Feb 17, 2014

Breaking the TEAL SPELL -- UPDATE: The Noncasts

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

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Comment overflow: page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6, page 7,
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Update: The Noncasts (See Below)

Further Update: Blake Addresses Jason Freedman Mystery (See Below)

Yet Another Update: Kicking "Tealers" Down the Memory Hole (See Below)

Some years ago, when I was doing the Flower of Life teacher training with Drunvalo Melchizedek, one of my fellow travelers shared with me that he was troubled by what he called the "Drunvalettes." The term was his own invention but there was no mistaking his meaning. He even pegged a few of our classmates with that term. He liked Drunvalo quite a bit but that there was this kind of adulation by some Flower of Life folks made him uncomfortable. He had some concern that Drunvalo might have been fostering this unquestioning sycophancy. So one day when we were enjoying a break, he asked Drunvalo very directly how he felt about his Drunvalettes.

Dru shook his head and sighed. "I just try to stay out of it," he said.

That's one approach. There's a conversation to be had, for sure, about whether ignoring the phenomenon and trying to distance oneself from it is enough. Is it necessary to more actively discourage such behavior? But I think the one thing we were all in agreement on -- Drunvalo, myself, and the gentleman who raised the concern -- was that such hero worship was not a good or healthy thing.

The term "tealer" has similarly been thrown around to describe those who've drunk the "teal-aid." Some of her more passionate and angry defenders who've posted on my blog have been quite pejoratively labeled "tealers" by other commenters. So imagine my horror when I read this in a recent TEAL post about her seminar in Atlanta.

I am struck by how much the imprint of the days of slavery still remains on some of the older buildings and railways here in town. It has soaked its way especially into the old wood that dots the brick walls. The venue for yesterday’s workshop was one such a building. It was a fitting energy, seeing as how the theme of the entire workshop was self-liberation.

This group which is being called the “Tealers” is the most open minded, eccentrically intellectual group I have ever beheld.  I think it is now my favorite part of holding these workshops.  Long-term friendships are formed.  People find their place to belong. And I get to witness the fact that this world is in good hands.  All across the globe, they form a supportive web of awakening.  They touch the lives of the people in the cities they live in.  It is like a little legion of enlightened spirits, whose practice is that of non-resistance and expansion.

You're Freeeee! Wait. Not so fast.

TEAL's posts are always a box of contradictions. The scenery is beautiful. The people are lovely. The town oozes its fetid history from every nook and cranny. Life is beautiful and filled with joy. I wander through a briar patch of PTSD triggers that hurl me into seizures and despair. My life is so rich and full that I've written a how-to book on self-love. Everything reminds me of my ritual abuse and being sewn into corpses.

And, bonus! This post comes with a healthy dose of bigotry... and, for good measure, a naked lady.

But I digress. She actually wants "tealers." It's positively Orwellian. You too can be liberated if only you will define yourself by your adoration of TEAL.

Teal 1984 photo teal1984_zps929f7b08.jpg

As I said in my first post on the topic, I have never seen a spiritual teacher who has so blatantly courted adulation and fostered dependency. What I've learned two posts and volumes of feedback later is that it's so much worse than I thought.

Recently, yet another TEAL related Facebook group launched: Teal Tribe Dating. That might not be so bad right? A nice little meeting place for people of similar interests under her general auspices. But then I read the copy.

Teal Tribe Dating

"Teal Tribe Dating" is a group for human beings(Well... at least in the 3D) who are single and looking for a loving relationship with a like-minded partner. Teal Tribe turned out to be an easy awesome way for people who are familiar with Teal to find their true friends and soul family, and now you have a chance to meet your true love too. That idea works by the law of attraction: The vibration in this group is high because of the high vibrational message of Teal Scott; Which means meeting high quality and spiritual-minded people. To break the ice, here is a suggestion for introducing yourself:

. . .

Favorite Teal's Video/Art/Quotes:

*To search for profiles go into the 'Photos' tab and click the desired category... [All emphases mine]

Yes, you are part of an elite group of "high vibrational" people because you like TEAL. TEAL's followers are your true soul family. And you can all bond based on your shared devotion to TEAL. You can even find the love of your life as long as it's really all about ♥ TEAL ♥.

This all looks more and more cultish by the day. I can't help thinking of the Moonies and their arranged, mass weddings.

Obviously, Teal Tribe is not a cult like Unification, Hare Krishna, or other highly organized groups. It's not a totalitarian regime. But there are definitely cultish elements. It's enough, in my mind, to be concerning. I say this, in part, because of what I'm hearing from people, publicly and privately, about having difficulty extricating loved ones or even disengaging themselves from her strange pull.

Much of the feedback I've gotten has been from people who described themselves as having been "obsessed" with TEAL, or words very much to that effect. Some said their interest moved rapidly from interest in what she was saying to fascination with her and the soap opera that is her life.

That she turned her life into a kind of reality show called Shadow House, which opened a window into her "intentional family," fed the fascination. Her life is decidedly more interesting than her spiritual teachings. It's full of sex, fights, verbal abuse, and melodrama. Some of these programs made viewers privy to things like TEAL's humiliation of the aforementioned Fallon and also of a gal named Cameron, whose major crime appears to have been that Blake was attracted to her. The fourth wall was torn down completely as viewers made the whole thing interactive. The audience participation portion involved TEAL fans taking to chat, Facebook, and Teal Tribe to verbally assault these people for their grievous mistreatment of TEAL. Anyone who questioned TEAL's treatment of them was likewise set upon by the group.

Anyone who has ever witnessed the vitriol that TEAL inspires in her fans when they seek to defend her would have to wonder just what is meant by "high vibrational."

As I said in that first post, the Fallon episode suggested the confessional element of cult behavior referenced by Robert J. Lifton, as Fallon opened himself to group abasement for his "sociopathic" behavior. As I've learned more about these Shadow House livestreams from those who've viewed them, I've realized that it fits that criterion even more directly than I'd first thought. In Shadow House events, TEAL puts her "family" members in the hot seat and scrutinizes their shadows. Any viewer of these broadcasts would become privy to very personal, private information about her inner circle. According to many accounts, Cameron was compelled to participate over her objections. It ended badly and ultimately caused her to quit the area. This description of the confession element of cult indoctrination is adapted from Lifton.

Sins, as defined by the group, are to be confessed either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group. There is no confidentiality: members' sins, attitudes, and faults are discussed and exploited by the leaders.

Closely related to the demand for absolute purity is an obsession with personal confession. Confession is carried beyond its ordinary religious, legal, and therapeutic expressions to the point of becoming a cult in itself. (Page 425.)

Public confessional periods are used to get members to verbalize and discuss their innermost fears and anxieties as well as past imperfections.

The environment demands that personal boundaries are destroyed and that every thought, feeling, or action that does not conform with the group's rules be confessed.

Members have little or no privacy, physically or mentally.

In assessing the shadows of her housemates, TEAL relies heavily on Byron Katie's "The Work" for methodology. Katie is, herself, on the radar of cult watchers and accounts of her antics certainly do raise an eyebrow. For instance, she also does a homeless exercise very like, if not identical to, the one practiced by James Arthur Ray that resulted in the mysterious death of Colleen Conaway.

I would encourage those familiar with TEAL's organization to look over some of the cult literature linked herein. These two pages include characteristics identified by a number of cult researchers: Intro to Cults 101 and Cult Characteristics. I'm not as acquainted with the inner workings of TEAL world as many readers are but even I can see that these pages point to any number of red flags.

For instance  Rick Ross claims, "Anything the group/leader does can be justified no matter how harsh or harmful." TEAL's vicious attacks on Fallon and Cameron as well as other thoroughly embarrassing Shadow House outbursts are not only justified but extolled as a virtue. TEAL is courageously showing the world her shadow side instead of hiding it like typical gurus, it is claimed. 

Cults are typically formed around charismatic leadership. Lifton observed, "The guru is worshipped, rather than the principles or doctrines (on which the sect is supposed to be based)." As stated, for many of TEAL's followers, the days and nights of Teal Bosworth Scott Swan have upstaged her spiritual teachings. She has made her personal life a major focus of her work, with her Shadow House livestream events and her confessional style blogging.

The American Family Foundation says, "The group is focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment." As discussed, her defenders are passionate, indeed, as I and other critics have learned the hard way.

Carol Giambavo puts it like this: "Charismatic or messianic leader who is self-appointed and has a special mission in life." To say that TEAL is self-appointed and has announced a "special mission" would be to understate her accounting. As discussed, she has described herself as a Eucharist projected here by an Arcturian panel and genetically engineered to be white and beautiful enough to be heard on "every single continent." 

This, again, is the interview in which she explains in painful detail why it was so critical that she have universally appealing features. But not only is she more attractive than those poor, ugly African women, she's not like the rest of us mere mortals at all. She's not even really human.

(9:30) So I am a soul fork. What that means is from nonphysical energy -- so most people in the planet, they're non-physical energy that is projected forth into a physical human body. I am non-physical energy that is perfect-projected forth into an Arcturian body -- an extraterrestrial body. Now that extraterrestrial being has chosen to then project forth as a human body twelve times. This is the twelfth incarnation. And it's quite, it's quite funny, ironically, because before I even came down, um, there was an entire panel of beings, Arcturian beings, sixth dimensional beings, who even chose the way I would look in this life....

(16:15) I'm now three points of perspective. Most people are two. Most people are the higher self and their human perspective, two points of perspective. I'm three, human, extraterrestrial, and nonphysical.

Special. She's very, very special. She also has no idea what irony means, because there is nothing in that story that is remotely ironic.

By virtue of her specialness, her followers are also special. As stated, they are "high vibrational."

As per the American Family Foundation, "The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and members (for example: the leader is considered the Messiah or an avatar; the group and/or the leader has a special mission to save humanity)."

You mean like a "supportive web of awakening" or a "little legion of enlightened spirits" who are devoted to an Arcturian projecting into human flesh to act as a Eucharist?

"Tealers" and "Teal Tribe Dating" members are told they've found their "place to belong" and their "true friends and soul family." It sounds an awful lot like the "love bombing" described by the Cult Information Centre: "Creating a sense of family and belonging through hugging, kissing, touching and flattery."

According to  the American Family Foundation, "Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished." Or as Steven Hassan puts it, "No critical questions about leader, doctrine, or policy seen as legitimate."

Many people report having had their comments deleted from TEAL's blog, when they raised uncomfortable questions or pointed out discrepancies. References to these deletions -- or having such comments held up in moderation -- are peppered throughout the comments on the two previous posts. Notably, a frequent commenter on TEAL's blog named Lena had her account deleted with her entire comment history. When this deletion was called out in the comments on my blog and then by regulars on TEAL's blog, Blake finally responded. He claimed that it was an error on the part of an overzealous admin who did so out of love for TEAL. I asked Blake to explain how it was that his claimed no-censorship policy was never adequately communicated to the admin and why it was that so many reported having been censored. That was weeks ago. He has never responded to my query. That exchange, such as it was, can be found here.

More to the point, consider how TEAL has responded to the questions I have raised in my two posts. She has called me a "hater" who "crawled out of the woodwork" to try to co-opt her growing fame. She has accused me of causing her great emotional pain. Her posts in response to my questions serve to polarize her most devoted followers against the very act of raising questions or having doubts. It solidifies an "us vs. them" attitude towards anyone who would dare question, which Hassan identifies as one of the methods of "thought control."

"Whenever the group/leader is criticized or questioned it is characterized as 'persecution'," says Rick Ross. In TEAL's case, it's morphing into paranoia. In a recent post, she cites her critics as justification for ramping up the already very noticeable security.

I’m sure some people are wondering why I bother having security personnel at my workshops if I teach (and believe) the concept of “I create my own reality”.  So I wanted to explain it to you.

. . .

Part of the contrast involved with fame is the contrast of having “haters” and “antagonists”.  We chose the potential of this contrast before even coming into this life.  We chose it for the sake of our own expansion.  The experience of these types of interactions and people, leads to the desire and therefore creation of staying true to ourself regardless of opposition, benevolence, unity, appreciative focus and love within our own lives and within the universe.  This is part of why we chose the “fame path” to begin with over other paths we could have chosen.

Another cult indicator is a lack of fiscal transparency. As Rick Ross puts it, there is "No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement." The billboard campaign is illustrative. After a number of people mentioned in comments on my blog that they wondered what had happened to all the donations to this project, the issue magically appeared in a new blog post. (That there is a call and response thing going on between my blog and her posts has been noted repeatedly.) But this explanation was at least a day late and a buck or two short.

As per usual, there is an enormous learning curve with any new endeavor.  The first crowd funding campaign we did accomplished almost nothing.  The perks we offered turned out to be almost as expensive to create and provide as the money people were donating.  On top of that, one of the people helping with the campaign, offered a perk that wasn’t his to offer due to a copyright someone else had on his work, so we ended up being forced to pay a bunch of money to a third party person for a perk that had already been delivered.  In the end, we made too little money in profits to accomplish many of our goals.  But having learned our lesson the hard way, we are planning in the near future to start another campaign with the very same aim.

So, it would appear that TEAL's idea of financial disclosure goes something like this: All that money you all donated? It's pretty much gone with nothing to show for it. Can we have some more?

Use of "deception" in recruiting and fundraising is cited by Hasssan, Giambalvo, and the U of C, but it also kind of goes without saying, doesn't it? Aside from the murkiness about people's donations, there's a lot about TEAL's claims that raises questions. Of course, whether or not she was specially designed by an Arcturian panel is a little hard to validate one way or the other. Such "revealed knowledge" is integral to many a religious experience but the difficulty in fact-checking means we accept it on faith or we don't.

But there is also a lack of empirical proof to things like her very central claim of Satanic ritual abuse. Many such claims were made in the 80s and 90s. But TEAL herself admits that there's no evidence other than the say-so of victims like herself and claims that most of those are too terrified to come forward.

As I wrote before, to TEAL's great consternation, the FBI investigated claims of Satanic ritual abuse and found there was no real evidence. Psychologists and other experts who testified in court cases against abusers have since been discredited and largely discounted as it's come to light that false memories can be implanted during therapy. That said, a great deal of TEAL's narrative comes apart if that doesn't happen to be true. In fairness, she may believe it whether or not it's true.

When I was looking into Byron Katie for this post, I came across another troubling bit of information. Her story of awakening and TEAL's are strikingly similar. Both involve insects which inspired radical shifts in perspective during very dark passages in their lives.

TEAL's story of the "little ant" that awakened her to the awareness of life teeming merrily all around her even as she was confined to a hole by her Mormon Satanist abuser starts at about the 17:00 minute mark. The inappropriate laughter as she begins to tell it is particularly jarring.

Byron Katie's story of awakening while staring at a cockroach can be found here.

Less than two weeks after I entered the halfway house, my life changed completely. What follows is a very approximate account.

One morning I woke up. I had been sleeping on the floor as usual. Nothing special had happened the night before; I just opened my eyes. But I was seeing without concepts, without thoughts or an internal story. There was no me. It was as if something else had woken up. It opened its eyes. It was looking through Katie's eyes. And it was crisp, it was clear, it was new, it had never been here before. Everything was unrecognizable. And it was so delighted! Laughter welled up from the depths and just poured out. It breathed and was ecstasy. It was intoxicated with joy: totally greedy for everything. There was nothing separate, nothing unacceptable to it. Everything was its very own self. For the first time I — it — experienced the love of its own life. I — it —was amazed

In trying to be as accurate as possible, I am using the word “it” for this delighted, loving awareness, in which there was no me or world, and in which everything was included. There just isn't another way to say how completely new and fresh the awareness was. There was no I observing the “it.” There was nothing but the “it.” And even the realization of an “it” came later.

Let me say this in a different way. A foot appeared; there was a cockroach crawling over it. It opened its eyes, and there was something on the foot; or there was something on the foot, and then it opened its eyes — I don't know the sequence, because there was no time in any of this. So, to put it in slow motion: it opened its eyes, looked down at the foot, a cockroach was crawling across the ankle, and … it was awake! It was born. And from then on, it's been observing. But there wasn't a subject or an object. It was — is — everything it saw. There's no separation in it, anywhere.

In the midst of this experience, the four questions that would go on to define "The Work" were born: Is it true or can I really know that it's true? How do I react when I think that thought? Can I find one peaceful reason to believe that thought? Who would I be without the thought?

So, here we have two women, in the depths of despair, after years of suffering, who both realized they could simply shift their perspective while staring at bugs. It's a little coincidental, doncha think? And Byron Katie is one of the only sources TEAL acknowledges drawing from.

I still have a hard time seeing how either of these teachings differ from telling people they can heal themselves through willful denial, but that's probably a discussion for another day.

"To us it's all about truth. And we have an addiction to it. We have this absolute addiction. Worldwide addiction to the idea that we have to know what is true, which is just ridiculous. Because most of us are killing ourselves with what we think is true. So the question is why do you want truth to begin with? I want truth 'cause I think I will be happier if I have truth. Okay, well what if the truth is this and that makes you feel like crap. Does that really make you feel better? Why are we going about it the long way? Why not just decide that what matters is that you feel good? It's the only reason you want truth anyway. And most of the time when people realize that, life becomes a bit more soft. You know? It becomes a bit more about does this benefit me, not is it true." ~ TEAL

It has been suggested by many people, myself included, that TEAL sounds an awful lot like Abraham-Hicks. But TEAL says no. At around minute 20:00 in the Nova Zem interview posted above, she says she'd only learned about Abraham channeler Esther Hicks about a year before because "someone" who was listening to her drew the comparison. She gives Abraham-Hicks a pat on the head for being the "most accurate" of channelers but this comes in the midst of her explaining why what she does is so much better than channeling. She really is a higher consciousness being. She's not just channeling one, which is all we ordinary humans can do.

That interview took place in March of 2013. But Blake Dyer, who is pretty much her right hand, knew about the Abraham teachings at least as far back as March of 2011, two years, not one year before. Now is it possible that there's some confusion about the dates? Sure. Is it possible that she and Blake didn't confer? Maybe. Is it possible that it's entirely coincidental that TEAL's teachings are "effectively identical" to those of Abraham-Hicks, as a commenter noted in response to Blake? I guess it's possible. What is stranger is just how it is that we know Blake was familiar with Abraham-Hicks in March of 2011. It's because we know to a near certainty that Blake was at that time doing a lot of his TEAL promotion under the name of Jason Freedman, who wrote this comment on an Abraham-Hicks discussion forum.

Hello all,
I am a free lance journalist who is a long time devotee of a teacher called Teal Scott (The spiritual catalyst)
When I was discussing Teal's teachings to a friend a while back, they said wow... That sounds just like what Abraham is saying. So, I decided to check it out.
I love the messages of both these Teachers (which are so very similar) I can't tell you the good it has brought to my life. I believe we are presented teachers just when we need them most.

How do we know that this Jason Freedman was actually Blake? Therein hangs a tale.

Soon after I did my first post on the woman then known as Teal Scott, a gentleman commenting under the moniker Mykeyta offered some background. He had once considered her ex-husband Mark Scott a good friend. Blake Dyer had also been a friend. The friendships were strained by his growing discomfort with TEAL's many claims and their absorption in her ambition. When an opinion piece was published in the local paper, discussing TEAL's claims of Satanic ritual abuse, he was troubled by the swarm attack on the editor who wrote it and any other commenter who didn't accept her story at face value. More than one of them were evocative of his friend Blake so he came to the conclusion that TEAL's "army" was largely made up of sock puppets. In particular there are several comments in that thread by Jason Freedman. Mykeyta found that Mr. Freedman had written the "puff piece" I mentioned in that post. He also noted that the picture of Mr. Freedman looked an awful lot like Blake Dyer. He called the number listed for Mr. Freedman and found that he also sounded a lot like Blake Dyer.

I don't know Mykeyta any better than I know TEAL or Blake Dyer or anyone else in their sphere, but to me his story had the ring of truth. More than TEAL's stories do at any rate. A photo taken from a distance in front of the Great Wall of China -- a place he knew Blake had been -- and his account of vocal recognition make for an intriguing story, but they're not evidence.

Flash forward to a couple of days ago when, on my second blog post on the subject, Mykeyta recounted the story to someone who very understandably hadn't read the 1000+ comments on these two posts. Another person called Ima Guest had been having trouble posting some comments due to computer issues but emailed me something more like documentary proof that Blake Dyer and Jason Freedman are one and the same. And it all comes down to that phone number.

Here's the number for Jason Freedman:

Jason Freedman Number

Jason Freedman Detail

Here's the number for TEAL's Frequency Jewelry:

Frequency Jewelry

Frequency Jewelry Detail

Here's the number for Blake Dyer:

Blake's Number

Here's what happens when you put the phone number in Google:

google 8019499651

I think it's pretty safe to say at this point that Jason Freedman is Blake Dyer.

This would mean that Blake Dyer, under a pseudonym, wrote up an interview with a former girlfriend to promote a business, Teal Eye LLC, of which he is the Director. He did not disclose his close association with TEAL or her business. Instead he posed as a fictional reporter "who writes for periodicals both nationally and internationally," but whose byline, strangely, only seems to bring up that one story in searches.

Worse, he used this fake persona, once again, to comment on the Herald Journal piece where he argued from authority as a reporter with a twenty year career. These comments appear alongside other comments from sundyer, Blake's official moniker, and who knows how many other socks.

Mr. Freedman wrote three comments in response to that column. They are the only comments he has  posted to date to the Herald Journal.

His first comment, posted at 10:25 am on Mon, Mar 28, 2011:

I'm totally appalled by the mocking and disbelieving tone of this article. "Just another reader" and "Bluto" and "DL in Den"... you are full of crap. I have worked for 20 years in investigative journalism,. I have seen reports like this one float across the desks of reporters only to be ignored because no one likes to touch these stories. Not because they are not true but because society is not ready to face the bitter reality that it does happen and did happen this time. Society's blind ignorance to this happening is why it continues to happen. I'm totally Ashamed that any of you would think this woman would have anything to gain from telling her story. Instead, she risks everything. She risks her own safety, credibility and connection by admitting these things. Women like her are the rare, brave, exception to the rule of silent victims. Anyone who does not stand beside her participates in silencing victims and therefore siding with perpetrators everywhere. Perpetrators BANK on victims being discredited as some of you have done.
the only reason the columnist mentioned her book (which aside from the foreword has nothing to do with abuse) is because he saw an interview with her in it talking about the book on Park City TV. The book is the reason he even heard this story.
He admitted this himself.
I thought this editor did an injustice to victims everywhere by releasing this column with a "tale tale" tone to it.
That was the only thing "LAME" about this article.
I'm embarrassed to be human today having read some of the un supportive comments that are being written about this.

His second comment, posted at 6:57 pm on Mon, Mar 28, 2011:

I got very upset about that. I did not mean to be insulting. The issue is this... I happen to have done a lot of journalism in jails where I talked to three separate prisoners who confessed to me directly about how they would go about mentally programming children. I have heard it from the horse's mouth. Not the victim's mouths.
Visit this link for a bit...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUfzWTem15E (first of eight videos)
and http://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/studies/satanic-ritual-abuse-evidence-with-information-on-the-mcmartin-preschool-case/

His third comment, posted at 9:02 am on Tue, Mar 29, 2011:

The only reason I can see for people to be so adamant to discredit claims of ritual abuse is if they themselves where practicing participants.

Mr. Freedman also wrote a letter to the editor, making basically the same case.

In response to the article titled “Claims of local torture cult got this editor’s attention,” featured March 27, I am appalled by the disbelieving tone of the article addressing the ritual abuse suffered by the subject of the aforementioned article, “Teal Scott.” I am a freelance journalist who has seen reports of ritual abuse in our state float across the desks of reporters and be ignored for 20 years. This ignorance to the validity of these stories is exactly why they continue to happen in our community. As a result of this article, I have researched Teal Scott myself only to find that she is not to be discredited. It is time that the citizens of Utah came out of ignorance about the ritual abuse (especially satanic ritual abuse) that continues to go on in the state and stood behind those who are brave enough to come out of hiding and say something about it.

If Blake and Freedman are one and the same, as they surely appear to be, that would mean that in order to attack and shame people for questioning the veracity of TEAL's story, he's adopted a fake persona and proffered as evidence prison interviews that never happened during a journalism career history he's made up. Blake Dyer has raised mendacity to an art form.

Pay attention, TEAL. That is irony.

Speaking for myself, a realization of that kind of fraud would cause me to become disillusioned. Disillusionment is painful, but I prefer it to the alternative -- believing in an illusion. I guess I'm one of those people who's addicted to truth.

I have experienced similar disillusionment. I have learned to my great dismay that teachers I have followed were not what they appeared to be and even that they were baldfaced liars. I have discovered that I was being manipulated and mislead. It was painful. It did not "feel good" to learn it. I'm still glad I learned it because it freed me up to seek elsewhere for spiritual education and guidance.

And I have felt very foolish. Like many people, I used to think that I was too smart to fall for con artists and cult leaders. I was wrong. It was humbling. But humility is a great place from which to start over.

"When I hear someone say that only stupid people fall for fraud, I feel like asking for that person’s phone number. But here’s the thing: I didn’t want to talk to stupid people, because stupid people don’t have $50,000 lying around to give me. You would be amazed at how many doctors, lawyers, engineers, and college professors I have ripped off. The bottom line is, fraud is a crime that can happen to anyone, given the right con artist and a victim with the right set of circumstances." ~ The Anonymous Confessions of a Con Artist

In the comments, following my last post on TEAL, a woman named Becky asked what I and other commenters recommended for spiritual guidance and inspiration to fill the gap left by TEAL. It was a good conversation that can be read in full starting on the first page of comments on that post. I'd like to address it here because my rather lengthy attempt to address it in the comments was eaten by blogger. But also because I think it's a good jumping off point to a larger conversation about healing after this kind of disillusionment.

I was thinking about how defensive people get on the whole Teal subject, and why that is... It occurs to me that maybe it's because in a way she gives a lot of people hope. People hear her story and feel empowered by it, if she can "beat those odds" maybe they can too.

I think they start to get angry because they might feel betrayed by Teal when the story starts to fall apart, and that hopeless feeling starts to return. That's probably a space a lot of people don't want to go back to, so they live in denial about the story crumbling, but they still have to direct that anger somewhere.

Somehow the phrase "Don't shoot the messenger" comes to mind. A lot of people are taking this stuff very personally and it might be a good idea to ask why that is?

I was just thinking about my thought process through all of this, how my emotions came into play when I was trying to figure out where I stand on all this Teal stuff.
I guess I'm asking, what else has helped you, what gives you hope? What inspires you? What's helped you grow as a person?

I'm curious about what resources you trust that you would direct people to if they wanted better themselves, but didn't necessarily know where to go?

What she is describing in the first part of that comment is cognitive dissonance and it's key to understanding manipulation and indoctrination. Leon Festinger did the seminal research in the 1950s. I touched on this briefly here, as well. Festinger theorized that people are most comfortable when their thoughts, feelings, and actions, are all congruent. Among other things, this means that we are strongly motivated to continue believing falsehoods if no longer believing them comes into conflict with life choices we've made, money we've laid out, and happiness we've attained by believing in them. So very often we will cleave to the falsehood with greater ferocity to protect our own sense of inner harmony.

I am always a little reticent to make general recommendations because there is no one size fits all when it comes to spiritual teaching. In particular, when a person is coming out of a situation where someone has been abusing spiritual authority, as I believe TEAL does, the last thing I want to do is run the risk of further over-running instincts that may be quite damaged.

I will tell readers what I tell my clients. My recommendations are my opinion. If what I say doesn't feel right for you, disregard it.

If you are coming out of any abusive situation, spiritual or otherwise, there is probably soul loss. For that I recommend soul retrieval. I had several soul retrievals with a skilled shaman. They helped me to restore parts lost to abusive teachers and healers. They also helped to restore missing parts that had left me vulnerable to such influences in the first place. They helped, period. My path takes me through shamanism and indigenous teachings so that work is a fit for me. The seminal book on the topic is Soul Retrieval by Sandra Ingerman. For more information, a good resource is Christina Pratt's internet radio show, Why Shamanism Now? The entire catalog can be heard for free on iTunes and other streaming sources. Finding information on some of the relevant broadcasts can be found by searching the word retrieval on my Celestial Reflections blog.

Another great resource for restoring the soul and repairing damaged instincts is Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. I call it, among other things, therapy in a book. It really walks you through a process. I've written more about that book and the power of story here and here.

Mostly, I recommend following your nose and seeing where it leads you. It's just a good idea to get in touch with your instincts and learn to trust your sense of smell first. Christina Pratt talks about bouncing everything off your "truth cord." It helps if you've located that line that runs right through your core.

In much of the developed world, we've been raised to think of God and the paths to God as outside of ourselves and dependent on spiritual authority. We've been acculturated to seek the teacher who speaks with certitude based on things only he or she could know and, as such, bestow upon us. But I think argument from authority is a logical fallacy and have learned to avoid such teachers like the plague. This, in part, is why the "cosmic answer lady" persona in the Ask Teal videos is something I find so off-putting. I don't trust ex cathedra teachings.

Spiritual guidance should take you inward. It should foster your personal relationship with spirit. It shouldn't be about the teacher. No teacher should be giving you answers. They should only be teaching you how to learn.

I don't recommend authors and teachers who tell you that spiritual development is simple, particularly if they give x number of steps. To quote Joseph Campbell, “If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path.”

There are any number of authors and thinkers I could point to who delight, inform, and inspire me. Their names are peppered throughout my writings. But when I really think about what inspires me, it's not a person. It's spirit. It's my personal relationship with my guides and the pathway to the numinous that runs right up the center of my being. It's the amusing game of finding Easter eggs hidden in the most unexpected books and movies that my guides point me to. It's those moments of reverie that come simply because I am staring at a piece of art or listening to music. It's the constant reminders from the spirit world that even when I think I'm running my own life, I'm not. I'm being led by the hand by something so much wiser than I am and that it is that inner compass that has told me to pick up a certain book or watch a particular movie or go to a certain place at a certain time. I have incredible gratitude to teachers and healers I've worked with like Virginia Sandlin and Christina Pratt. But in the end what I am grateful for is that they consistently pointed me not towards themselves but towards my own connection with all that is.

Addendum: My two previous posts on TEAL are worth reading for additional background and for the phenomenal discussions that have taken place in the comments:

Who and What is Teal Scott
The Artist Formerly Known as Teal Scott

Update: "The Noncasts"

In March of this year, TEAL and her new husband Sarbdeep Swan introduced a new video series called "Tea Time with Teal" -- not Tea Time with The Swans, mind you. TEAL is still the staaahhh! Only her name can appear on the marquee. I think it's in her contract.

These weekly episodes are called "podcasts" but aren't anything of the kind. Whereas podcasts are hosted on a platform, such as iTunes, so that they can be easily downloaded, kept, and enjoyed on other devices, these are just more garden variety YouTube videos. Podcasts are designed to be accessible, easily disseminated, and portable.

Ironically (note the correct use of this word), these not-podcasts are announced only to an email list, are posted on a hidden, unlinked page on her website, and the YouTube videos are set to private. I won't call them podcasts. I have variously referred to them as: stealthcasts, not-podcasts, tea things, narrowcasts, and narrowcasts for tea-sipping pod people.

The icing on the irony cake? The second of these husband and wife discussions was about TEAL's insistence that their private life be open to the public.

These tea things have provided great fodder for discussion in the comment thread for this blog post. The conversations evolved into a regular feature I call the noncasts. These write-ups mirror the subject matter in that they report on discussions of the tea things I've had with my husband. The official title of this series is "How to Drive Your Double PhD Husband Crazy by Making Him Watch TEAL Videos."

As with the tea things, these are not indexed, freestanding posts. If you're interested, you'll have to dig for them. They can only be found in the comment thread for this post. Page searches for the words noncast or tea should get you there.

* Addendum to the Addendum: With the end of teal's marriage to Sarbdeep, comes the definitive end to "Tea Time with Teal," and, therefore, to the noncasts. I will conclude this exercise by adding to this already absurdly long post a complete list of the noncasts. I will include a link to the initial comment of each noncast, for those whose browsers can interpret that, and the page link for the relevant comments.

In those teacasts, we all got to know a third member of teal's menagerie: the frog. He emerged as a star in his own right. Calm and stoical as only a butler of such impeccable credentials can be, he kept his head when all about him were losing theirs. The frog recently launched a video channel and has begun producing videos in the odd hours, as his schedule permits. The first includes his thoughts as interpreted by his growing legion of fans. So, teal, Sarbdeep, and frog, thanks for the memories.

Further Update: Regarding Jason Freedman, et al.

This post raises a question about the odd correlation between Blake Dyer's and Jason Freedman's likeness and phone number. It took an incident in the Teal Tribe Facebook group to get Blake to address this question, but he has. It would have been nice if he'd done so directly with me, but I'll take what I can get.

What I could get was some screenshots given to me by Teal Tribe members of Blake's attempts to explain this odd coincidence, and another oddity involving a claimed psychiatrist, William Macey PHD [sic], who also bear's Blake's likeness. I have discussed this matter in the comments, but it occurs to me that it, in fairness to the reader and to Blake Dyer, it should also be placed in the body of this post.

The following screenshots are not in any particular order and vary in format, as they came from various sources in various forms. I don't actually know how the dialog unfolded. I only know that these questions were raised in the Teal Tribe group and Blake attempted to answer at least some of them.

Blake denied both knowing Jason Freedman and knowing how it is that he came to have the same phone number. He did so more than once as follows:

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Blake acknowledged that the photos used by both Jason Freedman and William Macey were of him, but denied knowing how they came to be associated with either:

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So, my question to Blake, which I posed down in the comments as well, is simply this. How is it that he does not know Jason Freedman? Freedman apparently did a face to face interview with TEAL. Couldn't he just ask her? And if he is in the dark about this interview with the mysterious Mr. Freedman, how is it that he promoted said article on Facebook?

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Yet Another Update: Kicking "Tealers" Down the Memory Hole

It brings me no joy that I must, once again, update this excruciatingly long post. But it's recently come to my attention that teal is trying to rewrite history. Above I quoted a passage from her Korean spa post about the world-changing potential of the "Tealers." At some point between the original publication of that post and its move to her new website, the passage I quoted above was changed and the word "Tealers" removed. But the original text is still visible on the cached version in the internet archive, or wayback machine.

Here is what that passage looked like when it was originally published in 2014.

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Here is what that passage looks like in the current version on her new website.

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Her clean-up was incomplete, however. The word "Tealers" appears further down in the post.

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  1. And here is where it gets funny. Teal Scott has tattoed the triangle with the eye in the middle on her arm. A symbol that is mostly know by ''conspiracy theorists'' of being the sign of satan. This claim might be totally wrong, just bullshit and all of that, but it doesnt change the fact that Teal choose to tattoo it eventhough she knows what kind of views people have about it. She even uses it on her webpage. And so does Bashar. I find weird weird and weird. Two of the ''most popular'' new age gurus have both ''stolen'' knowledge from a woman belived to be a satanist. They use the ''illuminati eye'' as a symbol.


    They dont teach spiritualiy, but they teach Satanism.

    I was so shocked when i started to read about Satanism because i didnt really know much about it from before, and now i really regret i didnt read about it before. It kinda put things in perspective to me.

    Satanism is a very egocentrical religion where its all about me me and me. The same as the new age teachings, its all about your happiness, your path, its about you only, and if you change your negative mindset into a positive one then everything will be fine. Law of attraction and so on. If you dont relate to someone, or if you cant ''feel'' them then ignore them, avoid them, do something for YOU instead.

    Its creating no real unitedness. Its teachings who pushes us further away from each other than it connects us. There is a reason why its so hard to discuss with Tealers, there is a reason why what she is teaching will never work, not on a personal level or in a bigger aspect. The question is, is it being pushed upon us? Is this conquer and divide?

    Satanism teaches people to become narcissists.
    New age teaches people to become narcissists.

    To be honest i cant let go of these thoughts, there is just so much hinting into a certain direction that i just cant let go off it (yet).

    There is something behind the curtains that we dont see or understand.

    I do belive that some things are possibily being controlled, or led into a certain direction. And that for a reason. But why, and by whom, i dont know.

    Teal to me is either a Mk Ultra victim still under control. Or she is simply just very lost in her own ego.

    Power changes the brain, triggering increased testosterone and one of its by-products called 3-androstanediol.

    They lead to addiction largely because they increase dopamine in a part of the brain's reward system called the nucleus accumbens.

    Cocaine has its effects through this system also, and by hijacking our brains's reward system, it can give short-term extreme pleasure but leads to long-term addiction, with all that entails.

    Unfettered power has almost identical effects.

    Too much power - and hence too much dopamine can disrupt normal cognition and emotion, leading to gross errors of judgement and imperviousness to risk, not to mention huge egocentricity and lack of emphaty for others.

  2. So many people in this spiritual movement is talking over and over about that its so important for us to go within. I say the same thing, but i also say GO WITHOUT. Go outside of yourself. Do it more than you go within.

    Thinking can be a way of complicating things that doesnt need to be complicated. Its easy to get stuck in a maze of thoughts and end up in a neverending loop where little progress is made.

    Yes you can most likely find your answers by diving within, thinking/feeling your way unto the next step on your path, but to me this is the absolutely slowest way of progress.

    I feel there is too much talking about going within, and too little talking about going on the outside of yourself. And this is especially being pushed by the new age movement. Its very passifying.

    Many people can dwell upon something for days, years, before they gain the strenght/find the right feeling that let them be brave enough to do the thing they want to do. And even then they can also be ''wrong'' or realise that the conclusion they made was not the right one.

    If you go on the outside of yourself, if you step outside that safety bubble of having to think out the best plan all the time, you can in my opinion make progress much faster.

    Experience is the fastest teacher and it has always been. But we are so afraid of messing up, of getting ridiculed, of doing something ''wrong'' or weird.

    Just dare to go outside the box, dare to try, dare to fail. You will find out RIGHT AWAY, if its right or not. Experience will tell you the fastest possible way of getting from A to B.

    Thinking will in most situations be much slower, it will take more time and will be more confusing. Sometimes you dont even do it at all, it just stays in your mind as a thought, you dont dare to experience the idea, because you have been thinking too much.

    This is what should be taught (in my opinion). But ofcourse they dont do that, because then people will not need them anymore. They will learn how to live the real way. And they dont want that. They want you to be trapped with all your thoughts inside your mind.

  3. Hi DontBeAfraidEVER. Funny that your greeting starts the same way as Teal always greeds the viewers.When I was reading it I literally heard her voice in my head saying it.

    It was very interesting to read your post and I will do some research on some of the names your brought up. The "go outside" perception is also a big part of buddhism - leaving your own needs behind the needs of others - focusing on the suffering of OTHERS and releasing them by taking it "over". The buddhism embraces this role in the name of a bodhisattva, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta, which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings (focus on others, being at service to others). The bodhisattva represents a balanced inward and outward going state of perception and action. This mindset - I agree - is not found in the new age movement, LAO..... In fact they came up with a very interesting name - so did Teal - "...for all the bleeding hearts out there".

    The left overs of Buddhism in Europe - as a very effective political, spiritual system, are moody and very confused and it is hard to find a clear source of buddhism records in persona or book today (I do love Sogyal Rinpoche's book of living and dying - I spent a week with him and had some positive goosebumps moments).

    I do miss the energy which I receive by looking at an image of people like jamyang khyentse chökyi lodrö and kyabje dilgo khyentse rinpoche which embody the inside- and outside movement in the highest form. Many buddhism prayers include the well wishing for others, to imagine them in a healing light and to take on the pain of others to free them. I never came across this kind of approach in the new age movement, which is infact circling around myself, and only myself as I am the creator of any kind of bliss or problem..so I shall work with myself because everybody else will change with me accordingly to my success :D

    Can you imagine a merge between new age and buddhism?

  4. I have nothing to say in regards to satanism. I never studied it, never will. Symbols are used for good and bad. Swastika is a good example for use and abuse. Same for Teals alchemy logo....or the devil horn hand sign...which also means I love you. There needs to be other evidence in order to distinguish the intention behind the use of a logo/symbol.

    Teal is shielded - hard core shielded which makes it really really hard to pick up anything from her... a little thought her, a little emotion there...she is pretty much unreadable to me as well. I get more info out of observing her body movements and facial expressions than my empathy skill. Another reason that you have trouble to pick up core information is the constant switch of mindset / personalities - which is the confusing part to many people.

    MK ultra I only know from online research and there is a big chance that her protected abuser was using methods like this. Or "her abuser" is actually a symbol for a group who was working on Teal in childhood, disconnecting her, planting horendous seeds in her mind.

    In the last Tea with the Swans and her latest online workshop I picked up something from her with was very authentic. Finally some nuggets. I just saw a small child, enthusiastic, frightened, fascinated, bursting for joy, wanting attention etc. It was a clear reception of a part of Teal which lies behind all the fancy dresses, make up, I am the spiritual catalyst story line, etc. That is when I connected with her again after a long time of abstinence.

    Teal is an enigma.
    It is so impossible to say what her intentions are...
    It feels to me that she works on so many levels with very opposite motivations at some point... That's why people like you and I and others...can't quit put the finger on it because as soon as you try to grap it, it already morphed into another persona.

    I love Teal as a child.
    I can not so much relate to the public spiritual catalyst
    It feels like that she is many people trapped in one body.
    That must be exhausting

  5. The "cleanest" symbol I ever came across is the flower of life. I always stay away of any other old record symbol because of the dual use in the past which IS a part of me. I usually draw new symbols according to my intention and work from there.

    Teal uses the FOL as a background for her well discussed Tealeye company website. I am very pleased to see this as the flower of life IS WORKING for the highest good of every individualised conciousness on earth and beyond.

    Yesterday I took a stunning picture of the centre of the milkyway galaxy. If I would use a super computer, it would manage to connect the million stars I was recording and find the lines to make a flower of life visible. I am sure about it :D and this is the proof that this geometrical shape is beyond human creation.

    I love that.

  6. GA, it's a little bit of a brain pretzel because existence itself is paradoxical. All is one and one is all. Yet, we are having the experience of separate identity.

    First, let's define terms. I think when you use the word "medium" you mean psychic. To me a medium is a person who talks to the dead and it's a specific psychic ability or talent. So in this context, I would use the word psychic.

    I believe we are all psychic although many of us have forgotten that we are and have allowed that awareness to go dormant. Psychic ability is really very simple and comes down to this: We are all tributaries in the same great river. We are really all one and even in this experience of duality and separate identity, we are all connected through the currents.

    So, in terms of your friend, I am glad she was dialed into her psychic ability enough to know when to throw on the brakes. And I bet her cat is happy, too. Although, I suspect that cat would have been clever enough to get out of the way if needs be. In my experience, the four-leggeds are bit more dialed into the over-soul than the two-leggeds.

    “What you seek is seeking you.” ~ Rumi

    I think keeping a synchronicity journal can be a great tool but it helps if you know why it's working. It's not about the universe handing you anything. It's about increasing your awareness that you are not separate from what you observe and that everything is reflecting everything else all the time. (Time is an illusion, too, but let's not even go there.) But it's all being reflected and we can't really control the reflection by controlling ourselves, which is what most LOA teachers teach. Suppress your "negative" thoughts and feelings and focus on the "positive." It's incredibly naive. What comes up in your reflective reality will always reflect all of you: the conscious and the unconscious, suppressed aspects. So listening is more important that talking. The Secret says, in effect, something ugly just came up in front me. I must be focused on the negative and I need to change my attitude. Instead, I would say, hmm... what is this ugly thing showing me about myself? Let me bring that out of where it's hiding in my blind spot, take a good look at it, and see how I might go about healing that aspect of myself so I don't keep running into it in my reflective world. This is shadow work.

    “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi

  7. The truth is that we're always "manifesting." Manifest just means it has form and you can perceive it. But in LOA circles it's often expressed more like we made it happen. It's egocentric. It's magical thinking in its truest sense. I thought this. Then it happened. Therefore I made it happen. Now, let me micromanage my thoughts so that I can make only those things happen that I want to have happen. Or, I asked for this and the universe showed it to me immediately. What else can I make the universe do for me?

    I think it's possible that Mackenzie is coming more from that perspective and that she knows full well that she and the banana waver were co-creating that moment, but it wasn't clear from that discussion because of how it was framed... and because it was a hopeless muddle.

    To co-create means to work together. As it expresses in our illusory world, we are always co-creating, rather than individually creating. It can't be otherwise because we are all aspects of the great oneness dreaming up the world. It comes down to whether or not we do so consciously and with respect for the all. If I believe that I am creating everything myself and can have whatever I want, I have become completely deceived by my own ego. To be focused on on the "big dream" as my friend Christina calls it, is to recognize that what I create doesn't just affect me and I need to consider how it may affect others now and in the future. How will it affect the next 10 generations? And the simplest way to do that is to be surrendered to spirit, letting that bad ol' universe make some choices for me because I fully recognize that my perspective from this little body is rather narrow. Let go, let God. So we partner with spirit and have the willingness to allow manifestation that isn't what we'd hoped from that ego place because it's better for THE WORLD.

    "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." ~ Matthew 22:37-40

  8. If we want spiritual development, the only way to acquire it is by transforming our energy. It is not by obtaining anything from outside ourselves. No master, guru, teacher, school, movement or books can save us. We have to save ourselves.

    “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” - John 14:6

    When Jesus said ‘I am the way’, he was talking about Christ, which is energy. He was not talking about a man. He was talking about a force. When that energy is born, it can transform us, but that energy can only come into us when we are properly prepared.

    That energy, Christ, is the same force or vibration as the ray like lightning that produces death. Jesus says, “I am the life.” Life and death are two parts of the same thing. If we received that ray or light as we are right now, we would be obliterated. We need to be prepared for the light. The preparation is to begin to free Ishtar, eliminate the ego, harness these forces and energy and begin to create the soul.

    “With patience ye shall possess thy soul.” - Luke 21:19

  9. Jesus on the cross, John with his head on the platter, Osiris dead, Belen dead, Quetzalcoatl dead, Odin dead. All the great gods show in their stories that we must die. The ego, our pride, our self-love, our self-esteem; everything about us that we think is us has to die.

  10. Hi Justin, Nice to see you. I don't disagree with you that teal may have been in and around a broader point and may have been expressing it badly. But I don't agree that she wasn't trying to win an argument. One thing becomes very clear about teal the more you watch her. She's never wrong. She could have just conceded the point but instead she co-opted the other argument and tried to make it seem like it was what she was saying all along. That's why I took the time to transcribe it, because if you read it carefully you can see that she shifted her position partway through without ever acknowledging that she'd done so. It was quite slippery.

  11. Thank you, LaVaughn, for your noncast and taking time. Golden A, you've initially highlighted the points from it which I too found interesting. LV, LOVED your explanation on co-creating just now:

    "To co-create means to work together. As it expresses in our illusory world, we are always co-creating, rather than individually creating. It can't be otherwise because we are all aspects of the great oneness dreaming up the world. It comes down to whether or not we do so consciously and with respect for the all. If I believe that I am creating everything myself and can have whatever I want, I have become completely deceived by my own ego. To be focused on on the "big dream" as my friend Christina calls it, is to recognize that what I create doesn't just affect me and I need to consider how it may affect others now and in the future. How will it affect the next 10 generations? And the simplest way to do that is to be surrendered to spirit, letting that bad ol' universe make some choices for me because I fully recognize that my perspective from this little body is rather narrow. Let go, let God. So we partner with spirit and have the willingness to allow manifestation that isn't what we'd hoped from that ego place because it's better for THE WORLD."

    Ps, that girl with her backpack....I felt kinda bad at laughing sooo hard at first, but then she was such a good sport, still smiling too afterwards, all covered with mud.
    A thought just came to me now- I was still able to see her light despite that thick dark layer of dirt covering her all over. Something which is all too often harder to detect from the glamorous dolls with their hair and make up...and acting skills.

  12. Don'tBeAfraid. You sound quite fearful to me :). Even though your instincts are telling you Teal is not bad you are still cautious. Which is fine of course.

    As to similarities between some satanists ideas and some New Agers ideas, why not? Do you think satanists have to be wrong about everything? That wouldn't be a very popular religion I would think. Surely they have some good ideas that make satanists feel better and stronger. And they may be worshipping and in touch with exactly the same being as what we call God, especially if you believe all is one.

    I like the saying. Judge the Tree by the Fruit. I know how much Teal's ideas have helped me and a lot of other people I know. We are the fruit and so is any good stuff you can pick up.

    If you don't agree with some of it what is wrong with that? Are you really complaining that Teal is only 90% right? You'll be waiting a long time for someone who is 100% right, and maybe that person will be yourself :)

  13. Golden. I agree Teal does seem to have been showing more of playful childish side recently, at least in videos. It is very charming, and quite vulnerable, and perhaps a little scary in a grown woman with so much strength and power. And she still seems to sometimes to be 'super-model' Teal. Is she showing us just how flexible reality really is? She seems to change height, body shape, age and appearence quite a bit! Impossible? And yet she is always Teal as well, we recognise her easily??

  14. LV. Mackenzie: Yes, rearranging, yes.

    Teal: You're talking potentials. This could potentially be a cup. [No, it was potentially a cup. Now it's a cup.]

    -for me here Teal is alluding to the idea that the cup is really an idea in the mind of us and Source-

    Sarbdeep: I'm talking reality. It's a cup. I see a cup in front of me.

    Teal: If I smashed it, it would no longer be a cup.

    Sarbdeep: It would be a broken cup.

    Teal: Which is not a cup. [So, what she's saying is, it's only potentially a cup because in the future it might be a broken cup??? Wouldn't the broken cup be the potential?]

    -strictly it is true that 'a broken cup' is not 'a cup' which is why we use a different phrase to describe these two different phenomena-

    Sarbdeep: Well, it was a cup.

    Teal: And once it was a mineral in the earth. [You mean when it had, past tense, the potential to be a cup?]

    -I felt that Teal was again trying to allude, a little poorly, to the concept that stuff is made of Source basically, I think she may have got a bit side tracked-

    Sarbdeep: Yeah, and it was reconstituted and made into a cup.

    Teal: It wasn't a cup when it was a mineral. ["It wasn't a cup when it was a mineral. So therefore it can never be a cup? What?" ~ Jason]

    -I don't see in what way Teal is sayng it can never be a cup!-

    Sarbdeep: It had the potential of being a cup.


    Thank you for the lovely welcome back, glad to be here :) However I cannot see this switch of position LaVaughn, that Teal is supposed to have made?

  15. Sidetracked would be one way to put it, Justin. What she does midway through this conversation is glide seamlessly from poorly articulated quantum theory to the standard physics Sarbdeep has been articulating from the outset. She never acknowledges, or maybe doesn't even realize (that's me being charitable), that she's changed from one to the other. Problem being, to date, we have no proven "theory of everything." This is one reason that discussing material manifestation from a quantum mechanics perspective is very, very dicey.

    One need neither know anything about quantum mechanics, nor acknowledge the great oneness to break a cup. You should see the rubble the movers made of my grandparents' good china in our last move. I'm don't think they were either physicists or "master manifesters." I'm pretty sure they were just a bunch of lazy fucktards.

    One need not contemplate the mysteries of the universe to understand that pottery starts as minerals, or as we more commonly refer to it, clay.

    Not one of her examples in any way clarifies the theory of quantum potential. It all falls squarely within a far more mundane definition of potential, as in past, present, future. Past, minerals with the potential to be a cup. Present, cup with the potential to be a broken cup. Future, broken cup. None of that elucidates quantum mechanics. But, boy, the minute Sarbdeep says the word potential, teal wins! Oh, it's funny!

    But, I'll tell you what, Justin. The moment teal puts her money where her mouth is and demonstrates that her great knowledge of quantum physics can turn a cup into an entirely different form of matter that cannot be explained by standard physics, I will eat my hat... Just as soon as she transforms that hat into donut -- one of those gluten free, cinnamon sugar donuts only bigger. I want it bigger. (I know how important it is to be specific when asking the universe for the things.)

  16. Now, let me tell you how my former teacher, Virginia Sandlin, would put that. "This is all that is expressing as a teacup." See? Simple. And it is a wonderful way to train the mind to mystical awareness. Try that. Periodically, remind yourself that everything around you that you see as having solid form is all that is expressing as...

    It will probably shift your perspective. You might have peak experiences. You might even begin to experience some strange phenomena and some beautiful, healing experiences. But your cup is still probably going to be a cup. I've been doing this a long time. My cups are all still cups... and broken cups. Stupid movers.

  17. LOL. Well, LaVaughn, you've attracted these kind of movers into your reality. Or maybe you pissed them off and they were rough with your stuff on purpose, hehe. Maybe those men were tealers? In any case, you yourself have created all that. Along with your shadow. These men were trying to teach you something. Or maybe the china set was due for the next stage of evolution too. Maybe your pottery was fed up with being "some fancy cups" passively passed on from generation to generations, and wanted to be expressed as something else. Go figure.

  18. What do you think about this?

    "Everything you love about existence, from living in houses instead of caves, to that perfect piece of chocolate cake, is available to you now because it was once the byproduct of someone else’s desire. There is nothing you could not be or do or have. Everything you could ever think to desire is meant to be yours. If it was not meant to be yours, you could not desire it in the first place. If you desire it, it can be done."

  19. I think she doesn't really understand Buddhism... or reality.

    We all want things we can't have. That's just a simple fact. Zeeshan desires teal. According to teal that must mean he can have her.

    See how that works?

  20. Maybe he'll have her one day, who knows, lol. See, a year ago it was Sarbdeep, just wanting to meet her...and now they are married. Once Sarbdeep fulfills all of her desires, in order for the Universe to continue to expand and for teal to further her development, she is bound to desire something more. If Zeeshan is Saudi prince...then...he might have a chance! C'est si bon!


  21. There is an ask teal vid "A flaw with Buddhism". I personally don't think buddhism is perfect or for everybody, but don't agree with that particular "flaw". Like I said before, for me it's not that I desire, it's what I desire and think worthy of spending my life and energy on.


  22. LaVaughn said...

    "We all want things we can't have. That's just a simple fact. Zeeshan desires teal. According to teal that must mean he can have her.

    See how that works?"

    Except that's not how it works of course. Well, it can work like that... for all we know at some point Zeeshan could take such impressive action that teal would become inspired to 'switch horses', so to speak, and then he would 'have' teal, hehe, but somehow I doubt that he is detached enough from that particular outcome to 'make it so'.

    Personally, I find it much easier, and more fun, magical and entertaining, to just go general and let the benevolent universe fill in the details. Not because the universe is my 'bitch' but because the universe is my playground, and that's just the way she works.

    Shit happens and that's a fact, but there has never been any shit that has EVER happened in my experience that under closer examination did not have its beginning in thoughts and beliefs I harbored... so since the universe is apparently delivering up to me what I expect to see, then I may as well get a little more deliberate about what I'm expecting to see.

    I remember hearing something Paul McKenna had said about a client of his who wanted McKenna to 'hypnotize' him into being able to have more money. McKenna asked him why he wanted more money and the guy said because it would give him a sense of security. McKenna replied that he didn't need to have more money in order to feel secure. It went on but I don't remember anything else on that cd except for that bit which stuck with me for days... I had no income, no savings, no way to buy groceries or pay my bills and I was living in a town that had a convenience store, a gas station and a funeral home... not a lot of job opportunities around. I couldn't even remember the last time I had felt secure and the idea that I might be able to feel secure regardless of my circumstances really intrigued me!

    Then one night while I was lying in bed waiting to fall asleep, I became determined to find that feeling. It took me a long time but eventually I remembered when I had first got to that place (my brother's 'spare' house in the mountains), after more than a year of living out of a van with my kids (traveling around the country trying to find a town where we wanted to live). I remembered how cozy and safe and secure I had felt padding down the carpeted hallway in the wee hours of the morning to turn up the thermostat. What a wonderful feeling! I latched onto it like it was a lifeline, and for the next few nights, as I lay in bed falling asleep, I would remember that feeling... I replayed it over and over again and savored it and even wallowed in it.

  23. Then, late one Sunday morning after I had been doing that little 'exercise' for about 3 nights (for no reason other than it felt so friggin' good), somebody knocked on my front door. I had a mild hangover (my sister had come visiting with a couple bottles of wine the night before) and I didn't feel like moving as fast as I would need to in order to find some clothes, put them on and make it to the front door before the knocker went away, and it was probably a Jehovah's Witness anyway, hehehe, so I just ignored it.

    When I got up later I saw they had left a note on the door, telling me there was something in the local paper I might be interested in. I didn't think that was likely, since it involved having my photo in the newspaper as one of the 'locals', but since she had gone to the trouble to leave me the note I figured I could at least look at the paper, if only to say I had.

    So I walked up to the little store and the owner said "Hey, did you see that 'help wanted' notice up in the window? They put it there days ago but I forgot to tell you about it!!!" (It was perfect timing that I walked in at the only time in the last few days that she was totally calm, alone and present without 2 zillion things happening in the store all at once.)

    Well, the ad said they needed someone in their office - which was in a house right down the street... I never even knew they were there! - who could keep long hours and lift heavy boxes. No friggin' way I was interested in that job, I didn't want to have to go somewhere and stay there for hours whether I was in the mood or not, especially when the sun was shining and I could be out in the garden, let alone hoist around heavy boxes, but the way all the coincidences had lined up to get the phone number to me I figured I had to call.

    The woman who answered said "no, that position is already filled, the only thing we have left is a work from home position". Oh gee. Too bad for me, I have to stay home and do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it, and have an income besides??? Hahahahahaha... it turned out to be the most wonderful job I have ever had!

    That 'unfolding' was a perfect and delightful match to the feeling I had been conjuring, but the manifested details of it were way beyond anything I could ever have imagined! And that's why I like to let the universe take care of the details, because it does it so well!

  24. I was just thinking of you...and here you are! I've just manifested!
    I hear you- I love those unexpected, interesting turns and surprises sometimes. I can't imagine living my life by constantly making the very detailed long lists and then getting that...And yes, sometimes what I think I want is not exactly what I need...
    Some "shit" that has happened to me can definitely be traced to the thought patterns but not always....Take one of the most tragic events and the one that had a huge impact on my life: When my mom suddenly died in the car accident leaving me and my 10 y.o. brother, was it her thoughts that were "lethal" or (as I used to fear often when younger) was it because I was being "punished for being bad" or was that my brother creating his reality? Or that driver? Nobody will ever know...
    One thing I do know: Life will give me whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of my consciousness. How do I know this is the experience I need? Because this is the experience I am having at the moment.

  25. Zigzag, how come we are still not manifesting that Oman spa retreat?...Guess, we are not masters yet, (sigh). But You inown that!

  26. Yep, here I am Elena... I was just 'cotton yacht mop shopping', hahaha. I found one along with a purple mop bucket with a wringer... I've GOT to have it and no other mop or bucket will do!! Hahahaha.

    And yeah I LOVE the mysterious aspects of life, and sometimes you just don't know what the fuck was going on and the only thing you can do is deal with it... in fact I think that how one deals with that kind of stuff helps define them. I know that the only time I have ever been in car accidents was when I was angry. And I also know that all death is suicide, and who am I to say what somebody else should decide about when and how they 'kick the bucket'.

    As to Oman... it will just have to wait - I am too busy with my garden right now, hahaha!

  27. Elena Zh said...

    "Maybe he'll have her one day, who knows, lol. See, a year ago it was Sarbdeep, just wanting to meet her...and now they are married. Once Sarbdeep fulfills all of her desires, in order for the Universe to continue to expand and for teal to further her development, she is bound to desire something more. If Zeeshan is Saudi prince...then...he might have a chance! C'est si bon!


    Hahahahaha. That's about the same thing I said, except you said it first, hehe (I don't know how I missed that post.) Perfect song for the occasion too! Sure wish I could speak French, although I did hear the word 'yacht'... just after I've found my one and only yacht mop! See, it's fate... me and that yacht mop are destined to rendezvous! Hahahahaha!

  28. LV."Not one of her examples in any way clarifies the theory of quantum potential."

    I don't think Teal was trying to clarify quantum physics. From her point of view presumably QM is simply a story by which people try to understand that everything is Source and they are co-creating it? I think she was talking about QM simply in its aspect of saying that until we observe/measure a quantum state we do not know either its position or its direction etc. It seems that at the point of observation somehow it decides what it is. So presumably for Teal this shows that QM has a partial understanding of how we create reality? I think that was the point she was making. It was fairly clear to me that Sarbdeep was unwilling or unable to enter a discussion of QM and its implications so she switched to other ways to demonstrate how the cup is really a temporary manifestation of something that can be anything.

    You make a joke about turning the cup into a donut. I'm sure Teal would say that is possible. If you believe it is impossible then of course it would be, and even if she did turn it into a donut right in front of you, you would not observe her doing that unless you were at least a little open to the possibility. Myself I am a tiny tiny bit open to the possibility, so I might be able to see something like that, on a good day. Then I would have to deal with the consequences of rebuilding my ideas about reality but I know this could be very good for me in the long run, if quite hard at first.

  29. LV. "And it is a wonderful way to train the mind to mystical awareness"

    Another wonderful way is to study philosophy! Shocking huh. But if you read the ideas of people like Berkeley, Liebniz, Kant, Hegel, Spinoza and many others, they are talking about the same idea. Idealism in philosophy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idealism) is essentially about stuff being menatl rather than physical (and probably opened the door for people to even begin to accept some of the scientific consequences of QM and some of Einstein's ideas). It is not very popular in modern academic philosophy, which is greatly influenced by 19th century physics for some reason, but is still taught. Everything really exists in the mind, and perhaps in the Universal Mind of Source, and this is all we can really know about the world. Assuming it has some existence independent of mind is an uneccessary assumption which can have no possible justifying proof (as any evidence I can point to is also in my mind, doh!). We can never access anything that is non-mental, so why assume anything is non-mental?

  30. ;-)))) Fate it is, hahaha! btw, I wanted to use this word in my last post! And "destiny" as well...

    Happy gardening! I might send you my pic from Oman soon enough :-P

  31. LV "Zeeshan desires teal. According to teal that must mean he can have her. "

    Teal has addressed this issue, correctly I think. She says that people don't really desire her but desire what she represents to them. They desire love, the devine feminine, sex whatever, and they see these things in her. So they can have these things from other people as well obviously, and probably will in most cases :)

  32. Hmmmm. If you sent me a photo of you at an oasis type spa in Oman, I still would have to finish my garden project before I could join you, hahaha!

  33. Talking from your own experience, Justin? ;-) Guess, that's the "things" you see in her... Btw, getting these things from other people...hmmm, quite a consumerist approach...and taking from others, especially love....good luck with that!

  34. Teal is complaining about the royal family in her "pride and prejudice" post and that they are still loved for no reason and still exist, and so useless, blah blah (not that I disagree with that, I find it ridiculous to worship any "royalty" in our day and age)...BUT that is what they desire! According to her own teachings, they deserve this special treatment, and love, yes- for no reason in particular, it's their birth right and they inown it, whatever. They don't have to DO anything for their people, as long as they desire this for themselves. They came into existence because of all those generations of their bloodline before them who had desired wealth and power and control. At others' expense. But hey! Nothing wrong with that. Your desires are all that matters.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. ZB, are you doing your garden project at night as well?;-) I wonder what it is you are growing there...hope some flowers too, hehe

  37. Elena: Talking from your own experience, Justin? ;-)

    -Am I attracted to Teal? Of course. I'm a guy, I'm attracted to lots of women :). Ultimately I am attracted to the qualities I see in them. Which is Teal's point-

    Guess, that's the "things" you see in her... Btw, getting these things from other people...hmmm, quite a consumerist approach...and taking from others, especially love....good luck with that!

    -Love is not an easy thing to accept from others IME, but I'm getting better. And yes I want those things, you do too! Ultimately love may be our deep desire for Oneness and Unity where we all become one with Source-

  38. I want what things, Justin? Love? I had no problem to accept all that but honestly I find that now I don't need to get love from others. I have plenty inside- I prefer to give it actually.

  39. "Teal has addressed this issue, correctly I think. She says that people don't really desire her but desire what she represents to them. They desire love, the devine feminine, sex whatever, and they see these things in her."

    Justin, tell that to Zeeshan. I think he'd tell you that, no, it's her. He's been very clear. She's his soulmate.

    It's not really up to teal to tell other people what they're feeling or why. That would mean that she was the source of their reality. It takes their power away. Nor is it her place to tell people they wouldn't have a desire they couldn't make happen -- and that they need to be very specific so the universe doesn't decide for them -- and then say, oh, unless I say no. People desire all kinds of things they can't have. They also desire some things and force them into existence that turn out not to be so good for them or other people.

  40. "But if you read the ideas of people like Berkeley, Liebniz, Kant, Hegel, Spinoza and many others, they are talking about the same idea."

    Justin, I didn't say Virginia is the only person to have described this idea. Just that it's a good tool. She had many such tools because that was her job as a designated mystic. Of course others have described oneness. It's the oldest idea in the world. It just happens to be one we've nearly lost. According to Lawlor, this started with the idea of conceptual zero. It marked a turning point in thought.

    Anyway, to be clear, I would say consciousness not mind because they have different meanings to me but why quibble about semantics. Basically, I think we agree, because we both believe in oneness.

  41. "You make a joke about turning the cup into a donut. I'm sure Teal would say that is possible. If you believe it is impossible then of course it would be, and even if she did turn it into a donut right in front of you, you would not observe her doing that unless you were at least a little open to the possibility."

    Ah yes, the old law of attraction is working perfectly. It's you who are failing thing. Tedious. I just had the thought so...

    My point, Justin, is that she set out describing quantum potential using a teacup as an example and changed her focus completely to something that demonstrated neither quantum potential nor oneness and acted like she'd proved it all anyway.

  42. "Shit happens and that's a fact, but there has never been any shit that has EVER happened in my experience that under closer examination did not have its beginning in thoughts and beliefs I harbored"

    All I can tell you zigzagbuddha is that I have not found this to be true. I have been blindsided more than once by things that defied everything I believed about life and human nature. I won't say those things existed nowhere in my consciousness, but in my thoughts and beliefs? Not a chance.

    I'm glad it's working for you. More power to ya. But for me, no. Life has turned out to be a bigger learning experience than that for me.

  43. "There is an ask teal vid 'A flaw with Buddhism'. I personally don't think buddhism is perfect or for everybody, but don't agree with that particular 'flaw'. Like I said before, for me it's not that I desire, it's what I desire and think worthy of spending my life and energy on."

    I know, Elena. We saw it. My husband is not a Buddhist but he's far more knowledgeable about Buddhism than I. It resonates for him more than it does me. He just sat there doing the full face palm for as much of it as he could stand and said that her criticisms of the Buddhist views on desire are addressed already within Buddhism. If he were here and a good deal more time on his hands, I'd have him explain.

    If I go by the wiki, she's defining desire wrong. It's a problem of semantics and translation.

    "Taṇhā (Pāli; Sanskrit: tṛṣṇā, also trishna) is a Buddhist term that literally means 'thirst,' and is commonly translated as craving or desire. Within Buddhism, taṇhā is defined as the craving or desire to hold onto pleasurable experiences, to be separated from painful or unpleasant experiences, and for neutral experiences or feelings not to decline."

    Here's my problem with the whole thing. She has this very surface understanding of a very complex philosophy but thinks it's her place to critique it? She's not qualified. It's like listening to Dawkins critique theology which a wiser man than I said is like listening to someone talk about biology whose only knowledge of it was having read the Book of British Birds. http://celestial-reflections.blogspot.com/2010/04/religulous-and-other-intellectual.html

  44. LV: I think she doesn't really understand Buddhism... or reality.

    She might be deluded...or is it possible that maybe she does know perfectly well what she is doing and what it is she is teaching people...and with what kind of intentions? Maybe she just wants people to feel good after listening/watching/reading her stuff, which is so simplified and/or incomplete for the masses to understand and enjoy, and therefore get more followers and popularity. She is not stupid, she did incarnate into a family with good genes after all. Who knows what she herself believes in reality....

    Btw, meet her aunt:


  45. Yeah, Elena, I saw some of her more recent posts. Boy, she really hates London. I remember she didn't care for Atlanta overmuch, either. Big cities are a real adjustment for a country mouse. And they're just not for everyone. It's a lot to take in. Culture shock is not just an expression. It's a form of low-grade shock. It helps if you treat yourself like a shock patient at least a little. It can make you really jittery. Lots of fight or flight stuff comes up. I spent a lot of my life going in and out of Manhattan. It was very definitely an adjustment when I first moved back to the East Coast and even more when I was just traveling there periodically from Ohio. Big difference between small town Ohio and Manhattan. So I think I get why she's so down on London. I've never been to London. I've been to Atlanta. I found that one to be very rough as well.

  46. I don't think she's stupid, Elena. I just wish she'd stop delivering teachings and arguing from authority on subjects she barely understands.

    Her aunt looks like a neat lady. So does her mother, frankly.

  47. LX "Ah yes, the old law of attraction is working perfectly. It's you who are failing thing. Tedious. I just had the thought so..."

    That wasn't what I meant. I literally meant it could be happening right in front of you and you would not *perceive* it because it clashes too much with your model of reality. I was making a psychological point.

    You may like to read an article I wrote on the subject of perception which will explain what I mean a bit better, and give you a chance to criticise my work, which is only fair :)


    Or in my book as well http://www.amazon.co.uk/Reality-is-a-Simulation-ebook/dp/B007EAESKC/

  48. And LV what exactly is a 'designated mystic' :) and who does the designating lol?

  49. Justin, I do have my blindspots but I'm quite sure that if someone turned my hat into a donut I'd notice. I doubt highly that I'd go about with a donut on my head, totally oblivious to the change that has occurred.

    I can't read the article you linked. It's beyond my range of perception only in that I'm not subscribed and it's for subscribers only.

    Just out of curiosity, where did you study?

  50. You all may be interested to know that a lot of Teal's problems with London, and travel more generally, come from her childhood 'programming'. She was specifically programmed to be helpless, to not be able to run away and to want to return. This is one of the ways people are mind-controlled.

    I must admit I was getting a little frustrated that she couldn't seem to deal with simple home sickness. But this is on a *totally* different level and from a very different cause. Of course many will dismiss this as an excuse, and say that this 'programming' didn't happen, but I think we have all just seen some proof that it did. And it helps me to understand a little better Teal's challenges, and why even with her level of wisdom she still cannot cope with some simple things most of us can. But we are helping her to, just as she is helping us meet some of our challenges (which are simple for her it seems). xxx

  51. It's a tribal designation. Virginia Sandlin is a seventh generation Cherokee Mystic. She's designated through a lineage and was subjected to numerous tests, started with being born with the caul.

  52. LV I was lucky enough to get into Cambridge UK as a mature student. Oh, it was open but now they have relocked it!

  53. So you're in school at Cambridge now you're saying?

  54. LV "Justin, I do have my blindspots but I'm quite sure that if someone turned my hat into a donut I'd notice. I doubt highly that I'd go about with a donut on my head, totally oblivious to the change that has occurred. "

    I suspect you could take the donut off your head and throw it away and never be conscious of it being donut. But I like how you have made the situation even more clear. It seems to show you recognise you might miss this if it happened at a greater remove from your person :).

  55. No I graduated some time ago. No need to warn them I may need rescuing from a cult :)

  56. Oh, her London posts...I've read them too. Well, I agree with what you say. I have a theory why she hates London so (and that is after teaching us to find beauty in everything!) Gee, she can find some profound meaning in a cigarette butt after an hour, but has labelled the whole city as heartless and the people "decaying"... I've been to London a few times, it's not my favourite city, but it's got a lot of interesting stuff going...and ironically (hehe) whenever I came to London it was always so sunny! ( I used to live in Dubai at the time and actually was missing rain, I would've loved to cozy up inside for some tea time). I think I'm somewhat sensitized to culture shocks by now- I've had my share, all kinds of them...but the last time I travelled to Manhattan (from quiet Bermuda) I really felt down for the first two days, I didn't want to leave my hotel room. But then I finally did and really immersed myself in the NY flow. But some other times I did have a blast from the start. Although I can only enjoy New York for a few days- I cannot imagine living there. I like proximity to the big cities and what they have to offer culturally, etc, but prefer to live close to nature in a more "villagy" setting.
    Anyway, what I think is also a factor for Teal and her issue with London and its ways- she suddenly feels so insignificant and small and unrecognized ("for her exellence" hehe) and not really famous yet...it can be tough...big cities do put things into perspective for the small town "homecoming queens". And also, there she understands that if you are not born into "high class", you'll be "seen as low class, no matter how much success you might see." And this bothers her. She resents the royal family cs of that, maybe while secretly envying them... So she goes to her devoted followers for some love and reassurance to compensate for lack of "friendliness" from Londoners.. It was such an obvious trick, check her last paragraphs in these posts.
    "The City Called London" ending:

    "I am looking forward to “taking everyone with me on the trip” through the use of this blog. This blog has turned into part life journal, part spiritual insight, part travel journal. Anyway, I hope you like reading it. I hope some part of reading about my “’journey’ helps you or gives you enjoyment in some way. With love always, Teal"

    ...and needless to say she was flooded with comments saying how everyone loves reading her blog, etc.

    From the "Shoreditch" last paragraph:

    "I was in such a different state of being yesterday, that I do not have clear memory of yesterday’s workshop. I’m not happy here. "

    And people tried their best to console her and tell her how much they enjoyed her workshop.

    The finale of her "Indian Spices" essay:

    "I have been staring at the saris and at the gifts people have given me on this trip this morning. Is it possible that I am loved? Is it possible that I have value in other people’s eyes? How interesting that we can progress so far with spirituality only to find that we still do not know how to reconcile the part of us that wants love with the part that feels as if that love is not ours to want."

    Yes, yes, yes, yes!!! Teal, you are LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  57. LV "It's a tribal designation. Virginia Sandlin is a seventh generation Cherokee Mystic. She's designated through a lineage and was subjected to numerous tests, started with being born with the caul."

    But I presume this is stuff she told you about herself. I presume you are not familar with Cherokee geneology? In fact what proof could there be of such a claim, i doubt there are any written records going back that far? Did you even try to see if there were? Did you see any of these other so called tests or did she just tell you about them? How do you know she was born with a caul?

    And even if this were all true why should it mean she is anyone with authority? For me what gives Teal authority is truth that she seems to speak, nothing to do with her ancestors or birth defects :).

  58. Elena "Yes, yes, yes, yes!!! Teal, you are LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

    lol :)

  59. Elena. So Teal is not the only extraterrestial in the family :)

  60. Except that Teal says she's got an authority due to her Arcturian background and her birth with a multitude of extrasensory gifts. And her access to the Source perspective and the universal truth and God's personal thoughts and views on our activities of daily living...and her being abused (also none of that proven).

  61. "I suspect you could take the donut off your head and throw it away and never be conscious of it being donut."

    You suspect wrong. I'm fairly observant when it comes to food and fashion. I'm also quite observant as it applies to unusual phenomena -- the things most people don't see. And I will agree with you in as much as I think it's true that the brain filters a great deal. Apparently it's to keep us from going mad. http://rt.com/news/brain-neuroscience-visual-information-709/

    I strongly suspect I'm one of those people whom people like Graham Hancock posit overproduce DMT. Leave say, I don't filter out a lot of the things other people do and it makes some people quite uncomfortable. I've always seen and heard ghosts and other presences. Being blinkered as it relates to unusual phenomena really isn't my issue. Filtering it out is the hard part.

    "It seems to show you recognise you might miss this if it happened at a greater remove from your person :)."

    If you mean I wouldn't take it on faith that someone said they did it without putting my eyes on the phenomenon, you are correct.

  62. YES Elena! spot on as usual. The city moves the levels of superlatives very easily and for a competitive person it will be hard to give up the "beauty queen title" to the hundreds of beauty queens, passing you by on the city streets and not even looking at YOU. :D

    However the speed of cities can freak out the sensitive souls - depending how you approach it (china train station right?!)

    Independent of this, I am convinced that Elena ZH is indeed a russian princess - bermuda, dubai, NY.

    When I moved from the city to the country side I had the opposite effect. I was freaked out about all the attention I suddenly got and wanted back into the anonymous streets of ignorant faces. :D

    So many new comments - need to catch up - just grapped the last one.

  63. Justin, her father was Cherokee, her grandmother was Cherokee. We're not talking about the sketchy records before Native peoples were counted in the census.

    Anyway, I wasn't arguing from her authority. I simply mentioned that she offered a good focusing tool. She offered many, but I like that one today. It was offered in good faith. But if you don't care for it, don't use it.

    But you are correct that if Virginia claimed all that but then talked bollocks I wouldn't put much store in what she said. I studied and trained with her for a number of years. I started as a client. Her work proved itself to me many times over which is why I went further with her.

    If that's how you feel about teal, you are welcome to her. But I think she talks a lot of bollocks.

  64. Did Teal fire her publicist Justin1 and replaced him with Justin2?

  65. Nah, the entire Russian royal family was killed almost 100 yrs ago by bolsheviks. I'm just a spy ;-)

  66. "Gee, she can find some profound meaning in a cigarette butt after an hour, but has labelled the whole city as heartless and the people 'decaying'... "

    I know, Elena. Precisely.

    See, you know what I'm talking about. There's an adjustment period to radical shifts in environment. And Manhattan is particularly hard to take -- particularly since Giuliani tried to turn it into Disneyland.

    Good point on the whole British classism thing.

    Anyway, not the cheeriest travelogue. And it lacks the wit of a John Cleese or Steve Coogan. Now when they take the piss out of their own culture, it's hilarious. But I guess I prefer humor to self-indulgent whining about the world, ironically, not conforming to one's wishes. Maybe she wasn't specific enough.

  67. Golden Andara: However the speed of cities can freak out the sensitive souls - depending how you approach it (china train station right?!)

    Yeah, I agree about the challenges a sensitive soul faces in some concrete jungles....but as for china train station... Similar to India I would assume- you don't need to be an empath to get totally overwhelmed. I knew such hard core, seasoned traveller blokes who could not handle these kind of places at all.

  68. LaVaughn, I'm with you on your travelogue review. I'll take humor over whining anytime!

    But here's a "funny" part:

    "London is the most unfriendly city I’ve yet been to in the world. Like any extreme environment, it has bred the opposition. The counter culture here in London is a collection of people who are willing to be emotionally raw and who are capable of deep emotional intimacy. These are the people who ironically end up attending my workshops here. And I love these people. I love them with all of my life."

    Now, again this "ironically"...except why is this ironic, from her perspective anyway? Isn't it a known "fact" already that the people who attend her workshops and those who become tealers are the most open minded, eccentrically intellectual group she has ever beheld from all across the globe? "They touch the lives of the people in the cities they live in. It is like a little legion of enlightened spirits, whose practice is that of non-resistance and expansion."

    Obviously these people enjoy gathering at such functions and feel connectedness and a sense of belonging.
    It would've been ironic if those snobby upper class aristocrats were attending her workshops really, i'd say.

  69. Yeah, there's nothing ironic about any of that. The word "ironically" seems to be some kind of verbal tic for her, a filler like, "um." It's like nails on a chalkboard for me.

    But worse, it's more us v them. She's got a lot of judgments about different cultures and subcultures for someone who's all about non-resistance. She seems to resist a lot of the places she visits.

  70. Yep yep....

    Here's another recent revelation (other than a "shocking" fact that even teal has breakdowns sometimes): admittedly, Teal is not in love with tea! "I will drink it only when I’m sick, or in the mood to increase my vibratory rate in one way or another. I see it more as a medicine than an enjoyable drink".
    Hmmm, she forgot to mention her having to drink that nasty tea every wednesday (needs to increase the vibratory rate in order to have a discussion with Sarbs). How IRONIC (i'm having a tic lol), ummm, to name these weekly "podcasts" "Tea Time with Teal" then. Guess, that's because it suits her name...but it is in fact Sarbs that has an obsession with tea, and now after her visit to London she is finally starting to understand why. Dah! I liked "Tea Time with the Swans" version at first, but since I fell in love with that frog, I think it would be appropriate to include all fauna and name it "Tea Time by the Swamp" or smth.
    "However, since coming here to this climate, I’m starting to understand England’s obsession with Tea. The grayness of this place makes its way into the marrow of your bones. It chills you from the inside out, regardless of the actual air temperature. It is an unfriendly climate that encourages a kind of elusive inner depression."
    How grim....Justin, how come you didn't kill yourself yet? Tea(l) helps, I'm assuming...or maybe a pint or two as well sometimes?;-)

  71. I know. I read that. I like tea, myself. I like warm beverages in general, even in hot weather. I'm funny that way.

    Seattle, btw, has a higher than average suicide rate, a massive problem with heroine addiction, and a coffee shop on every corner. That Starbucks started in Seattle is not an accident. I'm sure teal would find that all terribly ironic. I don't. There is something of a connection between dreary weather and the black dog. Those inner depressions are terrible, btw. Outer depressions, though? Not so bad.

  72. I found Teal's London workshop blink blink sari...without even trying hard. For all secret hidden Teal-lover-readers - here we go.


    It certainly suited her but maybe she felt lost in the loads of chiffon of a foreign nation in another foreign country.

  73. LaVAughn thanks for your reply - yes I meant "psychic". It helps to put the puzzle pieces together by looking from different angles. I still haven't figured out my perception of the LAO but can really follow your approach. Except - I think it is more self driven than a "take what comes along your way by other co creators". The reason for that is: that my perception (which i am kind-of in charge of) decides how to relate to a co creation. So at the end of the day it is me again how "reads" sense or non-sense into a confronting co creation of sb else.

    DontBeAfraidEVER I haven't a clue what you were talking about in your reply. Can not relate.

    Teal was pointing out in her "What I can’t bring to a friendship" - Tolerance. Definition of tolerance in British and World English in Oxford dictionary: The ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with.

    No wonder she has such a hard time in the land of teaics and in a big city where you have thousands of different opinions, life approaches etc. For a not tolerant person, this is torture.

    Tea with the Swans - I lIKE - because of Sarbdeep. He must be the most tolerant person ever judging his way of presenting himself towards the viewer AND Teal. Again - what an interesting match both are. Ok I don't get your frog obsession. This thing is freaking me out and probably moves around in the house at night. NO fan, no tolerance in me in regards to the frog.

  74. yes LaVaughn, Saris are stunning. I admired all the women in Sri Lanka or Indonesia...they get it so perfect. Their saris never touch the ground...like 2 mm above ground and they move with such grace. They wrapped me in different saris over there...but my coordination was all over the place because I needed to concentrate of not falling over my own feed, still having the sari perfectly hanging over the shoulder etc. It was messy but loved it. A sari will highlight the beauty of EVERY women. Adore them.

  75. To co-create, GA, means to work together. It means there's agreement. We need to have respect for the needs of others, I think, when we set out to accomplish anything.

    Wasn't it you who posted the video on Icelanders advocating for the little people in the rocks? Would we do that in this country? No we'd just smash up their homes without a thought because we don't believe any of that hugger-mugger. Tiny people in the rocks... FWIW, I absolutely believe there are tiny people in the rocks.

    When we partner with spirit and surrender the results -- let go, let God -- we work in harmony rather than crushing everything and everyone around us with our ego wants.

  76. http://new.livestream.com/accounts/2213907/2014LondonSynchronizationWorkshop

    i think it will be up for 30 days or so - honor payment - anyway Sari in action. Very beautiful

  77. honor payment for livestream of workshops

  78. She looks absolutely gorgeous. This was the first workshop were she seems to be off and is getting increasinlgy exhausted as it progresses. I do get why it is effecting her so much on many different levels. Also: she hasn't her boy around her which is a major thing for a mama. I hope she uses the time in UK before heading of to the next country to get into the country side or even have a quick stop in SCOTLAND. Her heart will be happy there between the green hills - isle of sky - the old man stor. Get over there.

  79. I'm weird- I get depressed more easily in the tropical clime, despite the warmth and all that color. I have a hard time with such heavy humid air, I think, and can't stant too much heat.

    That was me2yesu posting that Iceland link. GA might get freaked out by the little people on the rocks :-D

  80. hahaha possible. No I live in the country of fairies... only big fat frogs freak me out. I am the same - heat - oh no - cool breeze and sunshine and celtic grounds. LOVE

  81. Ah, so it was. I was too lazy to scroll through. I really enjoyed that. In a curious, ahem, synchronicity, my husband had just mentioned the Icelanders and their rock negotiations to me. I've just been awash in synchronicity lately. If I kept a journal of them I doubt I'd have time for anything else.

    I don't like hot weather, humid weather either. I'm a celt... mostly. I like cool, crisp weather. Arid heat is bearable. Humidity makes me never want to leave the air conditioned house.

    GA, you really don't like the frog, huh? I love the frog. I think he speaks to my inner child.

  82. no considering that a lookalike frog always tried to eat me as a child. no but enjoy your both expressions of love to this thing :D
    200meters from my house is an old standing stone. I sit there often - in the rain and sunshine, doesn't matter, matter of cloth and mindset. I wish I could talk to an old druid or one of the culdee which lived here before the church run them over. No other truth resonates so much with me than the old silent rocks standing around me and telling so many stories about unity with nature and self...and this beautiful, just BEAUTIFUL relationship they had with nature. I bet a was a huge tall celt warrier at some point - no that I care, I don't spent much time with "past life" stories. They are t r i c k y. But there must be a reason why I love to hang around in rainy landscapes after visiting the tropical boredom for me. Pretty but not my cup of tea as well

  83. Yeah, GA, Sarbdeep is an example of true classy Brit, all perfectly composed, from what we see anyway.

    Oh, so I'm not that weird then. I can always throw something extra warm on and still get out for some fresh air (unless it's like Arctic cold which we almost had this crazy winter), but when it's too hot outside, there is nothing you can do...except staying in with AC. And this gets me depressed. And even when it's nice and cooler, I don't really connect with that kind of exotic beautiful lush nature, not for a long time anyway...Yep, not my kind of tea either. I like four seasons, I enjoy the change and the special energy each period brings.

  84. I have this celtic themed picture now in my imagination after reading your last comment. A beautiful woman sitting on the rock amids this breathtaking landscape, lost in the feeling of unity, while the wind is gently caressing her...quite a vision...:-)

  85. quite a vision indeed. Are you a psychic or so hhahahahaha :D

  86. We all are :-) I'm "or so", haha

  87. Weird is my second name - I tell you. :D but maybe i am the most normal.
    The man I own (...joke) and I went to a scottish wedding. My man was best men - so he was wearing a scottish skirt and the whole traditional outfit. There is nothing more hot than a man in a scottish skirt. .....

    mhhh how did I end up here. I was eating Diana Gabaldon's Highland Saga with Jamie & Clare. I guess by reading it I manifested this event because they way she described Jamie....was a dream hahahaha. Back to LAO

  88. I remember one particular guy wearing a scottish skirt at some party...He was extremely drunk and obnoxious, hard to get away from and not sexy at all! I haven't manifested other highlanders since....I should've read that book to attract the right kind i guess.

  89. hahahaha you obviously didn't work together as LV was stating. tsssss keep trying. I promise this experience will be saved in the brightest corner of your records :D

  90. Elena "Tea(l) helps, I'm assuming...or maybe a pint or two as well sometimes?;-)"

    Nobody does tea like the British IME. Go to a top London hotel for High Tea, especially the Savoy for me, and tell me you don't like :). It'll cost you $60 tho!

  91. I am the same Justin who posted quite often before but not the same Justin that lives near Teal and has appeared on Shadow House. Teal doesn't employ me and hasn't asked me to come here. I come here because I enjoy it and think it is worth my time, and you guys need someone to tell you that witch hunts are way unfashionable!

  92. Justin Holmes? Mr Holme(s?), (is it the same as in Sherlock?;) I am not gonna argue with that (your love for tea:)). Wow, $60, hope that includes the warm scones with cornish cream at least. The venue must be nice. What kind of tea do you drink?
    I usually go English (or Irish) Breakfast in the morning for some kick, then Earl Gray couple hours later, after lunch or so I switch to green, and then herbal mix in the evening, before bed. This winter though I got addicted to spicy tea.

    Hhahahahahha! Haven't you noticed yet that we are witches ourselves?? There is no hunt, I just think bullshitting people for your own personal gain is waaaay unfashionable! But we are all free to express our opinions here, at least. I was kicked out by expressing my views (respectfully btw), from teal's blog comment section. That was not cool too.

  93. I feel the portal IS wide open. However, I think a LOT about the chaos that people experience and I think it will increase. I feel we are all vibrating faster. I feel the new earth is already real in a high fast vibratory state.

    What seem like principles of manifesting the new earth that is will be honest and true as HOME. We only may bring our real selves so we might as well get to it: Accept thyself. Repudiate the attempts to mis-represent oneself. That means the natural. I accept myself without conditions and I will accept all else unconditionally too. We can be true ones all together.

    In a way that is where I have to speak up about "teaching". The whole pursuit that self improvement coaches implement like Teal is holding something false.

    Lead is only leading by example. RUN if someone tells you about something before they are capable of demonstrating. If Teal knew to demonstrate truth, she would not have had a workshop. She would have used London as her proving ground of how to be a sovereign power in her life. Then she could come to London and teach something by her experience of loving every nook and cranny of her manifestation of London.

    In the new earth I imagine, there would be no way to hide so we reveal the full intentions of what we express. That is the only way to get out of all the collective sh..te because we'd stand clear with one another on full live stream of communication.

    Those who do will share the science of the experiments that one conducts and masters.

    No more lying. Stories are mythic not "true" and no one can spin a better one to hide the truth. No teachers just learners. I have faith that this is lawful, benevolent and I AM valuable as this small POV. I believe in the esoteric laws as great help t understand making the world.

    What feels the truth about us: we imbue our words in whatever we claim "good" or "bad". The whole energy of what I mean even if faint will reverberate back to me when spoken and written as "spells". My words then carry my intentions to manifest MY POV.

    I will receive back the way I spoke it as reflected in the world and that does IMO enter the realm of creative. Yes, I believe TCYOR.

    Therefore, it is important not to deliberately lie and say what one really means with conviction. Also, we NEED to be able to erase the words that no longer fit. FORGIVENESS is letting go of old idea stuff and expired states that are ancient history.

    I think it perfectly valuable to declare the results in advance of what we desire Kike this:
    The field of me is unconstrictedly flowing. I communicate (LOA) exactly what feels Wonder full. I am in the Vortex (Abraham Hicks language) telling my story of I AM aware of being creative and I love that!!! My joy that I bring something very appreciated just because I am a real live human is so lovely. The intention to live what I would share and the beauty under the chaos is awesome. The Universe is very happy with how I am being. Applause Here from my little me as "i" has hands.

  94. One quick correction. It was Virginia's mother who was Cherokee. I have no idea why I wrote father. Brain glitch.

  95. Elena, Justin has been saying for a while that not only is this a witch hunt but my use of the term winged monkeys to describe what it's like when tealers attack meant that I was really saying that teal is the wicked witch. So, um, yeah... There's that.

  96. Justin thinks this is witch hunt. ... you guys need someone to tell you that witch hunts are way unfashionable!

    This blog is not a witch hunt. It is a clear device of dissecting a self proclaimed leader of the new age. according to popular ideas about what modern spiritual leaders may do to gain a cult following. In extreme cases people might be injured and die which means that discussion of the people self proclaiming as spiritual leaders is warranted. Once in the public, an idea and the promoters ask to be critiqued. Scientology is a great case in point where NOT looking closely is damaging.

    Teal is not a victim. Her Ministry may be suspect but I never saw any witch hunt. It is only dislike for her public presentation that I have seen.

    In general IMO witch hunts are still fashionable for the same reason they always have been. It has long been known that certain people ruin the milk.

    In Teal's case, it might be claimed that she demonstrated witch hunting. Like when Carmen might have spoiled the milk at the shadow house or Fallon or anyone, the witch was found and shunned by the community. Luckily only scalding words not fire was burning.

    At anyone's house, there might be a witch to blame for the troubles, even oneself. One can hunt oneself down too looking for a witch.

    IMO we have not as a species stopped witch hunts. Again, they will appear to be people who spoil our milk and will always spoil milk as that is who they are (versus a temporary mistake). Otherwise they are not witches.

  97. How To Recognize True and False Spiritual Teachers
    (nothing really new, but I liked this short presentation by Cha-Zay, Ph.D)


  98. Something MAGICAL happened here during this session. I could listen to Stewart forever.It feels like he is singing a good night song when he is speaking. LOVE IT. And I really enjoyed this pure appreciation between Teal, Stewart and Sarbdeep. Never saw Teal this way before. Very relaxed, no force... just beautiful. And by the way - I want Teal's dress :D it looks amazing. After the session finished I observed myself, sitting here and singing a song to the angels. Can somebody send me a tape of Stewart's voice. It is peace in form of sound.


  99. Fair enough, GA. But it took us two days to get through and... Oh, I'll leave it there for now.

  100. looking forward to your reflection.

    Oh hello Justin ( : thumbs up for getting it out

    your noisy chair just drove me NUTs and I didn't make it far. But nice to see you.

  101. LaVaughn, did you follow Druvalo's 6 day livestream event?
    I just came across this wonderful animated movie by spirit science, heavily based on Drunvalos material. Really like it.

    Elena: the movie also talks about your bermuda triangle. You obviously didn't leave this dimension..or maybe you did, and another version of you is running around here ( :

    And thanks for the link about true and false teachers! Loved it, very helpful and precious to myself. It helps me understand my dual relationship with Teal much better. I think that this video gave me a missing core puzzle piece to explain my journey from adoring Teal's youtube messages - to loving Teal as a person to getting uncomfortable and suspicious - to full on rejecting anything Teal related - to hit rock bottom to neutralize my emotions in regards to Teal - to finding suddenly a lot of compassion for Teal as a person - to seperate Teal's messages and Teal as a person - to listen and filter VERY carefully her messages, wishing her well and still wonder what the heck happened.

    My newest update and explanation for my moment of suspicion and "inner warning feeling" is that Teal's WONDERFUL translations and explanations are SO f%+£$% mixed with her very distorted, muddy and unpredictable painbody outbursts, that you end up with a very unharmonious song (in case of paying FULL attention to Teal & her life). The disharmony tunrs into a bomb when experiencing unstable states myself or when being confronted with an own inner problem by one of her messages or painful blog entries. downwards spiral. BIG TIME. I was and I am longing for stability and grounded guidance and a sense of "he or she will not turn into a zombi anytime soon - feeling". I felt that by just watching her amateur videos. But it changed when she started climbing on the highest mountain and showing it all.
    It was and is pretty overwelhming and my desire for some of her very true messages ...I cannot follow anymore because of this insane morphe of stabil and fragile. I did enjoy the angel podcast a lot because it was purely dealing with information about angels which I highly resonated with - no Teal antiques, no other pain story, no report on her current emotional state.

    So I decided that this is how I will relate to her in a new way. I just can't take all the other stuff.... which by the way creeps into her messages as well - BIG TIME - here and there. So I am very careful what I'll will put into my baskets

    Teal seemed to have a rough and lovely ride in London and Prague.

  102. .. and I cannot relate to her business and/or career thougths. This whole thing pissed me off when it was announced with Tealeye and is still pissing me off when she writes about her "career".
    I feel like stomach pain when "spiritual teaching" and "career" and "fans" are mentioned in one sentence. Something OOOOFFFFFF there ... to me

  103. ha I am sorry I needed to post this. Hope nobody decides to feel insulted. haha


  104. Noncast: Stewart Pearce pt 1

    This was a very long not-podcast. My husband and I had to break up the viewing over two days. We both found it grueling. Mostly, I just found it really, really dull. Said Jason after we wrapped the first day, at a little past the halfway mark, "I pushed too hard. I think I pulled a hammie. I need rest, ice, compression, elevation..."

    I think it was harder on him than it was on me because, as a one time theater major, he remains burned out on really "actorish" actors. I have a little more patience with the profoundly theatrical and have many actor friends whom I love dearly.

    Stewart Pearce seems like a lovely, sincere person. He was very gracious and patient, despite being repeatedly interrupted. While teal seemed to be on her best behavior, her self-control wained as this conversation progressed. In the end she was too much the "ugly American."

    "Shut up, you American. You Americans, all you do is talk, and talk, and say 'let me tell you something' and 'I just wanna say.' Well, you're dead now, so shut up." ~ http://youtu.be/yR5Z4n1TdSI

    As ever teal is acting as the cosmic answer lady, introducing the topic of angels with a desire to allay "confusion." But when she poses the question of what angels actually are to their guest "expert" on the subject, he gives the best possible answer. "I don't know."

    He proceeds to explain his experiential relationship with these beings of light that he has been aware of since childhood. So, no real claim to authoritative answers, just sharing his perspective. Lovely.

    On the other hand, teal takes his idea that they are messengers and runs with it, pronouncing in her usual authoritative tone that our idea that they have wings is because in antiquity we used birds to carry messages. She states this opinion as if it's an obvious fact. And while Pearce takes this idea onboard with great aplomb, at around minute 55:00, he completely contradicts it. He states then that the perception of angels as having wings probably stems from the fountain of light that emanates around their presence. High five! She affirms the idea as if it were her own, apparently oblivious to the contradiction with her previous definitive assessment.

  105. Noncast: Stewart Pearce pt 2

    The dynamics between teal and Pearce grow increasingly strange. They are seated next to each other on a sofa, while Sarbdeep sits alone in the comfy chair. As often happens when people are seated side by side, they become increasingly merged. Her body language is also interesting. As she gets more comfortable, she keeps putting her arm around him and taking up room on the couch. She also co-opts his ideas, as if she knows them thoroughly, just as she has with so many authors. Down the line I expect we'll be hearing her spout his ideas as if they were hers and giving him pats on the head for being right, just as she's done with Abraham/Hicks. Already she speaks with a more authoritative tone on his theories than he does.

    At around the 55:00 minute mark, my husband observes that this is "the most unabashed show of emotion we've ever seen Sarbdeep display."

    Sarbdeep clearly adores Stewart Pearce and may have him on something of a pedestal. We very much got the sense that Pearce is a father figure for him. As this progressed Sarbdeep seemed more like a fawning outsider observing the wonder that is both of them. That Pearce is also a healing practitioner, whom Sarbdeep has worked with in that capacity, made for some strange energy dynamics. At times it seemed like he and teal were sort of ganging up on Sarbdeep and trying to "fix" him. This is frequently the tone teal strikes with him and she gradually co-opted Pearce's status and used his terms as well as her own to "help" Sarbdeep.

    Around 21 minutes in, she once again makes Sarbdeep talk about his father wound, a subject she harps on as if he desperately needs to confront something he's clearly already worked through extensively. As this episode progressed I wondered aloud when he would tire of being treated like a project that needs improvement. My husband opined that this would probably be around the time he hits the bricks.

    It's particularly painful to watch this because it seems so clear that he has already achieved a level of spiritual mastery and inner resourcefulness that greatly surpasses hers. He strikes me as a personally powerful guy dogged by just enough insecurity to make him deferential to authority and vulnerable to power theft.

    I don't know if it's a conscious choice, but as they did with the last guest, they bookended Mr. Pearce in clothes that were very matchy-matchy. Both were in hues of grey-blue, a color scheme that looks better on Sarbdeep than on teal. Once again, he looked tasteful and elegant and she looked like she was wearing the drapes. It was excruciatingly obvious that she was dressing to evoke classic angelic imagery. But, I'm sorry, that dress was wearin' her.

  106. Noncast: Stewart Pearce pt 3

    As I mentioned recently (upthread), teal continues to over-promise on the "law of attraction" and the meaning of oneness. Not only is she more solipsistic than mystical -- everyone is an "extension" of your "self" rather than source -- at around the 14:00 minute mark she claims that because of this "oneness" we can meet whomever we want to meet. This is a) all about ego rather than oneness, b) false, and c) would mean that Zeeshan -- someone I think she should probably consider a security threat -- could meet her and even have the relationship with her he so openly craves. I'm going to say it again: No, we cannot have all our ego wants met... and thank God. Among the more obvious reasons, many of our desires are in conflict with the desires of others.

    At a couple of points, teal takes swats at Newtonian physics implying that this mentality hardened humanity's perceptions and took us out of our other sensitivities. Funny, given that in the last teacast she relied on Newtonian physics to tealsplain quantum potential, which one cannot do -- at least until physicists find the Rosetta stone of physics, or "theory of everything."

    I don't disagree, though, that the Age of Reason -- of which I think Newton was more product than cause -- represented a shift away from unity consciousness. As I said before, Robert Lawlor ties this shift to the use of conceptual zero, which actually emerged with the Indian ascetic movement. He makes a convincing case. I have two editions of his seminal work, Sacred Geometry. Yet, somehow, when I scanned the bookshelf last night, I could find neither. I did find that some good soul has uploaded the whole thing as a pdf which can be found here. I strongly recommend downloading a copy, if you don't have it. It offers the added benefit of being searchable.

    In chapter 2, "Metaphor of Universal Order," Lawlor lays out his theory that this increasing use of zero as more than a place holder shaped a thinking about mathematics, and by extension all of reality, in a way that doesn't actually make any sense. And it replaced the idea of oneness with the idea of nothingness.

  107. Noncast: Stewart Pearce pt 4

    My husband and I observed that she seemed to represent exactly the problems their guest was attempting to address. He does several impressions of the head voice that he says is so restrictive and detrimental to finding our "note" -- which is apparently more of a chest voice. The punchline? He sounds just like teal when he does it. She never varies from talking in that pinched, grating, nasal drone.

    But, man, does she have opinions about all those other people who haven't found their "note." She continues to talk about humanity as if she isn't human. "Greater society" is, once again, her whipping boy. At around an hour and 11 minutes in, she announces, "I'm really tired of humanity..."

    My husband replied, "Well this part of humanity is getting really fucking tired of teal."

    Her languaging is so jagged and oppositional. Something is always "the exact opposite" of the way things are supposed to be.

    But most stunning is her penetrating observation that it's the actors who haven't found their "note" who die. Why is this woman so freaking morbid? And extreme?

    This would imply that, for example, Phillip Seymour Hoffman was such an actor. In fact, I think Pearce might even be directly referencing him when he mentions Phillip. I disagree. I think he was one of the most authentically voiced actors I've ever observed. He was one of those actors who grounded every scene he was in. He was the anchor who allowed more volatile actors to riff wildly. His wasn't one of those erratic method actors like, say, Dennis Hoffman or Jessica Lange, who are both living to a ripe old age. His problem was that he blew a 23 year sobriety, not getting lost in his very solid acting roles.

    But, back to my point: morbid, negative, dark, she is. Around 53 minutes in, the former (???) cutter talks about soul expression as being like "bleeding." It is also odd that she would express it this way, as she is a self-professed borderline, and borderlines are given to prolonged emotional dysphoric states often referred to as "emotional hemophilia." I believe she calls them "seizures."

  108. Noncast: Stewart Pearce pt 5

    As stated, teal started with what looked like a conscious attempt to stop stealing focus. But as they moved into the meat of the topic, she became increasingly rude. She interrupts Pearce repeatedly, about which he is very gracious. At the 47:00 minute mark, she interrupts one of Sarbdeep's rare attempts to make a statement and he defers, "Go ahead."

    Funnily, the woman who, by her own admission doesn't care for tea, keeps drinking it. And then she's playing with her hair again. Try as she might, she can't sit still when other people are talking.

    More than once she calls on Pearce to explain a concept and it seems clear that it's only because she has no idea what to say. But then as he begins to expound, she has some realization with which she needs to interrupt him. Their guest is repeatedly derailed mid-description. Unless he's flattering her about all the ankhs and light around her. She's very patient with that part.

    At one particularly painful juncture, she asks Pearce to explain ultrasound -- again, she's clearly doesn't know. He's caught flatfooted. His response is something incoherent about something "beyond the ratio." I believe he means "range" as there is no such thing as beyond the ratio, which actually means the relationship between numbers. This is the one time he actually looks relieved when she interrupts him.

    As the interview progresses, however, Pearce starts to seem increasingly discomfited by the repeated interruptions and co-optations. Things become noticeably tense after the first hour. He subtly pushes back and things become a little competitive as he falls into her pattern of needing to speak authoritatively. She co-opts Uriel, he moves to Gabriel. Then he talks about Metatron. Teal informs us that Metatron uses "information as a weapon," to which I can only say, WTF? It's very subtle, and on the one hand it looks like they're killing each other with kindness, but they appeared to us to be in a power struggle. It's also in the last half hour that Sarbdeep starts doing that jiu-jitsu framing again. He looks downright relieved, however, that they get along.

    One of the more excruciating moments comes when Pearce talks about the Hathors and emotional intelligence and she interrupts again, clapping and bouncing in her seat like a child and announces, "That's where I come in." Yes, it's all about teal. Isn't everything.

  109. Noncast: Stewart Pearce pt 6

    It is also apparent that teal doesn't actually understand music very well and doesn't play the piano. When explaining how "in harmony" she and Pearce are, she indicates that notes that are an arms length apart don't harmonize well, whereas notes that are right near each other do. This is, of course, totally incorrect. A piano is a series of octaves. Harmony can be easily achieved between very low and very high notes. Keys that are close together can be painfully discordant. There's a reason pianists use both hands. Pretty dull otherwise.

    After an hour and half of this Jason, ever the pragmatist, wondered where for all that description was the how-to. It was less than instructive. Pearce gave some explanation of how find your "note" by picturing a mouth in your chest but that was the closest thing we got to constructive content. Unless you consider teal's frequent announcement that various concepts were "super important" helpful. I don't.

    I also would have enjoyed a more in depth discussion of angel mythos and some departure from the idea of angels and messengers and helpers. That's like angel myth kindergarten. I have a deep passion for angel mythology and for me, this barely scratched the surface of these very complex archetypes.

    The book publicist in me also got increasingly agitated that there were several books, obviously Pearce's, laying down flat on the table and no one was holding them up, discussing them, and telling people where they were available. Sarbdeep did give Pearce's web address, so that's nice. Pearce's books can be found here.

  110. Hi GA, I did not watch the Dru's livestream. I'll have to check out your video when I get the chance. Having kind of a crazy week here. Spring Break. Yay!

  111. wow that is a loooong non cast - enlighten me Lavaughn ( :

  112. "teal seemed to be on her best behavior,"
    hahha this is so cute

    "He states then that the perception of angels as having wings probably stems from the fountain of light that emanates around their presence. High five!"
    BIG HIGH FIVE - me too. It looks sometimes like the structure of a scolecite. But in fairness - it was a very elegant way of switching concepts on Teal's side

    "Sarbdeep clearly adores Stewart Pearce."
    I loved how Sarbdeep expresses his respect and wonderment towards Stewart. So beautiful to see. Very authentic and raw indeed on Sarbdeep's side.

    "As this progressed Sarbdeep seemed more like a fawning outsider observing the wonder that is both of them."
    Let's face it. Sarbdeep is slowly turning into an interviewee, he is the guardian of the relaxed state of Teal and adjusts with light speed as soon as he realized that he ruffled her feathers (in the latest episode very dominant). And he is more like "all of us" who try to figure out stuff. He certainly has a very clear way of expressing his emotions and experiences with his lovely british accent. He is truly an interested peace keeper with boundaries, isn't he. ( :

    "He strikes me as a personally powerful guy dogged by just enough insecurity to make him deferential to authority and vulnerable to power theft. "
    Wow WELL SAID LV. And yes, I found it painful when Teal asked him to repeat the sentence about his father loud or so…suddenly he wasn't same level part of the conversation…he became the patient…which was STRANGE. I also thought that he looked uncomfortable when Teal talked to him this way. Awkward.

    "Both were in hues of grey-blue, a color scheme that looks better on Sarbdeep than on teal….But, I'm sorry, that dress was wearin' her."
    LV we agree to disagree. NO WAY on earth and in heaven…. this dress looked gorgeous on her and surrounded her with an Halo - Drapes? Tzzzzzz…. This was classical elegance (never seen on Teal before). But in fairness…. the dress enfolds its full beauty when standing…by sitting you win some pounds ha. If some reader finds this dress online, email me. I would so wear it. :D

    reading further...

  113. "It is also apparent that teal doesn't actually understand music very well and doesn't play the piano"
    yes- that was funny, indeed.


    the elegance of Mr. Sarbdeep you can also find in Stewart. There is this gentleness and generosity and this centered grounding energy coming from him. And at the same time he translated his experience with such relaxation and ease…oh I could listen to him forever. I also enjoyed the way how he elegantly moved his hands and touched his legs…he looked so comfortable in his own skin.
    Stewart had a very interesting authority energy about him. But he didn't created this by claims, sounds or bully movements…. it was this sureness about his own experience without giving it a title and without creating a role for him. LOVELY to see. Very embracing and funny and relaxed and elegant guy. Ok I am done with praises for him ( :

    In général I found that they sang a great song together…one person stopped talking and the other one took over…I loved this about the conversation because I never saw Teal merging into a group dynamic other than dominating it. Until they passed the half hahahahha

    Well the big difference is that Stewart and Sarbdeep are talking and describing their experience and knowledge and Teal "teaches".

    I enjoyed (0:55) the way how Stewart expressed his gratitude to meet Teal, to share the aura and how he acknowledged all other beings with her - beautiful. Teal was very touched by this Then he called Sarbdeep "Prince Sarbdeep". OMG SPOT ON. I never could point at it. He is prince-like (( : Well said Mr. Stewart. Then he moved on describing the main bond to Sarbdeep and made him the centre of attention and the star for bringing Teal into his life. Teal's whole energy shifted there. :D VERY INTERESTING. She went silent and dull and Sarbs lightened up. Unusual position for her … probably. Quickly she lost interest and gave all her attention to the tea pot to switch out of this again.

    I truly enjoyed them talking about the Michael and Mary lay lines considering that i live 2 km away from one of them. Beautifully explained by Stewart.

    I had the impression that Teal actually learnt something from Stewart ( : and he offered her some gates to step through and receive some juicy, fresh info. But I also believe that Teal met an old friend and I truly enjoyed watching her relax into this and also turn into a child at some points.

    I HATED THE BLACK, stinky, noisy, sticky leather couches. Urghhhh…gagging. I hate them.

    Golden moments of this conversation for me was:

    Teal: "So finding your note is not about keeping your note - it is about teaching yourself that you can always choose….more powerful than the state of grasping".
    AMAZING to me to hear this. Such a great perception suggestion.

    Stewart: They are in ar of us because they don't live density in the way how we live density and how freeing ourselves, liberating ourselves, loving ourselves into the freedom of using 3d in the way that we manifest in 3d. And one of the crucial ways that we discovered is thought creates reality. and feeling actualizes the manifestation."

    "I know I am god and you've forgotten."

  114. thanks LV, a very sound deonstruction.

    I couldn't keep watching. the energy dynamics seemed so off. I apologize if this seems harsh but I felt Teal being a seducer energy aimed at a gay man who likes beauty trying to tease him into an erection while peace's client (the husband) was made to watch. Maybe that is ugly but it felt like the angels were far away.

  115. I almost erased my last comment as it is a bit crass. However, I could not figure out to erase and in the mean time I don't deny that I did feel as I stated.

    If the placement made the two a set peice (Teal and Stewart in intimate space with sardeep at a viewing distance), it looked like a Victorian stage. In the drawing room, the rapacious blade (a blade is a Victorian phrase for a man who flirts and seeks conquests). Instead of an Ingenue, I saw a rather theatric but feminine male with gender energy that is attracted to the allure of women, not women. His sexual polarity seemed the Ingenue in Teal's not so suaaave seduction ploy. Teal was looking like some smarmy seduction energy that was embarrassing to watch. I heard myself wondering if I was making it up?

    I watched the sidling up of "We are so similar" and that is a classic move of seduction sience.

    In the ploy of conquests, one aims to show attention for the sake of seduction alone. Learn to read what the subject values and play that up. It could be anything that appeals as the victim's values and one moves that way. It is not needing consummation but the victim needs to be willing. So I saw Sarbdeep being a witness to his healer and his wife and being masculinity swiped like a cuckold even if just astral. Excluded form the intense twosome really, Why was he there?

    So the whole scene felt as if I was a voyeur in a dark stage that my watching supported. Weird shadows of my own?

    I did say hooponopono tonight for my vision of a Teal acting out a version of seduction for its ske and therefore the need of witnesses who matter as suitable audience for the blade to enjoy the conquest.

  116. me2yesus

    not harsh. I can see this too by hard focus but this time I decided to focus more on the beauty of Stewart and Sarb and "Teal on good behavior" . Does she try all tricks to get attention by touch, going into his space, by morving from dominant tochild and back, by talking about sex, by jumping from distant to "I know you forever"..., by loving her hair etc? Yes. But it felt to me like a normal situation in Teal's life and Stewart seems pretty grounded and centred and positiviley focused to me.

    I think LV blocked the delete options ( : probably because people went mad with deleting their comments

  117. GA, I have no ability to stop people deleting their comments.

    "Does she try all tricks to get attention by touch, going into his space, by morving from dominant tochild and back, by talking about sex, by jumping from distant to "I know you forever"..., by loving her hair etc? Yes."

    Damn, that sums it up well.

    And. yes, we will have to agree to disagree about the dress. I know you like it. You said so before. I hated it. I can't say how it might look on someone of different coloring, but someone should get that woman a color wheel, because no.

    But mostly I thought her allusion to teal as angel was a bit heavy-handed.

  118. me2yesu
    do not forget that Teal is very self concious about her sexual energy and feedback system, considering that her whole childhood was based on "with a carrot and a stick" and using her sexuality to survive the torture guy. Although sexuality is a very successful way of controlling (to survive) the feedback system of people, especially if you care a lot what others think ...to protect yourself and to be safe. Many females use their sexuality to feel safe by controlling the "other" with a sensual, very calculated dance without dancing. It is a survival mechanism and Teal is still using it to feel save BUT ALSO to get what she wants. ( ;

    I have no problem with it and Stewart's reaction towards her could not be influenced as he is standing is loving ground anyway. The only thing which I do not like about it is the obvious presence of manipulation....and that's why I find it hard to trust Teal as a person. she's a deep me. (is that the right english way of saying??) ( ; I do love the innocent beauty and the innocent sexuality which just streams out of every cell of a body of a woman without her doing it on purpose, no posing, no nothing.... I LOVE when I see women like this.

  119. H E E L L L L L O O O O O
    hello hello h ello h e llo h e l lo h e l l o echo
    nobody home?
    where is everybody gone?
    ...I blame the full moon 2 days ago.

    This thing here turns into my own personal diary ( :
    all you secret hidden readers...get out of the dark and get involved, not hating but reflecting.
    Yes YOU ( :

  120. Eeeeek! We just watched this week's "podcast." Wow. The noncast is coming soon. But, I just needed to say, you know, wow. She sure has some notions. But the church is pretty. Check it out just for the church.

  121. HELLOOOOOO!!!!

    Golden A, I enjoy your personal diary, and your comments too;-)
    You are right, I do blame celestial bodies and some weird energies for my sluggish brain activity these days- the last bits of power went out in order to process the intellectual noncast by LaVaughn. Looking forward for more reading material, tho I didn't watch the podcast with the church yet. I haven't managed to sit thru the last one-it literally made me cringe. Must be the leather seats.

  122. Oh, Elena, admit it. It was that awful dress... See, GA and I can't agree on the dress. I thought it was ghastly.

    But, let's face it. All the "podcasts" are just cringetastic. That's two of you who couldn't take the whole hour and half.

  123. Lol, ok I admit, I usually like the color blue, but in that video, the hue reminded me too much of the patients' gowns we use in the hospitals. And yes, seemed like she was trying to channel that angelic look with the flowy dress and flared up sleeves (although the angels don't have wings, but we, stupid tiring humanity, are still too clingy to such images). Teal looked fresh-faced, a departure from her usual femme fatale make up and attire (notably in the latest ask teal video on faith, which I couldn't finish too cs it made no sense to me ). The dress also reminded me slightly of Kate Middleton's in her first public picture after giving birth with an infant in her hands, although the design is very different. I love dresses, but I usually go for either fitted top- loose bottom, or vise versa. Yep, too much fabric everywhere for my personal taste. When you sit in a deep sofa, you end up looking like a ballon.
    But more than Teal, it was smth to do with Mr. Pearce. Let's put it this way- he hasn't struck my note.... His mannerism, the way he talked and laughed ( esp. when Sarbdeep asked him the first question), even his posture....I dunno, like Maggie I felt the real angels weren't there.

  124. OMG you guys are back.

    oh boy I am scratching really hard my head right now. Not even Elena likes the dress? Moon, damn moon. ha. Hey Teal, if you read this, i thought your dress was gorgeous. Please send it to me and I will confuse all the farmers around me who will mistake me for an ballon angel.
    mhhhh yesterday night I slept with three big beautiful black moon stones and had the sleep of my life. Elena, you can't smell Stewart? Well considering that it turned into an angel competition - who sees who first hahahha (laughed a lot about that) I am standing my ground and I am still fascinated by Light - colour - sound - matter. The newest "Sarbs interviews Teal Swan" was just strange and there were some icy eyes from Teal when Sarbs talked about another female on this planet ha. I didn't get much out of it but liked Teal's comment, that I am the first you breaks my own boundaries. I think Teal was pissed or tired or cranky or something...she seemed off and they both looked like strangers to each other. I dun know.

    LV you appeared in my mind after reading your last comment ( :


  125. Just don't walk in the fields wearing that when it's too windy, love.;-) Unless you are carrying something heavy or your man is holding your hand. :-D

  126. LaVaughn said "That's two of you who couldn't take the whole hour and half."...

    Make that 3 LaVaughn - I couldn't sit thru the blue dress video either... I didn't make it past the sappy introduction of their guest and the first camera shot of him sitting there with his groin almost aggressively thrust up to meet the camera (maybe that was just my own perception?) and Teal sitting there crunched up beside him in that stupid blue dress, trying so hard to be diplomatic with regards to accolades being given to someone other than herself. She is definitely transparent. No, I couldn't stomach it, my hat's off to anyone who could, except to those who would lay on the floor and let her piss in their mouths and eat her shit if that's what she expected or desired of them. To those I just give my sad and eyerolling regards.

    But since I couldn't access it (the current video...I got a message that said they had restructured their website or something and to go visit it, but I couldn't find the tea videos anywhere so I figured fuck it and fuck you and unsubscribed, figuring that certainly someone would post a link here (that I could check out without having to see Teal's brand plopped conspicuously there in my inbox, like a neon turd in a catbox... that I have to clean out, hehe) But so far nobody has complied with my wishes, hahahaha.

    And it's funny to me how I couldn't access the new one at the church (which I was curious to see how that setting would play) after I had spent soooo much time ruing the few minutes I had spent on the stupid blue dress video. And there you have it... a perfect illustration of the law of attraction at work, hahaha.

    Is anyone gonna post a link to that church video or am I better off without it?? And if unsubscribing means I never able to watch another TEAL time with TEAL video, and see the blow by blow disemboweling and emasculating of Sarbdeep, or teal's embarrassing attempts at diplomacy in allowing someone other than herself to have center stage, and asserting her own voice over any other voice like her words alone were the new gospel and she was the new savior ... well then, ummm, uhhh, hmmm, golly, gee, all I can say is... oh well... LaVaughn's observations, so wittily delivered, are more entertaining anyway. Hahaha!

  127. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!

    When I mentioned his posture in my previous post, what I really meant was.... lol, yep, me too with that kind of perception, zigzag. Are we just paying attention to the wrong parts lol? The sparkly belt buckle didn't help tho! Yuk

    For what it's worth:


  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. Thanks for posting that link Elena, hehe, and so now I have seen them not drinking tea at tea time with teal in front of the cathedral. How fun was that? Not much. Didn't look like they were having much fun either. Might there be trouble brewing in river city?? I'm so sick and tired of teal. I went to go to her blog the other day to see if there was anything interesting going on and had to go back a couple of weeks in my history to find the link, only to be sorry I did... man, call me a hater or whatever you want, but all those fawning comments after her somewhat less than riveting blahblahblahblogs just get on my last nerve. I don't see how I will ever flatten that button, but it's definitely on my 'whenever I get around to it, unless I forget about it' to-do list. I find that just limiting my exposure to all things teal really helps with the 'forgetting about it' option... and improves my mood significantly!

  131. PS: And after I went to all the trouble to get the link to her blog, I didn't even read that Europe one because I was so galled by the photo with her arms spread wide, like the pope blessing the masses or that christ the redeemer statue come to life. Did I already announce how sick of teal I am? Well, I don't mind repeating myself... I'm really sick and tired of teal. She's like a canker sore that just keeps demanding my attention.

  132. ZZB For all future adventures


    guys you all have no taste :D end of story. Don't get hang up on the bed look of a piece of cloth in the sitting position. I do find it interesting that you guys can't connect with the angel interview. Maybe I had my own conversation there going on. However Elena, I so understand you. I didn't understand a word of her last sat video. It was like watching a fish moving its mouth and not getting its point. mmmhhhh or maybe I go bonkers now.

  133. hahhaahah I meant BAD BAD BAD look not bed look. hahhahaah

  134. ^^^Are you sure that's what you meant, GA?

  135. damn it
    damn freudian slip

  136. Zigzagbuddha - You crack me up, it sounds like you are exactly where I am at with Teal, just so sick of her! I started following her because of my sister and how intensely she became devoted to Teal (even left her job and husband because they were not in "alignment" with Teal's teachings or something). She thankfully has started to come around and was able to work things out with her husband (they really are perfect together), once she realized it was not her marriage that were making her unhappy or out of "alignment!" Her job situation though is pretty unfortunate. She regrets leaving and asked for her old job back and was told that there was no chance of that. She started regular therapy sessions and is doing really well. She told me the other day that she knows she has issues that she never dealt with and was in a very dark place when, searching for answers when she found Teal. She fell for Teal, 100%! At my sisters urging I started watching some videos but right away did not feel like she was genuine. I was always very disgusted with as someone else mentioned earlier, "Spiritual teacher", "fame", and "career" in the same sentence. I dont think its "self-loving" to pretend to be something you are not so that people will donate money on your website. I have always felt that Teal is a very complicated, intelligent, charlatan. I think she wanted to be rich and famous and didnt achieve those things with modeling or skiing so turned to her current role as "spiritual catalyst." When my sister first introduced me to her videos it was about a year ago and she didnt bother me so much, although I felt that her backstory was mostly made up and all her "abilities" were also made up, I did think she had a nice way of relating concepts in her videos. These days I cant watch her videos without cringing at the sound of her voice, her mannerisms, etc. It is so incredibly clear to me that his woman is such an extreme egomanic, so convinced that she is superior to "humanity" or "society" and her words are the ultimate TRUTH. I really do start to wonder if she is just a slick con artist or maybe mentally ill, or maybe a bit of both. All I can say is I am happy my sister didnt end up losing everything because of her attempt at implementing Teal's teachings!

  137. Lilly Dawn, I'm so glad to hear your sister is starting to take her life back.

  138. Noncast: Personal Boundaries pt 1

    I was distracted by the total lack of tea in this Tea Time production. For one thing, I felt cold looking at them in their parkas and I kept feeling like they should have some nice, warm thermal cups in their hands.

    Just as the frog upstages them both in their regular teacasts -- due to his incredible coolness -- in this one, they are competing with the St. Vitus Cathedral behind them. My husband found that he had to keep looking away and rely on listening, he was so distracted by this marvel of Gothic architecture.

    So, a lecture on boundaries from the woman who has none. And I say a lecture, rather than a discussion, because Sarbdeep is being schooled at least as much as the viewer, probably more so. This looked like another thinly veiled attempt to bring her husband in line with her wishes and picks up where their contentious discussion on privacy left off. It was more low key but there it was again: the implicit threat to end the marriage if he doesn't get in line. The problem? His boundaries are too "harsh." I suspect that means he actually has some. For instance, he has this crazy expectation of having a private life.

    She starts off, as she so often does, with a straw man:

    "I have a different view on boundaries than most people... So what defines your boundaries, first and foremost, is how you feel, which is what most people don't understand. Because they think that, like, a boundary is something concrete that can be defined and it really can't because boundaries are always flexible and they always change based on the situation."

    So, "most people" think boundaries are cast in stone, fixed and unchanging, rather than situational. Really! Who thinks that?! Name me two people who think that.

    As per teal, most of us poor sods need to be schooled because we're running around with this crazy notion that the boundaries we have with strangers on the street are just the same as the boundaries we have with our spouses.

    Her operating assumption always seems to be that everyone is confused but her -- although she does give the nod to Thich Nhat Hanh and the Dalai Lama, in this one. But the rest of us? So much we "don't understand."

    A few minutes in, she says it again: "This is what a lot of people don't understand about boundaries."

    Well, thank the good Lord she's here to get us all straightened out because we are some confused motherfuckers.

  139. Noncast: Personal Boundaries pt 2

    I've realized that she uses some version of that statement almost as often as she misuses the word ironically. This is what most people -- or a lot of people -- don't understand... This is invariably followed by some assertion of fact with absolutely nothing to support it -- no source, no reference, not even a juicy anecdote. It is so because she says it is so.

    In this case, what a lot of us don't understand about boundaries is some of the craziest shit she's made up yet. Apparently, there are two kinds of boundary violations: outgoing and incoming. Yes, as per teal, if you withdraw, you're violating a boundary. WTF???

    If a physical fence -- which she says is a poor analogy but uses it anyway -- represents a personal boundary, there are two ways to violate that "circle." (???) Crossing over someone else's threshold or, in a context of intimacy, withdrawing.

    Let's use the bad fence analogy, seeing as how she brought it up. Let's say a neighbor with whom we are at least a little friendly, jumps your fence, without invitation and starts taking liberties with your property or person. This is quite possibly a trespassing violation, or even assault, for which you could call the police. Alternately, let's say that you are chatting with the neighbor over the fence, but you, for whatever reason decide to go back inside your house, against your neighbor's wishes. Could that neighbor call the police to have you dragged out of your house because he wants to talk to you? Obviously not.

    Maybe this is why teal doesn't like fence analogies. Followed to a natural conclusion, such analogies show her thinking to be utterly fallacious.

    I guess this would be one of those cases when "most people" -- at least as represented by my husband and myself -- really don't understand what the fuck she's talking about. Because what she's saying is absurd.

    If, in fact, we should set our boundaries out of respect for our own emotional needs -- an assertion with which I don't disagree at all -- what if your feelings require you to withdraw and go within? What if you just need some personal space to figure things out? As per teal, that would be somehow violating the boundaries of our intimate partners. Subtext: Don't withdraw from teal, ever. Don't tend to your own needs if it excludes her at all. Once again, her borderline personality disorder is in evidence -- terror of abandonment, inability to be alone. It's also control-freaky as shit.

  140. Noncast: Personal Boundaries pt 3

    Throughout this conversation, it's accepted an obvious fact that Sarbdeep's boundaries are "too harsh." That's right. If there's a problem, it's with him, not her. It couldn't possibly that she has no respect for other peoples' boundaries. Tell that to her former mother-in-law, to Fallon, to Cameron.

    Sarbdeep seems to be using these not-podcasts as an opportunity to figure his wife out. In the first few minutes he asks teal to describe a "healthy boundary" in the context of a relationship. My husband characterized his facial expression as "beseeching."

    Clearly, Sarbdeep and teal are not on the same page when it comes to personal boundaries. This is a pretty big problem since, as per teal, "intimacy issues" are the leading cause of break-ups. Once again, this is stated as a fact, without source or attribution. This is something of a problem as study after study cites financial problems as the leading cause of divorce. And even if we allow that finances may be acting as a proxy for other problems and power struggles within a relationship, relationship issues are far more complex and varied than teal is stating here. As she so typically does, she uses emphatic terms, like ALWAYS.

    So, as per teal, if a couple can't agree on boundaries and meeting each other's emotional needs, that's it. When Sarbdeep suggests that maybe they just "want different things," teal pronounces that such couples "shouldn't be together." And there it is. The threat. You meet my needs or this is over.

    Sarbdeep, starts doing the "yeah" thing again. "Yeah. Then they should break up."



    Jason said he was half expecting them to turn on their heels and walk away at that point.

    This is followed by a lot of tealsplaining about how if we do our shadow work, we won't keep magnetizing people with different ideas about intimacy. While I applaud, and not for the first time, her acknowledgment of the shadow's role in what appears in our reflective world, she is still over-promising on the result.

    Like so many LOA people, she speaks in terms of ideal states. As long as we learn to think properly, we'll stop magnetizing things we don't like. Later she talks about how we should conduct ourselves in our jobs, making our feelings known to our bosses, because, you know, that works. We can all have jobs that allow us to be true to ourselves as long as we do our LOA work properly. Spoken like someone who doesn't have a boss or work a normal job. She is, as my husband says, "patently unqualified" to speak to this issue.

  141. Noncast: Personal Boundaries pt 4

    In my experience, this does not work. Life is a process and an ongoing learning experience. It comes down to whether we are seeking to grow and learn about ourselves by observing and interacting with the reflective world, or control our environment by making ourselves impossibly perfect.

    If all relationships ended because of disagreement over boundaries and intimacy, no one would be together. Relationships, like everything else, are process oriented. They are a series of negotiations as we seek to get our needs met and heal our deepest wounds within them. (See: Harville Hendrix)

    But, teal is the queen of absolutes and sweeping generalizations.

    About six minutes in she claims that "girls can't" have boundaries in our society. While I agree that there is a social expectation of women to be self-sacrificing meeters of other people's needs -- the Angel in the House -- we are also expected to maintain sexual boundaries. In fact, we're expected to be responsible, not only for our own sexual choices, but for those of men. And the social penalty for women who are too loose with that particular boundary are exceedingly high, even in the modern world. (See: slut shaming)

    So, once again, her bold assertion of fact is demonstrably false. But, perhaps her thinking on this issue is skewed. She has said repeatedly that she felt obligated to have sex with anyone who wanted her to. She states the idea that she can turn down sex she doesn't want to have like her right to say no is a revelation. Said my husband, she can't get through a 25 minute talk without "going carnal." Her casual dropping of the f-bomb in this discussion at around the 15 minute mark is decidedly jarring.

    "Passive aggression is, like, the ultimate boundary issue," says teal.

    See, I would have placed things like rape, theft, false imprisonment, and murder, well above passive aggression. She is right, though, that it's important to know and articulate your boundaries, rather than harboring resentment when unstated boundaries are violated. But "ultimate" issue? Please. And like most things, we learn through the process of having our feelings hurt because we don't have clarity over our emotional needs. This is how we figure out where to set our boundaries.

    Apropos of that, Sarbdeep told a great story about a female friend who had her feelings hurt by his repeatedly changing his plans at the last minute. I know I hate when people do that. It sounds like both he and his friend put this disagreement to work as a teachable moment and achieved a new level of understanding about themselves and each other. Beautiful! And probably the best and most insightful thing said about personal boundaries in the entire not-podcast.

    Of course teal's response to that story was to look bored and stare off into space, which she tends to do if Sarbdeep talks for too long, anyway. And in this case, he was talking about another woman. Can't have that. Talk about passive aggression.

  142. "So, a lecture on boundaries from the woman who has none." ha

    I didn't understand much of their boundaries session as I said before. I learnt more from your non-cast than the actual no-podcast-at-all

  143. Thank you for the write up of your observations off Teal's podcats #7. It tuned in to the 15 minute mark to hear her invoke incarnality.

    I have to share what I have been up to about sex. I am wonderring what sex will be for me these days. I think I am getting juicier.....

    Did you know that early stag films can be found on the internet? For some reason I found a few and watched them deal with current issues like bondage fantasy and "good and bad" girls (they are ALL bad girls on film...brazen hussies). there is pretty straight forward real filmed sex. Did anyone see Don Juan? It dealt with the way porn can take the place of messy people relationships.

    I am not interested in pornography but I am interested in relationships. Sex is definitely a shadow figure.I have had some very unusual recent history with a kind of astral whole chakra field joining with a beloved. Tony was a partner whom I never met but with whom I shred sex vibes. That is a tale! For a year as my Kundalini surges came on line, we had constant contact. I actually wish I had not erased the year of emails everyday. The reason I did so was that this was a dead end. I went through a phase of thinking we must be physically meant to be together. Then I realizedit would not be possible because of our personality types and I just dropped him.

    Between Georgia and Bradford England where my partner could wake up and I'd feel him come "on line" we texted, wrote emails and had phone calls plus the vibe that was like full chakra sex..

    So I have a large breadth of expectation of possibility now around being field partners. All this I see as lawful. I believe in Universal principles like templates we can use.

    What I want to say about what is "called" LOA is that it stands for the fact that this is a spiritual experience of information in matter. It is so trivialized that it can't be understood with people who have not used it themselves to any effect. Blind people and all that...

    I think Teal is half assed and if harrassed, it is for her own good like HER wholly angel yelling STOP!. She is a dinosauer before she ever left the pretty gate about using teachings like she owns them. The longer she keeps her direction of being a teacher as a personae and needing her personal myth, she will be held in static.

    If ever that I can fully exemplify the teachings I love, then I plan to share the results by being them. In the meantime, I'll keep writing about the contrast I see in Teal no doubt.

  144. Just to be clear, me2yesu, when my husband uses the word "carnal" regarding teal, he doesn't just mean that she's expressing herself as a sexual being. He means that she's being manipulative. She always finds a way to draw attention to her body and her sexuality because clearly that's where she feels powerful. She said as much in... one of those gender "podcasts." She knows a woman's power, in that regard, has a time limit. She's at least that self aware. But she's playing that game for all its worth anyway. For women who are trying to reclaim female sexuality in an authentic way -- as a means of connecting to other human beings and experiencing personal pleasure, rather than as a kind of currency -- let's just say, it's harder with her around.

  145. GA, in terms of "understanding" the teacasts, consider that they're not about what their ostensibly about. The only topic that's really being discussed is their marriage.

    Despite teal's claims to the contrary, all committed relationships are between people who differ on boundaries: intimacy, territory, time perception, who holds the remote control, and so forth. They're a series of negotiations. Couples that don't fight on occasion aren't normal. Usually it means one partner is so dominant and controlling and the other so submissive that it's a peace at a terrible price.

    We don't live in an ideal world. What would be the point?

    I think it's pretty clear from the teacasts to this point that teal doesn't have the amount of control she wants in that marriage. She wants everything to be public. He doesn't. She wants him to meet all her emotional needs and be at her disposal and it turns out he has a fairly healthy set of boundaries and a need to periodically retreat and go within. (Man cave? Anyone? Anyone?)

    She's not getting satisfaction so she's trying her case in the court of public opinion, and by public I mean HER public -- her fans. She's going back to the same well that drowned Fallon and Cameron for her.

    Again, I really think she's in a sick symbiosis with her followers. They're extensions of her ego and their approval and adulation affirms for that she's never wrong. And when she vilifies one of her inner circle on her Shadow House or she goes after me for being horrible, sad, wannabe, her public is quick to validate her by picking up her banner and going on the attack against all those "haters" who dare disagree with the blessed "Eucharist."

    What's happening in the teacasts is a little more subtle because she and Sarbdeep aren't really on the outs yet. This is more of a tweaking to try to make him perfect. But, the method is the same. Air out the laundry and put the fans to work justifying her position so he'll get in line. It's backfiring, though. The thing about privacy, I don't think went at all as she'd hoped. She really turned people off. Even some of her devoted fans were bothered by it. Even some who agreed with her on the stated issue didn't like the way she handled it and the way she leveraged the relationship to get what she wanted.

    The teacasts are all about subtext.

  146. Yes LaVaughn, each not-so-podcast turns more and more into a couple struggle session. Crazy like a box of frogs :D

    I thought Sadhguru's view on boudaries was very interesting and clarifying to me. It also explains Teal's potato mash about "no boundaries"- I-am-as-transparent-as-it-gets-I-am-so-authentic-philosophy...even in the physical word.....NOT. ( :

    Considering that Teal, spilling the beans and hiding no-thing, is more like her personal therapy session to her and part of her very successful and addictive and content-creating-super-machine business plan AND also a neccesarity - because someone will find out anyway - Teal's approach of shaming (oh so sweeeeet subtile ) Sarbdeep as the one with confusions in his mind and her statement of no-boundaries-authencity is a very unrealistic concept in the world of matter and bodies. tough I do like that she inspires not to lie so much :D


  147. "Teal, spilling the beans and hiding no-thing, is more like her personal therapy session..."

    Definitely. I'm more and more convinced that this whole thing is about teal getting her needs met. She needs constant attention and validation and having "fans" gives her that. Having "no secrets" from her adoring public gives the illusion of constant intimacy with a whole lot of people.

    Having no secrets is not the same thing as being authentic. What if needing privacy, peace and quiet, and alone time, are core to someone's personality. If you're an introvert, for instance, making your life fully available to the public would be completely inauthentic to your core personality and make you miserable.

    That guru is pointing out the fundamental dichotomy of corporeal existence. We are simultaneously all one and having the experience of individual separateness. We can operate with the awareness of fundamental unity without degrading our sense individuality. If we try to translate conscious oneness directly into human interactions, we can end up with something very destructive. What's to stop us from having sex with everyone we meet and acknowledging no commitments to other individuals? Hey, we're all one, after all. What's the difference if we sleep with this one or that one. Or if I take all your stuff from your house. It's mine. Mine's yours. It's all just made up of atoms, right?

    That's what boundaries are, the acknowledgment that as long as we're in these flesh suits, and have a sense of identity, we're all entitled to draw lines around ourselves, our relationships, and our stuff. And we get to draw them in a way that is comfortable and respectful of our own feelings and needs.

    When a person blithely announces that because we're all one, they can do whatever they want with another person's private life, or personal commitments, or decide for someone else what their needs should be, that person is not operating from mystical awareness anymore. Mystical awareness says that each one of us is the entire universe in microcosm, not just me. What teal is promoting metaphysical solipsism. It's narcissistic. Everyone is an extension of teal's ego, under the guise of "oneness."

  148. I understood that inference about the carnal. Life is a carnalville full. I may not be positive but I think I have reached satiation with Teal. But I would miss this comment section and I do look at your OTHER blogs because I have been really nourished by the food for thought here.

    The feeling I have for Teal is quite siterly these days. She is the younger one whom I hope can get though her life with less scrapes than I but doubt it's possible. The laugh fest that is "metaphysical solipsism" WILL collapse under the weight it gathers to itself.

    I noticed in the podcats that what I heard was still blaming and that her shadow is others who are just so hard to tolerate. I wish her a cure for disappointed. Today If I had a magic wand, I'd have everyone feeling right place, perfect time, 100% congenial appointment with the good. That would make ME happy.

    Enjoy the cross currents streaming everyone! xxoo Maggie

  149. Very much appreciating your "thought food" as well. Amazing to me what great conversations herself has inspired here.

    I've noticed the same thing re: teal's shadow work. It's always about what's happened to her, not about what she's done. Or if she does cop to any unintentional transgression, it's because of past life trauma and usually spirals into a seizure. Not saying everyone should be broadcasting their fearless moral inventory publicly but she brought it up.

    Cross currents are streaming for sure. Not enjoying them. The grand cross this week is killin' me. Nasty, nasty bug invaded my breathing apparatus this week. I'm sure it's processing something deeper. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

  150. "Again, I really think she's in a sick symbiosis with her followers. They're extensions of her ego and their approval and adulation affirms for that she's never wrong."

    Wow - that really does make sense. Its really strange to observe. I guess that is why I dont ever really get the feeling that she is truly interested in helping others...because she is not, she is interested in satisfying that huge ego of hers! Also, LV, your point on authenticity was just great. And the whole thing is so hilaroius anyhow, as if Miss Teal has no secrets.....sure she doesnt. She is nothing but a big secret. She has her Teal the Spiritual Catalyst persona as a cover for what is really going on. If she truly had no secrets she would come out and just say "Hey everyone, im Teal and I am interested in gaining fame to feed my ego and making money off of you people so that I dont have to work and will do and say whatever I feel makes those things happen." PERIOD!

  151. The punchline is that she practically does say that. The things that DO come straight out of her mouth astound me. I think "tealers" do a lot of apology for and rescripting of some very revealing statements. People will always tell you who they are. You just have to be willing to hear it.

  152. Now, after watching Teatime with the Swans in regards to "Back to Nature" I nearly saw the balls of half naked Sarbdeep - Teal surprisingly covered up :D - I guess they switched positions. Probably the most harmonious couple episode so far. Teal actually showing interest in Sarbdeeps stories, smiling a lot. Teal: you should spend more time in the desert. It does great things with you.

    After also watching the new "trailer" of T H E S P I R I T U A L C A T A LY S T…. a merge of mogli and madonna with a star-money twiiiiirllll with a whispering torture story and by magically fading in and out of the invisible (I told you she had special powers) …. I am just left without knowing which impulse to follow first. Should I follow the painful feeling after hearing that this lovely lady got tortured for 13 years or should I follow my sexual energy which is wondering how she would look naked or should I follow my excitement to see teal without any make-up or should I follow my inner question what the purpose of a model-like twirl in the middle of a desert or should I follow my wonderment about what happened to the aspen forest trailer or should I follow my annoyance about Blake who didn't notice the now amateurish looking water drop on the lens for the first scene?

    I am over flooded by too many impulses but stoically and trancelike follow her suggestion and WILL HAVE A LOOK as I am high on visuals and hypnotically music ( :


  153. Yeah, just watched nature girl, too. Definitely mellower. And definitely Sarbdeep showing a scandalous bit of ankle in this one, while teal looked positively chaste. I think they're having a bit of fun with us. There were a couple of real howlers, though. Eh, more to follow. Mostly, I like me some nature.

  154. "The punchline is that she practically does say that. The things that DO come straight out of her mouth astound me. I think "tealers" do a lot of apology for and rescripting of some very revealing statements. People will always tell you who they are. You just have to be willing to hear it."

    Agreed! I think I see her for who she really is because I am not nor have I ever looked for a guru or looked to a "spiritual teacher" for answers. Plus I trust my intuition! Thats not to say I dont have compassion for her, I actually feel sorry for her, she seems to be quite unhappy most of the time. It must be exhausting to be so manipulative all the time.

  155. LV "Here's my problem with the whole thing. She [Teal] has this very surface understanding of a very complex philosophy but thinks it's her place to critique it? She's not qualified."

    You are not aware of Teal's understanding of this subject. It is her understanding that is her qualification. You think that Teal's shows all the depth and complexity of her understanding in this short video. Hahhahahaha. You think from this short video you know Teal the Buddhism Scholar. Hahahahaha.

    Teal is addressing a mass audience and addressing their understanding, right. You do get that right? And you do know this is widely held misunderstanding, or more likely twisting, of The Buddha's teaching. You do get *that* right? Teal is addressing that, not some Buddhism scholar in their ivory tower. They understand even less than the common people, and they would need whole bookcases to even begin to alleviate thier ignorance. In this you are right. Ridiculous. And you husband with his face palm, I hope he got his reward for playing up to you.

  156. Soooo... She's helping out the "common people" by doubling down on their "widely held misunderstanding." I should think setting the record straight would be far more helpful. You don't? Let me get this straight. The man with the masters in philosophy from Cambridge thinks keeping the little people ignorant is... good? Really? See, I would call that demagoguery. It's insulting. I thought I was being generous in assuming she just doesn't know. Because the idea that she does know and propounds a misconception based largely on language difference and semantics, despite a deeper personal understanding, is too disturbing to contemplate. It would mean that she wants to keep people ignorant. So for today, I'll be gracious and just keep assuming that her apparent facile understanding of things is just that.

  157. Elena, sorry wasn't around to post about tea sooner :). Just been in Morocco and green tea with tons of fresh mint in there was a revelation. Lovely.

  158. Thanks GA (video)

  159. GA "...mixed with her very distorted, muddy and unpredictable painbody outbursts.."

    I see these outburts very differently. I see them as Teal baring her shadow to try to stop people putting her on a pedestal. Like 'hey look at this shit, I did this, now how much of a Goddess do you think I am, how better than you do you think I am, don't worship me find that to worhip in you that you think is only in me, my love'. That is the message I see 'between the words'.

  160. LV "The man with the masters in philosophy from Cambridge thinks keeping the little people ignorant is... good? Really? See, I would call that demagoguery."

    I would call that a strawman or you are drunk or something. I love it when people have to make up stuff I say to find anything to argue with me about. You must really agree with me :)

  161. LV Frankly the rest of what you write in that post falls well below the level of sanity/sobriety I require in a discussion partner :). Maybe talk in the morning....

  162. Justin, when you come back, perhaps you elucidate for me what the straw man was that I supposedly used. The only thing I can imagine is that perhaps you don't understand the function of a question mark. (???)

    And for the record, I'm a teetotaler.

  163. Speaking of my husband and his face palm, he is annoyed that I left your first point unaddressed.

    "You are not aware of Teal's understanding of this subject. It is her understanding that is her qualification."

    We are only aware of what she says and that is what we are responding to. I can't speak to what deeper, esoteric knowledge she may be hiding. (???) And, in the case in point, she not only didn't demonstrate deeper knowledge, she predicated a lecture on a fundamental misunderstanding of the topic.

    When my husband and I say that she is unqualified, we're talking about the quality of her rhetoric, not what degrees she does or does not have.

    Unsourced and unsupported assertions make up the majority of her public offerings. It is so because she says it is so. Not only does she almost never provide citations, there's a lack of structure and internal logic to much of her public offering. What she says doesn't even offer the pretty logic or cleverness of sophistry. Her constructions are not valid, let alone sound. She repeatedly begs the question. She argues from authority, which is bad enough, but even that authority has no basis in anything demonstrated or in any way tangible.

    As I said before, I don't care what a person's credentials are, if they talk bollocks. This is a case of someone with no discernible credentials who talks bollocks. It's that she talks bollocks that is the sum of the problem.

  164. LV "... perhaps you don't understand the function of a question mark."

    I know it doesn't give you licence to put words into mouth.

  165. LV "...She argues from authority"

    Teal does not put herself forward as an authority. She puts forward her perspective, which many people find immensely useful. Millions probably, millions.

  166. LV "It's that she talks bollocks that is the sum of the problem."

    Well then stop bringing up this crap about credentials and qualifications and deal with what she actually says, if you can.

  167. LV "And for the record, I'm a teetotaler."

    So were you high then? Or just very tired? Or what?

  168. Golden "I am over flooded by too many impulses but stoically and trancelike follow her suggestion and WILL HAVE A LOOK as I am high on visuals and hypnotically music ( :"

    Love it :)

  169. Justin, with all due respect, what the fuck are you talking about? I didn't put any words in your mouth. I phrased that as a question in the sincere hope that you might explain that your comment did not mean what it sure as hell looks like it means.

    "Teal is addressing a mass audience and addressing their understanding, right. You do get that right? And you do know this is widely held misunderstanding, or more likely twisting, of The Buddha's teaching."

    This sounds like you're justifying pandering to public misperception. As you, yourself, stated, you know full well that it's a "twisting" of the Buddhist teaching. But then you justify her teaching this same wrong information because it's just meeting the "common people" where they are? That is how this read to me.

    If that is not your intent, I can only assume that you misunderstood our criticism of her elucidation of the "flaw" in Buddhism. And I would ask you to please, for the love of God, explain to me what you DID mean.

    "Well then stop bringing up this crap about credentials and qualifications and deal with what she actually says, if you can."

    Justin, I have. Repeatedly. I have three blog posts and numerous comments addressing her wording, lack of factuality, and her imperious tone and phrasing. And, for the record, I have not harped on her lack of credentialing. In fact the only context in which I've addressed that had to due with my confusion that she lists training and credentials in various types of healing, and even claimed to be a Wiccan High Priestess, in her MODELING bios but mentions none of that in her current biographies. I did and do find that peculiar.

    Again, you misunderstood what we meant by "not qualified." We mean that she hasn't demonstrated the requisite knowledge. We said nothing about formal education. Nothing at all. That's just something you made up. Talk about putting words in people's mouths.

    Now let me make this very simple for you. I do not use mind altering substances. Period. Nor would I, except maybe, possibly, in a shamanic context, given the right set of circumstances. Recreational use of substances is not something I participate in.

    Addendum: The one other instance wherein I raised the issue of actual credentials had to do with her diagnosing her ex-boyfriend as a psychopath. Diagnosing an illness actually does require higher education and specific degrees, by law. I stand by that criticism.

  170. "LV "And for the record, I'm a teetotaler."
    So were you high then? Or just very tired? Or what? "

    Speaking of Fallacious Arguments, your own is, I think, considered ad hominem attack. This kind of attack does not address the body of the argument and undermines the source of the question or concern or statement of information with an attack on the character.

    Maybe you sense, this kind of verbal back stab indicates that the rebuttal to the argument is without solid ground.

    I have a question. Do you believe that philosophy is for the pursuit of uncovering "truth" or like a football game that is played to win? IMO, Teal takes ideas and uses them in a rather gamey way.

    The kind of troll technique that slams a discussion with juvenile comments is the "lowest" form of praise for the discussion IMO. The writer felt compelled to respond as it did effect the person. However it did not sit well compared to the receiver's beliefs and loyalties.

    Words can open the world up or shut it down depending on the person's own aperture of mind.

  171. Hmmm, Justin, are you sure there wasn't something else in all that tea you consumed in Morocco?? ( btw, I LOVE Moroccan tea and the way it's poured from the beautiful teapot. Lovely indeed.:) You sound a bit irritated (and irritating:) even for your usual self. Too much sun perhaps? I'm a little concerned.

    Justin to LV: Frankly the rest of what you write in that post falls well below the level of sanity/sobriety I require in a discussion partner :).

    LOL! Guess, it takes more than degrees from Cambridge to understand properly LaVaughn's articulate comebacks or to come up with something to reply with on par. (LaVaughn, you should learn from Teal a little and ermmm, you know, dumb things down a bit for us here hahaha. Joking. Love the way you express your opinions, your style and the vocab to die for!) Yessss, me2yesu!! It is an immature tactic to just accuse your opponent of being under influence, used esp often when one is faced with such matters coming from a discussion partner that "fall well above his level of "sanity" and has nothing better to say, cannot offer anything of substance, without abuse;-). I'm risking the same here though, by saying that as I was reading this thread I got this same suspicion, only.. about you. Were you maybe projecting your own stress or tiredness? La Vaughn's responses made perfect sense to me (unlike most of yours), and yes- she is high...on intelligence, that is.

    LaVaughn, you said in your reply to Lily that you think "tealers" do a lot of apology for her and rescripting of some of her statements just before Justin showed up again. Lol, he went straight to the point to prove your theory right:

    Justin: "I see these outburts very differently. I see them as Teal baring her shadow to try to stop people putting her on a pedestal. Like 'hey look at this shit, I did this, now how much of a Goddess do you think I am, how better than you do you think I am, don't worship me find that to worhip in you that you think is only in me, my love'. That is the message I see 'between the words'."

    I also think that many teal admirers tend to see between the lines whatever it is they desire to see.

    Justin: "Teal is addressing a mass audience and addressing their understanding, right....Teal is addressing that, not some Buddhism scholar in their ivory tower. They understand even less than the common people, and they would need whole bookcases to even begin to alleviate thier ignorance. Ridiculous." (Justin, I'm wondering what "buddhists in their ivory towers" are you referring to and based on which evidence you made your conclusion about their "level of understanding"?)

  172. Noncast: Nature is Good pt 1

    This was an unusually tame offering from the Swans -- the topic, fairly uncontroversial.  It was set against a backdrop of Utah's austere beauty. I almost didn't miss the frog. Almost.

    There were some real howlers, though, and at the end it took a sudden, unexpected trip down the rabbit hole.

    There was no overt discord and teal seemed calm and smiley for most of it. There was a little subtextual weirdness, though. We've noticed, for instance, that when Sarbdeep is in full agreement with teal, he says, "yes." When he appears to be uncomfortable with what she's saying, he says some version of "yeah... yeah... uh huh... right... right..." And he bobs his head up and down. We think these are discomfort and cognitive dissonance tells.

    They also decided to mix things up a little this week. It was Sarbdeep who was scantily clad and flashing the camera, whereas teal was covered up like a Victorian. Was it cold? Or not? I... um... Okay, so, she had on a fairly heavy jacket... but no shoes... or socks... (???) And Sabrdeep was in something very light and summery... so it was strange. And teal is right, white really does look smashing against his dark skin. No two ways about it. And there was a lot of skin.

    Once again this week, teal was treating her husband more like her student and actively pushing him out of his comfort zone in that public way that he clearly finds embarrassing. In this one she pressed him to tell us all what he was intuiting from nature. Note that she wasn't sharing her psychic perceptions about any of it. She just forced him to do it and then pronounced him correct. The only time she seems comfortable letting other people speak at any length is when she has nothing to offer but can co-opt their statements in some way.

    "I get to play the guru without providing any information. I get to make you look like a monkey and I don't have to bring anything to the table," is how my husband characterized it.

    She also got very lecturey with the viewer again, informing people that if they don't think they can afford to leave the city and get back to nature, they're wrong. It's all about priorities, you see. You just have to prioritize getting back to nature and accept that, whatever the consequences, it's worth it. So, once again, your typical LOA: Whatever thing you can imagine is possible. If you're not doing it, it's because you don't really want to. And you should want to.

    It's a profound level of detachment from the real and serious economic problems faced by millions of people. And it's only made worse and more offensive by our current economic situation, which is making the poor even poorer and pushing the middle class into poverty. The idea that the urban poor can just drop it all and get back to nature if they would just get their priorities in order is insensitive to say the least.

    This is also where Sarbdeep became fidgety and started nodding and saying "yeah...yeah..." It seemed like he was uncomfortable with how far she took the idea that urban dwellers need to get back to nature -- an idea that he raised and for which had far more realistic suggestions.

  173. Noncast: Nature is Good pt 2

    And, of course, in the midst of this diatribe she had to take one of her trademark swipes at the presumed ignorance of the viewer.

    "This is a tool like meditation is a tool. That's what people don't get."

    What people don't get that? Who are we talking about? These people who know that meditation is a great tool but don't know that being in nature is meditative, who are they? No one knows this stuff but teal, apparently, and she is here to straighten our shit out.

    There were also a few of teal's typical unsourced assertions of fact. For instance, she claimed that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is caused by being disconnected from nature -- the lack of Earth energy coming up through the feet and energizing the body. I just can't...

    And then there was this:

    "Scientific studies have proved this now. If you hook up monitoring systems to the activity within a tree to a human consciousness, if you're focusing on a tree thinking I like you or a I hate you, the tree reacts to that. You can actually see it on the screen, where it lights up in an agitated state. But if you are focusing I love you tree, into the tree, it goes into a state of harmony. It calms itself down. There's no agitation that you see on the screen."

    This would be one of those occasions when I really, really need to see a citation. What studies are these? Who did them? Where were they published? Were the results replicated? How are we defining consciousness? How do you monitor human consciousness? How on earth do you monitor plant consciousness? How do you know what harmony and agitation look like in a tree?

    Far lesser questions of plant consciousness and communication remain very, very controversial.

    I probably ascribe more conscious intelligence to plants than teal does and I find the idea that's it's been "scientifically proved" risible.

    And then there was this:

    "In fact the national parks of our, of America, exist, most of them exist, because of the fact that there have been wealthy families who decided to buy whole, huge plots of land, turn them into a, uh, preservation area and turn them over to the government so public people had access to them. That's why they exist in the first place."

    Good glory to God...

    This statement isn't just unsourced, it's completely unmoored from easily referenced historical fact. It is, as teal might say, the opposite of true. And her parents were park rangers? Really? How does she not know where the parks system came from? Ye gods.

    Her central point is good if woefully naive. We do need to support the continued existence of these parks and other unspoiled natural settings. We need, for instance, to protect them from the big money interests in this country who are far more interested in exploiting than preserving them.

  174. Noncast: Nature is Good pt 3

    But here, the tea thing took the strangest turn. In the midst of this lovely recitation on the critical importance of protecting the vast wilderness:

    "It's like when I say, guess what, I was abused and nobody found out, most people are like how the hell could that possibly happen, because their only, their only reality is in the city and they don't realize there are places here, many places, not just a few places, like a lotta places, on this, in this country, where if you walked 3 feet off of the highway nobody would find you ever again. Like it is miles, thousands and thousands of miles of absolutely nothing but wilderness. And so I feel like maintaining those spaces is super, super essential in this world where it's becoming overpopulated. We're becoming overrun. We can't even feed our own species, basically."

    What. The. Fuck.

    It's "super, super essential" that we preserve wilderness areas to provide cover for rapists and murderers? What?

    Hey, no doubt that's what Teddy Roosevelt was in it for. I mean come on. You know that guy was killin' some hobos. What was it he used to say? Speak softly, carry a big stick, bury the bodies in a quiet landscape under a blanket of stars... Something like that.

    Is this her depopulation plan? This expressly isn't farm land. These are areas that by design don't feed the populace. So, yeah, let's use it to get rid of the overflow humans, then. Lots of places to bury the bodies and no one will ever know.

    That was one of the weirdest run-on sentences to ever issue from this woman's mouth, I think.

    Said my husband:

    "Is that what happened to Sarbs's pants? Did they use them to wrap up a body and bury it? Is she wearing a jacket to hide the blood stains? Did they kill Gabby Hayes to get his coffee pot?"

    She almost made it through a half hour without flashing the camera, talking about sex, or resorting to morbid self pity.... and then 26 minutes in, not even 5 minutes from the end, out of nowhere, BOOM! TORTURE CULT!!!

    I don't think she's capable of going for very long without making everything about her. This isn't about providing information or helping people. It's all about getting people to invest emotionally in her. Desire her. Pity her. Whatever, as long as you're emotionally invested in her on some freakishly personal level.

    What. The. Fuck.

  175. OMG LV & husband. Brilliant.

    ""It's like when I say, guess what, I was abused and nobody found out, most people are like how the hell could that possibly happen, because their only, their only reality is in the city and they don't realize there are places here, many places, not just a few places, like a lotta places, on this, in this country, where if you walked 3 feet off of the highway nobody would find you ever again. Like it is miles, thousands and thousands of miles of absolutely nothing but wilderness. And so I feel like maintaining those spaces is super, super essential in this world where it's becoming overpopulated. We're becoming overrun. We can't even feed our own species, basically."

    This was one of these sentences what I would call "mind fuck". The combination of content is beyond understanding and it is indeed like watching Saw I II III IV with meditation music in the background or so.

  176. LIke watching Saw I II II IV with meditation music!! LOL

    She really does play ping pong with people's emotions doesn't she? And you know it's like some internal timer that goes off and says, WAIT, It's been nearly half an hour and I have not grabbed everyone by the reptilian brain even once!!!

  177. Thank you LV because I did not see the latest Tea(l) cozy. However, I did watch the publicity blurb that caused my throat to reflexively contract.

    I have been even more deeply exploring this idea of YCYOR. It is IMO a primary fact of our manipulation of the ether. How skillfully and resulting conditions are for a purpose IMO that does involve the deepest levels of intention. The old rage from abuse in Teals case seems to own her. It has come to define her. "Hi, I am Teal and I was abused".

    Caroline Myss talks about woundology where social relationships are defined by our wounds. Teal can't have her wound without hurt that will also continue to be attracted IMO.

    To date, I recognize we are creating from our true beingness. Teal herself said recently that when she saw other girls getting attention from their abuse story, she felt jelly. Why does she want attention for this horrible story when she says she understands the LOA?

    Her focus is so incomprehensible to me from where I am looking at YCYOR. I may have shared this aphorism before that seems like a koan. it may not be wholly true but I enjoy its plays on words (and YCYOR?)

    "If you don't mind, it does not matter". I have actually talked to peiople on the healthy side of recovery who laid the horror to reat and know it was not the defining experience of a whole life. IMO that is healing. The purpose of experience IMO is to know what we will support.

    If Teal EVER uses her abuse as an excuse, as a way to garner attention or as a weapon aimed at her current "man", she will be supporting abuse as valid tool for manipulation...like the abuser always does.

    So, when Teal mixes up her own messages, she is going to create what is the real meaning she holds. She cannot fool herself.

  178. I feel a passion for clearing all obstacles to standing in the full light of human magnificence. It is my staunch idea that we know deep inside we were never severed from the universe and its fruit juice.

    Healing everything in sight IMO is being bathed by the juice. This is love as it is, not as defined. It cannot pass on anything but cleansing, healing and restoring. Perfection is not the intention. Expansion, and revealing the true one is IMO.

    We do have to learn self love. I am compassionate that Teal authentically seeks health of being as much as she disingenuously uses her tools to "remain ill".

    When I worked as a nurse on a behavioral recovery unit with a doctor who had advanced ideas,his patients were diagnosed as addicts. Some were addicted to acting as sexual abusers. They felt a rush with being the "force" able to subdue victims. The more primitive the character, the more primitive the behavior..

    Dr. Abel (his real name) believed that any person who compulsively acts out has a "charge" on the brain chemicals associated with the act. He had some success is releasing the charge so that his abusive clients could "move on" and stop compulsively acting out. This made the people able to live in society. Maybe they could start getting well. He didn't expect "forgiveness" from others or leaving the crimes unpunished.

    In "open meetings", I learned about the 12 step step recovery programs. I really liked the way the 12 step model emphasizes spiritual recovery being the basis of real change.

    People have to be "sick and tired of being sick and tired". This is sort of the way life makes the "charge" of brain chemicals in using no longer compelling. The lows predominate and one looks for help. Addicts are often very smart manipulatively "self" justifying.
    Alchoholics in AA call non addicts "earth people". They feel "different" from these others. It has retarded their humanity. The tarted up Arcturean is just a little addict as are MANY other guru addicts and addict gurus.

    In AA. People are asked at one point to take responsibility for their actions consequences. Forgiveness is a deep pursuit. This means people must learn to call out the addicts on their behavior and let them GO. Our self "forgiveness" is something we must use to end our own cycles of manipulation. It is quite like redemption. But letting go of the whole scheme is only IMO possible through meeting our own power supply.

    In this 12 step sequence lies a whole program and a safe structure to move to reconnection with one's inner being. To change is to rejoin spirit and resolves the separation from self and the rest of "normal" people.

    There is a 13th step that is personally fulfilling and uncharted but IMO is bound to happen when we pass 12th grade. IMO real teachers don't claim to be living in the 13th stage where life flows well. By their lives they share how that feels.

    The 12th step " “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to__________, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.” is NOT where Teal stands. She cannot take us to the 13th step (where she claims we can follow her). She isn't anywhere close to going there.

    My main concern for the public performance of people like Teal is the way they exemplify the evil of addiction. The gateway to addiction is not IMO the substance but the lack of spiritual connection. I liked what LV said regarding love and being embedded in the Universe which does care personally (my take on it).

  179. IMO I see Teal judgemental, punishing, unable to abide others who DO stand in their power. This is her unhealed wound driving the show IMO.

    Teal in her whiney voice gives platitudes she read and heard somewhere. She wants to look mysterious superior and hides. She wants guards so she can stand hidden and remote in her bearing. Hopefully no one "off stage" will ask her a question.

    Teal as the stage preacher adopts a stand that uses her wound and specialness as being helpfu to others. She is a woundologist and will attract wounds and wounded. Haters and drama arise in this like the proverbial soap opera. "the downside to fame". But she is creating ALL of it. Don't listen is the best solution to Teal. However, I feel for any person caught in her dilemma.

    Woundology is IMO justifying that we are hiding from "God as one understands God". In the heart where we should feel happy to be naked to ourselves, we meet what separates. Hate can't allow us to feel Self Love. Shame is believing we stopped deserving fruits of spirit.

    IMO, Teal should receive a fail from all hurting people. They need help from someone who has been where healing happens. A spiritual awakening that restores the life line of spirit will NOT look like teal even when she is channeling.

    Those who desire (truthfully) to perpetuate the condition (of addicthood) believe it is important and serves the personal agenda. Addicts make life hell for others. This goes all the way from the bottom tier to the level of demigods.

    Teal is still hiding despite her publicity blurb. "Hiding" is a sorry state. Teal must allow herself to come "out". It is not hiding from others that was the issue, but from her own real self and the false motivation.

    Teal knowingTeal will be a shock she must pass to be real. She will have to admit how much she loves her own false personae "specialness" and hates others who might uncover her mask. She will need to admit the way she gets her neurochemisty tweaked by suffering.

    Subconsciously the condition of character under abuse is power over. Substances take power over in an "objective" way. Those who were hurt feel no self generated power. Addicts use from lacking the one's connection to power.

    Force is not Power.

  180. LV "It's "super, super essential" that we preserve wilderness areas to provide cover for rapists and murderers? What?"

    Doh! Have you ever been tested for ASD? :). The way I understood this was Teal was talking about the size of the US with so much wilderness land. That *this* is why all sorts of weird things can go on unseen!

  181. M2J "Hi, I am Teal and I was abused".

    through and through and it is a very powerful hook for her business as well. The new trailer of her youtube channel is built around it as well.


    I am Teal Swan
    I am known around the world as the spiritual catalyst
    I was born extra sensory

    because of that fact
    *I was tortured as a child
    *for a period of 13 years

    Being extra sensory provides a unique perspective
    *so does enduring abuse

    *After escaping and years of healing
    I decided to stop hiding
    I decided instead to share my unique perspective with the world

    This is my channel
    It is my hope that some part of my message touches you in your life
    and facilities a positive change that you are looking for
    Have a look.

    Model-Twirl in the desert

  182. Justin, you should have stopped while you were behind. Let's see... over the past few days accused me of being drunk or high, and now you're suggesting I'm autistic. It is abundantly clear that you have run out even the saddest approximation of real argument. Apparently, you have nothing to offer but ad hominem. You are also being very unkind to people actually are autistic.

    And once again, you're cherry-picking and shot-gunning, instead of dealing with the actual content. I don't know. Maybe you genuinely do have some problem reading things in context, as you obviously haven't been able to even recognize that "let's preserve the wilderness" taken in context with "that wilderness hides all kinds of criminal activity" means exactly what I just wrote. Either way, I'm tired of picking apart your fallacious shit.

  183. LV I think it is obvious that Teal needs to address people where they are to help them, and that is what she did. There is a widespread flaw in the understanding of Buddhism to the extent that mainstream Buddhism has this flaw AFAICT. There are many types of Buddhism, but few people would have thought Teal was trying to address all types or understandings of Buddha teachings. Just the predominant ones.

    I did not mean to attack you by asking if you had been drinking or were high. I do not regard occaisional chemical use as a shameful thing, and enjoy a few beers quite regularly myself. Your post just seemed so out of character I was trying to understand how it were possible?

  184. People with ASD often take stuff over literally, as you seemed to be suffering from here :). It is not an insult to have ASD, I'm sorry you see it that way.

  185. Elena "Were you maybe projecting your own stress or tiredness?"

    Could be, I think maybe I'm not really a match to this discussion anymore. I think I may have moved on.

  186. Justin, I can only assume you misunderstood our meaning. We're not saying that she addressed a misunderstanding of Buddhist principle in an incomplete or superficial manner. She predicated her little lecture on her own obvious misunderstanding. She didn't address the flaw. She claimed as a flaw something that isn't a flaw. And she could have fixed her own misunderstanding with a glance at a wikipedia page. That's how completely ignorant her argument was. She could have corrected herself easily and didn't even bother to do that. She's not the only one to make this error but it's not Buddhists who do. That flaw that exists in Buddhism? It doesn't exist in Buddhism.

  187. No Justin, I do not see autism a an insult. I see asking someone if they're autistic to try to score a cheap rhetorical point as an insult.

  188. This is what IMo Teal's unhappy inner child is saying

    I am Teal Swan who feels angry at the world for abusing me.
    I am known around the world as the spiritual catalyst and that is a plausible excuse for why I am BETTER than everyone.
    I was born and this world felt so bad that I believed I must be extra sensory (it's not normal to have this pain).

    Because I feel really bad, I know something ESPECIALLY rotten happened to me:
    *I was tortured as a child by parents who refused to honor me and my cries. They never loved me.
    *physically they tortured me by withholding the cuddling and attention a child needs. This was horrible.
    *mentally I was put down with parents who won every argument, over powering me. No win.
    *emotionally as I was sure my mother was jelly and dad distant and uncaring. No win.
    *ritually by all institutions (No one wins)
    *sexually as when I tried to use boys, they used me MORE
    *for a period of 13 years I was a loser.

    Being self proclaimed extra sensory provides a platform for me to win now. My unique perspective and no one can argue against me now.
    *so does enduring abuse because it stimulated my dramatic imagination and a big enough “famous” story cannot be argued against.

    *After escaping and years of healing therapies I said “I am over my powerlessness and I will WIN”.
    I decided to stop hiding my extreme disdain for the jelly people who hated me.
    I decided instead to share my unique perspective and win back what people took from me.

    This is my channel for my revenge on the abusers and you are my witness.
    It is my hope that some part of my message touches you (positively...) in your life (as that validates me as right).
    and facilities a positive change that you are looking for so I will show THEM they should not have messed with me.
    Have a look because that is what I need to make this work: a fan base.

    Model-Twirl in the desert

  189. OK, Vicarious challenges from a Babe acting out gets my inner child's goat. She would like to win and in her POV, there is only one queen. She learned that from Mom. She needs to get a life too.

    I have challenged my own inner child to fade into my whole being, not claim center stage. I tell myself too TAKE LIFE IMPERSONALLY and have fun just being childish as she may.

    Teal tacitly gave me permission to use her screen for my shadow work as I see fit, by her showing up in youtubes. THAT is evidence of LOA IMO hehe.

    Here is my letter to OUR inner child,

    You and me Teal as We,
    Yes, dear innocent girl and fragile, beautiful...just a jewell!
    S%^&e happens when we come to planet earth. You are a human here and when we USE the fact that we are a much larger being of vast experience in total, we can look at the little things with a smarter more relaxed and current POV. It's time to grow up to be a MAGICAL child.

    I love us inner children as we have juice, no matter what we do with it. But honestly, there was a little mistake about seeing ourselves. We believed the child is a shadow. No it is not that. The light we are is what makes shadow. It is thrown off from the way we twirl and never permanent when you see out from big eyes.

    WE know we have an inner childness that is fresh and full. We are exquisite even when we yell for food.

    If we in the world believe that our child is only a shadow, we buy groceries that look shadowy to feed the inner need. No recipe we cook of shadow into stews will assuage the hunger.

    The child is always alive and deserves nourishing! But look where the food comes from and you will not be starved. From our own love, we are filled up bigger and kinder than any Mom and Dad can manage. Feed the child love and call it self love if you like?

    The day for getting our needs met is today. Playing will be the thing we just do without a "plan". Do you believe that we have the right to just play? If so, just say OK and do that and give up being all "grown up" and working towards the revenge on the grown ups.

    "Grown up" is the problem and does not like change. But grown up is just a reaction to being a child and we all have had the same problems. Yes, there was an injury but like I said...

    Today is not yesterday and Compassion will be a bandaid until the sore is all healed in time.

    There is much more of us than we have plumbed as a child nursing our sore knees. Let us believe and accept that we be whole. It can be quite fun to release the memories.

    We are graced with a new world now and I look forward to being magical in this fairy tale just because I like it. We are not needed as a soldiers joining up in an army to fight against the unjust. All children can make their ways and we will make ours. xxoo Maggie who feels very little some times.

  190. Me2yesu

    "This is what IMo Teal's unhappy inner child is saying

    I am Teal Swan who feels angry at the world for abusing me.
    I am known around the world as the spiritual catalyst and that is a plausible excuse for why I am BETTER than everyone.
    I was born and this world felt so bad that I believed I must be extra sensory (it's not normal to have this pain).

    Because I feel really bad, I know something ESPECIALLY rotten happened to me:
    *I was tortured as a child by parents who refused to honor me and my cries. They never loved me.
    *physically they tortured me by withholding the cuddling and attention a child needs. This was horrible.
    *mentally I was put down with parents who won every argument, over powering me. No win.
    *emotionally as I was sure my mother was jelly and dad distant and uncaring. No win.
    *ritually by all institutions (No one wins)
    *sexually as when I tried to use boys, they used me MORE
    *for a period of 13 years I was a loser.

    Being self proclaimed extra sensory provides a platform for me to win now. My unique perspective and no one can argue against me now.
    *so does enduring abuse because it stimulated my dramatic imagination and a big enough “famous” story cannot be argued against.

    *After escaping and years of healing therapies I said “I am over my powerlessness and I will WIN”.
    I decided to stop hiding my extreme disdain for the jelly people who hated me.
    I decided instead to share my unique perspective and win back what people took from me.

    This is my channel for my revenge on the abusers and you are my witness.
    It is my hope that some part of my message touches you (positively...) in your life (as that validates me as right).
    and facilities a positive change that you are looking for so I will show THEM they should not have messed with me.
    Have a look because that is what I need to make this work: a fan base.

    Model-Twirl in the desert"

    I got goose bumps all over me by reading this. I believe a part of myself recognized itself in it - very much. Another part of me was shocked about the writing...and its potential truth. Another part of me felt hurt by reading it. And then I also felt a lot of compassion rising in me and wanting to hug Teal. Me2jesu...I think you expressed some hidden dynamics of Teal very well. They felt dagger-like but I believe it is because of the nature of this hidden agenda...PAIN. Teal's messages and public shared stories are a mix of very positive and benevolent energies and very dark, heavy, burden-like energies. The both flow parallel and this put me off but never did I see or understand it that well as I do now after reading your interpretation.

    Your offered solution about the "MAGICAL child" in all of us, took the edges away and was very comforting. I am glad that you wrote both comments and I hope everybody who will read them will see the truth and solution you were offering.

    Painful AND beautiful... just like life.

  191. LaVaughn
    I appreciate your seriousness about Justin's mind-fun-games.
    Make sure you have fun as well ( ;

  192. Me2yesu You did such a great job with your rewritten intro for "the spiritual catalyst" youtube channel. It took such a loud and bold and aggressive mirror to recognize a little teal in me.
    In fact: my teal touch is bigger than I can digest right now.
    Holy crap.
    At the end of the day not so Golden.
    Teal Andara

    What just happened

  193. Did y'all see her blog post about therapy? Pretty revealing, I think. This is a woman with some very serious emotional problems. And it's sad. It really is. But I'm sadder still for the people she's harming.

  194. GA thanks for responding to my thoughts. I feel warmth toward Teal as a person. What I see her doing is instructive to my shadow. That is why I keep looking at her performance.... so I may critique the play.

    I agree with you, LV that the saga is sad and YES, by speaking out about the ignorance in the way Teal speaks and behaves, maybe it will diminish any needless harm? Also Teal just must have controversy so appreciates our participation (hehe). She also, as I said helps me see contrast so maybe will be helpful in that.

    Off the subject: Neville Goddard was of the esoteric Christian lineage and has had his own mystical experience. He states that this is all a dream. It is one we sought: god being on earth as the "son" of god: man. The son of god: man awakens in the dream and is resurrected as god.

    The knowing one is in a dream means there is a law of creating and we may manifest whatever we assume. The painful earth is ours (asleep) as is the happy earth (awake).

    But wait! there is more and I feel this is becoming heaven now on earth. The Promise is of the eventual rebirth and resurrection into glorified embodiment where we are just naturally and effortlessly love.

    Seriously IMO this is something for me to listen in on several times...NOT Teal.

    Neville Goddard A Standing Order

  195. Thank you, Maggie, for posting that video. Golgotha means skull. I'm trying to remember if I knew that at one time. Pretty salient point, really.

    I do think there's a bit more to waking up in the dream than realizing it's a dream, though. It's a fairly painful process, really. It means dying to this world and all those ego wants that spur us in that direction in the first place.

    The thing about teal's therapy adventure that she has so graciously shared with the world, is that she's basically laying out in clear terms her borderline personality disorder. Isn't this the woman who claims that she cured herself or some such? But the suggestion that she should be an autonomous being throws her into a rage. And she wants to attach herself like a remora to a man.

    "I am never satisfied with the intimacy level in my relationships, can never get enough closeness and cannot be alone, is because no man on earth can gestate me, which is ultimately what I am wanting from them deep down.  This is the root of my separation anxiety and anxiety attacks, which are honestly the most debilitating part of my life overall."

    No wonder she thinks Sarbdeep's boundaries are "too harsh." He lacks a giant womb and I expect he doesn't want to put her into an oversized Baby Bjorn. What's a girl to do? Yet somehow he's the problem.

    Meanwhile, it's all the hospital's fault. I guess they induced labor and suctioned her out for no good reason. And then they made it all the worse by attending to her mother's birth injuries. Note the total lack of concern for what her mother endured and what medical care she needed. No. The hospital screwed her up for life, probably because they did exactly what was medically necessary. No argument that babies should be kept with mothers whenever possible, but note that we're not overrun with borderlines, so I really doubt that this was THE cause of her woes. The thing I always notice with teal is that there's always someone to blame for whatever's wrong with her on any given day. Her introspection always takes her just far enough to find a culprit.

    Oh, and what's with the binoculars? What a strange analogy. Doesn't the problem of not being able to look at yourself except by reflection begin with the eyes and the fact that they're stuck in your own head? What do we need to imagine binoculars for to understand that basic fact of life? So strange.


  196. I cannot comment on the "trust yourself" blog of teal's and that is because FOR ME the captcha thingie seems to be disconnected. I am so burning to comment.

    "I have been following "TEAL the new age leader" because I sense that this role she has assumed is out of date for all humans. When people pay a ticket to see a "show" or to hear a "teacher", YES, IMO the show person or teacher is obligated no matter what. That means separating out the "role" from the personal...THE SHOW MUST GO ON....

    If one is going to say "Hi I am your leader" and makes others followers, IMO both sides get locked into ROLES. The roles mean TEACHER better be READY to withstand a fellow teacher's style on stage. It is owed to the followers who make one the leader.

    The acknowledgement derived from one's lectures has to be backed by behavior or people will jeer. They have that right because without the fan, no star. It is payback to fans to be able to criticize poor performance. That whole system is outdated.

    What I see: the people like Teal who use a channeled TEAL and puffed up personae to claim fame and fortune are no longer valuable. Nowadays, we share ourselves with our friends (even if its on facebook) and there are no healers, guides or anyone OTHER than people mucking along learning new ropes in the NEW earth age.

    The milk from the guru worship system and churchified preachers is all sour. The dissonance that Teal expresses means she feels it too. The role of "healer" AND "healee" HURTS because NO one can save us and yet we need NO saving HAHA. Swinging on the pendulum Teal shows us of needing and dispensing "healing"interferes with her being an authentic his/herself.

    IMO Teal Swan could heal herself from the need to be a famous teacher and relax into being an intuitive owner of a happy life? But then she'd have to give up all perks...THAT is the catch and why the sick system continues.

  197. LV, I want to share another Neville Goddard talk about the dream (the play). IMO Neville is one of my best friends.

    The End of the Play (5/14/1971)

  198. Just on a day when I feel the urge to communicate with Teal's blog, there is never a capthcha to put in?? I did post once before and wonder why it never works now?

    The imprisonment of acting in/out and for/against the roles we assign ourselves is a Universal misery. Teal like all of us at the hoe down of the old age are finding that the pressure is on to jettison the burdens.

    Teal is a poster child for the misery not the release.

    Teal claims MANY roles that don't work well together like Teacher of principles like LOA while invoking victim. I look at her love life too as conflicting roles. Teal met Sarbs. Just like everyone, they had "role models" to describe the ideal in love.

    If Teal needs to resume therapy NOW, I surmise that the irritation of being Teal is slapping against too many roles to juggle: "wife", "divine feminine", "mother", "Eucharist", "Universal sex object", "New Age spiritual catalyst" etc......

    Teal writes that she feels the world for her looks failing but this is clear projection of an impossible challenge. IMO, It is a hopeless cause to try to be so many different "people" at once and looks like failure.

    I definitely think we should keep talking up integrity and call out one another when given the evidence of manipulation. Manipulation is my major collective concern. It has made it possible to lure people into role playing. I will "blame" the whole collective mind for role playing. In fact I think calling out Teal is actually partially necessary for her to see the stakes.

    Feeding the 4th dimensional reality construct where lying is esteemed and we are fuel sources is wrong. We have something that is burgeoning at a Universal level to dis-identify with roles and become real, neutral and sovereign.

    IMO we have imagination for the purpose of reconnecting to the realm beyond roles. Neville says God is our own wonderful human imagination. Christ is the being in action of God.

    So it is the living from imagination not roles we can have. That is addressed by Neville as the play we entered voluntarily and where we assume all kinds of roles but can wake up to the dream. This wake up can help us enjoy life.

    I believe we have to trust that we are worthy as Christ, the active imagination which creates any way of manifesting in FORM. He calls it "feeling in the end" events filling in backwards from the end intention. We deconstruct to the qualities of the desires we naturally feel and "place ourselves there"..

    If we did we stop using the conscious choice of intending of our imagination (Geometry of Goodness) does not mean we cannot resume using our Godness.

    We really want our personal signature. If the character is fragmented like with BPD (not enough coherence), one cannot LOA anything coherent in reflection. But there are ways to reconnect. EFT was suggested to Teal and it is a coherence builder.

    All of us who have taken the path of seeker know it is not finding. That is perfect. Any one can be a SEEKER and you don't have to pretend you ever find anything.

    The reason why I glom onto being a magical CHILD is that I feel little weight there. Of all archetypes of role, it has the fresh, the unruly but cute, the loving, unfettered emotions can be displayed but they don't become entrenched, the world feels open, any injury felt is not long lasting. Childness is soft and has deep feeling like really getting into cuddling.

    In Neville's model long before I know I AM, I may assume I AM. To take on the magical child feels so FREE. If I feel FREE, then it will harden into fact in Neville's system. I sincerely believe I may live in the state of a magical child after I imagine she is real.

    I wish Teal the best. The best is what we each may enjoy when we imagine what that feels and stops imagining the worst.


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