone. I seriously don't think my lower back pain is associated with any Teal phenom. I think i just slept with too many blankets, LOL.

  122. For a long time my victim narrative evolved within me, making the Count of Monte Cristo look like a Psalm. But I finally was able to, like Teal says, find oneness with my perpetrators. I had worked through every line of deception I could remember. I had put myself in the other's position at every remembered encounter. there was a little unrequited love in there too, but it was all foolishness. i was surrounded by assholes on their own journeys.

  123. Just wanted to follow up on my "doodle" comment posted a couple of days ago, unfortunately pre-first-morning-coffee:

    A friend introduced me to Teal Scott a couple of months ago because she felt that Teal and I had some similarities in terms of coming from a difficult background and having similar beliefs regarding alignment, resistance and other concepts which have been part of the new age for a long time now (I would suggest that Blavatsky, Steiner and others from the turn of the 20th century might be the starting point for these concepts within a new age framework). I liked Teal's videos and very much liked her easy-to-understand explanations of very difficult concepts.

    I discovered her blog a little later and was surprised by her extensive self-revelation. I put it down to a great need for affirmation from the outside world after an early "secret" life in which a large part of her experience had to remain unacknowledged by anyone.

    I don’t know if her “cult” stories are true or not, but I don’t mind taking them at face value. From what I have read, my impression is that Teal was at liberty to go back and forth to her abuser’s location over a period of many years. So essentially, she made a choice, over and over again, to return to her abuser. I do not fault Teal for this; the dynamics of this type of relationship are very complicated and I would not dare to judge. But if the stories are true, I would imagine that it must be hard to live with. My underlying assumption is that Teal must have “loved” him, as many abused people “love” their abusers, and again, this must be hard to live with.

    Her experiences with modeling (nude or otherwise) as a young adult seem like a likely choice for someone with her background: we return to the familiar over and over again unless we persistently and consistently choose otherwise (and even then, I’m not so sure). She had experienced prostitution and returned to what she knew. Her other pursuits as a young adult (athletics, etc.) also make sense to me; she has a wide range of talents and interests (particularly as a Gemini) and experimented with them in order to find where she belonged in the world.

    Continued in next post.

  124. Her background story may be true, may have been intentionally fabricated, may have been unintentionally altered, who can say? Not me. But again, I am taking it all at face value.

    At 29 years old or so, Teal has been away from her “cult” experiences for a relatively short number of years. I am in my 40s and it took me a long time to have enough distance from my childhood to be able to process it enough to live a less “triggered”, and more self-defined life; an ongoing, challenging endeavor. For me, it required leaving my family and childhood environment behind, which I suspect Teal will have to do (she is currently in the early stages of doing this – coming to terms with the competition with her mother, etc.). The implications of daily relationship with her mother, father and brother while going back and forth to her abuser are staggering, and therapy has its limitations, to say the least.

    Her decision to marry Mr. Swan so quickly was probably in character, but I also attribute it to her age and her relatively short period of time away from her abuser. Time matters. It doesn’t matter what kind of abilities, intelligence or maturity you have. The passage of time dictates access to self-knowledge to a great degree, in my opinion. I will be interested to watch her get older from afar.

    The paintings: When I found her paintings online, I was stunned that they are very, very similar to drawings I have been doing all my life, which I always called doodles, due I suppose, to an exceptional lack of self-esteem. I call mine doodles and she calls hers “a way of raising humanity’s consciousness”. Isn’t that the nature of all art? And isn’t art in the eye of the beholder? “Doodles” to me may be “fine art” to someone else and the other way around. I meant no offence.

    I will continue reading Teal’s blog and Lavaughn’s blog because they are both so bloody interesting and fun! Thanks to Teal and to Lavaughn for putting your views out there.

  125. Elena: you caught me there...was more flying over the last 25 comments and I was probably too self-centred myself to pay attention to your comment ( ; Cheers ahoy.

  126. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMC1_RH_b3k


  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2S75ZQJTzY

    Shit New Age Guys Say

  129. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhsxz-qP8b4

    Shit New Age People Say

  130. Movie Metropolis 1927

    A woman named Maria is kidnapped by mad scientist. He then uses his machines to create an evil version of Maria. She end up becoming a performer in a nightclub where the scientist uses her to control the men of the cities and manipulate the people. Whenever she starts to dance, the men start to lust for her and go into a deep trance. She uses all kinds of dance moves until they are fully under her spell. They don't realize it that their minds are fully under her control and she is controlled by him.

    I pick up very different personalities in Teal. They are hard to differentiate but they are very opposite in nature. There is no clear outline, they merge into each other, like her paintings.

    At the beginning I was very fascinated by her, kind of blown away. It confused me to be "so blown away". I was carefully observing her and it didn't take long when all hell went loose. My guess is: different personalities take over with her with very different intentions. One is adorable, loving, giving, very intelligent, talented...the other personalities take over by trigger or job and seem to be "programmed". There is a lot of visual manipulation going on, a stabile concept of united old teachings forms the base, mostly mind stimulating and not silencing. Clarity gets constantly hammered by paradoxes etc.

    It was a very fascinating and confusing ride. I read both of your articles and the comments and they confirmed a lot to me and brought great clarity - I ignored the rude comments (free speech, ok).

    Metropolis captures one side of Teal's Personalities very well. There is no doubt in my mind that she got violently harmed in her childhood and I am not sure if she is a puppet of somebody or a part of her is controlled by the pain body or programming.

    I hope that she will heal, be free and me too, in my own way.
    Something is off there super fans - just be careful and constantly question everything so that you don't stop to think for yourself.

  131. Btw: wink, wave, scream, hello - Teal's new husband Sarbdeep Swan was personal assistant to Daniel Craig and former assistant and property manager for Madonna: both are high profile people of the illuminati dominated film & music industry… and at the beginning they all wanted fame. Well what a surprising circumstance. Of course Teal's new event manager had to book a bodyguard with this kind of profile???!!??? He looks lovely but I don't trust the whole thing. People who work FOR the music & film industry as close as personal assistant etc are highly suspicious to me.

  132. And the most effective method of manipulating humanity has always been to mix truth and lies together. Some stuff from Teal is coming from old wise teachings. And then there is the other stuff.

  133. "Beware of greedy leaders - they take you where you should not go". George Harrison

  134. To Bonanza Stylus: I have seen that movie 'Metropolis' but it was so many years ago I don't remember it, especially since I'm not a fan of black and white movies. I have a reason to watch one now! Too funny the comparison!

    I was in the habit of watching 'Abraham' videos and I would see a Teal video in the 'similar videos' list but I wasn't interested in 'copycatters' and I figured that's what Teal was. But one day a title caught my attention and so I watched... I was mesmerized and fascinated by her for a while. I envied her her youth and the fact that she seemed so together- a state I have been striving for most of my life and still find it out of reach- and here she was, practically born into it. It was exactly like she was the 'successful' version of me and I was the 'failure' version of me, and I resented that she got that role instead of me. I can see why she would call herself a 'spiritual catalyst' though, because I have definitely been 'catalyzed'.

    At any rate, I went ahead and bought her book. I didn't care much for the title, and based on the content of her videos I didn't figure the book was going to be of any real value to me, but I wanted to help her in some way.

    At the same time I bought her book, I bought another one for the same reasons really. It was Quinn Eaker's 'Full Spectrum Health'. I had already started on Teal's book and was having to force myself to read it, so when I looked at Quinn Eaker's book with all it's colorful boxes and different attractive fonts I was drawn more to it. Not only that but I enjoyed how he was saying stuff from his own perspective with his own unique words and phrases, and that was so much more interesting than teal's 'regurgitated' stuff.

    I had a great time with his book, but soon it was finished and I felt obligated to read Teal's... it was possible I could get something out of it... so I forced myself to read it. It was hard. Very hard. I skimmed over much of it. I very much wanted to leave a 'no star' review.

    I think her writing is getting a little better, but I still have a hard time getting through her blog, but sometimes there's a line or two, or a perspective that brings stuff up for me and it is fun to leave comments for her and others there. I would do the same thing here on more than just this teal topic because I absolutely love LaVaughn's writing style, especially her sarcastic wit! I just don't usually have much interest in 'expose' type stuff (sorry LaVaugn! :()

    I can't watch her videos anymore either because I find her voice a little irritating. Somebody said it wasn't rich and full or something like that, and I have the same feeling about it... it's more tight and constrained, like it's being forced in some way... it has sort of a 'fingernails on a chalkboard' effect on me. It also has a pretty condescending tone to it that doesn't sit well with me.

    I have benefited from my obsession with her though, in so many ways, but the most important thing is that it brought me to a place of greater appreciation of myself and my own life in a way that she probably didn't intend, hehehe.

  135. It's interesting to me how many people describe their interest in teal as obsessional and words to that effect. As I've read these comments and emails, it's come up over and over again. People are entranced by her. This is absolutely not a criticism of anyone expressing that. It's a concern. And it bothers me how much of her following are taken by teal more than the content of her message. It's a theme that comes up over and over. And if you're that taken with her as an individual how can you even be sure her message would feel as "true" if if were delivered by someone less entrancing. Is it the message or the messenger?

    Charismatic leadership can be toxic for many reasons. It's all about the leader, not the collection of individuals following that leader. Organizations built by charismatic leaders founder once that leader is gone because that's what they were about. Whatever grand objectives they have tend without them tend go sort of pffffft... It's toxic both to the followers and the charismatic leaders because they are all trapped in a dynamic of imbalanced power. And the more the power goes to that leader's head, the worse it gets. (See: Zimbardo)

  136. I will say good bye. I just watched Teal's new empty video. The lack of true wisdom or insights give me great reason to pull my attention away from her. But it seems like that many people are very inspired and delighted by her recent video - judging the comments over there - which deeply surprises me and I can't stop scratching my head. I was so bored that I was paying more attention to the background autumn stream or her make up change than anything else. In future I will get my pop corn out on some occasions to check out Teal's newest fashion or make up style. All the best guys. You wrote a very insightful book here. People can learn a lot from all the comments.

  137. LaVaughn said: "It's all about the leader, not the collection of individuals following that leader."

    Just the other day I read about a charismatic man in Russia who has pulled people to create a Siberian community they think is a "heaven on earth" under his "guidance".


    Your thought came to me too...The community in Russia looks beautiful so why didn't people come together and just create as a thriving happy place to live? Even when a collective seems to be grass roots...overt or subtle leadership jockeying is seen to arise.

    Sex, violence, V/V/R triad (or fear and seeking protection against these holding implicit their power over a person) and lower energy center emotional drama must have power to rend the human senseless as it seems to attract people and keep them enthralled LRH was also highly sexual, unstable and abusive with his followers. And at another meta level, look how readily people give up freedoms for protection "from_____".

    Another thing...having invested a lot, given up a lot in the pursuit, it is hard for people to "just give it up" or hear the doubting questions when they arise. That may be me too?

    The YCYOR techniques: mind and feeling in imagination is real technology IMO. Looking at Teal as a poster child for guidance in human capacity technology is like looking at MacDonalds as a place to receive nutrition. There is something there but won't nourish.

    I don't know if she is part of some larger scheme orchestrated to dis-empower those who follow her by creating extreme cognitive dissonance for the ideas? One might become disillusioned and throw the concepts out with the Teal bathwater.

    I noticed the link between Madonna and Sardeep. Humm seems not an accident. Interesting dramatic twist. He may on the one hand be a "handler" or in another story, likes the fame by proxy they may create? Or in another, it takes a certain "one" to know a certain "one". Fame is a drug and addicts like to use together.

    I attracted Teal because I believe in the new age teachings but I do not believe she represents them fairly.

  138. I found this insightful comment at http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2440131/pg1 and thought I'd share it here as it points out the inconsistencies in teal's story quite well. Also, something no one has mentioned yet, teal's story changes depending on the day. One minute, the abuse started at age 6, and the next it was age 12... modelling dates change... etc.

    "Teal Scott claims to have spent most of her childhood and teen years in the thrall of a cult leader, a family friend who unbeknownst to her parents was the head of a "blood atonement" Mormon offshoot.

    She tells of being drugged and tortured by group members, and she says she has the scars to prove it. She also says her abductor worked tirelessly brainwashing her to do his bidding and remain quiet about it all.

    But the macabre tale doesn’t stop there. Scott said the abductor, a man with multiple personality disorder, crossed over into Satanic groups — the rivals of the Blood Covenant in the regional cult underground. She claims he covered her with animal blood to prostitute her to fellow Satanists at a local motel and used her to lure illegal immigrant children to him in Southern Idaho.

    Now hold on to your hats. Scott also claims to have witnessed those children being burned to death as human sacrifices.

    In comment threads like the one following that column, many people have raised the bullshit flag. If you draw from her various bios, including the since deleted ones on modeling sites, you come up with a CV that looks something like this: From age 6 to 19 she was in a torture cult which her parents somehow never knew despite the fact that she was living with them and a brother in a two room cabin. At age 12 she was spotted in a horse supply store by a modeling scout from a New York agency and began traveling the world as a model.

    She was also an accomplished equestrian, archer, Telemark skier, fly fisher, and speed skater, some of which is documented. At age 6 she started her apprenticeship with a shaman/accupuncturist which lasted roughly 13 years. One assumes that's not her crazy cult leader but the timelines do kind of, more or less, rather, exactly coincide. Meanwhile she was being mentored in quantum field theory, which she started apparently at birth, because it was "throughout" the first 19 years of her life.

    She graduated high school at 16. After that she was off to Beijing to study Qigong and energy healing. And she still found time to become a Wiccan High Priestess.That's an impressive roster. And even more so when you consider that she was taking in this fine metaphysical education while being tortured by an LDS splinter group who thought her innate psychic abilities were of the Devil -- her being female and all -- and that they needed to be tortured out of her. But this is exactly what she explains in her interviews."

  139. 'She also said she was an international model, travelling the world. However previous claims of being kidnapped and tortured by the Mormon sect "The Blood Covenant" said she was being held captive. I addressed this on her group and one of her roommates responded that her captor was also her modeling "manager". Sure...makes sense. But I found ANOTHER blog that claimed she started modeling AFTER her escape at 19 years old. Her modeling history also includes nude, fetish, and lingerie modeling which would make more sense if she was older than 18. Her torture was result of her "unnatural" abilities that her parents were afraid of. The Mormon group claimed that she was evil and her captor was helping to rid her of this evil. But secretly he was a Satan worshipper and had Teal do horrible things, like lure immigrant children to their deaths as sacrifices.'


    David Blewett is indeed a shady character. He has been known to plaster suggestive/half-nude photos of teal as his profile picture on Facebook, constantly posts public comments in groups and her page about how physically beautiful she is (and does the same to her attractive friends). It's quite clear he's enamoured with her, but for her looks probably more than anything else. He has personally taken people on IN THE NAME OF TEAL and said absolutely horrible things about people who criticize her. So, yeah, that whole relationship is another bizarre one. There's a photo shoot David did with teal and a girl named Victoria which is kind of a 'mystical lesbians in a field' theme and just looks like he was directing them to do as much as they were comfortable with; Victoria has completely distanced herself from teal and was also the source of a teal rant on Shadow House because (the horror!) Flavia and Cameron spent some time with her when they first moved to Utah, not knowing anyone outside of the 'teal tribe'. And you're not supposed to spend time with people outside of the cult, don't you know? Keep things in the house, that's the rule. But really, it was mainly because Victoria fell out with teal and teal forbade them from befriending her.

    She has a history of getting things she needs from men by using overt sexuality, and this is just another case of it. People who've lived with or close to Teal say she has continues having sex with all of the men in her house, despite branding only one as her romantic partner.

  140. There's a video on Youtube called 'Teal Scott Possible Cult Leader', it's easy to find. Anyway, the woman who posted it wrote this in response to someone named Michelle Daugherty. I post it here because the poster says she has been personally contacted by one of teal's former housemates... and some other interesting tidbits.

    'This is a message I got from a Teal Scott worshiper comparing me to the ANTI-Christ, She's calling me the anti-Teal (as though Teal Scott is the Christ Messiah) She posted it, then deleted it...and here is my response to her.

    Michelle daugherty wrote and then seemingly deleted: "Normal people dislike something then move on to something they better resonate with not make a video that bashes the person. I have nick named you the anti-teal (nothing to do with religion) because where she is positive you are negative ...where she is articulate you are not...where she has feminine beauty you have not...where she is humble and honest about her past you are cruel. I hope by making this video you have learned something about yourself...and in the meantime Id clean your room."


    MY response: Ok, First off, what I am doing is raising questions about her organization, because she seems to have a lot of influence over a lot of people.

    I've also received messages from people who have attended her seminars, and who were actually involved with Teal Scott's communal household, so I know a lot more about her now that I did a week or so ago. They contacted me because they felt that everything I was saying was on "the right track" and that she is, actually, a dangerous person. She might seem articulate in her videos because they are scripted and filmed by her "handler" (their word) who "saved" (her word) her when she was 19 years old. What she's teaching isn't actually positive, if you look into it.

    What I was told by former members of the cult is that Teal Scott is a very controlling person and is/was sexually involved with three men who lived in her house, and was controlled by the older one who "saved" her. He grooms her and presents her to the public.

    Your comment, although, some of it directed toward me... maybe it might be true, (like yeah, I probably should clean my room, and I'm masculine/butch, and sometimes I'm cruel) your comment is not compassionate... Teal Scott doesn't teach compassion. She teaches the virtue of selfishness.

    According to my sources, she's actually not humble OR honest, and she uses the stories of her abuse to garner sympathy and favors. She uses it to manipulate people.

    Actually, yeah, I did learn something about myself...I learned that my words are powerful, and I can shine light on things that are sketchy, like Teal Eye LLC (a pyramid scheme! It is been admitted by a cult member!) and that I can take criticism about my appearance and throw it back at you, because I've got facts on my side. I've got the big picture on my side. I've got witnesses on my side who were actually there and saw the man behind the curtain, pulling the strings. I'm also courageous, because I've got all these people hurling insults at me, and I'm strong enough to throw them back at the lot of you.'

  141. Dava, that first comment you quote from Anonymous Coward is actually plagiarized word for word from my first post on teal. It also includes material that I had quoted from a news article. It just would have been nice if they'd included a citation.

  142. One last thing is that I've found deleted threads on TealTribe.com, as more proof that teal's team, I think Blake runs the site, are controlling her image by selectively allowing comments and deleting ones that they find threatening.

    One was a direct response to LaVaughn's articles, titled 'The shit has really hit the fan' or something to that effect. It showed up in Google search results but the thread had been deleted.

    The other two I've found show that the original post has been deleted and the title changed to 'this thread has been deleted' but comments (that are pro-teal) have been left alone... really bizarre:



    So there's some visual evidence that they are definitely moderating comments and ensuring the vast majority are pro-teal, despite claims for *total transparency* in the public. The insistence by Blake that they (teal and her employees/servants) make themselves completely vulnerable and have nothing to hide as far as how they present to the public are obviously false. They are blatantly hiding the truth from the public and are evidently complete hypocrites.

  143. Aw, sorry LaVaughn, I didn't realize it was yours when I posted it! They should of cited it but I would take it as flattering, if anything. Retracting my comment that no one mentioned the age discrepancy before, obviously. After reading the articles and hundreds of comments my memory is a little blurry.

  144. should have*

    This is my cue to go get another cup of coffee.

  145. I saw those photos. Someone directed me to them. He'd assumed it was her with lesbian lover. It's not uncommon in fashion photography and the like to create lesbian subtext. I even knew someone who did department store display who told me there was directive to position mannequins in such a way as to suggest lesbian subtext. Anyway, I looked at the photos there was no mistaking it. I just thought those photos were as manipulative as the rest. Everything is a sexual come-on with her.

    How interesting that the woman has distanced herself from teal.

  146. I had noticed the thing with the Teal Tribe threads. They did some housecleaning. There's also at least one missing blog post -- the one about her parents: Oedipal Complex. Wouldn't that actually be an Electra Complex? But I digress.

    They're in damage control mode. More and more questions are coming up in more and more places. It's going to get worse.

  147. In the comments, I love this one:

    "If you attack Teal Scott which you are

    I will destroy your thread

    She has a warm heart and is trying to help people'

    More of that highly vibrational following of hers I guess.

  148. 'In the comments, I love this one:

    "If you attack Teal Scott which you are

    I will destroy your thread

    She has a warm heart and is trying to help people'

    More of that highly vibrational following of hers I guess.'

    Laughing out loud. I spotted that one too. They're too high vibe, the rest of us just can't keep up.

    ' It's not uncommon in fashion photography and the like to create lesbian subtext. I even knew someone who did department store display who told me there was directive to position mannequins in such a way as to suggest lesbian subtext. Anyway, I looked at the photos there was no mistaking it. I just thought those photos were as manipulative as the rest. Everything is a sexual come-on with her.'

    Mhmm, the come-ons don't stop. Everything is about parting the lips and posing with soft eyes, reminiscent of being in the middle of sex. It's all so staged, everything about her and her image, as though she doesn't even know how to be natural. And these photos are relatively current, they represent her enough to still be listed on her public profile. It's the same as any media outlet selling sex, she's practising identical tactics: make an association between teal swan and sex and then reel them in, their reptilian brains will take care of things.










    As far as the woman in the photos distancing herself, there have been several in the past few months. Several long-term friends have decided not to associate with her privately at all, people who used to consider her a best friend even. This all followed the divorce from Mark and the incidents that followed with Fallon and Cameron.

  149. Not subtle is it. A lot of the pics on her blog, too. So much skin and come hither glances. Sex sells. And that's fine if you're selling sex. It's not cool if what you're selling is spiritual teaching... or cars, or anything else. It's manipulative. And reducing women to their bodies all the time, not empowering. Not empowering at all.

  150. Dava-sparrow: Did you talk about Victoria Hope McLellan? She is still friends on fb with her. I noticed that Teal mentioned that she was jealous about the tight friendships with her new Bffs. She was not part of the wedding, which surprised me. I remember Teal calling her "her best friend".

    You did a good research there. I was always very neutral in regards to Teal but lately I find it hard as the evidence makes me emotional. I always thought: if you don't like her, move on. But taking in consideration that everything could be a master plan of some person behind the scenes .. makes me emotional. I was VERY surprised to learn that Tealeye.com already existed in 2005 and was used for her nude images. It confirms that the model career didn't work out with her brand name Tealeye and now they target the confused spiritual seeker. Her latest reminder blog post about : "Follow your desire" just reminded me of the dangers of the wishful mind. "The Secret" movement seems to miss out that EVERYTHING that mind wishes for WILL appear in dual states. You can not attract the one without the other. The mind lives in duality. Many old teachings point out that the heart is the space where duality unites into oneness and they try to focus you there and teach you how to ride the wave of dual appearances. There is a big hick up in the concept of "The Secret" and Teal's teaching. At the beginning it makes people very happy, relieved etc because they learn that they can do something about the life that sucks. Give it a year and it will turn against them.

    Teal presents some of the very precious old teachings in her videos and don't confuse that with "her" teachings because she is the umbrella of a messy new philosophy and self perception. She is indeed very talented in many ways and I feel a lot of love for her soul. Her darker vibes are all over the videos and everybody will pick them up (consciously or unconsciously) and will slowly mess up their own systems.

    The photographer guy who also designed her Tealeye website and attacks people is obviously very smitten by her and in love. Reading his image descriptions : " I never saw such beautiful eyes" etc... he is madly in love. I wonder if he also took the nude images which you can find on the tealeye.com server.

    The question is: Is Teal a puppet or just a very talented and highly confused, self driven identity who runs the show spiritual marketing. The follower is puppet anyway.

  151. Dear LV and other contributors,
    Thank you very much for an interesting observations and discussion regarding Teal Scott (Swan) work and public profile. I find the whole matter very interesting, if not intriguing, and I feel the need to add my experience and observations to body of knowledge already accumulated here.
    I first stumbled across one of Teals interview video on FB. To be very honest, I clicked on the link because she did not look like other “classical” spiritual teacher. She was young and very attractive and my curiosity got the best of me. After watching the video I was even more curious. She talked about her past, her ESP abilities, and she was able to convey complex spiritual truths in a very simple manner. I was shocked by her childhood story and quite stricken by how convincing and certain she seemed at that interview. My curiosity was really aroused, I needed to know more. I started looking at her other stuff, including her weekly videos, blogs, and Shadow house episodes. As I took her statements about her ESP abilities and her past trauma on face value, my main motive was to learn 1) how does one who has ESP abilities function in this 3D framework we call life, and 2) how does one becomes whole and integrated after such trauma? As she was very open about herself, I thought that I might answer my questions or at least get some insight. After some time, I noticed that I got hooked to her interviews, Shadow house episodes and blogs, sort of like the being hooked to a super interesting reality show. Her take on spirituality and life in general was quite good, but it was not new to me. It was clear that most of it was derived (or very similar) to the Abraham material. But it was not spiritual information that I wanted, I wanted to know more personal information about her, so that I could answer my two questions. Hence I developed a keen interest in following her life.
    After watching all the interviews I could find, some Ask Teal and Shadow house episodes and after reading her blogs, I reached the following conclusions:
    - Although it is quite clear that parts of her bio are fabricated, I do feel that her child trauma is authentic. However, I do not think that she made up her bio, I think that tiny portions of every fabricated segment of her life story are true, but she adds layers of lies to the initial truth to make it sound more interesting or grandiose. Take for example her modelling career. If you look at the available photos on line, there is no doubt that she tried modelling, but judging by the quality of the photos, she did not get very far with it. She was certainly not travelling the world as a model with those photos in her book. The same principle would apply with other segments of her bio like the trip to China or the Wicca witch. This kind of “story telling” is very typical for anyone with strong Neptune and Gemini emphasis. They can be very convincing when telling those stories and the reason for convinsiveness is that they themselves want to believe stories they tell are true. In such a way they hide from the pain of their own life. I imagine she is not any different.

  152. continued..

    - I have to give her credit when it comes to presenting existing knowledge in a clear and simple manner. She has a gift for synthesizing a lot of different material and conveying it in an understandable and simple way. Her own perspective is unique (as any other), and one can learn from it (as one can learn from any other perspective). I also think that her openness about her own life is very much welcomed, as spiritual teachers willingly turn into “saints” in order to uphold a certain spiritual image in the eyes of the followers in order to maintain an unequal guru-follower relationship. In the future, as human race evolves, there will be no more need for gurus and spiritual teachers, as we will all learn how to reconnect with our higher selves and how not to give our power away. In the meantime, the life of Teal Scott and other spiritual teachers like her will contribute to the dissolution of the myth of a spiritual teacher who can give us certainty in an uncertain world and who can save us from the misery of living in this 3D constricted world.

    - Teal´s energy strikes me as very very mental. I hardly ever noticed and felt a heart-based reaction from her. Strong heart chakra is a necessity in the spiritual development; it balances lower chakras/worlds with higher chakras/worlds. It gives one a soft, mellow, relaxed attitude towards life and people. It gives you a certain glow and a certain latent smile that is always present on your face. Teal however lacks these qualities and appears quite frozen to me. Her ask Teal videos are especially artificial and frozen. You will also notice that a phrase “I don´t know˝ is not in her vocabulary, as she takes great comfort and derives much of her self-esteem from the fact that she is the one who knows and can explain things. Even her videos are named Ask Teal, as if she has all the answers. Also notice how she likes to use sophisticated words that make her appear even smarter. The certainty at which she explains things is especially impressive. Her answers are very sure, very definite, very convincing. I think that her way of presenting plays well into the basic human need for certainty. This is why she can captivate her audience. This and her physicality.

    - I perceive her new husband quite differently than other commentators here. He seems very self-absorbed to me, even more so than she is. From her latest blog it appears that Flavia and Bonnie moved away back to California and Canada, so apparently she is willing to sacrifice her friends/close devotees to follow him to Europe. It is not all about her any more, it is about him now. One also has to notice that there were no more Shadow house episodes broadcasted after Sarbdeep had moved to Utah to live with her. She does not mention him much in her blogs either, only casually. We do not know a lot about his spiritual side, which is quite odd. His wedding woes were too simple, a bit superficial and empty. My feeling is that she is hiding him from the public eye, as he does not fit well into the public image that she has built for herself. Also, I feel that Sarbdeep will be a gamechanger for her, as he might be the one who eventually breaks her, not the other way around.

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. continued..

    - Lastly, her ESP abilities. I feel that she is very perceptive, and may have some abilities, but not to a degree that she would have us think. As her life story, her ESP abilities are also exaggerated. An example: when she talks about aliens or ascribes certain people who interview her as coming from other planets or star systems, she never mentions unknown races, only races we all heard about before (such as Lyrans, Vegans, Arcturians, ect). I found that very odd as someone who is really clairvoyant and experienced in OBE should find many other races not mentioned in spiritual community. If there are millions of other races out there, and out of that million surely a fraction would be interested in Earth, that fraction of million would still amount to more than just a few familiar races she talks about. What concerns me greatly is that she uses her “ESP skills” to confirm for some people how special they are (for being originally from other star systems). This is not only unnecessary, but can be detrimental for some of people who receive such confirmations, who really need to ground themselves and reduce the level of resistance to 3D/Earth life.

    - To sum up, I think that Teal is a person who is trying to cope with a very difficult past. I do not get upset at her for being who she is. Her grandiose schemes, narcissism and fragmented personality are just a reflection of the great amount of injury and trauma she sustained. In a way, I feel for her. People who choose to donate to her, follow and divinize her do it for their own benefit. If not Teal, it would be someone else who pushes their buttons and pursues them to give their power away. We need souls like Teal to teach the humanity by example and contrast how not to give our power away to people who seem to know the answers better then ourselves. It is a very important lesson and I am thankful that she took that role to teach us that.

    I must also say that I will continue to follow both Teal and this blog with great interest. This is a great story that offers a lot of learning potential for those that follow her, just as observers or as devotees. LaVaughn, thank you very much for initiating this discussion and the learning process. Lastly, I apologize for my English, as I am not a native English speaker. I hope I managed to get my observations across.

    Cheers, P.

  155. LaVaughn, with all due respect, what is your ultimate goal here? What do you want out of all this?

  156. "Many people who have tried to contact Teal Scott has been answered by David Lamar Blewett which is the same person that took her modellingphotos when she was around 18.If thats not weird, i dont know…"

    Now: counting one and one together. Blewett is obsessed with Teal's eyes as stated on his portfolio at

    He took images of Teal around 2005 as well. He knows how to set up and design the website as he did the current versions of it as well. They set up the website Tealeye.com together in 2005 for model, half nacked and sexual images only. This is how TEALEYE was born. Originally it was the brand name to marked her as a model. At


    you can see the old website with all the content. Some images are missing. I do not understand why they changed the name for her new brand as the both intentions of the 2 businesses are very different. Let's not even go into the vibrational level. So I really assume that this is where the name of Tealeye comes from - from a photographer who adored Teal's eyes and started to market her as a model. There is no doubt in my mind that she never walked the famous catwalks or traveled all over the world. Her image portfolio in the online data base (still existing or deleted but still traceable) do not proof this claim. I think it was a business strategy to make her look more professional and more experienced. David Blewett and his role is an enigma to me.

  157. Did Teal ever mentioned the playboy? Her old website is stating it.

  158. With all due respect, marianne, the issue of my motivations has been well covered.

  159. Golden Andara, the stuff about the mysterious Mr. Hewitt is kind of fascinating, you're right.

  160. This sounds like it is personal to me LaVaughn, not just a concerned world citizen, that is why I asked what your TRUE motivations were. You spend a lot of time on this, so I was just wondering...

  161. Golden Andara, Teal's eyes are pretty fascinating on video, film or in real life. They are very unusual and very beautiful. That a portrait and glamour photographer would be very taken by them is no surprise to me, a painter would probably be scared :)

    I find this denigration of beauty as quite a sad thing. Beauty often seems to be treated as something unimportant, I don't think it is. Beauty is inspiring, it promises a better world and it talks of love. Teal was born with some good physical attributes no doubt but she has also made the best of herself and continues to do so. Its not surprising many men are somewhat entranced by her, I know I am, and I don't think there is anything wrong with that (I've been entranced by a lot of women over the years :)). It is entrancing to see such a beautiful and sexy woman, talking with one of the most musical and beautiful voices, express truths of such utility and beauty themselves with such clarity and measure. That *is* entrancing. The day I don't find that entrancing I'm gonna be very worried :).

  162. As to the theory Teal-is-just-a-business that many people seem to express in various ways. Does it make sense from a business point of view to go about smashing your image as a 'perfect enlightened guru' at every opportunity? Teal went on Shadow House and showed the world her darker aspects, not all of them I'm sure, but many and pretty black they are. That seems more like the act of a dedicated teacher, someone who is willing to risk fame for the benefit of helping people. And it helped me a lot personally. At first I was *very* dissapointed and angry (like many people in these comments seem to be) but then I remembered how much Teal's teachings have helped me. So I embraced her teaching of 'take what works for you and leave what doesn't'. You don't have to swallow the whole Teal-pill, just take whatever resonates and works for you.

    Many people on here seem to be like a thirsty horse that Teal has led to water. They won't touch a drop because...'she is too pretty to be a horse leader' or 'she is not the real horse leader there is someone behind her' or 'she makes a business out of horse leading' or 'she copied some of the map to the water from other people I heard' or or or. Fine you can't make a horse drink water and you can't make a person see sense if they refuse to.

  163. Justin wrote: ''Many people on here seem to be like a thirsty horse that Teal has led to water. They won't touch a drop because...'she is too pretty to be a horse leader' or 'she is not the real horse leader there is someone behind her' or 'she makes a business out of horse leading' or 'she copied some of the map to the water from other people I heard' or or or.'

    Except that many of us, including myself, were quite seriously studying teal's teachings for some time before arriving at the realization that she (and Blake) is a wolf in sheep's clothing. You're saying that we haven't given her a chance, buy myself and others here went as far as to be volunteers for Teal Eye and to form relationships with Blake, teal and others in her circle. So your theory is way off.

    'Fine you can't make a horse drink water and you can't make a person see sense if they refuse to.'

    Pot calling the kettle black. For you to take the stance that you and the teal collective are 100% correct with total certainty, whilst the rest of us are wrong simply because we disagree with you based on glaringly obvious facts (in other words, we're speaking from grounded perspectives) is delusional. Furthermore, doesn't teal teach that everything is subjective if she's teaching that we're the creators of our reality? So you're not actually following her teachings after all, tsk tsk.

    Mr. Philosophy, are you really making sweeping generalizations like that? There's a wonderful book called An Interpretation of Religion: Human Responses to the Transcendent by John Hick, you ought to give that a thorough read.

    Your argument is weak because there is no argument to be had. There are only discernible facts.

  164. I want to add that I purchased a pendant of teal's vibrational artwork to test it myself. I asked for something, and when I my payment was requested I was told by Blake that teal had decided to make a beaded necklace to go with it that would 'increase it's power'. I didn't request this. It bumped the price up by about another $100. The necklace arrived and it looked like one of those candy necklaces that children wear, the kind you bite the candy off of. It was unwearable in public so I wore it at home only to test the specific claims teal made about the piece. The beads are a variety of bright colours, various shapes and sizes, all over the thing, combined with the multi-coloured art pendant. I think even psychedelic hippies would be like, That's loud man.

    Though I can only speak for myself, so obviously not a large sample, the claims were false. That's enough evidence for me that her artwork is more deluded fantasies of grandeur.

    I also felt totally taken advantage of that I was put in the position of paying a good amount extra to pay for something (the beaded necklace) that I didn't want or ask for, and only told about it when payment was due. The beads are mostly glass, not even semi-precious gemstones.

  165. Clearly, marianne, you couldn't be bothered to read much of what I've written in the posts or in the comments. I you had you'd know that writing these posts wasn't terribly time consuming and that it's only personal in the sense that my "world citizenry" is personal to me. I don't have some deep, personal animus towards teal. I do have a more general concern about manipulative practices, spiritual abuse, and cult tactics, of the kind I see being played out here. These are issues I've written a great deal about and teal is just the latest example I've stumbled across.

  166. Well, dava, once again you've left me near speechless. She tacked on a beaded necklace and charged you another $100 bucks?! I just keep thinking of Fargo. "Yeah but this Trucoat..."


  167. Thanks for your response, and no I don't have the time to read through all of these comments, which I'm sure is a good thing... Rest assured though, that there are many people in the world who are intelligent enough not to be brain washed by cult mentality, and those who are, well, they are the ones that are the hardest to convince of anything. I'm not saying what you are doing is futile, you have your principals and even with the little I've read, you have made your point. If you get enjoyment out of your Teal research and continuing on this subject that is your prerogative, thanks again for answering.

  168. Marianne, intelligence is not a protection against cult indoctrination or con artists. In fact, thinking you're too smart to fall for such things makes a person MORE vulnerable to such tactics. Many brilliant people have been taken in by cults. (See: Hassan)

    If you were to find the time to read through these comments you'd find that these discussions have been anything but futile. Many people have stated that both the posts and the comments have helped them to clarify their thinking, to identify and articulate things that didn't feel right about teal and her organization.

    And you're welcome. I do make every effort to respond to questions. I'd just answered this one too many times and too many ways. I tire of repeating myself.

  169. Dava "Furthermore, doesn't teal teach that everything is subjective if she's teaching that we're the creators of our reality?"

    Actually no she doesn't but that seems to be a very common misuderstanding of her teachings. "There are two types of truth in this universe, Objective (universal) Truth and Subjective (individual) Truth." This is on her core teachings page http://www.thespiritualcatalyst.com/teachings

  170. Justin: "Golden Andara, Teal's eyes are pretty fascinating on video, film or in real life. They are very unusual and very beautiful. That a portrait and glamour photographer would be very taken by them is no surprise to me, a painter would probably be scared :). I find this denigration of beauty as quite a sad thing"

    My comment in regards to the origin of Tealeye NEVER related to judging about the quality of her eyes. It was mainly exploring the way how her company name Tealeye was born. I just learned that you think that her eyes are amazing. I am very happy for you finding enjoyment in her eyes.

    Justin: "Does it make sense from a business point of view to go about smashing your image as a 'perfect enlightened guru' at every opportunity? "

    The concept of showing your shadow sides to the public is not that unique as you or Teal seem to think. Many spiritual teachers take the piss out of themselves on the worldwide stages without labeling it to be an amazing, brave act. If you listen to teachings of p.e. Ram Dass … he does a wonderful job of showing all his personal mistakes. Teal is unique in the way of flooding her followers with really dark and tragic personal challenges. If people aren't stabile enough in themselves, this will have a deep effect on them. Not in a good way. I do question her choice a lot because her openly shared life can OVERSHADOW her sometimes very unique ways of explaining common teachings.

    In my opinion "there are no perfect gurus and I show you my shadows" is celebrated for the wrong reasons. First of all it was a necessary step of her to share with the world because her issues are so deep that they can't be hidden! Fallon's communal living forced her in a way to come clean because the guys and girls saw a different side to Teal which pretty much confused them all. I do admire her for jumping straight into her shadows on such a public level - you can consider it as being brave. But I also smile about the way how it is sold to the public in regards to "Gurus struggle as well". There is a claim in there. Do you see it? I really have to giggle whenever she says: "You see, EVEN I still struggle with that kind of stuff". It is cute.

    There is another claim in her message: that all the other gurus were lying. Take 80% away because there are many people out there who claimed to be a guru without matching the quality of the meaning behind the word. Now let's talk about the 20%. A very bold statement of Miss Swan. She would melt in their presence. I don't even will go there further.

  171. Justin "I find this denigration of beauty as quite a sad thing. Beauty often seems to be treated as something unimportant, I don't think it is."

    I am totally up for celebrating beauty. In fact that is the centre of my life. I chose the focus of a visual artist, I can find beauty in everything. I don't understand where you see "denigration of beauty" other than having LaVaughn stating that she doesn't consider Teal being overly attractive - which is her personal taste. There is nothing more beautiful than an elegant, mystical nude image of a wonderfully "built" woman with the intention of celebrating that elegance of shapes and colours. Teal is a very beautiful woman in my eyes. I also love the shape of my body and I adore the beauty of Christa who lives in the third house on the right up my street.

    I have a large group of people following my art and I share also some private life with them. I could easily use the state of my body to double or triple or ... the group of people following my art by attaching them to me with sexual projection. But why? I do not understand why Teal is so straight in your face with her overly sexualized clothing. In the majority of her videos she looks naked, interviews in front of messy beds etc. There is a plan behind that. This is not innocent presentation of her body. It is a result of clear focus and damaged self perception.

    I do believe that this is a result of her growing up in such a sexually tortured way. I remember that she once stated that she thought that it is normal to jump in bed with men to say "thank you" for services towards her. I assume that she has a lot of sexual self-confidence because she was a "star" in that regards in her upbringing with that torture guy. She feels very secure when she presents herself overly sexy. I think there is a lot of healing still coming her way. I wish her that a lot. Because once it is balanced…oh boy… she has great taste as an artist as well and her physical beauty will transform into the pure celebration of it without trying to hook somebody on it for her own safety. You know, some women feel saver by knowing that people adore her and want her. There is a kind of control mechanism in there.

  172. very intersting new video interview with Teal. She is addressing her mind control program as a child in the first half. I never heard her referring to it before.

  173. Well the link would help I guess.

  174. Well, I have heard her talk about being the Manchurian Candidate or whatever the fuck before, but I decided to try to give this one a listen. The interviewer has a nice speaking voice. But of course, I'm minutes in and already there's another glaring reminder that she of the "oneness" teaching doesn't get oneness at all. In their little exchange about how it is that we forget that we are God immediately after we really "get it" at some retreat, she explains:

    teal: "After the ecstasy the laundry." [lol]
    interviewer: Does God do laundry? Guess so.
    teal: No.

    Um.... Do we do laundry? Then God does laundry. Because we are God and God is us. Get it? If you're doing ANYTHING God is doing that thing. That's the point. That basic principal is fundamental to an understanding of mystical thought, aka., "conscious oneness." And she doesn't get it at all.

    And she could be forgiven for having a hard time wrapping her head around that -- because there really is a sharp unlearning curve on this stuff -- if she weren't positioning herself as a luminary, Arcturian, Eucharist, guru something or other, here to teach the WORLD about oneness. And then she goes on to lecture about this basic principle that she understands not at all. Insufferable. And unlistenable.


  175. Justin wrote, 'Actually no she doesn't but that seems to be a very common misuderstanding of her teachings. "There are two types of truth in this universe, Objective (universal) Truth and Subjective (individual) Truth." This is on her core teachings page http://www.thespiritualcatalyst.com/teachings'

    Firstly, those are not her teachings; she's appropriated them and has people, like you, now referring to them as hers.

    Secondly, I'm well familiar with the distinction between objective and subjective truths. Objective truths fall into the category of universal laws... not one dude's opinion about a spiritual teacher. I was pointing out that you're wielding subjective opinions as objective truths, and a 'high vibrational' spiritual adept does not that make. It's the mark of confusion.

  176. I loved this interview. I don't think that Teal is at all confused regarding oneness and "is God doing laundry". In fact she states a truth that we are all "extensions" of God or Source. God may experience the "feeling" we have of doing laundry through us just like we may experience great mercy and love thanks to God within us, but God or the source of all creation is not physically doing the laundry, that is all she meant I think. I don't think that I am God, but I believe that I come from God. That is why Christ taught "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, so you do unto me" to teach that we are all connected. Voila.

  177. "I don't think that I am God, but I believe that I come from God."

    Then Marianne, you don't really believe in oneness, which is entirely fine. You don't have to. But she claims to. And their whole conversation at that point was about why we keep slipping back into the illusion that we are not God after "getting it." He lobbed her a softball and she whiffed it.

  178. I do believe in oneness, but maybe our definitions aren't quite the same. Maybe there is just a fine nuance?? My belief is that my soul, which is what we are, souls with bodies, is part of or an extension of God which isn't cut off from God in this physical life. Our physical bodies of course are separate, but we are linked to one another and to God through God, that is what I believe oneness is. Maybe you could explain what you believe "oneness" is.

  179. "You know, some women feel saver by knowing that people adore her and want her. There is a kind of control mechanism in there."

    I think Teal has admitted as much about herself. I personally hope she doesn't become tooo secure :), or if she does she still makes the best of what she has.

  180. I agree Marianne, Teal's idea of oneness is more complex and nuanced than LaVaughn paints it. She has said 'the biggest picture' is oneness but we don't normally see things from that perspective.

  181. Well, for a start, I believe it means, "There is no such thing as that which is other than you." That's the second bullet point from Teal's core teachings. (link above) And if you God is not other than me, I am God. Ipso facto God does laundry.

  182. "very intersting new video interview with Teal."

    Actually I think that interview is from over a year ago. Just goes to show how consistent Teal is.

  183. LV "And if you God is not other than me, I am God. Ipso facto God does laundry."

    Strictly and logically speaking it would be possible for everything to be you and for God to be separate from you. If you extend further than God in some, however small, way. So if we are an independent being that is an extension of God, as Teal teaches, then in a sense we are part of God but are to some extent beyond and independent of God. Not sure if this is what Teal would say?

  184. "You see, EVEN I still struggle with that kind of stuff". It is cute."

    Yes she does even say those words sometimes :). And yes she does say that *all* other gurus were the same, and kind of lying. Good point.

  185. Justin, we are either one with everything or we are not. What we call "God" is all that is, or what the Hindus call Brahman. Our 5 senses tell us we are separate. Mystical, or oneness, teaching tells us this is an illusion. It's taught more coherently in Eastern religions and indigenous teachings so it's a particular challenge for those of us who were raised in the Abrahamic faiths. But having studied for years with a Cherokee Mystic, I can no longer look at things any other way. If you are teaching that God is separate from you, you aren't teaching oneness. Sorry. But teal isn't the first to give lip service to teaching oneness, while making it a muddle of contradictions. She's just unusually oblivious to her own inconsistencies.

    Note that in that interview she did not disagree with the interviewer when he stated prima facie that we are God and that this awareness tends to fade when we leave the bliss of the retreat. She agreed with him and went on to explain why she thinks it is that our experience in human incarnation is one of forgetting that central truth. She didn't say, *Well, we're one with everything except for God. Nothing is "other" but God.* She didn't say that, now did she.

  186. Think teal's latest post is in response to recent comments about her using sex to sell spirituality? Me, too.

    Think she missed the point? Me, too.

    "The goddess represents the divine feminine; the god represents the divine masculine. On a manifested level, this translates to a physical woman and a physical man."

    Guess she doesn't buy into Jung's anima/animus idea. Men have no feminine side, nor women a masculine one I guess.

  187. LV "Guess she doesn't buy into Jung's anima/animus idea. Men have no feminine side, nor women a masculine one I guess."

    Why are you so comfortable guessing instead of actually finding out? Because you aint good at it AFAICT.

  188. LV maybe you need to read my post again, but anyway I will put it another way (I wish I could show you a Venn Diagramme :)). It is possible for one thing to encompass another and that other thing not to emcompass the first. As an example take your finger, it is part of you but you are not part of it. Now imagine your finger was actually an independent being in some way, with its own perspective, it would participate in being part of you and be independent and beyond you in a small extent. So perhaps it is like this with human beings, we are part of God but to some extent separate, as Teal teaches. No need to reply to this, you either understand this or you don't and I'm not particularly interested to hear the result :)

  189. Hey Lavaughn,

    Just checking back. Still glad you undertook the work of posting these blogs and interacting in the comments. You have infinitely more patience than I would with someone like Justin.

    As a non-believer in the 'oneness' ideas you're all discussing, or anything really New Age-y, I hope you understand that I still respect you as a person and fellow truth-seeker. But I think contributors here like Justin and Marianne are missing the point of the blog and conversation if they're going to keep side-tracking you with all this talk.

    Tealeye, Teal Scott, Swan, whatever, Blake, Shadowhouse, the artwork, the whole thing is a scam. A woman desperate for resources, using all she has to get it from people, whether those people are lovers or spiritual devotees. I think she uses her ideology to manipulate the emotions of people around her, who help her carefully craft this image that lures other people in who are seeking some kind of guidance in their life. A patchwork ideology obviously lifted from other New Age thinkers and various internet memes.

    So she's an alien, huh? An alien that chose to come to earth so she could be sewn into corpses as a child (how do you fit) so that she could later tell REAL child abuse victims that their lives 'aren't all that bad'?

    Her schtick is just a revictimization of real victims. Her invented stories play on the susceptibility of damaged people to feel that they are not alone. Then she sells them shitty art and glass bead necklaces saying it will 'heal' them. It's a con.

    There are real resources out there for anyone seeking to overcome childhood abuse, real healthy resources that genuinely care. Nobody needs to defend a charlatan just because she'll show you some shoulder and look into your eyes across the internet. But she's just another abuser, abusing their trust. Quit defending your abusers, people. Good luck with your healing process. Ten years down the road, everyone now associated with Teal Swan will be embarrassed by this time in their lives.

  190. Hi Mykeyta, Just to let you know, my beliefs about oneness and the power of our own spirits, were there long before I ever heard of Teal Scott. I can't speak for all, but for myself I can tell you that I'm not "zombied" out by any spiritual teacher, quite the contrary. I haven't yet bought any of Teal's artwork or paintings, so I can't comment on the quality. Some of her paintings I do find quite beautiful, so to each his own, so what? I do understand your and LV's concern for victims of abuse, but do you know 100% that TS is lying? I can honestly say that I don't know. Personally I wonder how her abuse could have gone completely undetected by her parents, usually there are some kind of signs. But in all honesty I can't judge, I wasn't there, if she was under some kind of mind control, maybe it was all well disguised? If what TS is saying is true, it doesn't seem that her mom or dad were watching over her very closely, especially if this started at such a young age. I wonder, did her mother never give her a bath? How could she not notice a thing? I admit, these are the questions that baffle me. But again for her particular circumstances, I wasn't there, so I really cannot judge her parents and she was only a child. I don't see where TS is abusing anyone, but I've read some really abusive comments about her. We all don't have the same beliefs, but I am personally very wary of those who wish to destroy others as opposed to those who build others up. What I've seen so far as an objective observer (and yes I'm an objective observer) TS does a lot more building up of others, than cutting them down. Mykeyta, where is your concrete proof that it is a scam? We can easily say that many things are a scam, governments, banking system, the price higher education in the US... It goes on and on. If TS likes to make jewelry and sell it and says it can influence your vibration, it will work for people who believe it will work. You are a non believer, so no it won't work for you. Just talk to any Olympic athlete, a good portion of anything is in your mind, but if you don't believe that you don't believe that and good for you, so what?

  191. Justin, I did understand what you were saying aaaaand no. Oneness means just that. It's an all or nothing kind of a thing. Our experience here is paradoxical but it is not conditional. And if it came with exceptions it wouldn't be whole or congruent anymore. As per mystical thought, the finger does contain the body. A particle of dirt under your fingernail contains the universe. The microcosm contains the macrocosm.

    We are having the experience, illusion, of separation, but we are actually one. We are God discovering Godself through the experience of separation. This is not my idea. I didn't make it up. It is ancient. It is global. It is original teaching found in indigenous teachings all over the world. Breaking through the illusion of separation is the point of religious experience which, as Karen Armstrong says, is meant to "tip" us into the experience of the numinous. When it works properly, we dissolve into the memory that we are God and lose our sense of ego identity. We have mystical or "peak" experiences. There is no me. There is no you. There is no time, place, or location. There is only bliss.

    Do you see that symbol in the margin of my page, right under the recent comments? You will find the exact same symbol on teal's site. It's called the Flower of Life. It can be found in ancient sites all over the world. It is the graphical representation of oneness. The monad divides into the many but is always, at every level of expansion, still contained within the monad.

    Again, did teal dispute the interviewers assertion that we are God? No. She did not. She only belied her understanding of it with a single word.

    As to whether or not teal addresses the masculine in the feminine and vice versa, I was responding to what she said in that discrete example. I'm not going to rifle through all her teachings to see if she contradicts herself elsewhere. That piece purported to address the divine masculine and feminine. And if, in fact, she does believe in the masculine and feminine polarities of both men and women, right there, once again, she whiffed it.

  192. "We are having the experience, illusion, of separation, but we are actually one."

    Even an illusion of separation is *actual* separation in a certain sense.

  193. LV "Its interesting that you dismiss my interpretation and explaination of Teal's teaching on this and stick to your firm beleif that you know her teaching, even though you haven't even read her book. Then you say 'see this is an old teaching, its been around for years' even though it may not be even what she is teaching. You and Dava have both done the same thing. Attributed teachings to Teal that are not hers and accused her of adopting those teachings from others (lol). No wonder people wonder about your motivations when you criticise a person who you clearly know little about.

  194. "A woman desperate for resources, using all she has to get it from people, whether those people are lovers or spiritual devotees."

    I think if Teal was after money she could have gone a much easier route long ago. I bet everyday now wealthy men are contacting her. I expect its been happening most of her life. I'm sure, like a lot of attractive women, she could have bagged a millionaire by now, especially with her intelligence and (admitted) ability to manipulate (especially) men. So I think that theory doesn't hold much water in my book. There are a lot easier ways to make money than write a book that just happens to seem to a lot of people to be full of wisdom and truth. But hey why don't you give it a go, or even just one article to start with?

  195. Justin "I think if Teal was after money she could have gone a much easier route long ago. I bet everyday now wealthy men are contacting her. I expect its been happening most of her life. I'm sure, like a lot of attractive women, she could have bagged a millionaire by now, especially with her intelligence and (admitted) ability to manipulate (especially) men. So I think that theory doesn't hold much water in my book. There are a lot easier ways to make money than write a book that just happens to seem to a lot of people to be full of wisdom and truth. But hey why don't you give it a go, or even just one article to start with?"

    Twisted psychology at its best - very concerning.
    Sorry Justin, I can't take you serious anymore. I mean: wow.

  196. "Twisted psychology at its best - very concerning.
    Sorry Justin, I can't take you serious anymore. I mean: wow."

    I agree with you Golden Andara, Justin's pathetically twisted drivel is completely unworthy of response... I believe the word for Justin is BRAINWASHED...Although, I'm slightly convinced this guy is letting the head between his legs do more thinking than the head that's on his shoulders when it comes to Teal Swan...

  197. "Its interesting that you dismiss my interpretation and explaination of Teal's teaching on this and stick to your firm beleif that you know her teaching..."

    JS, So now you ARE speaking/explaining for teal? Because upthread you said, regarding this issue, "Not sure if this is what Teal would say?"

    I have nowhere claimed that I "know" her teaching. I know she talks about oneness and that there is no "other." I know this, among other reasons, because you referred us all to her "core teachings" page. Here are bullet points 1 and 2:

    * The governing truth of this universe is that of oneness.

    * There is no such thing as that which is "other" than you.

    So unless God is nonexistent, God is not "'other' than you," as per teal.

    I also know that when the interviewer stated that we are all God and asked her to address the reason we had such a hard time holding that awareness, she didn't say anything along the lines of:

    *We lose that awareness because it's based on a false assumption. We aren't God, but only an extension or piece of God.*

    She didn't dispute his assertion at all. She set out to answer the question. She just contradicted herself within a very few minutes.

    "... even though you haven't even read her book."

    You have zero credibility on this issue. I referred to one specific section of a blog post to clarify my meaning on something and without even reading it, you went on to falsely assert that I would make a case I hadn't made without providing sources. If you had simply read what I pointed you to, you would have known that I provided quotes and citations within that post. You continue to give me shit for not reading her execrable book and yet you couldn't be bothered to read a few paragraphs of a blog post I specifically directed you to before maligning and misrepresenting me. Seriously?!

    If you think there is something teal has written that supports your interpretation of her "core teaching" on oneness and clarifies the disconnect, by all means, provide me with that specific text. Else, for all I know it is you who is misrepresenting her meaning.


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