Jan 12, 2014

The Artist Formerly Known as Teal Scott

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

On January 4, Teal Scott and Sarbdeep Singh Swan were wed.
The Artist will henceforth be known as TEAL.

Comment Overflow: Once again, we've rolled over to a second page of comments. I'm adding direct links because blogger doesn't seem to handle this well in all browsers, notably mine. Comments: page 2 and page 3 and page 4 and page 5 and page 6

There's a story in the Marine Corps, perhaps apocryphal, about something a senior officer wrote in a FITREP for one of his junior officers: "His Marines will follow him anywhere, if only out of a morbid curiosity to see what he'll do next."

TEAL has many followers. Only some of them are fans. Or so I learned when I wrote a blog post articulating my questions and concerns about the self-described "spiritual catalyst." Shortly after posting the piece, I started getting comments from some of her fans and detractors -- mostly detractors. About a month later TEAL responded to my post.

Last night on my way to the bathroom, I peered into Blake’s room and noticed that he looked incredibly distressed. [Doesn't anybody knock?]  I asked him what happened and he explained that a blogger named LaVaughn (Celestial Reflections) had dedicated a ten page itemized article slamming me for every aspect of my career and personal life that she could get her hands on.  He also explained that he was receiving e-mails from people asking me to refute her outrageous claims [Pssst. I didn't make any claims.] because they “no longer knew what to think”. [I believe what we have here is the need behind the need. Her response is an attempt at damage control.]  It was by far and away the most “anti-Teal” material we’ve encountered to date.  Blake was livid.  He wanted me to write an entire counter article to put people’s minds and hearts at rest.  But it didn’t feel good to me.  On top of the fact that many of her claims were too off base to even be worthy of address, [Did I mention that I didn't make any claims?] I could not get my energy behind the idea of dedicating time to defending myself against a random person who crawled out of the woodwork to gain popularity and attention by slandering me. [Dear God, could this woman be any more vain?]

It is profoundly out of alignment [Alignment with what?] to design an entire piece of writing around resisting someone or something, which is what this woman did.  She does so from a place of bitterness and fear and therefore pain.  I would not seek to increase her pain by attacking back to defend myself. [Aaawww. How sweet.] It seems that what people wanted from me was proof that she is wrong about what she said about me.  Proof is a difficult thing because there is ultimately no way to create solid proof that could not be refuted. [I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that this is the real reason she won't defend herself against the many claims I didn't make. She can't.] I could refute each piece of her evidence, the same way that she is refuting mine, but what would be gained?  I will not convince her that I am good.  I would not be doing so for any other reason than my own need to be approved of by everyone.  And I do not distrust the discrimination of the people who enjoy my material.  People do not need my proof to know what is good for them or right for them personally.  What they need to do is trust themselves.  And whatever answer they receive about me, is right for them at that time. [Aahh. So I didn't so much critique TEAL as I insulted the judgment of her many, many fans. Did you hear a dog whistle? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I heard a dog whistle.] I do not wish to prove skeptics wrong.  I gain nothing by resisting skeptics.  As my fame increases, [Dear God...] there will be more and more skeptics.  I gain only by continuing to do what makes me happy and hoping that what brings me happiness, brings other people happiness.  I understand how hard it is when you distrust yourself, to navigate a world full of opposing perspectives.  When you live without self-trust, the world seems to be full of people who are out to get you.  And so, you don’t know who to trust. [I believe that should read "whom to trust" but I probably shouldn't play grammar noodge with TEAL. That game has no end.] But you can trust yourself.  And by not refuting every skeptic that comes up against me, I am in essence giving people the opportunity to consult their own feelings and their own personal truth, and thus learn to trust themselves.  It would be a great world though if the people, who were inspired to write ten pages on one person, did so from a place of loving that person.  All too often, the only people full of enough bottled up energy to write ten pages on one person, do so from a space of hating them. [Yup. I'm a hater. Haters gotta hate, yo.]

To sum up, I did not make any claims in my previous post. I simply subjected some of TEAL's claims, statements, and documented history to a little scrutiny. Or, as a commenter on her own blog put it:

This information is out there for the world to see and you can’t make claims and then not be prepared to back them up when you specifically call yourself a ‘teacher’. You clearly enjoy the fame aspect of this and your team have posted on Facebook about wanting to get you on TV…….and you think this post was bad!?
This woman has executed the piece well and with ALL your own work, so the argument for lies and slander is very weak.

As I said in that post, TEAL doesn't really go after her detractors often. She has people for that. And as even some of her own fans noted, her post served as a signal to her "army" to attack me. And so they descended like so many winged monkeys.

In one of those delicious Jungian synchronicities, of which I am so fond, the night before all hell broke lose on my blog, I had watched a South Park episode called "The Hobbit." In it, righteous, little feminist Wendy points out the elephant in the room -- that Kim Kardashian is an extensively photoshopped fantasy creation who really looks like a hobbit. She is crucified for being a hater and threatened with a transfer to the "jelly school" for the exceedingly envious. So I found it incredibly hilarious that the very next day I was attacked mercilessly for being sooooo jel of TEAL's incredible good looks, sexiness, and success. Because if a woman raises concerns about another woman it's always really about petty jealousy, right? We gals are just shallow like that.

But then something kind of funny happened. More of TEAL's detractors showed up -- and more, and still more. It turns out there are a lot of people following her blog and numerous Facebook pages who share some of my qualms. Many of them have long been frustrated by their inability to raise these questions on her pages without having their comments deleted or lost to the black hole of eternal moderation.

The comments on my original post are, as of this writing, upwards of 400. The vast majority of those comments are critical of TEAL. Many of them are from people expressing relief at having their concerns heard and validated instead of shut down or hidden from sight. This is to say nothing of the many emails and phones calls I've gotten from people who just wanted to say, "Thank you."

I think it's safe to say, at this point, that TEAL's attempt to have her minions pound me flat rather backfired. What has evolved instead is effectively a crowdsourced analysis of TEAL's contradictions, questionable behavior, and outrageous statements. It makes for a fantastic read, filled with links, commentary, and penetrating insight.

I could never, in a single post, encapsulate everything that has been uncovered by the still growing number of commenters who've contributed to this analysis of TEAL's record. But I would like to address here some of the things that gave me particular concern about her practices, statements, and attitude.

TEAL Is So Vain

She probably thinks this post is about her.

As noted above, she seems to see my previous post about her as the attempt of some sad sack (me) to ride her glorious coattails. Because she's famous. She's very, very famous. And her fame is growing. We know this because she says so. A lot.

Who on earth refers to herself as a renowned "luminary?"

"I'm the extrasensory luminary who is known
around the world as the spiritual catalyst."

Or describes their own writing as "poignant?"

TEAL. That's who. It seems there is no title or glowing description she won't arrogate to herself. Just recently, for instance, we learned that she is a "leader of the New Age."

Yesterday I was forwarded an anti New Age movement video and I was asked to express my opinion on it.  The basic argument made was that the New Age Movement is just opiate for the masses (what scientists have been saying about religion for years) [?!?!?!] and that it is just an excuse to boost book sales and enhance the personal careers of people like myself who are in essence convincing people they can manifest money so that we can make money off of those people.  I don’t usually feel compelled to respond to videos or comments that are offered by people who are in a space of extreme resistance, because there is no desire in them to find a meeting of minds.   Where there is no receptivity, no meaningful conversation can take place, so it is just better to allow them to feel exactly how they feel and line up with the results of that perspective.  But this time, I am compelled to comment because on a worldwide level, I am considered a leader of the New Age.  People give me titles and associate me with things all the time, but being called a leader of the New Age is a title I resonate with and agree with. [All emphases mine]

Loathe as I am to delve into TEAL's ahistorical and otherwise incorrect factoids -- another game with no conceivable end date -- it was Karl Marx who described religion as the "opium of the people." And the idea that science and religion are at odds is an artificial construct. But I digress.

Even some of TEAL's regular readers balked at her gleeful adoption of this "title."

Wow…just wow…LOL
With all due respect, Teal, but there are so many other admirable people nowadays who are doing a great deal for humanity and have huge followings…and yet don’t call themselves “A worldwide leader”…of sorts. Someone needs to get a grip, just a little..

Whatever TEAL's finer qualities may be, humility is just not one of them.

For instance, did I mention that she's pretty? I'm sure I did, but I needn't have bothered because she will tell you and tell you and tell you. In fairness, Teal is not just pretty for herself. She's pretty for the betterment of humanity.

In this interview, starting around the 9:00 minute mark, she explains how crucial her physical attractiveness is to getting her message out to people on "every single continent." TEAL, it turns out, is pretty by design. An Arcturian panel "projected" her this way so that their message would be heard 'round the world. Homely women can't get attention to their ideas, apparently. People just innately like pretty things. So TEAL had to be pretty -- prettier than  black women for sure. Because even a woman who is beautiful by African standards would be seen as "pretty ugly" here in the US. To reach the whole world with a message of spiritual evolution, you just have to be a pretty white girl. That's all there is to it. And it helps if you tell people that while you're lounging around in a slinky peignoir, in front of Nanny's Messy Bed. It just drives that message home, I guess.

It would appear that transcending superficiality just isn't part of the Arcturian's grand vision for planet earth. It sure isn't part of TEAL's. For instance here we learn that physical beauty is one of life's little reminders of the divine feminine.

I did an interview with a budding self-help expert Laura Marie today.  Watching her on the other side of the screen was quite soothing for me.  She was like a work of art to behold; porcelain skin that folded across the structure of her face and hair like spun silk.  She was full of vigor for life.  Her words, lightly tinted with a French accent.  I couldn’t stop thinking after the interview was over, about women in general.  It is so important that as women, we are out in the world setting an example of what it looks like to fully embody and express ourselves.  It is time that those of us who were born female, release our resistance to our own gender and begin to embrace and express our feminine essence.  Women have been in resistance to the divine feminine within themselves for far too long just like human society has been in resistance to the divine feminine for far too long.

One wonders if a woman less pretty than Laura Marie could possibly inspire TEAL to wax rhapsodic about the divine feminine -- one of those ugly girls from Africa, for instance.

Teal Bosworth Scott Swan

You can see why she'd want to simplify. But for the full explanation of her new moniker, you'd need to look at one of her many Facebook pages.

Hello all,
Thank you so much for the beautiful wishes! I figured i'd explain how this name change is going to work. On a professional level, we are going to drop the last name all together because TEAL is a stand alone name like Oprah or Osho etc. But I have officially changed my last name to Swan. There is deep spiritual significance to this decision. It is a more exalted name. Sarbdeep is from India and there, the swan has great spiritual significance. Teachers who have the ability to fly between the realms of matter and spirit are given the title Paramahamsa which means supreme swan. click this link to read more.
Perhaps the adoption of this new title is also a transition into a new phase in my career as well.


Except that Osho is not a name. It's a title. Like Paramahamsa, in the Hindu tradition, it's an honorific bestowed for a certain level of spiritual attainment in Zen Buddhism. These are not titles you hold because you get married or decide to change your stage name.

Oshō (和尚 oshō?) is a Buddhist priest (in charge of a temple);[1] honorific title of preceptor or high priest (esp. in Zen or Pure Land Buddhism).

. . .

Oshō is the Japanese reading of the Chinese he shang (和尚), meaning a high-ranking Buddhist monk or highly virtuous Buddhist monk. It is also a respectful designation for Buddhist monks in general and may be used with the suffix -san

The only instance of Osho being used as a name that I'm aware of was the guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh who just decided to start calling himself that at some point. He was a controversial figure and considered by many to be a cult leader. He was famous for collecting Rolls Royces, owning around a hundred at one point.

Osho's ideas on sex, marriage, family and relationships contradicted traditional views, arousing anger and opposition around the world.[79][210] His movement was feared and despised as a cult; he lived "in ostentation and offensive opulence", while his followers (most of whom had severed ties with outside friends and family and donated all—or most—of their money and possessions to the commune) might live at a "subsistence level".[89][211]

I first became aware of Rajneesh when I was living in Montclair, NJ, where he and his followers were ensconced in a nearby mansion. I even knew a guy who lost his wife to this cult. As he described it, he came home one night to find her dying all her clothes orange in the kitchen sink. A short time later she was gone. She'd relocated with Rajneesh and his other followers to Oregon. There was an ongoing issue around him being unable to find and divorce her so he could move on with his life. It dragged on for years and caused a great deal of suffering.

I mentioned this in a comment on my previous post and learned, to my horror, that TEAL is an admirer of the late Bagwan Shree Rajneesh, or Osho. And she had expressed during one of her Shadow House broadcasts that he had been unfairly maligned. So what if his followers wanted to express their devotion by giving him Rolls Royces!

Did I mention that TEAL likes gifts? I did. I did. She really likes gifts.

TEAL's Sad Christmas

Gifts are TEAL's "love language" so no gifts equals no love. Poor TEAL.

This is a weird Christmas for me.  It doesn’t feel much like Christmas.  The intentional Community I live in has all decided to forego getting each other gifts this year in favor of saving money to use towards moving to Europe.  My son, Winter will be the only one getting presents this year.  The space under the tree, which is usually overflowing with presents, is empty for the first time in my life.  Except of course for cosmos, my cat, who has selected it as his own personal nest.  He lies there purring, lazily batting at ornaments with his paw.  I don’t know how to feel about this Christmas.  I don’t even know what I’m going to do today or tomorrow except travel to a recording studio to do a television interview tonight on charitable giving and cook for everyone.  Gifts are my love language, so the holiday feels empty of love this year.  But I’m still utterly in love with the energy of Christmas and how happy everyone seems in the spirit of giving and community.

One of the things we learn as adults is that it is "better to give than to receive." And one of the things we learn as parents is that there is no greater joy at the holidays than seeing our children's delight when they open their presents. And is there some reason her cat's name isn't capitalized? Strange. So TEAL was feeling unloved this Christmas because love is best expressed with material things.

Not all gifts are equal, though. Strap in. A TEAL story follows.

I could sum my mother up in one word… activist.  This means that when a foreign restaurant opened in town, my mother was eager to support them immediately, being full aware that the rest of the Caucasian, Mormon demographic in town would be wary of foreigners and thus avoid the restaurant and make them feel ostracized.  Mormons like to think of themselves as good, open armed, inclusive Christ loving people.  But the reality in the rural towns of Utah is that most of them are the exact opposite of that.  The demographic of the area is nearly entirely Mormon and so they never have to interact with people that aren’t Mormon, much less people that are from a different race.  The truth is, Mormons can be some of the nastiest, most exclusive and racial people you will ever come across.  Long story short, when we walked in, true to form, we were the only people there.  The entire family that owned the restaurant was lined up at the entrance, with enormous smiles on their faces, ecstatic to be doing business.  Having only just immigrated to the United States, they barely spoke English.  They waited on us hand and foot, practiced speaking English and when we finished the meal they explained that someone in town had told them about the tradition of giving gifts on Christmas, so they brought out presents to the table.  They seemed so proud of themselves to have fit in with the tradition in a foreign country.  Only, when we unwrapped the presents, they turned out to be edible underwear!  It turns out some complete jack ass person in town had wanted to run them out of town by telling them that giving people edible underwear was a tradition on the Christmas holiday, knowing full well that even the average lax Mormon that showed up, would be horrified and boycott the business. 

Where to begin... Mormons are some very white people on the whole, it's true. But they are also missionaries, traveling all over the world. There are Mormons of many races and that includes Chinese. But that aside, does anyone believe this story? Show of hands. Anyone? Anyone? Chinese entrepreneurs who don't know that edible underwear is not a gift you would give a family with children having dinner in your establishment? Anyone?

I have to admit, I find the whole thing a little implausible. What it suggests to me is more along the lines of an excuse to insert a little gratuitous nudity, give the reptilian brain a little jolt, get the old pulse racing. With TEAL there just aren't enough opportunities to talk about SEX. Not just sex, mind you, but SEX.

So in that one post, she's fired up the animal drives of her readers, pulled on their heart strings with her tale of loveless woe, and asked for money. (DONATE!!!) Will someone please give this woman some money? Things are tight. She moving to Europe. And she has no gifts. She feels so unloved. Will someone please put a Rolls in her driveway, maybe, with a nice big bow on it?

TEAL's Story

Some of the negative feedback I got from TEAL fans, aside from the fact that I'm just jel, had to do with my relentless focus on TEAL's history. They don't care and they just don't want to hear about it. Why, why, why, am I so obsessed with TEAL's nudie pictures?! Why?!

What's funny about that is that TEAL's modeling history, and how it complicates her CV, comprised a very small portion of a fairly long post -- roughly three paragraphs out of what is, according to TEAL, ten printed pages. So if you read that post and took from it that I'm obsessed with TEAL's pornographic history, you might want to consider that it's not me who's so singularly focused.

Some folks were also not terribly amused that I put her story of ritual abuse under a microscope. What surprised me most about that, though, was how many people don't think that history matters either. As one commenter on her blog put it:

One of the biggest criticisms people have of you is the confusion of timelines. Maybe you could shed a little light on that?... Let’s say hypothetically that your past is a bit fabricated. It’s pretty clear from a lot of the comments most people don’t care. What resonates with them is how your teachings make them feel. Your followers will still love you, and in truth, you might find yourself reaching even more people by opening up and removing some doubts, one way or another. You can, are, and will do a lot of good in this world. Be brave.

This is a fair reflection of some of the feedback TEAL received in light of my post. Another commenter, for instance, wrote:

I must admit that even being a big fan of Teal for almost a year, i too had doubts about her history ( simply because i didnt understand how her story of abuse can be merged with the story of her modelling career and traveling the world, the timelines seemed confusing to me ). But I never cared for this too much ,just because i FEEL her message, she has brought so much wisdom to me and launched my personal growth , I`ll forever appreciate this <3
I read that blog and it was a really mean one. Sarcastic and mean, it didnt feel good to read it. But i`ll say this – the author has missed one very simple point : lets assume that Teal`s story is false, does this make her message any less useful? Who cares about things that dont add up if she brings more happiness and joy to so many people?.

Said another:

And if it happens that you should not be genuine...then it's the most fabulous falsity man has ever had the privilege to experience!!!!

So it would seem that many of TEAL's ardent followers don't really care if her story of ritual abuse at the hands of the psychopath with DID (???) ever happened. If the story for which she may be interviewed by "one of the biggest TV shows in the nation" turns out to be fiction, so be it. No biggie.

Now, look. I'm a grown-up. I know that it's far from uncommon for professionals of all stripes to pad their resumes a little, to embellish here and there. But is it really too much to ask that a healer, or catalyst, or whatever exactly TEAL defines herself as, not have a life story that isn't a giant fiction? Really?

Episodes from this story are part of a very long, ongoing narrative. They constitute a big chunk of her blog. And she whips this story out whenever she needs to justify an outburst or emotionally blackmail her critics into silence.

More to the point, it is TEAL herself who makes the case that her abuse history is seminal to her work.

I was on the America Tonight show with Kate Delaney today.  It was a short interview, but a poignant one, entirely about my past and the ritual cult trauma.  As I was doing the interview, it became obvious to me that I am being set up to be a spokesperson and poster child for ritual abuse.  When I think about it, I know it is a position I was born to fill... I get at least one e-mail every month from people who have experienced ritual trauma first hand.   Here is an example of one:

Dear Teal Scott,

I have grown up in a cult.  My dad was part of it.  When I was ten my dad sold me to lots of mens and I couldn’t get away from them so I got away in my mind.  I am older now and I ran away from home and lived on the street for a little.  It was cold there and I got addicted to meth and sometimes I had sex for the drugs.  And then I tried to kill myself and when I was in hospital I decided I want to live.  I started cleaning up my life and someone I met in AA told me to watch your videos and I love every one of them.  I love them so much that I looked up your website and seen that you have the same past as me.  And I fell on the floor and I just started crying cause I cant believe that you look as happy as you look and have gone through the same things as me.  I cry because I was sad and then I cry because I was happy.  Because you exists in the world, I have hope for myself.  I believe that I can do it too.  I see a bright future ahead of me and I feel like you do not know what you do for me.  You are the voice I do not have and am too scared to have about what I saw and felt.  I could crawl on hands and knees and never do enough still to tell you how much thankful I am.  I love you.  You saved me and because of you, I believe in myself and that myself can heal.

How would this woman feel if it turned out she was taking her hope and inspiration from someone whose story was entirely fabricated? It seems to me like there is a lot riding on the veracity of TEAL's story in terms of her healing mission.

So now the producers, and presumably the lawyers, for a national television show are scrutinizing TEAL's story of ritual abuse. This could be a very big deal. If TEAL can really demonstrate that she was abused by a Satanic cult, hers will literally be the first independently verified case. According to the FBI, there is no proof to date that Satanic ritual abuse has ever occurred. According to Kenneth Lanning, every reported case fell apart under scrutiny. This despite the fact that stories of such abuse have ruined lives... of the accused, that is.

As I wrote in my previous entry, I found it rather strange that TEAL could have witnessed children being murdered and have no interest in seeing their murderers prosecuted. As I began reading her post on Crime and Punishment, I thought she might walk that stunning position back a little. But no. She doubled down.

People seem to enjoy revenge.  They call revenge justice so they can feel better about wanting it.  But the truth is, pain begets pain.  I gain nothing by watching my abuser suffer.  There is no justice in this system.  Even if you locked away every abuser you could find on earth in a jail cell, you could not save people from their own creations. Victims are not exempt from this creation process. They too create their reality.  We live in a society that does not yet recognize the vibrational reality that directs and dictates and trumps everything that is physical in nature, so no one wants to hear it when I say this…  But locking up the perpetrators does nothing to improve the powerless state of those who sit squarely in a vibration of victimhood.  It changes nothing about them at all.  And so they remain a match to what comes as a result of that vibration.  They will be victimized by something no matter how hard you try on a physical level to prevent it for them.  You could not physically do enough to save them from their own point of attraction.

I agree with TEAL on this one narrow point. Our criminal justice system is too focused on revenge under the guise of justice. I think we would be much better served by a system focused more on the protecting the public from criminals aspect of jurisprudence. TEAL, though, doesn't think that's a good enough reason to put people who kidnap, rape, torture, and murder children behind bars. It's a conundrum for sure because it could mean more young girls will endure what she did. It leaves her "between a rock and hard place." But TEAL would have you know that there's no protecting the public from the law of attraction anyway, so...

To her credit, TEAL is just following the principles of law of attraction ideology to their natural conclusion, something many adherents are unwilling to do. As I asked here, if we're all just getting back what we put out in a just universe, what is the purpose of the criminal justice system?

But TEAL is also displaying exactly the same inconsistency that James Ray's devoted fans did.

Like Bob Proctor, Charlene D seems incapable of recognizing the inconsistency of blaming the victims of bad acts for their deaths while simultaneously absolving Ray of responsibility for the legal predicament he finds himself in. In the topsy-turvy world of this rabid "law of attraction" set, people who are hit by drivers who run red lights aren't victims. They're responsible for everything that happens to them. But those felonious drivers are being victimized by those who prosecute them and it's all just horribly unfair.

Why is it only the victims of crime who law of attract their misfortune? Why not the perpetrators who are caught and prosecuted? The people in prisons aren't responsible for what they put out into the universe? I will just never understand why so many of these law of attraction folks are so invested in protecting people from the real world consequences of their actions.

How TEAL Treats People

On some level I think TEAL's willingness to expose her shadow side to the public is quite brave. We all have a shadow and I think "making the darkness conscious" is crucial to our realization of wholeness. I also think that work is in sharp contrast to much of the law of attraction ideology advanced by Abraham/Hicks, The Secret, and their ilk. These approaches don't blend well. You can't on the one hand tell people not to focus on the negative because attention to it will expand it and on the other tell people to explore the uncomfortable bits they're stuffing into their subconscious.

That process of uncovering the shadow is certainly messy and none of us would look too grand if all of our "stuff" were out there for public viewing. This openness of process was the very thing that initially intrigued me about TEAL. But I saw pretty quickly that she is much more about shadow projection than self-realization. Her vicious attacks on other people come with a certain regularity, the humiliation of Fallon Dobson being one of the more dramatic exhibitions.

One of the things I learned after my initial post, not that it surprised me overmuch, was that I was not alone in being very disturbed by TEAL's public attack on Fallon. She diagnosed him as a psychopath and delved deeply into his "pathology" -- something for which she is not remotely qualified. And she made him a target for communal retribution. It was hideous. 'Nuff said. But Fallon is not the only person to find himself, or herself, in TEAL's sights.

By her own admission, she is capable of profound hostility, bitterness and envy. She can be really jel, is what I'm sayin.' Who inspires this tremendous ire? Notably women who have fairly smooth pregnancy and labor and gals like Elizabeth Smart who have parlayed their nightmares of kidnapping and abuse into social embrace and career opportunities. The people who've kidnapped and enslaved them, though? She doesn't seem to have much hostility for them... or think they should be prosecuted. So it's strange. She also seems far more contemptuous of the women having babies than she does the abuser who forced her to abort his progeny and gave her oxytocin to trigger premature labor causing her to expel twin fetuses alone in the bitter cold of a snowy hellscape. She also really hates Disney princesses, but they're not real people, so...

TEAL doesn't seem to have any compunction about holding people up to public ridicule as she recently did with her former mother-in-law.

For the sake of humor, I have to begin this blog entry on a similar note to my last entry about racism because Sarbdeep and I encountered our most uncomfortable racist moment yet, yesterday morning.  Sarbdeep was born and raised in England.  Now, it’s important to understand that he doesn’t have a cockney British accent.  Instead, he speaks with the familiar dignified British accent that we associate with English politicians.  Both his way of speaking and his mannerisms are stately.  Which is about to make the discomfort of this story even worse.  Winter’s Grandmother on his father’s side (who despises me by the way) came to visit yesterday.  She is a devout Mormon woman, who turned out to be even more ignorant than one would expect a patriotic, religiously isolated woman to be.  When she was introduced to Sarbdeep, you could feel her level of discomfort at interacting with someone who was from a different race.  She went stiff and started trying to force herself to be nice, which is a coping skill that many Mormons employ when they are trying to deal with the discomfort of associating with someone who makes them nervous to be around.  It was as if she was meeting an outer space alien.

As they shook hands, Sarbs explained that he was born and raised in London, England.  She spent a good two minutes trying to pronounce his name and then made it a point to express the fact that she has never and would probably never have the desire to travel outside the United States.  Then, she put the cherry on top of the moment by saying, “You speak such good English” as if Sarbdeep should be proud of that fact, him being brown instead of white and all.  Sarbdeep and I both looked at each other; wide eyed with those smiles that said to each other “you’ve got to be kidding me”.  I was so embarrassed for her in that minute that I wanted to crawl out of my own skin.  Part of me understands that her racial and religious isolation has not permitted her the education that would enable her to know better.  But the other part of me is frustrated at the fact that she does not have the desire to educate herself better with regard to the rest of the world and feels like sometimes there is no excuse for such a level of racially prejudiced ignorance.  But the humor inherent in an American (who happens to speak Utah hick English), telling someone from London, England that they speak good English solely based on the fact that he has a dark skin color is going to ensure that we never forget this interaction.  I’m sure it will be a joke we share for years to come.

LOL. And now we're all in on the joke... at this poor woman's expense. It's not funny. It's cruel. This woman's real mistake appears to be in "despising" a former daughter-in-law with a public platform. Winter's grandmother is a private citizen who did not choose to be dragged into the public sphere so that she may be mocked and ridiculed. But if you know TEAL, you're not entitled to a private life so don't expect one.

TEAL will have you know that she is not racist like that ignorant Mormon hick. She is merely bigoted against Mormons. She is also classist. "Sarbs" may have dark skin but he's not some low-class, cockney git. But racist? TEAL? No. She loves the way her new husband's dark skin is offset by white fabric. I don't know if he would appeal to people on "every single continent" but he's pretty handsome. And stately. Don't forget stately.

The other thing we learn about Sarbdeep in that post is that he's not exactly comfortable about having his personal life discussed in public.

Sarbdeep finds it extremely uncomfortable and vulnerable to expose his vows to the world, but I have informed him that the discomfort is a sign of expansion.  So, I am going to include both of our vows for you now...

What Sarbdeep must learn, like everyone else in TEAL's world, is that he's not entitled to a private life so he shouldn't expect one.

Even more disturbing is that TEAL just knows what's best for everyone and will act accordingly, whether they like it or not. She has all the occult knowledge of the Arcturians or Adonai or whatever. She's a Eucharist. So if TEAL decides that your discomfort is what's best for your personal growth, suck it up, buttercup. You're just gonna have to be uncomfortable.You can thank her later.

One of the things I've learned in my years of practice as a psychic intuitive and healing facilitator is that listening is more important than talking. I see our job as one of support and facilitation, not of ramming our egos down our clients' throats. It's something I feel pretty strongly about -- that whatever insight we may have, it never trumps that of our clients. When I was studying with Cherokee Mystic Virginia Sandlin, she put it this way. From my perspective, I am the source of my reality and you are my reflection. But from your perspective, you are the source of your reality and I am your reflection. You can never really heal anyone else because that would mean that you are the source of their reality. All we can really do is support others in their own process of self-discovery and we can't do that if we're imposing rather than offering our own vision. So I found TEAL's anecdote about her suicidal client really stunning.

At around the 53:00 minute mark TEAL relays the following:

I actually, interestingly enough, lost my first client to suicide this last year. And this was a woman who was absolutely miserable. I'm talking every moment of her life was a nightmare. And so we had that very serious sit-down talk where we had to say, alright, we're either committing or not committing to life because every time I gave her a suggestion she'd stop in two days doing the suggestion. So then we have to ask the question do we really want this to work. And what's interesting is that when she asked herself that question the answer was, "No. I'm done." There's nothing that any healer could ever do for that type of vibration which is totally fine. From  source energy there's nothing wrong with death from that perspective. So, she chose to commit suicide. Interestingly enough it took her about two days before she was reincarnated again. (audience laughter) Yeah. Not only that, two days before she was reincarnated to another family situation that mirrored the one that she had already chosen.

Taking that story at face value raises a number of troubling issues and ethical concerns. TEAL offered this client some tools. She didn't stick with them and her situation was not improving. TEAL deduces not that perhaps she hadn't hit on quite what that client needed, but that the client had reached a point of decision between life and death. "To be or not to be." So TEAL is so infallible, so perfect, that she couldn't possibly be failing to meet that client's needs. The problem had to be with the client, not TEAL.

Worse, it appears that TEAL knew the client was suicidal and did nothing to stop her because of her own belief that it's not wrong to kill yourself.  The universe doesn't care if you live or die and TEAL is totally dialed in to that "source perspective." Worse still, it sounds like she not only knew her client was suicidal, but actually helped her along to that conclusion. All because she wasn't following through on TEAL's recommendations and wasn't improving.

So this client, at TEAL's prompting, concludes that she just doesn't want to go on. Does TEAL say,  gee, you might need more help than I can give? Does she recommend or refer her for therapy? Does she do anything at all to stop this woman killing herself? No. TEAL has decided that because she couldn't help her, no one could. She knows for a fact that no healer could possibly do anything with this woman's vibration. And since TEAL understands "source perspective" she knows that it's perfectly fine if this woman kills herself. I mean, after all, TEAL knows for sure that she reincarnated two days later, so it's all good.

It's just remarkable hubris and it may have actually cost a woman her life. But we already know that TEAL is remarkably cavalier about death from her commitment to the forgive and ignore psychopathic child murderers who have escaped prosecution. It's a strange set of priorities.

Comment Overflow: Once again, we've rolled over to a second page of comments. I'm adding direct links because blogger doesn't seem to handle this well in all browsers, notably mine. Comments: page 2 and page 3 and page 4 and page 5 and page 6


  1. She reminds me a bit of Lady Gaga with her teal coloured "little Monsters" clan in the making. She is certainly using identical marketing strategies.

  2. At the end of the day: Teal can sell ice to the Eskimos. With this skill, there is an endless stream of income....and there are many inhabitants of the polar regions of mind.
    i bought some ice too :D

  3. LV-- Thanks for the links. Keep them coming. I am gaining much insight here.

    Kevin: LOL... I think this extreme need for security says a lot about what Teal really thinks about the mental caliber of her "fans," don't you??

  4. oops, I thought my posts were being eaten by the blog, so I re-posted--- but turns out they had flowed over to page five.

  5. Yes, Hanalea, we have rolled over to page 5. I've updated the links within the blog post accordingly. Don't worry. I'll bat clean-up on your extra comments.

  6. Justin - You are right, there are a lot more people reading this blog than commenting , like myself, and I for one don't find that your comments help "balance" anything, they are just obnoxious.

  7. "The more fearless a person is, the more he uses his heart."
    Teal Swan


    LOL can somebody bring more bodyguards with heart shaped frequency prints on t-shirts next time pleeasse? Or does this quote only apply to men?

    never or less she is a beauty

  8. It's kind of a fun, little synchronicity that teal raised this security issue the day before the Today We Fight Back event. I'm sure you've all noticed the black banner across the bottom of the page. It's causing some glitches, for which I apologize, but it's an issue I feel very strongly about. I've long said that if I have a religion, it's the First Amendment to the Constitution. That's freedom of speech and religion. I'm rather attached to the Fourth Amendment as well. That's protection against unreasonable search and seizure. If you're an American, I encourage you to email and/or call your reps today. If not, there appears to be a link for those outside the US as well.

    I found her post disturbing on so many levels. She's a survivor of horrific sexual and physical abuse but she's comforted by aggressive pat-downs by total strangers? Really? Seems a little odd to me.

    So she complains about the TSA -- and btw, Israelis think our airline security is over the top -- and then announces that she's cracking down with her own more aggressive security measures. Will she be having people patted down next? To comfort them, perhaps?

    But honestly, what I found most disturbing were all the mental contortions to justify her need for security. This is exactly the kind of insanity that ensues from all the LOA if I only could learn to think properly nothing bad will ever happen to me bullshit. No. You are not simply creating your own discrete reality with your thoughts and feelings. WE are co-creating the ENTIRE reality. And if you really could "get it" to the point where all the world's problems couldn't touch you, the world problems would disappear entirely because each of us contains the entire world. Because all is one and one is all. That's mystical thought. The rest is just ego posturing and control issues.

  9. Golden Andara: "I still find it wondrous that a being with her insights names people haters for criticising her on a public domain." Spot on! I thought the likes of Justin Bieber get either fans or haters. Celebrities, not spiritual catalysts...LaVaughn was cast as the biggest hater out there, I was labelled "antagonist" by Blake in his response to the concerned emails from our old Salon members wondering what happened to me after that removal incident. Have they never heard of critics and sceptics when it comes to teachers with alien backgrounds? Or inquisitive minds? Nope, it seems...
    Justin, you are the one calling Teal a witch first and projecting this onto us. Blake also used such language as "Lynch the B***!" not too long ago, grandly misrepresenting the nature of our comments. We never resort to name calling. Our earlier "robust discussion wasn't even all about Teal, if you noticed. Teal may be the pretty witch, but we are beautiful guardian angels of truth here. Since we do believe in searching for the truth no matter what, even if it makes us feel uncomfortable sometimes, unlike Teal who has stated on numerous occasions that truth is not important as long as people feel better. That's the goal- let them believe Santa Claus still exists. Or the poor little kids gonna cry! Don't rob these innocent, still naive creatures from the planet Earth of their security blanket! Teal is the opium for the masses (with very low vibrations as she specified again in this post). She is targeting vulnerable, lost, powerless souls: "people, who would benefit the most by my perspective and material, are in extremely low vibratory states. they still live in a world of risk, where harm is a reality". Justin, are you one of them, that you so desperately need Teal to tell you what to do? Do you have a victim mentality, are you drowning in fear, that you need Teal to throw you an inflatable life jacket?

    "Every thing that exists in a person's external reality is the mirrored manifestation of what is present within their internal reality." (Teal Scott.) If she feels she is surrounded by malicious haters threatening her life, then how much hate does she harbor inside herself?

  10. WELL SAID ELENA ZH! My assessment is that TEAL harbors a lot of hate... I am pretty sure she hates herself more than anyone I've ever come across. She's living in extreme delusional denial... And her unquestioningly loyal "fans" aren't helping her plight one bit.... She's got a long row to hoe ahead of her as far as her own "healing" is concerned... I am amazed she can sleep at night at all with all the lies she's told. I guess people incapable of guilt usually do sleep fine though.

  11. ***oops... Incapable of *feeling* guilt... I think we've established that Teal is pretty capable of guilt-ing other people with her manipulative tactics...

  12. "Teal who has stated on numerous occasions that truth is not important as long as people feel better."

    I've noticed a couple of references to her saying things like this. Can you point to a specific post or video or something? Because I kinda can't believe my fucking ears, if you know what I mean.

  13. Hi Everyone. I'm just catching up on today's comments, amazing insights and links! Golden Andara, I missed somehow your yesterday's post that ended "TEAL- All in One", that was hilarious!
    LaVaughn: "She's a survivor of horrific sexual and physical abuse but she's comforted by aggressive pat-downs by total strangers? Really? Seems a little odd to me." A keen observation! It is bizarre.
    Just like it's strange that a girl who was sexually abused felt totally comfortable walking around naked in front of her family.

  14. There are two Teals for me: Teal-the-Teacher and Teal-the-Person. In my experience, they are vastly different individuals, or, at least, vastly different projections of the same individual.
    Teal-the-Teacher is the wise, articulate woman in the YouTube videos. Teal-the-Person is the woman from the blog.

    Teal-the-Teacher has a lot of appeal for me. I am too much of a neophyte to judge whether her ideas are original or not, but I found and still find many concepts she shares to be very valuable or at least interesting. She has a knack for explaining difficult concepts in a simple and clear way. I admire that.

    Teal-the-Person surfaced with the blog. In contrast to the YouTube videos, I have experienced the majority of the blog entries are quite negative in nature. There is so much complaining going on there – Korean spa not gentle enough, racist ex-mothers-in-law, hard-core-feminist mothers, negative hotels in London – the list goes on and on. The blogs feel like an energy drain.

    While in the beginning, Teal-the-Teacher was the only visible persona, in the past months (starting from about May of last year), Teal-the-Person has gradually gained more prominence and is now poised to take over.

    I was surprised that during the London workshop many participants seemed to be much more focused on Teal-the-Person than on her ideas. I observe the same trend in her video and blog comments: lots of amens and hallelujahs and “you are so beautiful” and comparatively little discussion about her ideas. Mind you, I used to be one of those people posting those saccharine comments

    It bothers me that in contrast to many teachers – spiritual and secular – Teal’s persona has started to take precedence over her teachings. Most teachers I know, and certainly the great ones, tend to be self-effacing and modest. They are fully aware that they are the messengers, and that the message must take center stage. The best certainly do not distribute autographed photographs of themselves to “fans”.

    Thanks for listening to my "rant of disappointment" :-)

  15. I know LaVaughn! It's LUDICROUS!!! I remember her saying that truth is subjective, and the problem with humans is that they have become addicted to truth... She said, "If the truth makes us feel worse... Why does is matter??" The only thing that truly matters is how we feel... She's said it more than once... I wish I could for the life of me remember which specific interview or workshop I heard that little gem in... I'm sure somebody here must remember though!!

  16. Hahahahaha... I agree with Lily Dawn here... obnoxious is a good word for Justin, although I think he sees himself as 'flippant' and 'jaunty' and 'non-resistant'. And in my opinion his acting ability is about the same caliber as Teal's... embarrassing.

  17. Just give me an hour, LaVaughn, trying to remember. I know one interview...will find that link once I'm home, but it was not the only time...

  18. I was thinking about what it is that annoys me so much about Teal Swan. It is the fact that she is bending the mix of repeated teachings according to her own benefit and lust for fame and fortune. Her "Ukulele" Blogpost Point 1 to 4 transforms an elephant into a mouse. A little twist here and there and voila: the need of 10 bodyguards is glorified. Tealers clap their hand although they felt really uncomfortable with the bodyguards.

    I am not worried about the fans, groupies, tealers, horny men and truly spiritual seekers. Teal is a part of their path and they will get this or that out of it. I am also not concerned about her getting famous and rich beyond imagination. A business concept get rewarded according to the need of its service. Nobody forces the fans to make her rich. I am just soooo annoyed about that bending the crap out of the teachings to create that illusion of the honest, un perfect, perfect teacher with golden intentions and sack of rare skills.

  19. Raven Host: "It bothers me that in contrast to many teachers – spiritual and secular – Teal’s persona has started to take precedence over her teachings. "

    Thanks for expressing it so well - I share a similar experience with you. When Private Teal took over, I totally lost it. Until then, her youtube teachings were pretty uplifting, easy to understand and not streched and bended to cover up the flaws of her private persona, who CLEARLY does not apply the Teachings of Teal-the-Teacher.

  20. WAY to GO ELENA, "beautiful guardian angel of truth." You are soon turning into our own super sleuth. I love it!!

  21. Deleting all of Elena's post history from the Teal Forum to me speaks volumes about their organization... but they just keep on hanging themselves with their own rope, don't they?
    Maybe Teal could call off the bodyguards and just wave a vibrational painting that says "sycophants only"...
    Lovely post, by the way, Elena....

  22. Golden Andara: "who CLEARLY does not apply the Teachings of Teal-the-Teacher."

    You mean like when someone gives relationship advice, yet has been married 3 times before the age of 30?

    This would be sarcastic if it were not so depressing....

  23. Raven Host: "You mean like when someone gives relationship advice, yet has been married 3 times before the age of 30?"

    Well Raven Host, let me tell you: I can think of 3 versions of an answer:

    Version 1. According to Teal she is very much verfied to give relationships based on her massive exprience with different kinds of men and marriage models. She took the suffering to benefit all of us with the resulting experience and wisdom from it.

    2. Teal is very much verified to give relationship advice because independent of her own personal misery here on planet earth, she IS an alien with extraordinary skills and "was born this way" with all the truthful knowledge. YOu better listen to her!

    3. You know, Teal is not perfect. She is fighting this perfect guru image and is willing to show ALL her flaws to the public so that they see that all these gurus are hiding their shadows. So her you have it. Yes she was divorced 3 times and she didn't hide it. How dare of you to criticize her for the hick ups. Just follow her teaching

    ( ;

  24. OMG my last post represents the end of the perfectly spelled english language. Sorry

  25. I know. And the living arrangements. Shacking up with the new, imported husband, the ex-husband and the sad, jilted former lovers all together in one nest-- why is this sort of okay with everyone?

  26. LOL, Golden Andara! Awesome analysis :-)
    Do you mean to say that she has been divorced *on purpose* so that she could teach the rest of us noobs?
    Reminds me of a couple of totally broke people that I know (broke = debt collectors at your door) who have started a blog and a training bureau on how to become a millionaire!

  27. Golden Andara; I know these are teal's explanations.... But her rationale is extremely twisted in my book!

    I wouldn't want someone who flunked out of medical school performing surgery on me any more than I would want to take advice on how to live a happy life from someone who is clearly miserable more often than not....

    Hanalea: LOL... "Sycophants only"... VERY FITTING!!

  28. Raven Host: "Do you mean to say that she has been divorced *on purpose* so that she could teach the rest of us noobs?"

    You obviously need a 4th version to choose from. To use her own words for the dumb earthlings

    Version 4: No not on purpose. "I have not yet rid myself of all of the vibrations that arose from my childhood which attract situations where I am victimized. "


  29. Raven Host:
    If none of my 4 offered explanations suit you, you are obviously so low vibrational earthling that even Teal CAN'T help you (and anyway you are a hater), although you would be one who would extremely benefit her perspective and material. Too bad that you don't get it. LOL

  30. Golden Andara: this dumb earthling humbly thanks you for your patient explanation and an abundance of options to choose from.

    And: color me impressed! You're almost as good as the "original".
    Next thing you know, you'll be ghostwriting Teal's blogs :-)

  31. I should stop drinking apple juice. My high sugar levels manipulate my writing skills.

  32. Raven Host:

    I obviously forgot to mention, that I may change my mind tomorrow and will be able to offer version 5 and 6. Until that happens, the 4 versions are the truth so far. Pick your truth my dear fan, whatever suits you best and makes you feel gooood. ( ;

  33. Raven Host: psssstttt, here is Blake.

    Teal was just visiting me in my cellar aspen forest and was suggesting to motivate you to buy one of her frequency paintings called: "Don't worry about divorce - the end of monogamy is close. To enlarge the vibrational healing aspect for, she recommend, to get also a necklace of her frequency jewelry line with the pendant titled: " I love divorces".
    Much love lovely people.
    ( :

  34. HAHAHAHAHA!!! That's awesome Golden Andara!! You've channeled the ridiculousness of Teal AND Blake perfectly. I can't wait to see some YouTube video parodies popping up for those two freakshows in the future. I'm feeling inspired to make a few myself!!! ... LOL

  35. Hahaha! GA, we both have the same excuses: drinking certain liquids and English as a foreign language. LaVaughn and Hanalea majoring in English sure raise the bar! I don't know about others' background here, but like I said before, all the comments here are way more stimulating, intelligent and witty than those over at Teal's. I've read Charles Dickens in Russian only, but I feel like I'm catching up on literary language by virtue of reading this thread. But, I do have a 3rd excuse now- I'm listening to the interview with Teal again, looking for her "truth" part. My brain is boiling....

  36. Voila!!! Thank god for the power of memory!

    LaVaughn, skip first 40 minutes. It's not immediately about the "truth" at this point also, she speaks for 10 mins about something else I still feel you might find "enlightening" hehe. Then, the naked truth comes....or ugly. Whichever you prefer.


  37. OMG... There's another pity rallying blog post from Teal today with stolen psycho babble that I'm sure she's taken all her various therapists that she's now using to drum up donations... She's passing this information off as though she has actually experienced and tapped into it, but I'm almost sure she's only parroting what her therapists have told her over the years... This woman is sick to be profiting off of other people's pain and abuse the way she has done... GET REAL TEAL...

  38. I'm sure the cutting is real... I have seen those scars. I do believe the rape is real too. I just don't think her entire backstory is true. She is using other people's stories and perspectives and pain to make a buck and embellish her creative dark fantasy and I don't appreciate it at all...

  39. I think the happiness-trumps-truth project has been floating around for awhile-- though the germ of this twisted philosophy is more easily propagated in a culture fueled by so many ethery, pseudo-substitutes for knowledge, and where there are so many distracting armchair pundits, and our attention is so fractured and dismantled.
    The yin and yang of the internet is a pickle....

    With social interaction being channeled into the techno-shorthand of twitter and facebook – and our thoughts being manipulated for profits by all the bottomfeeding moguls at the helm of our media-pumped false-consciousness, no wonder we are all having such a hard time discerning which messages are valid and which are not.

    But here we are, sitting at our respective laptops, hoping to feel more alive and connected....

    Elena, if you have read any Dickens, you have all the literary background you need to deconstruct the serial, comic villainy of the Teal and Co. cast..
    I haven't watched the video yet, but I will check it out and report back.

    Also, as many have already pointed out before, it's no surprise that narcissism and unhappiness are erupting on such a massive scale in an era when uploading selfies has become a national past-time.

  40. More pity rallying....? I just glanced at the blog and it seems another morbidly confessional dive into Teal's damaged self. I could sympathize, I really could... if she weren't so darned clear about her overarching drive for fame, and her jealousy of Elisabeth Smart.

  41. Can someone explain to me how someone who is so dissociated from her body she doesn't know when she's being burned goes on to become an Olympic caliber athlete?

  42. Or why someone so pathologically disassociated, paranoid, angry, confused and self-hating should counsel and treat others?

    I feel for her-- I do, if even one small part of her abuse history is true. But it is reckless and wrong to be in this dark, wounded place and not have the courage or wisdom or emotional character to work first on her own immensely difficult issues, rather than to put other people emotionally at risk by offering borrowed new age platitudes and promises of salvation and answers you don't own.

    I have read many sad and moving and inspiring accounts of women who suffered from abusive pasts.... whose courageous sharing of their history offer hope to others, but without pandering for donations or grubbing for fame.

  43. The way she explains it, it makes you fearless. She doesn't care what happens to her body so she pushes the limits (speed, jumps, etc) and doesn't feel exhausted from physical exertion too, training endlessly.
    I can kind of see this making sense. I remember my first time trying downhill skiing, my experienced girl friend showed me the basics and left for other more exciting slopes, as I was practicing on a baby hill. I was constantly thinking, aware of my clumsy legs, so nervous...I was very slow and would just sit down on my bum whenever speed started to pick up. Then came the lunch break and I had a huge fight with my then boyfriend. He got me sooo angry! I didn't know how to vent, cs I wasn't interested in making a scene in front of everybody, but I was boiling inside. So I just followed the other guys who were very good, on top of the advanced hill...and then followed them down as well, keeping up with speed too! I wasn't even aware how I managed to do that, all I was thinking about was that jerk! And I've noticed with some sports, the less you think of your movements and care if you do things right, the better you perform.

  44. I find it hard to connect how someone who is so dissociated from her body is at the same time "all about lipstick, push-up bras and high heels". And is so skillful at "art of bodily self-presentation". Not to mention that after being sexually tortured for over a decade, a woman is still self admittedly very comfortable with her sexuality, "leaking sexual energy out of every pore"(excerpts from her recent "Stiletto", "Sex", "Divine Feminine" blogs". And of course, we can see it with our own eyes in all of her videos and pictures. How can you be so sexual if you can't be sensual, because your senses are so anesthetized, you cut yourself in order to feel something? Usually people who were abused sexually as children, struggle with being openly sexual. Most of them avoid attention, especially from the same sex as that of an abuser. But Teal even as a teenager was openly parading herself: "I even loved the expressions of shock when I’d show up for high school in knee high boots and a skintight body suit." Of course, there are various cases and exceptions , and nothing is ordinary when it comes to Teal. Still, raises questions....

  45. Sex abuse survivors tend to be at one extreme or the other -- either very shut-down and sort of deliberately unattractive or very promiscuous and flamboyant. Sex abuse survivors are over-represented in pornography and prostitution. Many toggle back and forth between periods of virtual asexuality and nymphomania (lots of joyless, meaningless sex.) What they aren't, generally, is as you say, "comfortable" with their sexuality.

  46. On the athleticism, I think to be an accomplished athlete requires a kind of consistent kinesthetic mastery that would be hard if one were profoundly dissociated from the body. You can only get so far into intense physical activity without being forced back "in body." And when you're in your body, man do you feel your stuff. Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy comes to mind.

  47. Thank you, LaVaughn for elaborating more. That clarifies things. Yep, think that's what happened with Teal's career in sports, got burned out.
    Another question. She claims she gets sick all the time. I've only been following since last Aug, but I don't remember her mentioning any illnesses (her son broke his arm, that I know), especially her being "incapacitated for weeks". Only her seizures I recall. I know I was sick in November...But Teal is producing a video every week religiously and having a few interviews per week, writing almost daily new blog posts; had travelled, got divorced, got a boyfriend, got rid of a boyfriend, got married again, goes skiing regularly. Not bad for someone so sickly.

  48. I was once sexually abused by a stranger when I was six. I was pretty confused afterwards. My parents didn't see any obvious problems with me and didn't sent me to the clinical psychologist. THANKS GOD. However, it put my sexual desire on ice for 14 years. When other teenagers where practicing, testing, I was still a " virgin". During my first experiences I was pretty disassociated with my body until I met a man who pulled my presence back into the body and showed me the true enjoyment of sexual interaction. Considering that I was a true duckling and at the age of 16 turned into a swan, to my surprise and all the others, I never identified really with my new body/ image etc although it brought me great compliments and much desire from the men world and some benefits. I went the route of model photography because I could associate with my image but not my body - sounds strange hu. Always being tall like a house and pretty uncoordinated with my long legs I sucked in sports and shined in the visual arts. I would say that I am 80% not aware of and out of body. But interestingly enough, sexuality now brings me into my body.

    I can kind of relate to Teal's descriptions but it took a very different twist in my case I believe.
    I do feel that the results of the rape at 6 is more a trust issue than anything else.
    Independent of all the posts here and some sarcastic parodies I do with for Teal that she enters the harbor of freedom of her past and I feel with her. But her latest blog just alerted me again that a person with deep wounds like this is a kind of dangerous teacher to some degree.

  49. Wow, I'm sorry to hear that you were abused...Thank you for sharing your experiences.

  50. Oh I am fine Elena, I have a good life. I don't feel any ruffles. It's more like a far away memory, like a tale.

  51. My mother was abused by her father, both sexually, emotionally, psychologically, and with corporal punishment (he was a sadistic fuck and I never felt comfortable around him, in fact I did not like him at all - and this was from the beginning, before I even knew my mother's history with him). She eventually told her mother and her mother accused her of making it up. Which, of course, created a lifetime rift between she and her mother.

    My mother subconsciously solicited his sexual attention (she had a crush on him) but felt guilty about it at the same time. She was sexy and glamorous in her womanhood (she practically lived in stilettos, hehehe) and became what was in those days considered a 'swinger', but she harbored deep, hidden guilt and disgust over her sexuality that came out in the raising of her children.

    It makes much more sense to me that Teal's 'abuser' was her father and that all the horrific satanic shit was just a cover story she invented to protect him, and to punish her mother (of whom she was probably jealous). I could be wrong of course, in fact I probably am, but it is a suspicion that just keeps getting stronger in me.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I am slowly catching up with all new comments. Golden Andara and Raven Host just made my day. This is hilarious he he he.

    Raven Host: "You mean like when someone gives relationship advice, yet has been married 3 times before the age of 30?"

    Andara: Well Raven Host, let me tell you: I can think of 3 versions of an answer:

    Version 1. According to Teal she is very much verified to give relationships based on her massive experience with different kinds of men and marriage models. She took the suffering to benefit all of us with the resulting experience and wisdom from it.


2. Teal is very much verified to give relationship advice because independent of her own personal misery here on planet earth, she IS an alien with extraordinary skills and "was born this way" with all the truthful knowledge. YOu better listen to her!

    3. You know, Teal is not perfect. She is fighting this perfect guru image and is willing to show ALL her flaws to the public so that they see that all these gurus are hiding their shadows. So her you have it. Yes she was divorced 3 times and she didn't hide it. How dare of you to criticize her for the hick ups. Just follow her teaching

( ;

    Raven Host: "Do you mean to say that she has been divorced *on purpose* so that she could teach the rest of us noobs?"


Andara: You obviously need a 4th version to choose from. To use her own words for the dumb earthlings

    Version 4: No not on purpose. "I have not yet rid myself of all of the vibrations that arose from my childhood which attract situations where I am victimized. "


If none of my 4 offered explanations suit you, you are obviously so low vibrational earthling that even Teal CAN'T help you (and anyway you are a hater), although you would be one who would extremely benefit her perspective and material. Too bad that you don't get it. LOL


I obviously forgot to mention, that I may change my mind tomorrow and will be able to offer version 5 and 6. Until that happens, the 4 versions are the truth so far. Pick your truth my dear fan, whatever suits you best and makes you feel gooood. ( ;

    psssstttt, here is Blake.
Teal was just visiting me in my cellar aspen forest and was suggesting to motivate you to buy one of her frequency paintings called: "Don't worry about divorce - the end of monogamy is close. To enlarge the vibrational healing aspect for, she recommend, to get also a necklace of her frequency jewelry line with the pendant titled: " I love divorces". 
Much love lovely people.
( :

    T H E E N D

  55. Yes, Teal, you are 100% right - humans, all kinds, all races, throughout history have been "addicted to truth". Or maybe it's "dedicated"?

    “If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.”
    ― C.S. Lewis

    “Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.”
    ― Henry David Thoreau, Walden

    “The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think.”
    ― Aristotle

    “What an odd thing a diary is: the things you omit are more important than those you put in.”
    ― Simone de Beauvoir, The Woman Destroyed

    “We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.”
    ― Pablo Picasso

    “The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”
    ― Laozi, Tao Te Ching

    “If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.”
    ― Oscar Wilde

    “A truth that's told with bad intent
    Beats all the lies you can invent.”
    ― William Blake

    “The truth isn't always beauty, but the hunger for it is.”
    ― Nadine Gordimer

    “Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.”
    ― William Faulkner

    “People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim. What I’ve learned is that a lie is an act of self-abdication, because one surrenders one’s reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one’s master, condemning oneself from then on to faking the sort of reality that person’s view requires to be faked…The man who lies to the world, is the world’s slave from then on…There are no white lies, there is only the blackest of destruction, and a white lie is the blackest of all.”
    ― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

    “Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.”

    ― André Gide

    A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly, knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer, and thus emerge stronger. You don't have that idea when you are arrogant, superficial, and uninformed.

    Nelson Mandela

    “For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”
    ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

    “The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first.”
    ― Jim Morrison

    “True fragrance speaks for itself. It does not require to be pointed out by the bearer.”
    ― Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi

    “Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.”
    ― Dorothy Allison

    “Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.”
    ― Walter Scott, Marmion

    “A truth should exist,
    it should not be used
    like this. If I love you
    is that a fact or a weapon?”
    ― Margaret Atwood

    “Seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable.”
    ― Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays

    Golden Andara, I remember Teal reminded you of Lady Gaga:

    “I'm telling you a lie in a vicious effort that you will repeat my lie over and over until it becomes true”
    ― Lady Gaga

    Just a thought:

    “What I'm looking for is not out there, it is in me.”
    ― Helen Keller

    “Boredom: the desire for desires.”
    ― Leo Tolstoy

    And finally:

    “I quote others only to better express myself.”
    ― Michel de Montaigne

  56. Wow, Elena, that's quite the list of quotes. The C.S. Lewis one is particularly on point, no? I may need to steal that one. This is one of the big problems with a lot of the LOA stuff, I think. It basically tells people that going into denial will force reality to change.

  57. :: LaVaughn "It basically tells people that going into denial will force reality to change. "

    I think some teachers teach the LOA like that but that doesn't necessarily mean that is the way it is really set up.

    What gets lost in the LOA teachings IMO is that it is the heart of a person that is putting out way more signals, and much stronger to the universe than the ego mind. What we (our true selves) really want comes from the heart - and that is what we are really getting. What we think we want - comes from the ego/mind (programmed software, which we are not) and we are not able to put out near the attraction signals from our ego/mind that our heart puts out.

    Our ego/minds can't tell our hearts what we want. Our ego/minds don't know. Our hearts tell us what we truly want - once we shut off our ego/mind and listen. Meditate.

    It does appear that all matter is nothing more than energy (E = mc squared) - which can be attracted by magnetic forces - which our hearts and minds put out.

    It does appear to me that the law of attraction does work and is at play in all of us.

    But I do not know anything for sure :-)

  58. Elena, wow. A great list of quotes.

    And Teal, do you notice, Elena doesn't quote herself?

    Also, this one seems particularly apt, Teal.

    A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly, knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer, and thus emerge stronger. You don't have that idea when you are arrogant, superficial, and uninformed.

    Nelson Mandela

  59. Ima Guest... If you say that the law of attraction works from our hearts far more than our minds... then how do you explain horrific things happening to good people??... If our hearts are these powerful magnets that work to attract regardless of what our ego/mind puts out... THEN how could anything really ever go wrong if the heart is plugging away and really knows the truth of what we want... It's hard for me to reconcile... Oh well, it just must be that pesky ego/mind thing... huh?? ;)

  60. Kevin: Yes. Could be the pesky ego/mind thing. :-)

    I have ideas on it - but don't know anything for sure. I've always been on "the edge".

    It does make sense to me now, but took awhile. It helped me to know that everything I've been taught really is a lie. Nothing is as it seems. Or so it seems :-)... haha

  61. Elena, AWESOME list of quotes!! You nailed it for me with the C.S. Lewis quote as well. Thanks for sharing...

  62. Ima Guest, Kevin, LV: The Law of Attraction is an idea that a lot of people are really wanting to "awaken” to because it contains some powerful truth, the understanding that energy attracts energy is an equation that resonates..... We see it happening , we know it feels true.
    But it's a complicated principle that's been co-opted and corrupted and turned into a meaningless soundbite... and it's being fed to people who are desperate for spiritual truths, mainly people lost in a secular, material world where “religion” has lost all currency, and there's such a schism between the agnostics and the seekers...

    I think most people realize eventually that life is never going to be easy to navigate, enlightenment doesn't come in a cloud of “good feeling vibes” and hang around, it zig-zags in and out of view, and anyone who tells us otherwise, or claims to have all the answers ( for the price of a ticket ) is not coming from a place of wisdom or truth.

    Not sure who coined the phrase the (F)law of Attraction: LeVaughn, was that you?

  63. By the way, zigzagBudha-- I love your screen-name...

  64. WOW... Hanalea, your assessment really resonates with me. Thanks again!!

  65. Kevin, I'm glad it resonates... and I'm sure it will stop resonating soon. Wisdom seems to be a painful process of undoing what we already know...as IMA GUEST implied.

    I also often wonder about the error in the program theory of the universe... (discussed upthread). If this is a holographic game where we are all just helping source know itself, source could have programed it differently. I want the game where we don't need to explore suffering or brutality. But, I don't pretend to speak for source. The quantum physics experiments, simplified everywhere for those of us who aren't physicists, that seem to reveal the mystery of perception and intention just make my head spin... Teal does this too, with her kittenish imitation of Schrodinger’s cat: she's in two places at once all the time, so shifty and confusing. But her's is a parlor trick, not really illuminating.

  66. Wow Elena... talk about impressive! What a compilation of quotes!! I think you should post that over at Teals place.

    And thanks Hanalea, I like my username too, hehehe.

  67. Kevin,
    You can google "the flaw in attraction" for some wonderful discussions.
    And LeVaughn writes on this topic as well, in her blogs.

    LeVaughn, I was led to these other pages after perusing your article here--- so thank you for being a part of the puzzle in my journey.

  68. I agree... It has certainly been a steep learning curve for me Hanalea... Especially with the "leaders" like TEAL attempting to sell us "newly awakening" souls their NEW AGE SNAKE OIL....

  69. What a wonderful conversation!

    I agree with you Ima that there are better and more complete teachings on the LOA. The Secret and its devil spawn are about the worst, because it's all about pandering to the ego and ordering the universe around. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The universe is not your bitch.

    But I don't really believe in the LOA. It's an idea with a lot of truthiness but it's a truncated teaching. I believe that this a reflective world, which means it will keep reflecting everything, good, bad, and indifferent. And we can't control it with our thoughts, our feelings, or any other ego function. We can only endeavor to come complete with all that our reflections are showing us as we restore ourselves to conscious oneness.

    And I agree with you that our hearts are actually in wholeness while our minds are very entrenched in duality. There are teachings, though, designed to take us back to whole brain thinking, right down the corpus callosum. So there's that.

    Anyhoo... I wrote a lot of this out here when I reviewed The Secret. So, I'll shut up and stop repeating myself.


  70. Thanks so much for sharing the links LaVaughn. I've seriously been enjoying perusing your super informative, well written material. Has anyone heard of Franco DeNicola? He's a spiritual guy whose lectures and teachings are really centered around earth's ascension to 5d at this time. Now, I'm not deluding myself by believing it's a good idea to immediately jump on the bandwagon of any new age ideas just because it "feels good," but his way of looking at things was a huge comfort to me after this whole TEAL disappointment... I'm much more cautious when it comes to swallowing ideas whole since teal, but I can honestly say that I'm learning to trust myself more since then too. So far, he's been passing my BS test... Time will tell, I suppose.

  71. Wow, such a delightful and complex discourse, everyone!
    Glad you liked the list, thank you.
    LaVaughn, feel free. Are you gonna make it " The Teal Trilogy" series?;-) No pressure, but there are expectations :)
    Kevin, thank you for your replies to me.
    I'll shut up for now too. Reading time. Thanks for the links. I'm curious what you wrote there, on Wilcox as well. I find that guy a bit creepy.
    The flaw with the law in attraction, hahahaha

  72. Franco DeNicola seems legit to me. IMO he has some excellent teachings on law of attraction and why the ego/mind focusing doesn't generally work. Made more sense to me than anything I've heard to date. Can't remember which speaking event I heard him talking about it though. He is passing my B.S. meter also.

  73. "No pressure, but there are expectations"

    LOL!! Actually, I am going to do a part 3. I'm chipping away at a few ideas between, you know, life demands. Did I mention that we're snowed in and I have a houseful? And our power keeps going on and off so I've got that goin' for me. Life on life's terms, as they say.

    Kevin, I had not heard of Franco DeNicola but I will have to check him out. I love the ascension material. I've long felt very pulled in that direction. It could all be crazy for all I know but I follow my intuition and intuition keeps pulling me there.

    Wilcock has never felt right to me, either, Elena. And his death threat thing put me over the top. My bullshit meter was pegged.

    Oh, btw, there is actually a blog called fLaw of Attraction. I have it on the blogroll.

  74. And Hanalea:

    "Teal does this too, with her kittenish imitation of Schrodinger’s cat: she's in two places at once all the time, so shifty and confusing. But her's is a parlor trick, not really illuminating."

    Ahhahahaha! Good one.

  75. A friend of mine happened to mention the video below to me today, I had not seen it before - it's certainly food for thought. There is certainly a place for optimism and benefits that come from a positive outlook, but not to the point where one denies reality as Teal seems to advocate.


    The concept of a reflective, co-created universe, that you referred to LaVaughn, makes sense to me. For a while, this seemed to be what Teal was teaching as well. I am still a bit confused about at what point that changed, but, well...whatever. ;)

  76. Thismeanderingpath, loved the video link...
    Babies are terrified of clowns for a reason. Their huge, phony smiles are clear signals that something is really wrong with this picture. Enforcing happy thoughts is not the least benign.

  77. After 2 days of power cuts and scary storms I am back online...what a lovely conversation. Elena, love the quotes. Looking so forward to

    LaVaughn Upgrade 3.0

  78. What we call truth is "agreeing with/to different belief systems and ecosystem-like thought structures....which some people switch on a regular base - others stick with one for life. We get introduced to them by teachers & creatures and often we come up with our own version.

    My truth changed so many times that I can't keep up with it and with each jump I freak out everybody around me who was just attaching to my current (until then) version. It does feel like the desire to categorize and organize life in the mind is called "search for truth" aka "search for translation, SOS"

    I am honestly tired of my drug-truth-abuse

    ...scratching my head.

  79. Hey, Golden Andara, I was wondering where you were...I think Teal just posted a response to your scratching head with her "perspectives" quote. I'm pretty sure she's following us here, as well as the comments under her blog entries, as it had become apparent with her "Racism" excuse. Btw, there are more dissatisfied comments under that post (Korean Spa), and in response to ADMIN. We'd also noticed in our old Salon days, that sometimes her very next posts were directly referring to something we discussed. Or she'd use the same expression. I'm pretty sure we are "catalyzing"/inspiring her in return too. And now, since it's too early to remove that trouble-making post completely without people raising too many questions, she is burying it with tons of new quotes, so that the article is no longer visible under NEW POSTS. We've also noted similar strategies before.

    Thank you for the link, Elizabeth. I've enjoyed quite a marathon with RSA Animate videos and shared some of them with my friends too.

    LaVaughn, take your time. :-)) Yeah, I remember you mentioning kids and your husband. Frankly, I don't know how you manage to produce such well written, well researched articles (liked the one on "Secret", even tho' I didn't read that book), and respond to our comments as well (Teal obviously doesn't find time to engage more with her audience). You've been absent today so far, so I hope your power is back soon if that's the reason. Or maybe you are busy with family...or working on a new article already;-) Too bad your husband isn't as agreeable as Mark or Sarbs, and doesn't seem to be too keen on the lovely idea of utilizing your exes as household help. hehe

  80. Yeah, he didn't like that idea at all. Not at all. Oh well.

    I only have the one kidlet. She's plenty. But today was her second this week home from school. Now they're adding Saturday make-up days because they've had so many snow days. This is one crazy winter.

    That's too funny about her burying that post. I wonder if that one will also slip quietly down the memory hole at some point. I really was struck by how hard to navigate her blog is. There are ways to do it but navigation is well-hidden behind a secret door... and not that good even when you find it.

  81. Good evening! Glad to hear everything is well. Yeah, this is one hell of a winter.
    She must be plenty, if she's got even a handful of rum n raisin in her;-)
    Well, the site is a reflection of its owner.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Hanalea: Babies are terrified of clowns for a reason. Their huge, phony smiles are clear signals that something is really wrong with this picture.
    Hahaha! Well, people in Russia are wary of those huge phony smiles as well (generalizing of course). Must be our gloomy weather over there, as well as reading all that mandatory Dostoevsky in school. If someone is too smiley, he must be drunk or crazy. You can get arrested for this kind of smilin' in public-that is just so suspicious! Being a bookworm, I remember that breathtaking first time I entered one of those franchised huge bookstores in Canada. First thing I noticed were the attention grabbing, glossy covers with such happy faces with brilliant (unnaturally white teeth) smiles of life coaches and self-help gurus. (Tony Robbins, or what's his name, one of them for example). Somehow, I was obviously wiser back then even though younger - I didn't give those kind of books a second glance, I went straight to the "classics" section. You are right, the likes of Dickens teach us about all the various characters and complicated human nature...I also learned from Emile Zola, Honore de Balzac...and of course Russian heavyweights like Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Chekhov. And after all that I was stilled hooked on Teal's wisdom....Embarrassing really.
    Hanalea, I didn't quote myself here, but I took the liberty and quoted one of your sentences in my yet another "antagonistic rant" over at Teal's, under her "Selfish Love" Quote...I couldn't help it...I had to ask myself why I still care to post over there...what are my motives?
    LaVaughn has given her rationale behind writing her articles. Golden Andara has explained why Teal annoys her so much. I think, I'm being sort of like our dear Justin here, trying to balance things over there, and posting my input, or my perspective, which can differ from Teal's, first, to express my own views on the subject raised, and secondly, I do it with a hope that those who read her blogs and swallow every word as some divine truth, might stop for a second and while reading and comparing different opinions, they'll start using their own thinking process to form an opinion as well. Even if it's to refute mine. Because I believe, reading pretty much anything, even them, aforementioned classics, without examining, without carefully analyzing the material and reflecting on it yourself, through your own lens, might be a dangerous past time.

  84. Lena, I saw your comment over there. That was excellent. You should maybe quote yourself with little graphics and post th... Never mind.

    People keep saying she takes complex ideas and makes them simple. Everything I read from her is not so much simple and overly simplistic. There's an argument to be made that those who self-sacrifice wouldn't do so if did not bring them joy but I wouldn't call that selfish, really. Love, real love, and martyrdom, not codependency, but martyrdom is something that happens when begin to understand that there is no me and there is no you. It's the end of selfishness because it's the end of self, the dissolution of ego: at-one-ment. That's my two cents.

    Hanalea, I hate clowns. I hate the circus. I always found the circus disturbing because it was so much glamor superimposed on a bleak background. It was really jarring. And clowns were the quintessence of that. You knew no one could be that happy. It had to be fake. There was a painting in my pediatrician's office of a clown. For all intents and purposes, it had no background. It was just the bright colors of the clown holding some balloons against a drab greenish-black background, just like the circus. Depressed the hell out of me.

  85. Good point about clowns, Hanalea - they always have given me the creeps, with good reason.

    For the record, I posted a short comment on Teal's blog (after the blatant racism on her post about the spa in Atlanta). I was not abusive, but did ask questions about her continual focus on the differences between various groups, how that perpetuates an us/them mentality and how that doesn't gel for me with her teaching about oneness. I wish I'd saved it - of course it was deleted on the blog.

    I wonder why I do it too Elena, and I reached similar conclusions. Teal sets up her blog as a venue for discussion by asking her readers questions, but it appears that if the answers question her conduct they are unwanted. At least that fact has been well documented here for anyone with an awareness of Teal to consider.

  86. Lena: Yeah, the”Love is Selfish” quote really rankled.... Of course, Ayn Rand said this, in just those terms, nearly half a century ago, but like LeVaughn noted, Teal's ego is so grand, she believes her thoughts are radical novelties delivered to her live from the Greenpeace caucus up in the Acturian clouds. We already know that “Never Cite a Source” is high on the list of Teal's core beliefs.

    I'm so glad Elena posted her rebuttal. It was beautiful And I was really tempted to pipe in myself on the self-serving, objectivist twistedness of that credo, which looks like this, to me, if you whittle it down to the badly cloned algebra that is just so representative of Teal's logic in general

    Problem: Love is Selfless = False / Love is Selfish = True
    Solution: Selfishness= Rose-dusted Path to Wholeness and Holiness

    Never mind that the premise that love is selfish is a highly flawed assumption, or that the logic is severely gaping.

    Great gift for the masses, this gorgeous call for more ego gratification and for cloaking every relationship as a tit-for-tat transaction. Works well in the Teal scheme of things to define love as “what benefits me”. And, of course, it's not really love if it doesn't benefit me in some way? Not many Tealer's responded to that one, though-- because the spiritual seekers are usually not looking for nihilistic views of life. They resonate to: love is good, and love yourself, but love is selfish? Not so much.

    --but I'm not registered there to post, and don't plan to be. So Elena, they really do need your informed and generous balance-- because from what I've seen on the forums over there it's just a lot of hail Teal, Glory be and hallelujah, thanks for being you, Teal. You're so pretty!
    Not a lot of substance.
    And we already know that they delete like crazy the posts that don't flatter them. I think Lena has a stronghold on her account for now because they know they're being watched. Elena's posts are sooooo smart and they raise the bar for the majority of Tealers, who only want to offer praise and manna, so the only way Blake and his loving crew can shoo her off again is if they're willing to declare they just can't tolerate her intelligence.

    Postscript: I went to post this and then saw that they have now deleted MeanderingPath's posts over there at Teals' House. Astonishing, is all I can say.

  87. LV and Meanderingpath-- oh god, clowns. We had prints of clowns in my brothers bedroom when I was a kid, one smiling and one crying. What was I supposed to make of that? Thickly made-up grownups with baby-perfect skin frozen in profound emotional hysteria, and that was supposed to be comforting? I don't know anyone who likes clowns....

  88. ThisMeanderingPath,
    Your comment: ." I was not abusive, but did ask questions about her continual focus on the differences between various groups, how that perpetuates an us/them mentality and how that doesn't gel for me with her teaching about oneness. I wish I'd saved it - of course it was deleted on the blog.
    So true-- so much focusing on differences. Rather than confront the truth of this, Teal deletes it. This makes Teal happier, so this is all the name of her ascension, I guess."
    But she can't really hide the evidence of her own blundering point of view: huge, dismissive judgments about the south, Mormons, Koreans, "Orientals" in general, the global aesthetic superiority of white over black.... and her defense posted in the Atlanta Spa Blog is so trite it's just offensive.

  89. Here is Lena's comment from the Teal Blog about "Love is Selfish"-- that forum where the idea of free speech has evolved to the point that it no longer needs to be demonstrated in 3d-- No, your posts aren't being censored, they've just been moved to a parallel dimension.
    But this bears reposting, and in case they delete it. : ))

    Lena February 14, 2014 at 5:07 am

    The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.

    “Martyrdom benefits no one. Martyrdom is nothing more than an attempt to feel good about oneself and thus reach happiness by virtue of doing something that doesn’t please you to do.”

    Now, I’m not talking about some radicals and terrorism, but there have been people throughout history, who became what one might call “martyrs” not simply because they were attempting to feel good about themselves (some may already felt quite ok ) or they were trying to reach happiness while doing something that didn’t please them. On the contrary, they reached punishment because they were doing something that pleased them (Dante Alighieri with his writings was exiled from his beloved Florence), or chose death because they didn’t want to do something that wouldn’t have pleased them (Souliot women who committed suicides to avoid rape, other humiliation and slavery). Take Socrates- that which pleased him, didn’t please the rest of society, so after his trial he chose to drink his poison just to prove a point ( he could’ve appealed for an exile or had an option for an escape, orchestrated by his student). Or Giordano Bruno who was burned at stake, a martyr for free thought and modern scientific ideas. Yes, it was much more comforting for people to believe that the earth was the centre of the universe with everything revolving around it, and he dared to believe otherwise!

    That’s the problem with letting people to form false beliefs just so that they “feel better”- they guard their beliefs furiously, since they provide so much comfort in this otherwise very confusing world, and some people are willing to destroy anyone who questions those beliefs.

    I may add to this list countless courageous, heroic people…You may argue, they were still driven by selfish desires. But one’s “selfish desire” might be very different in quality from someone else’s. Former slaves desired freedom, and were willing to sacrifice their lives, so things would be different for the next generations to come…And their choices, actions DID have an impact on humanity as a whole.

    “Martyrdom does not end something, it’s only a beginning”. Indira Gandhi
    You should read history and look at ostracism, persecution and that kind of things. They always happen to the best of humankind.
    As for advocating selfishness, some say we already have what’s been dubbed as “The Narcissism Epidemic” by researchers:


  90. Hi everyone, thank you:-) I can't believe they removed your comment again, Your Majesty (hehe, did you post under your original name?)! Old habits die hard- they've always had low tolerance for your piercing insight.
    Yeah LaVaughn, maybe I should, you know, wear some edible V-day underwear and ask my friend to film me in my bedroom- oh, the things you do for humanity! As long as my voice gets heard and my "international language of love" is understandable on all the continents! By the way, when is Teal going to enlighten us on the significance of this day?

    Loved that heart painting on top, LV.:-)
    Hanalea, Blake would disagree with you, he called my comments "a bunch of harassment based off of unresearched facts" in his reply to zbuddha (I loved your comment AVALON, on her "perspectives", hahaha). Mind you, though, he said himself, not unresearched "claims" or "arguments", but facts. And facts remain facts, unresearched or not, a fact is something that has really occurred or is actually the case. They need a better PR linguist over there, the choice for words is not their forte sometimes (wanna apply, philology majors;-). But then of course, what do I really know?? I shuffled through something written by other uninformed earthlings to come to my conclusions, while TEAL goes straight to Akashic Records, she knows FOR SURE what happened to Jesus (you heard that interview, right? lol)

    To add to the list of her dismissive judgments, there are also airport security employees, who are the biggest assholes on the planet (they don't have them in Arcturus, they all travel out of body anyway), and those with cockney accent (ewwww, how gross!).

  91. Lena, hahaha-- "They need a better PR linguist over there, the choice for words is not their forte sometimes (wanna apply, philology majors;-)." So odd. You'd think since she's posting Quotes and Blogs on the Universe's behalf she would at least have a copy editor clean up the wonky abuses of vocabulary...
    I wouldn't care, if she were just posting her thoughts, like the rest of us mortals, but if you are THE KEY PLAYER in the cosmic second coming, your words are gospel, and they matter...
    ( yeah, I've seen that interview--- she has the Akoshic inside skinny on Jesus-- She also was elected number one in the entire cosmos to radically reform earth, you know.... that same intergalactic parliament that created Teal so white and pretty...).

  92. Hahaha, I saw Avalon's post in the "perspectives" comments--- about the ridiculous size of TEAL's name compared to the little quote...

  93. I thought TEAL's public admission of her mental instability would be enough of a red flag for people to stop swallowing her material whole... Apparently not... It appears that her sycophant followers have rallied around her more than ever since she went public with her diagnoses. Don't people realize that nobody ever really miraculously cure themselves from her admitted disorders such as DID and BPD and PTSD after only seeing a therapist for 5 years??... Hello, she STILL has triggered seizures people!! I'm no psychologist, but IMO her claiming to be cured of DID by having integrated all 12 of her alters indicates two things:
    1.)She is either lying about having had these 12 alters... OR
    2.) She is still living in extreme denial of her conditions.
    I'm inclined to believe the latter. While I've seen studies indicating that symptoms of BPD have been shown to improve in women around MIDDLE AGE, these symptoms TEAL claims to suffer from typically take LIFELONG MANAGEMENT and awareness and TRUST for a therapist who can offer consistent treatment... Teal's blogs indicate to me that Teal jumps around from therapist to therapist trying out different types of new therapies without sticking to anything... IMO TEAL is still clearly mentally unwell. She seems completely unaware of her blatantly obvious narcissism. I think her delusions of grandeur including: world fame, special powers, and this Arcturian EARTH SAVIOR complex, point to outright megalomania. Apparently there are hundreds of thousands of people around the world who are willing to join in with teal's little game of make believe... I'm seriously scared for what this indicates with all her racist, ignorant, dogma and her downright dangerous advice she doles out. The following she continues to amass is extremely disconcerting. I haven't seen such unquestioning reverence for a self proclaimed "LEADER" with blatant mental instability since HITLER rose to power. Her followers are seriously all about "HAIL TEAL," No matter how ridiculous she becomes. It's worrisome to me.

  94. It sure is, Kevin. Maybe we should watch Ask Teal episode on "How to stop worrying". lol

  95. "I shuffled through something written by other uninformed earthlings to come to my conclusions, while TEAL goes straight to Akashic Records, she knows FOR SURE what happened to Jesus (you heard that interview, right? lol)"

    No. No, I didn't hear that, Elena. WTF?!!

  96. I think I'll send in a question to that Ask Teal addy: How do we stop worrying about an admittedly unstable woman acting as a leader of the new age?

  97. Oh, I'm prepared now, here is the link to the video called "The ridiculous hour with teal scott". It starts off with a nice little exercise on how to release your discomfort & relax. Enjoy! (Jesus part is somewhere in the middle i think) I honestly can't listen to this ridiculousness again, sorry.


  98. Oh, you mean I needed to listen to more of that? I thought I'd listened to all I can stand. Now I'm going to have to listen and learn all about Jesus. Just as soon as I pick my daughter up from her little party... and load the dishwasher... and then there's dinner... You'd think I'd be in more of a hurry to learn the true story of Jesus, wouldn't you. But, what can I say. A woman's work is never done. Maybe I should ask teal what to do about that. I'm just afraid her answer will be, move in all your exes and start delegating. Just not gonna fly. It's just not.

  99. starting around the 14:00 min mark of that interview- her explanation about reptilians...or was she talking about herself?! hahahaa
    Omg, it's fri evening, it's fool moon and it's Valentine's, and here I am listening to this crap. I am such a hater, beyond salvation. Teal would say we are all random people "who crawled out of the woodwork to gain popularity and attention by slandering" her, acting "from a place of bitterness and fear and therefore pain." We are all sociopaths, you hear me, bunch of jelly losers! I'm crawling back into my woodwork, it's nice n cozy... and private. Have a Good weekend, everyone.

  100. Hahhahaha!! Any volunteers here??

  101. *FULL moon (haha, I'm being a fool again)

  102. Wow, The Universe is helping us, it is on OUR side!!!! YAY, I just clicked randomly on the video and ...lucky guess!!! Landed on Jesus! start listening at 55:00 for a bit of pretext.

  103. Kevin: "Her followers are seriously all about "HAIL TEAL," No matter how ridiculous she becomes. It's worrisome to me."

    I often heard Teal purposely using the word: "I am like a Nazi when it comes to ___ . It was never used by accident. I was always concerned about her choice of words, imagery, feelings when it comes to this historic event in time. The worst example was: "I am like a Nazi when it comes to breastfeeding." Innocence and pervertism so close to each other.

    Kevin: "Don't people realize that nobody ever really miraculously cure themselves from her admitted disorders such as DID and BPD and PTSD after only seeing a therapist for 5 years??"
    I remember Raven Host referring to it as "Teal-the-Teacher" and "Teal-the-person". In other words, Teal embodies the perfect illuminating all-knowing ET who discusses with buddha, jesus and co how spay the human seeds with some nurturing thought management - you can connect with this alter ego on her youtube channel (you may love it because your desire for a current version of truth will find a supermarket shelf of all teachings out there, explained and broken down for simple understanding).

    And then we have Teal, who embodies the flawed, unperfect human being, trying to survive and deal with the misery of earth life, past pain and future fears - you can connect with this alter ego on her blog (you maybe love it because you have some kind of DID and BPD and PTSD yourself and you will feel like home, understood and loved - aka bonding over similar issues ( :) . If you like both, follower her on Facebook where both streams join.

    I think that when she introduced the flawed, unperfect, egoistic, fame hungry, all about me-me-me T E A L, the sane truth seekers got confused who originaly only spent time with Teal the all-knowing perfect ET.

    Well now: such a mess.

    Full moon brought electricity back :D

  104. ohhh noooo: I meant

    spRaying not spaying

    ( : well maybe some truth to this too

  105. Elena you are our russian sniffer dog. It doesn't get better, endless data stored safely in your super witty and smart brain. Love it ( :

  106. PS: Teal-the-imperfect-human-being never heard of Teal-the perfect-all knowing-teaching ET. They never seem to meet in person.

  107. Hahaha, Andara. Flattered :-) Avalon already called me her puppy dog once, running off enthusiastically to fetch the stick with my ears flopping and tongue lolling!lol

  108. well let's add one word to Avalon's version:

    FIERCE in the most positive intelligent way. ( ;

  109. my new avatar reminded me of the phenomena we are still trying to understand


  110. Hahaha! Like, AWESOME!
    I can add "fierce" to the majority of contributors here. Justin is one very loyal pooch too, only he's Teal's. And, to your comments under her blog as well! Maybe you should back them up there with your professional modelling images. You know, to make your point clear. hehe

  111. I just starred at Teal's Peace Maker popping up in my news feed and I am so caaaalmed down. My conscious mind is stressed out by chaotic lines but I am trustful that Teal knows what's best for me. I am sure my unconscious mind is already more relaxed than I am aware of after looking at this piece of art.

    As Damien Rice sings : They call it Christmas when the adverts begin...", I am now forced to participate on the worldwide sales strong valentines day, the only day to celebrate selfish love per year. Old selfish me is full of love for this guy who was just unconsciously manipulated to buy me a present. But I will not tell him, because I am so in love, so selfish.

    Lena: "You know, to make your point clear."
    I am always amazed that sb understands what i am trying to say with my broken english. I am sure it must be torture to LaVaughn.

  112. These are not just spelling mistakes, Andara, they are Freudian slips. I can see some between us here, and Teal's Nazi babies belong to similar category, only they were no accidents as u say.

  113. Man, there have been so many piercingly witty and intelligent comments here that my head is spinning trying to decide which ones to respond to first. In fact I'm just gonna have to take the easy way out and just ask you all to picture me jumping up and down with my head bobbing agreement, hooting and applauding from the sidelines throughout the entire conversation up above!

    (I found myself dreaming about teal the other night and decided that enough was e-fucking-nough... I unliked her on facebook, tried to stop going to her blog, deleted any of her videos from my youtube playlists, and tried to stay away from here too. You can see how successful I was.)

    Oh hell, I can't leave it at that, I have to name some names here. I imagine this 'comment' is going to turn into lengthy novel, sorry:

    LaVaughn: “Lena, I saw your comment over there. That was excellent. You should maybe quote yourself with little graphics and post th... Never mind.”


    You also said: “People keep saying she takes complex ideas and makes them simple.”

    She does sometimes do that, but she is so often twisting stuff to justify her own life and behavior, that any information she is imparting becomes suspect, even ‘dangerously’ misleading.

    For some reason I am reminded of another PJ O’Rourke quote (I am just really into him today, hehe): “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.” Teal reminds me of the teenage boy who has been given some whiskey and the keys to the car.

    Lena and Hanalea: “Lena, hahaha-- "They need a better PR linguist over there, the choice for words is not their forte sometimes (wanna apply, philology majors;-)." So odd. You'd think since she's posting Quotes and Blogs on the Universe's behalf she would at least have a copy editor clean up the wonky abuses of vocabulary...
    I wouldn't care, if she were just posting her thoughts, like the rest of us mortals, but if you are THE KEY PLAYER in the cosmic second coming, your words are gospel, and they matter..."

    Hahahahahaha! Very funny exchange! Her “Begin A New Quote” stands out in my mind… I suggested that what she probably meant was ‘Begin Anew’ but it still says Begin A New Quote, so who knows what she meant.
    I pretty much have to just skim over anything Blake says, because even if I read it carefully I mostly can’t figure out wtf he’s trying to say. And Teal’s blog is so much blah blah blah that it’s only a paragraph or two, if even that, somewhere in the whole page or two or 3 of blathering that’s of any interest to me, and her stuff just gets skimmed over too. Sometimes I can’t even bear to skim over it what with all the naval gazing that goes on.

    Kevin “I thought TEAL's public admission of her mental instability would be enough of a red flag for people to stop swallowing her material whole... Apparently not...” and “Her followers are seriously all about "HAIL TEAL," No matter how ridiculous she becomes. It's worrisome to me.”

    Hahahahahaha… My sentiments exactly... it is mind boggling!

    And Elena: “It sure is, Kevin. Maybe we should watch Ask Teal episode on "How to stop worrying". Lol”


    Golden Andara: “Elena you are our russian sniffer dog. It doesn't get better, endless data stored safely in your super witty and smart brain. Love it ( :”

    Well said! And she’s cute too! Hahahahahahaha!

    And finally “These are not just spelling mistakes, Andara, they are Freudian slips.”

    HAHAHAHAHAHA… too funny! Blame it on the fool moon!! Hahahaha again!

  114. And this one by Lena: "And, to your comments under her blog as well! Maybe you should back them up there with your professional modelling images. You know, to make your point clear."


  115. Hahahaha (to Andara's latest gem:))
    Oh no, it's my bad- I didn't make myself clear enough. You know, GA, you comments have delighted us all here, as made evident with the feedback you get, everyone is getting your points perfectly well. And laughing too (no, not at your "broken English", but at your poetic satire). What I meant, you'd make your comments MUCH MORE CLEARER, even to some lost tribes in Amazon forests (who've never heard a word of English, but, hey, they all have internet these days) if you happen to be one hot white chick. Honestly, I've done a little study with some unsuspecting people, the results: one certain picture of Teal has waaaay more "vibrational effect" on their entire minds and bodies than ALL of her paintings combined. But no, they were still not interested in her "New Age mumbo jumbo", they were NOT interested in listening to her, or god forbid, reading her material, but interested in....well, you get my point (or am I not clear? hehe).
    ZigZagBuddha, that's a wonderful wrap-up of our day here. I wanted to quote the funniest parts from your message too, but then realized, I'd just have to re-post the entire thing:-)) Yeah, I remember that time you got her with that "Begin A New QUOTE" lol

  116. Of course, the drama queen of all drama queens teaches that drama queens don't exist. Is this:

    - the Nihilism of drama queens
    - a smart twist of truth / perception to cover up some recent mess
    - a chance to celebrate Teal's neurotic sides in forums, facebooks and co ( aka - my new avatar)
    - the first international celebration day for limitless, self centred, neurotic behavior

    or is it her outsmarting us earthlings by creating the illusion that dramatic truthful royal and superior behavior thrown around in beautiful tantrums, creative scream attacks of other characters is the next truthful level of the never ending onion spiral on the way to enlightenment (note: there is a name for everything BPS, DTD, SDDTD, MRW etc).

    You know, at the end of the day she could be right about it.

    @ Elena: I cant be sure if i am a white hot chick in general or more a character type. WHo knows: I am maybe perceived as ridiculous ugly in the general Amazon forests - that would be the end of your great idea. I don't know if some higher council decided about my looks to improve my impact on earth as well. Let's stick to the words and focus on the higher cool colored chakras :D I can follow your impact of imagery down there :D very efficient for something.

  117. zigzagbuddha: And this one by Lena: "And, to your comments under her blog as well! Maybe you should back them up there with your professional modelling images. You know, to make your point clear." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

    DId I miss a joke here? I want to laugh as well.

  118. Ah, never mind, GA, I agree, lame idea. From how I understand Teal's logic behind it, if you stay in those cool colored chakras only, you are "spiritually by-passing". All the rainbow colored wheels should be set in motion, turning in unison. And Teal is acting as "a bridge", because those who are lower vibrationally or stuck in base chakras won't be able to "jump the Great Canyon". If she sticks to the words only and stays in higher chakras, she won't be able to reach those who are in need of help. So she is engaging visually their lower chakras first, awakening Kundalini energy, in hopes that as they listen to her teachings, the serpent might work itself up. I don't know the statistics and the success rates of how efficiently it works. But there are testimonials, that life has improved dramatically for some...
    Speaking of chakras, I need to get mine in order, can use some fine-tuning, i think.

  119. Lena: "So she is engaging visually their lower chakras first, awakening Kundalini energy, in hopes that as they listen to her teachings, the serpent might work itself up."

    your words are sharp as knifes. awesome. always hitting the nail on the head. Now go and stare at "The Aucturian Healing grid" and your chakras are sorted.

  120. I'm just getting caught up on some of these comments and laughing my ass off.

    Golden Andara, your broken English is just fine, but I may need to steal your chicken tits story. Hilarious. English is a hard language to learn even when born to it. Just ask teal.

    Thismeanderingpath, did you take a screen shot of your comment before it slipped down the memory hole? I don't know maybe it was that rogue admin again, demonstrating love and devotion to teal.

    This, zigzagbuddha, "she is so often twisting stuff to justify her own life and behavior, that any information she is imparting becomes suspect, even ‘dangerously’ misleading" is so incredibly, painfully true.

    I also noticed the "Begin A New," thing. My first thought was begin a new what? Then I read the post and thought, why don't they fix these things? And what's with the stray question mark on her Korean baths post? Typos happen. Some of them are so obvious I'm amazed that they aren't fixed.

    "Now go and stare at 'The Aucturian Healing grid' and your chakras are sorted." ROTFLMAO!!!

    "Can't sleep. Clown'll eat me. Can't sleep. Clown'll eat me..."

  121. Well, I listened to the recommended segments of that interview. It's ghastly. What bothers me most, once again, is her tone of certainty, like she's the voice of God. She's arguing from authority which is bad enough, but that her entire authority is based on her being some Arcturian lab experiment makes it so much worse. And that this interviewer has just bought into her "cosmic answer lady" persona is just sickening. He doesn't ask her what she thinks. He asks her what is the truth of all these esoteric questions as if it's a given that she can put the matter to rest. And she just answers, yes, no, as that's all it takes. She says this is what happened, this is what happened. Most, if not all, of what she's saying can be traced to other sources, David Icke, Henry Lincoln... Dan Brown, for that matter. But even people like this who have spent their lives immersed in these things and with very strong biases are considerably more circumspect than she is. David Icke is more reasonable and flexible in his thinking. Think about that for a minute or two.

  122. Golden Andara said...

    zigzagbuddha: And this one by Lena: "And, to your comments under her blog as well! Maybe you should back them up there with your professional modelling images. You know, to make your point clear." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

    DId I miss a joke here? I want to laugh as well.

    Now you have me wondering if I imagined the joke! I thought Elena was making a reference to how teal posts provocative photos of herself throughout her blog... for what purpose? To make her point clear, of course!

    And I loved that 'chicken tits' story too! And you are definitely not the first one to make a mistake like that Andara! When I told my (grown) kids your chicken tits story, my son told me about a friend of his who was Russian and how when he had first come to America with his mother, they were in the supermarket one day and his mother called across the store to him "Uri, do you want some pussies?" (She meant 'peaches', and I don't know if that was a 'freudian slip' or a language thing, hehe, but whatever, Uri was pretty embarrassed.)

    And regarding the stray question mark on teal's Korean baths post

    Hahahaha... maybe it was another one of those 'freudian slips' we've all had a good laugh over, maybe she's using symbolism to invite her readers to question her intentions

  123. "Hahahaha... maybe it was another one of those 'freudian slips' we've all had a good laugh over, maybe she's using symbolism to invite her readers to question her intentions

    Bwahahahahaha! Oh zigzagbuddha! What a sense of humor you have!

  124. Golden Andara, I read you last message, and only then I've realized that "the serpent which works itself up" can have another meaninig, symbolic one hehe, for those devoted male half of Teal's audience, swooning over her.

    Zigzagbuddha, Hahaha! I agree, with LV, you do have a wicked sense of humor. Your rebuttal to Michael's provocations under "Perspectves" quote was totally outrageous!

  125. I can tell you one thing: If you ever find yourself in the middle of a booooring lame party with awkward silence: tell the traumatic chicken tits experience of an innocent young woman in a small, muffy, irish butcher shop. The party will grow wings. I should start to charge a random fee for that. I would be rich by now. :-0 I am sure this story traveled the world faster than the wise AND unwise teachings of an Arcturian Super model. LaVaughn borrow away and make the people around you have a great moment full of enlightened laughter.

    zigzagbuddha thanks for helping my brain to keep up. you are right. The expressed truth of our russion sniffer dog is sometimes beyond my intelligence :D

    Ok I still can keep up with the russian mama who wants to feed her son with peachy pussies. hahaha
    I was just living in ireland for maybe a half year and I found myself in a business meeting with the local church. There was a very serious looking father sitting opposite of me, and another priest and some very important stiff committee members. I was just busy presenting the results of my work to them and I struggled to find the right english word. You know - when you make some sounds or come up with unreal words in order to fill the gap and pray that they will understand what you had planed to say but cannot express?... So I am focused on Father and all stiff beings in the room and say: " Well I hope you enjoyed my presentation and we can start with the next stage of Corporate Identity Design to....ah you know wanky, wanky....mhhh to improve the image of your church." Father turned red, the priest greened like being on drugs and the serious committee members broke down in laughter. I asked them if i said something wrong. They just waved in the air to go ahead cause nobody could speak. ... I swear to god, I have NO idea how and where i picked up this word. Maybe I still was in the Teal vibe after watching one of her erotic videos. hehe Never watch a Ask Teal video before you meet with the catholic church!

  126. LOLOLOL!!! Your naughty subconscious mind is playing tricks with such slips of the tongue!
    Oh, Golden Andara, if only some of the native English speakers I've encountered could express themselves as well as you do thru your writing!! Cool post;-)

  127. Golden Andara: "Now go and stare at 'The Aucturian Healing grid' and your chakras are sorted."
    Hahahahaha! But jokes aside, I wish it would've worked like this. But you see, we Andromedans, are from a very different dimension. We are not very compatible with Arcturians and their healing modalities. In fact, what happens to our kind if we stare at those paintings is :
    first we feel mild discomfort -it's a warning sign; if we still persist and resist the urge to look away we might seizure, then go into shock, then die...
    Yep. I better stick with yoga (Arcturians hate yoga, btw, see we are THAT different), with aromatherapy and healing Andara crystals, hehe.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. Hate to get all serious here, but I feel that here is where Teal and the rest of her shape-shifting ilk get really dangerous--- Teal suggests that humans need to “shift their perspective” to see that Hitler was really “a catalyst for peace...”
    Start at approx. 54 minutes into this interview: ( Teal/ Tamara Dorris )


    The six million Jews who were gassed and tortured and eugenically “cleansed” from the planet are now rationalized as necessary sacrifices on the cosmic road to evolution. No kidding.

    This is not just delusional, this is the Teal Gospel at its most sick and inexcusable.

    I'm beginning to believe the Nazi metaphors are more than just a slip of the tongue.

    Sorry, I'm just not finding Teal funny anymore. I think that kind of thinking can be used to very dark ends.... and at best, is just blindly offensive.

  131. Hanalea Z:
    I remember that Teal was refering to her master abuser as a nazi lover in one of her 70 interviews. Considering his kind of impact on Teal, I am sure that there is a great deal of undigested and undigestable flavor left in her. Her Nazi metaphors in regards to food and babies were never an accident, considering that she quickly mentioned afterwards that she was concious about her choice of words (another interview - cant remember which one). I guess she meant to say: She would dominate, kill to get the food right and the breastfeeding because it is so important to her. However - a very insensitive choice of words for a person who is very much aware of vibrations behind words. Scratched my head many times over that.

    To shape shift evil (which is defined by your actual version of morals) into goodness, and goodness into evil, ACCORDING TO YOUR PRESENT DESIRES, just needs a little twist in thought, delete some, turn them around so that it fits. Do that until you only see great, awesome things. ..mmhh... is that not the heart of Teal suggestions? Or look for the positive intentions of Hitler.. according to Teal, he had one too.

    I do find some truth in her statement that he and his impact worldwide created a deep desire for the opposite because the brutality of people like Hitler, Stalin and co DOES inspire seeds of improvement. The absence of love for all races is a core problem of the judgmental, isolated, self obsessed mind. But again: the way how she expressed it (i remember that interview) was again very unfortunate. There was no "in other words" or "but he was also an asshole"….no fine tuning of this very abstract and risky statement. But again: Teal loves to provocate. In her own words: "Oh gosh I will piss of many people …again - I do this quit often hahaha."


  132. Hi, Hanalea, no worries, we are taking it seriously enough when it comes to some troubling statements as this one(just see the latest Kevin's, zigzagbuddha's and LaVaughn's concerns expressed above). Thanks for bringing this video's shocking revelations to everyone's attention.

    We were mostly making fun of ourselves with some of the comments (I know I was:-), and sharing a few anecdotes just to lighten up things a bit.
    But I can't help and "channel" Teal's usual explanation for something like this:
    Everything and everyone is extension of the Source, therefore everything is divine and beautiful and helps the Source to better understand and know itself. In order to understand PEACE, the Source needs to see what the War looks and feels like through us, its "tentacles". The collateral damage is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Everything is justified in the name of Source's never ending searching for self awareness and the Universal Evolution of Consciousness.

  133. Great channeling Elena. Now that we had some lightness and fun, get back to the original intention of this blog.

  134. Elena, I very much understand Teal's message. You channel it quite succinctly:
    Everything is justified in the name of Source's never ending searching for self awareness and the Universal Evolution of Consciousness.

    I think it's a seriously dangerous assumption.

    I was just as amused by Teal's as everyone else, here... but I'm wanting to convey something I think is

  135. sorry... my message was posted in mid-sentence.

    I'll follow up later. I didn't mean to be dismissive of the humor here. I'm just feeling really chilled by this re-branding of the Holocaust as a world peace venture....

  136. I agree! If you remember, Hanalea, I had expressed my dissatisfaction in a rant against such a Source earlier... In fact, sometimes I get so angry with everything I just want to boycott this Source or Creator or whoever it is out there somehow. But as Teal has informed us, the Source is merciless, and there is NO WAY OUT out of this game. That poor woman, Teal's client, who killed herself comes to mind. She wanted to quit, and yet she was put right back in, after only a short time break, and into very similar circumstances as in her previous life. WTF????!!!!!
    Yes, Golden Andara, GAME OVER. I'm back to my serious fierce self.

  137. Just look what that obnoxious, nasty troll Michael wrote to me in reply to my very serious post under "Selfish Love":

    "Teal is contributing, like we all do in some way, to Universal Mind. The measure of her effect is in the number of minds that are involved with her now. She is volunteering her life as just one model for successfully realizing our individual potential. Her interest in being famous is a natural part of this sharing of her life. It is healthy experimentation. And she is finding some kindred spirits. I love that she has catalyzed me into being involved for a while. I have no expectations on her being famous. People who get cross with her are just processing their own stuff anyway."

    I just read it now and I'm boiling!! Means, I have TONS of my own stuff to process, and should thank Teal for bringing that into my attention! One day I'll make it all the way to Australia just to kick this guy's a** very hard. Seriously, replying to him with words and some sense is futile.

  138. Elena, I was already thinking along the same lines-- re: Teal's client who committed suicide, and how Teal so eerily rationalized this woman's death with the same coldly glib assumptions. I wasn't meaning to pick on you at all. You have great insight and great wit, and what appears to be a sweet, pugnacious soul that defies categorizing. I very much appreciate all your fierce and feisty contributions.

  139. funny that you can't reply to his comment. There is no "reply" button. You can see in his comment that he is a great student of Teal's, channeling her as perfect as you did.

  140. Oh Hanalea, I know you weren't. Thanx. :-)
    I find such world view dangerous as well, and UNACCEPTABLE and different from my own internal knowing and from what I've learned from other sources too and that's why I couldn't stop writing those comments expressing opposing views at Teal's before I got blocked. And that's why I'm here contributing however I can, because I just cannot quit half way and "move on with my life" forgetting about Teal's existence. Yes, I'm in resistance, Teal, to some of your teachings and the way you present yourself to the world, but I feel very much "in alignment" with my own guiding system at the same time. Paradoxical.

  141. Elena: "because I just cannot quit half way and "move on with my life" forgetting about Teal's existence. Yes, I'm in resistance, Teal, to some of your teachings and the way you present yourself to the world, but I feel very much "in alignment" with my own guiding system at the same time. Paradoxical."

    Same with me.

  142. I figured we are on the same page in regards with that. To reply, you need to press the button in my message and it will show under Michael's. I give up wasting time replying to him, for now at least hehe. Check out what's happening under Perspectives, there are more "channeling". Avalon is defeating him there haha. We are all jelly crabs in the bucket trying to hold Teal back from achieving her glory according to him! ARGHHHH

  143. Just going to add that in the same video linked above, Teal follows up her Acturian re-imagining of Hitler as the worlds foremost peace-chancellery with the more banal narrative of the re-branding of her new company, TealEye LLC-- which she announces was just launched that year (2013), conveniently neglecting to disclose that TealEye originated as a vehicle for her 2005 entry into the soft porn industry.

    This is not ironic, Teal. This is pathological.

    Now I'm going to bed. I need to redirect my focus on something less infuriating. Unfortunately, it's the poisonous mix of good and awful teachings that makes Teal so difficult to resist.

  144. Whatever the chain of development of the Universe really is, the way it unfolds, and its VERY lengthy, unbelievably time consuming process full of hardship, to improve and perfect the human species are, only us, people, the conscious beings on this planet have the right to judge how just "the founders" and guiding forces of the development really are. Conscious matter can estimate the costs of this "improvement process", the amount of grief, blood sacrifices and misfortunes, which seems to me enormously huge compared to achievement!
    Those higher forces which set up such an experiment do not participate fully in the process (they stay outside of all the action i believe, some "higher" part at least). How results would turn out- all that's important to this higher being, it seems, with which it judges the success of creating the material universe. Thus it can not for a moment be on par with those who suffer and die victims to this cruel process. The Source is entirely deprived of the right to judge whether the game is "worth the candles" . Only we, the children of mankind, can understand , evaluate and decide whether the process is going in the right direction. I think that is going wrong at present. And we either try and work on bettering the current ways, or go extinct pretty soon!
    Hope tomorrow we'll all wake up with bright sunny outlooks!:-))
    Good night! Thanks for the company, everyone.

  145. I'm with you Hanalea... I'd be laughing too if what Teal is doing wasn't so friggin dangerous. It's not a matter of 'jelly haters' as Teal would have others believe our concern and criticism is really about...

    I believe comparing Teal to Hitler is relevant. I've heard Teal rationalize and excuse Hitler's behavior enough times to make me very uneasy. She seems very interested in Hitler in the way she is often referencing him. Then there is her disgusting idea that she thinks pretty white people are the only suitable option to spread their messages to the world...

    The kind of moral callousness Teal teaches with her ideas of suicide fit very well with the ideal's to be found in Anton Lavey's Satanic Bible. We know that the Illuminati is Satanic. Satanists believe we create our own reality too. I swear, some of the things Teal talks about like the doctor Kevorkian euthanizing idealization really fits well with her claims that the abuser she was mixed up with brainwashed her with some satanic ideology growing up. That's the kind of dogma they buy into. They also believe the sick and weak are a drain on our system and should be put out of their misery.

    True Satanists don't congregate in churches or meet up in people's basements. They may or may not gather for important rituals, but they are always VERY SUCCESSFUL people with their own agendas out in the world. I was curious, so I watched this interview on Satanism.. As ridiculous as these people were, it really opened my eyes.. I realize that Christianity and Satanism are two sides of the same coin. I detest religion in general, and IMO, one is no better than the other... but it was eerie to me how similar the droid like speech style and mannerisms of Teal and the satanists seem to be...

  146. There is a case study to be done as to why teal is so appealing in foreign countries. ESPECIALLY in the Czech Republic. They revere her as some sort of religious icon there. WHY?? What does this say about the social, economic, and religious conditions of that country. The Czech Republic is predominately an agnostic and atheist country. They claim to be proud of that fact. I think Teal's massive appeal to an entire generation that doesn't even speak English as their first language demonstrates they are desperately looking for something to believe in. The extraterrestrial/multidimensional explanations on creation and life that Teal offers up is in stark contrast to known religions they have rejected and is appealing to them on a massive scale...

    What if we entertained the idea that Teal may not actually JUST be a mentally unstable, blundering, ignorant, narcissist working on her own accord. What if she is really part of a larger mind control experiment being played out in the New Age arena?? The stuff Teal is doing is soo in your face manipulative. Just like the way the Illuminati programs and manipulates and sublimates us in plain sight.

    Teal is positioning herself as a leader, and working her way towards belief manipulation on a massive scale. There have been numerous Illuminati references made in regards to Teal already, and she even did a video on Illuminati new age conspiracy early on in her video making 'career.' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy11UulqUe4 Perhaps she was trying to head off suspicions from the very beginning with that video by being so in your face about it??
    I remember Teal even admitted on Shadow House after her New York workshop that several of her dedicated followers were straight up convinced she was a REPTILIAN after that workshop, and had decided to quit following her. Why did Teal feel the need to draw attention to the fact that people were suspecting that she was a reptilian on Shadow House?? Was this another in your face admission by TEAL?? The same reason she decided to make the Illuminati conspiracy video early on maybe?? It's a sneaky tactic that our Illuminati controlled government and media already use by being so in your face with the horrific truth, that people often mistake the evidence and admissions as laughable or ridiculous... Just look how many people fell for the false flags of 9 11...

  147. Then there is her arm tattoo which she claims is an alchemical symbol.. But it also happens to contain the same imagery of the all seeing eye in the middle of a pyramid that the illuminati has been using. It's the same symbol printed on the top of the pyramid on our one dollar bills in this country. The all seeing eye and pyramids are also used as Illuminati celebrity branding every which way you turn in the media. Is this really a coincidence for someone who claims to be as smart as Teal??

    I could continue to go down the rabbit hole with the MK ultra mind control stuff too. But I'll save that for another day.

    Whether Teal is acting alone or as an Illuminati pawn being handled at the moment this new European man of mystery, I am seriously concerned about the dangers Teal poses to people as a "leader." I sincerely hope someone finds a way to stop this woman sooner rather than later.

  148. ::Kevin --- "What if we entertained the idea that Teal may not actually JUST be a mentally unstable, blundering, ignorant, narcissist working on her own accord. What if she is really part of a larger mind control experiment being played out in the New Age arena??"

    What if it is more sinister than that? I'm in line with this way of thinking Kevin.-- Add to it being the High Priestess of Satan. Is this one of the steps along the way to the destination of embodying Him/Her (Satan)?

    Let's suppose Satan is real – would He/She be the head of the reptilians?

    When I left New York workshop -- I wasn't alone in my thoughts of WTF is it with all of these reptilians? It dawned on several of us that we were right in the middle of the hive!! Seriously! and Teal appeared to be the queen of the hive! When you add it all up -- what does that make her?

    If you look at her teachings - it appears everything she teaches is geared to KEEP people in the lower dimensions -- keep people focusing on using their ego/minds. Keeps people from listening to their hearts. If there was such a thing as Satan -- wouldn't His teachings be the same? Have lots of truth in them - but twist them up to keep people in bondage?

    Satan is said to be a liar -- sound familiar? Does Teal care about being truthful? I think not. She uses people - plays them like chess pieces. Whatever happens is good - for the expansion of the universe. This is what I get out of her teachings. Nothing bad ever happens.

    Perhaps she is right. It's a strange road.

    I don't have the answer/s. But, from my point of view - if there is an evil agenda - it is very possible Teal is not only part of it – but is queen bee representative of it. Not that there is anything “wrong” with that. But people might want to take a look at it.

  149. Part 1
    When i found Teal (or should i say: When I attached Teal in small letters) She felt like an infinite ocean of possibilities to me, of control over life, of getting things and misunderstandings ironed out. I l heard from a very self confident young lady that Karma doesn't exist, that we are born with a clean slate and I felt great relief that my past life actions caused my brother to die, being raped and constantly attached by bitch clans. My doubts and suspicions about listening to a well marketed new age domina with a lower motivations never arose because her videos looked innocent, amateur like and nobody ever asked me for money or donations. I bonded with her on a human level because she seemed to be happily married to a mysterious, never seen young man, she had a beautiful child, she painted some interesting stuff and loved animals. I liked!
    I wished her the best after learning her walk of painful life, I tried to avoid that her literally descriptions of never imaginable abuse & torture get burned into my mind. I felt very protective over such a tortured soul and felt the deep desire for her to find rest in a wonderful life. I read her book, slowly, and liked it here and there. My brain was ringing with aha moments and I felt entertained with all the alien stuff (oh they do exist..cool). She started her blog and i was fascinated to learn more about HER (the original attraction of the teachings slowly slipped unnoticed by me in the background). I was always looking forward to saturdays for new videos - always felt inspired. I was wiiiiiiideeee ooooppppeeeen. Then she posted the introduction video of TealEye (now deleted ups) with her unusual choice of cloth, very business like speech. Anyhow I gave it a listen and was scratching my head how on earth she can start a fight with the cooperations who run the world, using identically strategies (money money money so that i have some power) to win the battle - strange. She introduced me to security back up plans, that teal eye cannot turn corrupt because of different security stages blablabala. That neither her nor her CEO can go on a run with the money collected by Tealeye. Ok I listened but that was the first time I could not follow. And then….

    AND THEN…..she announced the split of from her invisible husband and introduced her new lover, the CEO of Tealeye. Awkward feelings run through me, they don't look right (excuse my judgementalness, she was dating her CEO (oh no, not smart) and I never found a way to warm myself towards him - EVER (something was very off and I don't care if you all try to cover him for being treated so badly by teal later). THERE WAS & IS SOMETHING VERY OFF WITH THIS GUY. Anyhow: shadow house was mental…MENTAL. Teal persona became the centre of my study -the teaching was in the background or even not present any more. Groupies turned a - excuse me - people quit their jobs and left their homes to life the wonderful life with Teal Scott and her intellectual dominating new boyfriend.

    Teal announces that she is aware that most people don't like him but that we should back up a bit because she KNOWS HER SHIT OK!?! SHE IS THE SPIRITUAL CATALYST…. weeeee now I have to laugh but at this moment, it wasn't funny. I was seriously involved in the private life of a miss scott somewhere in america. How did I get there. WHAT THE FUCK.

  150. Part 2

    So the shadows took over, People were arguing, Teal was screaming and trowing tantrums on live stream, her creepy boyfriend was constantly all over her (bbuaaaaaa) and always the centre of attention. A woman gets publicly eaten for breakfast and I just feel bbbbbaaaad.
    her weekly videos turn out of the sudden from amateurish at its best to new leading edge, sparkling, green screened montages. A constantly naked Teal and styled to match the mesmerizing background of the week suddenly wispers and moans with an angel voice the script of the week. The shaky, glassy eyed, starring-through-you, slowly speaking Teal was gone. A teal colored Madonna was born right in front of my wondering eyes.

    I noticed that I didn't understand anymore what she was saying. I mean: NOT ONE WORD. My mind was drugged, my lower chakras were rumbling (I love men). Every here and there I was observing her devotees to fight for Master Teal's attention and love and again: that guy was running the whole show. What the fuck was wrong with Teal", I was asking myself and "what the fuck is wrong with me?" by listing and observing all this pervert stuff ??

    The "old" Teal (still written in small letters) returned during her 1mio interviews or her online synchronization workshops and I was holding on to THAT.

    THEN the sociopath "witch hunt" (Kevin: this is were the use of your words would be appropriate!) started. I remember opening her new personal blog page and all hell broke loose for me. It finally CONFIRMED all my resistant feelings towards Jared, Fallon -ah whatever his name finally is. I couldn't believe what he was admitting to and I couldn't believe how Teal, the all knowing super Arcturian, was like a paralyzed Marionette of this guy. WEll i had a proper rant on that post's comment section, still trying to digest Jared, Fallon -ah whatever his name finally is list of 100 points of Teal abuse. The most magical relief button for all my sad feelings for her and my benevolent desires towards her got fulfilled by the sudden arising of the orange donation button. At this time, I learned that she had no food or warm water and anyway: life was mean to her. So I donated selfishly (he he ) because it felt like the only way to give her some comfort or sense of security…well no more comments to that.

    Then everything turned around (her father is right: YOu will never get bored with Teal or so) and they were publicly and aggressively hunting Jared, Fallon -ah whatever his name finally is, down the rabbit whole and I felt disgusted. I noted that the worry for her public image took over at this time. So she felt the need to destroy any kind of credibility of Jared, Fallon -ah whatever his name finally is.

    That was the moment when I pulled back. FULLY, FINALLY, hallelujah because THIS WAS NOT OK WHAT SHE DID THERE in my eyes.

    The rest is history: her daily blogs got hammered by the words fame, fame, fame, star, staaar, my followers, me me me me, mind fuck teaching twists, impurities turned up in her interviews (first time noticed by me), every public communication was used to clean and uplift her image, to get read of any hick ups in the past by the creative twisted use of the law of attraction etc.

    The I found LaVaughn because she mentioned it in her blog and started reading reading reading. My eyes became bigger and bigger, my heart agreed so much that it was constantly jumping around and I my confusion found slowly clearing.

  151. Part 3

    SO I believe that I am over the personal involvement and addiction to private Teal Scott.

    Now I feel the desire to really see WHERE AND WHAT the twists of her bendable teachings are. Everybody here is so helpful to find the buried……mmhhh how do say this in english …. to find the buried lie or so.

    I never hated Teal. In fact I absolutely loved her, selfish old me (as I learned from her hehe) until she tried to become a star with her star jewelry on her fb page. I do believe that here is a lot of goodness and inspiration to be found in her online presence in the older videos and I wish everybody a wonderful ride. Just make sure to jump from the mad horse before it will ride you.

    This time I CHANGED MY MIND hehehe

    Kevin I really enjoyed your latest comments.

  152. ok be creative with my english. I noticed that I forgot sometimes "the no" hhhahaha (with the karma) and some strange sentences. I always recognize intelligent people. Because intelligent people are able to make some sense out of my creative use of english words. hehe.

  153. Dear Blake

    thank you for reading my open letter to TEAL. Please feel free to forward it to TEAL to enable her to understand, that I am not a hater but an emotional being, that acts and re-acts with her according to my current truth, perspective and belief system of choice. I tried to be as open and transparent as possible. Obviously mainly for my own selfish sake... but maybe she can benefit from it as well in some ways.


  154. ... but I am not arcturian. It might be all unimportant human ramblings. ( ; what do I know.

  155. Kevin, wow, you've done your research, impressed! Interesting (and alarming) insights...
    Wow Ima Guest!
    And, Golden A, just WOW! At this point I'm lost for words.
    I may need to re-read all of the above slowly a few more times to process fully.

  156. The 20 universal laws cover Karma, reincarnation, vibration, attraction, Soul Evolution and much more. All these laws are covered in Dick Sutphen's book Lighting the Light Within which was published in 1987.

    This is an extract from the book. I find it very interesting and I am analyzing right now how Teal included this in her teachings or expanded it to more truthful states according to Teal. Once you agreed in a specific definition you can twist and turn it around according to your intentions. This ability of twisting and turning it however it suits you, is exactly my problem with any kind of philosophy, law bladibla. What is the point about it if you can use it for good AND bad to make both sound "wonderful evolving laws of for human existence".

    The 1st out of the 20 universal laws:
    1. The Universal Law of Harmony
    This law supersedes even the fundamental law of Karma, for harmony is the supreme potential of balance. The purpose of Karma is to attain harmony. If you through a rock into a pond you disturb the harmony of the pond, you are the cause, the effect is the splash and the ripples that flows out and back until harmony is restored. Similarly, your disharmonious actions flow out into the Universe and back upon you, lifetime after life time, until eventually your own harmony is restored.

    Teal agrees

    The 2nd out of the 20 universal laws:
    2.The Law of Reincarnation and Karma
    Until you have resolved your Karma and fulfilled your Dharma, which are the deeds you must do, you will continue to reincarnate into sequential lifetime upon the earth. Neither God nor the Lords of Karma bestow suffering upon you during these lives, you and you alone decide what you most need to learn and in your earthly sojourns, and for each life experience you seek out other souls, often with shared histories, and always with Karmic configurations matching your needs. Whenever you act with intention you create Karma. Actions are considered to be thoughts, emotions, words and deeds, and the motive, desire and intent behind each. Disharmonious acts must be balanced in the future in this life or in a future lifetime, to have Soul growth.

    TEAL disagrees: Karma isn't brought over into the next life
    TEAL agrees: you are responsible for your manifestations in your current life. Good or bad. Created conciously or by default.

    The 3rd out of the 20 universal laws:
    3. The Universal Law of Wisdom, wisdom erases Karma
    If you have the wisdom to learn your lessons through love and wisdom you can mitigate your suffering. Sadly, we seem to learn the fastest through pain, through directly experiencing the consequences of our actions. As an example, you greedily take from others, and instead of learning through wisdom and love that this is wrong, you have to experience from others someone greedily taking from you, whether later in this life or in a future lifetime.
    Example: In your last life you were married to a Soul who is your mate today, and whom you cruelly left far another in that previous lifetime. Before you were born into your current life, you agreed to be left by your mate, under similar circumstancesÑthis will allow you to balance your KarmaÑand directly experience the pain of abandonment. If through the wisdom of Master-Life-Awareness it is easier to detach consciously from the relationship with love, you will ease the pain of parting while also passing your own test, and thus absolving Karma and evolving from within.

    Teal agrees: The suicide patient quickly returned into similar circumstances

    Teal disagrees: You are not born as a goat because you caused so much pain to goats on your previous life as a butcher. You are born as a goat because it would be interesting from source perspective to see both sides of the coin.

  157. The 4th out of the 20 universal laws:
    4.The Universal Law of Grace
    Karma can be experienced to the letter of the law or in mercy and grace. In other words if you give love, mercy and grace to others, you will receive the same in return.

    Teal disagrees: nobody ever is 100% in positive focus of all times.

    The 5th out of the 20 universal laws:
    5. The Universal Law of Soul Evolution
    Everyone on Earth shares the goal of Soul evolution whether they realize it or not. We have reincarnated because we desire to evolve spiritually. By rising above all of our fear based emotions and in so doing learning how to express unconditional love we raise our vibrational rate, and move closer to a state of harmony. Even where it appears that we are not evolving we are in reality making progress. We learn through the pain of our disharmonious acts, which can be viewed as our mistakes or failures. This is the law of Soul evolution.

    Teal agrees: Disharmonious acts cause the recognition and desire of/for harmonious acts and manifestations. The universe is evolving through our individualized and embodied consciousness.

    The sixth out of the 20 universal laws:
    6. The Universal Law of Bodhisattva
    Bodhisattva is a Sanskrit term commonly accepted by most Metaphysical adepts today. It means one who has transcended the need of Earthly incarnations but who has chosen to return to the earth to support others in achieving enlightenment. A Bodhisattva knows he will never really be free until all souls are free. Most serious students of metaphysics have entered the Bodhisattva Development Stage of their evolution.

    Teal agrees: She is a bodhisattva - she never named herself like this but i think that the arcturian linage embodies the same in her words.

    7.The Universal Law of Vibrational Attainment
    The entire Universe operates on the same principle of vibrational energy. When Einstein discovered that "matter is energy" he opened the door to merging science and metaphysics. The scientists have proved that energy cannot die, it can only transform (reincarnate), and, by its very nature, energy must go forward or backwards, it cannot stand still, for to do so is stagnation, resulting in transformation. You are energy. Your skin, which appears solid, is actually trillions of swiftly moving molecules orbiting each other at a specific vibrational rate; a physical life rate you have earned in the past as a result of how harmoniouslyÑor disharmoniously you have lived your past lives and your current life up until this moment in time. When you are harmonious for a lifetime, you will have attained the highest vibrational rateÑthe God level.

    Teal agrees and disagrees: She doesn't see space between forms, it's all vibrating energy grids and structures. She disagrees with the earned physical life rate based on previous lifes. There is no sneaking something from your previous life over ...

    The 8th out of the 20 universal laws:
    8. The Universal Law of Free Will
    The law of free will operates in three ways.

    1.Although many of the major events in your life are Astrologically predestined, you always have free will to mitigate the impact of the event, or to transcend it entirely. This will result from how you live your life up to the situation you have destined for yourself to experience. If you give grace and mercy to others, are positive, loving, compassionate, and demonstrate by your action that you have learned past lessons, you can minimize disharmonious experiences!

    2.As you obtain Master of life awareness and develop conscious detachment, you will be far less affected by worldly events than in the past. A Master of Life enjoys all the warmth and joy that life has to offer, but detaches from the negativity by allowing it to flow through him without affecting him.

    3.You always have free will in how you respond to any situation. If you respond with positive emotions, compassion and integrity, you have probably learned your karmic lessons and will not have to experience a similar situation in the future.

  158. The 9th out of the 20 universal laws:
    9. The Law of One
    Every Soul, living and discarnate, is connected at the level of the collective unconscious, deep within the Higher-Self. We are all part of a great energy gestalt called God, and because we are part of God, we are God. It is the goal of the gestalt to move the energy forward, creating more energy. So, in living harmoniously, we each increase our vibrational rate and intensify the vibration of the entire gestalt. When we are disharmonious, we decrease the vibration of the entire gestalt, because we are one, everything you think, say and do, affects every other Soul.

    The 10th out of the 20 universal laws:
    10. The Universal Law of Manifestation
    Everything manifest begins as a thought, an idea. Ideas and experiences create beliefs which in turn, create your reality. If you are unhappy with your current reality, you must change your beliefs and your behavior. Beliefs can be changed when you recognize those that are not working for you, and begin programming what will create success and harmony in your life. The unlimited creative power of your mind, through dedication, awareness and training, can be the wisdom to rise above your Karma. Within physical and spiritual laws, you can manifest any reality you desire to experience. In regard to changing your behavior, you must decide which disharmonious behavior you want to eliminate. Then be aware that you don't have to change how you feel about something to affect it, if you are willing to change what you are doing.

    The 11th out of the 20 universal laws:
    11.The Universal Law of Conscious Detachment
    Buddha's earthly teachings are best summarized with one of his statements, "It is your resistance to what is that causes your suffering." and by suffering, he meant everything that doesn't work in your life; relationship problems, loss of loved ones, loneliness, sickness, accidents, guilt, monetary hardship, unfulfilled desires, and so on. When you accept what is, you accept the unalterable realities in your life without resisting them. Some things are facts. They exist, and no matter how much you resist them, there is nothing you are going to be able to do about them. Change what you can change, but have the wisdom to accept unalterable situations as they are, without wasting mental or physical energy attempting to change what you cannot change. Out of acceptance comes involved detachment. The ability to enjoy all the positive aspects of life, but to allow the negative to flow through you with out resistance and without affecting you.

    The 12th out of the 20 universal laws:
    12. The Universal Law of Gratitude
    From the perspective of Karma and the Law of One, the more you give, the more you will receive. The more you assist others, the more you will assist yourself. The power of this Law also works in your day-to-day life.


  159. The 13th out of the 20 universal laws:
    13. The Universal Law of Fellowship
    When two or more people of similar vibration are gathered for a shared purpose, their combined energy directed to the attainment of that purpose is doubled, tripled, quadrupled or more. This esoteric awareness has been used by covens, esoteric religions, healing groups, and recently, worldwide meditations for world peace.

    The 14th out of the 20 universal laws:
    14. The Universal Law of Resistance
    That which you resist you draw to you, and you will perpetuate its influence upon your life. Resistance is fear, so it is something you need to Karmically resolve. The Law of Resistance assures that you let go of the fear by encountering it until you are forced to deal with it by learning conscious detachment.

    The 15th out of the 20 universal laws:
    15. The Law of Attraction
    "Where your attention goes, your energy flows." You attract what you are and that which you concentrate upon. If you are negative, you draw in and experience negativity. If you are loving, you draw in and experience love. You can attract to you only those qualities you possess. So, if you want peace and harmony in your life, you must become peaceful and harmonious.

    The 16th out of the 20 universal laws:
    16. The Universal Law of Reflection
    This Law says that the traits you respond to in others, you recognize in yourself, both positive and negative. It has four primary manifestations:

    1.That which you admire in others, you recognize as existing within yourself;
    2.That which you resist and react to strongly in others is sure to be found within yourself;
    3.That which you resist and react to in others is something which you are afraid exists within you; and,
    4.That which you resist in yourself, you will dislike in others.

    In other words, you have chosen to incarnate upon the manifest plane to learn to rise above the effect of fear. Those fears will always be reflected in your reactions to others, Thus your goals are very obvious once you recognize how to perceive them. As you let go of the fear, you automatically open to expressing more unconditional love.

    The 17th out of the 20 universal laws:
    17. The Universal Law of Unconditional Love
    The expression of unconditional love will eventually result in harmony. Unconditional love is not romantic love. It is the acceptance of others as they are without judgment or expectations. It is total acceptance of others without attempting to change them, except by our own positive example. The law of unconditional love says, "If you go out of your way to express unconditional love, you automatically rise above fear, and, as you transcend your fears, you automatically open to the expression of unconditional love.


  160. The 18th out of the 20 universal laws:
    18. The Universal Law of Magnetic Affinities
    By Astrologically choosing the time and place of your birth, you determine the nature or the effects you will experience in your life. On the other side, before we are born, we make decisions about the lifetime we will be entering into. You chose your parents, other souls to interact with you, and the Astrological configurations of your birth which determine your character, personality, abilities, restrictions, and timing for strengths and weaknesses. If all of this seems too complicated to be real, be aware that you are only using five to ten percent of the capacity of your brain. And the brain-mind researchers say the human brain has 200,000 times the capacity of the greatest computer ever built. Such calculations as I've just described would be no problem for such a computer.

    The 19th out of the 20 universal laws:
    19. The Universal Law of Abundance
    You have within yourself everything required to make your earthly incarnation a paradise if you choose to accept that which is your divine birth-right. We live in a Universe of abundance, although the majority of those populating our planet appear to view it as a Universe of scarcity.

    The 20th out of the 20 universal laws:
    20. The Universal Law of Divine Order
    If you seek to understand the Law of Divine Order, study the natural balance of nature, for it works very much the same way. Everything is as it should be, although mankind (our energy gestalt) is far from experiencing its potential of total harmony. There are no accidents. Your energy, translated into thoughts, words, emotions, and deeds, causes all your experiences. This assures that you always have the learning opportunities you require to resolve your Karma, and, as with you, the collective thoughts, words, emotions, and deeds of mankind create the environment for us all. If enough souls focus their energy upon peace, we will have peace. If the majority of souls are filled with anger, we may all have to experience war. We are all one, and like the many sub-personalities within you, the dominant traits of mankind (the entire gestalt) will emerge to resolve our group Karma.

  161. ....and then read some more! Hahaha, thank you, GA, for posting! Loving it, good stuff:-))

  162. The reason I am posting today is that Franco Denicolla was mentioned along the way in this thread. I did not know of Franco Denicolla. I found this interview he is in about the "shift". IMO there IS a big shift in consciousness occurring.


    Here is my "take". In my experience, propaganda has overwhelmed us from all sides and one really cannot believe anything one hears. Is there any source for truth? I have heard it is within. But one must trust oneself to stop looking outside. That to me is the key to the city of the blessed...TRUST in one's own source.

    So maybe disappointment in everything necessitates one to turn in? Disillusionment may be the best catalyst of all for self investigation.

    It is curious that Teal is describing herself as a catalyst and is aware of some current themes.

    The sheer hutzpah of liars, cheats and thieves has grown so large that one can hardly believe it is possible to be so brazen! Then one is quite provoked to recognize what is what.

    To me the EGO has gotten so huge in all camps that it is obviously visible and is asking to be punctured so it can deflate.

    THE SHIFT makes sense....we are needing to shift way off the collective dead end of "constructed reality" that is exploitative of nature, women, men, creativity, "God", EVERYTHING etc.... with a mental concept that substitues artifice and is divorced from a root of "what is LIFE: as EVIDENCED IN man, woman, nature etc.....

    Ironically a substitute reality has been created by the mind. So perhaps this is all about how we went insane and tried to CYOR?

    Teal reminds me of my mother who died last year. Ann was as pretty as Teal in her youth, as seductive, as charming, as demanding and as miserable as one can be. Sometimes she seemed to "channel" some higher mind that was very seemingly "wise" but Mom could never use her own words. She enticed with and she blasted with an intuitive read on people....Narcissists.

    I'd bet a million that Teal was abused (my mother was abused) so badly that she fractured.

    The EGO inflated as big as an elephant to compensate for paranoia and constant anxiety. Her created reality was hellish. That is the lesson I learned...paranoia and the expectation of harm attracts that.

    What about all the other various people who have come out with the same zeitgeist of "shadow work" and clearing out our old patterns? I also spontaneously have embraced this understanding. And this whole YCYOR idea...it may really be the biggest issue after all now.

    There may something to glean by separating wheat from chaff.

    Inelia Benz has a "big story" of being direct from Source. Apparently Franco Denicolla says he is a fully cleared or something being. I don't think we need anyone to do for us this "cleaning the hard drive" of old energetic blocks.

    But we have tyo have some way of knowing it is valuable. I took on the polar of my Mom. I insist that PRONOIA (the world is conspiring in my favor) is my case.

    This wonderful teacher was an optimist too and she is 110 now.


  163. I think Teal just read all these books ( ; except the numerology books. We learned that she is not into that kind of stuff.



If you read Dick Sutphen's book Lighting the Light Within which was published in 1987, then you will recognize that this is the substance of all that Teal/is. In addition we have some twists and turns, some examples to relate to the new time and historical events by Teal which are more or less very concerning and have a mixed nature of ideologies behind. I just noticed that I posted the wrong text block here in regards to the universal laws. My comments to each law are missing beginning from the 8th universal law. I feel unable to rewrite it now but looking forward to some of your ideas.


me2yesu: no doubts that Teal was abused. The "safety zone of an overall inflated ego" does make sense for people of extreme suffering. I get it.


Elena: keep reading ( ; I wrote enough for a day. 

    Ima Guest & Kevin: you are on something there. I don't have much interest to study satanism now in order to find out where Teal is hiding it behind big intelligent words which describe the common law of attraction. In fact I never came across satanism until i found Teal in the world wide web. But I am very interested in seeing what you guys will find out.

  164. I am sorry but this short video just gave me a cosmic thought orgasm.

    The Paradox of Creation explained in 5 steps



  165. Wow. Really great discussion. I am still mulling over all the deep and heartfelt comments---.
    Kevin, your post rings true and very compelling...

    GH, thanks for sharing all your exquisite and soul-stirring stories, and the link to the video--- I needed that little reminder that life is essentially magic.
    Truth seekers recognize truth, and recognize lies. They may be temporarily persuaded by others to adopt a dangerous point of view, they may be tricked by their own egos-, but since they are guided by their hearts, they will nearly always reject the lies in the end.
    No one needs to astral project to Acturia to live their lives with compassion and dignity and grace. In fact, the more you remove yourself from this reality, the less credible you become to me as a source of information about human life ------.
    Holiness is more evident in the wildflower and the grain of sand than in the fractured psyche of gurus who float into the ether to get the singular akoshic version of truth---. Holiness is not a commodity you can sell, either-- and isn't a marquee with your picture, or a corporation, or bunch of hits on Youtube.
    I believe my dog has more knowledge of human nature and holiness and the laws of the universe than superior aliens, if they are out there--- And I”m not doubting the existence of other life forms. I am doubting that there is a universal hierarchy of life forms--- that wild flower is just as much a miracle as I am, and just as much a mystery as the planets and the stars.

    I watched that video you posted, Kevin. It made my stomach churn.

  166. Uhh, Hanalea, I hope you don't mind that I quoted you (not by name) over on teal's 'mercury retrograde' post.

  167. zigzag...hahaha. No, I don't mind. Your comments are deliciously funny. And I noticed you put in a subtle plug for this blog..! . Very clever, and way overdue. Was hoping more of the loveblinded "Tealers" would get wind of this alternate reality over here, with folks who are human and admit that they are clueless much of the time, have sweet, uncensored dialogues, and think for themselves...
    Also, you have a fine eye for details, so I will recommend you for the job opening Lena created upthread--- so please do keep cleaning up Teal's grammar blunders with your wicked little dustpan...

  168. Also, hoping LV;s absence tonight is due to her furiously scribbling chapter 3 for us.
    It's once again time to "Begin A New"

  169. Zigzagbuddha, I'm sure you've noticed that yourself already (great eye you've got!), Teal's name under her "Be You" quote appears smaller in size this time, your remark was taken into consideration, I guess.
    In response to your latest comment over there, I'm "channeling" Teal again, hehe, (based on her latest article):

    And this, my dear reader, is a perfect example of how THE current Mercury Retrograde is affecting people. A clear case of: communication breakdown, when things get lost in translation; pieces of information go missing; arguments arise out of nowhere with seemingly no provocation. Retrogrades can create some serious confusion for the Earthbound humans. But even for me, it is a very difficult time to write poignantly, since these retrogrades cause the inability to form a coherent thought and to finish sentences, as well as putting the ‘the’ in front of the words for some reason unknown.

    I will NOT take things personally. Thinking and communication are both on the fritz during this period and everyone’s shadow aspects are surfacing to be healed. Projection will be at an all time high because of it. People will often say things they don’t mean during this time and if you can walk into social interactions knowing that in advance, you are much less likely to be hurt by other people’s often-bizarre behavior.
    People will spin your words against themselves during this time and misinterpretations are likely. So we can use this time period to teach ourselves how to check our words against our own sense of integrity before we say them. We can also re-read our letters before we send them.
    Have a good week,


  170. Wow, what a bunch of interesting reading that was! (I posted my 'confession' before I read through anything)

    I am sooo not into 'conspiracy theories' but even that illuminati stuff had me fascinated! Nor am I into laws, universal or otherwise, but there were some really good ones in that list Andara! I would even read the book but I am so into keeping things simple, and 20 laws sounds waay to complicated for me. I prefer to just wing it, hehehe.

    I go out to my garden sometimes and decide I want something else in an area than nature has provided, so I rip it all out and dig it all up and plant or erect what I prefer to have there. For all I know all the plants out in the garden think of me as hitler and still remember the time I went out and killed and burned their so many of their brethren.

    I don't mean to make light of suffering, I mean to point out that from a broader perspective there is no difference between me wanting to create the garden of my dreams and hitler wanting to create the civilization of his dreams. I realize many people don't seem to be able to understand how there could be value in suffering, but there is. I would also like to point out that I believe we are headed for a time when those depths of suffering are no longer necessary to bring about the awareness of the need for change and renewal.

    Harboring hatred for someone for acts they committed in the growth and development of our species, is a waste of time and energy and keeps you facing in the opposite direction of the sunrise.

  171. And yeah, Elena, I noticed that her name was printed in a more reasonable size this time, hehehehe. Maybe that big, white, - TEAL - was just the mood she was in that day, hehehe.

  172. God help us when this is the lesson that the crap gurus are inseminating:

    Genocide, after all, is an exercise in community building.”
    ― Philip Gourevitch,
    We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families

  173. "from a broader perspective there is no difference between me wanting to create the garden of my dreams and hitler wanting to create the civilization of his dreams."

    Zigzag, I think you have been spending too much time in the temple of TealSwamiBosworth. I can't even go there.....

    But I understand how easy it is to be led down that garden path.

  174. Sorry, it is not teal who led me down that path, it was a conclusion, based on irrefutable evidence, that I came to on my own- many, many years before TealSwamiBosworth was probably even born.

    You make it sound like I am condoning that sort of horrible shit when I am not... nobody who is sane would ever even consider the possibility of resorting to such violent measures to enforce their own perspective!!!! But to use it as proof that we don't create our own reality is not an effective use of all that suffering, in my opinion. If it is used in that way then the suffering was for nothing. If we use it to learn from then it has served a valuable purpose. What I learned from it, and other stuff like it, is that pushing against unwanted shit doesn't get rid of it. And that in fact, wanting to 'get rid of something' is not the best place to take action from. You will never get rid of it, it will crop up here or there or somewhere else where you're not expecting it.

    The best place to take action from is the place that is inspired by love. So many historical figures took action from a place that was inspired by fear. They have perfectly demonstrated for us the futility of inflicting such horrors on one another that can only come about in the absence of love. Can you tell me how it is you think we benefit anything by holding hatred in our hearts for the hitlers and endlessly grieve for their victims?

  175. Zigzag, I don't think you are truly meaning to condone brutality or genocide. I think you are probably a very lovely person with very good intentions... I enjoy your wit and your playfulness and your fertile imagination.
    But when you say that Hitler's creating the civilization of his dreams is actually the same as you wanting to create the garden of your dreams, that is just a stunningly disturbing and callous analogy--
    You wrote: "What I learned from it, and other stuff like it, is that pushing against unwanted shit doesn't get rid of it. And that in fact, wanting to 'get rid of something' is not the best place to take action from"
    Denial gets good press from the LOA industry, but try putting it into practice. When stuff is truly, seriously wrong, like genocide, rape, sexism and racism, people do need to push against it--- speak up, take action, resist, not look the other way.
    This is to me the scary new age bromide: The pseudo-spiritual confetti that “what you resist persists” that gets tossed into the huge void of people's spiritual disenfranchisement with so much pomposity and conviction it begins to seem as codified and intrinsic as gravity.
    Well, yes, and no. Life is never that simple. We live in duality, no? Some of the worst travesties that persisted throughout history were not adequately resisted or pushed against for a very long time--- Slavery, for example. Sexual inequality. Racial stereotypes. Religious persecution. The list goes on and on. I say thank god for the people that pushed.
    I don't believe we each create our own discrete universe with our thoughts-- not in the sense that you and I are just insulated avatars swimming in a fishbowl, like a video game where all the scenery is make believe. We may possibly agree that matter is made up of energy, that thoughts have frequencies, that time is an illusion, that space curves and reality shifts, we may try to understand things we will never fully understand. But I'll quote LeVaughn: the universe is not your bitch
    There are ideas that are ideologically pretty but produce ghastly results.
    War creates Peace. Hatred creates Love. Those are just crippled syllogisms.

  176. I love Teal's new post. There is something very authentic and personal in it. I can't put my finger on it. I think she has a ruff time right now as I assume that she wrote about herself, rather then "all other people". It feels real. I hope she will be better soon, phoenix like...

  177. Hanalea Z & Zigzag ...oh boy, that goes deep. I need to wrap my mind around it and see what it will spit out. There is a sense of unsafe grounds and possible sink holes. The perception of Hitler, his actions and his "vision" is a challenge and quality test for each belief system, moral concept, ideology and religion.

    I remember walking through the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin. I hated it. That feeling of doom and being squeezed to death came over me there. I still don't know if I like its existence or not.

    The matter of choice of focus...with each twist, you will see something else. Good can turn to bad and the other way around. There seems not more truth in one perspective over another.

    It feels to me like a dilemma.

  178. I did not say that, from the limited perspective of the physical human, burning weeds and burning humans is the same thing, I said from a broader perspective there is no difference.

    People are not more important than plants. Life is abundant and so is death, but death is not an end, it is what enables life. All you have to do to know how 'God' sees things is to watch nature.

    I agree, the universe is not my bitch... it is my playground. And I am soooooo not into making rules that everyone else has to follow on MY playground, because it is THEIR playground too. If I love tennis and I hate football, I don't "deny" that football exists, I don't make a law that says no one is allowed to play football. I just do what I love and ignore the rest, I no longer waste my time and ruin my mood by focusing on the 'wrongness' of 'football', because I know for a FACT that when I feel good my experience is good and when I feel bad I get more things to feel bad about. And feeling good is sooooo important to me that if it means I have to do some profound soul searching or climb up on a mountaintop and sit there for 5 years to get a broader perspective in order to feel the kind of good that I like to feel, then that's exactly what I'll do!

    Yeah, atrocities have been committed - by man and god, nature isn't always pretty, and sometimes you just gotta express your displeasure and voice your disagreement. That doesn't change the fact that we do in fact create our own individual and collective realities.

    War does not create peace and hatred does not create love, but the individual who can make peace with the fact of war and find love where they once saw only hatred is creating their own heaven on earth, and guess what? It doesn't matter one iota what anybody else is doing.

  179. Hi Golden A... you did some good spitting! And you didn't fall into even one sink hole! Hahahaha!

    I'm not clear on what your dilemma is though.

  180. I have Begun A New! Which is to say, the new post is up.


    PS. I hate Mercury retrogrades.


  181. OK, a last rant. I counted to ten, but the heat is still in the oven.

    I'm not going to keep debating this here, since people will defend their own nonsense to the end, and I don't want to ruin all the fun by pointing out some serious flaws in the New Age Agenda that Teal and her progeny promote.

    9-11 was creating a vision, too-- and the Taliban was enjoying their own particular playground when they cut off the ears and noses of women who resisted their laws, and burning witches in Salem was fun, fun, fun, for the sanctimonious few who were holding the torches.
    Genocide in Rwanda was also clearing the way for a new civilization, and no different than pulling up weeds? In the end all these horrific but visionary acts are just dandy and justified because Peace is an end product of Evil....? Is that what we are embracing? Is this true? The ends justifies the means?
    From whose perspective? God's? Teal's? Acturarian's? That's a pretty cynical and blood-tainted ideology, methinks.

    Dress it up in New-Age piousness, compare it to football-- you can cheer on the brutish world from the sidelines and root for whatever team you want, and make your own rules, and play in your own playground, and deny that what you do there has any effect on anyone else, since its all about loving “your own movie” and getting high on the vibrating thrill of “you” creating your own reality---!

    But isn't it just a little chilling to rationalize and prevaricate about evil this way...?

    And, GA: I have really enjoyed your comments up until now, but this one: how each individual perceives Hitler is a test for their own unique belief system, moral concept, ideology and religion?

    It's subjective? A dilemma? Really? That's one giant sinkhole.

    The YCYOR and LOA doctrines are dangerous– but fools walk in where angels fear to tread.

    I tried entertaining these views myself at one time, dove halfheartedly into the program, attended the seminars, and I'm grateful to have had my consciousness raised to the point that I have been fully released from the spell.

    It's a cool-aid philosophy that breeds callousness and egoistic self-interest and reckless denial, and it masquerades as Holiness, which is worse.

    In the end, this me-istic theism dressed up as spirituality is no different than any other religious dogma. It produces the same kind of scary self- righteousness and close-mindedness and false sense of piety that has been used over and over again throughout history as the justification for all the aforementioned wars and atrocities.

    Religion is the opiate of the masses, and the demonstrations are really eye-opening.

    I say think for yourself-- ignore my rants if they don't resonate with you, that's fine. But examine your own convictions, search your souls, do your own shadow work-- don't ignore the cracks in the bowl.

  182. YCYOR ( you create your own reality, for those who don't get the acronym) is also, as Kevin pointed out above, the same dark creed that is gleefully espoused by the deformed-eared henchmen and the ruby-lipsticked daughter of Anton Lavey, one time circus-vendor and now author of the Satanic Bibles.

    Do I want to line up with that? Hmmm. Not really. What does the Satanist's love of this YCYOR gospel say about its subtle darkside, its hidden agendas- ?

    And here is James Arthur Ray piping in with the same doltish and deified dogma:

    “I fully know, for me, that there is no blame. Every single thing is your responsibility … and nothing is your fault. Because every single thing that comes to you is gift … a lesson.” ( James Arthur Ray, wikipedia)

    But what does this mean? It means: We're all responsible and we're all faultless. It's all ok. Ignore the people cooking in the saunas.

    And he did.

    When people stop thinking and just espouse feel-good slogans without truly questioning their meaning and application to life, ideas which in the end are often just self defensive maneuverings or trendy banalities spoon-fed to them by self help gurus, there's a lesson alright-- which is that history repeats itself, from the dark ages to the new ages.

    So it's not just about mocking the messenger, but unfolding the messages.

    And that's all folks.

  183. Hmmm. Can't say that I'm going to be giving that tirade much thought.

  184. Fine, it's not about you.
    It's about the very deep holes in the Law of Attraction and YCYOR.

  185. Great rant, Hanalea. I do love a good rant.

    I've only skimmed this discussion so if I'm misreading any of this, let me know. One never expects Hitler to be a divisive topic, but there you go.

    I think where we run into trouble with the LOA is in that some of its most high profile teachers want to talk about how we create our reality but they also want to keep projecting their shadows "over there." I say, we should stop telling other people they're creating their own reality and focus on what we are co-creating, or attracting, or sourcing, whatever. Because there is no "other."

    I don't know what all we're talking about here, but when I hear LOA people talk about Jews created the Holocaust for themselves because of their victim mentality, I. Want. To. Scream. We all co-create this reality, so stop blaming other people for their creations. And think hard, instead, on what the manifest world is reflecting for each of us. If you can see it, it's at least a little bit inside of you. So find it, forgive it, release it. But mostly, stop blaming victims for the effects of a reality we all have at least a toe in.

    Anton LaVey called himself Ayn Rand with ritual. He didn't believe in either God or the Devil. He only believed in the supremacy of the self. Or, some might say, his own giant ego. If your opinion of Ayn Rand is anything like mine, you don't think much of his ideas, either. What he was not was a real Satanist, something that probably doesn't exist in any real sense and was really just invented by the Vatican to suppress Pagans. He was having a bit of fun and was a very clever marketer.

    I also want to say that I have dear friends who are second and third generation Holocaust survivors and it is a very painful subject that should be addressed with tact and sensitivity. I don't think we can know what it's like to know our grandparents and great grandparents were gassed, tortured in medical experiments, used to bind books and make socks, and so on, unless we're living that reality. It is a continuing source of incredible pain for many people. Unfathomable unless you've lived it, had your family torn apart by it, seen family members go mad because of it... It's just not to be underestimated, the pain that it still brings.

  186. LV-- I don't like rants, not even my own. Especially my own. . The're frightful! They're loud. But sometimes silence is a kind of complicit agreement, and complicity can have far-reaching effects.

    I know almost nothing about Anton Lavey-- just the little bit I read after Kevin linked him in the video up above. So thanks for adding to my understanding here. I do know Ayn Rand, though, and the ethics of selfishness, which is very much woven into YCYOR, I think, even if there's a duality of purpose in the threadings.... it's a still a credo that too easily invites brutality and rationalizations.

    "One never expects Hitler to be a divisive topic, but there you go."

    Well, I would be just as livid if an insensitive analogy was used about Hiroshima or Rwanda, or the destruction of the twin towers.

    And how is it that blaming the victims has once again become fashionable these days?

    Anyway, I've learned a great deal here, and I thank you for that.


  187. Lol ok guys, you're freaking hilarious. First of all, I can see what type of people you are, when you're mocking my grammar hahaha, god.
    I'm not a native English speaker, hence, the mistakes here and there... so sorry if it hurt your brain.
    Second of all, I don't see anything wrong with my posts on Teal Tribe- am I not allowed to express myself? Am I not allowed to whine, vent and curse? Oh no, sorry... I need be a saint like you guys. You seem to me more like a cult than any other thing. Yeah you did hurt me, because I never thought I'm that important to be mocked at. I was bullied, so I know the feeling.
    I said "low-level"- it's what you say in Hebrew about people talking crap about others... nothing to do with vibration. Although, nothing wrong with using the word vibration, I mean, scientists use it as well, so...
    Third point, I'm no ones' inner circle.
    Thanks for devoting your time to mock me guys, LaVaughn I see you teach your devotees how to do it wonderfully.
    Have a good life. Peace out.

  188. It's easy to bully... beyond an anonymous identity, Dava.
    Frankly, I'm very hurt by you... and you're apologies mean nothing to me. You're are one of LaVaughn's Army. And you are really like soldier, using violence.

  189. Idan you absolutely have the right to think differently!

  190. Idan, I don't have devotees. Don't have 'em. Don't want 'em.

    I'm afraid I don't understand your comments. Who mocked your grammar? I'm not seeing it. I went back and looked at the exchange from the last time you posted to this thread and what I see is an honest attempt to engage you on the ideas. For instance, I asked you a number of questions which you haven't deigned to answer. Dava even apologized for initial harshness that wasn't particularly harsh. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you are genuinely hurt and offended by something that I'm afraid I've missed and not that you are battling a straw man to avoid dealing with the issues raised. Frankly, this looks like a really distorted read on what was said to you, but maybe I'm missing something. In which case, I'm sorry you feel hurt, but I can't really speak for others who may have responded to you. I think my own responses were fair and an attempt to understand your thinking. And you've apparently ignored them. Oh, well.

  191. Oh wow, I have a lot of catching up to do here. Will have to save it for a little later. But for now...

    Idan wrote about being bullied and something about being in LaVaughn's army. That's the first time I've heard LV had such a thing, maybe you can enlighten me? I see a large group of people expressing thoughts and opinions freely but I don't remember LV ever purporting to have an 'army', cult, etc. However, teal has gathered a group of followers around her that she has labelled her army, so... Yeah. I think you're a little confused.

    I'm in no one's army, my friend, I can assure you of that. But I do enjoy engaging with a group of intelligent, discerning people who are up for open, honest discussion about the obvious craziness surrounding teal and co.

    As far as bullying, that never happened. But knowing that you ascribe by all of what teal spews out, I can see why you would label any form of criticism as bullying as that's exactly what she does. All I've seen is basic discussion as far as you're concerned, Idan. Bullying: 'use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something.' <--- Does that sound like anyone we know? Maybe a certain 'spiritual catalyst' who intimidates and coerces people with her 'powers' (delusions) perhaps? If you're going to wield around accusations, get them right.

    You're right, Idan, you're free to whine in teal's groups publicly all you'd like. And the rest of us are free not to be part of those groups or to indulge it.

    On another note, here's a fun little post from teal's page. So high vibe, I can't even keep up. High calibre spiritual stuff indeed:

    Someone wrote: 'Hey Teal Swan I am curious about something. I masturbate and when I do I sometimes use soap and I am talking bar soap and I really want to have a child/children someday, but I really want them to be healthy babies and I am not sure if my jack off sessions with soap would be good for them. Does the bar soap effect my sperm and would it effect the health of my potential child/children?'

    teal replied: 'Use soap that is all natural and organic with no harsh chemicals and the soap will not effect anything. A good rule of thumb is... don't put anything in or on your body that has a name that your grandmother wouldn't recognize.'

    I mean... I can't even...


  192. Once again, Dava, you have left me near speechless. Or teal has...

    How is she remotely qualified to answer that question? Seriously. What qualifies her to answer that?

    "Use soap that is all natural and organic with no harsh chemicals and the soap will not effect anything."

    Downright irresponsible. We have to stop thinking of natural products as harmless. If they were harmless they would also be innocuous and if they're innocuous the practice of herbal medicine and aromatherapy would be meaningless, which. let's face it, much of mainstream medicine thinks it is. It isn't.

    I have no idea whether exposure to, say, essential oils in soaps could impact male fertility. But I do know that many essential oils have a pronounced hormonal action. Many can bring on menstruation which also means they can cause miscarriages. How do I know that? I went to school for aromatherapy.

    Masturbating with soap? Probably a harmless fetish. But do I know that? No. And I expect I studied a good bit more chemistry when I was in beauty school, which I was a long time ago, and in aromatherapy school, than teal has. But, I would not presume to answer that question.

  193. hahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHA... well she is right :D

  194. "don't put anything in or on your body that has a name that your grandmother wouldn't recognize"

    Grandmother wouldn't suggest to use soap for masturbation at all.
    hahhaha I guess that is the truth of her message. And grandmother will only know traditional curd soap which I wouldn't recommend to use for any sensitive skin at all.

    I am sorry guys but I can't take it serious. And I also can't take it serious to discuss if Teal Swan is a professional masturbation consultant or what the results of essential oils on future babies are.

    This is really funny but I know you all take it very serious.
    I am in bits over it.

  195. It's pretty alarming stuff, eh LV? I found it surprising for a number of reasons. It was the fact that someone posted this publicly on her Facebook wall, waxing philosophic about jacking off on someone's page for everyone to see. Wow. Let's hope he doesn't have his boss on his friend's list. Or his poor, embarrassed wife. Or his mum. LOL

    The age of social media is a fun one.

    People other than teal actually replied to him but then THE GRAND MASTER herself chimed in and... all hail.

    But it was also what you mentioned, LV: the fact that she has the audacity to actually dish out advice she's not an expert in. That shit's unreal. No mincing words necessary. This all-knowing persona stops nowhere. She will portray herself to be a fertility expert, a nutrition expert, a psychiatrist, an anthropologist, a religious scholar... And, holy shitballs, she damn well just has to go to the Akashic records to unearth all this stuff, right? No reading or studying at all! We know this because she doesn't give credit to anyone else, of course. Ipso facto, she's omniscient. Or so she leads the unquestioning to believe.

    It's one thing for this guy to post the question and expose all his bidniz to everyone on the interweb. It's quite another for her to actually indulge it instead of referring him to someone with the ACTUAL knowledge to help him safely. So irresponsible, it's beyond.

    Here's another one posted recently involving medical advice. Again, by virtue of the fact that she responds to these posts, she is encouraging people to seek her out as a medical expert. Totally appalling. HAY HOUSE, it's totally irresponsible of you to give this a wider audience than it already has.

    Q: 'Hey Teal
    Im having trouble trying to figure out what to do. I have a visable lump on my lower left quadrant of my stomach. Its been there for 3 months and is getting bigger. My problem is I hate doctors I feel like they are drug dealers with a degree I have no trust in the whole system and no insurance. I also live in Louisiana, the last state to make chiropractic legal, a backward corupt state. There is no hollistics places anywhere around me. Im nervous and confused on what the hell to do. I dont know if you can help point me in the right direction but I figured id see.'

    teal: 'In this particular circumstance, I think KNOWING MORE is the main prerogative and it wouldn't be a bad idea to go to the doctor... As long as you realize that they can't tell you to do anything. All they can do is gather and give you information. If you choose to DO anything about what they tell you, it is a choice you will make...not them. The powerlessness is what is making you feel like you don't want to go see them. They are just very, very restricted in terms of the reality which they perceive. In this case, I think going in to get more of an idea of what you are dealing with will be helpful for not only you, but also for any alternative practitioners you may choose to see. More information never hurts, it is all just more perspective. Just don't let them push you around.'

    'In this particular instance...' = So there are instances when people have growing lumps on their body when it would NOT be appropriate to seek diagnosis by a medical professional? I'm a huge advocate for alternative/integrative medicine but I believe that allopathic medicine also has it's place. Alluding to the fact that not everyone with tumors should take a trip to the doctor is not only completely irresponsible, it's fucking unethical and way out of line.

    The way this is going, this whole thing will blow up soon when someone follows her advice and it goes terribly wrong, followed by a huge lawsuit against teal. Her ego will implode and the entire charade we're currently privy to will be visible to all. Like LaVaughn has said, this isn't going to end well.

  196. Golden Andara, in bits over here too. It's definitely funny that teal's now marketing herself as a jack off expert. But there's also the shock factor as it's completely unethical, he could be completely sincere with his question.

  197. "Grandmother wouldn't suggest to use soap for masturbation at all."

    Golden Andara, I'm trying very hard NOT to picture my grandmother faced with that question. I think her head might have exploded.

    It is hilarious and ridiculous. But, I'm sorry, it's also irresponsible. Why does this woman think she's qualified to answer all these things?

    And how much of this may just be a guy with certain exhibitionist tendencies trying to engage the sexy lady in a little kinky chit chat. I just don't know what to think about the whole thing. I really don't. Except that she needs to stop answering everybody's questions about everything under the sun. On the other thing, all I can say is thank God she said "doctor." Thank God.


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