Jan 12, 2014

The Artist Formerly Known as Teal Scott

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

On January 4, Teal Scott and Sarbdeep Singh Swan were wed.
The Artist will henceforth be known as TEAL.

Comment Overflow: Once again, we've rolled over to a second page of comments. I'm adding direct links because blogger doesn't seem to handle this well in all browsers, notably mine. Comments: page 2 and page 3 and page 4 and page 5 and page 6

There's a story in the Marine Corps, perhaps apocryphal, about something a senior officer wrote in a FITREP for one of his junior officers: "His Marines will follow him anywhere, if only out of a morbid curiosity to see what he'll do next."

TEAL has many followers. Only some of them are fans. Or so I learned when I wrote a blog post articulating my questions and concerns about the self-described "spiritual catalyst." Shortly after posting the piece, I started getting comments from some of her fans and detractors -- mostly detractors. About a month later TEAL responded to my post.

Last night on my way to the bathroom, I peered into Blake’s room and noticed that he looked incredibly distressed. [Doesn't anybody knock?]  I asked him what happened and he explained that a blogger named LaVaughn (Celestial Reflections) had dedicated a ten page itemized article slamming me for every aspect of my career and personal life that she could get her hands on.  He also explained that he was receiving e-mails from people asking me to refute her outrageous claims [Pssst. I didn't make any claims.] because they “no longer knew what to think”. [I believe what we have here is the need behind the need. Her response is an attempt at damage control.]  It was by far and away the most “anti-Teal” material we’ve encountered to date.  Blake was livid.  He wanted me to write an entire counter article to put people’s minds and hearts at rest.  But it didn’t feel good to me.  On top of the fact that many of her claims were too off base to even be worthy of address, [Did I mention that I didn't make any claims?] I could not get my energy behind the idea of dedicating time to defending myself against a random person who crawled out of the woodwork to gain popularity and attention by slandering me. [Dear God, could this woman be any more vain?]

It is profoundly out of alignment [Alignment with what?] to design an entire piece of writing around resisting someone or something, which is what this woman did.  She does so from a place of bitterness and fear and therefore pain.  I would not seek to increase her pain by attacking back to defend myself. [Aaawww. How sweet.] It seems that what people wanted from me was proof that she is wrong about what she said about me.  Proof is a difficult thing because there is ultimately no way to create solid proof that could not be refuted. [I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that this is the real reason she won't defend herself against the many claims I didn't make. She can't.] I could refute each piece of her evidence, the same way that she is refuting mine, but what would be gained?  I will not convince her that I am good.  I would not be doing so for any other reason than my own need to be approved of by everyone.  And I do not distrust the discrimination of the people who enjoy my material.  People do not need my proof to know what is good for them or right for them personally.  What they need to do is trust themselves.  And whatever answer they receive about me, is right for them at that time. [Aahh. So I didn't so much critique TEAL as I insulted the judgment of her many, many fans. Did you hear a dog whistle? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I heard a dog whistle.] I do not wish to prove skeptics wrong.  I gain nothing by resisting skeptics.  As my fame increases, [Dear God...] there will be more and more skeptics.  I gain only by continuing to do what makes me happy and hoping that what brings me happiness, brings other people happiness.  I understand how hard it is when you distrust yourself, to navigate a world full of opposing perspectives.  When you live without self-trust, the world seems to be full of people who are out to get you.  And so, you don’t know who to trust. [I believe that should read "whom to trust" but I probably shouldn't play grammar noodge with TEAL. That game has no end.] But you can trust yourself.  And by not refuting every skeptic that comes up against me, I am in essence giving people the opportunity to consult their own feelings and their own personal truth, and thus learn to trust themselves.  It would be a great world though if the people, who were inspired to write ten pages on one person, did so from a place of loving that person.  All too often, the only people full of enough bottled up energy to write ten pages on one person, do so from a space of hating them. [Yup. I'm a hater. Haters gotta hate, yo.]

To sum up, I did not make any claims in my previous post. I simply subjected some of TEAL's claims, statements, and documented history to a little scrutiny. Or, as a commenter on her own blog put it:

This information is out there for the world to see and you can’t make claims and then not be prepared to back them up when you specifically call yourself a ‘teacher’. You clearly enjoy the fame aspect of this and your team have posted on Facebook about wanting to get you on TV…….and you think this post was bad!?
This woman has executed the piece well and with ALL your own work, so the argument for lies and slander is very weak.

As I said in that post, TEAL doesn't really go after her detractors often. She has people for that. And as even some of her own fans noted, her post served as a signal to her "army" to attack me. And so they descended like so many winged monkeys.

In one of those delicious Jungian synchronicities, of which I am so fond, the night before all hell broke lose on my blog, I had watched a South Park episode called "The Hobbit." In it, righteous, little feminist Wendy points out the elephant in the room -- that Kim Kardashian is an extensively photoshopped fantasy creation who really looks like a hobbit. She is crucified for being a hater and threatened with a transfer to the "jelly school" for the exceedingly envious. So I found it incredibly hilarious that the very next day I was attacked mercilessly for being sooooo jel of TEAL's incredible good looks, sexiness, and success. Because if a woman raises concerns about another woman it's always really about petty jealousy, right? We gals are just shallow like that.

But then something kind of funny happened. More of TEAL's detractors showed up -- and more, and still more. It turns out there are a lot of people following her blog and numerous Facebook pages who share some of my qualms. Many of them have long been frustrated by their inability to raise these questions on her pages without having their comments deleted or lost to the black hole of eternal moderation.

The comments on my original post are, as of this writing, upwards of 400. The vast majority of those comments are critical of TEAL. Many of them are from people expressing relief at having their concerns heard and validated instead of shut down or hidden from sight. This is to say nothing of the many emails and phones calls I've gotten from people who just wanted to say, "Thank you."

I think it's safe to say, at this point, that TEAL's attempt to have her minions pound me flat rather backfired. What has evolved instead is effectively a crowdsourced analysis of TEAL's contradictions, questionable behavior, and outrageous statements. It makes for a fantastic read, filled with links, commentary, and penetrating insight.

I could never, in a single post, encapsulate everything that has been uncovered by the still growing number of commenters who've contributed to this analysis of TEAL's record. But I would like to address here some of the things that gave me particular concern about her practices, statements, and attitude.

TEAL Is So Vain

She probably thinks this post is about her.

As noted above, she seems to see my previous post about her as the attempt of some sad sack (me) to ride her glorious coattails. Because she's famous. She's very, very famous. And her fame is growing. We know this because she says so. A lot.

Who on earth refers to herself as a renowned "luminary?"

"I'm the extrasensory luminary who is known
around the world as the spiritual catalyst."

Or describes their own writing as "poignant?"

TEAL. That's who. It seems there is no title or glowing description she won't arrogate to herself. Just recently, for instance, we learned that she is a "leader of the New Age."

Yesterday I was forwarded an anti New Age movement video and I was asked to express my opinion on it.  The basic argument made was that the New Age Movement is just opiate for the masses (what scientists have been saying about religion for years) [?!?!?!] and that it is just an excuse to boost book sales and enhance the personal careers of people like myself who are in essence convincing people they can manifest money so that we can make money off of those people.  I don’t usually feel compelled to respond to videos or comments that are offered by people who are in a space of extreme resistance, because there is no desire in them to find a meeting of minds.   Where there is no receptivity, no meaningful conversation can take place, so it is just better to allow them to feel exactly how they feel and line up with the results of that perspective.  But this time, I am compelled to comment because on a worldwide level, I am considered a leader of the New Age.  People give me titles and associate me with things all the time, but being called a leader of the New Age is a title I resonate with and agree with. [All emphases mine]

Loathe as I am to delve into TEAL's ahistorical and otherwise incorrect factoids -- another game with no conceivable end date -- it was Karl Marx who described religion as the "opium of the people." And the idea that science and religion are at odds is an artificial construct. But I digress.

Even some of TEAL's regular readers balked at her gleeful adoption of this "title."

Wow…just wow…LOL
With all due respect, Teal, but there are so many other admirable people nowadays who are doing a great deal for humanity and have huge followings…and yet don’t call themselves “A worldwide leader”…of sorts. Someone needs to get a grip, just a little..

Whatever TEAL's finer qualities may be, humility is just not one of them.

For instance, did I mention that she's pretty? I'm sure I did, but I needn't have bothered because she will tell you and tell you and tell you. In fairness, Teal is not just pretty for herself. She's pretty for the betterment of humanity.

In this interview, starting around the 9:00 minute mark, she explains how crucial her physical attractiveness is to getting her message out to people on "every single continent." TEAL, it turns out, is pretty by design. An Arcturian panel "projected" her this way so that their message would be heard 'round the world. Homely women can't get attention to their ideas, apparently. People just innately like pretty things. So TEAL had to be pretty -- prettier than  black women for sure. Because even a woman who is beautiful by African standards would be seen as "pretty ugly" here in the US. To reach the whole world with a message of spiritual evolution, you just have to be a pretty white girl. That's all there is to it. And it helps if you tell people that while you're lounging around in a slinky peignoir, in front of Nanny's Messy Bed. It just drives that message home, I guess.

It would appear that transcending superficiality just isn't part of the Arcturian's grand vision for planet earth. It sure isn't part of TEAL's. For instance here we learn that physical beauty is one of life's little reminders of the divine feminine.

I did an interview with a budding self-help expert Laura Marie today.  Watching her on the other side of the screen was quite soothing for me.  She was like a work of art to behold; porcelain skin that folded across the structure of her face and hair like spun silk.  She was full of vigor for life.  Her words, lightly tinted with a French accent.  I couldn’t stop thinking after the interview was over, about women in general.  It is so important that as women, we are out in the world setting an example of what it looks like to fully embody and express ourselves.  It is time that those of us who were born female, release our resistance to our own gender and begin to embrace and express our feminine essence.  Women have been in resistance to the divine feminine within themselves for far too long just like human society has been in resistance to the divine feminine for far too long.

One wonders if a woman less pretty than Laura Marie could possibly inspire TEAL to wax rhapsodic about the divine feminine -- one of those ugly girls from Africa, for instance.

Teal Bosworth Scott Swan

You can see why she'd want to simplify. But for the full explanation of her new moniker, you'd need to look at one of her many Facebook pages.

Hello all,
Thank you so much for the beautiful wishes! I figured i'd explain how this name change is going to work. On a professional level, we are going to drop the last name all together because TEAL is a stand alone name like Oprah or Osho etc. But I have officially changed my last name to Swan. There is deep spiritual significance to this decision. It is a more exalted name. Sarbdeep is from India and there, the swan has great spiritual significance. Teachers who have the ability to fly between the realms of matter and spirit are given the title Paramahamsa which means supreme swan. click this link to read more.
Perhaps the adoption of this new title is also a transition into a new phase in my career as well.


Except that Osho is not a name. It's a title. Like Paramahamsa, in the Hindu tradition, it's an honorific bestowed for a certain level of spiritual attainment in Zen Buddhism. These are not titles you hold because you get married or decide to change your stage name.

Oshō (和尚 oshō?) is a Buddhist priest (in charge of a temple);[1] honorific title of preceptor or high priest (esp. in Zen or Pure Land Buddhism).

. . .

Oshō is the Japanese reading of the Chinese he shang (和尚), meaning a high-ranking Buddhist monk or highly virtuous Buddhist monk. It is also a respectful designation for Buddhist monks in general and may be used with the suffix -san

The only instance of Osho being used as a name that I'm aware of was the guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh who just decided to start calling himself that at some point. He was a controversial figure and considered by many to be a cult leader. He was famous for collecting Rolls Royces, owning around a hundred at one point.

Osho's ideas on sex, marriage, family and relationships contradicted traditional views, arousing anger and opposition around the world.[79][210] His movement was feared and despised as a cult; he lived "in ostentation and offensive opulence", while his followers (most of whom had severed ties with outside friends and family and donated all—or most—of their money and possessions to the commune) might live at a "subsistence level".[89][211]

I first became aware of Rajneesh when I was living in Montclair, NJ, where he and his followers were ensconced in a nearby mansion. I even knew a guy who lost his wife to this cult. As he described it, he came home one night to find her dying all her clothes orange in the kitchen sink. A short time later she was gone. She'd relocated with Rajneesh and his other followers to Oregon. There was an ongoing issue around him being unable to find and divorce her so he could move on with his life. It dragged on for years and caused a great deal of suffering.

I mentioned this in a comment on my previous post and learned, to my horror, that TEAL is an admirer of the late Bagwan Shree Rajneesh, or Osho. And she had expressed during one of her Shadow House broadcasts that he had been unfairly maligned. So what if his followers wanted to express their devotion by giving him Rolls Royces!

Did I mention that TEAL likes gifts? I did. I did. She really likes gifts.

TEAL's Sad Christmas

Gifts are TEAL's "love language" so no gifts equals no love. Poor TEAL.

This is a weird Christmas for me.  It doesn’t feel much like Christmas.  The intentional Community I live in has all decided to forego getting each other gifts this year in favor of saving money to use towards moving to Europe.  My son, Winter will be the only one getting presents this year.  The space under the tree, which is usually overflowing with presents, is empty for the first time in my life.  Except of course for cosmos, my cat, who has selected it as his own personal nest.  He lies there purring, lazily batting at ornaments with his paw.  I don’t know how to feel about this Christmas.  I don’t even know what I’m going to do today or tomorrow except travel to a recording studio to do a television interview tonight on charitable giving and cook for everyone.  Gifts are my love language, so the holiday feels empty of love this year.  But I’m still utterly in love with the energy of Christmas and how happy everyone seems in the spirit of giving and community.

One of the things we learn as adults is that it is "better to give than to receive." And one of the things we learn as parents is that there is no greater joy at the holidays than seeing our children's delight when they open their presents. And is there some reason her cat's name isn't capitalized? Strange. So TEAL was feeling unloved this Christmas because love is best expressed with material things.

Not all gifts are equal, though. Strap in. A TEAL story follows.

I could sum my mother up in one word… activist.  This means that when a foreign restaurant opened in town, my mother was eager to support them immediately, being full aware that the rest of the Caucasian, Mormon demographic in town would be wary of foreigners and thus avoid the restaurant and make them feel ostracized.  Mormons like to think of themselves as good, open armed, inclusive Christ loving people.  But the reality in the rural towns of Utah is that most of them are the exact opposite of that.  The demographic of the area is nearly entirely Mormon and so they never have to interact with people that aren’t Mormon, much less people that are from a different race.  The truth is, Mormons can be some of the nastiest, most exclusive and racial people you will ever come across.  Long story short, when we walked in, true to form, we were the only people there.  The entire family that owned the restaurant was lined up at the entrance, with enormous smiles on their faces, ecstatic to be doing business.  Having only just immigrated to the United States, they barely spoke English.  They waited on us hand and foot, practiced speaking English and when we finished the meal they explained that someone in town had told them about the tradition of giving gifts on Christmas, so they brought out presents to the table.  They seemed so proud of themselves to have fit in with the tradition in a foreign country.  Only, when we unwrapped the presents, they turned out to be edible underwear!  It turns out some complete jack ass person in town had wanted to run them out of town by telling them that giving people edible underwear was a tradition on the Christmas holiday, knowing full well that even the average lax Mormon that showed up, would be horrified and boycott the business. 

Where to begin... Mormons are some very white people on the whole, it's true. But they are also missionaries, traveling all over the world. There are Mormons of many races and that includes Chinese. But that aside, does anyone believe this story? Show of hands. Anyone? Anyone? Chinese entrepreneurs who don't know that edible underwear is not a gift you would give a family with children having dinner in your establishment? Anyone?

I have to admit, I find the whole thing a little implausible. What it suggests to me is more along the lines of an excuse to insert a little gratuitous nudity, give the reptilian brain a little jolt, get the old pulse racing. With TEAL there just aren't enough opportunities to talk about SEX. Not just sex, mind you, but SEX.

So in that one post, she's fired up the animal drives of her readers, pulled on their heart strings with her tale of loveless woe, and asked for money. (DONATE!!!) Will someone please give this woman some money? Things are tight. She moving to Europe. And she has no gifts. She feels so unloved. Will someone please put a Rolls in her driveway, maybe, with a nice big bow on it?

TEAL's Story

Some of the negative feedback I got from TEAL fans, aside from the fact that I'm just jel, had to do with my relentless focus on TEAL's history. They don't care and they just don't want to hear about it. Why, why, why, am I so obsessed with TEAL's nudie pictures?! Why?!

What's funny about that is that TEAL's modeling history, and how it complicates her CV, comprised a very small portion of a fairly long post -- roughly three paragraphs out of what is, according to TEAL, ten printed pages. So if you read that post and took from it that I'm obsessed with TEAL's pornographic history, you might want to consider that it's not me who's so singularly focused.

Some folks were also not terribly amused that I put her story of ritual abuse under a microscope. What surprised me most about that, though, was how many people don't think that history matters either. As one commenter on her blog put it:

One of the biggest criticisms people have of you is the confusion of timelines. Maybe you could shed a little light on that?... Let’s say hypothetically that your past is a bit fabricated. It’s pretty clear from a lot of the comments most people don’t care. What resonates with them is how your teachings make them feel. Your followers will still love you, and in truth, you might find yourself reaching even more people by opening up and removing some doubts, one way or another. You can, are, and will do a lot of good in this world. Be brave.

This is a fair reflection of some of the feedback TEAL received in light of my post. Another commenter, for instance, wrote:

I must admit that even being a big fan of Teal for almost a year, i too had doubts about her history ( simply because i didnt understand how her story of abuse can be merged with the story of her modelling career and traveling the world, the timelines seemed confusing to me ). But I never cared for this too much ,just because i FEEL her message, she has brought so much wisdom to me and launched my personal growth , I`ll forever appreciate this <3
I read that blog and it was a really mean one. Sarcastic and mean, it didnt feel good to read it. But i`ll say this – the author has missed one very simple point : lets assume that Teal`s story is false, does this make her message any less useful? Who cares about things that dont add up if she brings more happiness and joy to so many people?.

Said another:

And if it happens that you should not be genuine...then it's the most fabulous falsity man has ever had the privilege to experience!!!!

So it would seem that many of TEAL's ardent followers don't really care if her story of ritual abuse at the hands of the psychopath with DID (???) ever happened. If the story for which she may be interviewed by "one of the biggest TV shows in the nation" turns out to be fiction, so be it. No biggie.

Now, look. I'm a grown-up. I know that it's far from uncommon for professionals of all stripes to pad their resumes a little, to embellish here and there. But is it really too much to ask that a healer, or catalyst, or whatever exactly TEAL defines herself as, not have a life story that isn't a giant fiction? Really?

Episodes from this story are part of a very long, ongoing narrative. They constitute a big chunk of her blog. And she whips this story out whenever she needs to justify an outburst or emotionally blackmail her critics into silence.

More to the point, it is TEAL herself who makes the case that her abuse history is seminal to her work.

I was on the America Tonight show with Kate Delaney today.  It was a short interview, but a poignant one, entirely about my past and the ritual cult trauma.  As I was doing the interview, it became obvious to me that I am being set up to be a spokesperson and poster child for ritual abuse.  When I think about it, I know it is a position I was born to fill... I get at least one e-mail every month from people who have experienced ritual trauma first hand.   Here is an example of one:

Dear Teal Scott,

I have grown up in a cult.  My dad was part of it.  When I was ten my dad sold me to lots of mens and I couldn’t get away from them so I got away in my mind.  I am older now and I ran away from home and lived on the street for a little.  It was cold there and I got addicted to meth and sometimes I had sex for the drugs.  And then I tried to kill myself and when I was in hospital I decided I want to live.  I started cleaning up my life and someone I met in AA told me to watch your videos and I love every one of them.  I love them so much that I looked up your website and seen that you have the same past as me.  And I fell on the floor and I just started crying cause I cant believe that you look as happy as you look and have gone through the same things as me.  I cry because I was sad and then I cry because I was happy.  Because you exists in the world, I have hope for myself.  I believe that I can do it too.  I see a bright future ahead of me and I feel like you do not know what you do for me.  You are the voice I do not have and am too scared to have about what I saw and felt.  I could crawl on hands and knees and never do enough still to tell you how much thankful I am.  I love you.  You saved me and because of you, I believe in myself and that myself can heal.

How would this woman feel if it turned out she was taking her hope and inspiration from someone whose story was entirely fabricated? It seems to me like there is a lot riding on the veracity of TEAL's story in terms of her healing mission.

So now the producers, and presumably the lawyers, for a national television show are scrutinizing TEAL's story of ritual abuse. This could be a very big deal. If TEAL can really demonstrate that she was abused by a Satanic cult, hers will literally be the first independently verified case. According to the FBI, there is no proof to date that Satanic ritual abuse has ever occurred. According to Kenneth Lanning, every reported case fell apart under scrutiny. This despite the fact that stories of such abuse have ruined lives... of the accused, that is.

As I wrote in my previous entry, I found it rather strange that TEAL could have witnessed children being murdered and have no interest in seeing their murderers prosecuted. As I began reading her post on Crime and Punishment, I thought she might walk that stunning position back a little. But no. She doubled down.

People seem to enjoy revenge.  They call revenge justice so they can feel better about wanting it.  But the truth is, pain begets pain.  I gain nothing by watching my abuser suffer.  There is no justice in this system.  Even if you locked away every abuser you could find on earth in a jail cell, you could not save people from their own creations. Victims are not exempt from this creation process. They too create their reality.  We live in a society that does not yet recognize the vibrational reality that directs and dictates and trumps everything that is physical in nature, so no one wants to hear it when I say this…  But locking up the perpetrators does nothing to improve the powerless state of those who sit squarely in a vibration of victimhood.  It changes nothing about them at all.  And so they remain a match to what comes as a result of that vibration.  They will be victimized by something no matter how hard you try on a physical level to prevent it for them.  You could not physically do enough to save them from their own point of attraction.

I agree with TEAL on this one narrow point. Our criminal justice system is too focused on revenge under the guise of justice. I think we would be much better served by a system focused more on the protecting the public from criminals aspect of jurisprudence. TEAL, though, doesn't think that's a good enough reason to put people who kidnap, rape, torture, and murder children behind bars. It's a conundrum for sure because it could mean more young girls will endure what she did. It leaves her "between a rock and hard place." But TEAL would have you know that there's no protecting the public from the law of attraction anyway, so...

To her credit, TEAL is just following the principles of law of attraction ideology to their natural conclusion, something many adherents are unwilling to do. As I asked here, if we're all just getting back what we put out in a just universe, what is the purpose of the criminal justice system?

But TEAL is also displaying exactly the same inconsistency that James Ray's devoted fans did.

Like Bob Proctor, Charlene D seems incapable of recognizing the inconsistency of blaming the victims of bad acts for their deaths while simultaneously absolving Ray of responsibility for the legal predicament he finds himself in. In the topsy-turvy world of this rabid "law of attraction" set, people who are hit by drivers who run red lights aren't victims. They're responsible for everything that happens to them. But those felonious drivers are being victimized by those who prosecute them and it's all just horribly unfair.

Why is it only the victims of crime who law of attract their misfortune? Why not the perpetrators who are caught and prosecuted? The people in prisons aren't responsible for what they put out into the universe? I will just never understand why so many of these law of attraction folks are so invested in protecting people from the real world consequences of their actions.

How TEAL Treats People

On some level I think TEAL's willingness to expose her shadow side to the public is quite brave. We all have a shadow and I think "making the darkness conscious" is crucial to our realization of wholeness. I also think that work is in sharp contrast to much of the law of attraction ideology advanced by Abraham/Hicks, The Secret, and their ilk. These approaches don't blend well. You can't on the one hand tell people not to focus on the negative because attention to it will expand it and on the other tell people to explore the uncomfortable bits they're stuffing into their subconscious.

That process of uncovering the shadow is certainly messy and none of us would look too grand if all of our "stuff" were out there for public viewing. This openness of process was the very thing that initially intrigued me about TEAL. But I saw pretty quickly that she is much more about shadow projection than self-realization. Her vicious attacks on other people come with a certain regularity, the humiliation of Fallon Dobson being one of the more dramatic exhibitions.

One of the things I learned after my initial post, not that it surprised me overmuch, was that I was not alone in being very disturbed by TEAL's public attack on Fallon. She diagnosed him as a psychopath and delved deeply into his "pathology" -- something for which she is not remotely qualified. And she made him a target for communal retribution. It was hideous. 'Nuff said. But Fallon is not the only person to find himself, or herself, in TEAL's sights.

By her own admission, she is capable of profound hostility, bitterness and envy. She can be really jel, is what I'm sayin.' Who inspires this tremendous ire? Notably women who have fairly smooth pregnancy and labor and gals like Elizabeth Smart who have parlayed their nightmares of kidnapping and abuse into social embrace and career opportunities. The people who've kidnapped and enslaved them, though? She doesn't seem to have much hostility for them... or think they should be prosecuted. So it's strange. She also seems far more contemptuous of the women having babies than she does the abuser who forced her to abort his progeny and gave her oxytocin to trigger premature labor causing her to expel twin fetuses alone in the bitter cold of a snowy hellscape. She also really hates Disney princesses, but they're not real people, so...

TEAL doesn't seem to have any compunction about holding people up to public ridicule as she recently did with her former mother-in-law.

For the sake of humor, I have to begin this blog entry on a similar note to my last entry about racism because Sarbdeep and I encountered our most uncomfortable racist moment yet, yesterday morning.  Sarbdeep was born and raised in England.  Now, it’s important to understand that he doesn’t have a cockney British accent.  Instead, he speaks with the familiar dignified British accent that we associate with English politicians.  Both his way of speaking and his mannerisms are stately.  Which is about to make the discomfort of this story even worse.  Winter’s Grandmother on his father’s side (who despises me by the way) came to visit yesterday.  She is a devout Mormon woman, who turned out to be even more ignorant than one would expect a patriotic, religiously isolated woman to be.  When she was introduced to Sarbdeep, you could feel her level of discomfort at interacting with someone who was from a different race.  She went stiff and started trying to force herself to be nice, which is a coping skill that many Mormons employ when they are trying to deal with the discomfort of associating with someone who makes them nervous to be around.  It was as if she was meeting an outer space alien.

As they shook hands, Sarbs explained that he was born and raised in London, England.  She spent a good two minutes trying to pronounce his name and then made it a point to express the fact that she has never and would probably never have the desire to travel outside the United States.  Then, she put the cherry on top of the moment by saying, “You speak such good English” as if Sarbdeep should be proud of that fact, him being brown instead of white and all.  Sarbdeep and I both looked at each other; wide eyed with those smiles that said to each other “you’ve got to be kidding me”.  I was so embarrassed for her in that minute that I wanted to crawl out of my own skin.  Part of me understands that her racial and religious isolation has not permitted her the education that would enable her to know better.  But the other part of me is frustrated at the fact that she does not have the desire to educate herself better with regard to the rest of the world and feels like sometimes there is no excuse for such a level of racially prejudiced ignorance.  But the humor inherent in an American (who happens to speak Utah hick English), telling someone from London, England that they speak good English solely based on the fact that he has a dark skin color is going to ensure that we never forget this interaction.  I’m sure it will be a joke we share for years to come.

LOL. And now we're all in on the joke... at this poor woman's expense. It's not funny. It's cruel. This woman's real mistake appears to be in "despising" a former daughter-in-law with a public platform. Winter's grandmother is a private citizen who did not choose to be dragged into the public sphere so that she may be mocked and ridiculed. But if you know TEAL, you're not entitled to a private life so don't expect one.

TEAL will have you know that she is not racist like that ignorant Mormon hick. She is merely bigoted against Mormons. She is also classist. "Sarbs" may have dark skin but he's not some low-class, cockney git. But racist? TEAL? No. She loves the way her new husband's dark skin is offset by white fabric. I don't know if he would appeal to people on "every single continent" but he's pretty handsome. And stately. Don't forget stately.

The other thing we learn about Sarbdeep in that post is that he's not exactly comfortable about having his personal life discussed in public.

Sarbdeep finds it extremely uncomfortable and vulnerable to expose his vows to the world, but I have informed him that the discomfort is a sign of expansion.  So, I am going to include both of our vows for you now...

What Sarbdeep must learn, like everyone else in TEAL's world, is that he's not entitled to a private life so he shouldn't expect one.

Even more disturbing is that TEAL just knows what's best for everyone and will act accordingly, whether they like it or not. She has all the occult knowledge of the Arcturians or Adonai or whatever. She's a Eucharist. So if TEAL decides that your discomfort is what's best for your personal growth, suck it up, buttercup. You're just gonna have to be uncomfortable.You can thank her later.

One of the things I've learned in my years of practice as a psychic intuitive and healing facilitator is that listening is more important than talking. I see our job as one of support and facilitation, not of ramming our egos down our clients' throats. It's something I feel pretty strongly about -- that whatever insight we may have, it never trumps that of our clients. When I was studying with Cherokee Mystic Virginia Sandlin, she put it this way. From my perspective, I am the source of my reality and you are my reflection. But from your perspective, you are the source of your reality and I am your reflection. You can never really heal anyone else because that would mean that you are the source of their reality. All we can really do is support others in their own process of self-discovery and we can't do that if we're imposing rather than offering our own vision. So I found TEAL's anecdote about her suicidal client really stunning.

At around the 53:00 minute mark TEAL relays the following:

I actually, interestingly enough, lost my first client to suicide this last year. And this was a woman who was absolutely miserable. I'm talking every moment of her life was a nightmare. And so we had that very serious sit-down talk where we had to say, alright, we're either committing or not committing to life because every time I gave her a suggestion she'd stop in two days doing the suggestion. So then we have to ask the question do we really want this to work. And what's interesting is that when she asked herself that question the answer was, "No. I'm done." There's nothing that any healer could ever do for that type of vibration which is totally fine. From  source energy there's nothing wrong with death from that perspective. So, she chose to commit suicide. Interestingly enough it took her about two days before she was reincarnated again. (audience laughter) Yeah. Not only that, two days before she was reincarnated to another family situation that mirrored the one that she had already chosen.

Taking that story at face value raises a number of troubling issues and ethical concerns. TEAL offered this client some tools. She didn't stick with them and her situation was not improving. TEAL deduces not that perhaps she hadn't hit on quite what that client needed, but that the client had reached a point of decision between life and death. "To be or not to be." So TEAL is so infallible, so perfect, that she couldn't possibly be failing to meet that client's needs. The problem had to be with the client, not TEAL.

Worse, it appears that TEAL knew the client was suicidal and did nothing to stop her because of her own belief that it's not wrong to kill yourself.  The universe doesn't care if you live or die and TEAL is totally dialed in to that "source perspective." Worse still, it sounds like she not only knew her client was suicidal, but actually helped her along to that conclusion. All because she wasn't following through on TEAL's recommendations and wasn't improving.

So this client, at TEAL's prompting, concludes that she just doesn't want to go on. Does TEAL say,  gee, you might need more help than I can give? Does she recommend or refer her for therapy? Does she do anything at all to stop this woman killing herself? No. TEAL has decided that because she couldn't help her, no one could. She knows for a fact that no healer could possibly do anything with this woman's vibration. And since TEAL understands "source perspective" she knows that it's perfectly fine if this woman kills herself. I mean, after all, TEAL knows for sure that she reincarnated two days later, so it's all good.

It's just remarkable hubris and it may have actually cost a woman her life. But we already know that TEAL is remarkably cavalier about death from her commitment to the forgive and ignore psychopathic child murderers who have escaped prosecution. It's a strange set of priorities.

Comment Overflow: Once again, we've rolled over to a second page of comments. I'm adding direct links because blogger doesn't seem to handle this well in all browsers, notably mine. Comments: page 2 and page 3 and page 4 and page 5 and page 6


  1. I was thinking about Bianca James comments " reality TV - getting sucked into - Teal Scott hobby" because I experienced finding Teal and following Teal slightly similar. I was starting to chaise "information" instead of using some inspiring practices (suggested or summarized by Teal) to focus on them in my own life. The very private blogs and very private shadow house (sorry can't help it) created a kind of surreal bond or relationship. To know SO MANY very intimate details nurtured that surreal relationship. It turned then more into "learning about Teals highs and lows" than getting some inspirational juicy teachings. Who knows: Maybe Teal is the first self-help-reality TV show, like the osbournes to the general public.

    Anyhow, I personally I need to retreat from that vast of personal Teal information, up and downs and whatever weddings and so on. I can't really hear anymore what she is saying in the videos as well. It's all a mush and twist and turn right now for me, It goes in and out the other ear. I just watched a video which came up accidentally of Ram Dass 2012 interview with Bhakti Fest channel, never heard of him before but my bells were ringing ( :

    I do believe that teal has her audience but I just can't take her full life on anymore, totally over flooded with stress journeys of ego. I used to love her "exciting & confirming" alien stories but now I notice that they take me faaar away from the core and keep my mind busy.

  2. I'm pretty sure it was the episode just before the one where she 'let the dogs out' on Cameron. I had been picking up some 'amorous' types of eye contact between the two of them, and Blake would always be sitting beside her and at first he would touch her comfortingly when teal would say something mean to her, then the next thing I know Blake is kneeling right next to teal like her faithful dog and Cameron was at the other end of the table alone... one person commented on that episode that "it looks like Blake is more into teal than Cameron" or something like that, which to me verified my own hunch about the two of them, then teal ripped her to shreds and that was the end of that. I concluded that teal was not about to let Blake leave her orbit, and wasn't above getting ugly about it. Of course I could be wrong, but that is the way I see it.

  3. I never thought I would comment here but after reading every single comment in both of your articles it gave me a lot to think about. And I really want to thank you LaVaughn :)
    I am not new to any of these things, I spent majority of my life, or better yet, as long as I can remember dwelling into this. And I had stages in development as we all do. I found Teal’s video few months ago and I watched a bit of it and I will admit that I was drawn to her because of the way she looks, actually I noticed her because of her looks and that made me watch pieces of her videos. I say pieces because her videos were just too long for me to watch. And then randomly I ran into a video where she speaks about her abuse and that’s where she got me. Because I was abused as a child, I spent years “captive” in an unhealthy family situation where I came to the point that I was certain that one day I will just provoke my stepfather enough so that he would beat me to death. But I escaped and never looked back. And I know very well how much hard work it takes to not only heal those wounds but also how long it takes to escape the role of a victim. And no, I was never ever jealous of anyone going through the similar things I had, that is just ridiculous, if I was jealous, I was jealous of people with “normal” life. So, I started reading her blog. Basically everything she says is nothing new and nothing I haven’t heard before but nevertheless I did like some of the things she was saying. Reading her blog..that’s a different story…I respected her for trying to be so open about everything she’s going through and the way she analyzed herself so openly in front of the public. Now, I’m not the kind of person who would “follow” anyone and I know very well that “spiritual teachers” are not all perfect and that they have their flaws as human beings. And yes, I had a bad experience (in the end) with my teacher – but she was just a teacher, not my “guru”. But after a while it became blatantly obvious that a person who has so so many issues of her own and is obviously incapable of applying the very things she teaches cannot possibly call herself “a leader of the new age” (obviously she can). I checked out the “Teal Tribe” but it kind of freaked me out because all I could see is a bunch of people so head over heals for Teal, like bunch of groupies seeking just one little notice from their idol. It goes as far as discussing what kind of makeup she uses. But yeah, you already wrote all about that and I agree.

  4. ......
    But situations like these are not uncommon in any other aspect of life or let’s say blogging. There is one example of a fashion blogger who is popular solely because of her looks. Her looks got her first modeling jobs, first hosting jobs, then money from ads and sponsors started flowing in and after a couple of years she is running her own business and has an army of adoring followers. There’s not much depth in her writings, she writes very little, so it’s mostly pictures of a beautiful girl with a beautiful life. Things she wrote about just a little bit more…she had an abusive father, she had traumatic childhood and was even kidnapped as a kid. (which I have no reason to doubt it isn’t true) But what is interesting is reading reactions how not only she’s beautiful, she’s also brave and inspiring and the list goes on. That’s just human nature, the question is just finding what clicks you, whether it’s something like fashion or something spiritual. But yes, people tend to follow and tend to get very aggressive and defensive when someone questions the person they idolize.
    I found more interest in reading Teal’s blog entries about her personal stuff to see her progress and the way she is dealing with things than in watching her pretty videos where she talks about things I already know. So my interest in her was more focused on her as a human being than her being a spiritual guru leader whatever. So I kind of didn’t notice all the fuss and when she mentioned this blog I came here and read it and in my mind I was taking her side. But it got me thinking.. Then the second article was published and I read it, read all the comments and asked myself why should I be taking Teal’s side (she has an army for that) and I value much more critical thinking and questioning things than blindly following. The funny thing is that those who defend her have nothing more articulate to say than “you’re so jealous/hater/etc”.
    So, yep, thank you LaVaughn for “pushing” me to question things it was a great learning experience :) Btw, English is not my native tongue so I probably have tons of grammar mistakes. :D
    And oh, I have Mars in Scorpio as well :))) (and Venus)

  5. Oh, and I forgot :))) I read many many channelings from many different sources and I never heard any of those chanellers addressing their physique as something they were chosen for to get their message to as many people possible.
    Anyways, those who seek will find :)

  6. There is a 'support' forum for ex-scientologists to be able to sort of 'detox' from scientology (thanks for that word Elena, hehe) and it looks like that is what this space is turning into - a place for 'tealers' to 'detox' from teal... too bad it wasn't easier to maneuver around and leave comments to the comments already posted without having to stick them a mile away from the comment they are commenting on, hehehe.

  7. "I read many many channelings from many different sources and I never heard any of those chanellers addressing their physique as something they were chosen for to get their message to as many people possible."

    it's a first for me, too, Irena. And I've been in and around this work for a long time. Absolutely a first.

    It's funny. One of the catalysts for me in writing my first blog on TEAL was processing the idea that women are constantly reduced to their bodies -- that we're either too pretty or too plain to be worth hearing. I initially was very disturbed at the idea that men weren't able to take in what this woman was saying because she was too attractive. Well, I'm over it. To whatever degree that does happen with TEAL, it's absolutely something she's created for herself. She has put her appearance and her sexual allure front and center so she sure can't act surprised if people have a range of reactions to that.

    Avalon, the Cameron and Blake thing... I can't. I just can't. And this woman is a spiritual teacher. Hell, she's turning this drama INTO a spiritual teaching with her Shadow House shit? It's stunning. Just stunning.

  8. I agree. It would be nice if blogger had comment threading. But it can't even handle large numbers of comments well. Ah well. Can't have everything. Where would you put it.

  9. "It's funny. One of the catalysts for me in writing my first blog on TEAL was processing the idea that women are constantly reduced to their bodies -- that we're either too pretty or too plain to be worth hearing."
    Uh oh :) I had my share of experiences with that. At the lowest point in my life when I was trying to survive everything that surrounded me I talked with a lot of people online. Many of people who saw my picture would react in a way "you are too pretty to be having those kind of problems" or "you are so pretty but you don't have a boyfriend and since you could have anyone you want there must be something very wrong with you in the head". Yep. That's right. But I was very unaware of my looks and those reactions puzzled me even more. On the other hand Teal is absolutely aware of her own looks and is using it to entice people. I'm not saying she should wear a bag over her head, as for me, I don't care if she wears a bikini if that is her choice. But there is something I just "feel" which is something I cannot really put into words...that she is very deliberately using her (sexual) energy to draw people in (you see I'm not pointing out "men" :) ) You can really feel that energy pull and it's not just about the way she looks..

  10. Every so often, I take a peek at the commentary on TEAL's blog re: my posts. It is some serious funhouse mirror shit. Obviously I've learned that I'm so jelly, that I'm a nobody trying to ride TEAL's coattails, and that, of course, I'm a hater. Food for thought.

    So here are a few other things for me to consider:

    "She also uses credentials to support her profession – but unlike Teal these credentials rely on other people’s gullibility for 'paper credentials' – whereas Teal’s credentials are openly and honestly based on her own wisdom as applicable to her own life – and equally to the lives of others."

    Because study and learning are bad? Formal training and wisdom traditions are for suckers, I guess? But claiming the wisdom of universe because the Arcturians "projected forth" your pretty white self are good...

    I'm gonna have to sit with that.

    "There are so many things I could say about LaVaughn, I don’t know where to start! There are so many things wrong with this attack, whether its aimed at you or anybody else."

    "Now about that LV person…I skimmed through her gigantic post in which she is really out to get you (her uninformed blabbering is so contradictory and filled with rage, that reading the whole thing would make me sick for the remainder of the day). Being a very spiritually educated and experienced person myself, she seems to me as if her spirituality is very superficial and that she holds a great deal of fear and anger within her…she claims to be a medium, a clairvoyant…but in truth, she really doesn’t know what she is talking about, she is self-righteous, completely uninformed about the topic of mind control and might even be a psychopath herself, being how uninformed she is about mind control generally but writes as if she is apt to tell if someone has or has not been mind controlled, how much she enjoys bickering with people in her comment section and how vigorously she attacked you, attempting to discredit you personally, downplaying and banalizing the spiritual aspect of your work as somehow irrelevant and “warmed up” (as if there is in existence a spiritual teaching that is not reminiscent of some other spiritual teaching). It’s as if she is projecting her own fraud, deprivation and fear onto you."


    You'd think someone would point out to these good folks that they are in a lot of "resistance" to what I'm saying here. I won't hold my breath.

  11. Yep, I read those comments and it's just....wow

    From 2011. till beginning of this year I was a moderator on a portal where we published and translated (me) channelings and interesting articles from various sources. And I never ever heard anyone mentioning her name and I never ran across any of her videos or anything. Me and my friend would have long talks about all of that and we basically knew who channels who, even her friend did some channeling... But no, noone ever heard of Teal. When I first ran into her I wanted to send a link to my friend and my gut was telling me "no".

  12. I think someone mentioned that before, but when I read how she describes her abuse it has MK Ultra written all over it...the kind of mind control where the subject is exposed to such torture that the mind just "splits" creating multiple personalities as a way to cope with reality. From the way sexuality is used in this case, I'd say it was a "beta" programming. Now, I'm not an expert and I cannot tell what exactly is in question, but I would say the abuse in her case was real...the stories...I don't know but I believe she believes it.

  13. Irena, I think there's a whole study to be done in how TEAL has been rolled out as a product and she and her team have manufactured a phenomenon by manipulating social proof. She's clearly got a good IT team around her, which is one of the reasons I'm fairly certain the Facebook algorithms have been very deliberately manipulated to hide my blog links. It's a lot of careful comment cleaning, spamming her stuff with positive commentary, and so forth. It strikes me as very thought about and structured.

    Here's something I was pondering. Her original TealEye.com with the nudie pics, that would have been when she was heavily enmeshed with Blake as well, right? So was he helping her run that business venture too?

  14. Teal's best sentences start with:
    "Even I still struggle with this and that."
    It always makes me smile. What a great Mind Fuck.

    Irena K: The reduced Corneal reflex (especially in her oldest videos) have a kind of hypnotical pull to it as well. At the beginning I felt very uncomfortable about her seriousness but I was too interested in what she said. However in her new beauty moving background videos she is becoming more natural, doesn't stare you into the ground anymore.

    That strange pull I felt too but never could point my finger on it why.

    In regards to the women-body-stuff. Teal is aware of EVERY move she does. I analyzed her for a while and even in her latest London workshop video...ain't no accident to show the legs by pulling the dress etc. It is endless. Let's say: she knows what she is doing.

  15. Yes... I have a feeling that she is just a product, created to draw as many people possible and it's very carefully created. When you google her you cannot find anything except modelling pictures and links leading to articles that are just copied from her own website. I did find a girl who looks like her (it's not her) by the same name which is actually not very common but she is in completely different kind of business and lives in Northern Colorado.
    Someone mentioned earlier that Fallon is also an IT wiz.. As for Blake....I just don't know....and if that little disturbing FB status Fallon made then deleted...I wouldn't be surprised if Blake was her handler.

  16. LaVaughn: "She's clearly got a good IT team around her".

    I was wondering about that too. Blake seems to be the backbone of it all. I think he does a lot but considering the big amount of work to watch so many online activities, organise events, making videos with Teal...I wonder how he can do it all. No offence to her 5er group in the house but they don't seem to be IT freaks.

    I do have to say that they professionally upgraded a good bit, considering the qualities of videos, the MASSIV amount of information in form of video, text, online events and social media interaction they put out. Blake would be superman in case he is in charge of all of that.

  17. I don't know anything at all about MK Ultra or any of that. Not my thing. But if it were, these are exactly the kinds of questions I'd be asking. Is she a victim of mind control or a product of mind control and now a perpetrator? Again, not my thing, but she raises those exact questions with the context of her life story, I think.

  18. Irena: NOOOO way, Blake is no handler. It doesn't make sense what Fallon posted at this time of HIS pain. He was just trying to destroy.

  19. Exactly! I read about a lot of stuff, MK or monarch programing included and that's why it rang a bell. Now, I'm not a cult leader but the question in my mind was "why" or more precisely "what is the purpose". (Cult) rituals have purposes however devious they may be, don't they?
    And that left me with that exact conclusion, a victim or a product?
    In one of her videos she mentioned how she still wakes up at the same time every night because she was programmed to. Sleep deprivation or waking up in the middle of the night is also one of the methods used

  20. justahought, you are right that it was a reaction out of (Fallon's) pain and I must admit I haven't watched any of shadow house videos, just skipped through few, so I haven't "picked" anything about Blake. But he is the only constant she had since she escaped and I don't quite get the part "hiding in his cellar for 5 years".

  21. @ justathought, re: Fallon's accusation against Blake, I saw Blake's email with my own eyes. He absolutely did molest her. I won't post it. It would be unethical to post someone's email without their permission, so you can take or leave my reporting as you choose, but I saw it and I am well satisfied that the charge was true.

  22. The stuff where Teal said she was programmed to be beautiful for the world to accept her spiritual teachings reminded me very much of this woman: http://www.vice.com/my-life-online/space-barbie-full-length
    Also incredibly narcissistic spiritual leader in Russia, claims to be a Starseed, obsessed with looking like Barbie. So she's Eastern Europe's answer to Teal, I guess.
    Semi relatedly, I was thinking about Teal's incredibly offensive thing about how beautiful African women wouldn't be perceived as beautiful elsewhere, while looking at these pictures of Kenyan beautiful Lupita Nyong'o : http://www.thegloss.com/2014/01/13/fashion/lupita-nyongo-magazine-cover/
    I'm sorry, Teal doesn't hold a candle to that. She's striking but she's hardly one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, because frankly she comes off as a little cold and reptilian, no warmth or vibrancy. I don't buy into MK Ultra any more than I buy into the Satanic Panics, but she fits that archetype really well, also- there's something bizarrely manufactured about the whole thing, isn't there?

  23. Oh. My. God.

    Fuck nuns, man. They're not pretty. No one cares what they think.


    What happened to that girl? It can't have been good.

    On the beautiful African women, when I was really little, my uncle's friend came for a visit. He had married this woman he met while traveling in Africa. She had this really short hair, like a half inch at most. She wore all this jewelry, big hoop earrings, bangles on her arms and African clothes with bold colors and patterns. I remember looking at this woman and thinking no matter I what I do, I can never look like that. I'm a white girl. I could never pull off that haircut. That look. And just being so sad. I thought she was the most beautiful, exotic creature I'd ever seen.

  24. The calibre of comments here versus what’s written by TEAL’S ARMY is such a testament to the beauty of critical thinking and embrace of true intelligence, how it serves people, what comes from it. I have to go through all of them after a busy weekend and will no doubt have more to say, especially to you, our darling deluded Justin H. First things first: on TEAL’s boasting about herself.
    'I am a brilliant writer [Kurt Vonnegut, Susan Sontag, Anais Nin, Ernest Hemingway, J.K. Rowling, Marianne Williamson, Danielle LaPorte, among others: Here’s a tiny list of writers who can authentically be classed as “brilliant”. But they remain(ed) humble and aware that writing is a lifetime of ongoing development, a journey, and aren’t as crass as to publicly declare themselves BRILLIANT. Ms. Ironic/Poignant is alright, at best, but very much an amateur. Her writing is stiff and pretentious, melodramatic quite often, makes attempt at using poetic imagery to fill out otherwise boring blog posts. PULEASE.]
    I have incredible “star presence” [Since when do dead eyes and porn star antics equate to “star presence”?]
    I “ruffle people’s feathers” and stir up controversy and because of it, I cause people to ask questions that ultimately set them free from limiting beliefs and painful ways of being [True indication that her interest lies in creating drama around her. Many times, I’ve gotten the sense that she will take good or bad attention as long as the focus is squarely on her. Also tells a lot about her (lack of) values and interest in entering into a career as spiritual teacher. Should rebrand herself the Drama Catalyst
    I can stay with people no matter how low or high they happen to go emotionally or mentally [Oops. We’re forgetting Cameron, Fallon/Jared, her parents and brother, her first two husbands, Winter’s grandma, etc. – are we?]
    I am not afraid of the shadow aspects of myself or other people [But she *is* afraid to step up and tell the truth when pressed to come clean about issues, like the ones raised throughout these two articles and comments, when asked to do so publicly. It seems she’s not afraid to reveal her shadow aspects when they’re segregated to the topics she has chosen, ones which ultimately strengthen her brand and make her fans feel a personal connection to her. But God forbid you actually ask her a direct question because that means you’re in resistance to her and she will not do you the justice of answering you. Period. She will, however, spin the story publicly in an attempt to come out in favour.]
    I can admit to my mistakes [See above comment.]
    I have a captivating personality [Oh God. She’s rehearsed. She comes across unsocialized and awkward. Nothing she does seems authentic. Every laugh is timed for effect in interviews. This one’s laughable.]

  25. Continued...

    'I perceive oneness constantly and so I am intimately connected with all beings on earth [That’s so weird… because all of my personal understanding/experience of oneness, and all the explanations from all the saints and sages of all religions, has never once led me to believe that attacking people publicly, alienating myself from the rest of society as being above hierarchically, such as explaining that I am the most beautiful being on the planet by intelligent design, that I am THE ONE AND ONLY LEADER OF THE NEW AGE, that Mexicans and their food is sooo disgusting and blacks are angry and need to get over it and DID I MENTION MY THIRD HUSBAND HAS DARK SKIN, that I am not Teal but TEAL, and the rest of her spiritually puerile antics is indicative of oneness consciousness. Her behaviour is that absolute antithesis of oneness. How dare she be so ignorant to make this claim and think people are foolish enough to believe it]

    My mind cuts through bullshit and illusion [Is that why it took you half a year to figure out that Fallon/Jared is (allegedly) a sociopath?]

    I am regal and elegant [Oh, for fuck’s sake, anyone who is actually regal and elegant would never be so inane as to declare themselves as “regal and elegant”. You know what is regal and elegant? Grace. Attacking an elderly woman who is an important figure in your son’s life, telling everyone how much you hate being a mother and how your son is a trigger, attacking a boyfriend and diagnosing him sans legitimate evidence to do so and ruining his reputation, living with a man for 10 years who’s in love with you and who you keep near you by dangling a carrot on a string with your affection whilst living with your current lovers and continuously rejecting him, attacking a young, intelligent woman for being strong, independent, and clear in her convictions… need I go on? This is the antithesis of regal elegance. It’s trashy. Reality check time.]

    I am mesmerizing [Nauseating?]

    I draw both fame and money to me [Right, thank you for being a parody of yourself, TEAL. This is what you want out of your career, and I don’t for a second buy that you intend to use your money for social causes given that you’ve already lied to everyone about keeping not only your company, but YOURSELF, completely honest and transparent. She has said that all money in Teal Eye will be accounted for, and people will be able to see where every cent is being used via their website. This has not been the case. Her dialogue is constantly focused on her perceived (deluded) fame and desire for money and I have no reason to believe she has any other interests. It just happens that she has chosen the new age community to profit from as their belief in being misfits was a good fit for her; I believe she sees the community as easy targets.]

    I am fascinating […]

    I am a visionary […]

    I am physically beautiful to look at [You mean, THE most beautiful physically surely, don’t you? We get it. Your worth is completely enmeshed in your physical appearance. It’s about your brand, blah blah blah. The cheesy photos you post of yourself everywhere. Enough already, where’s the substance?]'

  26. “I personally hope that your disillusionment with Teal the person will not stop you taking advantage of some of the information she teaches, because whatever its source some of it is way better than anything else I know of.”

    Justin, stuff your condescending comments down someone else’s throat please and thanks. It sounds as though you’ve been respectful toward me but I can’t help feeling that it’s a tactic you’re using to take me to your leader. The way you’ve communicated with LaVaughn in the content of your comments is identical to what I’ve seen of you with other people in TEAL’S groups and it seems quite arrogant, overall. I’ve watched you attack Yona Curtis, I believe, whilst she was sharing her shadow work process in one of the TEAL’S groups on Facebook and you came out with wildly inappropriate comments there. I’m sure you’re a well-mannered guy when you come face-to-face with someone but you strike me as someone playing slightly deranged games using your online presence. So, in TEAL-speak, that would mean you’re a good match to her then, wouldn’t it? I take it you still haven’t read through all of the comments, otherwise it would be crystal clear that I have no interest in adopting anything that Teal comes out with. If I’m interested in any of the *philosophy* she has stolen, I’ll get it directly from the source, but I’m not interested in her being the source for any information. She’s not fit to guide anyone else, she can’t even guide herself or her son FFS. You say it’s conjecture that her book is full of uncited material, but take a second look. She even uses the same wording as other authors. She’s amassed material from Abraham Hicks, Byron Katie, and several pop-psychology books/self-help authors and put it together. ‘Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "purloining and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions," and the representation of them as one's own original work.’ Or else it’s cryptomnesia. But I have no reason whatsoever to believe, based on EVERYTHING we know of her and her behaviour, thanks to research by not only others but also myself, that TEAL is some sort of holy woman with access to esoteric secrets that she pulls from the heavenly ethers. Are you seriously arguing that she’s tapped into Christ Consciousness, is enlightened, or whatever other label you’re giving her? Get a grip.

    Are you aware that Blake has admitted to sexually assaulting/molesting TEAL, "fingering" her, right as the drama was unfolding with their group crucifixion of Fallon/Jared? He has admitted it. Fallon is the one who disclosed it. I don't deny that to meet Blake one gets the impression that he's a nice guy, and even from the Shadow House episodes. But he's mixed up. They all are. And from the sounds of it, you are too.

  27. Oh God, the Russian Barbie Doll. I first heard of her through TEAL'S Facebook group when Laura Marie (not surprising...) posted a video about her and talked about how much she admired and liked her. So that gives you further indication of what women like Laura Marie deem to be worthy role models, no wonder she's trying to ride TEAL's coattails: to leech some Z-list fame from a fellow wax doll. TEAL does strike me as very similar to the Russian woman, they are both incredibly rehearsed, socially awkward and inappropriate, robotic really. Good call, Bianca, the comparison is spot on.

  28. I have to agree with both of you on the beauty of African women and the absurdity of TEAL's claims that she had to be made white to appeal to the masses. I challenge anyone to say that TEAL is more attractive than any of these women...

    Joelle Kayambe - http://africandamu.wordpress.com/2011/10/23/joelle-kayembe/

    Liya Kebede - http://ivyprosper.wordpress.com/2013/03/28/inspiring-woman-liya-kbede/

    Sara Nuru - http://nuruthelight.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/sara-nuru.html

    Agbani Darego - http://youthng.com/agbani-to-host-international-fashion-week/

    When I isolate even one of the issues raised about TEAL at any given time, that, for me, is enough to see how corrupt she is and that she's a deeply wounded and troubled woman. And yet, with all of these facts collected together, some people are still arguing that she's of sound mind. She says she had to be designed white by a council of Arcturians in order to influence the planet, coupled with making cruel racist comments in Shadow House, and that isn't enough for it to sink into people's minds that she's a bigot?

  29. About Cameron and Blake:

    I remember that as well and it struck me as extremely odd. What happened is that when Blake met Cameron he was attracted to her immediately. However, when TEAL met Cameron in Santa Barbara she told Blake immediately that she knew there would be a problem between them, that she couldn't be in the same room as her. This was just prior to the Santa Barbara workshop... sound at all like a divine spiritual teacher to you? No, me either.

    When Cameron moved into the house with all of them - Blake, Fallon, TEAL, Flavia, Graciela, Justin O., Mark, Winter - the sparks between Cameron and Blake were strengthened and that's when TEAL began warning him.

    It's fairly obvious that this was a case of the alpha-female wanting to take down another alpha-female by any means necessary. Knowing the Blake would willingly submit to her, she planted the seed by telling him that Cameron was like his mother and that she was very bad news. She said this around the table, on camera, in front of Cameron, i.e. discussed that she was a bad choice of woman for Blake. It's true that Blake was showing Cameron a lot of attention prior to this and it was obvious that the two of them had grown close. He would often stroke her arm, she would turn to him when Fallon and TEAL were slinging insults at her in the name of shadow work, and he just generally seemed to be a supportive figure for her amid all of the mud slinging.

    Over time, TEAL'S attacks became more severe. There were around three episodes in total - correct me if I'm wrong if anyone else remembers better - that were several hours in length (LaVaughn, the shows are usually around 3-3.5 hours each) in which Cameron was the target for TEAL and Fallon. I believe TEAL'S influence is what spurred Fallon on. There were times when she would push him to read what he'd written verbatim; when he was hesitant to call her a "stupid bitch", it was TEAL sitting beside him telling him to say it.

    Also true that I remember Blake suddenly no longer sat next to Cameron, and instead pulled up a stool next to TEAL. For two or three episodes, TEAL sat at the head of the table with Fallon on one side and Blake on the other, both men comforting her as she cried while explaining how Cameron was systematically bullying and massacring her. She used a similar tactic to the one she's using in her blog to deflect people from the real issues being raised in LaVaughn's articles: she went into hysterics, crying and reiterating her past abuse stories, how Cameron was triggering her constantly and how she couldn't stop seizuring each day (this was Cameron's fault, she claimed), saying Cameron was doing this purposely. This gave her permission by the public to slander Cameron, and the public began egging TEAL on and contributing to the witch hunt of Cameron. Really sick and twisted stuff to witness, I have to say. I've never seen anything like it.

    The way the public began contributing to Cameron's attack was disturbing, to say the least. I've said it before, but will again, that she is an incredibly strong woman with strong convictions and I admire the grace she handled the situation with. She never responded by stooping to their level, she kept her head high and simply addressed that she felt she was being unfairly attacked, that she was confused by their reaction toward her, and that she wanted to understand in an effort to help heal the situation as she cared about them. But rather than addressing it as adults, they simply kept whittling her down until she would admit that she was abusing TEAL. She wouldn't give in. Most people would have been in tatters had they been in her shoes.

    From a purely psychological vantage point, TEAL is one of the most interesting case studies I've ever come across. She's a minefield for analysis.

  30. Another thing I've just noticed when logging into Facebook: there are two women TEAL is connected with that look almost like spitting images of her and she comments on their photos telling them how striking they are. One of them is the girl that assisted her in the Energy Healing 101 video, the other is a new person, I don't think she knows her personally. It's not that she's complimenting their photos that's strange, it's the fact that it appears to be designated mainly to women that share her resemblance (to the point where others comment that they thought it was TEAL, and one of them is jokingly referred to as her twin), which strikes me as deeply narcissistic.

  31. Have a listen to Lilou Mace :clean ups need in spirituality

    she puts it beautifully


  32. LaVaughn "Fallon-Finger Thingy"

    I don't doubt that you saw this "email" and I can't possibly know if that incident ever happened and what exactly the nature of this "email" is. Frankly... this is a layer which I don't want to touch at all. True or not true - both versions are the result of the action of a sick mind, just crafted by different identities Fallon or Blake. I dont think it should get any more fuel as its origin can't be proven.

    dava-sparrow "Blake Cameron Love Story"
    I find your articles very interesting and analytical. I just cant understand that Cameron - superbravewoman thing. Cameron was for sure singled out because of the danger to loose control over Blake. She also never showed that groupie behavior like all the others. So it is fair to say that she seemed very grounded and stood her ground in every way during the pack attack. However she isn't that innocent as she is painted here and had some strange attitude and behavior issues as well. The only thing that made her different: she was never shy so speak her mind when she would disagree with Teal. But she had some concerning ice princess qualities (aka Teal) as well.


    Teal uses that very famous method of making people feel special. All her community members are special because they are this and that, her lovers are all some kind of incarnated old travel souls etc. It is "logical" that Blake (Blake and Teal are one) will only be allowed to have a woman who adores Teal as well. Everything else, Teal will fight. For sure the future bride will be not a pretty one ( ; . Blake doesn't seem to be free, he appears to me like a lovely hippy, brother, friend, business person and longterm lover in the parking slot. Blake is very "likable" and balances out Teal's "cold" vibe to the online public - so a very important part of the Brand TEAL. I feel that he is very authentic, he certainly has this community vision and "hey let's love and be free" intention. However, he appears to ME very much controlled by Teal in any way. But he also gives her great stability and was key figure in her freeing process. I do believe that this is a big co-dependency between both of them.

    I observed Graciellas career with a lot of interest. At the beginning of shadow house, she was the silent one, nobody really knew how to deal with her, ignored her,Teal sometimes gave "the boring one" attention but was mainly focused on Fallon, and the other girls. At some point ( i still can't figure out when) Graciella became her left hand and suddenly she was showered with "oh you have that amazing qualities" etc. At the same time, the other one threw a tantrum for being jealous in regards to that relationship. This is the typical circus you see around "masters, leaders and self claimed leaders) …their top followers start to fight for the attention and egos are getting bigger and bigger. wars.

    Sorry my thinking is jumping all over the place

    I do think that it was a bad idea of Fallon to bring in the fans to live with or around her. That group dynamic is scary and did something very strange to Teal and TEAL. But it was certainly the next needed step in the projected career.

    I do believe that Teal had and still has good intentions, some great insights etc (I do not talk about her career-famous-me bladibla) …. but it is all now a mischimaschi stuff full with drama of ego. Her great ideas are mixed with a bunch of personal bullshit and she doesn't live her teachings. Now, considering that Teal herself provided the best excuse and explanation for that with her "I destroy the perfect leader image"…. it brings it to a whole new level of misty, unclear directions and it confuses the hell out of me. Good day.

  33. With regards to the fingering incident, I've read the admission of guilt email from Blake and having corresponded with him several times, I can say that it was absolutely written in his voice, same style as all the emails I've received from him, and I've no doubt about the validity of that. The person who emailed him, as well as LaVaughn, have nothing to gain by confirming that Blake admitted to doing it. I also 100% trust that LaVaughn would not make up having seen the email first hand. I also believe that Fallon was being genuine when he posted it publicly, as well as admitting that he's heartbroken that he's still paying her mortgage.

    Whether Cameron is an "ice queen" or not is debatable. We all saw her in one of the most humiliating and scathing circumstances a person could be in, the prey of group attack. If she was cold and switched off, I have no qualms about giving that to her, I too would have been incredibly defensive in that situation, as I'm sure most people would be. Not to mention the fact that she was live on camera when she didn't want to be, and tried to express this repeatedly. People are often not themselves on camera. She's not an actress, she was just herself and at that time happened to be visibly uncomfortable about what was happening, both when eyes weren't on her, and then obviously when the focus was on what a piece of shit she was. The subject here isn't about fault-finding in Cameron anyway, so I think that whole issue is irrelevant. None of us are perfect, nor should we purport to be. I don't particularly feel comfortable with this turning into a dialogue that involves nit picking at her as she's been through enough already at the hands of TEAL assholes.

  34. I do agree, It shouldn't be nit picking at her. I am sorry you feel that way. I just felt the need to balance that single focus on Poor-Cameron-Hero thingy

  35. Also on the Cameron front: she took care of things no one else would. She was happy to take care of Winter if/when allowed to. She explained on the air that she went there with the intention of getting shit done, that she's well-organized and ready to work for a cause she believed in. Others that have met her, and I've spoken to quite a few, have all said nothing but nice things about her, that she's a lovely, warm girl. Those people stood by her when TEAL attempted to take her apart publicly rather than siding solely with TEAL (though they are mostly still followers of hers). So that says a lot about Cameron's character, I believe. The "ice queen" thing, I believe, is just a product of how she presented herself whilst under attack and trying not to have a meltdown.

    Someone talked about volunteering with Teal Eye and I can vouch with all that was said as I also volunteered with them, or at least was asked to and attempted to follow through with the tasks given. Blake is clearly over worked, doing TEAL work full-time in addition to working a regular job outside of the house, but it was honestly the most disorganized thing I've ever been part of. Blake never replies to emails, he doesn't give any instruction, he's more or less non-responsive. Others have commented to me that they have to harass him to get a response. Nothing ever got done, though there were people willing to put the time and effort in.

    Given what I saw of their company, there's absolutely no way they will pull it together in order to bring forth the visions they have, or purport to have, in terms of policy change and so on. They seem to be out of touch with reality completely. But, see, it's working because all they had to do was tell their followers the vision and automatically by virtue of their collective belief they all celebrate that it will be done. The fundamental problem is that there needs to be proper action, proper skill and resources to bring about these ideals and they simply don't have it. I know a lot of what they're doing behind the scenes and the focus is skewed. Simply put, of course they're lovely desires to have, but TEAL and Blake are in fantasy land. They don't currently have the skill or resources or even the knowledge to implement any of it.

    I believe the focus now is purely on branding TEAL and continuing to hammer away at getting her fame and fortune. Again, out of touch with reality. She's such a brilliant writer that months on and no publisher will even touch her book. I've heard from big named blogs who say they were approached to publish TEAL's articles and they won't touch them either.

  36. *collective belief in Law of Attraction, is what I meant to write above.

    No worries, justathought. We're all entitled to have our say, I just wanted to offer mine. That girl has already taken quite a beating and I don't think TEAL deserves to benefit from it any more.

  37. I thought that what was done to Cameron on Shadow House was clearly TEAL's attempt at DAMAGE CONTROL. It was clearly a calculated move on TEAL's part to publicly discredit and humiliate Cameron so that she could not speak out publicly against TEAL without knowing that she would be met with extreme opposition from TEAL's fans. From what I can see TEAL's little power play worked like a charm. TEAL is a "master chess player" and it appears that Cameron was successfully berated into silence. Can you imagine the kind of inside information Cameron could have revealed after actually being INSIDE THE HIVE?!! The mind boggles... I honestly don't blame Cameron for keeping her mouth shut... Just look at the comments from people like justathought... (a former Tealer??) That is bad enough, but it's relatively tame compared to the hate that was being spewed at Cameron in the comments after Shadow House. I agree with Dava that TEAL is a minefield of analysis. In my opinion TEAL deserves the title "ICE QUEEN" as she is truly one of the coldest, most manipulative, and calculating people I have ever seen. She is seriously treading on sociopathic in my book...

  38. Kevin thanks for all the infos! i m looking for the famous video of shadow house with Cameron but unfortunately cant find it! would you please help me!

  39. @Kevin: I am a bit amused about your perception of my comment. It must be the twisted english or a really bad choice of words on my side... I can't follow you. That "poor-Cameron-hero-perception" .... isn't really grounded anymore. Too much of the one thing. No balance. This here turns out to be the opposite. Don't you dare to say a critical word about C..."you tame hater, you" ( : Sorry you lost me there.

    To answer your indirect question: I was never a Tealer or part of her army (I hate that word and that whole stupid concept she brought up). I found her videos a year ago and truly enjoyed her way of seeing life. I just lost the plot when the private blog and all the drama started and my perception of her changed a lot since then. That's all. Good day.

  40. Hi LaVaughn?

    Why are you so obsessed with Teal?
    Do you want a piece of her fame?
    If you do, then I feel very sorry for you.

    It is very funny, in your last blog you told me you don't hate Teal. No you are a self-proclaimed Teal hater. What changes you? Strange. You must be in a lot of pain. I feel sorry for you.

    How does it feel to be Teal's shadow? Not to have your own identity.
    You can only be as famous as Teal's shadow. That's like taking breadcrumbs that fall from the bread. You never get the bread, but only the crumbs.

    It must be so painful to make fame by scrutinizing Teal's works, full time, and thinking you make a name of yourself. While actually you impact nothing.

    If you want to be famous yourself, STOP OBSESSING someone else. Make your own beautiful works, and STOP TALKING ABOUT TEAL. I am sick of it. You are the only person who are OBSESSED of TEAL.
    No one, not even Teal followers spend time of Teal as much as YOU DO. It's a prove that LAVAUGHN IS NUMBER ONE TEAL'S FOLLOWER.


  41. Geez, Linda. Again with the assumptions and sad attempt at mind-reading. If you have any aspirations towards psychic work, all I can say is, don't quit your day job. You're not good at it. You know nothing of my motivations, which is particularly odd because I've stated them quite plainly. You got a reading comprehension problem?

    "You are the only person who are OBSESSED of TEAL."

    Have you looked at the comments? I wouldn't say that ANY of us are obsessed, except maybe you, but a whole lot of people other than myself have had a whole lot to say on the matter.

  42. Well, at least that comment posted. I've tried to post several times today only to have the comments eaten by blogger. I took it as a signal from universe that maybe I needed to give what I was saying a little more consideration. So I hope to post something a little more thoughtful later.

  43. I'm interested to explore why exactly Teal has such a "Teal spell" on people. I guess I'm interested because I felt kind of under it slightly myself a while back (not at all any more). It seemed like perhaps...just perhaps she was speaking directly to me (which is often a characteristic of a good orator). Or that we were somehow aligned but also complimentary and oppositional, or that her ultimate purpose was good and future bright, etc. She's just confused, right? And can be fixed, right? But what amazes me is that so many people under her sway don't mind that her story doesn't seem to add up. That's some influence. I wouldn't put up with a friend who's story didn't add up. I would demand honesty, and I would start any new relationship based on honesty. Why is this? Do people want to have the title of "disciple" to boost their egos? Are people so desperate to align with a guru? Are people just desperate? Are people looking for a spiritual authority figure? A klan to cozy up to and feel safe? An underdog to root for? Its all pretty disturbing when you read the fine print, and there's a lot of darkness there and unhealthiness. Not just obscurantism over satanism...which is really really dark stuff and not resolved at all for any followers, and fear. Anyhoo, that's the best I can try to understand the "Teal spell."

  44. It just seemed there was some synchronicity for a brief bit between me and Teal. I didn't know what it meant. But I don't understand the Tealist ragers. Why the rage? Its truly cult like.

  45. Mark, I don't understand the people who don't care if her story is true and I don't understand people who think her lack of credentials don't matter. My husband and I were discussing this earlier and that it seems to be a new trend -- part and parcel of the anti-intellectualism of the Bush era. The contempt for pointy-headed intellectuals with their "facts" and their "knowing stuff." I still can't get over that woman who thinks I'm jealous because I had to study with people and TEAL just pulls everything from the universe because she's got the inside track or some shit. It's all about "truthiness." It FEELS true so who cares if it IS true.

    This is the currency of charismatic leaders. They don't want you to think. It's the stuff on which both cults and totalitarian governments have been built.

    "[A] certain quality of an individual personality, by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. These are such as are not accessible to the ordinary person, but are regarded as of divine origin or as exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual concerned is treated as a leader..." ~ Max Weber

  46. You know, I have never heard anyone admit that they are jealous of teal... she's sexy, she has charisma, she's smart, she's talented, her ex lovers still worship the ground she walks on, she's famously popular on youtube and with her blog and there are NO women (or even men for that matter) who are jealous of her???

    Well, let me be the first to admit it then. I am jealous of TEAL. I hate having to say that because I do not like flattering someone who already is so conceited it's unfuckingbelievable, but there it is anyway.

    I'm not really sure exactly what it is I am jealous of... I would certainly not want to be living in Utah with even one of my exes, let alone two of them (that's why they are exes!) Nor do I have any interest whatsoever in having a bunch of groupies hanging around me all the time kissing my ass, cleaning my house, drawing my bath... I prefer cleaning my own house and drawing my own bath thank you very much. And nothing annoys me more than an ass kisser!! So I just don't get it. Maybe she feeds off other people's jealousy, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if that was part of the 'Teal spell'.

    Whatever, I sure would like to be done with her the same way I would be done with anybody else whose videos and written words had nothing to offer that I didn't already know. For sure I would have hit the road after the first shadow house I watched... if it wasn't for my jealousy. And of course, my 'morbid curiosity' to see how much more of a spectacular fool she will show herself to be.

    I'm sure I'll work it out eventually but in the meantime I would like to add that I think the ones who screech "you're just jealous!" to anyone who offers criticism of teal's behavior or 'teaching methods' are probably jealous themselves but are pretending not to be, and I think that's what keeps them from questioning Teal's true agenda.

  47. Dava,

    Your take on the whole Cameron situation was also my perspective. After interacting with Blake as well as watching Shadow House and all the rest, my conclusion is that he is a very well meaning but naive person, who believes what Teal says and is doing his best to make it into a reality. I suspect he may be doing so out of his unrequited love for Teal, which she decided to broadcast to the world recently.

    Dava, if you too volunteered for them, I would love to know if you met with Teal in person or online, and what she said to you (if you want to share). She told me that we had a 'soul agreement'. That was a tactic I found to be very suspect at the time, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. She told me a few other things about my life, but nothing she could not have learned from speaking with Fallon beforehand. Ultimately I am glad I volunteered, because it was partly my personal interaction with her and her team that let my doubts about Teal outweigh my willingness to give her the benefit of the doubt. I have learnt a lot from the experience.

  48. Mark, I noticed the synchronicity between my life and aspects of Teal's messages for a while as well. I don't think that's necessarily down to her as a teacher - I have also found synchronicities with certain lyrics in songs I hear, or books I read or films I watch. If a certain idea, expressed through information I consume, works for me in some way, I try it out. IMHO the important thing is to abandon ideas that no longer work, and to not get attached to the source of the information. I think Teal's primary manipulation technique is to say that you shouldn't become attached to her (be your own guru) but at the same time, indirectly encouraging you to attach to her.

    I think she indirectly encourages people to attach to her with a variety of techniques. She proclaims herself a leader of the new age, who leads a company aimed at solving the world's problems (if you want to change the world, you better align with her), she claims those that are interested in her are at the 'cutting edge' (you're special), she claims to be in a high vibration and if you are interested in her, due to the LOA you too must be of a high vibration (by that logic if you are no longer interested in her, you must be of 'low vibration'). Then there's the whole Arcturian deal (she is from a more evolved society, therefore she must know more than us) and her 'magic powers' (she has all of these powers to see what I can't, therefore she must know more than us). She states that the term Tealer originated from her 'followers' or 'fans' (I think all of these terms promote attachment), but I suspect this is not the case given her stated desire for fame.

    My interest in Teal was sustained as many of the ideas she shared did resonate and did work for me, but through my previous study I was aware that they were not ideas that originated with her. At the same time, I thought a lot of what she said was utter nonsense. I did mistakenly think that the processes she used (which she calls her processes most of the time) DID originate with her, but now I know that's not true.

    I think the quality of discussion on this blog, compared with Teal's forums and blogs indicates that the majority of people who take an interest in Teal are very attached to Teal as a leader. From the discussions I have observed on Teal's forums and blogs, it is apparent that many people who are interested in Teal feel like outsiders. Teal's 'alien' status offers some reassurance to people who feel alienated that the reason they don't belong is because they are not actually from here (read: better than human). This issue is another instance where Teal says on thing (focus on your human life) but then proceeds to tell anyone who asks they are a soul fork, braid - whatever, while continually reminding her audience of her 'Arcturian heritage'.

    I am still unsure whether Teal is deliberately manipulating people or not. I think it's probable that she believes everything that she's saying, that she's 'created a reality' for herself that is preferable for her to her true story. She may have read widely in an attempt to 'fix herself'. When she came across the LOA stuff it then gave her license to re-write her story. Given the unbalanced mental state she frequently displays, I have no doubt she has trauma in her past. Perhaps she liked the idea of overcoming all obstacles to achieve success, and unsuccessfully attempted to create a 'happy ending' with her modelling and athletic careers. They didn't work out, so she's directing her energies to becoming a successful and famous spiritual teacher. She has admitted to having borderline personality disorder and a lot of her behaviour reflects that.

  49. What I do know, as has been stated here, is that Teal carefully controls what information about herself to be in the public sphere. I noted recently that both videos she made about the Teal Eye organisation have now disappeared from her channel. Interesting.

    Don't even get me started on that ego and humility post. The "I am a brilliant writer" was particularly amusing, coming from someone who frequently writes 'loose' instead of 'lose', amongst other spelling and grammatical errors. That list was a very interesting insight into her inflated opinion of herself, probably based on the idea that if Teal thinks it, so it is.

    In her latest blog she's saying that she's being victimised by society for being a mother - stating that she will be judged for being a stay-at-home mother and is judged for being a 'career woman'. She spends a lot of time focused on the perception others have of her. I will briefly say that in my opinion, the assertions she makes about how society regards mothers is incorrect. To me, this blog post is another example of Teal playing the victim card in an attempt to justify her choices. Perhaps when she gets negative feedback from her ex husband, son and inner circle of friends the blog is a good sounding board for her, where she knows she will receive support for her perspective.

    zigzagbuddha - I can understand your statement about jealousy, but IMHO most of what she appears to have is likely to fade over time. Her looks will certainly fade, I am confident that when/if she enters the mainstream she will be discredited and so her popularity will fade. Her relationships with men are nothing to be envious of, and IMHO her charisma is a result of her delusions of grandeur and possibly an attempt to cover up deeper feelings of unworthiness and victimhood.

  50. Thismeanderingpath, Did she actually say she was a borderline? Was she diagnosed? Because it would explain a lot. Do you have a link to that because I'd be curious?

    BPD is a nightmare diagnosis. A lot of therapists won't even work with borderlines because they're so untreatable.

    And kudos on everything you've written here -- very insightful, I think.

  51. Zigzagbuddha, you're funny. And I can see why people would be jealous of TEAL. She's pretty and she works hard to make it look like she's livin' the life. I can honestly say that I am not. I find her unctuous and I don't thinks she's attractive. There far more ordinary looking women who I think are more attractive and appealing, mainly because they don't work so hard at being attractive. Her attractiveness is so mechanistic -- "make-up pretty" is how one person described her. Nothing about her life or accomplishments interests me. It's just so much drama, with all the divorces and ex-boyfriends still hanging around. I would find that to be a nightmare. I require a good deal more normalcy and stability. She's manufactured a kind of success for herself, but it's illusory and her work itself is puerile. There's just nothing she conveys that I would want.

  52. thismeanderingpath - excellent points. I agree with you. I'm also unsure of whether TEAL is calculating all of this or whether it's the product of profound delusion. Her blog does indeed seem to be a sounding board for quite a sad woman to get support when faced with criticism. She writes about the difficulty she's facing and spins it into a piece to elevate herself above the criticism, explaining why X or Y is wrong from an elevated spiritual perspective when it's in fact not that at all but simply a justification for why everyone else is wrong and she's right. And the following she's amassed reach out to her in droves to tell her they love and support her, thus feeding the behaviour. And so it continues.

    I noticed that after her divorce was made public this began becoming a regular occurrence. People who follow her as a teacher are typically expressing their sorrow for what she's facing, consoling her, and there's a definite sense from everyone that she's a victim who needs support. She's certainly not uplifting them. It's a ploy to gain the emotional support she craves, to ease her feeling of alienation, something she has discussed openly in Shadow House. I remember her saying she has never felt like she belonged anywhere. Through her new found career, she has finally gained the acceptance she's always wanted. It's quite sad really.

    And so others who also feel alienated gravitate toward her, consoling her has become an indirect way to console themselves.

    As to being jealous of her, that also doesn't apply to me. She's a pretty woman indeed but she is incredibly sad, incredibly gauche, and deeply wounded in a way I would never want for myself. Her personal life is in tatters. The woman has volunteers to assist her with daily living tasks, people she calls upon to pick up her son, do her laundry (because, as she said, she's still too traumatized to go near a washing machine due to past abuse situations), she relies on her sexuality to prove her worth to herself and others. In fact, she used sex with Fallon to get what she wanted and admitted this during Shadow House repeatedly. He was devastated when she admitted that she had sex with him whenever he did something nice for her, as a form of payment, because that's all she knew to do with men. She isn't herself at all, she's playing various roles to gain acceptance and affection from others. I see her as a lost little girl in a woman's body really. Even when she travelled to London for a few days, she began speaking in a British accent, an effort to fit in and be accepted. She's now started writing using some British English words rather than her typically American, likely mimicking her new husband; "whilst" and so on. She's not the sophisticated businesswoman she would lead her followers to believe at all.

    I'm attracted to people who are truly themselves, not acting a part, who are confident, graceful, and grounded, as well as naturally beautiful. The photos of her wearing pagan capes and looking into mirrors eerily, the strange promotional video that LaVaugn posted in this article, don't do it for me. It's like an SNL parody of a new age person, not authentic whatsoever. Though I'd have no trouble admitting jealousy if it were the case.

    They've removed the Teal Eye promotional videos that discuss their vision for world change because they've adopted a new business model. As TEAL said, no longer will all of the money be funded into the non-profit as she is now using the money to pay her bills, pay her volunteers/employees, and so on. So the whole thing has backfired.

  53. *no longer will all of the money be funnelled... really must start taking the time to edit before posting, sorry!

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Hi LaVaughn,

    I am trying to remember where I heard Teal say she was borderline, it may have been in one of her many interviews. Sorry I can't be more specific. I remember she said that both her and Fallon were BPD (this was while they were still together) and that they were seeing a therapist individually.

    My father has BPD (which is the reason her revelation of her diagnosis stayed with me), so I understand it well - it was certainly a nightmare to be the daughter of a person with untreated BPD!

    There is a lot of bad press about BPD and from what I understand even psychologists stigmatise people with this diagnosis, refusing to treat them, as you mentioned. There is however a significant amount of evidence to suggest that dialectical behaviour therapy can be very effective in BPD cases. Just thought I'd throw that in there in case anyone with that diagnosis is reading - there is help available and there is hope.

  56. Also, regarding her latest post about the struggles of being a woman, I know many women who are wives/mothers and work, or stay-at-home mothers, and I don't know of anyone who has issues with criticism against their chosen paths, myself included. It sounds like bollocks yet again. As far as my experience goes, people support women who choose to stay home with their children, and equally support them if they choose to go back to work - it's an individual choice based on a plethora of reasons really and I think we're civilized enough to understand it's not a black or white issue. It sounds like an outdated perspective, as far as I'm concerned, or at least a very minimal issue as compared to in the past. I'm just saying that I, personally, haven't come across the dramatic backlash she's claiming of herself and it just sounds to me like another meagre attempt at drumming up support for her own innate guilt rather than an actual real world issue. I suspect she creates this drama in her head and looks for external signs to support it, even where there aren't any, or else pretends she can read other's thoughts/minds with her "powers" and claims that so-and-so have this issue with her, then puts it together in an article framed as a universal issue which her followers don't test against their critical thinking and personal experience, thus gobbling it up with the rest of TEAL's rubbish. For someone who so staunchly preaches against victim mentality, I've yet to find someone who basks in playing the victim card more than TEAL. She seems to enjoy it. It's unnerving how conflicted and contradictory she is. Everyone - the entire world - is out to get her and she's making damn sure the public knows all about it. Very, very sad.

    When Shadow House and her personal status updates on Facebook were regular, I was shocked at how unhappy she is on a daily basis. It seems she is unable to be at ease for longer than a few moments, or longer than the honeymoon period with the new man in her life passes. When the lust settles between her and Sarbdeep, I've no doubt whatsoever she will spiral back into the depths of despair she was in before as she isn't actually facing any of her issues, nor does she allow anyone to stay in her life who tells her that she needs to sort herself out. She just kicks them out of her life, alienates herself even further. Until all that surrounds her are a flock of sheep who enable her to continue on this chaotic path she calls a life, blowing smoke up her ass every chance they get, backing up her claims of magical powers and so on.

  57. I remember her mentioning her BPD diagnosis as well, in addition to other things, but also struggling to remember where it was... I remember her saying something about it in the midst of a hysterical crying and shouting episode on Shadow House, I think.

    I was involved in work with a dialectical therapy study for people with BPD, which is effective for them. I think it's a massively misunderstood condition but there's hope.

  58. Thank you thismeanderingpath for this summary. Deep.

  59. I know I mentioned elsewhere that BPD would explain a lot of her behavior -- the inability to be alone, the serial monogamy, the rages, the emotional meltdowns she calls seizures, the devaluing cycles, the extreme sensitivity and feeling no boundaries... I don't think Fallon should be diagnosed by anyone until he's well clear of her. He's taken on way too much of her stuff as his own. It would be very unclear who's being diagnosed.

  60. Thismeanderingpath wrote - "Your take on the whole Cameron situation was also my perspective. After interacting with Blake as well as watching Shadow House and all the rest, my conclusion is that he is a very well meaning but naive person, who believes what Teal says and is doing his best to make it into a reality. I suspect he may be doing so out of his unrequited love for Teal, which she decided to broadcast to the world recently."

    I agree with you about Blake. He once celebrated a story her read about a guy who finally got the girl he'd loved for many years, but it was clear that he was vicariously living through the story. But then again, we don't really need any proof for his feelings about TEAL, she wrote all about it in great detail in her blog. I think she uses his affection to advantage, whether consciously or not I don't know, but it's pretty clear that she has internalized her abusers ways and though subtle they are still apparent in her behaviour. I think he's well-meaning but naive and is probably so desperately in love with her that he's in denial about all of it at the moment. But he seems like a fairly intelligent guy and I hold hope that something, hopefully nothing too extreme, will suddenly shake him awake. I find it so sad to watch them together, the obvious yearning he has for her whilst she looks upon him like a brother. I really do hope for the best for him. He's more brainwashed than anyone else in the TEAL ARMY, having given up his entire life and chances at romantic relationships for HRH.

  61. Dava, I probably should also proof read my comments as there are many errors, but I probably won't as my time is limited (and y'know I 'aint claiming to be a 'brilliant writer')! ;)

    I wanted to mention that it's not only the original Teal Eye vid that has been deleted from her channel, but also the update video (which she references in her blog post entitled "I Changed My Mind") where she explains that she and her workers would be paid after all.

    I hope Teal gets the help she needs. I would love to see things go well for her, but to state the obvious, I don't think she's anywhere near ready for the kind of fame she is seeking and the level of criticism that will inevitably come with it. As she so often proclaims, she has some very radical ideas, and I have doubts as to whether she would have the level of stability required to handle the controversy she will raise if she begins to share these ideas in the mainstream media. Not to mention all of the negative consequences fame can bring.

  62. Thismeanderingpath - "Dava, if you too volunteered for them, I would love to know if you met with Teal in person or online, and what she said to you (if you want to share). She told me that we had a 'soul agreement'. That was a tactic I found to be very suspect at the time, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. She told me a few other things about my life, but nothing she could not have learned from speaking with Fallon beforehand. Ultimately I am glad I volunteered, because it was partly my personal interaction with her and her team that let my doubts about Teal outweigh my willingness to give her the benefit of the doubt. I have learnt a lot from the experience."

    She has told me things about our connection similar to what she told you, yes. I don't want to go into detail publicly but perhaps we can find a way to discuss privately? She told me the soul agreement thing, too, yes. And much more. I also found it suspect. at the time but I let it go. Then I met several other people who approached her with questions about their soul origins, their connection to her, and so on. I found that every single person was told they were "special" in one way or another, whether they were soul forks, or starseeds from Arcturus or the Pleiades, or incarnations of great people, or whatever. She told Justin Samuel Olaguer, one the the people who lives in Utah to serve her, that he was the reincarnation of one of Shirdi Sai Baba's disciples and servants, that he was one of the people who lived in close quarters with Shirdi Sai and so on. This is significant because TEAL says that she is the incarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba. So, she effectively convinced Justin that they had been brought back together and subtly implied that it was his duty to serve her. And look at him now.

    I would be very interested in a few people contacting her to ask questions about their connection to her, their soul origins and so on, and to find out the response. My money is on the fact that every single one of them would be told they're special in one way or another, and that they are connected to her from past incarnations. She has said this about entire rooms of people at workshops, London included, that she has been reunited with her soul family and they all had contracts to come back into her presence in this lifetime. This is followed by her kissing her hands and blowing kisses out to the audience, so awkwardly done and rehearsed that it makes my skin crawl.

    If this isn't further proof for her positioning herself as a leader to be worshipped and that she is to be viewed as above everyone else in the hierarchy, given that everyone is being brought together to benefit from her presence in this life, I don't know what is.

  63. I know there are new therapies for borderlines, but I'm sorry, a borderline is not someone I'd ever follow as a spiritual leader. No wonder her followers are on an emotional roller coaster. I don't know any therapist who wants to work with them.

    My father was a substance abuse counselor, CAC. He told me this story about when he was at a conference. Some prominent person in the field gave a great talk that everyone enjoyed and as he neared the end he said, "And now I'd like to talk about treating borderlines... I'd like to but as you can see we're out of time." This was followed by much laughter. He was, by my father's account, a very witty guy. But borderlines are highly prone to addiction and no one wants to deal with them in that arena, either.

  64. Just for the record, it is not Teal herself that rubs my 'jealousy nerve'... I am smart, attractive, talented, blah blah blah, too, even at 60 something. It is her popularity that irritates me so much, and I don't even want it for myself - I prefer my privacy and the comfort and fun of a loving family along with a few interesting friends, so it's a bit confusing to me and doesn't feel good at all.

    Expressing it here was an attempt to 'get it out of my system'... like puking after a few too many alcoholic beverages. Sorry for the vomit all over the floor, hahahaha!

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  66. Lavaughn, thanks for another interesting blog and informative conversation. I've read all the comments, but refrained from joining in as I feel I have little more to add than my original post regarding Jason Freedman. Except now I want to say thanks again for sharing your thoughts here. I spent a couple years feeling that I was the only one out there who questioned this nonsense, and as I saw more people buying into it, felt that it was just sad that no one had the intellect to say 'wtf?'.

    Thanks for a great blog. I'll be checking back often. :)

  67. I concur with the comments about borderline here. I wish I remembered more about what I read up on it, but there are some neat short vids on youtube on it. I once dated a borderline woman once, and it was scary. She latched on right away and started talking about marriage, but with anger below the surface. She had been raped too. Its like they play with their therapists too. And are on a continual emotional roller coaster. I don't think Teal, like most of us, falls into one neat DSM category. But borderline does seem to fit the most. I can't believe what still...still continues to surface on this blog. Phobia of washers and dryers? Wow. So far I've gathered she's admitted to having DID and BPD. But I wonder if she made these diagnoses herself. I haven't heard anything about her pursuing treatment. It sounds like some meds might be in order. But instead she's followed a kind of Ken Keseyian rebellion against psychiatry and insisted her reality was OK. Maybe parts of it are. But there's still a lot of pathos there that she seems to gloss over, eh? Come back and join the mortals Teal. That's the only way you'll ever find peace. Look at all these wonderful people concerned about you. Help people for real. Stop the insanity. In your gut, somewhere, you must still know it isn't right. Something is amiss. That's why we are here. Maybe we are just muggles, just ordinary humans trying to make sense of things, but we matter too. Don't be afraid of change, or of admitting fault. You probably ran into some hideous people in the course of your life. I have too. I struggled with rage for a long time. Just morph it into love, and become who you were really meant to be. Admit your faults and never give up. Get out of this hole you have dug yourself in. Its beneath you. Grow up. Admit when you are wrong. Admit you still, and will always have to improve yourself. You are like a spiritual stunt woman and it won't last. Bring more order to your perception of the world and phenomena. Do not be sad or angry or ill in this life. Open your mind. Be brave.

  68. Dava, regarding her working mother post, I skimmed it. Honestly, I think she's responding to the concerns raised in these comment threads. She even addresses the whole thing about Winter maybe needing a little more attention from his mother, only she puts the question on some nameless women emailing her after a radio show instead of on our discussion about how Blake's concerns never got answered.

    In fairness to her, working mothers have it rough in this country. No, I don't buy that she got a lot of negative feedback when she got pregnant -- from athletes maybe, from new age folks, huh? I think women get a lot more flack in general for letting their biological clocks tick out. I did until I got pregnant. It wasn't nasty or critical. Just a lot of, don't you ever want to have children? It's the most wonderful thing in the world. True, as it turns out.

    But we aren't set up for working motherhood in this country. Childcare options suck. The school day doesn't jibe with most work schedules. And it's still all on women. If you WANT to work, you have to figure out how to make it work. You don't hear a lot about how men balance parenting and work. Only women. So she's not entirely wrong. Actually it's a quite unoriginal piece. And once again, it's entirely justificatory.

    People have raised some fairly legitimate questions about how much a mother who's admitted to: not being affectionate, him triggering her seizures, and the people closest to her expressing concern about how Winter needs her attention. This is her answer to these questions. All working mothers struggle in this country. I don't think it answers the questions raised.

  69. I agree with you about the difficulties of raising a child, especially in the US, LaVaughn. And you've made some very astute observations about the fact that she's likely addressing some of the issues she's not in complete denial about that were raised in these articles/comments indirectly by writing in the form of a social commentary in her blog. She admitted (and Fallon, Flavia, etc. lectured her about it) on Shadow House to being obsessed with reading negative criticism about herself on the internet so I've no doubt whatsoever that she's keeping up with the comments here on your blog regularly. (Hi, Teal.)

    Vaguely addressing issues through her blog probably feels safer to her, and also allows her to marginally confront the issues without *actually* confronting the issues whilst maintaining the upper-hand (in her mind) by not directly responding to everything in detail (which is what I believe should be done. It's overdue actually. But it's not too late, Teal.) So she's doing damage control without admitting to her followers that she's "in resistance". "Saving face". Not very honest, open, transparent of her and still seems hypocritical to me.

    Though I only skimmed her motherhood article, it seemed to me to be more focused on being criticised for being a working mother. My previous comment was speaking to the idea that people seem to respect a mother's decision, whether to work or stay home, and understand that we have to make different choices based on our individual situations. I was definitely not saying that it's easy to be a mother, whether working or not. It's very unlikely, in my opinion, that people are coming down hard on her for pursuing a career being a mother. Though when people argued with her about neglecting Winter on Shadow House she did *always* reduce the issue down to 1) working full-time on her career, a very important mission she was sent here to do and that is her top priority, 2) the fact that she can't be alone with Winter very long because he, as well as so much around her in daily life, triggers seizures, and 3) she hates being a mother. She didn't even mince words about it, she just hates it, though she loves her son. She basically needs caregivers around in case she seizes as it's obviously unsafe for her to be alone with a young child when it happens. Very sad indeed. Though I believe with the proper intervention she could become more independent, it's something she discussed wanting after her split from Fallon, but now she's sprinted to get married again and there are no signs of that happening.

  70. She hates being a mother. She really said that? Jesus. You know I've worked with a number of clients whose mothers resented being mothers but came of age in an era when it was absolutely expected of them. The damage to their children is extraordinary. And these are mothers without a whole host of psychological damage, borderline personality disorder, DID, or any other conditions she claims.

    I'm very reluctant to judge the way other women mother because, to an extent, teal is right. Women are judged to death and always come up wanting. We're just expected to be perfect. it's exhausting. But given the list of things she's actually said, on the record, there are some major issues here. Issues a family court judge could have a field day with.

    When I read that piece, it just felt to me like she was hiding behind the skirts of women who really do struggle with the challenges of finding balance in the modern world. And, yes, there are ways the feminist movement was absolutely wrong-headed in the way it went about things. By rebelling against the constraints of reducing women to mothers only, it reduced the importance of motherhood and the commitment it requires. But that's not teal's problem. Her problem, apparently, is that she hates being a mother and can't wait to pass the tasks off to everybody around her. Thank goodness her son has other caregivers but it's not going to fill the void of a mother who's right in front of him but can't stand to be in his presence for very long without having a seizure and taking to her bed. To compare that issue to that of so many women I've known and worked with who've been downright abused by bosses and husbands for not being able to meet EVERYBODY's needs insults those women, in my opinion.

    You know I wrote about some of the issues of balance women struggle with here. And I'm a brilliant writer. I'm also pretty sure I have mad star quality or some shit. But in the scenario laid out by The Giving Tree, teal is more like the boy than the tree. I wrote that piece for all the trees out there. I do so love trees.

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  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. @Glen Paterson:
    your last comment was just mean and bitter - gives me the shiver...so cold.

  74. @justahought. What would you like me to say instead?

    Go ahead Teal and have as much joy as you can at the expense of those you dispense with once you decide you've had enough?

    If you make your life public then you can only expect a public reaction and mine is just one perspective. If you're shivering then wrap yourself in a blanket.

    You can watch this video too if you like.


    At 13 minutes into this video Teal talks about the cause of the end of her 6 year marriage with Mark and their equal need for different things in life and one of Marks desires for Teal was that she take a more active role in parenting and that she be more affectionate in general. Teal admits she didn't want any of the things on Marks list.

    On that basis, I think it would be wise not to have any more children if you cannot commit to being motherly or affectionate and I cannot see what I have said that hasn't got inherent truth to it.

    Teal often says"So the answer is" and I am saying on this occasion that the answer maybe to not have anymore children if you intend following your joy, bliss while not being intent on seeing through the outcomes of your manifestation/creation.

    I think I'm doing her a favor by saying it, I'm not being passive at least and I feel what I have said is right enough. It is merely an opinion which can be taken or left.

  75. Why is Teal spokesperson for source energy but not a bunch of bloggers with an entirely different perspective from the accepted one? If we're all aspects of consciousness or source then who is to say that there is not something of value to be found here for the purpose of consciousness expansion even for Teal Swan, why is it only to be found where Teal speaks or writes. I'm suggesting she might want to listen to all arguments presented here and see if any of them might have a modicum of truth in them that she can benefit from.

  76. @Glen: By no means I am not against you voicing your opinion. I read it, I felt it and it gave me the chills…maybe because I am a young woman who still has motherhood ahead. No woman who decides to have a baby with her partner can know for sure how her experience as a mother will be. It is like jumping the cliff. Now in Teal's case, she encountered a lot of difficulties in relationship to her son and her self experience which she pointed out in many shadow house episodes and interviews and this is very upsetting to herself, her son, her family and all her followers because it is tragic and a horrible experience not be able to bond with your child. The guilt thing must be overwhelming, considering that even mothers with a fantastic bond suffer a lot of guilt. I am basing this on experiences of other women as it seems to be a common factor.

    How do you know that it is a bad thing for her son to grow up in europe? How do you know where the little boy will stay until everything is settles? I doubt that Teal will have a child very soon considering her roller coaster experience with her first child. You did not came from a well wishing place (in my eyes). You were riding the guilt ship. Sorry if that wasn't your intention.

    I am an artist myself, I am an aquarian freedom lover on top of it . I so understand what she describes as "never being bored" and "having so many new ideas" because of the strong desire to create constantly. It needs to be released otherwise you go bonkers. It is usually something you do alone in a room, zoomed out in 3D, zoomed into higher realms. I understand Teals struggle and I don't think that she doesn't care about her son. It is a constant inner conflict which she tries to solve. She needs to keep herself sane by following those impulses

    "I think you're selfish going off to Europe to follow your joy leaving your boy with multiple people in that house of yours, how selfish of you. Your boy must be confused"

    Sure the boy is confused, Teal as well. The father seems to be a great grounded person to balance it out a bit. I don't get your "selfish" approach. What makes you think that her child is not taken well care of? You know my mother was very talented and followed her dream. My father mainly raised me and I would see her here and there. Now yes I am constantly looking for mother figures in friends ( ; here you have the result BUT i prefered this way than having a total miserable mother at home who hates me because i am the obvious cause of her prison.

    Well Glen, I just can so relate to this from Teal's side and the child's side. Your previous comment was purely based on " You should be a good mum! Otherwise you are selfish.". It doesn't work that way.

  77. "Why is Teal spokesperson for source energy but not a bunch of bloggers with an entirely different perspective from the accepted one? If we're all aspects of consciousness or source then who is to say that there is not something of value to be found here for the purpose of consciousness expansion even for Teal Swan, why is it only to be found where Teal speaks or writes. I'm suggesting she might want to listen to all arguments presented here and see if any of them might have a modicum of truth in them that she can benefit from."

    If that was in relation to my "shiver" comment...Nobody thinks that. I think this place of nearly 800 comments is a gold mine of wonderful thinking, researching, questioning etc. And some of your comments I found very inspiring, some didn't work for me, like the one I was pointing out. I believe it is part of the conversation here as I am not part of an "everything-against-Teal-is-right". I feel a kind of connection to her as another struggleing human being with a purpose and think that some comments are really not fair (mu judgement). At the same time I totally dislike her branding, self proclaiming whatever stuff and the insights of this page are very eyeopening.... most of the comments and LaVaughn's approach is still very respectful which I like. Your's wasn't. The second one with the link to the video had a totally different vibe.

  78. ...and considering that my mother was very similar to Teal's life path: I am glad she gave birth to me. It was a great Teal but not picture book perfect. HOW on earth can you tell somebody else not to have a child because of xxx. It is soooo strange to me to hear that from somebody.

  79. Ha I meant to say "It was a great deal" not Teal... oh boy.

  80. I'm reposting a comment over here that was recently posted on the previous thread. I can't speak for the veracity but it rings true based on what has been verified. Stunning. Just stunning.


    Kelli Thoms said...

    I agree with LaVaughn... I too had several friends who Teal has taken for a ride... Granted, it was a learning experience that their souls apparently chose to go through, but I don't see the harm in letting their stories be a cautionary tale to others who may not want to willingly choose to allow Teal to manipulate their emotions to get what she wants and then chew them up and spit them out... Teal runs her game on nearly everyone she meets in person at her workshops... I think the ideal mark for her are single, lonely, individuals... Typically men... The occasional lesbian... The first thing Teal told my friend who was nearly 60 years old at the time and was new to spirituality was that she had been "waiting for him" when he met her in person at a workshop. My friend told me that at first, he didn't really believe he was sexually attracted to her in that way, but it felt like she was almost coming onto him with her full body hugs and manipulative whispers of "I love you" in his ear... She told him that they were lovers in several past lifetimes and that they were going to work together again in this one... She said meeting him was like reuniting a lost piece of her soul... The result.. this poor guy was soo hypnotized that he went home and cut Teal a check for a large sum of money (we're talking thousands) AS A DONATION to Teal Eye for a healing school that Teal apparently told him that he would be instrumental in helping her to start up... After one more breakfast in which Teal evaded all of his questions, and inquiring via email, and another workshop... My friend was effectively stonewalled by Teal and her crew BLAKE and FALLON... NO SCHOOL has been mentioned since... and they have ceased contact with my friend... It's your call people, but I at least think you deserve the right to make an informed decision when it comes to following and being taken in by con-artists like TEAL.

  81. @justahought

    Teal at her Santa Fe workshop suggested that she was open to having a daughter come into the world that is from the same source stream as her higher self. This was being proposed with the current knowledge of the difficulties Teal has at parenting, so you should be less critical of me.


    2:00 hours into this video.

    If you think polyamory (Teals admits to being that way inclined) is a good way to live. Also the environment in an intentional community where multiple people are probably attending to a baby's needs in addition to mom herself but she less frequently, then more people move in to Teals home then move out. The child maybe confused not knowing who is who with Blake as mommy/daddy and real daddy (Mark) comes in every so often, then Jared/fallon comes in then disappears......you get the picture?

    Listen, I didn't kickstart this discussion, Blake did in a live-stream from Teals home one time and now I have discovered it was also a concern of Marks and was part of the reason for the break up of Teals 6 year marriage.

    Okay then, it's a great idea for Teal to have a baby girl and it wouldn't be selfish.

    I feel there are too many influences in the home environment and the child needs to identify with his mother not people passing through. I'm sure the child is well taken care of but I would want him to have his mother's undivided attention regularly and then he will not be looking for mother figures like you feel you look for to this day. It's not simply about being fed and clothed and bathed.

    I'm sorry she needs to keep sane by following her impulses, she'll be married more times than Zsa Zsa Gabor at this rate. This is marriage number 3 she's on.

  82. @justahought. I'm not here to stop you shivering or stay within the boundaries of your emotional comfort zone. You're not my monitor either so there is nothing you can say to me to dissuade me from expressing myself. However, I have taken your point of view into consideration and removed the offending comment that caused you such distress and gave you the chills. Please stop comparing me to another commenter and what you consider to be respectful.

  83. @Glen Paterson :"I'm not here to stop you shivering "
    I just stopped shivering... and I was never offended. Thanks for reading my stuff.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. BDP could even explain the scars she has on her body if it is true of course!!!! loooool

  86. I remember hearing teal say she had been a 'cutter'. I think it was in an old interview.

  87. A number of people remember similar references, zigzagbuddha, but the videos in which she referred to her own self-harm seem to have gone missing. Funny that.

  88. teal has allowed a comment through questioning her reticence to name her abuser and expressing concern for other children who may currently be residing in holes. She has responded at length. It's a doozy:

    "Some people are upset at me because I am not open about the NAME of my abuser(s). In fact, some even think I am contributing to abuse by not doing so. And so, I think It is a good idea to explain my perspective, and why I am not public with his name. It is understandable, but most people who do not understand WHY I do not name him publicly, do not understand how the justice system works and do not understand the power that some cult groups have over their members/victims and even over certain government and justice professionals. The leaders and even members of these cults are not “unaccomplished, unconnected trailer trash”. They enjoy power in all areas of their life. They are well connected, enjoy jobs with lots of credibility and often are respected members of the community. One of the members of the group I was with as a child was a police officer by day. Another was a neurophysiologist and university professor that received one of the largest grants for research in Idaho state history.
    My police case is not closed, it is cold. The district attorney (who decides if a case has enough tangible evidence to go to prosecution or not) is waiting for other girls/boys to come forward about what happened so that there is more evidence for the case to stand on. I was warned by several lawyers and even a police officer that If I am public about his name without a prosecuted case, I run the very real risk of being sued by my abuser himself for defamation of character. In fact, if the case went to court and he was not convicted, he could still turn around and sue me for defamation of character. He is a sociopath and so, he will not let anyone simply disgrace him publicly and shrink away. Also, the police stand a better chance of catching all people involved, if “the pheasants are not flushed”. Meaning if a public witch hunt is triggered by me, they will be alerted in time to stash and hide evidence. On a higher level, I do not wish to trigger a witch hunt. I did not go through an entire enlightenment experience where I experienced both oneness and the suffering of my abuser, to turn around and wish for him to suffer or rot in a jail system that does not rehabilitate anyone. Child abusers are raped repetitively in jail. I’m convinced that is exactly how he got the way he is (rape on the part of his father). Being raped would not cure him if being raped is what caused him. And I cannot adhere to the philosophy of eye for an eye. There is no kind of justice in this concept. This prosecution vs. no prosecution thing is something I have struggled with for years. Naming him publicly would not save other children. In fact, it would most likely serve to hurt them worse, because having failed to program me enough to keep me silent, they will most likely only program other children deeper and more harshly with scrambler, silence and self destruct programs. I do not have all the answers about what is “the right thing to do” in this case. And my message and life’s work is not about prosecution or public exposure or my childhood. It is about inspiration and hope. It is about what someone can learn when they suffer as deeply as I did. It is about the truth that nothing anyone does to you can ever corrode your soul to the point where healing cannot occur.
    And I will go ahead and expose a shadow of my own… Even with all of my bravery, I am not in a place yet where It feels “doable” to be face to face with him across a courtroom even once, much less for months at a time. I still wake up in the middle of the night crying from nightmares where I am back with him. I am not fully healed from what went on with me in my childhood. Much of it haunts me. I am still learning and healing from the pain of it and the aftermath of it."

  89. So, wow. She's just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, huh? And for good measure ends with the pity play. It's because the case is cold and they need to leave those pheasants alone but, wait, it's because she doesn't want her abuser to be abused in prison. (Um, sex abusers aren't kept with the general population because they run the risk of being killed. Know why? Because they create monsters, many of whom end up in prison. That's why.) But also her abusers are very powerful men. They're close to untouchable don't ya know. THEY'RE VERY POWERFUL. And they might sue for defamation.

    But here's the thing. She's already all but identified them. A veterinarian whose approximate age she's made public, in a small town, who was friendly with her parents during, again, a specified time frame. A locaal mortician. And now, I love this, "a neurophysiologist and university professor that received one of the largest grants for research in Idaho state history." No one could figure that out, or at least narrow it down to handful now could they. She's already identified her primary abuser so clearly that, as I was saying to someone just recently, it's ASTOUNDING that he hasn't already sued her for defamation.

  90. Oh, and this is rich. Blake "sundyer" Dyer left a comment on the previous post this evening claiming that he posted one before but it disappeared. Because we all know how censorious I am, right? Uh huh.

  91. I saw that comment... They must be shittin' Twinkies in TEAL's camp if Blake is attempting to respond now...TOO late for that now Blake... How about you and TEAL finally address the real issues... No?? OH well, Blake's passive aggressive rhetoric was PATHETIC, transparent, and also very telling about how close we all are to seeing through the facade that is TEAL...

    With love,

  92. Hi LaVaughn and gang, I am back. I've had time to digest my last visit and find myself in a place of being more positive towards LaVaughn's blog and some of the critique of Teal (though for me it goes too far). I think there are things I can learn here, Teal could learn and my fellow Tealers could learn. However there are *a lot* of over-the-top claims in LaVaughn's blog which I cannot just pass by. Sure they are cleverly implied rather than stated outright. Such as:

    "...one of those ugly girls from Africa, for instance."

    This implies Teal has said that African girls are ugly, or all ugly. That is a complete fantasy from LaVaughn, and hysterical political correctness, and yet again a strawman argument type. Teal's theory was that she was made the way she is to have the *broadest* appeal and that a black woman would not have *as* broad appeal across the world. I don't know how true that is. I can see it might be true. It is unfortunate if it is true but that is no reason to pretend it is otherwise surely.

    I know how prejudiced people often are, particularly I was struck how prejudiced many people are in Oriental countries againsts blacks (when I was travelling there for some time). Considering Oriental people make up a significant proportion of the world population then Teal being black may well have been a significant problem for all I know.

  93. "The only instance of Osho being used as a name that I'm aware of was the guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh who just decided to start calling himself that at some point."

    Oh so now you are going to attack Osho as well :)!? Teal is very esteemed company then.

    AFAIK he never called himself 'Osho' and it was only some time after his death, in Febuary 1989, that his followers decided to rebrand him. Osho I belive was partly, at least, inspired by the word 'oceanic' which kind of sums up a lot of his teachings.

    As to the Rolls Royces you obviously don't get the joke do you? Do you realise how much money that represents? It could be millions? Do you realise how many cars you can drive at one time (it is one just in case)? Do you get it now?

  94. LaVaughn " If TEAL can really demonstrate that she was abused by a Satanic cult, hers will literally be the first independently verified case."

    That is very far from true:-


    "Some of the cases ended in prosecution and imprisonment."

    I have heard about a lot of similar stuff going on in the UK. If it is happening here you bet its happening in the US as well, probably a lot more. Are you seriously arguing that child abuse doesn't happen, or that there are no satanic and other organisations that have rituals, and that never do these two things go together? Are you serious!?

  95. Hi JUSTIN, you are a really nice guy and I'm not saying that to disarm you in any respect, I am being sincere. You have insight enough to question your reality.

    May I ask you Justin when Teal was part of a EMT emergency medical team when she was 18? I didn't know she was experienced at dealing with medical emergencies but I have learned from watching a Dwaine Hartman video that she was an EMT and I didn't realize Teal had medical training. Perhaps you could inform me a little more about Teals training as I was unaware she was an EMT.


    Please begin watching 9 minutes into the video.

  96. LV "I found it rather strange that TEAL could have witnessed children being murdered and have no interest in seeing their murderers prosecuted"

    This probably has crossed the line between implied libel and actual libel (however I am not a lawyer and I doubt Teal would try to sue but just FYI). It is comments like this, which implies Teal is a monster really, that are really terrible, and I can imagine would be extremely hurtful. This is clearly revictimisation if Teal's story is true. Are you trying to hurt her deeply, even destroy her? Surely you need to give her some benefit of the doubt and take some consideration of her feelings. Even a little? Have you no compassion?

    Teal has said she did try to get the authorities to do something but the DA felt there was not enough of a case. If you have information to contradict that then please share it.

  97. LV "TEAL, though, doesn't think that's a good enough reason to put people who kidnap, rape, torture, and murder children behind bars."

    She doesn't actually claim such people should not be locked up. That is you creating strawwomen again. She says quite clearly that they should be rehabilitated *while* incarcerated, rather then further brutalised. Are you seriously suggesting that Teal wants to see murders and rapist free on the streets? You must be off your head if you think that, and so must anyone else who buys into that idea.

  98. LV "It's just remarkable hubris and it may have actually cost a woman her life."

    I have to say I was not laughing when I heard this. It is pretty concerning to be sure. We don't know much detail about the client's situation, rightly as that should be confidential, and we probably will never know. What we do know is that Teal was open about this and very bravely straight to her followers. Does this seem like the action of somebody doing there best to manipulate people into thinking they are perfect? This seems more like the action of someone who is *determined* to be open and honest to me.

  99. Hi Glen, thank you. No I don't know anything more about her EMT experience, though I remember that interview and vaguely her mentioning that. I don't remember her mentioning it elsewhere at all. Maybe I could find out more on one of the FB groups if anyone knows.

  100. LV "...it's ASTOUNDING that he hasn't already sued her for defamation."

    If they did at this point they would be identifying themselves and putting themselves it what I imagine would be a very uncomfortable flood-light of public scrutiny and Tealer anger, perhaps retribution.

    Also when you give legal opinions is in customary to state how qualified you are to do this. I presume you should have said 'I am not a lawyer but...'. Right? Or can you not even admit to such a small fault? Because all the problems are in Teal. Please keep all that shadow in Teal. Not in you huh? No way not LaVaughn please...

  101. On a side note how is possible for *anyone* to accuse Teal of being an ex-prostitute!? She was a child who was raped for money. That is not a prostitute. And to call her that is just vicious, and horribly cruel. Personally I would rate the level of cruelty to do that as at a similar level to those who raped her really. And you wonder why she refuses to even engage with you guys! I think she is wise to stay well away from such comments. Vicious!

  102. "I remember hearing teal say she had been a 'cutter'. I think it was in an old interview. "

    She has said quite often, to my knowledge, that she was a cutter. Also I have seen the scars personally when I was at the London workshop and on stage with her when she answered my question (BTW I was not a plant and didn't even know if I was going to try to ask a question until the lunch interlude or what that question would be). I can tell you I was a bit ashamed at the time to take that second to check out her arm (left inside) like a kind of spy. It felt a bit treacherous in way, sneaky. You can probably even see me glancing down when the DVD comes out. I'm the one with a lot of hair and beard who asks about Source/God being lonely if everything is one and conversation goes from there :).

    To be open I was a volunteer at the event in that I helped with the set up of the audio (very slightly and I paid for my own ticket). I organised a trip to Stonehenge after the London workshop, partly encouraged and authorised by Blake but with no financial connection. I have corresponded a bit with Blake via email about various project ideas I have come up with but that is the extent of my involvement in the organisation.

  103. LV "...but the videos in which she referred to her own self-harm seem to have gone missing. Funny that."

    Funny you have done so little research. She is completely open about that! Its mainly in interviews, many of which are audio, where she talks about that. I'm pretty sure it is in her book as well, but yeah you can't be bothered to read that.

  104. "...I haven't heard anything about her pursuing treatment."

    AFAIU Teal has undergone extensive conventional therapy for more than five years, and still occaisionally does. That includes regular one-on-one and group therapy I think. Don't know about drugs but I doubt it.

  105. @Justin: You don't need to vaguely remember the video Justin, try watching it again and then it will be fresh in your mind and blatantly obvious. Teal does say she was an EMT and there is no escaping that.

    @Justin: May I ask you Justin? Which scars do you think are from the blood letting covenant and which scars are self harm scars?

    I suppose it would be rather hard to identify those scars which were abuse by her perpetrator and those scar which were caused to herself.

    What is your opinion on that please?

  106. LV "...I saw Blake's email with my own eyes. He absolutely did molest her."

    Since when is fingering, a presumably co-operative woman, molesting her? AFAIU during the break-up with Jared/Fallon they ended up getting a bit close and started getting a bit physical. I suppose you could call it heavy-petting, but molesting! Huh?

  107. @Justin: Why don't you get a grip man and stop likening open discussion to rape? What the hell is wrong you man, now that is vicious to say that and completely ludicrous. You just make me even more determined to expose this fraud, so how do you like them apples? How dare you suggest anyone here is similar in any way to a rapist. Don't try that shit here again you foolish man. You would not stand before me an accuse me of being a rapist, let me assure you Justin.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. I hope all of you are cross examined by people you cannot avoid in a court of law then you'll not be able to body swerve all the questions because my honest heartfelt opinion is that the majority of you are pathological liars who seek to attempt to turn the tables on your critics by accusing them of having the problem. You are all born liars, you lie as your breathe it is not natural to you. I am accusing you of lying and manipulation of the human consciousness, simple as that, sue me. It's impossible to get anywhere with these people La Vaughn, they are serial liars and they probably don't know who they are anymore such is the web of lies, it's so extensive now they probably cannot separate them from reality. None of them are capable of telling the truth and you have a huge problem expecting a dialogue here with such manipulative souls.

    La Vaughn, no matter what you do they will turn it against you while avoiding the real issues and they are even prepared now to call liken people to rapists for writing articles. This is the kind of mentality you are dealing with, they are prepared to do or say anything and the are scum of the earth. The are unconscionable entities who make me sick.

  110. Glen, I won't be responding to any of your posts from now on except the one about the EMT if I get any information, because you are not being civil enough IMO.

  111. Justin, I'll address a couple of things from this rant. But I do have a limited threshold for you method of communicating.

    On the molestation question: I tried to write a comment addressing this more thoroughly the other day but blogger glitched, I lost that and another long comment and gave up. In a sense I agree with you. It occurs to me on consideration that we've heard from Fallon and Justin but not from teal. We haven't considered how she conveyed the incident to Fallon but he was clearly deeply concerned after learning of it. Blake has admitted that the incident was born out of long suppression and that he wasn't proud of it, so I have a hard time thinking it was something good. But, you're right, without knowing what teal said, it's impossible to know how she characterizes it and how she stated it to Fallon. Therefore, we probably shouldn't characterize it either.

    As far as the videos referring to self-harm, that they've gone missing is what I've been told by people who went looking for them. I took said people at their word, although I stated at the time that there are probably other references because I'm sure I heard something along those lines. But since you're so sure, you have to admit that it raises a question? She keeps claiming she has scars from her abuse. If she has a history of cutting, doesn't that, shall we say, call that into question.

    No, I haven't read her book. I read a few pages. I found it unreadable. I worked in publishing for a number of years. My years of reading things I don't enjoy or think well-written are pretty much over. I've said repeatedly that I have a limited threshold for her material. Dava and I had a long back-and-forth about how it's not like you have to dig deep to find enough material on teal's inconsistencies and otherwise eye-popping lunacy to write VOLUMES. I've said repeatedly that I haven't spent anything like the amount of time delving into her body of work that people seem to assume I have. Writing both of these posts didn't take a long time. The hard part is winnowing the insanity down after even a cursory reading.

    You think it's vicious to call teal an ex-prostitute -- something I haven't done btw -- but she has used the word prostitution herself to describe what happened with that cult, I believe. she has a documented history of doing pornographic modeling. Kind of a fine line there. Not saying it's prostitution but what she did is a sex trade. I have not passed judgment on her for this. I have friends who've worked as strippers and the like. I don't judge women for this or for being prostitutes. Apparently you do?

  112. cont.

    My point on the defamation thing is that she's all but named her primary abuser so it's hard to believe that someone as famous as she hasn't tipped people in her old home town. What I can't believe is that this has not become enough of an issue to have put her in the cross-hairs for having all but identified by name some of these people she says are so dangerous and potentially litigious. You'd think she'd be more careful.

    As far as her suicidal client, I'm going by what teal herself said. I posted the video. I quoted her exact words. What I'm stating is how that read to me. Glib. It seemed a little glib. And it sounds an awful lot like she's the one who put the idea that this woman needed to choose between life and death in play.

    As far as locking up child rapists and murderers, she has said repeatedly that she doesn't think the criminal justice system is a good way to handle this. She's on the record saying that she never meant to send the long arm of the law after them. It's pretty explicit actually. And I have presented it and quoted it.

    On Satanic ritual abuse, I'm referring to the FBI report. The Satanic Panic of the 80s and 90s has been pretty thoroughly debunked, despite having ruined lives like those of the WM3. I have not, however said, that there is no such thing ritual abuse. I was mischaracterized there by teal.

    I have to go get my daughter off to school. I'll check back later and see if any more of this merits address.

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. @Justin. I am not a compulsive liar but when I spot a compulsive liar whether it be their fault or not I have to say something. None of us have done anything wrong, we have all spotted irregularities, and contradictions which we have discussed. Anyone who is rational would see where we are coming from but if you think
    anything ever written here is the same as RAPE then you really
    do need psychological help.

    I have done my research dude, I know a hell of a lot.

  115. Regarding Osho, you may be right on the name. I just know the name changed at some point. I haven't followed his career or even thought about the man in some time. If you're accurate, it's even a little more bizarre that teal would refer to Osho as a name. Again, I've always understood it to be an honorific title that is conferred. If your history is accurate, this would simply be another case in point, if by an unconventional method.

    As to the man's character, we will simply never agree. I remember the early years in Montclair too clearly. As stated, I personally knew people who were harmed by this cult. I have withheld a number of the deets out of respect for my old friends but my disgust remains. As I quoted above, he lived in opulence. His followers did not. And I can still hear him on some interview show talking about how his followers show their love for him with Rolls Royces. Disgusting.

    There has been a lot of whitewashing of his history I can see. But some of us remember.

    African girls being ugly: I don't know what to tell you. Here again, I've quoted her and included the source material. She said that women who were considered beautiful "down in Africa" might "be considered pretty ugly" here in the US. Those are her words. Not mine.

    On a lot of this, Justin, I've quoted and I've cited sources. You can disagree with my interpretation. That's your right. And if so, there's not much point in arguing about it. In some cases I'm a little concerned about your reading comprehension skills and I think you might be rescripting some things -- such as interpreting her as saying that torturers, rapists, and murderers just need rehabilitation in prison, not that she doesn't want to see them prosecuted. This article which we've learned was almost definitely written by Blake under a pseudonym, her lack of interest in seeing them prosecuted is a major focus.

    "Now, after years of torture inflicted upon her by a mad man and the cults he belonged to, she has no desire to see her abusers prosecuted or to have the iron hammer of justice brought down upon their heads."

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6114669

    If you can read her various statements on the issue and come to a different conclusion than I have that's fine. I document everything I write in part because I think people should look at source material and come to their own conclusions.

    I'm not going to waste my time on lengthy disputes over interpretation. I've stated mine. If yours is different, that's fine.

  116. "I don't judge women for this or for being prostitutes. Apparently you do?"

    To some extent of course if would inform my opinion about someone, as it should anyone surely. The fact that someone doesn't choose prostitution does as well inform my opinion about that person. My point is that the fact that Teal was forced to perform sex acts for money does not make her an ex-prostitute. And to call her an ex-prostitute because of that is massively cruel and callous, in a similar way to those who perpetrated such crimes in the first place. Its like blaming someone, who was kidnapped and held for ransom, for bankrupting their family, but even worse.

    Personally I think if an adult wants to work as a sex worker that is their own choice, and I don't condemn them for it, but if a child is forced to do that it is completely different. And it is abusive to equate the two, or to see someone do that on your blog and agree with their every word. I'm not saying you should come to Teal's defence but to the defence of the child that Teal was at least.

  117. And again, Justin, I haven't done. Nor do I agree with every word said in comments. If I had to vouch for every word in these comments I'd have to start censoring and deleting comments, including yours. I want this to be a free forum for debate. I only censor comments under very extreme conditions. Like I deleted one that listed teal's address. Things like that.

  118. Loving awareness is watching the arguments of mind.

  119. As to the EMT Teal did do her license at 18 but realised she couldn't do the actual work regularly because of dealing with people in such a traumatised state. It was about this time she realised she had a talent and interest in skiing so pursued that instead.

  120. And Justin, on the prostitution question and it "informing [your] opinion" I just have to say that if you think a lot of these women have much more choice than the children who are forced into it, I don't really think that's fair. Many of these women are horribly damaged, often by childhood sexual abuse. Many of them have no other way of earning income. Many of them are addicts. Many of them can't escape their pimps. Only a very small percentage of prostitutes, at least here in the US, are healthy adults making choices. Many of them are deeply wounded people. Many of them are victims of things you can't imagine. And don't even get me started on the sex slave trade that ensnares children and adults both.

  121. Cannot think why Teal would chose to be in anything related to medical procedures having had a veterinarian as an abuser? He performed abortions on Teal apparently using his veterinarian instruments? It just doesn't seem the most likely path to choose at 18 years of age in her particular case especially after all the bloodletting.

  122. Over on the other thread, as I said last night, Blake made an appearance and again made the claim that Lena's account and all her comments being flushed was the result of an overzealous admin who was acting out of love for teal.

    "Teal nor I moderate the comments on this blog. It was someone who loves Teal very much and knows her true heart and intention. The comment attacked Teal’s character and had nothing to do with the content of the article. We are ones for no-censorship and trust in the discernment of the fellow readers. Teal and I were upset to hear of the removal, and have spoken with the person about such censorship. We tried to put the comments back up but they were unfortunately deleted, so I invite her to repost them if she wishes it in alignment. Having said that we will remove comments with profanity, attacking other members and abuse. I apologize for any harm this may have done"

    So I have put it to Blake in that thread that I find it a little peculiar that their admin just went rogue. If they really do believe in a no-censorship environment, what, they didn't inform their admin?! I have asked him to clarify then why so many people report being moderated and deleted. As to whether he'll respond, I'm not optimistic. But we'll see.

  123. I thought Teal studied obstetrics too, please correct me swiftly if I am wrong. I am sure I read that in one of her recent blogs. Is that not a medical specialized area to do with giving birth? If you'd had three traumatic abortions why would you even consider studying such an area of medicine?

  124. Fair points LaVaughn. I'm glad you respect free speech and discussion as you do indeed seem to do. And yes people can be under very strong duress which is not as obvious as being a child controlled by a cult, that is why I wouldn't condemn someone making that choice. I cannot know all their circumstances.

  125. Can anyone find me the blog where Teal discusses hospital policy and describes hospitals as place of pain and suffering and gives statistical analysis on stuff including nil by mouth for mothers who are in labor among other things?

    Thanks in advance

  126. Would anyone care to speculate as to why Teal would chose to shape shift if she had a choice of pills to give her abilities? I find that quite revealing myself. Why would one wish to deceive by appearing to be something they are not? She would chose the pink pill, but why would she wish to disguise her true identity? Just a bit of fun or something rather revealing after all? I have my own thoughts on this one. Would she shape shift into a FOX perhaps?


  127. "Would anyone care to speculate as to why Teal would chose to shape shift if she had a choice of pills to give her abilities? I find that quite revealing myself. Why would one wish to deceive by appearing to be something they are not? She would chose the pink pill, but why would she wish to disguise her true identity? Just a bit of fun or something rather revealing after all? I have my own thoughts on this one. Would she shape shift into a FOX perhaps?"

    The mind is shifting with every thought and with it all shapes and forms. No suspicious action behind the game of rainbow coloured pills. Very heavy thoughts here.

    - Loving awareness is watching the arguments of mind.-

  128. Golden Andara: Heavy thoughts here? As opposed to where? What are you comparing it too?

  129. @ LaVaughn regarding teal's comment posted above

    "So, wow. She's just throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, huh? And for good measure ends with the pity play."

    You are right LaVaughn... That comment is so full of fallacy and ludicrous circular logic I don't even know where to begin...
    Teal writes:

    "Child abusers are raped repetitively in jail. I’m convinced that is exactly how he got the way he is (rape on the part of his father). Being raped would not cure him if being raped is what caused him. And I cannot adhere to the philosophy of eye for an eye. There is no kind of justice in this concept. "

    WTF?? This primary abuser, a man who is in his 80's is allegedly ALREADY A MONSTER!! Why would you rather see him roam free and run the risk of him continuing to murder or make more little future monsters who he is raping and tying up in holes in his backyard as we speak... than run the slight risk of him possibly being butt raped in jail??!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?? FFS this woman is off her rocker... This logic is completely deranged. I can't understand how people would ever buy into teal's line of BS much less follow her as a spiritual leader when she has such a ridiculous set of priorities....

  130. I know, Kevin. I love the way we're supposed to impressed by the compassion of a woman who is more concerned about a rapist and murderer than his potential victims. Not a lot of compassion for them because she knows that it they're raped and/or murdered it's because THEY are creating their own reality with their victim energy. Because, once again, only victims law of attract shit.

    "This prosecution vs. no prosecution thing is something I have struggled with for years. Naming him publicly would not save other children. In fact, it would most likely serve to hurt them worse, because having failed to program me enough to keep me silent, they will most likely only program other children deeper and more harshly with scrambler, silence and self destruct programs."

    Huh? Because being raped and/or murdered is bad but being a badder, worser Manchurian Candidate, that's the real danger.

    This thing makes so little since it's painful.

    Watch. The more scrutiny she receives, the more convoluted her justifications will get. Just watch.

  131. Hey La Vaughn... you left a comment somewhere on Teal's blog?? Boy, I would like to see that one!!! Where is it? I don't see anything under the 'admin' post of Blake's.

  132. ROTFLMAO! A friend of mine posted one of these on my Facebook page because it reminds him of TEAL. Hilarious. Love Sarah Silverman.


  133. Oh! One other thing I meant to say regarding teal's latest apologia for not naming her abuser. Before I lose my train of thought again:

    "I did not go through an entire enlightenment experience where I experienced both oneness and the suffering of my abuser, to turn around and wish for him to suffer or rot in a jail system that does not rehabilitate anyone."

    So she's not one with his or his associates' potential victims? Oneness, mystical oneness, is not that selective. Why then is her compassion and concern?

    The other thing about that seems incongruous is that it doesn't fit with her claim that he's a psychopath. Psychopaths don't really suffer. They're not capable of empathy. They don't experience a normal range of emotion. They feel anger/rage. And in as much as they "suffer" it's from boredom. They tend to be excitement junkies. But there is no existential angst, no grief, no sadness. Not according to everything I've read on psychopathy. According to Hare there is something wrong with their brains that prevents a normal emotional range. They're not wounded children who went bad. They're born that way.

  134. Ummm, are you deliberately ignoring me for some reason La Vaughn?? I asked a question upthread that I am eagerly awaiting your answer to and you keep posting other stuff instead! I sure hope it is just an oversight and that I have not not got myself on some 'to be ignored' list! Hahahahaha.

  135. Ok well, nevermind, Lena just answered my question... I thought the 'who and what' article was finished and that this one was the continuation, I didn't think that anybody was still posting over there. It doesn't surprise me though that Blake would have left his comment over there...he and Teal both left their comments over on Teal's blog in a post that was no longer getting much traffic... I figured it was with the intention of it passing on into the annals of time without getting much notice, so they could get on with the business of being famous world leaders without all this annoying distraction.

  136. PS: That Sarah Silverman video was hilarious!!!

  137. Zigzagbuddha, No. I didn't comment on her blog. Blake has commented here, on the other thread. I have responded to his comment and posed questions. He has, thus far, not responded to my query.

  138. Oh, and no, I'm not ignoring you. Something seems to be wrong with my email alerts from blogger. As in, I don't seem to be getting them. It's weird. I can find your comments when I search them, but they're not bumping the thread to the top of my mailbox as they should do. Not happy with google right now. Just not happy.

  139. Oh, for God's sake. Your posts and only your posts are for some bizarre reason going into the wrong folder. I've never seen it to that. I have it set up for all blogger posts to go into my main mailbox. But your posts and only your posts, near as I can tell are going into my update folder. BEEEZAAARRRE!

  140. Where did this one go? Now I'm curious if that is happening with my comments over on the 'who and what' article as well? At least they are posting though, I'd might seriously feel like the invisible woman if they weren't even showing up! Hahahaha!

  141. Your comments are definitely appearing on the blog, zigzagbuddha. I've also got it sorted with my email. Blogger doesn't handle comments as well as I'd like which is why I set up extra links to the overflow pages. I know in my browser, if I post a new comment, I'm redirected to the first page instead of the page with overflow comments which confused me horribly at first. I've just never had this many comments before. It's funny. I've had more traffic at various times than with these posts, particularly when I was covering the James Ray trial, but I've never had so many comments. I know. I know. It's because she's famous; very, very famous.

  142. Yeah, she does have a fan base. Don't know how secure that base is, but it's definitely there.

    And yeah, I had posted one of my first comments here and was redirected to the first page instead of the new page too and was confused horribly by it too! Hahaha.

  143. Where is Jason Freedman when you need him, eh? I know you're reading this Blake, and you know who I am. We have 19 mutual Facebook friends, so you can message me directly if anything I've said about Jason Freedman is a lie.

    I'm standing up for LaVaughn here because I kept my mouth shut watching you and Teal attack and shame others in the past. Congratulations on building what you've built out of her nonsense, but detractors come with the territory. You guys should quit attacking her.

  144. She has a fan base. She also, as I said, has many who follow her out of "morbid curiosity." The vast majority of comments here have been con. So have many emails and even phone calls I've gotten from people who aren't comfortable posting publicly. I could say the same of discussions on Facebook that I've had. She's attracted an awful lot of ire. It's just not appearing on her pages except for the occasional random post. I think her comments are managed. I have yet to hear from Blake as to how their admin so misinterpreted their love for free speech and how it is that so many claim to have been censored. I'm sure her stuff gets traffic. It ain't all love and devotion. That much is very clear to me at this point.

  145. Hi Mykeyta, Always nice to see you.

  146. LV " [Psychopaths] They're born that way."

    I studied psychology a bit at university and college level. Generally psychologists now think that nature and nurture are most often both decisive factors in mental illness. So yes people are 'born like it' but then depending on their childhood and environment they may express symptoms or not, and to varying degrees. Anyone who could do the things that Teal has claimed is surely a psychopath. It is actually hard to know what the internal world of A psychopath is like, unless you are one, and then they are not necessarily capable of even having empathy with themselves. I imagine at some level there is a little child, like we all have, that is suffering very greatly, and *that* might well be part of the drive they have to inflict suffering (some of them).

  147. Justin, If you refer to my first post on teal, you'll see where I've referenced Robert Hare who is the creator of the psychopathy checklist. it is his contentions to which I refer. He believes the effects can be offset somewhat through good conditioning but that psychopathy is heritable and cannot be created through negative conditioning. They are born, as per Hare. I've read Hare. I've also read Stout and both say their emotions are not normal. They simply don't suffer as normal people do. They can mimic vulnerable emotions. They cannot feel them.

  148. LV "She keeps claiming she has scars from her abuse. If she has a history of cutting, doesn't that, shall we say, call that into question."

    I only noticed those on her arm. My instant feeling was they looked self inflicted because they were on the inside of her arm at kind of regular intervals. To be honest this seems to be stepping on pretty unsavoury ground for me again. Assuming Teal is being truthful then should she feel any pressure to show the world her scars!? This seems almost like voyerism to me, or something even darker. I for one will not be asking her, or even looking myself. And anyway what would it prove? She has scars, that's it. Could have come from accidents or anything, or be self-inflicted. I think you might want to investigate your own motivations here a little LaVaughn.

  149. I see, we're doing the scattershot thing again. My patience for this is limited. It is teal who has claimed that her scars are caused by her abuse. I didn't invent it. I've never seen her arms. I know about her scars only because she has put the issue forward as evidence.

  150. Golden Andara I know why I would choose the pink pill in that game. It seemed the best of the lot. Some people chose the one that would give them continuous access to the internet! That sounded like a curse to me :). The next best one was the ability to fly, and many people chose that, and I almost did myself. How brilliant to travel, which is my passion. But then someone else mentioned that if you could shape shift you could become a bird and fly like that. I've often looked at birds and wanted to experience that freedom and connection with the wind. Also it would great for sexual role-playing hahahahaha

  151. Another interesting and well constructed piece LaVaughn, You've further proved it in my mind that Teal isn't what she says she is. Also I gave Christina Pratt a try...I've been running through her podcast for the past few weeks and I adore her and what she has to say.Thanks for turning me on to her.

  152. I was having an email conversation with someone regarding teal's rather curious career trajectory. A number of people have raised the question of why she seemed to come out of nowhere online but is virtually unheard of other than that. Also the question was raised as to why her web output is so voluminous and how on earth she balances that with maintaining a practice and a family. (I do both of those things and I sure can't put out that much material. That's for damn sure.) I'm just going to repost my own comments here. I've made several references to manipulation of social proof and I fleshed that out a bit better in this recent exchange:

    I think the content is so voluminous because she appears to be a web-based creation. Her career and apparent fame exist on YouTube, Facebook, and now her blog. I've said before that I think she has a good IT team around her. They're manipulating "social proof." This is something web-marketing specialists will do for you for a price. It's kind of the web version of Fox buying up cases of books from their talking heads to get the books on the bestseller list. There. Now it's bestseller. Instant legitimacy. And once a book is a bestseller, it's much more visible in the marketplace. And the social proof mechanism kicks in. People are essentially tribal, pack animals. We take our social cues from the people around us. *This book is popular. it's a bestseller. It must be good. I should buy it. Oh, it's excellent. All those other book buyers can't be wrong.*

    It's easier for me to use a book analogy because I worked in publishing and I understand the industry better. But this is essentially what's happening with teal. She made some YouTubes relying at least as heavily on her sexy sexiness as her regurgitated new age material. She set up some Facebook pages and fully utilized the social media for all it was worth. She put out a book through a vanity press. Boom! Instant phenomenon. Now she's parlayed that into some events around the country, and even around the world. But the whole thing looks very manufactured to me.


    I also have to say that given that, she doesn't handle the interactivity component of the internet very well. I've been in and around web environments for upwards of fifteen years. I don't think I've ever seen a prominent blogger handle negative feedback so badly. You can't just have a meltdown and unleash the hounds every time you get some critical feedback. That doesn't work in web world and it sure as hell doesn't work for celebrities. You want fame? Well, fame costs. And one of the costs is that not everyone is gonna like you or your work.

  153. I've read Blake's comment in the other article and the only thing that comes to mind is holy self-righteous. teal can do no wrong, all of their intentions are good, they offer so much free content that how dare anyone accuse teal and co. of being interested in the cash, all while teal regularly discusses that she has a passion for money. It's too absurd to even dismantle because it's staring everyone in the face.

    And the accusation about comments being censored on this blog speaks volumes about Blake/Jason Freedman's willingness to pull the ol' dishonesty card for ms. teal. My goodness. Did you even read the comments here, Blake? Some of them have been downright nasty against LaVaughn and guess what? They're all still there. Nice try though, really... Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    LaVaughn, that Sara Silverman video made my day! I get the sense she's seen teal's work.

  154. "You want fame? Well, fame costs. And one of the costs is that not everyone is gonna like you or your work."

    You put yourself out there your going to get criticism, it's just the nature of the beast. You can ignore it or confront it. But if you do confront it you have to carry yourself with a degree of dignity and calm approach. Which you're right, she doesn't. Although I put that less on her and more on just the fact that that is just how a lot of the youtube people are when they face criticism or negativity. When you have a means for millions to put themselves out there, it's just rational that many won't know how to behave appropriately in the face of it.

  155. LV, excellent points above re: teal and the internet. I've had the same impression myself. It's similar to how she regularly reminds her blog/video/workshop followers of how famous she is, of how she was propositioned by a "very famous" actor to go on a date, and other comments she makes which position her in one's consciousness as very, very, very famous. But it's simply untrue. Though people do follow the hype. It also leaves her followers going, Wow, teal's really famous, I'm part of a massive spiritual movement, I get to watch all of this unfold from the beginning...

    I also think a key part of her popularity is that up until recently she interacted with people on Facebook on nearly a daily basis. Followers/students posted life questions to her, asked her all manner of things from the personal to the impersonal, and she answered in quite a bit of detail. There's a file of all of the questions and answers that someone created and posted in one of the groups, I believe I still have it on my old laptop. She has since cut down on this considerably but does still pop in to answer people's heartfelt questions. This gives people the sense of having a strong connection to the "spiritual luminary", she's accessible, she'll even tell you whether you should leave your boyfriend or what logo to choose for your new business.

    In such an epidemically lonely society, these kinds of gestures create the illusion of belonging. Not just belonging, but belonging by someone they perceive to be all-knowing.

  156. Oh yeah, Dava, if we're going to get into the nuts and bolts of Blake's comment, fuggetaboutit! Headache inducing!

    "The fight here baffles me. 'Oh $*&%, this bitch is teaching Self Love!! Lynch her!!'"

    I don't think anyone's called for the death penalty and I don't really think "self-love" is the issue. More the narcissism, really, which is quite different.

    "There really has got to be a better use for this pent up anger. I don’t want to say direct it at someone else or some other large corporation that has ceased to be human, because like I mentioned, what you resist, persists."

    I don't buy the premise. Plenty of things persist quite nicely when you ignore them or, say, stuff them into your subconscious. It's called the shadow, something I thought team teal was all about addressing. But more to the point, he doesn't want to see us direct all this negativity at other people or inhuman corporations, lest they persist. What about all those teal rants about major medical, or all those people who criticize her parenting, or the criminal justice system... need I go on? By that logic, she's just entrenching medical malpractice, sexism, an abusive prison system, etc.

    "If you’d like to continue to treat Teal’s life like people magazine, go ahead."

    Pretty sure the serialization of teal's tales started with teal.

    "We know the dangers of exposing our personal lives to a critical unforgiving audience. But we also know the dangers of not discussing or sharing true feelings. And it equals school shootings, high suicide rates, domestic abuse and a society that is falling into the hands of depression and pharmaceutical drugs."

    Oh NO!!! If we don't let teal vent on a regular basis the terrorists win!

    "This Blog, Shadow House and Intentional Communities that focus on healthy expression are revolutionary. This is a step in the direction of an open expression that society is crying out for. And punishing the ones that express their true feelings is cruel and very old world."

    So teal reading Cameron and Fallon/Jared for filth live on camera, or ranting about how BET is racist, or... heavy sigh... need I go on? These "expressions" are healthy but if I put it out there openly on my blog that much of what I see from her makes me uncomfortable and doesn't sit right with me, and other people share that view and we discuss these things, this is somehow not a healthy expression at all and is "resisting" or whatever. Is ya is or is ya isn't for honestly expressing our feelings? I mean, double standard much?

    And I also have to say, what I've written here about teal, a public figure, doesn't hold a CANDLE to the rage she unleashed on some of these private individuals whom she's dragged into the public eye. I would never treat anyone the way she treated Fallon or Cameron. Not in a million years.

  157. Yeeeaaahhh... You know I'm very uncomfortable with her answering questions and the whole Ask Teal thing. It's the opposite of guiding people in a process of finding their own answers. Feedback and giving a perspective is one thing but I've heard how she answers things and presumes to speak for "source perspective." Gives me the creeps. It's power theft.

  158. Blake wrote, "If you’d like to continue to treat Teal’s life like people magazine, go ahead."

    But I'm pretty sure teal's the one that turned her life into a reality television show, blogs about all of her bidniz all the dang time, and writes status updates revealing her opinions and experiences. But people who are then choosing to make up their minds about the validity of teal calling herself a spiritual teacher, who are reflecting on her questionable and downright corrupt practices, are the ones turning HER life into a gossip rag? That whole camp is terribly confused.

    Beggars can't be choosy.

  159. Blake also wrote this little chestnut: "Teal’s teachings are just that teachings. If they are not in alignment with your healing than simply find something else. We are not interested in cultivating a cult mentality. In fact Teal’s teachings are to the contrary. They teach self empowerment and deciding for yourself using your feelings as an emotional compass. I suggest you do what you love and love what you do. What you resist persists."

    I'd ask him and everyone else to ask themselves whether "Ask Teal", and answering questions about the meaning of life and one's personal path on her Facebook page, during her workshops, and everywhere else as a representative of Source perspective is consistent with teaching SELF-empowerment? Do we fully understood the definition of empowerment here, kids? Is what she's teaching and practising not an exact recipe for guru worship, for asserting herself as above others in the "spiritual hierarchy"? She calls herself The Spiritual Catalyst, FFS. And then we're baffled by all of the teal worship, the fact that these people are disempowering themselves to her consistently, to the point where they send actual death threats to her critics (without a word from teal instructing them to stop doing so). Really? It's not rocket science, teal and co. have followed the guru recipe closely.

    LV: 'Yeeeaaahhh... You know I'm very uncomfortable with her answering questions and the whole Ask Teal thing. It's the opposite of guiding people in a process of finding their own answers. Feedback and giving a perspective is one thing but I've heard how she answers things and presumes to speak for "source perspective." Gives me the creeps. It's power theft.'

    Exactly. What they claim and what they actually practise are total contradictions, by definition. I fail to see how Blake can claim she's all about self-empowerment with a straight face. But the truth is it seems he's so entrenched in it that he isn't capable of seeing this objectively at the moment.

    She certainly was not attempting to empower Fallon or Cameron, Winter's grandmother, or even you, LaVaughn. If self-empowerment were truly her thing, she could take your criticism without going on the defense and sending the army after you; she'd just be like, If that's what she wants to do, it's all good. But no. Total freak out. So she's allowed to be empowered, people who agree with her can be empowered, but if you disagree with her you *cannot* act from a place of empowerment... instead that's resistance. OKAY THEN.

  160. THANK YOU LAVAUGHN and DAVA!! You both are able to articulate so well the frustration and confusion that people are faced with when it comes to sifting through the bold face lies, glaring contradictions, and total hypocrisy that TEAL, BLAKE and their BS propaganda is made of. Thanks so much for breaking it down for anyone who wants to take the time to read these comments. TEAL and TEAL EYE LLC is clearly being built on a house of cards. There are soo many good commenters on this blog, and I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to share their thoughts. You guys are truly perfecting the art of debunking TEAL, and each time I check back here, I can't wait to see what new insights you guys can share next!! :) BTW, LaVaughn thanks for sharing that link to Sara Silverman's video. Watching that was a great way to start the day. It's almost like it was an actual parody of TEAL... It's uncanny :)

  161. Ask Teal Concept

    The "Ask Teal Episodes" are the visual celebration of a model called Teal, in which she tries - half naked most of the time in front of mesmerising hypnotically background - to 1. attract the sexual attention of female and male seekers of truth of all ages and to 2. keep the mind and the identification with mind busy and distracted through the cause of general and curious question. The name of her episodes in itself already claims that she knows all the answers!!! What a brilliant selling point. The deep desire of human kind to have all questions answered - you can't get better than this.

    She is following the sales pitch of Star Trek. She takes you on the adventure through the curious mind (aka Galaxy) to face all kind of questions (aka species) and all kinds of conflicts will be solved by HER ANSWERS (aka technology). Star Trek / Gene Roddenbury was selling us the Religion of Technology. Teal is selling us the Religion of a successful seeking ego. At the same time she shows us how to manifest the desires of an fame hungry ego in her own food steps and uses common manipulation techniques, affirmation (I am famous but she wasn't, I give worldwide workshops when she didn't…) to fuck with the mind of others ( :
    At the same time it is mixed with old teachings of all kinds and origins.

    Her "techniques" are heavily based on keeping the mind active as possible. NOT ONCE (except one video about mediation out of 137 videos) did she encourage to find the unidentified space from where you observe your thoughts instead of interact with them. If you would put all videos together in one and count the time when she is talking about herself, you would end up with min 50%.

    Her videos before "Truth? What To Do When No One Can Agree On It! (Ask Teal-Help" show a very different Teal, very different presentation of her text and very different clothing (she put some cloth on). When she aired the video which was done with a green screen and appeared as an elf of lord of the rings in front of the universe…a whole new Teal was born :D Maybe the result of marketing team, maybe the result of having the funds to buy good cameras (2) and a green screen. I believe Blake knows how to deal with after effects etc. That was also the time when her abos increased on youtube etc because the visual concept of half naked sexy elf works.

    I do believe that Teal will be very very popular amongst those who are driven by thousand curious questions, who love to look up to somebody and who just follow their sexual attraction. I forgot to mention the reality freaks who are now an invisible part of Teals world which she displays in all kind of ways including the wedding vows of her husband (holy cow). But truly that was a needed step in order to attach so many people to her personal reality show to grow bigger, to earn many sympathy donations (works very well in times of crisis) and to come up with a "revolutionary concept" (aka Blake quote): The first self claimed spiritual leader who opens the door ( and i am EVERY door) to the public to see that she is not perfect and just a good person like you and me. If this is not a mind fuck in itself already…. then I don't know.

    Ok my detox is over now. I feel like normal again.

  162. Thanks LaVaughn & Co to help to sort out the reasons why my inner alarm voice became louder and louder...even when I was still high on teal.

  163. A movie starring teal and co. called Vainglorious Bastards.

    Sorry, I had to.

  164. On another note, re: Blake's comment in the other thread, self-love, empowerment, etc.: It didn't seem very empowering to me when teal picked apart a woman Blake had feelings for (Cameron), advising him that she was just like his mother, that she had this and that issue, that she was dangerous for him, and she damn well warned him about her right from the beginning. It also didn't seem very self-loving to me to sit idly by while she went through this spiel, ultimately sacrificing a real chance at a romantic relationship to side with teal.

    It also didn't seem very congruent with empowerment when Blake left the table early to go to sleep during one episode of Shadow House and, after Bonnie aired her frustration with him for rejecting her romantic advances after they'd "messed around", teal proceeded to peel back the onion in great detail about all of Blake's shortcomings as a boyfriend, no holds barred. Full-on girly gossip session about how rubbish he is. He went to sleep early, teal said, because he was in such resistance to doing shadow work. NOT because he was shit tired from working a regular job + full-time teal servitude. No, of course not, because when you don't do what teal wants you to do, when she wants you to do it, it's always, always... (SAY IT WITH ME!) resistance.

  165. So, Dava, um, WOW! So, yeah. Why is it resistance when people don't want to hear her take their inventory, but also resistance when people express their qualms about HER behavior? WTF?

    So here's another thing about Blake's message to, well, us: There's a pattern with camp teal of trying to shut people down by telling them they're basically spiritually wrong. If you're doing something teal or, in this for instance, Blake doesn't like, you're imperiling your spiritual development. You're in resistance and you're just making that which you resist continue. You're not channeling your anger constructively. And so on. But when teal throws temper tantrums and verbally abuses people on camera for all the world to see, that's setting a healthy example of honesty and preventing crime. I mean, wow. If that level of hypocrisy doesn't elevate all this classic religious abuse to high comedy I don't know what does.

  166. Oh, and need I point out, still no answer from Blake on my questions. I can SEE you, Blake! lol

  167. Dava what army? An army of witch hunters but not Tealers.

  168. LV "Plenty of things persist quite nicely when you ignore them.." I'm sure they would say that ignoring something is a form of resistance.

  169. You're probably right, Justin. You're probably right.

  170. LV "If you can read her various statements on the issue and come to a different conclusion"

    Its not a matter of a different conclusion it is one that is justified by what she has written or said. You seem to be reading between the lines and saying that is what she has said. You need to read the *actual* lines, because that is all you can comment on. Not jump to unfouded conclusions about Teal opinions and ideas.

    It is true that in the US an Africa woman may well be viewed by some, or many, as ugly when by others she would be regarded as beautiful. What is wrong with that? Nothing. And yet you 'read between the lines' and hear Teal saying she thinks African women are ugly. That is not warranted by what she said. Not to mention it is completely implausible considering how many beautiful black women there are!

  171. So, what you're saying Justin is that because I interpret what she's saying differently or have a different feeling about the ramifications than you do, I'm wrong and you're right. See, from my perspective, your interpretations of these things are a little kooky and ignore things she's actually said... in words. We're just not going to agree, Justin. This is one of those cases where we're just going to have to agree to disagree on interpretation. I can respect that you have come to the conclusions you have and that it's right for where you are in your process right now. I'm not attacking you for "wrong-think" or anything. You can't show me the same basic respect? It's not like I don't make my thought process transparent and provide links so people can look at the source material and come to their own conclusions. I'm not telling people what they should think or believe. I don't claim to speak from "source perspective" whatever that is. I'm just having my say about how all this reads TO ME.

  172. @ LaVaughn Well, if the majority of the comments on this blog are any indication, it's not just you who reads this woman this way. THANK GOD...I don't see how anyone could have read the comment Teal made about African women in context of her narcissistic rant as being non-racist. Justin, it seems to me as though you aren't just giving Teal the benefit of the doubt in several of these comments. You cross into the territory of speaking for Teal and making excuses for some of her very inexcusable behavior.

  173. "While establishing a range of idiosyncrasies in linguistic and affective processing under certain conditions, the research program has not confirmed a common pathology of psychopathy. Hare's contention that the pathology is likely due in large part to an inherited or 'hard wired' deficit in cerebral brain function remains speculative.[5]"


    And now you should say something like 'Wikipedia is not a reliable source' and then profer no alternative better source yourself. And cue...

  174. LV "A number of people have raised the question of why she seemed to come out of nowhere online..."

    The foundation of Teal's renown is an amazing book that seems to be too much trouble for you to read. Or maybe it would blow your whole Teal-is-a-bimbo theory to shreds huh?


    108 comments, 5 stars! (oh yeah, I know LaVaughn they are all dupes and idiots, or Teal drones, or CIA operatives or something).

    What book have you written LaVaughn?

  175. Justin, all I can say is, please go back and look at the post I referred you to and read what I actually wrote, in context, where I did, in fact, provide sources. I said, point blank, that he like any researcher is not unimpeachable, that it's an evolving field of research. This is my problem with your style of communicating. You cherry-pick things out of context and try to play gotcha. And then you completely ignore everything that was said to you in response except maybe to wrest some other nugget out of context and do it all over again. You're not engaging in a dialog, despite the fact that I and others have made ourselves available to do so. You just cherry-pick, distort, and run.

    Now, I should also point out on Hare that he is the preeminent researcher into this condition, that his work builds on Cleckley, and that it is echoed by other researchers such as Lykken who breaks it down more starkly: along the lines of psychopaths (born), sociopaths (made).

    I've done and continue to do my reading on the subject and have made the source of my views transparent. You are welcome to do the same and come to whatever conclusions you come to.

  176. Justin, I may write a book some day, when I have the time and wherewithal. I have a few things I pick away at along those lines. it's my hope, though, that when and if I do, it will published by an actual publisher, not a vanity press. And that it will have comments that aren't all in lockstep agreement by people with very few reviews to their names -- which not for nothin' I addressed in my first post.

  177. Kevin "Justin, it seems to me as though you aren't just giving Teal the benefit of the doubt in several of these comments. You cross into the territory of speaking for Teal and making excuses for some of her very inexcusable behavior."

    I am only here to give some kind of balance in what seems to me to be a witch hunt. Yes I am sometimes deliberately trying to put an alternative view to the demonisation of Teal. Mostly I find my heart is already crying out the answer to so many of the frankly pretty mad and vicious attacks on her.

    Again I would like to make very clear I am not speaking for Teal or am I her spokesperson. But as there seems to be *no one* else here defending her then it seems I am the closest there is. They probably have things to do that they prefer :). I like a good ruck.

  178. LV "You just cherry-pick, distort, and run."

    Hahahahaha. Thanks for that. That was pretty funny :)

  179. LV "You are welcome to do the same [read a few books, or at least the contents page] and come to whatever conclusions you come to."

    I think a course at university is a better basis for an opinion on this matter.

  180. Well Justin, I'm glad I could give you a chuckle. But I'm quite serious about this. If you can't even be bothered to read what I've actually written, when I've gone to the effort of pointing you directly to it, and instead drop these weird, little distortions of my meaning in one disjointed comment after another, I really don't see the point of engaging. I think you're playing games. And that I don't find amusing.

  181. Night all, I honestly respect your opinions and the process of voicing them and debating them. This is all part of all of our processes. Is Teal perfect? No. Does she have a lot of useful and good teachings? Yes. Is she a human being who deserves to have her feelings considered by civilised people?

  182. @ Justin... BOY, TEAL really worked her magic on you in London. I'm curious what she said to you when you met her in person. Did she go into all the past lifetimes you've had together by chance? Did she tell you that you guys had a contract to work together in this life? Did she she whisper in your ear "I love you" before she left? Did she give you several full body hugs? Did she tell you your extraterrestrial soul origins?? You seem to be under the Teal spell, and your cognitive dissonance seems to have you abandoning reason as you are confused and lashing out at LaVaughn. LaVaughn is doing us all a favor by finally shining some light on Teal and Teal Eyes unscrupulous and sketchy personal and business tactics. I happen to believe that Teal is a conniving, deceptive, con-artist who is not a wounded bird incapable of defending herself. I believe her lackey Blake is just as culpable, if not more so, in propagating the deception that is TEAL. Justin TEAL doesn't really need you to defend her like a good lil' soldier in her army. BUT good luck to you all the same. I hope that kissing TEAL's ass on this thread AND senselessly attacking LaVaughn gets you where you want to go.

  183. The only people
    who are mad at you
    for speaking the truth
    are those people
    who are living a lie.

    vice versa

    - Loving awareness is watching the arguments of mind.-

  184. Kevin. Nothing like you describe happened to me when I met Teal breifly before the workshop started. She signed my book and wrote a message in there. She didn't tell me anything about past lives, life contracts or soul braides etc. She tells everyone that she loves them I think. Apparently she told me that on the Friday night but I didn't even hear it (someone else did), or I did but somehow dismissed it as a platitude rather than sincerely meant. I can certainly see how her behaviour might be mis-interpreted by someone as coming-on to them. I didn't feel it was, just loving, but people confuse the two a lot. As regards the *story* about someone writing a cheque for a 'school' I would like to see any evidence of this. A copy of the bank statement should be possible, a letter from Teal Eye saying what the funds would be used for (or even an email), any evidence at all?

    Meeting her in person really resolved a lot of worries I had about her. Its easy to have all sorts of ideas about a person on a screen. But when you look into their eyes you connect in a more direct and profound way. I can tell you from that it was clear to me she *is* a very loving person.

    You hit a nerve with your shot at me trying to earn brownie points with Teal etc. People do that a lot I have noticed :) including me, and I'm sure that kind of concern plays some part in my motivation. As does a lot of other motivations, like an interest in the truth, an interest in criticisms of Teal because sometimes they have some validity. Most of my main interest whenever I get into debate is to get towards understanding and truth for myself and others.

  185. Where's the video for the New York workshop?

    I guess the London one is going up for sale on a DVD soon to further the work of this noble business.

  186. @ Justin... in regards to the story about TEAL... LOL I find it hilarious that you want proof! That person had nothing to gain by sharing their friend's experience with TEAL that I can see. It was a pretty embarrassing story actually. I tell you what... If you believe that TEAL and TEAL EYE LLC is really on the up and up, and completely transparent, and certainly not out to take people's money for personal gain, then why don't you GO AHEAD AND CUT TEAL A CHECK,,,,If you need PROOF so badly, why don't YOU go ahead and donate your savings to TEAL.... THEN come back and talk to us... When Teal takes your money and runs, I believe you will have all the PROOF you need Justin! I'm willing to bet you would even want to apologize to LaVAughn. :)

  187. TEAL's advice to the audience at Santa Fe

    "If it doesn't feel good to have a mortgage you shouldn't have a mortgage"

  188. I know Glen... LOL apparently it feels good to TEAL to have other people pay her mortgage... Most notably Fallon.

  189. Justin replied

    "As to the EMT Teal did do her license at 18 but realised she couldn't do the actual work regularly because of dealing with people in such a traumatised state. It was about this time she realised she had a talent and interest in skiing so pursued that instead."

    What nonsense. Teal claims to go down to the hospital to this day in and out of body to console people in a traumatized state down at the hospital. She wrote an entire blog on her time spent at the hospital consoling people and she's been taking on clients with traumatic conditions which makes the above answer utter nonsense, which it is.

    She called it 'The Sunflower That Is Always There'. It was written to make her sound like a modern day Florence Nightingale.

    Wow, this really should be on a Penn and Teller Bullshit show.

  190. IMO – all of this...

    What gets lost in the banter about trivial things is the overall view of what is going on. Discussing trivial things keeps the discussion away from focusing on the 'real' damaging issues. - like something/anything is real :-)

    Many of us are waking up to this place (3D Earth) as being an illusion – is not real. This awakening is what draws people to seek answers from people like Teal. She appears to have some answers. Lots of us want answers – but speaking for myself – I want want truthful answers. Is Teal an honest person? Or does she manipulate people? Does she treat people like chess pieces? An honest person, I think, would have to answer Teal is a manipulator. To what end? Why? What is the goal?

    I repeat - I think there is a dark agenda that really started to show up after the Santa Barbara workshop. This is when Fallon and the reptilians really started to come out of hiding. It became a reptilian nest – perhaps it always was but I didn't know about it. The New York workshop – wow – reptilians everywhere – crazy extremely dark energy.

    The reptilians, the dark agenda – who is in charge of it? Who are the players? Would a high priestess of Satan perhaps qualify as someone of interest we might look at? Did Teal ever renounce that position – is it even renounceable? IDK. I've way more questions than answers. But = BUT.... I feel there is something here. When we talk of trivial stuff – this all gets shuffled to the background – where I'm pretty sure Teal wants it to be.

    Is Teal here to help us ascend – or KEEP us from ascending??? Now there's the question.

    Teal teaches to stay in the mind – always directing people back to their ego/minds – to shadow work – to dark places. And what happens when people focus on low vibrational things? The results are – look at the Shadow house – are these people happy? Are they happier after doing their Shadow work? I see misery – LOA at work. I see Teal doing her hidden “job” very well.

    What you resist persists – is thrown around like it is a “given”, is Teal's idea (I've yet to hear her give credit to anyone else), and is Truth ultimate. Is it? No. It appears it comes from Carl Jung. It is not a given. BUT, if you want that to be your Truth – go ahead and take it. It is being served up all fancy by Teal and company. Take the colored pill and stay in low vibrational ego/mind darkness. That only leads to further darkness. It is a bottomless PIT. Hmm whose in charge of that? I seem to remember reading about that in some book :-)

    Teal is master of disguise. It is so hard to know where the Truth starts and where it stops – but know that when you are dealing with Teal – you will find yourself being steered to dark places – always.

    Now is the time we are being offered a unique chance to raise our vibrations up to the next level – the 5th dimension. It does appear like it is Teal's job to keep that from happening! The people who are ready to move up – the ones who know something is up – the ones who are looking for truth – these are the people that Teal snags in her low vibrational net - the Tealers, of which I was one. I still am somewhat hypnotized by Teal. It been an amazing ride :-) She is mesmerizing. A reality show gone wild.

    To go to the next dimension we must get out of our ego/minds (which is not us) and into our hearts – which is who we really are. How much of Teals teachings are about how to do this? How to connect and live from our hearts? How to get out of our ego/minds? How to lose all our fear? This is not Teal's focus. Why?

    When the overall view comes into focus – it seems there is a dark agenda – of which Teal is a part of – a player – possibly a major player. Of this I am fairly certain.

    My biggest questions are more in line with – how much of this is really Teal's doing and how much of Teal has been hijacked?

    I suspect there is only a very small portion of Mary Bosworth consciousness currently able to surface in Teal's body.

  191. Hey Glen, Could you tell me where specifically she says the thing about the mortgage in that workshop? She talks a lot of smack for like four hours. I can't wade through all of it. I don't have the time and my gorge really starts to rise. And may I say that I applaud your willingness to sit through it.

  192. "LOL I find it hilarious that you want proof!"

    Courts normally want proof as well, at least the ones that aren't kangeroo courts or show trials (even witch hunts maybe :)).

    The reason for this is people have fallible memories. However bits of paper and emails generally can be relied on. Plus of course people lie sometimes, especially when they thought they might get some sex and were disppointed perhaps.

  193. @Justin, for your information and so that you get it into your brain for you to comprehend. No one but Teal herself made an issue of her scars and she has been quoted as having drawn attention to them for the purposes of evidence.

    "She tells of being drugged and tortured by group members, and she says she has the scars to prove it."

    Nobody is asking Teal to bear her scars, it was Teal who drew attention to them herself. Why your suggestion of voyeurism is another attempt to twist things. What you forget is that everything we know about Teal has come from Teal or her intentional community or her publicity or her videos. Got that?

    I'm going to say it Justin, I think you're quite slimy and you like to make issues about things that don't exist and you do it to try to make critics feel bad about off topic stuff.

    You call this a witch hunt when it's simply a place to leave information to be evaluated by other people with a view to coming to a fuller more concise understanding, so the witch hunt thing will not wash sunshine.

    I've said this already on here but I'll repeat it for the benefit of Justin. It was Teal who directed her fans/followers to this blog via her Facebook page, it was also Justin Samuel Olaguer who posted the link for this blog on his Facebook page.

    So, don't suggest that La Vaughn attracted traffic here to orchestrate a witch hunt, that has zero foundation. If anything, it was Teal and Justin who directed traffic here. I hope that's sunk in your noodle Justin (whoever you are)

    "This is ultimately the point of clarity I have reached tonight, and I am happy that this La Vaughn bitch has provided the contrast to inspire me to open up and offer an understanding of myself and the role that I wish to play in this world, and of the role the people I love here have played in my life thus far. http://celestial-reflections.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-artist-formerly-known-as-teal-scott.html" wrote Justin Samuel Olaguer

  194. LOL... oh JUSTIN.... ur precious.... I say I find it hilarious that you want proof, because isn't that what LaVaughn is asking for in TEAL's story??? You accuse LaVaughn of being on a witch hunt for posing perfectly reasonable questions to the validity of TEAL's "stories" of abuse.... or did you miss that lil cherry??

  195. Ima Guest,

    Coupla things -- you write:

    "Many of us are waking up to this place (3D Earth) as being an illusion – is not real. This awakening is what draws people to seek answers from people like Teal. She appears to have some answers. Lots of us want answers – but speaking for myself – I want want truthful answers."

    May I make a suggestion? Stop looking for answers and, in particular, stop looking for answers in from other people. They don't have them, which is why I find the whole "Ask Teal" thing so offensive. I tell people up front that I don't give answers. I give information. I lend insight. I don't give anyone their answers because answers are between you and God as you define God. I won't ever hand anyone a conclusion because I believe to do so steals their power and forces my ego down their throats.

    I also think a lot of things aren't really answerable. On a lot of this stuff, including the lightwork, I've learned that we have to embrace the mystery. The truth of God is so far beyond words, how can we possibly hope to "answer" it. This is one of my favorite quotes from Ranier Maria Rilke, whose poetry I find profound and mystical. Anyway, this is from Letters to a Young Poet. You've maybe come across it before:

    “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

    You write:

    "Is Teal an honest person? Or does she manipulate people? Does she treat people like chess pieces? An honest person, I think, would have to answer Teal is a manipulator. To what end? Why? What is the goal?"

    I think she's been pretty straightforward about her objectives: money, gifts, fame. She says it often enough. They're probably her most consistent themes. There are some broad, ill-defined, and shifting goals for Teal Eye, but money, gifts, fame. On those things she's quite consistent. I've long said that people will always tell you exactly who and what they are. We just need to pay attention and be willing to see it. The other day I stumbled on this quote from Maya Angelou:

    “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

  196. The reason that matters discussed on this blog have never been refuted is because they are INDEFENSIBLE.

    You will see none come here to uphold the business because plain and simply it has been build on a lie and that's' all there is to say about it. I think another term would be BUSTED.

    Nobody has come forward because they were unable to defend themselves from the lies they had created.

  197. I just need to say, on the record, I really like witches. I have a number of Wiccan friends. They're lovely people. I have written a little about the abuse of term. It can be found under the Wicca tag. Also if you want to see the results of a real modern-day witch hunt, take a look at the stuff on the WM3. That's the kind of shit the Satanic Panic of the 80s and 90s has wrought. But real witches? I like them.

  198. Ima Guest: "Teal teaches to stay in the mind – always directing people back to their ego/minds .."

    LaVaughn: "May I make a suggestion? Stop looking for answers and, in particular, stop looking for answers in from other people"

    U.G. Krishnamurti & Gangaji round that up very well.

    "I don't see any confusion there in you. The confusion is in the structure of your thought. It thrives on confusion so that it can look for some clarity. It doesn't want clarity, the demand for the clarity is responsible for the confusion." U.G. Krishnamurti

    "The question how to direct thoughts is part of keep them going." Gangaji


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